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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ddodgens

  1. Thanks so much! I had surgery on 07/30/08 - weighing in at 273 lbs, today I'm at 179. LOL, i could never figure out the ticker to put on my profile! I'm really wanting to drop about 25 - 30 more lbs! Good Luck, let me know if I can help you out!


  2. Thanks so much! I had surgery on 07/30/08 - weighing in at 273 lbs, today I'm at 179. LOL, i could never figure out the ticker to put on my profile!

  3. ddodgens

    oh the changes!

    93lbs lost, banded 07/30/08 by Dr. Rod
  4. ddodgens

    me and my 13 yr old,

    From the album: oh the changes!

  5. Thanks so much, i can't wait to have the fluid out back in my band on Saturday! I'm ready to change pants sizes! LOL

  6. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  7. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  8. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  9. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  10. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  11. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  12. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  13. ddodgens

    110108 dottie

    From the album: oh the changes!

  14. ddodgens


    From the album: oh the changes!

  15. ddodgens

    Ready for Fill with a stomach ulcer

    I've had my band now since 07/30/08, I have lost a total of 93 lbs. For the past 3 months I've had no fluid in my band - lucky me, Not (stomach ulcer, that kicked my ass!) :thumbdown: I'm so ready for a fill. I've done very well on my own, I fluctuate around 5-10lbs now, due to the fact that I drink beer and recently realized that I can eat pizza crust and pita bread. However, as good as that sounds. I feel miserable after eating or drinking the forbidden foods. I'm so ready to start seeing the scale move downwards and not upwards. I go for my fill on 09/26. I hope the stomach ulcer remains under control! :smile2:
  16. ddodgens

    Ready for Fill with a stomach ulcer

    I've had my band now since 07/30/08, I have lost a total of 93 lbs. For the past 3 months I've had no fluid in my band - lucky me, Not (stomach ulcer, that kicked my ass!) :redface: I'm so ready for a fill. I've done very well on my own, I fluctuate around 5-10lbs now, due to the fact that I drink beer and recently realized that I can eat pizza crust and pita bread. However, as good as that sounds. I feel miserable after eating or drinking the forbidden foods. I'm so ready to start seeing the scale move downwards and not upwards. I go for my fill on 09/26. I hope the stomach ulcer remains under control! :thumbup:
  17. ddodgens

    Soda soda soda

    Well I guess there is some carbonation, however when you buy it from the icee machine at gas stations or in Walmart the coke is flat so you don't have the bubbles. Also they have frezzer pops in Dr.Pepper, Root beer, 7 up and Orange Crush that work well. I buy these at Walgreens.
  18. ddodgens

    Soda soda soda

    I don't drink soda. I tryed to take a taste of Coke and I thought I was dying. I have been banded since 07/08 and it killed me. If I need the taste I will drink a coke icee, no carbonation.
  19. ddodgens

    am i too tight

    I had the same problem with my 2nd fill, I had to have .5cc's removed to stop the pb'ing. but i didhave to have another fill 5 weeks later.
  20. OMG, you look great, can you please give me pointers on your eating habits? I'm 5 months out and down 54lbs. I want good results like you have had! I bet you feel great!

  21. ddodgens

    Sing this loud and proud. I hope it makes you smile.

    that's awesome, thanks for sharing with us!!!
  22. Happen to me last weekend, received a fill on Saturday. I have a 10cm band with a 4cc fill range. I was already at 1.8cc and had a fill of another cc. bringing me to 2.8cc's. Water and liquids were going down with no problems on Saturday. On Sunday, I cold not hold down my own saliva. I was TOO TIGHT. It is not a good feeling at all. I went and has some .6cc removed. Now I have 2.2cc's and I feel like I have no restriction again. Being to tight is not a good thing. If you go to long you will get dehydrated.
  23. ddodgens

    3 Days after surgery n back to work? True or False

    Agree with your friend, I had my surgery on Wednesday and was back to work on Monday morning. On Saturday after my surgery, I went shopping all day with my friend. The hardest part of lapband for me was not the surgery but changing my eating habits and trying to remember to chew, chew, chew and chew again.
  24. ddodgens

    Week 4!!!

    that's great, I wish I had the go you have for walking. With kids and working all day, I find it hard to get 15 minutes of exercise in. You are doing great! Keep up the good work!!!!

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