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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ddodgens

  1. ddodgens

    11/10/08 I peed my pants!

    OMG! I needed this today, I do apologize for laughing but that was great! It's amazing how you try to do things right and it back fires on you. I truly understand. I did the self pay in Mexico and it was great I had no waiting nor did I have to see a dozen docs before they would complete my surgery. My surgery was 07/30/08 in Juarez with Dr. Rod I have lost 45 lbs todate. Good Luck! I'm sure your approval will come.
  2. ddodgens

    Fill #14

    Have you hit the sweet spot yet at all? How much weight have you lost over the fills and unfills and also have you ever gain weight during this time? GOOD LUCK!
  3. ddodgens

    My first of many NSV (Non-scale victories!)

    I agree, with all of the above. I have 2 more sizes to go through in my closet and I'm off to good will. I'm not spending alot of money on clothes until I get down to goal. AND the dark thing......I'm just now getting my mojo back now that I'm down 45lbs so I know what you mean LOL
  4. ddodgens

    For those of you with a 4cc band only!

    My 1st fill was for 2 cc's,I lost 21 lbs in a month. I got rather tight and had the dr to remove 1/4cc out...big mistake, I have gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks. Going back in 2 weeks to have another fill. Surgery 07/30/08 Dr. Rod highest wt 267 current 223
  5. ddodgens

    Today is the day!!!

    Congrats! You will be amazed at how much you will change over the next few weeks - to the rest of your life. Hope all goes well! :thumbup:
  6. ddodgens

    Looking better by the day...

    Thank you so much for sharing your pics! You give me great hope on my band journey!
  7. ddodgens

    What have YOU lost?

    hi there, too cute but amazing I've lost - a mid size microwave - 36 a rack of baby back ribs - 2 38 lbs - gone for good, as good as gone!
  8. ddodgens


    Hi there, I was banded on 07/30/08. My starting weight was 267. I have lost 35lbs to date. However, I am having a very very very hard time finding things that I can eat. I don't think I'm too tight, but I'm starting to worry. Some days, I can get canned chicken, tuna and salmon down. (very small amount) Most days, I can't hold anything down. I need help! Should I go have some Fluid removed out of my band or wait it out. I can keep all liquids down, no problems. it's food that I'm having the trouble with. Can someone give me a suggestion on things to try to eat? Thanks! Dottie :wub:

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