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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Okay, Bobbie, you know what you have to do.......Stop eating..... Go on liquids for a day or two.... then mushies and then back to the band plan.... Hard proteins.... some veggies... and lots of fluids...... This plateau is a hard thing for me, too... My medical problems of the last year have been very hard on me... I'm losing but so slowly that it is more like maintenance..... I have not gained any weight, but only lose like 2 pounds a month.... But I also have orders to do no real exercise because of my medical issues... Do you get your exercise???? You had do this, Bobbie..... You have done very well so far... Just get you head back in the game..... We all fall off the wagon... Getting back on is hard but it can be done... Write me again anytime... I don't always see these messages.... E-mail is better for me.... but I'll try to look for you anywhere..... Best ofluck to you.............. Julie.........another ND girl....

  2. Hey, I'm trying to find you.....don't know if you are getting my e-mails as I'm going through a webmail thing.... Hope you have gotten my news and will be in touch when you can.... I'm fading fast tonight, so will be closing down soon for tonight.. Hope all is well..... Julie

  3. Hey there, how are you doing? Did you get approved? Love to hear from you again.. I'll try to see that I have a message... Julie

  4. Hi, just got your message... Sorry to be so late answering you... I did have the stomach stapling 26 years ago.. I did gain all the weight back eventually, too.... So, I did not have to pay for my surgery.. The "no ttwo surgeries" rule didn't pertain to me as my first one went sour and they had to fix me.. So I was covered.. It only took one day for insurance to approve me... I have Tricare... Anyway, what do you have to do? Are they disqualifing you because of the stapling? Do you have to pay for it in total? That's a bummer.... I did have to have an x-ray to check on the condition of my stomach first.. and then I had to have a full incision and 4 days in hospital because of all my scar tissue.. Not too bad considering... Please be in touch again or e-mail me at rader@beu.midco.net.. Would love to see how things go for you.. Julie

  5. Hi, I think you sent me a message a while back and I didn't even realize it.. Sorry... If you want to be in touch try again... I'm not the greatest at this computer stuff... Julie (Mrs. Bubba)

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