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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. OMG, I'm so sorry for your troubles. It must seem like everyone and everything is against you... It is my opinion that your body is reacting badly because it is in a terrible state from stress and possibly depression. This makes our bodies behave in very strange ways. I agree with the person who said maybe you should put weight loss on a back burner for awhile and get yourself back in a good place emotionally.. and you also must remember that you haven't failed... you have been losing and you haven't put weight back on.... That is a positive thing.. There are so many cliche`s out there that seem appropriate for you.... but mostly, "time will heal" and one day you will wake up and feel better and find the strenghth you need to move forward. I'm sure it seems as though the LB is your enemy, but with the right medical staff it could turn out to be a friend. I wish you good luck and hope things will turn around for you soon... God Bless... Julie

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