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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning.... just a quick hello before leaving for all day in Bismarck with appointments...... I tried yesterday to post, even took notes after reading and then DH needed computer so I gave it up and never got back to it.... Dang it..... I did get Easter decorations up!!!! Anyway, Happy Birthday to Eva..... It is my grandson's birthday, too... He is 12 on the 12th....... Have a good one..... Cheri, Linda, Apples, Lori, Melissa and anyone else who is having a not so good time these days with worries and woes............. God be with you.... It will get better....... Hugs...... Love to all................. Be back later..... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning..............thanks for all your thoughts and concerns for me and my "no more band" blues..... I told my husband last night as we sat at Golden Corral that I have lost 100+ pounds so many times in my life and I've done it differently each time.... I can lose weight.... It's keeping it off that is hard...... so, I have to figure out what is the best way now.... I just need a little time to get on my feet, get my strength back and get these legs working again..... Had them massaged yesterday... They hurt worse today, but that was expected... The pulled muscles are screaming at me.... But she thinks they will get better..... can't wait..... Gotta get ready for a bridal shower for nephew's fiance`....... DD is driving her van with both girls, my mother, my two nieces and me.... What a crowd.... Wonder how quiet that ride will be????? DD didn't sleep last night so I will probably drive and try to tune them all out...... Love you all.... be back later.... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello... I read all the posts and was all caught up and ready to post and then DH interrupted me to go up to see the insurance lady.... Now I suppose I won't remember much...... I remember Melissa needs a hug and needs to needs to start over.... hang in there girl.... Jessica, you will be fine, too... Sorry you missed that class or whatever.... Apples got her paperwork done.... Yeah............ I'm almost done with mine... and my office cleaned up some with things put away that needed it...... I hate having things laying around in my office....... They say confession is good for the soul so I have to confess....... I'm having a hard time with this no band thing....... I have no restriction at all after almost 2 1/2 years... Doc said I should have some.... I thought the stomach would be all shrunk up and that would help... Now mind you I haven't tested it with any sort of binge or whatever, but I know that I feel just like the bad old days.... I ate chicken breast for the first time in all that time.... it always got stuck..... I can finish my order in the restaurant whereas I never did before.... I still don't order much, but I usually eat most of it now...... I am not snacking except on my popsicles... my mouth is some better so I have cut back, but last night I just got out of control with them..... probably 200 calories I didn't need at all..... My weight is the same, but the point is that I'm starting to feel out of control again because I know my friend isn't in there stopping me from doing something stupid....... this is such a big worry for me...... And I know what you will all say, I know what to do..... just do the band thing...... I'm just so very unsure of myself right now..... So, expect more complaining while I'm trying to get a handle on things... I'm praying that I will be able to do this.........Even if I just stay here where I am now, I can live with it... I just can't gain.... I can't........ Okay, enough...... gotta go meet my aunt at the cafe...... it's around the block from here, I should try to walk.....Don't know if I can make it that far...... If I go a certain way there is a place to stop and sit if I need to.... Feeling good still except for my knees and hip.... Doc says the muscles just have to heal... I asked about exercising them with the machines I have and got told, no, not yet..... So, hoping to improve there soon, too...... Have a great day............ I love you all............. Julie OH, can't not remember Jodi and Laura K and their new men..... Yipee....
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there ladies (and any gents who are lurking)...... hope all are well and happy today..... Jesicca, beautiful pictures, beautiful family................ What do I do if I don't do facebook ........ never post another picture or get into facebook again... It just doesn't interest me much. Lori, sorry about your uncle.... Have fun with your baby.... Linda, hugs, Honey............. God is in charge............. Sandy, OMG, your daughter is just gorgeous... and mom is oh, so beautiful, too.... what a great picture... I'm envious that you figured out how to post it.... Kristi......... I've never understood your medical system there..... Are there benefits to it that you can see besides being "free"? OK, can't remember much else.... lots of gardening and projects going on.... I did spend all day in Bismarck yesterday... got our taxes done and filed.... and Mother's, too... Yeah.................!! Did a bunch of errands... got a call rescheduling my Tuesday surgeon's appt to Monday at 4:00 because doctor needed to go to a funeral.... Worked for us as we were already there... So don't have to go today... The word from my surgeon is that I cannot have anymore WL surgeries.... and he feels my band was responsible for everything that has been wrong with me for quite some time.... especially the esophogitis...... He said if I was his loved one he would insist I stay on Nexium the rest of my life..... So, guess you can tell where I am about now.... Very nervous about what will happen to me now...... I haven't been hungry or had much of an appetite for quite a long time...... I can feel it coming back again.... don't like it... But I haven't gotten my urge to snack back and I feel good about that.. DH Snacks all the time and I just got used to it..... Well, must get something done... try to be back later..... Love you guys.... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good Sunday Morning friends............... Just home from church.... I prayed for us all and now, Linda, I have prayed for your brother and his family and you!!!! God Bless you all.......... Jodi, I'm so glad you had such a lovely time with Phil....... good conversation is a nice way to start any relationship......... and okay, girl, I hear you about the pop..... but it was only one and I didn't really enjoy it, so just give me some time to find my new life.... you have to remember that I haven't really been doing the "band" thing for 2 years..... I have been maintaining and plan to continue.... I just really need to get strong so I can walk and get exercise I haven't had in almost that long... I made a pact with my DD for after the baby comes to work on this together......... Oh and by the way, in my last post I said that DH and I had talked everything out and were okay now.... I meant DD..... hope you all got that .... Nothing wrong between me and DH...... thank goodnes..... He's been very worked up lately and wants to try to quit smoking again.. I will do my best to support him...... Cheri, have a nice Sunday and then back to your world.... I know you love it...... but it takes it's toll on you.... stay cool..... Laura K, glad you haven't given up playing the field.... your prince will come..... always have to kiss a few toads..... I know I did...... Some were of that sort that made toads look pretty good!!!!!! Have fun..... Well, need to get something to eat and take my meds..... Have a great day.................... Hugs to all............... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there,.................... I know I've been MIA again for a couple days... Just a lot going on..... and I move slow...... I am am managing to get a few things done around here... This morning I colored my hair (got it cut Thursday, it's just been in such horrible shape since the low blood) and half cleaned the bathroom while I was in there.... I got the important things..... I stripped the bed and DH will have to help me make it later..... I caught up on here and I did watch a little tv with DH when I first got up at 8:30......... Yes, I'm getting better a bit at a time.... Still no pain in neck and shoulder..... TTL(thank the Lord)....... Surgical pain is minimal, but am having pain in my hip and knee still from my stairs escapade..... But that is getting better, too.. Just slowly.... We still have winter and a storm with snow headed in tonight.... Yeah....................... glad my winter coat still fits..... As far a my weight goes without the band..... it is stable at where I've been for about 2 years now...... I'm glad of that.... I't not overeating at all.... I'm sure my stomach is still all shrunk up..... I do notice that I don't belch as much now.... I had a diet pop last night... felt weird to have the fizz after all this time.... My mouth is better.... I'm starting to wean my self off the popsicles.... However, I do still like them alot...... I'm eating more meat now.... just couldn't get it down much before.... must have been the hole and such..... I got my blood lab results in the mail....... Doctor said Hemoglobin is still 9.6 only and needs to be at least a 12, so I'm on 300 mg of Iron a day..... yuck!!!! but the meds are doing okay... Should soon be able to get off of some of them...... My Vitamin D is 36 now.... It was 13 before...... He said lots is screwed up, but should all come around once I get my strength (blood) back...... He also diagnosed me as malnourished....... weird at 285 to hear that...... I want to comment to so many of you.... Hope I can remember.... Jodi, just breathe... the finances will work themselves out one way or another and Dassi will continue her education.... You are a great mother... Wow............. on the new guy .... have fun and let it happen if it's supposed to happen..... Melissa, I do that same thing to my husband sometimes... I pull away... because I'm feeling bad about myself usually.... I'll bet he isn't happy about it but just doesn't know what to do or say.... I hoping he'll be back to normal very soon.... stay cool... Meredith, Lori, Phyll.............. and all you other girls who are going to go, are gone, or have been vacationing..... I'm sorta jealous..... We just arent' much for traveling yet... Always had so many "home" responsibilites to get away much... Planning to change that sometime soon I think..... Oh, and BTW, thngs with DH are just fine... It was just a stressful weekend a week ago, but we talked it out and things are good again.... Baby is still being a pill and causing DD lots of pain... She is 35 weeks... baby has dropped and is head down now... I'm not sure she will make it 5 more weeks....... And they say baby is a girl, but I'm just not sure.... I have such a feeling it's a boy and I can't shake it...... Cheri, hope your spring break was restful even if it didn't turn out like you planned..... Arlene, honey, you just do what you know is right and one day it will all fall in line for you.... You and I are about at the same place..... just am so happy to be here and not a 100 pounds backwards, but would like to be about 80 pounds ahead....... I'm going to trust God....... Janet, I'm starting to get worried about you...... You have always been so strong..... hope you get a handle on this dizzines..... good for you DIL.... Well, brain is fried..... love you all..................TTYL....... (that's later, Cheri) ............... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning.............. almost got stuck in the bathtub this morning...... got in, but my right leg is so weak and unstable at the hip that I almost didn't get out!!! finally did it on my own steam, but not a fun time....... Now I have to get dressed to go spend part of the day with my mother............. pray for me, please...... I need to have a serious talk with her, but don't know if I can handle it today.... She needs me to go with her to Bismarck to the doc..... I'm just going along and will try to see my chiropractor about this dang hip...... It's just a kink....... Got our tax paperwork all done yesterday except to grab one thing from credit card statements for business...... that's a relief to finally have it done... A couple more things and it will all be in order like I would normally have it at this time of year..... DH is waiting to get tax refund so he can spend it!!!!! We will have a rousing 37 today so no jacket for me.... Just a shirt and then a nice hoodie........ works for me.... I'm sick of my winter coat..... and gloves....... You all have a productive day...... love to all.............. Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning dear ones,........ I'm hoping for a stress-free day.... It's had a good start.... DH woke me up with a call from a guy in the Retirement section of the ND National Guard who has been making our lives miserable for almost 6 years about a problem with DH's retirement pay and a mistake that was made way back when we were married in 1995..... They kept saying they could do nothing.... too bad... Because of what they did then if he should die his military retirement would go to waste because I was not authorized to recieve it...... DUH!!!! I'm listed as his wife, but someone forgot to check a box or something and we are screwed.... Well, we (I) have really been pushing it and something worked..... (Threatening a letter to my buddy, the ex-Governor and now Senator of North Dakota didn't hurt!!) A copy of our marraige license faxed has just solved the problem supposedly and this will now be fixed................ Hurray!!!!!!!!! A neighbor out at my family's farm lost her husband three weeks ago. He was only 60...... Farmer Rancher and she is a nurse... Well, she is trying to be a midwife to a herd of cows right now and things are not going well for her.... Her 30 year old son who has never left home (some issues of unknown nature there) isn't much help... She called a bit ago to ask DH to come help her this afternoon... She was crying... Had lost to calves during the night.... Feel so bad for her... Of course he will go do what he can and enjoy it, too... He loves that stuff..... I might actually get a little time to myself to catch up on some paperwork I've been trying to do for months... As a retired accountant I always have my tax stuff ready to go by January 15th and our taxes filed by 2-1 at the latest..... I just couldn't get the paperwork done back then but did have an appointment with tax man for 3-14........... when I was in the hospital and the work wasn't done.... DH can't do it without me...... So now my appointment is for 4-9 and I'm hoping to get it done today... I did actually get started last night so that encourages me that I might get there...... Oops. big interruption, but I came back and it's all still here..... so will just say bye and talk to you later.... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey gals, it is quiet on here today....... sorry for the explosion earlier..... I was just so ready to have my head explode....... Now, my mother just got me..... She WON a Carribean Cruise when she ordered some bras on the telephone the other day while I was in the hospital.... Real classy bras..........6/$54...... She was the 1000th customer and they give every 1000th one a trip...... When she told me of course I scoffed.... She has been scammed so many times and thrown away so much money and I thought I had convinced her to quit this stuff........ She gets mad at me , but I keep saying it.... Well, I just got an e-mail telling me a large amount had posted on her Discover Card......Yup.............. a cruise...... I called her to tell her and she says, well, now, that's not so bad....... I knew there would be something.... GGOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD HELP ME>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm going to go crazy yet...... Apples, gosh, your poor dear FIL....... rains it pours, as we say.... hope he will be okay.... Lori, your day was sad and frustrating, too.... I did that whole search for recipe box things... got nowhere..... Never thought of Amazon..... I'm a novice to that sort of things... Order very few things on the computer...... After a very long talk about most everything today, DD and I are fine.... I did promise her that I will not have another weightloss surgery again.... BUT............... I made her promise me that after the baby comes and she is back on her feet she will join me in some sort of plan for both of us to lose a few pounds and get healthier... She isn't much smaller than me right now and only has gained 22 pounds with baby.......so far..... She agreed, especially to walking and being more active....... So we'll see how that goes.... I had already promised DH that I wouldn't... He almost put his foot down...... I do understand them, but I wish they could understand my side.... I'm so happy to be loved for who I am and now how I look, but I want to decide how I look........... anyway, enough....... Still need to see my surgeon next week... He probably will tell me it isn't possible anyway....... I did a little more than usual today and am pretty played out... actually took a percocet a while ago, hoping to sleep tonight... It's my hip and knee still from my fall down the stairs a while back..... otherwise am feeling pretty good......don't like my meds....... Night now friends.... sleep tight.... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, just a short note as I just have to get some work done.....I'm doing okay and am feeling a bit stronger.... however a trip down to my laundry room and back about does me in.... I'm staying on this floor for a while now...... We had a rough weekend...... I should tell you all about it as it has upset me so much, but finally have it worked out with DD and DH so will just let it rest....... Except to say that because of my bull-headed mother we almost lost Laromi at Walmart on Saturday....... not good..... got worse...... Laromi is fine and so is everyone else now..... Yesterday my DD decided to tell me what she thinks about me being sick and such.... She is extremely angry at me for even getting the band in the first place. She is extremely angry that I prefer to try to kill myself to get skinny than to be alive for Laromi and Bailey and the new baby...... She doesn't care how I look......they don't care how I look they just need me to be alive..... NOW, WOULD ANY OF YOU FORMERLY OR PRESENTLY FAT LADIES LIKE TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION FOR MY DAUGHTER???????? I cannot make her understand what this means to me..... Why I'm upset my band is now gone..... Enough..... I just had a very long stressful weekend..... I'm hoping it's over, except my DH just wrote letters to his 2 kids telling them he was through trying to be part of their lives....... Their actions (or non-actions) indicate they prefer to not know us so he told them to call if they ever change their minds......... WONDERFUL!!!!! MORE STRESS..... Apples, so sorry to hear of FIL's troubles..... You are on top of things and he will be in good hands very soon... You are the master at caring for others........ Joyce, Aleve can be very hard on your stomach.... I was on it for anti-inflammatory........plus another one..... Probably was not good for me..... Ask your doctor when you get a chance..... take care girl.... Laura, have a great time..... Cheri... feel better..... Linda.....good for you.... Jessica, have fun.... Meredith........slow down an little girl...... Arlene, keep going..... tomatoes................ we can't even see the ground... Snow is 2 1/2 feet deep in the clear.... guess what the piles look like??? Everyone else, hello, take care...... love to all................. Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning..................... I'm happy to say that I just got out of the shower and am feeling pretty good... Still have one little spot on my upper incision that wants to weep, but otherwise things are pretty good..... I have been taken off of all anti-inflammatories (ie Aleve) and do have noticeable pain in my knees by the end of the day..... but one day at a time... That probably helped get me a hole in my stomach!!!!! My dear husband is doing housecleaning for me right now.... He vacuumed the whole big main room and kitchen and now is swiffering the dining room and kitchen that has no rugs.... It was getting bad, but I just can't... I have done a bit of cooking and dishes.......... So we are making do with what we have...... Tried to get my DD to do some for me so she could earn some much needed money, but she isn't feeling well these days...... dizzy and nauseous........ she just saw her doctor and they said it's just pregnancy related.... Baby has dropped, so maybe that has an effect....... She called this morning to ask her dad to go get Laromi from school at 11:00 as she was up most of the night.... probably good she isn't working right now...... Anxious to hear about Apples' night out...... wish I was up to something like that..... My poor husband has had a sick wife for over 2 years.... I've been lots of fun!!!!! But he loves me..... and I love him and I guess that's what matters...... so.................... on that note, maybe I should get dressed..... see if I can do something constructive today..... always paperwork on my desk with all the things I handle for everyone.... I wish you all a glorious day...... Hugs and prayers from your friend......... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, going to try to respond to some of you sweeties today if I can remember. I didn't take notes.....but I should have..... We are finally dug out after a 2 day blizzard..... 14 inches of very wet, heavy snow.... DH just finished doing some of our rental property a while ago. We missed appointments, too... DD did get to make up her OB one today.... all is well at 33 weeks....... I'm anxious, but want to get my strength back before baby gets here..... Lori, so happy for you and your DH enjoying being grandparents now... It really is the best....... I got to go get Mimi from school today as SIL was working and DH took DD to Bis, so it was up to me to get her... We did just fine...... She is so sweet and don't get much time with just her anymore so I really enjoy it...... She asked how my tummy was and then told me, "Don't worry, gramma, I'll take care of you." Little sweetheart..... You gotta love em..... Janet, hope you are better soon...... How are you able to work with vertigo??? take care of yourself..... Joyce, I think I kinda missed out on all the medical things you had going, but I'm sure glad you are two-handed typing again and are on the mend...And you are sure right about how unfair things can be sometimes... Sandy, glad you had such a happy time on vacation..... You'll be back to our regular weight soon I'm sure.... Laura K, Have a great time in Vegas.... I'm sure your daughter is so anxious to have you get there.... I've heard that Hoover Damn thing is great however, we never did do it all the times we've been there when our oldest daughter lived there.... Laura A, I, too, am so sorry about the concerns for Nael's family.... It's horrible to not feel safe in your home... Let's hope it ends soon..... I also and so sympathetic to the situation with your folks.. As I've said many times, I've been in your shoes and know what it hurts like.......trying to be tough on the outside is hard....... But I know you and I'm positive you will do what needs doing and do it very well..... There will be time for all the rest later..... Hugs and prayers, girl....... Jodi, hey dear girl, you looked beautiful on those pictures and Dassi is just a doll......Was your mother in the black suit with blonde hair???? Wonderful celebration that your daughter will never forget.... As for the legal worries..... you'll get it figured out.... sounds like that judge needs an attitude adjustment!!!! and you're just the gal to give it to him!!!! But you must take care of yourself..... be well...... Hugs..... Jessica, take the help the professor is offering.... she wouldn't even notice if you weren't so normally outstanding!!!!! Your idea about studying with a partner at the library is a good one..... congrats on the cycle..... If it makes you happy, I'm all for it...... Eva, retired and busier than ever......... I can't keep up..... are you writing a book now??? Wow..... I'm sure you can do anything you put your mind to...... Enjoy Linda, you lucky duck........ Apples and I started planning a meeting a couple years back and still haven't because I just can't get well enough. Maybe this summer we can finally meet in Fargo...... You girls have fun... I know you will....... Glad to hear Katie is better and I understand how you miss the little one.... Now that DD is not working we don't see the girls as much either and miss them..... Arlene, is it that nice in Texas already????? I'm just thinking of turning on the heater in this room as I'm cold..... I hope this means your FM is hiding now.... I recently started taking Calcium, too, but haven't noticed any constipation from in, but my system is so screwed up yet, how would I know... Cheri, yes, I believe in miracles, too..... so glad you have recieved one for your daughter.. this is just so wonderful for her and you....... Go God, is right..... KisKis, sorry I don't know you well yet, but hope all is well and you are taking this journey is stride.... best of luck.... Melissa, how are you, hon???? Are you looking for another job again? Thought I missed something when I was reading one day.... hope all is well with you, too... Apples, we must have had the same storm system..... It looks like spring will never come, but a few nice days will handle this, too, I guess...... But it is deep out there......... Hope you and DH have a great day together today.... I'm hoping your DH will use novacaine when getting his teeth done..... Was so glad to read of your time with DS's GF's children.... I know you made the best of it.... Isn't this the little guy who is so sharp?? I think you've told us stories before about a Christmas meal or something.... Meredith, how's things.... sorry I can't remember what you are up to.... I hate that, but just can't bring it to mind...... still to clouded with drugs.... hope you are fine and happy.. Phyll, what are you up to these days? You were sick, are you better?? Well, I'm thinking a nap might me in order now.... I still have some paperwork to do, but it will wait til later now.... It's hard to sit by the des/computer too long at a time... My incision has a bit of a leak that I am watching... Called the nurse and she said I was doing what was necessary, so won't worry about that..... I have lost weight through this ordeal, but don't know what to think of that.... My appetite is starting to rear it's ugly head, but so far I have not given into it..... My mouth is getting some better. Still no shoulder pain.... all midriff/back pain from the surgery.... I'm sleeping good and have really reduced my percocet usage.... trying to do Tylonel during the day and a percocet at night if I need it.... so far so good..... Talk to you all later, please forgive me for those I may have missed..... I've thought and thought and come up blank......... Hugs to all.... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there friends......... I was able to read most of the posts since I was here last, but just don't have the energy right now to comment... Sorry.... But I will give you the update on my appointments..... Saw the GP doctor yesterday...... He said that considering what terrible shape I was in 2 weeks ago I looked very well..... A little color in my cheeks again.... I did ask all those questions about the meds and all the mix-ups with the hospital.... Nothing drastic except I should have been on protonics all this time for the ulcers on my esophogas.... But will get them soon..... We went through all my other drugs and he took one away and then we made a plan about the rest.... If I'm still pain free (shoulder & neck) in three weeks we will start removing them one at a time.... If you go more than that you don't know which one is doing which..... I approved of this plan..... so that was a good appointment.. they drew blood and will get me results today sometime....... We are having a big storm today and we are not able to drive to Bismarck today to see my surgeon. I was up to our clinic and had the staples removed, so that is a big relief... No more pulling..... I should start to perk up now maybe...... I still need to speak to the doctor about what I can eat... I was sent home on full liquids..... have done a few mushies, but am tired of that...... So, haven't been able to ask the big questions yet, but I will!!!! I haven't had any pain in my shoulder and neck since surgery..... Still have no idea if it's gone for good or just hiding.... and waiting to strike again....... Hey, love you guys..... gotta go get something to eat... haven't yet today... Talk to you later I hope.... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there dear friends, First of all, let me apologize for making that stupid statement about not being able to be here without my band..... Yes, Apples, I know better than that....... I was having a very bad day and feeling sorry for myself..... I do know we are friends forever.......thank you for that.... You are all such a blessing to me..... So, Lori and Jodi and (I know there was someone else who threatened me) there will be no need of paddles or trips to ND to straighten me out..... Jessica, oh my goodness, how proud I am that you think of me like a mother... I'd love to be your mother and am so very proud of you.......I'm so proud of all of you...... So all of you who scolded me know that I heard you and there will be no more talk of leaving.....Maybe once I get my strength back I can spend more time at the computer.... Sitting up straight makes my incision hurt more.... I get them out on Tuesday...... That will help.... Monday is the medical doctor and then Tuesday the surgeon..... I have some tough questions for both of them....... Maybe I'll finally get some answers and maybe not... No serious shoulder pain since this all started, but on pain meds most of the time..... We'll just have to see. I'm tired today as DH and I drove to Bismarck yesterday to the other hospital to see a friend..... These are the ones we play cards with all the time and such...... He has COPD and is medically retired...... Well, he just casually popped up a temperature of 107 early Tuesday morning and went down in the ambulance...... ICU........ the whole shebang..... He's in his own room now and feeling better, but he doesn't know that there are some dramatic things happening... They are in the process of finding out if his heart was damaged by the high temp...... Anyway, when I talked to her on the phone and asked what we could do, she said to just come down and visit...... so we did..... DH pushed me around in a wheel chair... but it was still tiring....... So, although I haven't commented on all of you, I have to go rest... Been by the computer too long......Next computer will be a laptop!!!!! Hugs and love to all................. Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello my dear friends....... Sorry to be gone so long... I can't sit up straight very long so haven't been on the computer at all...... I don't know how to explain my pain..... I'm on pain killers for the incision most of the time so it's hard to tell if this has had any effect on my shoulder pain.... I'm praying that if I had to give up my band that at least something good can come from it and my pain will be gone, too...... I can't tell you how very sad I am that they had to take my band.... Guess I can't come here anymore cuz I don't have one............. It makes me cry...... Whatever am I going to do??????????? Will I gain all my 100 pounds back again??? Will I ever lose any more.....It is just such a worry... I need to go lay down again, so I 'd better go for now... I'll try to be back again...... I knew it was Joyce's birthday and wanted to be sure to wish her a wonderful day....... Lori, oh, how wonderful that you are there to be with that baby.......enjoy.... All of you ladies..... I love you.... and miss you........ take care...... Hugs... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all................. just a quick one on the way out the door...... Hope all is well with everyone.... Cheri, positive news about your daughter.... that's wonderful...... Arlene, I don't want to miss saying "Happy Birthday" to you tomorrow, so I'm saying it today.... Hope you have a very fun day... enjoy................ I need to go finish packing... so much stuff to take to manage my pain.....They'll think I'm moving in.......... You all have a great day and I'll talk to you when I can..... DH offered to write to you, but I thought not!!! I told him he could if I end up dead or something very serious.......... He wasn't thrill with my answer...... Hugs and love to all................. Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Gang.... don't really know which one to post on, but will try here..... I must have really missed something as I don't understand why they felt the need to cancel us..... We don't do anything hurtful or nasty...... That's what I get for not paying close attention.... Well, I stayed home from church today and missed a cute one with my granddaughters... We had a supply pastor today as ours was gone... She called the girls up for the children's sermom.... They are the only children we have at out little rural church..... Anyway she was asking them questions and such and got a bit more than she bargained for... Laromi took over and was dancing and talking 60 miles an hour.... DH said it was the cutest thing ever..... I'm so sorry to have missed it.... But I'm just so weak and yesterday was a bad day..... they did come here for Breakfast after.... Leftovers from my baking for World Day of Prayer (muffins, scones, and carmel pull-aparts, and fruit..... I just made some sausage and it was all very good... I got my dishes done now so DH won't have to look at them the whole time I'm in the hospital.... Don't know how long that will be..... overnight or longer...... Well, going to take my weary bones off to my recliner.... I did finally finish my paperwork so that is all up to date for everyone.... Take care now everyone... I'll be back when I can..... Hugs..... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    The I'm Here to Help Gang....

    This site is really messed up.... but the new thread is just fine with me..... glad you did it Janet..... I can't go shopping anymore unless they have a motorized cart for me to ride.. I'm too weak to walk that much... I never did like shopping anyway!! Hope all are well and ready for a great Sunday.... Hugs......... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    I'm trying to get paperwork done today, but things keep getting in the way.... especially my shoulder..... Hard to concentrate when you are hurting.... I've made some headway, but lots to go..... I also am in charge of this year's World Day of Prayer on Friday evening..... Simple program written by ladies from Chili..... all about breaking bread... so we will serve different breads with lots of good spreads and such.... with some fresh fruit.... Should be great.... A good friend's husband died unexpectedly on Monday.... apparant heart attack at 60!!! Such a sad thing.... Funeral is Friday morning.... One just never knows...... All you gals facing these terrible medical problems in your family please know you are in my prayers.... Remember that God is with you.... Laura K, so nice to hear you talk positively about this new man.... Hope he is making you very happy..... You deserve it.... How is your daughter doing down in Vegas?? The kids are coming for supper and the hot - tub later..... DD is having such back pain..... Reports have been that they think it's a girl, but no one was very sure, so I'm just keeping an open mind..... got to hold a newborn last night... My niece's little boy..... so sweet.... His name is Asher Louis....That's going to have to grow on me...... but it will Apples, welcome home.... glad you are safe...... OH, DH wants to go sit in the hot-tub and that sounds good to me, so will have to sign off for tonight..... Wishing you all a lovely evening..... Hugs...... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone............... It's Monday and most of you are back at work.... I'm lucky to not have to do that...... Don't know what I would do if I had a job to deal with along with my medical drama..... Lots of you ask questions about Mayo and other doctors..... I have tried most everything... I would have to be approved by insurance to go back to Mayo and I don't have a doctor who thinks it would be worthwhile.... I went to a new doctor on 1-18 and he was so interested and thought he could help me, but needed to see my last bloodwork results... I signed a consent form, but here it is 3-1 tomorrow and I haven't heard a word from him... I've called many times and now know that they did get the paperwork, but still no contact... Today I called and left a very emotional message for the doctor.... told him I had been so hopeful he could help but it seems he doesn't want my case... Asked him to call.... We'll see.... Going to make an appointment with a different one... My mother was getting a shot in her neck and was telling this doctor about me and he said to tell me to make an appointment and he would help me..... Can't hurt to try..... It seems like I've done everything and some of them twice or 3 times.... I do get breaks.... like the one I had from 1-23 to 2-20...... really no pain past a 6 or 7 on a scale to 1 to 10 during that whole time... It was so nice.... and then bam.....back again... I'm having another bad day today.... Started on Friday and hasn't quit much at all.... last evening was a bit better and I slept pretty well....... But it's really biting me right now.... I guess I'm just doomed..... There are so many people praying for me.... I pray about it , too..... I guess one day I'll get an answer to my prayer.... Hope I like what it is...... Cheri, glad to hear you have things worked out so you can be there for your daughter..... Maybe the silver lining to this will be a new and better relationship with her... Apples, safe trip home..... Lori, babies have minds of their own.... I guess she'll come when she's ready... My DD is due May 17........ she is having such a different pregnancy from the first one... Her back is so weak......... My DH and SIL finished her kitchen for her yesterday... She washed her first dishes in her new dishwasher last night.... But she worked too hard getting things put up in all the new cabinets.........I'm hoping things will settle down now that the work is done and she'll get to feeling better.... DH is watching tv...... his big project is done and he's lost..... I did give him an idea about building something for the girls.... A playhouse for the backyard..... something portable that can get put away for the winter.... They would love it..... Well, I need to get my lesson done for Bible study tonight.... I may stay home if I don't conquer this pain by then...... You all have a great day................. Hugs.. Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good Sunday Morning, I've been on a pain jag.... no-stop since Friday night.... Keeps me from sleeping. I've tried everything to get it to break..... but nothing works for any length of time.... So, I just have to keep plugging away... Think I'm going to stay home from church......You all have a great Sunday...... Will talk to you all later onn if I'm up to it..... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello......the sun is out, but it's very deceiving as it is also very cold out..... I'm sure ready for some warmer weather.... above zero would be nice!!! Cheri, you just keep getting it piled on.... I, too, will keep you and yours in my prayers..... I'm so glad you have such a strong faith to fall back on during this time... Someone else already said this, but take care of yourself...... You've got so much and you have to be at your best..... they need you..... Phyll, hope you are well soon..... Lori. hope the weekend finds the stork visiting your DD..... My neice had her baby on Tuesday... little boy, Asher Louis....... 8# 1 oz..... 19 1/2" Can't wait to see and smell him... I love the the smell of newborns.... Everyone try to have a great weekend..... DH is redoing the kitchen in our little house where DD and family live... The new cabinets came last evening so he will be working no-stop..... I have to get supper ready and take over as DD has no way to do it right now...... Love to all........... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    okay........... this site is behaving weird again.... my post is double spaced...... I didn't do that either.... Somebody has really got this place screwed up good.... can't even post a picture any more..... Not good......
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning everyone, Well, my meeting went okay last night.... We got through it and everyone said I handled it well.... So, the proof will be in the next couple weeks and how those people interact with each other in church and etc..... I just want it to be over..... DH is taking a morning nap.... He got up early and then fell asleep...... Jodi, sounds like you are going all out for Dassi.... you are a good mother.... don't bankrupt yourself..... she'll love whatever you do for her..... Have some fun, too...... would be a shame to spend all that money and you not have a great time..... Apples, your time is winding down.... but you do have the lake to look forward to..... that's good.... I've seen that same thing in my DH.... Not quite as anxious to work as hard as he has all these years.... I think his body is just tired.... He is a real go getter and never really sits still very long..... Enjoy your last few days..... Today is a laundry day..... there usually isn't that much for just the two of us, but I have sheets and towels today, too..... So, I should see if I can get dressed before noon today.... You all have a great day..... talk to you later... Hugs........... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning to all............. by the time I finish typing this post it will be afternoon, but oh well...... Hope all are fine and happy....... My DH is vacuuming my living room rug.... Company tonight for my big church meeting.... I have to just straighten up a bit other places, clean the bathroom, and then bake some bars..... Otherwise I'm ready except for knowing just how to approach this problem between some members and the pastor...... Hope God gives me some guidance and I don't end up making things worse...... I hope all of you having nice weather enjoy it..... We are below zero again.... Just a nasty cold snap I guess.... Should start warming up in March I hope. Everyone have a great day..... Maybe talk to you later tonight after my meeting..... Love you guys............ Julie

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