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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning all, Apples, wishing you great strength and determination with your next dentist appointment.... Have a great time with your big party this weekend..... Wish I was on the guest list. Lori, have a great time on you little trip with DH....... I don't envy you Texas in July, though.... I'm thinking it will not be much different than where you live for heat this time of year.... I did sleep with the windows open and not even a fan on and had to cover up. I love those kind of nights... Jodi, good luck with sharing the news with Dassi... That poem should be a great help. And you sure are being brave about Vegas... It was only a short time ago that you were so worried about seeing this guy.... You must be feeling very good about yourself..... WTG Gwen, you go girl....... you can do what you can do...... but just going is half the battle.... I remember when I was still in the high 300's that I thought I could never do any exercise, but I started at Curves and I did it.... It was a freeing experience that first time... I hope it will be for you... Janet have a great day at work. We are so lucky to always have you here to give your words of wisdom... pppkingram, you are doing great.... Tell us a little about yourself and jump right in here... Indio will be with you when she can... She's at work now.... Welcome. Eva, hope your visit is going well.....Have fun.... Well, no call from my doctor or her nurse yesterday.. I'm feeling a little better today as the shock has worn off some.... Just trying to decide what to do about all this... What is the right direction to go.... I'm very upset and offended by this and need to do something... I'm not going to just drop it.... It rained this morning so it's still quite dark and overcasst... I just don't feel like doing a thing..... but I must do something.... just to feel worthwhile.... Hope everyone has a great day..... Hugs.... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Gwen, thanks for the suggestions... You an be sure that this angry brain of mine is working overtime to think of the best way to attack this.... She owes me an explanation, to be sure....
  3. Mrs. Bubba

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    Lori, I don't think it can be the Mayo thing.... When I asked my pain management doc about Mayo, he scoffed at me and said "good luck, it'll take 9 months to get into that place."... He was offended that I mentioned it... I told this to my GP and wasn't happy about what the other doctor said.... She said, "I'll get you into Mayo!!" So she was all for sending me to someone who could help me..... This is way out of left field and I just don't understand.... The ONLY thing I can think of is that I asked for a perscription for Hydrocodone as mine was about gone and I didn't want to go back to that other doctor again...... And if that is that then why just dump me??? Why not call me and say that she wasn't comfortable with it or whatever..... It's very fishy to me......I guess I just have to wait to see what happens... I will find out one way or the other.... even if I have to go to the Head of the Clinic......
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey there, how are you all doing???? I read all the posts and there are so many bandiversaries these days... Congrats to all of you lovely ladies..... My 2nd is next month..... Apples, my mommy pressure is sent your way, too... Janet, omg, 113....... I'd never make it.... It has been about that hot here maybe once in my lifetime and I'm sure I stayed inside.......It's rare to hit 100 here....but 40 below is lots more frequent..... I stay inside then, too.... Well, something happened to me today that I bet has never happened to any of you..... And now you are wondering what in the world happened to me... That's what I'm wondering, too, but I got a certified letter from my GP......terminating our patient/doctor relationship..... Reason stated was that was that on occassions the physician/patient relationship breaks down and the relationship is no longer a comfortable one!!!! She will continue to see me on an emergency basis only for 45 days..... NOW............isn't that a kicker???? I have ablsolutely no idea what this is about.... I have almost worshiped this doctor as she saved my life twice with her great ability to diagnose problems quickly.... I'd be dead now if not for her..... I don't know what I did...... Unless she just can't handle my problems anymore.... She even went so far as to send a copy of the letter to the clinic's legal department..... To say I'm stunned is an understatement... And also I'm feeling abandoned.... What about my referral to Mayo that she is in the middle of????? I called and left a message for her to tell me what the He__ is going on and at least give me information on Mayo... We'll see if she responds.... If not I'll be writing my own letter to her..... and the legal department.... I can see this happening between people when there is some problem or difference of opinion, but there has been none of that.... I'm left to sit her and wonder.....As if I don't have enough problems..... Your comments and suggestions are welcomed... I don't really know what else to do... I really think her new nurse has something to do with this.... I've only seen her once and then talked to her on the phone... Something she relayed to the doctor must have been misconstrued.... Lori have fun on your jaunt with DH. Gwen ( Can we call you that or do you prefer Gwendolyn?) happy to have you here.... You are just starting your journey and you seem to have the right attitude.... You will do well, I'm sure.. Judy , great cholesterol number.... wtg.... My mind is boggled and I'm drawing a blank now... I hate that..... I have an appointment for a haircut shortly so I'd better get moving.... All of you that I missed, please forgive me.... not on purpose.....Oh, Laura, great pictures.... I'm sure this is something Nelson will never forget.... Sorry for the downer post..... Love to all......... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Jodi, sorry you lost your posts.... would have been fun to hear every thing...... Glad to hear you are going to make Vegas.... It will be nice to meet Dassi, too.... Judy, you just put her out of your mind and listen to us.... You are beautiful.....just like Janet said..... Melissa, how are you???? You've not been posting much these days,.... Hope all is well... Joyce, good for you..... I love to go to water aerobics, but have no where to go now that I can't pull myself out of the pool.. I need a walk-out, like most motels have..... I miss that and am so glad you went and enjoyed it.... Lori, you are just a jet setter, aren't you......??? Good for you.... Sounds so exciting.... makes my life seem boring.... Well, I'm not sure who should be getting the kudos for 2nd bandiversary, but it isn't me..... Mine is in August.... about a month from now..... And I'm not happy about how I'm doing right now.... I'm gaining and I know it is mostly water weight gain from these dang pills.... I can feel myself bloating up..... I called the doctor to ask what I can do about it... I have other side effects, too....... Bad dreams..... I hardly ever dream otherwise and now it's most nights... Not nightmares, but weird dreams that make me feel odd the next day.. I'm jittery and my hands shake all the time and I have this horrid taste in my mouth all the time... I eat lots of popsicles to try to chew away the bad taste.... Sounds weird..... I hate the weight gain...... I know it's mostly medical, but it takes my mind back to other times when I failed and gained everything back.... Not good for the frame of mind..... On a positve note, the nurse called today to say that Mayo called and requested the actual discs of my MRI and x-rays... They only faxed the written reports.... So that means someone is paying attention to me and that I am worth checking the discs before they make a decison about seeing me.... I've got my fingers crossed that it means I'm going to get in...... Some one asked earlier a bout just calling for an appointment... Mayo clinic doesn't work like that.... They only take cases that cannot be helped my your local medical services or in specific extreme cases..... I have heard of people just going there and camping in their waiting room until someone sees them, but I'm not prepared to do that......YET!!!!! It seems like I had so much more to tell you all, but can't think of it right now.... DD called and said that lots of the kids at daycare had rashes and she didn't want Mimi there and could I come get her.... So, she is sitting in the chair watching Little Bear now.... We are doing "big girl panties" now so Grandma needs to pay attention.... I haven't done this in a long time and actually the sitter trained DD more than I did...... Oh, did want to tell you that DD and her family got a new puppy yesterday.... DF just had to have a dog... They had picked one out at the shelter and gone through all the things......3 visits, application, and etc..... but were turned down because the girls were too small and they didn't trust this 2 year old cocker with them.... So they went looking for giveaways and found a cute little beagle..... Vinny..... Now DD is potty training three babies!!!! OMG!!! Gotta run..... Hugs to all.... I just know I'm forgetting things I wanted to say..... But hopefully I'll remember soon... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    Charlene - I don't have your email - WTH?? I don't see you in my address book Janet, she is on our list...... I think she is the last one as her last name starts with a W......
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello ladies, how is your weekend starting out...?? Mine is okay... No pain so far today and that's a great thing..... We are going out to supper with friends tonight as the one leaves for Mayo to have her treatment on her aneurysms done so we are sending her off with our best wishes...... Good news............... I officially booked my flight to Vegas, so I am coming... Hope I still have a room with you gals..... I get into Vegas at 11:01 on Delta 10/1 and leave at 10:47 am on 10/3.............. How does that fit in with the rest of you gals????? Janet, you did get a puppy.... I thought everyone was confused because you gave up Ryder.... But this is a new one....... What a little thing...... How old is it.... Well, things to do, just thought I would check in and tell my news... Hugs to all.... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning ladies..................... I actually got by last night without a horrible pain attack, just a couple milder ones that the cold pack took care of..... I slept okay and actually feel like getting a few things done today.. My neck is hurting right now, but I took my meds so it should slack off some...... NO, I DON'T HAVE AN APPOINTMENT YET, but my records have all been sent, so I'm in wait mode!!!!! I hope they will call soon.... Jodi, glad you are back and I will look forward to hearing about your time away... Laura, you have a way of getting more than you bargained for... Like the deal with Moonfish!!! You must have the lucky touch...... Anny, you must be new and I've not welcomed you properly yet..... I can't recall where you are from and what your story is... If you don't mind, tell me a bit so I can get to know you.... Yes, Janet, I know the drill, but I'm fighting this new medication..... I've been holding my own all this time until this new medication..... I'm going to try to do liquids today and see if I can break the cycle a bit.... Laura, happy to hear good news about your dad.... It will be so nice to go off on vacation with them on a high note.... Laura K, how are things going with your ex?? Eva, did I miss something??? Are you planning to retire sometime soon? It's great, I can tell you that.... Good luck.... Well, better start on my chores and its soon time for Young and the Restless..... Have a great day ladies.... Hugs ............... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    Well, you have been a busy bunch today.....3 1/2 pages to read..... I, too, just learned how to do the multi thing, but it was too late to start this time... Maybe next time.... I struggle to remember who said what or I take notes......too funny.... Janet, so sorry to hear of your loss with the puppy, but it is understandable..... Hope your hearts heal soon.... Apples, have a great weekend.....your times with just the 4 of you will get fewer and fewer and it's good to store up as many as you can..... I know you will enjoy this time so much.... Judy, not BF, but how much money does this guy have???? 'nuf said............. Laura, have a great vacation..... It all sounds very nice... Hope Nelson will remember lots of it...... See, now I can't remember anything about the rest of you...... I hate that.... I know we're talking about the grass being greener...... I'm pretty happy with my grass, too... Although I still have a long ways to go to my goal weight according to the doctor, with all the other problems I've had the last year I have been content to just maintain all this time... I was comfortable with my band and having lost 110+ pounds I was happy with the new me, too..... I've really just been eating whatever I want and the band keeps me from overdoing... But recently this new medication has helped me gain 6+ pounds and I'm not okay with that..... It feels like all the other times I've lost and then gained back because I got lazy and didn't keep my nose to the grindstone... I know I should start working the program again and try to put a halt to the gain, but just don't know if I'm up to it with this pain.... So, those of you who are struggling can add me to the boat you are in.... only, I'm tall................!!!! Cheri, sorry for your worries about parents... I worry about my mother all the time, but also argue with her too much.... And it is like beating my head against the wall... Aren't we missing a quite a few people these days??? Where are Jessica, Melissa, Jodi, Deb and that Meredith who never came back again....??? I hope all is well and things are going good for them.... Well, my neck and shoulder are calling me... time to have an attack..... Damn!!!!! Hope to talk to you all later... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    Yes, Lori, you just punch holes.... Are you using yarn or crochet cotton?? Whichever it is, using a small hook used to crochet cotton the first round to punch as you go is much easier, but it makes that first round tiring from pushing and you have to be good at judging distance between stiches.... I'm always happy when I get that first round done and can switch to whatever needle I want and really crochet...... I've done edgings on lots of different material. It's so fun to see them finished... I had about 10 blankets waiting for Mimi when she was born... I also crocheted her baptismal gown, a couple sweaters, and another dress... Was so fun to see her wear them.... I haven't done much of it lately... I go in streaks just like reading..... I can read 6 books in a row and then not read again for months.... Apples and Joyce, your husbands sound just like my dad.... Us kids always knew to go to Mom first and let her break any news to dad..... That gave him time to think over whatever we wanted to talk about and not just blurt out in anger or whatever..... At a later time in his life he came to understand how much he missed out on by always being hard to go to...... Well, I'm hot...... I didn't shut up the house earlier as I was comfortable, but now I can tell it has really warmed up outside. Need to turn on the a/c and shut the windows I guess..... Hope you all are cool and comfortable.... CBL>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning girls, hope everyone is off to a good day. Mine is better today as I was able to let go of my funk..... Today I only slept until 10:00, but was up until after 4:00 waiting to go to sleep..... Such a lovely schedule...... Janet, I don't have an appointment yet.... So far all I know is that all the doctors records about me have been gathered and my files have been sent to Mayo..... Now to wait for them to call me for an appointment... If they don't call soon we may just go and sit on their doorstep until they let me in.... Laura K, I know how it feels to go back into an old relationship... I did that before I met DH..... Didn't turn out well for me and now he is dead after drinking himself to death..... I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do..... Be true to yourself.... Lori, congrats again on the baby..... I do lots of crocheting and corners are tough. What you have to do is make your first row with the stitches in the corner closer together than on the flat part, then when you do the second row you should put 2 stiches in every stich as you go around...and continue adding in the corner with however many rows you do for you edging.... I made a bunch of those for Mimi and those are her favorite blankets to this day.... You'll get it... You can buy a book with directions for just edgings..... Have fun..... Apples, are you feeling any better today?? Hope so as I'm sure you have lots to do..... Does your Tanker just lay by your side when you are ill or does he go about his way outside.??? Some pets feel their owners pain and will just lay beside them.... Well I'm hoping to be more productive today than I was yesterday, so I'd better get moving.... You all have a great day... Talk to you later.... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Welcome home, Apples!!!! We do miss you when you're gone...... Sorry you have to deal with vertigo right away, but hope it passes soon.. Yes, I know you are all right about DH...... It just hit me wrong and has made me ruin an otherwise okay day thinking about it..... I get quiet when something like this happens and when he came home to eat lunch I couldn't think of anything to say... just sat by the table with him and said a few trivial things.... I'll try to be better tonight... So, I should go think of something for supper.... Maybe meatloaf...... haven't made it for ages..... Lori, glad you got your results from the test.... You know where you stand now and that's a good thing. Phyll, you and your puppy seem to be imseparable already... glad you are so happy with having her... Talk to you all later.... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there.............my that was some interesting reading since the last time I posted. I have to add my 2 cents to the conversation..... I have absolutely no idea about what I would do if I was told I would only live 24 more hours... Surely not sleep!!!!! I was honored to be present when my father took his last breath and I told him to go be with God..... He spent his last time talking with each of us individually and making sure he didn't leave things left unsaid.... So I think that is a good one.... Make sure you leave nothing unsaid, good or bad..... And he had a piece of cherry pie.... his favorite thing was pie....... So he kinds did some of what you all have been saying..... We really will never know until it really happens and here's hoping it happens to no one for a very, very long time........ Enough of that... I'm having a blue day.....DH said something to me last night and although I know he didn't mean it to hurt it did..... We were watching TV in the evening and suddenly my pain started very quickly, like is usual.... I was moaning in pain and then said to him that I just don't understand how it can go from 0 to 60 in a couple seconds..... He said, "I don't either, but I'm sure getting tired of it!" Now in itself I guess it wasn't such a bad thing to say, but it cut me right to the bone.... I'm sure he is as "tired" of this crap as I am because he has to watch without being able to help, but it felt like he was saying that my pain was just such a nuisance to him..... I've been sick or recovering from surgery for a year and a half now, and it is really getting old, but I'm stuck......I simply can't ignore this damn pain..... I've done everything I can think of and still just have to wait until someone decides to help me... Okay, I'm rambling, but I just can't shake being hurt by his remark....... Doesn't help that I was up til almost 5:30 with the pain and then slept til after 11:00 from being so groggy from the medication........ I need to do something constructive...... The house is clean, but I do need to do some laundry.....Just have to be careful when taking wet stuff from the washer.... And I have to make myself a new neck wrap.... My last one burned up in the microwave last week.... It had flax in it.... I used it a lot...... DH brought me some wheat so know I can try to make a new one..... I've been useing heating pad, but they are more clumsy and I can't walk with them on. Now to comment on the drinking thing..... I've been way too drunk in my life more times than I can count, but back in my much younger days.... DH is a recovering alcholic for 37 years, and we neither one of us drink at all... I just choose not to as it has no draw at all for me anymore........ So, Cheri, I think it's great that you have never been really drunk and I would like to see you keep it that way.... That's one think you won't really mind missing in my opinion...... Nothing pretty or exciting about being stupid or puking your guts out.... I'm picking up a rather depressing tone to me today.... I should just shut up and go do something..... It's an unusually cool day here today with the breeze coming in the windows... Maybe I should just go put some laundry in and read a book for awhile.... get my mind off of feeling sorry for poor me..... Lori, loved the idea of sharing sod with those people.... Nice of you guys to do that.... Good luck with your test... Phyll, good luck with your Tops weigh-in... I, myself, have gained 6 pounds over the last month..... I just discovered it is very normal to gain when taking this one medication..... Damn it anyway...... I need to pay more attention....... Well, all the rest of you guys, hope you are busy doing something useful and fun..... Talk to you all later.... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey gang, just home from a mini family reunion.... A cousin was home for her DH's brothers funeral, so we had a little pot luck supper tonight..... Simple and fun.. but of course had to leave early as my pain started to act up..... I'm just out of the shower and applied my tingling cream and now waiting for the pills to kick in.... We are having quite a downpour right now... Thunder storms are quite calming for me, but my DD gets so worked up and scared... I can imagine her glued to the weather channel watching for tornado warning.... She gets so upset..... We needed a good rain again as DH started the sprinkler system up yesterday because he said it was getting dry..... Lori, congrats on the new little one.... You are going to love being a grandmother.... Yup, I like gramma, too...... Mimi still calls me Mommie most of the time... I guess I would take about anything as long as love and respect were included.... Sorry to be short, but I just can't sit her any longer.... The pain gets so fierce I could just die......Hope to talk to you all again tomorrow..... Have a blessed Sunday... Hugs and prayers........... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning ladies, Well, I'm just getting up again... It seems my pain attacks have taken a new course now and get me up during the night with terrible pain.... At 3:50 I took 1 1/2 hydrocodone and finally was able to get some sleep... DH woke me at 7:30 when he left for work but I went right back to sleep until just a few minutes ago..... I did nothing yesterday..... and I hurt as if I had worked hard all day... It just doesn't seem to matter what I do.....Anyway, no pain right now, so I should get a few little things done... I have a massage scheduled for 11:00.... Laura K, so glad DD is getting her stuff.... This will help her relax a bit....and you too for that matter.... Lori, a pedicure sounds so nice... I've only ever had one and just never even think of it... How's the yard coming... ?? It's nice to know our Apples is having such a wonderful time and that her son surprised her... I'm sure she's in heaven..... Arlene, does the Off stop the little buggers??? I could spray a whole bottle and they still get me.... I stay in when they are out.... Cheri, I think we all do those little things once in a while....it's pretty normal for people our age.... Well, getting dressed will be a good start to my day... Make the bed and put a load of laundry in... It's supposed to get pretty warm today so need to shut up the house and turn on the fans and a/c....... Yesterday we didn't need any of that and I loved it..... Hope you all have a great day....... Hugs........ Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there...... had a long day today in Bismarck... DH had a dentist appt at 1:00..... DD and DF and the girls came down in the afternoon (DD worked the morning shift and DF is off on Wed.) to go to the Humane Society to look for a puppy and also go to the zoo. Amazingly, DH said we would meet them and spend the day... They found a 2 year old cocker spaniel, black and white who was a recue dog.... the litter had been neglected and half starved.... She is a cute dog.... I'm not really a dog person, but the girls like her, so that's all that matters.... So DD and DF will now be potty training 3 instead of 2....They have to have one more visit with her before filling out papers to adopt....Anyway, then we went to the zoo,..... I had to get a scooter...too big a place for this one to walk it.... Girls had fun... Then to Texas Roadhouse for supper and home... Was a nice day in the middle of the week... Randa, ask your questions.... don't be shy... We'll do our best to answer you ....this is a wonderful group and we've had varied experiences so someone will know what you want to know... Jump on in and tell up about yourself.... Arlene and Joyce, this is my problem, too... I've gotten away from the right foods and eat too many carbs and then just want more... It's time to put an end to all this doing as I please stuff.... I've got to look good for DD's wedding in October... I think 20 pounds is doable if I just try.... Janet, love the pictures... Sorry you were so cold. I actually sat with a blanket on me while we watched fireworks on the 4th, too.... today was a real comfortable day in the mid 70's..... I like it this way... The house is wide open and it's good sleeping without the a/c..... Well, my pills are kicking in and I'm ready to sleep... Talk to you all tomorrow.... Hugs............. Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Evening ladies.......this is the first chance I've had to get on the computer since coming home from Bismarck... I had to have my nap and then supper and such....I actually got my records from the one clinic in my hand and took them personally to my doctors office... Now just two littel CD's for DH to drop off when he goes to the dentist tomorrow.... Then the referral can be done with all the records they require to set up an appointment.. I can hardly wait.... I'm so tired of being groggy and tired in the mornings from all the medication... I woke up with pain at 1:00 and then was up until 4:00 ish before returning to sleep..... Don't know how much longer I can keep up this schedule... Good thing I don't work out of the home....!!!! Pam, good to hear from you.... glad you are feeling better and love your idea of starting to walk again.. I have a walk away the pounds tape that I need to start again... It's about all I can do, but have not been doing it.... just lazy and feeling sorry for myself I think... Janet and Phyll, glad you had such a good time and are back home again... Peaches thanks for the update... would have loved to see that airport scene... Lori, sounds like you are making yourself at home... this is good.... I'm happy for you.... Of course you found those good sales, too... Laura, exciting news about Paris.... I've been to Europe twice and have really seen nothing but the army base as we went for a wedding and them again to meet our new grandson... Didn't have time for site seeing.. Maybe one day..... Laura K, glad you are home safe and sound....What's the status on DD's things?? Eva, I get tired just reading about all you do outside... Your idea with the wash water is neat....Reminds me of when my mother only had a wringer washer..... and how we used the water over and over.... whites first, jean last.... Judy, have you started rehearsals yet...??? How's that golf cart doing???? Melissa, I hope you are feeling better....we're all pulling for you to conquer this problem so you are happier with the job... Joyce, what a nice grandmother you are... I'm sure DGD and her customers appreciate you much... Cheri, it's a bummer that you will be working most of the summer, but you sound happy these days, so I'm hoping it will go fast and you'll find some time to play too... Jessica, Jodi, Deb...... Are you all vacationing???? I know Apples is...... Will be happy to hear from you when you get back on... Arlene, I get tired of fireworks in a hurry and our next door neighbors have been at it for a week... I think their grandkids finally left so tonight seems much more quiet... Linda, love your 8 year plan.... I know it's not for me, but it's sounds so nice for you..... I know there are a bunch of new people... Sorry I can't remember names, but welcome.... Be sure to jump in a let us get to know you... this is a great place to spend your time.... Lots of wonderful ladies for all over the country and with lots of different lifestyles... You're going to love it here.... Hope I didn't miss anyone.... Not on purpose..... Well, my pills are kicking in and I'm tires... I did some wedding shopping today.... silverware, napkins, table coverings, decorating supplies... I've been collecting serving dishes for the buffet line, too..... Little things at the second hand store and such.... Lori, I can find a deal or two once in a while.... Making the flowers in one of my priorities now.... I should be able to handle that as it isn't strenuous....... Anyway, goodnight to all.... Hugs and prayers.... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey everyone, hope you all had a great 4th... Ours was good.......................... Melissa, I feel just like the others who have written to you.... Use us to vent your feelings.....get them out....it may help your stress levels..... It's never fun to go to a bad job... I remember one that I cried all the way to work and then again on the way home.... I vowed to never have a job like that again... I've been lucky to have that happen and then to retire early and just be a housewife...... You can make it and you can not eat yourself fat again..... Try to calm down and breathe more often..... No one can do it but you..... You are in charge... Just don't let those people get to you..... Who are they to you anyway..... Just a bunch of selfish co-workers that you don't need in your life.... Leave them at work and let your home be your sanctuary where you refresh and get strong....... And let us help.... Hugs and prayers for you.... Well, I was going to write a bit to everyone, but DD just called and needs to leave Mimi here for a little while.... Better get after my chores... My new floor feels a bit sticky from lemonade after 20 people yesterday..... Needs a good swiffering...... I can do that withou hurting myself......... I'll talk to you all later.... Hugs to all............ Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone..... I've been quite busy getting ready for the 4th.... My little meal for DD and DF, Mimi, Bailey, his parents and my mother has now turned into 20 people.... My neice that I didn't think would come just called to ask if she could bring her boyfriend.... Oh, well, the more the merrier... I'm keeping it simple so all should be fine.... I have most of the food ready and some are bringing dishes.... It should be a nice day. I have my house mostly all in order....... Just a couple little things to finish up....and they will wait for next week..... Arlene, I can't believe all the rain you've had.... do you have hip waders?? Joyce, it was so nice to meet you on the phone.... I'm looking forward to bunking with you in LV.... Laura, enjoy date night. Junibug, our fearless leader is gone for a few days, but don't worry, she will get you when she gets back..... Just keep posting...... We have a bunch gone for a few days.... Melissa, I'm worried about you.... You aren't posting again..... Great, it's nice that your DH is getting to the yard... It will be nice not to have dirt anymore.... My DH got our backyard patio done and the furniture and canopy thing up today..... Now we just have to cut a hole from our bedroom for the door.... Not a thing that has to be done right away.... I can wait.... Well, I've been having pain on and off all day, but right now it's off.... Just had a nice bath and hope to get to sleep without that dang pain attack tonight.... My paperwork has not all been turned into my doctor so Mayo doesn't even know about me yet.... Monday I must go to Bismarck and sign some release papers.... Why it's taken this long to tell me that is something I can't figure out.... I wish you all a fun and safe 4th.... Hope you are all with those you love..... Watch those fingers with the fireworks...... We have some snaps and some sparklers for our girls, otherwise nothing.... We will sit on the deck and watch others.....Hugs and prayers to all.... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey girls............... twice in one day...that's a record for me these days.... I've been doing paperwork most of the day and am about done.... Only the church stuff to do yet.... DH came home early so I should go spend some time with him... We've both been so busy lately that we don't get much time to just sit and veg a bit.... Joyce glad you enjoyed your massage... I had one on Monday.... Lori, how is the yard coming??? soon you will be mowing the lawn again..... I must have missed when you said if you liked the hairdresser or not.... Arlene, stay safe..... I rather enjoy a good thunder storm, but have never been in a tornado or anything... My DD is terrified, but she got caught on the road in a tornado a few years ago and now just has a fit if the weather gets stormy.... Well, off to make some supper.... Have a good evening girls.... Hugs............. Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey, good morning..... I just don't seem to be able to get on here everyday anymore.... There is so much to do and I'm sleeping my mornings away.... I take so much medication before bed to get the pain to calm down that I'm groggy and sleepy in the morning.... If I had something planned I would set an alarm and get up, but I have no scheduled events so no alarm.... I guess the rest doesn't hurt me..... Last evening was a bear..... Both little girls were here while DD and DF had pre marital counseling...... They are both in the potty training stage... on in panties and one in pull-ups... I asked several times if they had to go............no.............. until one said she had to go but was standing in a puddle on my new floor...... Got her and the floor cleaned up only the have the other one say, "oh oh!!" and sure enough another puddle was present... Her pull-up overflowed...... Got her and the floor cleaned up, but my shoulder was biting me so bad I just had to sit and moan and groan... They soon went home and I was able to take my pills and pass out.......I can hardly wait till they learn to help themselves to the bathroom.... I'm not fond of this stage... Arlene, congrats on the 3 pounds... You are doing so well.... Wish I was..... I gained a couple with the last medication they put me on and I just don't seem to be able to lose it.... Of course if I tried harder it might help!!!! Eva, I'm so glad you had a good time in CO and put the past behind you.... It unclutters the mind when you can do that..... Apples, Phyll, Janet.......... you all have a great time while you are away.... We will await pictures.... Linda, my worst 4th was when I was quite young and we always went to the fair and stayed late on the 4th for the fireworks.... Cars and cars lined up with people sitting on the hoods and such.... I got lost and couldn't find my family..... I have hated fairs since that day forward........ I think my favorite was during a family reunion at my parents farm with lots and lots of family around and shared it with loved ones curled up in a blanket in a lawn chair...... Cheri, glad you are having such a good time with the kids.... giving them times they'll remember a long time.... I'm glad you are coming to Vegas, too...... It will be so fun to meet everyone who missed the last one.... Well, if I'm going to get anything done I'd better get going... I'm waiting for a call about my area rug... They said today, but haven't called yet..... It's hot here......95 yesterday.... I hate living with the windows shut and the a/c on..... That's why I like spring and fall best....... Sorry, I didn't speak directly to all of you..... Not on purpose, just forgetfull.......Jodi, sounds like you had a great time and Judy.......... don't just lurk...... Talk...... Bye Bye for now...... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning...... I was up kinda late, so I also slept in.... woke by the phone.. DD called to say someone was looking for me and wondered where I was.... home sleeping!!!!! Joyce and Arlene, thanks for the offer.. Since you ordered a single, Arlene, to have some privacy and the fact that she said it first, I will happily accept Joyce's offer....... Thanks so much both of you...... I'm going to tell my husband that I'll make a trade with him... He wants to go to a tractor auction so badly to get another old tractor.... He can go if I can go!!!! Just have to get my flight set... I'll be monitoring Allegiant so I can get a good price....... Apples your weekend sounds just the opposite of ours... We have nothing planned unless DF's parents come up and we do Sunday dinner on the 4th...... But I don't mind..... We've been so busy that just sitting is good with me.... My friend with the brain aneurysm said they aren't doing anything either, so may ask them to come in, too.... Nice day today, but must work on my china closet.... unpacking and washing all that stuff..... ugh!!! I'm just gonna do a tub at atime and then rest.... My area rug will be done by Thursday so will plan a trip to Bismarck that day to "shop"....... Apples, I would love to have you be my decorator... I'm not good at it.... but it's been okay for all these years so I guess I manage..... Laura, glad you got things worked out with the camp.... Well I'd better get started.... TTYL..... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone, I feel like I've been absent forever... I've caught up with the reading but just don't have the energy to post.... Lots going on.... Wedding on Saturday..... Sunday after church we finished our flooring and DH got the trim back up.... Looks nice.... Now to redecorate things... Did quite a bit of that today, but lots left... DH carried the tubs of stuff from my big china closet upstairs tonight so that is my tomorrow project.... I have to clean all the crystal and china so it will be a big job.... Will have to do it bit by bit..... I'm still waiting for a call about my area rug.. It should be done by now, so will call them tomorrow.... Then I can take the pickup to Bismarck and get it and my new recliner and return a few extra boxes of laminate...... I also have a list of things I need now, too.. But all in all I'm happy with what we did..... My pain has been bad the last few days.... Having a bad spell now and waiting for the pills to kick in..... I did have a half hour massage today so thought it would be better tonight, but it isn't.... I did look up flights from here to LV, but didn't settle on anything yet... We have non-stop Allegiant Air here but they only fly certain days and the price for October was up..... MY brother says to wait and the prices will change... So there is hope for me yet.... Does someone have a couch for me still or not????? I want to come and am not afraid to fly like the last time, but just know that I can't do a bunch of walking... Since some of you feel the same I'm more comfortable about things... I'm trying to be on the "yes" list..... Well, need to go try to distract this pain somehow... I'm thinking ice pack............... Glad you are all doing well and I hope I can find a way to get back on her more often soon..... Hugs to all............. Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey, I'm on the run to a wedding 150 miles away, but had to pop in to say......... Happy Birthday, Jessica!! Love to all.......... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang, thanks for the encouragement about Vegas... Janet I do lots of things but at my own pace and I stop and rest when I need to....... I could never walk the strip....... I'll keep an open mind and check on airfares from here... I think Allegient still comes into Bismarck and straight to LV.... I had a wonderful call this morning.... My insurance okay me going to Mayo..... Fist obstacle is past... Now to get all my records together and sent to Mayo so they can decide whether or not they will see me.... Cross your fingers for me..... Thanks........... Got my blinds and window sill cleaned today... But have to stop the physical stuff now, so need to clean my desk off and do paperwork for Mom..... Phyll, your puppy is cute.... hope she grows into just the dog you wanted..... Talk to you all later.... Julie

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