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Mrs. Bubba

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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Well I'm going to try again.... I feel like I haven't spoken to you individually for a while and want to so here goes... See how good my memory on a double take.... Earlier Mimi called me and asked me to take her to the swimming pool.... so I did .... then she wanted ice cream.... the community pool is a block from my house and the "Dipper" (our version of Dairy Queen) is right next to it.... then she had to come home with me.... DD just came to get her... We had a fun afternoon and I tried not to lift her at all..... Apples, dear, you are on my mind all the time... Hope things are moving along for you somewhat.... Life has handed you an obstacle course and so far you have handled it with grace and poise.... Here's hopeing you are at 100% soon.... Lori, way to go on the gym thing..... It was a big compliment even if he didn't know it.... I'll bet your DH will be wanting you to accompany him on more of his trips now.... gotta keep an eye out for those other guys!!!! I hope you feel good about it and just take it for what it was.... fun and ego boosting.... Laura, my pain management doctor leaves a lot to be desired... He is very indifferent to my pain and seems content to just let me stay on drugs forever... I asked to see him tomorrow so we can talk and I will tell him about Mayo and see if he wants to continue my care after I get home... If not I will find someone who will... (Already have, actually) I'm so sorry about your mother's health issues now... I've had those shots but did not have the pain she experienced... lots of pressure but not what I call pain.... Hope she gets relief soon.... You are such a good daughter... Judy, you have a great time at the wedding... WTG on the 7 pounds... You are doing so well and I'm proud of you.... Wish I could get going, but I just can't seem to get a handle on it with all this pain all the time... I'm hopeing for a resurgance of committment after Mayo finds out what is wrong with me..... Jodi, I love reading all about your religion and your traditions... It seems so formal.....but you make it sound fun, too.... I'm so glad you are having such a good summer... Laura K, so sorry your relationship has ended again, but this time you know why and it was on your terms... Sounds like his health is a big issue with his personality now, so really it just can't be helped... You take care of yourself.... Joyce, hugs on the DD problems... Mine has been through lots since she was in an accident in high school... her best friend was killed...... Four young girls out for a little drive and in the blink of an eye one life is over and the other 3 will never be the same.. My DD has been through out-patient group therapy and is doing lots better but for a while it was crazy... I hope she is getting good help and that you can be there for support.... God Bless you all.... Arlene, I believe you are the one with 113 today...... I can hardly imagine what that is like.... We get over a 100 once in a while each year, but not usually more that a day or two.... We have the humidity, too, so it is really almost unbearable.... Janet, you have 113, too, I believe..... good thing it doesn't bother you much... You have a pool so do you use it much... I would love to have one.... It's not a common thing here in ND.... When the little girls get bigger I would love to have one of the above ground types.....4 feet high... played in one with my grandson in Ohio a while back.... Was great..... He lives in it.... Melissa, glad you are home and doing okay after your procedure... Was it just something you wanted or was it a neccessity medically speaking??? Not really my business so you don't have to say.... Rest up. You have been sounding better lately so hope this will perk you up much more and you can enjoy the rest of summer... Cheri, you sound so informed about all this medical stuff.... you could have been a doctor like your sister, too.... Hope you find your answers and get things all moving on an even kiel again soon... We all have to get healthy so we can enjoy Vegas... It's really not far off anymore... And I have so much to do for the wedding... Jessica, you look very professional in you uniform... and from what I know of nurses it doesn't hurt for it to be a bit loose.... Too tight would make working miserable I think.... You, too, are sounding so much better now... I'm happy for you and know you are going to be just fine.. Glad you and your DB had a great visit.... Eva, I sure do understand why you are counting down the days till you are done with work..... Out in that heat all the time... I'm glad for you.... When is the Argentina thing??? Oh and you asked about my MOB dress..... Already have it... Found it on a clearance rack for $9.............. It's not fancy, but I'm not a fancy person.... just a black, sort of empire waist long dress... Now I just need a black bra and some shoes to go along with it... I have some perfect jewelry, so feel like I'm pretty well set there. Linda, WTG on all your exercise.... I know it seems like it isn't doing any good in the weight loss department, but just think how much healthier your body is that you can exercise like that... And you are building muscle and it weighs more that fat, so no loss isn't actually unusual..... Keep up the good work... Phyll, let's talk about I 90...... When you get to about Billings MT I 90 vears off to the south and then travels all across South Dakota... I94 is what keeps coming on through North Dakota..... and then they meet up again in Minnesota somewhere... Can't remember the town just now... So you will be driving on I 94 when you get to Bismarck.... I am 36 miles up the road (north) from there.... We have lots of room for you to park you RV and would love to have you stay as long as you like... Let me know if that fits into your plans... For sure I will come to Bismarck to meet you for coffee or something... Peaches and Pam, hope you are doing well... haven't heard from you in awhile.... Sagreenia, welcome.... this is a great place... tell us about you and jump in and join our group... a bunch of lovely ladies in all different stages of LB from all over the country.... So, I think I made it again... gosh if I forgot someone I'll be mortified..... I need to get busy now and do something.... Spending the afternoon with Mimi threw me off my game plan for the day.... but there will be another day.... You all take care and I'll talk to you later..... Hugs and prayers... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Okay, it has now happened to me and I'm furious..... I lost my post.....it was long and I commented to everyone... I had to leave the computer and then came back a bit later to finish... I finished and pressed submit, thinking it would go,but it told me I couldn't post becasue I wasn't logged in..... What the heck..... I was logged in when I started... Why did it kick me out???? I can't start over now, will have to do it later.... Hugs to everyone and I'll be back when I can.... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello.........I'm just back from Bismarck where I had a chiropractic treatment.... My shoulders and arms were aching so bad I had to do something... That and a pain pill have me feeling a bit better now... I'm gonna take it easy for awhile now..... Cookie Salad Recipie 1 cup buttermilk 1 pkg instant vanilla pudding....... mix well and let it thicken..... then add 1 - 10 oz can pineapple 1 - can manderin oranges (this is where I change it because of the pineapple.... I don't like it either so I just used 2 cans of fruit cocktail) Make sure to drain the fruit well..... 1 - 8 oz carton whipped topping......... miniature marshmallows optional... I'm using them to stretch the amount some.... mix well and refridgerate. Just before serving add 1 package of crushed striped shortbread cookies...... It is a very good sweet salad.... and it's what DD wants at her wedding supper... Ham or turkey sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad, (the kind with tri-colored pasta, veggies and italian dressing) cookie salad, bars and of course wedding cake..... Pretty simple..... If I was feeling good I could do that no problem, but with how things are I'm going to have someone else make the potato salad.... The other 2 are easy... and I plan to have most all of the bars and cookies done before I go to Mayo, just in case of surgery..... Well, no time to comment.......sorry........ gotta get supper started... It's harvest and I never know for sure what time DH will be coming home... It was 8:30 last night... Hope it's earlier tonight.... Take care all and have a good evening... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning................ it was a very long night... I had constant aching in both shoulder joints.... It was sort of weird.... and I think from helping Mimi to get on the "big potty". She won't use the little one... I have her stand on a stool, but it's still too high for her to do alone.. So lift I did..... What else could I do.... today she goes to daycare with DD and tomorrow DF will have her as it is his day off..... Cookie Salad is just a sweet fruit salad and you add crushed fudge-striped shortbread cookies..... buttermilk, instant vanilla pudding, drained fruit cocktail, Cool Whip and then crushed cookies.. Very good.. DD wants this for the wedding supper... I was testing to see how many people one batch will feed.. I figure 25- 30 if I stretch it with some miniature marshmallows....... So I have that figured out... I have to do that with the pasta salad she wants sometime soon, too, so I know how much stuff to buy.... Jodi, the wedding sounds like it was fun.... You have way more tradition in your life than I do being a lifelong Lutheran.... Judy, that dang BMI thing is weird... If you aren't the perfect weight for your height then you are obese..... Who needs that dang chart anyway!!!! I'm sure you look fabulour.... You need to show us a new picture..... Jessica, sounds like you have a plan..... and it's nice that your brother wants to be with you... Laura, just keep doing what you are doing... Your sis will figure it out.... Wonderful for you to be so giving with your parents... I do so much for my mother, but sometimes with an angry heart because no on else thinks of her...... One of my brothers did actually take her out for supper the other night.... WOW!!!! Well, put in a call to move up my appointent with pain management doc..... I need to tell him about Mayo, and ask if he wants to continue being my doctore or not... I'm tired of doctors and all their bull......... Well, time to start my day... I have two loads of clothes to fold and 2 more to wash.... It's very hot here these days..... mid 90's and high humidity.. DH can take a lot of heat but he was all spent last night when getting home from work... They are harvesting now and it is hot work.... He drinks lots of gatorade.... Take care now and I'll talk to you all later...... Hugs.............. Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey gang, Mimi is sleeping so thought I'd try to do this now... I just finished making supper.........half for us and half for our friends.. She is the one who had brain surgery last Tuesday... She came home on Thursday!!!!! I was flabbergasted....... But anyway, thought I would take supper out, but have to do it shortly.... So it will have to be reheated... Beef stroganoff hotdish, cucumber salad, cookie salad and yellow cake with penuche frosting.... Just waiting for the frosting to be ready to spread.... Well, I finally got a call from the administrative guy at the clinic about my doctor.... He said he talked to her and that the letter stands..... that's all he said.... I told him that it didn't tell me a thing and he acted like he was dumb..... I said I didn't intend to force her to treat me, but I wanted an explanation.... He said it was about the pain management drugs and the conversation with her nurse..... See, I told you it was that nurse who screwed this up...... I was not happy with his responses... He tried to tell me that they had lots of fine doctors at the clinic, but I just said thank you, I'll take care of my own medical needs... I've been a patient there for almost 40 years and all my other doctors are there and I will continue with them, but I've lost respect now...... I feel like my character has been defamed...... Not a happy camper.... I'm contemplating a certified letter of response to the doctore just to get my voice heard.....not the nurse's..... Judy, WTG on the shoes....... and the weight loss... see, we knew you could do it... I'm proud of you... Have fun in Boston.... Lori, hope your Denver trip works out on Wednesday... and yes ,I'd love to see the pond, too.. Janet hope your day is going well at work... Jessica, husbands just don't think like we do.... It's just like this wedding I'm planning.. DH doesn't have a clue what it takes to do a wedding... Good luck finding a fun party idea for Jacob... Well, better go take care of my frosting.. Hugs to everyone.... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, just a quick check in before bed... Had a nice relaxing day today and not much pain.... this is good... Cheri, I'm with you on the purses.... since my shoulder neck pain I try not to carry a purse at all if I can help it.... I take one with me, but either do the cross body thing or just put a credit card and a little money in my pocket and leave it in the car.... I do have just a little wallet that fits in my pocket, too.... And I try not to pay very much for a purse.... I guess I'm cheap.... Jessica, I'm sure glad I'm not the one in school... a test every Monday morning would be a good way to ruin a good weekend... You are young and can handle this much better than I would.... Jodi, the wedding deal sounds like more than it is... It's just going to be very simple... We live in a small town and although I could pay to have it catered, DD wants me to do it... I used to be a caterer when I owned my restaurant. And that experience makes it a lot easier to handle. I have experience with large crowds for food. and the decorations and such a just good organization... and I've always been an organizer.... So don't give me more credit than I deserve..... but thanks for the compliments.... glad you had good time alone with your DD.... She'll be fine now, about the dog and such...... Gwen, you sound so down..... It is going to get better.. You are just so in the early stages and it seems like nothing is changing, but it is... Just keep doing what you are doing and things will start to happen soon... You have a lot going on...... Hang in there.... Arlene, here's hoping that pound goes fast and stays away forever..... good luck to you... you work so hard..... glad your back is better.... Eva, shopping with my husband is fun sometimes, but he is the one who has to watch what he spends.... glad you guys had fun... I love cooked cauliflower, but DH can't stand the smell even, so I rarely eat it.... Your countdown is exciting I'll bet.. and sometimes it seems like those days will never pass..... but they do.... enjoy... Joyce, hope this fill goes better for you... DH took me out to eat tonight and I orderd some chicken drummies.. I ate one and that was fine... and then the second went well, too.... It was the first bite of the third that sent me to the bathroom to throw up... I hate that...... I remember when I got unfilled and then refilled gradually... It was a little like starting over... good luck.. Janet, I'm with the rest... you are an amazingly lucky shopper..... you and Apples get the best deals...... I'm never that lucky..... Of course it would mean I would have to shop more and that's not my cup of tea!!!! Lori, what kind of pond is your DH putting in???? I'd love to have one, but in ND!!!! Some people do and even have fish that live under the ice all winter, but DH isn't interested, so I guess I won't have one..... Well dearies, time for bed... A new week is before us and I, for one, don't have any appointments at all!!!!! Doesn't happen much anymore.... the daycare is full up tomorrow so I will have to have Mimi from 10-6.... So I'm just going to take it easy..... Night all..... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning..... I'm sure glad that night is over... Between my shoulder/neck ache and the thunder storm I didn't get much sleep.... dozing on and off........... made for a long night.... Maybe I can get a nap this afternoon..... I got my wedding baking started yesterday... 3 pans cut into 60 pieces each.... ( I still have all my pans from when I owned a restaurant). I figure I need somewhere between 1000 - 1200 pieces, so I have a ways to go, but I want to get lots of it done before I go to Mayo, just in case I can't do it after that..... the other food I can figure out someway if I have to have shoulder surgery..... and of course there are some kinds that I want to make that can't be done this soon ahead... What I really need to get moving on is the flowers.... The bride and groom and the bridesmaids are being done by someone else, thank goodness, but I have about 40 small boutineer (sp) ones to do.... Have 6 done!!! I just need to sit down and do it!!! The hard part is getting started... My friend with the brain aneuysms had her first of 3 surgeries at Mayo on Tuesday.... They came home late Thursday night... Only 2 days for brain surgery.... I was just shocked... Her husband says she is sleeping a lot and has headache pain... They did this without shaving her head... That amazed me, too.... I planning to do a little cooking today, too, and send some food out. Her DH would live on hotdogs otherwise... Well, not much more to report.... I just got out of the shower.... Sometimes the hot water beating on my shoulder/neck gives some relief... I'm going to put on some of my CM cream now and it makes everything tingle.... it's calming if nothing else... I hope you all have a happy and relaxed weekend... My prayers and hugs for everyone of you..... You are so special to me..... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone.... just a quick one before heading to bed.... Had a busy day....started baking for the wedding... We are planning on about 300 so I need quite a few pans of bars and cookies.... It seems like backaches are going around as I had one all day too.... Laura, so sorry your mom is feeling bad, but you will be there to help her and that's wonderfulll Phyll, hope you are back on your feet soon.... No fun being down... I've been on the floor and wondering if I can get up, too...... I always make it but am glad no one is watching me do it!!!! Judy, good luck with your opitifast.... Never tried it.... Linda, too bad about missing the corn... I love it fresh, too, but don't have it more than once or twice a year... Jessica, I'm glad to see the old you coming back... WTG on the new grants and such.. Every little bit helps... Janet, your little Bella is a little trooper.... Apples, hope you are relaxing at the lake this weekend.. Lori, hope your headache is better Cheri, Arlene, Laura K.......... I envy your walking.. I did walk uptown today, but considering how small the town is and how close I live to uptown, it can't compare to what you all do... but I did do it..... for me that's good... The rest of you gals I hope are doing well..... Eva is going to Argentina for sure now??? I missed that I guess.... Time for bed.... night all......... Hugs......... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Dating - have at it girl -have fun - I'm sure glad I'm not Jewish (but think I was in another life) - don't want the match makers bugging me :0) - I don't have time for a man - well ya if I gave up gym - lbt - fb ;0) not willing too. Janet, if you are happy with no men in your life, I say, good for you.... Everyone is different... I spent the early part of my adulthood alone and didn't like it... For me, DH is the best life.... OK... got my boy from Camp- they had "swamp" day and held swamp creatures that the wildlife society brought in (gators, lizards, turtles etc.) I practically boiled him when he got home. (kidding- but a VERY soapy bubble bath). gross. hate swamp germs in my house! Need to figure out dinner. I am thinking grilled fish and sautéed spinach. CBL.. Laura Laura, I'd be washing all those germs off, too.... I'm a big wuss went it comes to things like that... And my Mimi just loves bugs and those crawly things..... Ugh!!!! Lady Gaga was incredible and amazing, however, I think it might be my LAST concert. At 67, todays youth is a little much for me to handle. The costumes of the other concert goers were bizarre. You can really not imagine. She had a rock group open for her that blasted my ears off and made my hair blow in the noise. Her performance was everything I imagined and more. Great sets and dancers and wonderful energy with the crowd. I have at least heard of Lady Gaga, but don't know anything..... My DD is into Heavy Metal.... all the dark, black clothes and such..... not goth, though... Her DF is into it, too.....Metallica is their favorite.... If it's not country or 50's - 60's, I don't want to listen..... I made a baby spinach and spring mix salad with strawberries, cashews, feta, and raspberry vinaigrette the other day. That's what was in the house. Tasted great. Cheri I've always thought that I hate spinach.... I must have had some bitter stuff one time... I was forced to eat some spinach salad the other day or hurt my hostesses feelings... I was amazed at how good it was.... I guess I'll try it again sometime.... Sorry the scale didn't move, but you are doing so well that it must mean that you are just better in other areas this time.... I can't say I loved the pink hair on Jessica, but I'm so used to these different hairstyles that I quit complaining... My DD is into black right now. Her best friend is a hair dresser and they are always trying new things... purple or pink streaks or whatever.... If they are happy that's all that matters... Eva, do you ever just lay around??? If you aren't working or working in your yard, you are entertaining family or friends or traveling off somewhere exciting... I just wonder if you ever take any downtime....... It's good to be so active... Wish I felt up to that..... Good for you Melissa..... You're starting to sound better.. I'm happy for you.... Cheri, sounds like you have a plan you can handle... You've done so well and seem very organized... You'll make your new goal , too , I'm sure..... Well, I feel like I was run over by a truck.... I'm going to get a treatment from chiropractor this afternoon... Last night was another long one... Just couldn't get going this morning.. Didn't even get dressed until 12:30.... What a waste of a good morning.... Apples, hope you are fine... Lori thanks for sharing news about her... I'll talk to you all later... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning....................... goodness, Apples..... you are on a negative roll right now.... Best to roll wit the punches,but a gal can only take so much.... Hugs to you and just try to relax at the lake now when you can... I was up til after 3:00 again.... Pain just won't let go... to many meds again so I'm still so groggy this morning... I have an MRI of my shoulder today so off to Bismarck I go..... Eva, you asked how far it was to Bismarck..... It's 36 miles from my house to the outskirts of Bismarck... I usually allow myself 45 minutes to make an appointment on time.... Jessica, glad you are back again.... Poor Jacob..... Hope he continues to improve so he can have a fun school year.... and you will be fine.... You've done so well in school s far... No reason to think that will change..... We have lots of faith in you..... I threw away some food yesterday, too, that was bothering me.... brownies and cookies.... DH won't even miss them.... Not as long as he has his peanuts to munch on.... I've been more careful lately and my weight is coming back down slowly.... Wish I could hurry it along , but I'll take what I can get...... Oh, Karen, my Mayo appointment is on September.... the 9th is correct... So I've got some bad days ahead yet... Well better go get dressed and ready to leave.... Don't know if I'm up to any shopping today or not... We'll see how the shoulder is after the MRI.... It's aching now, but I haven't taken my meds yet..... You all have a great day..... Happy exercising.... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone.......... I have to do the famour drive by post today as I have so much on my plate today... Had a bad night again.... Up with ugly pain until almost 4:00, then slept until 9:30.... Not a good start to my day... Feel okay now.... Janet, you know I can't do much in the way of exercising, but I did go walk around the block and I actually rode my bike for a bit... We live on an incline and I'm not strong enough to go uphill yet... And I have such terrible balance that it is quite an accomplishment just to stay on it for any length of time.. So I rode just by our house for this time to prove to myself I can do it now.... I hope to try some more extended riding when DH can be there with me for moral support... So, today is at least better than most days... I'm happy with the fact I tried and accomplished something... Now to get on with my chores for the day.... Oh, I also worked in the garage a little and that is a big job with a sloppy guy like my DH..... Now I have to spend some time in my kitchen... My fridge is bare and DH needs some food.... I've been living on popsicle with this problem in my mouth.... Apples glad you're ordeal is about over and you can get back to normal life... Will you be off to the lake this week??? Judy and Joyce, glad you got your computer problems worked out.... Bye now friens.... I'll try to be back later.... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning all, I didn't post yesterday and oh, boy, did you guys get into some heavy stuff..... Good thing we have each other to talk to...... who else can you say these kind of things to........ Apples, you just keep getting loaded up with things.... What a tragic death for that new Grandpa.... What those babies will be missing out on all their lives... so sad..... I'm glad your MIL's funeral is finally today.. That was a long time to have that open wound... After today, maybe things can start to heal over and you and your DH can move back to the security of your everyday lives.... Stay strong, Karen, we all love you so much.... Gwen, Melissa, Pam and Jessica.... you are the three that come to mind who are really struggling right now... I truely believe that you are going to be fine.... There have been some really bad days along this journey for me, but all in all it has been a ver positive experience and I know that this is going to be true for you, too..... Do what you have to do to make it through another day and work on finding your groove again... It's there, you just got off track a bit..... and you have us..... We are a great addition to your arsenal of tools this band has given you...... Hold your heads up, remember how much you have accomplished, and keep on keeping on...... You are all loved much, too.... Judy, sorry you are having computer problems... How I have to deal with this site has changed since I first started..... If I go away from my computer for a little while, when I come back I am logged out and have to restart everything.. Never used to be like that... If I left the site without logging off I would just go right back to where I was and still be logged in..... Or when I get the e-mail notification I could just click on the address in the e-mail and it would take me right there to that post.... Not anymore.... Who knows with computer.. You gotta love 'em...... Laura, you motherhood experience isn't the typical one, but such a beautiful story you have... Nelson feels so much love that he can handle anything you have to tell him... I didn't adopt, but I was a single mother for 11 years and I had to explain why she had no daddy.... I did kinda like you.... Said what was necessary and then just answered her questions as they came up in a fashion that she could handle at whatever age she was... When she was old enough I told her the whole story and she has been just fine.... Yes, Janet I can walk, but not very far with this pain... When I start to ache I have to sit down... I'll try to figure something out..... I'm so sorry for your trouble about that dog and your GS...... Tough love is a bummer..... But you did the right thing... when he is a more mature adult he will understand better why you did what you did..... Well, all the talk about families and such makes me realize how lucky I have always been.... I was raised in a Christian Farm family with lots of family around all the time... I remember no fights from when I was a kid.. Dad was a very busy farmer making sure to take very good care of us so he missed out on some of the good stuff... He emassed a forture before he died and left us a legacy to be proud of.... I am the oldest child in my family with 3 younger brothers.... Love them all, however one is a stinker and keeps things stirred up since my father's death.... He and another brother don't get along much, but they do speak and they do care about each other.... I really never had in-laws.... MIL was dead when we married 15 years ago... FIL passed away 9 months after wedding (was in a nursing home at 87) and my father died 3 months later.... So we just have my mother... No big problems there..... Our problems are DH's children.... and they just don't know what they are missing staying so far away from us because of jealousy of me and DD... I feel for all of you who have family problems... What I do have is difficult enough at times, and so many of you have it so much worse..... I guess we just have to trust that the Good Lord knows what he is doing and keep moving on... Those of you that are walking and exercising so much, congratulations and good work.... I'll get ther one day... Laura K, sounds like you are handling your ex situation well..... However, it seems whatever happens you are in for some heartbreak down the road.... with the medical problems what they are............ You take good care of yourelf first...... He's lucky to have you for a friend.... Lori, all those little odds and ends projects can keep you busy.. I think we finally have ours done from our re-model project.... You'll get them all done soon.... Well everyone, I know I didn't speak directly to you all, but soemtimes it's just not possible... I hope you all have the best Monday possible... I've got lots of paperwork today... I had about a week's repriever from my horrible pain.. It was so nice to not have to go through all the things I do to make it go away... But it's back again the last 2 nights.... This has happened a couple of other times when I had a few days without pain, but it always comes back... I keep hoping one day my body will just feel good again.... But not today.. Need to go take some pills and then get busy... Paperwork I can handle I think... The house is in order and the laundry is done except for 2 loads to fold... Need to plan some supper.... We had a nice weekend... Saturday we went out on our boat in the big lake on the damn that is 35 miles away... We took our friends (she is at Mayo now to have brain surgery tomorrow) and just had a peaceful ride on the water... It rained abit but didn't stop us.... Was great.... Yesterday my nephew had his baby baptised so went to their church and then out to the farm for dinner with family... This nephew lives on my family farm and rents the land.... Was a nice day.. We had Mimi and she was so good and had so much fun...... Well, gotta run.............. sorry for the epic novel here... Love you all............. Hugs ............ Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, Well, I slept pretty well last nught.. Had to take pills, so still groggy.....but I need to get moving and get some things done today.... For a change we are invited out to dinner tomorrow (noon meal)... My little great nephew is being baptised here at a church in town so I get an extra hour in the morning and don't have to cook after.. This is nice..... DH is home today so I want us to do a few little chores around the house.. He just finished changing my kitchen curtain rod.... Now I want him to help me with the laundry room.... It needs a good cleaning and I can't do it by myself..... So my weekend is looking rather carefree... We will get Mimi about 9:00 this evening and have til tomorrow sometime... We are fine with this.... as we miss having her everyday. I got the wedding invitations done yesterday... DD was haveing a cow trying to get them designed by Wal-mart or shutterfly.... Gave herself a migrane and was so upset she was crying... Finally I said, "just give the picture disc and the words you want it to say to me and Mommie will get this done!" So I made my 4th trip to Bismarck this week yesterday afternoon and in about a half hour I had the proof of a beuatiful picture invitation in my hand and ready for us to order however many we need..... She was happy, so we can scratch that off the list of things to do.... Gwen, I'm not quite your age, but I feel it most days with the pain I suffer... I will not be accepting Janet's gym challenge either... Doctors say I can't do much and I know I'm just not up to it either.... I have been trying to be more active and such...... But don't feel alone....Your age is a factor, yes, but soon you will feel that change in yourself that you are expecting... It will probably be more gradual than all of a sudden... You just have to be a little patient..... Best of luck to you.... Jessica, glad you chimed in again.... I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad......wish I could help.... but I'm praying for you and you will be able to handle this... Just take one day at a time.... Judy is into Overeaters Anonymous right now.. In case you don't know it is a 12 step program like AA....... That's one of the 12 step guidelines...... one day at a time.... that's all you have to worry about... There is a verse in the Bible, too, although I can't think of it offhand.... But it says not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough for us to deal with for today..... (I know that's not exact but the meaning is there..) Just stay in touch and let us help you through this... You are dear to us..... How is Jacob and your DH, too? Arlene, good for you on the walking.....Hope your Texas weather stays good for you.... We are to be in the 90's today and tomorrow here..... Don't care for that much... Lori, I forgot to add my congratulations on the verdict.. Maybe now this whole experience can be put behing both you and your DH.... It's one that needs to go away ....... Hope DH is doing okay.. Laura, I have a brother who adopted 2 children from India... Of course their adoption was something that couldn't be hidden because of their dark skin... My SIL kept books with pictures and other keepsakes for each child so they could know how they came to be here... They are wonderful, well-adjusted adults now (26 & 21) and they are very loved by all of us.... and by our whole town actually..... Your prayers were beautiful and even though you don't do much with religion as you say, you must have something inside you if you could write things like that..... Religion is the most personal thing there is.... We all experience something a bit different because it is between us and God, whatever form he takes in your life.... You've done wonderfully.... Have you any plans of another child ever?? Well, DH is calling so better get dressed and be somebody useful.... Have a great weekend everyone... Love ya, like Apples always says!!!!! Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning everyone, my pain finally let me sleep sometime during the night, but I did have to take more pills.. I hate that as I'm so groggy when I do get up.... Apples, thanks for the wish for a good weekend, but I think you need those wishes more than we do..... I know you will work like a crazy person to keep everyone fed and happy.... So, you try to stay calm amidst all the madness and be your beautiful self........ God is watching and knows what's happening and will put gold stars on your page when it's all said and done.... I'm so happy you are healing and that you are already happy with the outcome of your teeth project... Can't wait to see the new smile.... Sorry to run so fast but have an appt with a new NP here in town this morning... Yesterday I found out I can't even get my meds renewed since this doc dumped me..... Gotta run quick, but I'll check in later... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi girls, you were busy today.... Apples, you are such a good friend and now I see a good in-law.... feeding all those fueding people..... I agree with whoever said that God will forgive and forget.... I'm thinking He will probably even help at some point!!!!!! You hang in there and just remember we all love you lots... Laura K and Arlene, and all you gals doing the great exercising... Good for you... Wish I could.... I've had minimal pain the last few days until today... Wrangled Mimi a bit in Wal-Mart by myself today... and of course now I have pain tonight.... DD just had to talk on cell for a bit alone.... I'm sure wishing I'd have stayed out of the toy department..... dumb Gramma..... Laura, I'm feeling for you with the menopause issues.. I was fortunate to not suffer from this and when the doc told me I was post-mnenopausal I said I didn't know I had it.... I was a lucky one...... You hang in there... this too shall pass.............eventually.... Peaches....is it Candice????? I'm sure glad you got that out.... Sounds like you needed to vent a bit and we are good listeners... I just finished a bunch of church bill paying and then a little more paperwork and I'm ready for my chair and some more pain meds..... You all have a good night.... Apples, sleep well tonight... you need it..... Hugs to all..... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello friends..... I had a very long day in Bismarck today... Two days in a row with my mother is WAY too much..... We tend to get on each others nerves..... I hate shopping with her and DD is not a good time eaither.... Well I actually had them both at the same time for a while this afternoon....... Madness.....trying to decide on flowers for altar bouquets......Nearly pulled my hair out.... but home now and can relax a bit... DH left for a bit to do some church business and I'm just catching up a bit..... Tomorrow have to go with DD to take Mimi to the dentist....Hopefully it won't be quite so stressful...... I'm so proud of Jessica for getting accepted to nursing school, but also for recognizing that she was in trouble and getting back on track again.... That isn't an easy thing to do..... For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting her I can tell you she is a sweet lovely young lady with a great deal of potential..... Those of us who were in Orlando to meet her just fell right into feeling like her mother..... She's a peach..... we're so glad to have you back, Jessica (Jewel for those of you who are fairly new) Now I must go relax..... Will get the rest of you later.... Oh, and I was thinking of Apples all day today too, between the craziness...... Hope she is resting well at her lake home now..... have a great night everyone... Talk to you later tomorrow.... Hugs... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi girls, I have a little alone time before bed and thought I would check in again..... Apples, dear girl, we'll be thinking of you tomorrow and praying you have fingers left after the dentist appointment.... Gripping the chair handle that hard could hurt your hands.... You are so brave and we respect you for it.... You're just going to be a real knock out soon...... You've been beautiful your whole life, but this will just complete the job in your own mind.... I'm so happy for you.... Thanks for all the compliments on my little house re-do... I'm very happy with it and DH did a great job... I can take no credit except for the ideas...... We lead a very simple life and I have simple country tastes.... Our house is a home and we live in it...... It's very comfy now and makes me smile..... I guess that's all that matters.... One day I may need to have my laundry upstairs, but will deal with that when the time comes..... Linda, great pictures... Sounds like you had a great time..... You look beautiful..... Can't wait to finally meet face to face..... Lori, glad you are home again and DH's ordeal is mostly behind him..... You must have been so proud of him to stand his ground against a tricky defense atty..... Good for him..... I remember when we had to take our dog to a kennel when we went to Germany one time.... The poor guy was so lonesome and wouldn't eat unless the teenage daughter of the owners would do it... DD was that age then.... and when DH went to get him it was amazing... DH just hollered his name and he jumped about 6 feet straight up trying to get to him... He was a big dog, 115 pounds of catahoulla with long black hair.... great dog, but he lost his battle with age almost 2 years ago now.... I do miss him some days, but don't miss being tied down... My cats are easier to leave for a couple days.... Janet, you have such a busy schedule..... but you do so very well..... what a great role model you are... Wish I could do a 1/4 of what you do..... Maybe some day... Eva, your work sounds very demanding..... No wonder you are wishing for a change down the road a bit... I hope your idea about internet for Apples works.. Would be so great to have her full-time..... You take it easy now.... Oh, Arlene, just hearing about you cleaning cupboards and closets makes me feel guilty.... Mine need it badly, but just don't dare do too much these days... I figure it won't go anywhere and will be there when I'm ready.... It's a sure thing no one else will do it for me.... It's such a good feeling to get it done and know your house is really clean... I need to dust and remove dust bunnies from my office sometime soon... It's getting grose.... That room didn't get any remodeling so it's still a mess.... Gwen, so glad you had a good day at the doctor.... WTG on the weight loss.... It's always nice to find a friendly scale.... Laura, good luck with your new fill..... I've been pbing a lot lately.... don't know what's up with that..... I do know I need to pay more attention.... I've been lazy for quite some time now feeling sorry for myself because of this pain mess....... Needs to stop!! I had my Mimi here this afternoon and it went well..... Mother and I worked on flowers for the wedding... Had my ex-SIL over to help me figure things out... She did all of mine back 15 years ago and she has an eye for it... We are still friendly and she offered to help... We decided on what to do and now she will do the bridesmaids boquets and DD's..... What a relief.... I can handle the little ones for the groomsmen and other wedding party members..... So I'm feeling better about that.... DD finalized her invitations today and now just need to come up with a number.... She is doing the Christmas card type with a picture and we are getting them at Wal-mart..... DD has simple tastes just like me... I had my uncle design mine and then do calligraphy and we just had copies made at the printer.... Was so simple and very special..... I'm starting to think a lot about food now.... It's less than 3 months now and need to have a plan in mind in case I'm not able to do most of the cooking.... I will start doing some of the baking soon and put in the freezer.. I will be baking bars and cookies.... I'm thinking we will be planning on 300 or so but won't know for a while yet..... But things are coming together and I'm comfortable at this time... DD told me today that she found someone to take charge of the girls when they get tired and need to go home to bed.... I was releived that she wasn't expecting me to do that!!!! I had a scary experience with DD's little puppy last night.... She and DH took the girls to the swimming pool in the evening and she brought the pup over to my deck... Hooked his leash under a chair leg... He is a little beagle so about 10-12 pounds.... I watched as he tangled himself in the chair legs as they left and started barking.. I walked away from the door for a minute and the barking stopped...... I was curious and figured I should go untangle him.... Well, to my horror all I could see was the leash hanging over the bottom booard on the deck...(We have ours horizontal like a fence...) OMG, I could just see the little guy being hanged to death over the edge.... So I "ran" down the steps to save him wondering how I would do CPR on a puppy....................only to have him come running up to my feet.... He had slipped out of the collar..... thank God.... Needless to say I told DD not to ever do that again.... He came in the house and took a nap on my legs in the recliner...... I don't care for dogsitting...... Oh, well, he lived to bark another day.... Well, better head to bed... Have to go with Mother to Bismarck in the morning again.... Then again with DD to take Mimi to the dentist on Thursday..... She needs some work done and will have to be put out to do it.... Yeah!!!! Hope you are all snoozing away having happy dreams..... Hugs and prayers for all............. Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang, I'm running behind again... Terrible thunderstorm last night and I didn't get to sleep until late and this time it wasn't my shoulder keeping me awake!!!! Phyll wrote me to ask for another copy of our personal information list I complied before our Orland trip.... It reminded me that Joyce asked to be on that list, so I updated it and sent it out to the 16 people who are already on it..... If anyone else wants to be on it prior to our Vegas trip, please e-mail me with your information...... address, home and cell #', e-mail address, and birthdate....... I'll be happy to add you all to the list... The phone numbers come in handy especially during the time of the trip..... Which reminds me that I tried to call Jessica when I had my list out and the number she had listed has been disconnected.... Has anyone had any contact with her?? I'm not concerned anymore, I'm worried.... I'm going to try an e-mail as I know she moved since she gave me this address....... Gotta go for now.... Mimi and my mother are coming for the afternoon... Mom and I are going to work on wedding flowers...... Yeah..... this is not where my talents lie....... Fortunately her's do..... Bye for now... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    OMG, where to start..... I've so much to tell you..... but first.......... Eva, how wonderful for your MIL, she must have been so proud of herself.... My DH is 34 years sober.... I never knew him when he was a drinker..... He drinks lots of coffee and can't conquer the cigarettes though he tries and tries...... So nice of you to tell us.... and Yes, Cheri, I agree that we have probably all had some 12 step training in our lives.... I have...... congrats on the back-up singing.... I'd love to do that sometime.... Joyce, you have a great time while your gone and we'll pray for your computer....... Phyll, glad you had such a nice weekend...... I did, too... Saturday, just an easy day and friends in for grilled steaks and potatoes and a good game of pinochle.... Sunday was church with a picnic afterward at the parsonage.... Then a nice nap followed by a trip down the river on the pontoon with friends and DD and her family.... Laromi and Bailey had so much fun playing on the sandbar and walking in the water..... It was a good day and I was pain free until later last night.... Judy, Judy, Judy.................. you are a hoot..... Sorry about the wasted food and extra work, but stuff happens I guess and we just have to get through it... Glad you made it.... Laura, congrats on the toothless boy...... I'm sure he's feeling is oats today...... Hope you feel better... Arlene, the fruit dessert sounded good..... I'm not sure I would want my doctor to see what I write here..... Well all you others, you're not forgotten, just don't remember what to say...... so I'll just tell you all my news....... Saw my Pain doctor today... the one who was so weird to me and said it would take 9 months to get into Mayo..... He scheduled an MRI of my left shoulder, but never even laid a finger on me to examine me.... Gave me more pain meds for a month and sent me on my way...... Lovely...... I did some shopping and that was exercise for me in 95 degree heat and 80% humidity...... Glad I'm home.............and when I got here I had a message from Mayo Clinic... I called back and have an appointment with them on Sept. 9th..... 6 weeks is way better than 9 months..... I can make it until then I think.... I've been doing this almost a year now so what's 6 more weeks??!!!!!:bolt: No news from my GP or the administration yet... I was supposed to call them when I got my call from Mayo, but don't know if I should now or not..... Well, better get things put away from my shopping spree... Got some things for decorations for the wedding... and some groceries..... and popsicles... I just crave them these days.... I think it's those dang pills..... anyway, I wish you all a great evening..... Hugs to all............ Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

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    Thanks Janet, but I know I forgot so much...... Like Gwen doing her first exercise and Lori sweating.......... I guess we miss so much when we are gone....... I sure wish we knew what was going on with Jessica..... I'm thinking of calling her.,.... Oh, friends are just here for pinochle bye
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, welcome home...... I'll try but am afraid I'm not really up-to-date myself these days as I've been having a bit of a time here...... But here goes.......... Janet, had to get rid of Ryder, but the got a new little tiny dog.... Bella I think.... Janet is busy working and doing her leader job on the site here as we have some new gals..... Apples is gone to the lake..... Her DH invited half the county to a party at their cabin this weekend and she is working her magic as the hostess with the mostest........She has her worst dentist appointment coming on next Wednesday.... Her son from Atlanta is still here and thinking of relocating closer to home this time... We are sending good mommy wishes her way as she has to keep her mouth mostly closed..... Lori is off jaunting with her DH to TX and then to Denver so he can testify in the case of carjacking he was involved in.... Lori is having a great time.... Laura K. went off for the weekend to ride the river and lakes of Michigan.. otherwise I think she is doing very well... Jodi is fianlly back from her Fire Island time... It was good..... They had to have their family dog put down while Dassi was away at camp.... very sad...... She is coming to Vegas and is staying with the guy she didn't want to see before.... She is so much more confident now that she says she can handle just being friends.... He is getting us all tickets for some show for free I believe..... Judy, has had it with a friend who doesn't know how to be a friend so we told her to cut the woman loose..... She is doing her rehearsal thing I think and then also her volunteer work.... Her OA is going well.... Linda is off at her niece's wedding so not posting... Joyce and Arlene are doing okay... Arlene lost more pounds....... Now you see, this is where I start to fade abit.... sorry gals.... Melissa has posted, but not much and we are concerned for her...... Jessica has been absent for quite awhile and we are concerned about her......... Eva is entertaining DH's family members and contemplating retirement.... She gave up her bedroom and doesn't get to post much while they are visiting. Cheri is busy with summer school and looking forward to Vegas very much.... I'm missing things here, too...... sorry.... We have Peaches, whom I don't know very well yet... I think she is a friend of Janet and Phyll from Lucky #7's...... Phyll continues to be our exercise gal with water aerobics and such.... She and her dog have become fast friends and Zoey is charming the community with her personality.... even DH..... Gwen is another new gal and she is only just beginning her journey, but has jumped in with both feet... We learned that she is a travel agent so that can sure come in handy with future reunions!!!! She can't make Vegas even though she wants to ... She will be having knee replacement soon..... So, I think that just leaves me...... If I missed someone please forgive a drugged up old woman......I'm still waiting for news of an appointment to Mayo Clinic... Monday my GP's nurse called to say they had called to request the actaul CD's of my MRI and x-rays as they only had paper reports.... We figured that was a good sign..... Later I called GP's nurse to tell doctor that I'm having some rather severe side effects from the Flexeril she put me on a month ago and I wondered about a perscription for pain meds as the pain doctor seems to have dropped me..... She later called back and said that the doctor said to quit taking the Flexeril and go back to what I was on before but gave no perscription, and also said doctor was not comfortable with giving me pain meds..... I asked what I should do now, and was told it wasn't their problem.....I was dumbfounded............................ finally did get meds from my pain doc after having to make an appointment for next Monday... Wednesday I got a certified letter from my GP terminating our physician/patient relationship and that she would only see me on an emergency basis for 45 days... and I could look in the telephone book for a new doctor...... Her reasons were vauge and indifferent.... I tried to call to see what was going on but so far have received no response... As she is the doctor doing the referral to Mayo I am concerned about any repercussions from that. Yesterday I did talk to someone in the clinic's administration department... I told him my story and he was sympathic....told me I was always welcome at this clinic as I have been a patient for nearly 40 years.... all of my other doctors are there.....ie surgeons, OB-GYN, LB......... He said he would speak to the doctor and get back to me with a real reason..... So, I'm a basket case.....Well, actually I'm better since I unloaded on that guy....... So, there you have it...... My swiss cheese version of what's been happening.... Hope I didn't screw it up too bad ladies..... corrent any misrepresentations and forgive any ommissions... Well DH just came home early as it is raining...... Hugs............... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

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    Oops, they didn't all fit...... You can see one of my kitties........ Louis..... on the couch top sleeping.....
  23. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone....... I've been doing a little housekeeping today and decided to take the pictures I promised of out little remodel job..... As I stand in the kitchen you can see my long table and then into my living room.... The my new red kitchen wall...... there are a few changes but nothing major...... I'm proud of my living room wall that has a grouping of pictures of our parent's wedding pictures along with the last pictures taken of them before all died except my mother... then me and myDH and then our 3 kids...... 2 weeding pictures and then DD's engagement picture..... With the wall tatoo that says " Real Love Stories Never Have Endings". I really like that.... Also pictures of my new shelf units in living room and my big china hutch that DD had built for me when we were first married.. He love cystal so we have LOTS......... A very big job to clean it....... Hope this finds you all well and that you enjoy the pictures.... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning...... I'm actually up and have done a couple chores already.... Am coloring my hair at the moment...just waiting to wash it out.... I slept fairly well, considering we had to leave a cat inside... She needed some dewormer and we can't give her pills.... she fights and bites.... the other one takes them like a trooper, but she is terrible... crushed them and put them in food for her.... she did eat it all during the night. Laura, I'm sure it was a wonderful time, but home is as great place to be, too..... Rest up and tell us all about it.... Lori, sounds like lots of fun even with the sweating.... A nice memory for you and DH..... But what is Riverwalk???? Something like the place in San Francisco with the boardwalk?? can't say the name this minute, but have been there... dang sea gulls.....Fisherman's Warf..... I knew I knew it...... Laura K, sounds like a fun weekend.. We did that last Saturday here with our friends.. Got on their pontoon and rode down the Missouri River about 16 miles and back for the afternoon. I got a little sunburn, but not much... It was breezy and cool.... Was great.... Then went out for a wonderful supper....We need times like that to relax and enjoy..... Janet, I'm not techy enough to tackle a phone like that... Heck, we don't even have text on our cell phones... too dumb and cheap I guess.... I lived without it all these years and have been happy so don't miss it... I hope you enjoy it and get it to work properly... Of course you have a teenager in your house... they know all about that stuff..... Phyll and her toys are just a wonder to me..... Well, nice ladies, I'm off to the shower and should look younger soon.... I cut my hair some a couple days ago... Trying to make sure I'm in the the best place with my hair for the wedding... I perm mine and I really need one now, but want to wait till closer to October so the perm is at it's best...... Hope it works!!!!! I wish you all a good day and weekend.... We have a church picnic on Sunday and otherwise no big plans unless we take the boat to the lake... It's a half our drive to go and then we just like to drive... When we had the kids at home they like to tube and ski, but you won't catch me doing that..... DH won't put the boat in the river, as it is too big and he worries about hitting a sand bar..... I think we only went out once last summer...... Just too busy to have fun I guess...... We need to try harder..... Bye now..... hugs and prayers for all.......... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

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    Evening everyone, We have Mimi (3 year old granddaughter, Laromi) this evening so can't stay on long... right now she is out on the deck with her little beagle puppy talking up a storm and pulling the little thing around by the leash.... too cute!! I did finally get to talk to someone from the clinic... I called the administration department and spoke to a nice may who listened to my whole story... Of course by the time I got to the end I was crying, but he was very understanding.... I told him I needed to know why she dumped me and if I needed to go to a different clinic there better be a good reason.,. I have been a patient at this clinic for almost 40 years..... anyway, he told me that I was definately welcome at the clinic and hoped I would stay and he would talk to the doctor to find out the reason and call me back... Don't know how long that will take, but at least I got it off my chest to someone there.... I feel a bit better this evening.... Well, DH is having a time with Mimi so I'd better go.... Great, it's nice you can stay in touch while you are traveling.... Say Phyll, are you thinking of calling me when you go through Bismarck in August??? I hope so..... I think of it everytime you mention your trip... I'd love to drive down and meet you for lunch or something.... Gwen, WTG (way to go) with the exercise.... You did just great. I love water aerobics so Janet's suggestion is a great one.... Keep up the good work.... By the time you get those knees done and lose the weight you are going to feel like a million bucks.... Better go................. Have a great evening... the weekend is almost here... Hugs.......... Julie

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