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Mrs. Bubba

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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, it was a better night last night.... No major pain issues, but little ones.. I'd sleep and then wake and get a hot pack or then a cold pack and go back to sleep.... Was up 3 or 4 times I guess....But I did sleep in my bed.... I don't lots of times as the up and down is distubing to DH.... I did take it pretty easy yesterday and plan to today too..... Have a perm at noon.... Laura, I knew you would wow them at the medical place... Now can this volunteer thing lead to a real job?? or does it just look good on your resume`??? And as for the volunteering at school, it is my experience that there is a big decline in this all over the country and with lots of things besides school.. We have a teen center that I was instrumental in getting started in our little town over 10 years ago..... I put in lots of time and effort even after my DD was graduated and gone..... It's now in jeopardy of being closed as they can't get parents or other adults to volunteer 2-3 hours on an evening to keep it open.... Not good.... everyone is too busy with their own lives but still want their kids to have these things.... Don't know how they think that can happen if no one volunteers...... OK off my soap box.... Apples, forgot to say yahoo on the new car..... We need a picture........you in it!!!!! Do you have the dentist again today???? Laura K, moving to a new place can be hard when you don't know many people.... Work aquaintances are the most usual and not always the best ...... Does she do church.??? That's a good place to meet nice people....And there will be a bunch of nice people in Vegas around the 1st of October!!!! Lori, so glad you had a wonderful weekend... I'm sure it is a let down.... Now, do you like to eat that wild game your DH is bringing home?? I sure don't .... I always tell my husband to hunt all he wants, just don't bring anything home!!!! Well, I better get my little household chores done now before my hair appt.... When I come home I'm going to make Pigs in the Blanket (Cabagge rolls)... Someone gave DH a great big head of cabbage yesterday so thought I would make some... Will do enough so DD can have them for their supper, too...... Don't make them very often as you don't usually find the big heads of cabbage in the stores.... Oh, and it's bill paying day, too, so have all that to do, too.......Talk to you all later... Hugs.......... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Cheri, congratulations to you...... Grandchildren are just so special..... and there is just nothing like a newborn...... Enjoy.... Hope the Mommy is doing well and has an easy time..... God Bless.... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening ladies, Thankful Tuesday......... I'm very thankful for my wonderful husband everyday of every week..... He was a gift from God and I sometimes tend to forget just how precious he is when life gets in the way..... I'm very thankful for all of you...........one of my best decisions was to stay on this thread..... I'm thankful for wonderful family and friends and I'm even thankful for my health.... Sounds funny coming from me, but things could be way worse than chronic pain... I could be dying of one thing or another... I'm also thankful my Mayo appointment is only a week away now....... Apples, welcome home........ glad you had the pleasure of little people in your life this weekend... Our little girls just left... DH didn't work today and we had them from 3 to 6...... they played nicely and were delightful most of the time.... One had an accident that took a lot out of me to clean up, but I made it.... congrats on being surprised with DH doing his own laundry .... What a nice treat.... Eva, welcome home from your little trip.... I'm sure it was fun...... Soon you will be able to do even more traveling..... well, I suppose DH is still going to be working, so maybe that won't be so much just yet, but I know you are going to enjoy retirement.... Janet, hope you work settles down now for the rest of the week..... Did you get your pictures and story sent in?? I'm rooting for you to be chosen as the new spokesperson.... You'll be great.. Melissa, gosh I'm sorry things are so tough right now... Your DH is feeling helpless and is reacting from his feelings of failure to fix.... Men like to fix things... Just do what you must and soon it will all be behind you... I would bet part of your problems medically are from stress, too... Hope you are better soon... Jessica......ditto what all the others have said... let's hope things will straighten out after you talk to the school..... How are you doing??????? Judy, how's the real puppy doing??? No regrets about losing the other one??? Jodi, welcome back..... I'm sure you need time to catch up again.... come back when you get a minute..... Linda, hugs on whatever is wrong... Family problems are the pits.... Also too bad you have to back off the exercises, but don't want to have anything bad happen... You take care of yourself...... Joyce, it's good you got your computer problems solvede... have fun getting your new one all set up.... Cheri, wish you could have had our weather today... A nice 69 with a little breeze.... wonderful...... At least you are home now and can chill..... Do you get to keep a fan going in your room???? I'm sure the singing did your heart good.... I'm happy for you.... take it easy now... will your weather break soon???? Arlene, this baby just has a mind of her own already... She will be a joy...... I was induced 5 weeks early with my DD because I was very sick.... It still took her 23 1/2 hours to come.... She's been making me wait her whole life..... Laura, suppose you have had a busy day... hopefully a good one.... let us know how things went for you... Laura K, how is your week looking???? Phyll is winding down from the wedding weekend I'm sure and Lori is still not back on..... I'm sure she had a busy weekend, too Gwen isn't back yet..... when do we expect her??? Susan, welcome.... this is a great place... tell us a little about yourself...... It feels like I missed someone, but can't think who..... We haven't heard from Pam or Peaches for quite some time now again... hope you are both doing well.... I didn't do a whole lot today.... had an afternoon nap and had a terrible time waking up and getting motivated until the girls came at 3:00.... We just finished supper so I need to go put things away and settle in for the evening.... DH just refilled the hot tub, so I make go for a soak....... tomorrow I have a perm scheduled.... I wanted to get it befor Mayo and then it will be in a very good stage for the wedding... I'm looking forward to it as I hate it when my hair is straight and without any body..... I should look presentable by the time for our Vegas trip.... So, you all have a good evening and I'll talk to you all later..... Good night friends.... I'm thankful for all of you..... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello..........I only have a couple minutes until DH and Mimi come and we have to leave.. take Mimi to her mother and go get my mother to take her to Bismarck... She needs a new dryer and can't seem to do it without me and DH.... He has a day off because of rain so we are going to go get it done...... I'm the same so won't even go there!!!! Phyll, the pictures are wonderful...... Your family is great, but you, my dear, look positively glowing..... the hair and makeup are so becoming to you.... I'll bet you had a fairy tale time!!!! Laura K, glad your weekend was nice with family, too.... sometimes the more relaxed times with no special events are the nicest..... Laura, sounds like you have a plan and that's half the battle..... I'm sure you will get the job....who wouldn't want you!!!!!! Melissa, I don't know who wouldn't want you either.... Silly people don't know a good employee when they see one..... Hugs and good luck on the hunt.... Are you feeling better?? Cheri, good luck with the kids today..... and wow.... what a deal with the choir.... I'd jump at the chance, too.... I hope it all works out well for you.... It's an honor to be selected..... I'm a high soprano, too.... Can't sing low without changing my voice and then I get no volume... And I have a big mouth!!!!!! Maybe we'll have to find a karaoke bar in Vegas!! I've only ever sung one song, but I'm willing..... Janet, I can enjoy the peace and quiet of my house, too... It's just that......peaceful.... I can do things at my own pace and its a good thing, but don't want it for too long... then I get bored and need some company.... Arlene, did that baby make it yet??? I'm sure you are getting so anxious.... I would be too... Let us know when you can. Jessica, you, too, are a great mother and it shows with all you volunteering and such... We never got to do that sort of thing here when my DD was little.... Good luck at school and your 5k training... Lori, was your weekend all you hoped??? Apples should be back tomorrow..... Oops, gotta go... my family calls........ Love you all, have a good day... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi girls, I'm up in the middle of the night, too.... Went to sleep about 11:00 in my chair, but woke up at 12:30 with pain... I thought I was going to get off easy tonight, but no such luck...... I took an easy day today.. Went with DD and Mimi for a little shopping in Bismarck this morning... Was looking for a black slip and bra to go under my MOB dress... We went into Dress Barn and DD started looking at black dresses for me... I already bought my dress a while back and she approved of it then, but now she isn't sure it's fancy enough.... MOB is to be fancy like the bride she says!! Well now I'm not sure what to do.... Thought I had it all under control.. I didn't find anything I wanted today.... So now I can add that back on my list.... And I didn't find a bra or slip.. Lane Bryant had no slips... Told be to go to Herberger..... Anyway, Janet it is 9/9 for my Mayo appointment... A week and a half to go..... I'm starting to fear that they won't help me either and I'm doomed to do this forever.... Gotta keep a positive thought but it gets hard when this happens every day..... Love the before and afters............... what you wrote sounds just fine... and just like you.... Good luck.... I'm sure you'll be a great spokesperson..... Cheri, hugs on your niece.... Gosh I hope they can figure things out.... I love the way you describe yourself...... I would love to be talk and regal rather than tall and misshapen....... You take a break this weekend and rest up now..... Melissa, glad to hear you are on the mend.... just stick with it so you don't have a relapse... You need that rafting party... sounds fun..... Laura K, sounds like a fune weekend again with your family...... I have never made salsa.... Well, once, and it was too watery.. do you can yours then or just have it fresh in the fridge?? Those darn chips... I have found that I like those little flavored rice cakes.... dont' care for the big ones, but these little ones that come in a bag are very good... and low on calories... I try to keep these around, but I did buy some crunchie cheezies one day and had to have some..... Didn't hurt, just didn't help either.... gotta do some of that occassionally just to feel normal..... I'm eating a grape popsicle right now.. It feels so good on my mouth that is still so ucky these days... I think it might be getting a bit better since that Flexeril is getting out of my system... No more dreams and no more weight gain... Actually have lost a few that I got a while back... Hope to be back to my norm by Vegas.... Linda, gosh I hear you about kids..... some days it seems like they will never not be our responsiblity.... If I took all the money we have spent in the last 3 years on our 3 kids, DH and I could have one helluva month long vacation abroad someplace..... And he wouldn't have to work 15 hour days like he has been lately just for some extra cash....... He has worked 77 1/2hours this week.... At least he doesn't have to work tomorrow and they are about done with wheat which is the big push right now.... Yeah..... I could use having him around home more...... I've spent some very alone days and would rather have him around moe.... Merry's pictures look great.... DH I presume????? He looked good, too... Merry will be running like a pup soon..... that is wonderful for all of you. Good luck with the hip replacement parts... Hope it turns out to not be an issue for you. Phyll, you and DH look so nice... glad you are having a great day.... Dance a little for me... Pretty baby... but aren't they all.. enjoy.... Eva, I hate the accumulations of cat hair...... It gets into everything.. And I try so hard to keep a clean house... I hate to see what comes out in the dryer lint trap when I was blanket/throws that we keep by our chairs in the living room...... But that's the breaks when you have cats..... Off you go to Baltimore... you are the travelors... and not afraid to just go any old time.. Wish my DH was a bit more like that.... I have to work on him for a while to get him to decide to do something fun... Have a great time... See you back here with a report on Tuesday..... Arlene, sorry your local boys didn't make it to the finals..., but what an accomplishment anyway... Walking with a 2 year old will be a challenge... Do you have one of those cute little backpack leashes??? They have them at Walmart... I tried that with Mimi a couple times, but since I couldn't lift her I was at her mercy if she wanted to stop... Had a terrible time getting her off the playground... and pulling on the lease was harder on my than lifting her... Good luck and let us know when that baby arrives.... Well our other girls must all be out enjoying life... I want that !!!! Instead of sitting awake at night with pain... I'm wondering about Judy and her puppy.... She seems to be pretty busy these days...... Do you suppose she'll want to "foster" this one???? time will tell... Well I should try to get back to sleep... Mimi is staying over and she asked to go to bed in my bed with Papa...... This is just fine.. I spend so much time up stairs in my recliner that a night without my bed is no big deal.....Today is DF's birthday so DD and some friends drove down to Bismarack to meet him after work for a nice little celebrations... I'm so happy with the life my daughter and fiancee are leading right now... I prayed and prayed that life would give her good things one day... I think that day has arrived and I couldn't be happier......Aside from the piercings and tatoees, we couldn't have picked a finer young man.... So we just look past the piercings and tatoos and see the good man and father that he is.... What a blessing... Night ladies..... Hope we all can get some rest ..... so we can enjoy our Sunday... Love you all very much, oh and welcome to the new gal.... You'll love it here... Just jump in and share about yourself... We are very open and honest around here... Hugs and prayers............ Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all, it's almost 8:30 and I'm still home alone... It's been a long day and even though my pain is bad now, I'm feeling bored or lonely or whatever... DD went to HS football game with friends... DF is just getting home sometime soon from work... Mimi is with my mother and Mom loves every minute... now that she is recovered from her surgery she can handle things again... She finished the big bouquets of altar flowers for the wedding today... One more thing off the list... I think tomorrow I will tackle the programs.... Will try to do them myself and then just take them to the printer.... saves money... Do I sound cheap???? Anyway the wedding stuff is mostly all on target.... I won't start baking cakes until after Mayo..... and oh my goodness am I ready for Mayo... I'm just not feeling well at all the last couple days.. Not really sick but just not good... I need a new lease on life..... I got my apple bars done today... they turned out guite good considering the apples were so sour... A friends tree came down in the wind and had to do apples before they were ready.... I have a big tree in the backyard and we don't use ours until after the first good frost... so they sweeten up ..... Very good apples.... And I'm out of frozen ones so need to put some up this year... If I'm up to it or course..... Arlene, the name is so pretty.... I hope the baby likes the schedule you all have picked out..... Now please tell me what are NB shoes...?? I'm not into shoes so don't know what you all are talking about.... Linda, what a good bit of news about your Merry.... She's almost back to her old self.... Maybe better.... I'm sure you will have fun with DGD doing her project for school.... Is she 4 yet.??? Well gals, can't sit here anylonger... Need to try to break up this pain... I know I sound like a broken record.... Sorry you have to put up with it...... Take care and I'll talk to you all later..... Love you.... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good Morning, Well, Lori, you guessed pretty correctly.... I did go strainght to bed after I posted..... Took some Tylenol and put a cold cloth on my forehead and fell asleep until 4:30 when I got up to the bathroom and then went back until 8:30...... I think my problem is some spider bites I got a few days ago....One on my right wrist and then up about 3 inches on my forearm..... they are incredibly itching and are red and inflammed... Kinda driving me crazy.... they should start improving soon I would think.. Have fun with your girls weekend..... CO has a hunting season this early?? Ours dono't start until later.... Birds first and then deer and such later on..... My DH sort of gave up hunting after his best friend's COPD got too bad for him to enjoy it.... How is DD feeling these days??? Must be starting to look pregnant by this time.... Fun times for you... enjoy..... Janet, you are so petite that 4 or 2 look very good on you... I, on the other hand am not small.... I'd look dead in a 4 or 3..... I have some 18-20 in pants but mostly just keep wearing the 22's.......they are nice and comfortable.... Most of my shirts are an 18-20, but it depends on the cut and style.... I would be very happy with a 14 or even 16...... Don't even think about it much these days... Spend too much time dwelling on my pain... Phyll, good to hear from you... Sounds like you have a full schedule.... Is this the wedding weekend????? Have a great time..... Next year maybe we can plan a few days so I can take you to Minot and such.... Would be fun..... Jodi, enjoy your time with Dassi getting ready for school..... If's she's like most girls her age she will be very into the current styles and know exactly what she wants...... Summer is coming to an end pretty fast around here.... Your last days on Fire Island should be great... Jessica, sounds like you are getting into a routine already... I think that's great for both you and Jake.. Take care and keep up the good work on you 5k training.. Linda, how is Merry today??? Cheri, how is school going ? Are you bogged down already?? Take is easy... Arlene will get those recipes in the mail today I hope... Hope that baby comes soon.... I'm sure you are so anxious.. We'll be looking forward to pictures.... Laura, the weekend is here..... do you have big plans for your first grader??? have fun.... Sorry you had such a bad week, but just think, you got it all over with in a short time.... should be clear sailing from here on out... Judy, what's up??? Laura K, Hope you and BF have a good weekend, too... Going out to the water again??? Joyce, how are you doing today.... + Eva, I'm sure you have a project lined up for the weekend.... take some time to rest, too.... Gwen is still out there having fun I guess..... Apples should be enjoying the lake again... She didn't say anything about dentist this week so about time she had a break from pain, too... Melissa, are you feeling any better today?? Hope so... Well, this is about enough of this typing... My one cat just won't stay away from my hands..It's hard to type with a cat trying to get you to pet her all the time.... Now she is drinking from my water glass... just being al little pest today............ Must bake a bit today.... DF has a birthday tomorrow and he doesn't like cake, so am making him apple bars....at his request.... So, off I go.... You all have a great weekend, sorry if I missed anyone.... not purposely.... Hugs and prayers to all................. Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, sorry for not posting more today, but I'm just not feeling well.....especially tonight... I have a headache and my jaws hurt..... Like I'm clenching my teeth.... Need to sleep.... I read all the posts and caught up on everyone... you all take care and I'll try to visit more in the morning.... Sweet dreams... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning............. I just lost my post but it was my own fault.... pushed the wrong button and couldn't take it back..... I hate it when that happens.... Jessica, glad Jake is off to another day at school without any carryover from yesterday... He'll be fine.... Linda, glad Merry is doing better... She will find her new way now and be so much better than with that large tumor on her leg.... Eva, finding a good financial guy was a miserable job when we did it.... DH talked to so many and it was difficult to make a decision... Then the first thing that happened was the big fall................. How discouraging... but we are fine now... Hope you find just the right people for your needs.... Arlene, I've just quit guessing what this problem is anymore... I've brought up all the things from my medical history only to be told no..... so, I'm just going to wait and see what new eyes can find..... YEs, I will share my bar reicpes, but it'll take a bit to get them together... Look for a letter in the mail one of these days.. OKay, I need to get ready to head to Bismarck... Need to see the chiropractor and then some wedding shopping.... I don't know how I'll fill my days when this wedding is in the past.... Does Lori come home today?? I think so... Will be good to hear from her.. Apples, whats on your plate today?? How are you handling all the cooking you usually do while you are home... Not too many weeks left for you lake place I suppose..as harvest will be here soon for you..... Hi to everyone else.... Hope to hear from you when I get back.... Have a good day.... HUgs............ Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Well, I don't feel sleep coming on anytime soon.... Pain is quite bad right now.... nothing is working so must find ways to try to trick my mind into not caring.... It's hard to do that....... I flit from computer to tv to bathtub........ waiting for something to let up.... No fun.... Apples, you have had so many deaths in your life these last few months... It's time for a break...... hope you are back to normal eating soon.... I love your sunporch idea..... A quiet time with nature and God is very nice. When will your harvest start..... September I suppose... DH and his employers are done with peas, working hard on wheat and the beans are about ready to go, too..... And so far have been binning all of it because of the storage rates at the elevator..... Lots of work...... But DH is back to his old self this week... Last week was a bummer for him.... My prayers will go out to your friend... wish her comfort and peace... I remember seeing her name early on when I started here... We just never know what can happen.... Jessica, sorry that little Jake had a hard time at school.... I'm sure he was so relieved to see you... Kids can be so cruel, too.... Hope you get it all worked out so he is happy and safe... Cheri, your family situation sounds interesting, but challenging....I'll pray that you find the best possible conclusion to this concern..... having something in writing like Janet said sounds like good advice... Janet, congrats on tank top.. I wear them all the time... but my arms aren't my big problem area... Now shorts.....there is something I won't be caught dead in with these legs!!! Well this is about as long as I can stand sitting here, so better flit off to something else..... and maybe another pain pill....... I hate these nights.... I have to go to Bismarck tomorrow to get a perscription for my foot.... NP says is it not fungal and most likely a sever strain of excema..... Hope her fancy cream will help.. I also have spider bites on my right wrist and arm... That itching is making me crazy, too...... Just falling apart and wondering if I'll ever feel good again.... NIght all..............have a good sleep... Love to all.... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Janet, spaghetti salad is a Pasta salad made with cooked spaghetti..... 1# cooked spaghetti 1 diced tomato 1 diced bell pepper 1 diced onion 1 sliced cucumber Italian dressing of your choice and as much as you like 1/2 bottle McCormack Salad Supreme seasoning... Mix and chill..... Very good, and a bit spicy... The salad supreme stuff is spicy so I only use half a bottle... recipe calls for the whole thing.. Mimi came home from school and had to call me right away... so excited......Teacher said she did well, just wasn't good at standing in line waiting..... Not unexpected if you ask me...... Well, I'm lazy and haven't settled on anything major to do today... Maybe I will just chill all day..... Do need to go do my hair now that it's dry.... Take care... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, I had to get up early today so had DH wake me before he left for work.... Had another late night... Enough said!!! My Mimi stopped by before going to school so Gramma could see her in her cute outfit and backpack... Will add some pictures at the end here if I can.... Had a terrible time getting them loaded on my computer... My camera is getting old.... time for an update.... Arlene, so far I have made pecan, mixed nut, dream (brown sugar w/coconut and butter crust) lemon, toffee, brownies, choc chip oatmeal, and date bars and then little butter Cookies with orange frosting and a black "S" on them for the new last name... Sweeney... I managed to make them all without really eating any!! I did have a lemon bar.....and just a bite of the date.... Still plan to do some more cookies, but not sure what kind and then do Sour cream raisin, carmel, apple (DF loves apples pie and these are like that) and Cereal bars with the choc frosting, and kuchen bars....... most of those have to wait a while... don't freeze as well as the others... Good luck to your GS at the fair...What is the spray you use for your mouth? I'll try anything.. Cheri, don't worry about the Cymbalta.... I'm just reducing it for right now... Will wait to see about Mayo before stopping altogether.... The crying comes from the pain and that still happens when it gets really bad.... Linda, poor Merry.... I'm sure you are taking good care of her and she will be better when the time is right... She needs to feel better and she will let you know when that is.... take it easy... Eva, glad you're memorial was nice.... Saying goodbye can be very hard sometimes... I love peach jam... My mother makes the best, but doesn't much anymore since my dad died 14 years ago... He loved jelly with his bread at every mealo..... I do miss that and chokecherry.......MMMMMM Well, soon time for my Young and the Restless, so I want to jump in the before then... don't know what I'll do today... You all have a great day.... Karen, are you back??? When does Lori come home again???? Pictures are of Mimi and her new puppy, Vinnie and then of going off to school this morning... so big..... Love ya.... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, you made it.... and he looks just fine.... cute pictures.... Jessica, I'm sure Jake is fine, too.... Cheri, how awful for your niece/sister about the seizures... How old is the niece??? and you, I can sure relate about the medication problems..... I talked to my new NP this morning about just that... We have decided to take me off of the Cymbalta on a gradual basis... She thinks it is the culprit for making my mouth so weird.... popsicles and gum are getting old... nothing helps my mouth anymore... except the momentary thrill of cold from the popsicle and the first few chews of gum... Gum gives me a headache.... so I chew a few minutes and then get rid of it.... I now have 54 dozen bars and cookies done for the wedding... My mother is making a big batch of cream wafers (DD's favorites).... so that's about 12 dozen more fancy ones.... they are sandwiched and them Mom makes cute little flowers on the tops... Don't know what I'll do for entertainment when the wedding is over.... of course it will be time for Christmas by then..... Man, the time flies.... Except for my Mayo appointment.... seems as though it is takig for ever.... I just finished making a spaghetti salad for supper... Will go great with some roast pork in the fridge... DH like salads... So, I think I'm going to sit for a spell and read or something.. I feel the need for a pain pill coming on.... Usually about 4:00 I start to feel things coming..... CBL.......... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    [ Morning.... I actually woke up by 9:00 today.... DH was long gone and I didn't even hear him at all..... We went from 100 yesterday to 62 this morning with only a high of 73 expected... Now this is my kind of day.... Am going to go see my new NP this morning for a rash I have on one foot..,. it itches so bad that I need something.... Melissa, so glad you are feeling better about things.... Sorry you caught a cold, but you can stay home and nurse yourself appropriately and get over it quick... Thanks for the good wishes and you know we are all just here for each other... It's what this thread (friendshsip group) is all about.... Linda, quite a workout....good for you... Yes, those kids say the darnedest things... One should actually write them down for ammunition for when they get older and more mouthy...... Hope you had a relaxing day....... Cheri, congrats on 160..... I don't see that in my future, but would dearly love to be 199...... After a lifetime of over 300, 199 seems heavenly.... I guess just being healthy and comfortable is my goal.... I bet you look awesome can't wait to see you in Vegas.... Yes, I like the music best, too..... But I'm sure your little tour of the stations of Christ was beautiful... Jessica, WTG on the 5k thing.... You are doing so well.. Having your DH with you will just make it easier... Something to do together... That's nice... Thanks for the vote of confidence..... Nice of the boss to pitch in a bit.... Hope Jake has a great new year at school, too..... Arlene, I hope the DS moving in is just a temporary thing.... I know from personal experience that even the best intentions can go wrong when kids move home... We have lost DH's daughter now... all because we helped them.... I pray for a much better experience for you... Judy, yes, that gal was rude.... some people only think about themselves..... doesn't occur to them that you were offended, but if you did it to her, she would throw a hissy fit....... Are you going to share anything more about this little puppy of yours??? I'm really curious now... and no, you can't lose 20 by tomorrow unless you cut off a foot or something... then you can't dance so no good there...... have fun.... Laura K, glad you had a nice weekend.... the outside church sounds pleasant..... We usually do that each year at our church.... but those who normally host it at their home by the river are the friends who are dealing with the brain aneurysms, so we have to pass this year.. Janet, nice to take a little break from the usual.... You are such a good role model.... glad you had a restful weekend.... now back at it again.... have a good week.. Laura, yes, you get a medal..... but don't drink the fancy drink..... You'll regret it... Enjoy your day and be ready for a whirlwind to come home after school..... I'm sure he'll have a million things to tell you and be ravishingly hungry..... Yes. we are missing Jodi again... I can't keep up with her schedule..... Eva, Joyce, Apples, Lori, Peaches, Gwen, Phyll, and any I forgot by name here..................... Hope you had a great weekend and wish you a wonderful week.... I need to go get myself ready to go up to the clinic.... It's so nice out, but rather windy....supposed to storm a bit I think...... TaTa...... talk to you all later....Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Sunday girls...... I did say a prayer for all of us in church today, and especially for Cheri and her kids, as she asked..... I'm so thankful to live where I do and not have to worry about those things... Although they are not completely unheard of, it is a very rare occurance around here.... My little Mimi starts preschool on Tuesday and we have only those worries that go with your baby going off to school.... You stay safe, too, Cheri,..... God has special plans for your life that you can do these things....and so well..... Laura, thank you for your wishes and comments... the rest of you, too, for that matter..... I have been through the ringer and it's not over yet.. I only got a couple hours of sleep last night again... I will need a nap today... We are to have 102 this afternoon.... With our humidity, that's the kind of day when most don't even attempt to work outside.... too hot to go to the lake even!!!! Anyway, I know you will have an emotional week, but he is such a sweet boy and you know that this is what you want for him..... to grow into a wonderful person, smart and confident... You and Nael are giving this to him ..... you are good parents and he is a great little boy..... And I'm not at all surprised to know that Apples sent him a package... She is so thoughtful....... We are blessed to know her... Arlene, I had a surgery back in 2004 like you are talking about..... I had such a terribly big fatty apron that hung down half way to my knees.... Even though I wasn't anywhere near as small as I am now (sounds weird to use the word small about myself!!) I was able to have a panniculectomy to remove that roll of fat and insurance paid because as I lost weight it pulled on my back..... One of the greatest gifts I was given... It weighed 36 pounds.......Wow..... so glad that is gone..... I'm hoping to figure a way to get insurance to let me get my legs done when I am closer to goal.... Like in about 50 pounds or so.... They definitely make waking more difficult and such... I guess I'll just have to wait and see.... I hate my legs... You'll see what I mean when we get to Vegas....... I'm envious of you gals and the water aerobics... I still can't because I am not able to pull myself up out of the water onto the ladder....My shoulder and neck won't take it..... I love to do them.... I'd love to do the walking, too, but I tire so easy still..... I won't be winning any races anytime soon.... Linda, glad you got your unfill and that it did the trick for you.... I pb'd this morning at breakfast over a bit of scrambled eggs.... What the world!!!!! I did manage to get a bit down after I threw up..... What fun in a restaurant..... And sleeping in is good for a body once in a while... I take sleep whenever I can get it these days.... Most of the gals must be having a busy weekend.... I hope it is all fun and relaxing... I hear my chair calling me, so think I will sign off for now... TTYL........... be cool............ Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening ladies...... I only have energy for a selfish post..... Just wanted to report that today is my 2nd bandiversary....... What I have been through in those 2 years is almost amazing to me and it still finds me struggling..... I've lost over 100 pounds but the last 10 have been lost more that a couple times I think..... I'm sure hoping that by the 3rd things will be all turned around and I will be on to a much better version of me... I'm so happy to not be what I was 2 years ago, but had envisioned so much more than this by now... thanks for all your support through this up and down time.... I appreciate it more than you could ever know.... Hugs, prayers, and much love................ Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello friends, I'm doing a bit better with being awake today,.. I actually did a couple things this morning.... But didn't sleep most of the night... pain just wouldn't let go..... Took a shower about 6:30 and then laid on the bed with a wet head and fell asleep..... makes for a great hair day!!! Laura K, have a great birthday weekend..... sounds fun and relaxing... Happy Birthday to you........ Joyce, I have trouble just using my phone to make calls.... We don't even have texting on our contract.... don't care to do it.... I wish you luck with your phone... We do Alltell and now I hear they have been bought out by AT&T.... got a letter saying things will remain the same for the present, but sometime in the future we will have to get new phones...... comparable to what we have is on them, any upgrade is on us.... Just what we need.... changing phones... DH has only had one for a bit over a year.... Well, DH is off this morning... We have high humidity and the harvesting in tough..... He may have to go in later, but hopefully not for long as I asked friends to come for supper... Just doing simple... All I have to do is peal some peaches to have with sugar and cream for dessert, and put some dressing on my cucumber salad.... and then cook some fresh beans and peas from Mom's garden...... these are the friends who just came from Mayo after her brain surgery.. She's finally up to going out and thought we could just relax together.... Mimi is out of her procedure on her teeth... She has two cavities and one was actually abscessed..... No wonder she was complaining of her cheek hurting.... It was the tooth... poor baby.... She should be much better now... I tried to tell DD not to give her so much juice, but she didn't heed my warnings... I always gave her milk when she was here unless she begged for juice.... Live and learn I guess. Why is it kids have to figure things out for themselves...???? Anyway, my little Mimi should be home here soon and I can give her a big hug.... Jessica, I, too, have never heard of a doctor telling someone not to eat breakfast, but I also agree with Joyce that whatever works for you is good... Well, off to do some odds and ends... I need to swiffer my floor a bit... I can see cat hair as I haven't done it for a couple days.... Amazing what carpet hides that is so easy to see on bare floor.... Have a great day ladies.... Oh, I sure didn't hold up my end on the "no pain" plan..... I was hoping a positive attitude would help... Bye... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening ladies........... well I salvaged my day and got a few things done... Laundry is all caught up..... took care of some errands I needed to do, went through my fridge and felt like that new commercial on tv about how much food we throw away each year... I had fogotten about some romaine and leafy lettuce in a flat tupperware.... Kept ignoring it I guess,,,, it grew...... uch!!!!! did some other kitchen stuff and then DH came home unexpectedly at 2:00..... it rained a bit and they had to shut down.... I convinced him to take a shower and a much needed nap..... they went back out again to try and go but it didn't so they moved outfits and he was home a bit after 6....... asked for eggs and sausage for supper.... easy......... so he is doing better tonight..... Laura, so intersting about the fruit flavored smoke.... not sure I want to try it, though....... Lauri, I'm with you.... I feel a new sense of committment about to come over me... We'll have those few pounds off again before we know it..... I had an intersting conversation with a friend today and don't know what to make of it.... I tried to be supportive, but part of me was very skeptical.... She has lupus and it has taken her renal system out.. She needs a kidney transplant but everything keeps stopping it..... and she is so dead set against dialysis.... Well last week she went to a week long retreat in MN with some well-known healing minister. He did his thing and has told her that the reason she didn't get her transplant is because she doesn't need one... The Lord has healed her and her kidneys will be like new soon.... She said he put his hands on her and she dropped to the floor and can't remember anything for a few minutes.... She is now convinced she is cured and is going in to have tests done to prove it... I would love for this to be true, for her.... I'm just not as sure as she is... I do believe in miracles, but I'm just going to hate it if this doesn't happen for her... She will be devasted.... It's hard to know what to say to her.... I said I was so happy to hear her sounding so good and that it will be wonderful for her to feel good again.... I joked and asked why she didn't take me with her!!! And I half meant it..... Anyway.... I guess we will see if her faith will make her well..... You all have a good night.... Hugs.......... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, hope you all are having a good day.... So far, mine has been a nothing day... That's what I've done.... Was up til after 4:00 with this dang problem of mine... then I can't wake up in the morning.... Watched my Y & R, and then had a nap.... Isn't that something....??? I'm determined not to let the whole day escape without accomplishing something constructive.... I made the mistake of not getting on here yesterday and I had 4 pages to read as a punishment.... Wow, lots to try to remember with this half drugged up head..... Laura, you are such a normal mother......especially one with only one child.... I was like that, too.... The day I took Kayla to kindergarten, I had such a hard time leaving her there..... She shooshed me away and was terribley embarrassed by me.... Just try to enjoy every single stage as they pass so fast... Jessica had it right when she said that one thing goes but other good things come in it's place.... Even when they are older that is still true... My relationship with DD is definitely changed now that she has the love of her life.. She doesn't need me so much anymore... Mimi is having a procedure tomorrow... being put under to fix 4 teeth..... I wasn't even asked to come along..... My baby!!!!! But DF took the day off and they are doing this together... the way it should be.... So, I have more of my time back again... Some days I like it, others I don't.... Apples, glad you and Phyll and her DH had a nice visit... I would love to have had more time... but I could see they were tired and I knew my shoulder was going to go on me.... Had to make a hasty exit... I'm also so glad to hear that you are doing better.... I'm ready for your teeth project to be over.. Thinking of you doing all this without pain meds is shuddering.... I'm ready for you to be pain free again... Janet, sorry about the drama..... it happens and continues to happen no matter how old.... It's all in how we handle it I think... glad this one passed rather quickly.... I'm just amazed at your determination to exercise... You are amazing... Lori, have fun packing and more fun being a tourist... That's someplace I've never been and DH has no desire.. He bases his opinion on what he saw when he was a kid going to and coming from Viet Nam...... Doesn't care to go back, so I'm stuck I guess, unless we make one of our get-to-gethers there!!!! Oh, and I can't do chicken either.... Took Bailey out to lunch one day when I had to have her alone without Mimi.... She wanted chicken strips... So we shared... I ate a half and had to go throw up.......I find that drummies or wings go down easier..l... I like them best.... Judy, glad you had a nice time at the wedding... Now where is it you found this new "Puppy".... Is he house trained??? We need to hear more, girl.... Phyll, hope you guys are having better days now and making your way east with more ease.... have fun..... Eva, this waking up with pain crap is for the birds, isn't it.... I wish us all to be pain-free................. at least for a week!!!!!! 29 and dropping... WTG.. Laura K, how are things... I believe you have a birthday coming on Saturday..... any big plans????? Linda, you are so busy flitting here and there.... Your little GD must just love to be with you... All this talk of little boys and their mischeviousness.... I had a girl who could be right there with them... and Mimi isn't far behind. She loves bugs... She likes to let ants crawl up her arm..... What a kid... OK, my mind is starting to fail me now.... I think it was Gwen who has the uninformed doctor..... but this is commom.... I nearly last April because ERdocs didn't bother to check me out, just unfilled my band and let me walk out of there with a gut full of infection.... nothing at all to do with my band..... Don't believe this guy... He doesn't know what he is talking about.... Kurby, you and Gwen listen well to these ladies... they know what they are talking about... Jessica, your life is sounding so busy already, but you are well prepared for it I think..... I'm so glad you are doing better now... I just know this is what you are meant to do and you will be an awesome nurse.... Joyce, how are things....?? Is your daughter doing better now??? Hope so.... Jodi, must be gone again..... we'll have a good story again soon... Arlene, how are you doing..?? Is that FM in check right now.... It is so weird to realize the weather can do that to you...... Hope all is well... Cheri, must be busy, haven't heard from her for a day or two..... Melissa, good luck at your job fairs... I hope you get some good leads.... Well, who'd I miss??? Speak up so I can fix it.... don't mean to forget..... I need to go get dressed!!! (I told you I was a slug today!!) and then find something to do..... Oh, poor DH has had a few bad days at work... Monday the breaks failed him on a big farm truck loaded with grain and he went through a road arm.... Not his fault and he tried so hard to stop;..... Tuesday was some other little thing.... Harvesting wheat now and there is lots of trucking and unloading and whatever.... Yesterday while putting wheat in an older grainery he was fixing a bit on the one next to it and something broke and he had 200 bushel of wheat on the ground before he could get it stopped.... He was a basket case when he got home at 8:00.... Then he spent from that time until after 11:00 working with DF to make a dog house for their little beagle who is causing havoc in their home.... He had a piece of cinnamon bread and went to bed only to not sleep until after 3...... he should have come upstairs where I was and we could have played cards... He says he is better today and nobody scolded him or anything.... But he needs to slow down... 13-14 hour days at 62 1/2 is not the best idea... we don't need the money that bad.... So he gets leftovers for supper tonight, but he's very good about that..... Well, off I go to quit being a slug..... take care all and remember now, we shooting for no pain....... I'll try to hold up my endd, but no promises...... love you all... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody, I'm back home again.... Really enjoyed meeting and visiting with Phyll and her DH..... Now she and I look like Mutt and Jeff standing next to each other... She is quite short and I'm quite tall......but I hugged her like you all asked...... Earl was busy trying to get his Direct TV going... He seemed to be in better spirits... I tried to take them to supper, but they declined and just wanted to get comfortable and enjoy the evening... I would have stayed longer, but guess what....... My shoulder started in on me and I just wanted to cry.... I took a pain pill, but needed ice and all that other junk I do when it hits, so had to say good bye early... Will get to visit with her more in Vegas and Earl says they will stop again on next year's trip to NY.... This time we will take time as they used to live in ND in the 70's..... Would love to show them how things have changed.... Anyway, I must take care of myself now.... I had put supper in the crock pot this morning expecting them to be here for supper, but plans changed... So my house is smelling good and no one here to eat it but me..... Pork ribs with sauerkraut........ DH's favorite, but he didn't get home until after 9 last night... Take care all... I'll be back later..... Oh, and Zoey is just as cute as her pictures.... just a little thing.... TTYL........... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning guys, I just talked to Phyll on the phone.... they are about 200 miles away from Bismarck..... they are having a bad time and Phyll isn't feeling any better..... I will go to Bismarck to meet them... not a problem at all..... Well, the posts since I last read have been a little more upbeat.... that's good to hear... Hope all are doing fine... I am waiting to hear from Apples, too... We need to know how she is.... She is just like that old watch commercial..... she takes a licking and goes on ticking........ Gosh I hope this is the end of her woes.... I must now go rethink my day.... had planned on Phyll being here later, so put supper in the crock pot... DH will have plenty to chew on for a few days..... Take care girls.... Be back later with a report on our meeting.... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening, ..... I'm tired and need to set down and since DH isn't home thought I would try to write a bit... Melissa, so sorry about the loss of your job, but I'm riding the same wagon as the other girls..... That job was dragging you down and now you are out from under it... Better things are on the way.... Trust God......and keep talking to Him and us!!!!!!!! Linda, great pictures.... and you are looking so skinnny... no lie..... WTG girl..... Cheri, you hit the right mark with your post to Melissa. I'm glad we are friends who think alike.... cuz I've been there, done that, too..... It does get better... Lori, WTG on the exercise.... Janet, you too..... You guys are awesome..... I swept the garage floor a little and then sprayed down the driveway... It was out of control after the last lawn mowing... DH didn't bag this time and it sure makes a mess.... I'm trying to tidy up a bit as I maybe will be having guests tomorrow night.... Phyll and Earll should be here if I understood her correctly..... I'm excited to meet them.... Otherwise I spent the morning paying bills and then having Bailey for a little while as DD had to take Mimi for a little physical before her dentist appt on the 20th.. She will get put under to fix some teeth.... I also had to run out the where my husband was with his wallet.... He had a little accident and needed his license. Driving a grain truck on a road on Mine property that has arms to stop traffic... The brakes didn't hold and he rolled through the gate about 10 feet..... Just couldn't stop in time... No damage to the truck, and the Mine already had the arm up and running, but poor DH was a bit shaken... His boss's wife is a bearcat.. Not afraid to holler and cuss...... He said he was fine but I could tell he was a bit shakey.... Well, I feel a shower and my chair calling me.... You all have a great night.. Hope we will hear from Apples tomorrow... If it's something you do, please let's all pray for strength for those who are stuggling so much these days and also give thanks for those whose lives are going so well.... An extra prayer never hurt and more often helps any situation.... Hugs and prayers, dear friends... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everbody, hope you all had a great weekend.... Mine hasn't been the greatest..... Just took it easy yesterday thinking that would be best, but it sure didn't stop the pain last night... I was up until 5:00 and then decided to take a shower and wash my hair for church... Put on some of my tingling cream and then laid on the couch and fell asleep for 1 /12 hours till time to get up for church... Nearly fell asleep during the sermon.... had Mimi with us but dropped her off at home after church... Had breakfast with friends, but couldn't eat much.... Went home and crashed in my chair for 3 hours.... Quiet day today... and then DH got called to please come and unload a couple grain trucks. He was gone 2 hours and I just laid around here... took my pills at the usual time and they put me to sleep about 11:00 but was woke by the pain by midnight... So now I sit here with this damn pain again... I'm so sick of it I could scream.... I'm just going backwards so badly... The 12 pounds I gained a while back is still here but doesn't seem to get worse since I stopped that one medication.. I was hoping it would start dropping, but no luck there.... My limberness is really bad again... I was so happy when I could get out of the tub or off the floor so much easies since my weight loss, but now I'm back to it being a struggle.... Some days I just feel like throwing in the towel.... I guess I sound depressed.... Probably am and that means the Cymbalta isn't doing a very good job.... can't wait to get to have a second opinion from Mayo.... Somebody has to be able to figure this out.... Sorry for beind a downer, but at this time of night and with the amount of pain I have I guess it's to be expected.... Lovely pictures you all put in here.... Laura, your family looks wonderful, sorry Nael wasn't there, too... Nelson did a great job on the cake.... Oh, the poor puppy... Merry has to be a trooper to go on about her life with that mass on her leg.. Hope you can save her, but we know you will do what is best for her.... Cheri, thanks for the update on apples.. I've been going to call her, too, but have put it off in case she is resting.. I may try tomorrow..... I enjoy hearing about your singing... My church is too small to have a choir and I would just love to join you when I hear you telling about it.... It's one of my God-given talents that I've always been happy to have... Welcome back Nawlinz lady.... Hope you are doing well.... Jessica, look at you.... So glad you are back to your old self and giving good advise to a newbie.... WTG.. Well all you gals, my brain isn't functioning normally so I guess I will stop for now... I think I'll jump in the shower and try to break up this pain attack some... Have a good night and on to another new week... Hugs and prayers for you all...... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening ladies, not so much to catch up on this time..... Phyll, did you get the list... My phone numbers are on it, so give a call and I'll be waiting to here what your plans are.... Yes we have Starbucks in ND, but I've never been there...... No coffee for this gal..... Looking forward to seeing you soon... Oh, and I have called Apples on her cell at the lake so don't be afraid to give a call.... She'll be dissappointed if you don't... Arlene, great new picture.... Your hair looks nice.. and the baby so sweet...... How's the heat index?? We cooled off today and I have my house all opened up and its just a nice evening.... I hate living in air-conditioning... I'm a country girl..... pure and simple.... glad you liked the cookie salad.... Linda, your story is just a shame... That women should have been banned from the store.... But, that's the wonderful world of steriotypes.... If you're fat, you must eat like a pig, you couldn't possibly be loved by anyone, you're dumb, and deaf, and have no feelings.... I hate that so much.... Glad all that's behind us never to rear it's ugly head again..... Cheri, WTG on the 161..... it must really feel so good to be normal.... That's what I want is normal.... Jessica, glad you found your necessities for school... It's coming fast and furious.... things are going to be busy for you, but you will be so confident and will do wonderfully, I'm just sure of it... Melissa, glad you are feeling better and will be up and about real soon... Is the job any better?? Well, my doc appt turned out better than I was expecting... I was tactful, but truthful and told him that I figured he had been offended when I asked him about going to Mayo and he said, "good luck, it'll take 9 months>" He said he wasn't offended at all but that his experience when he has referred people is that it takes forever... He was shocked when I told him I had an appointment for 9-9....... I told him about my GP dumping me and he was concerned enough to ask if I had found a replacement. When I asked if he wanted to continue as my pain mangement doctor, he said yes and to see him after I get back from Mayo.... So I feel better... Everything is out in the open with him and I'm ready to just let the other doctor go.....for right now I'm just going to see a NP here in my town for any meds or medical concerns until after Mayo... So, all in all, it was a productive day..... I also did a bunch of shopping for the wedding... I bought my Red Velvet cake mixes for the wedding cake... Picked up the invitations, and made it home in time to fill in for DD as she needed to see her GYN about a yeast infection... So I helped out for a while at the daycare.... Nothing strenuous as there was a teenager on duty, too, but there must be an adult on the premisis at all times.... Mimi was happy to see me but wanted me to take her to the pool like I did yesterday... Well, dear ones... time to get sleepy... so little sleep last night that I'm hoping that the pills will knock me out early and I can sleep...... DD wants to work on invitations tomorrow and DH has to work.... have a great week-ene.....Phyll, safe travels..... Night all........... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning...... another long night for me.... Pain until after 3:00 and then I fell asleep and slept like a rock... I'm normally a light sleeper, but DH got up and did his thing and I didn't hear anything... Fortunately I set an alarm last night or I'd be sleeping through my appointment this morning... I see my pain management doc this morning... Since he isn't managing anything, just medicating me, we need to talk and make some decisions about things..... Not looking forward to it, but want it to be over and done with..... Eva, I hate things like that..... People can be do dumb.... like it was your fault or something... And rude.... some are just so rude.... Back in the 90's one time I was shopping in the grocrey store and had my cart loaded with specials... Sale items like sugar and whatnot... I liked to watch the sales as getting things off the truck wasn't always the most economical..... Well this man was behind me in line and he said, " you wouldn't be so fat if you didn't buy all those kind of things!!" I was appalled...... I set him straight and then left very angry.... People can make the most stupid assumptions.... I'm so very sorry about your friend.... I take it this was completely unexpected.... not sick or anything>>>? So sorry for your loss... You take care.... Linda, sorry your concert was cancelled, but sitting in the heat would have been too hard on me.... Hope you enjoyed you little one like I did yesterday.... Well girls, I better go get dressed....... I'd rather stay home, but need to go to Walmart, too..... Hopefully no one will harrass me..... Have a good day and stay cool.... Hugs....... Julie

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