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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

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    Oh, Sandy, what a terrible way to start the day..... My brother's house got skunked once..... on the farm.....got in the garage and it seeped into all of the house... They had to go stay with my folks.... And it just took forever to get that smell out... One thing I remember they did was put charcoal briquettes all over the house.... When I was a kid we had a dog that couldn't stay away from the porcupines.... got so she would just come and lay down in front of Dad so he could pull them out with a pliers.... Hope that smell doesn't linger long.... did you tomato juice him??? Karen, something wonderful must be in store for you to make up for all the crap you have endured these last months..... I'm praying for you and asking that things will turn around for your family soon... Extra special hugs for you, my dear friend..... We all love and treasure you so much.... So, what about your Monday job.... just took today off or is it on hold for harvest?? My pain pills are starting to kick in, but I've had a rather hard evening..... Hoping to get it settled down and sleep it off..... Tomorrow I have a half hour massage and that should be good.. then one more therapy on Thursday before I leave.... Praying it will stay on an even keal while I'm gone.... So as not to lift anything I will check my bag...... If Karen is checking and is coming in just 15 minutes before me we should be able to meet up at baggage claim somewhere.... I'm getting anxious now.... I got to talk to Arlene last night after she tried to text me to make sure she had my number right.. We had a great talk about all our surgeries..... I'm thinking that sleeping is going to be slim this weekend...... We'll all have to sleep on the flight home..... except Janet, Phyll and Eva..... no sleeping behind the wheel.... My DH is happy that he gets to go to an auction on Saturday with his buddy without me to complain... It's a special lumber auction and he is looking for lumber as he thinks he needs to add another room to DD's house next spring.... Baby comes in May.... They have 3 bedrooms, but use one for an office and computer room.. so want to add on an office and a half bath....That's just right up his alley... something to keep him busy...... Lori, thanks for the tips.... I bought the hot and cold packs today and if I can't get them in I guess I'll just have to suffer.... Well, I'm going to watch Hawaii 5-O and hope to fall asleep soon.... Love you guys..... I think we are missing Jessica and Judy lately.... sure hope you all are fine and busy....... Nightie Night........ Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Linda, I like the sound of that winning the jackpot in Vegas, but I'm just never lucky...... $80 is the most I ever won and it was on a nickel machine...... My husband says he is sending money with me to play the quarter machines like he does...... He thinks that maybe I'll be luckier when he isn't around.... I'm not going to count on it at all.... Lori, you must have missed my question about hot and cold packs on the plane..... what do you think.... Will I get on with the store bought kind???? I'm sure hoping or I could have a very long trip......will have to double up on my drugs and you guys will find me wandering around in the Vegas airport...... I'm like Linda about texting... Still don't know how to use my phone to it's fullest, so texting is something I just don't even want to think about..... Maybe someday.. Lori, sorry about your friends daughter and also happy to hear the sentence on the carjacker.... Truely deserved...... Hope your DD is feeling better soon.... Mine is having alot of the same issues as last time... smells is a bad one for her.... anything strong or perfumey just makes her sick..... And she's also very crabby...... Glad I don't live with her anymore... Poor DF has to put up with it this time.......But he takes it in his stride.... he's a great guy..... Well, my therapist told me to take it very easy and rest the rest of the day... I lifted Mimi onto a high toilet at her WIC appt today and that set me off on a bad pain attack... It's just starting to calm down now.. Hopefully will be better after he massaged it very welll I definitly have trigger points he says!!! I knew that just didn't know what they were called..... Time to make a little supper... going simple with a homemade Chicken pot pie.....with a nice salad... DH will be happy with that.... You all have a great evening... TTYL...Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello girls......... I have had Mimi all morning and just returned from her WIC appointment... It's just across the street in a building we own...... Got DD's checks....for Sept and Oct... then she will have to be re-evaluated with the marraige and all...... Mimi is watching Caillou right now and soon I'll have to take her to her mother as I have therapy at 2:00. Can't wait for a nice neck rub.... Lori, pecan bars are just a take off on pecan pie.. A butter crust baked a bit first and then the pecan filling poured on top and baked some more... They are very good..... I like most pies, but sweets have never been my downfall... I made a great peach pie a couple days ago.. The peaches were so sweet and getting too ripe so pie was just right.... Pumpkin pie with real whipped cream is my favorite as long as I make the pie... I don't like it very strong.... some put too much spice in for my taste..... Well, Mimi thinks she needs to help me so I have to cut it off..... but was wondering about Apples' Monday job. Do you just have a day off or are you done now during harvest?????? Bye now... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Yup, Arlene, those pecan bars are great.... My dad used to just love them...... Wish he was still here to make them for him, but he died 14 years ago.... so you see, it's an old recipe...... Have fun with that new baby... caught myself thinking of newborns the other day.. I've been so consumed with my pain and the wedding plans and such that the baby on the way hasn't had much of my attention yet.... There is just something about those little ones that just squirm and squeak..... they smell so darn good..... enjoy...... Lori, have a nice supper with DH... I hate it when things get left unsettled before parting even for the day..... Hope you have both put it away now.... Making up can be fun, I hear!!!!! Karen, we heard about all the rain near you... some friends were to Iowa this past week and said when they came home through MN the rain was torrential...... Always stops things in their tracks..... I don't do mani's and pedi's either.... Once each I believe.... I have done massages but just in the last year trying to help this pain... anyone coming to Vegas good at neck rubs???? I could use a good one...... Lori, will I be able to bring hot and cold packs on the plane??? My favorite hot pack is homemade and filled with wheat..... and also, do our rooms have microwaves and refridgerators?????? It will affect what I pack for my pain aids....... Pam, good to hear from you... Later, girls................. Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good afternoon ladies, Hope you all are having a restful Sunday... I had a nap after we go home from church (had breakafast at DD's right after and then home.) I woke up with my shoulder huring some, but have not taken any pain meds yet... I'm trying to not take them during the daytime...... Some days are harder than others..... Apples, so glad to see you back again... I'm sorry you have been through the prolems with DS and welcome being your sounding board when we meet up in Vegas... Our grown children have the means to hurt us almost more than anyone else in the world..... We have experienced that here with DH's 2 olderst children... I have just tried to not speak of them to anyone anymore... Nothing good to say so say nothing.... Doesn't change the heartache one feels about it all.... Has the harvest begun????? I know you enjoy this time and hope all goes very well for you this year.... I'm glad to hear everyone is doing casual and wearing white..... However, I must have missed something about $100 for a buffet..... There is no buffet in the world worth $100 with what I can eat...... I must not have the correct facts..... I'm not a cheapskate, but I like my money more than that..... I actually gave up some of my mad money a couple days ago...... DD and DF were so worried about how they would pay for Mimi's adoption... $880 is a very large amount for them.... His folks kicked in $300 and were happy to do it to get a new granddaughter.... I gave the rest and was happy to do it to let my little Mimi have a daddy.... So I just won't have as much mad money for slots..... Not a problem to figure out which is more important...... It will be Friday before you know it and then when I get home I have to really hit the wedding plans again.. It will be time to start the wedding cakes... Will bake them and freeze..... then frost a couple days before the wedding... Most everything else is in order and ready to go... Have to make some punch bowl ice rings, order the rest of the food and then prepare the two salads......I'm thinking I'm going to be able to pull this off if I don't get any worse.... Well, DH is calling so better go spend some time with him..... Have a good evening... Hugs........... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    I see it's time to turn over to page 900 soon... Who will win this time....
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    OMG, it sounds like it will be hot..... I promised myself I wouldn't overpack this time... I want to just do a carryon,(hoping someone will lift it up there for me!!) So capris, a couple shirts changes and sandals... works for me... Is white out of place in Vegas now?? I was thinking of my white capris....... A limo sounds like a treat for us all.... Thanks Jodi, if you are able to make that happen for us..... But really just can hardly wait to put a real person to the name of most of you... It so made it just that much better after meeting the gals in Orlando in February.... This is just going to be great... I'm still up as I slept so long today I can't get sleepy... Shoulder is hurting some but not horribly right now... Yes, I'm almost afraid to say this, but I might be a tad better... Not gone and not great, but don't feel like crying near as often the last couple of days.... Have 2 therapy sessions and a massage scheduled before leaving for Vegas... Hope it will make it better for me to enjoy the weekend without so much pain..... Well, nightie night, ladies..... sweet dreams... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello Everyone, there was so much to read since I was on last..... you guys have been busy...... today has been a rough day for me... I just couldn't come alive once I woke up.... Didn't really get going until ater 1:00 and Mimi was even her with DH.. They were mostly outside, so they didn't keep me from drousing...... Now that it is almost suppertime I am finally moving some.. Went to the store to get a couple things for me and DD... She isn't feeling well..... 1st trimester blues I think.... a little cramping..... She had a rather rough time with Mimi and I was hoping this one would be different.... Janet, I'm with the rest of you.... your kids should have more respect than to call you like that in the middle of the night unless someone was really hurt or something tragic...... You don't need their stresses on you..... I also agree with the other gals that you are truely amazing... You make a great coach...... Lori, glad you are feeling better now... I've been there, feeling so sorry for myself with this pain and all... It will get better and you will get back to your comfortable spot..... All of you gals have been so busy sharing things but I'm just not remembering enough to comment on each.. Sorry................ Can't wait to talk to you face to face... Wish Melissa and Laura K and Laura and all the rest were coming, too.... Judy and Jessica...... And where is Gwen??? Is she still vacationing or did we lose her..??? I better go do something so my day isn't a complete waste....My desk is stacked very high right now... I need to do this paperwork....... You all take care and stay safe..... Love and hugs........... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, think I can sit here for awhile and catch up.... I finally finished reading most all of the posts... I admit to skimming some... Sorry, but I was away quite awhile and there was so much...... I'm okay right this minute.. had a bad night so didn't wake up til after 10:00 this morning.. managed to do a few things, like dishes and make a peach pie.... They were getting too ripe and needed to be done.... I really need to swiffer my floors, but DH is off today and said he would help later.. I have therapy at 3:00.... Apples I believe is having her last weekend at the lake... Sorry your little piece of heaven is going to be locked up again for the winter.... But next year will be a great one.... Hope your dental journey is being easy on you this week.... Janet, You are so busy with work and working out, but you still find time for everyone... Thanks.... Is work better these days??? Lori, I haven't heard too much about the fires lately.. Are your kids away from all the smoke? Hope you are doing well...... Jessica, gosh I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis with Jacob, but now you have something to actually work at....instead of guessing... You will do whatever is best for him and he will be fine.... Your classes seem to be going well for you... Good for you..... How is the 5k training coming..? Judy and Gwen seem to be missing...... Hope you are well and doing fine... Judy are you still attending OA meetings? Laura, hugs on the parent issues... I know how very hard this is... I've been in your place many years ago.... Take care of yourself..... Your little one is doing great I see..... And your volunteering at his school is great... How is the job going???? Laura K, I believe you have become single again... Sorry if there is pain there.... But you are a strong woman and can find your way.... How is daughter doing in Nevada? Eva, the time is dwindling down for you.... I'm sure you must be so excited.... Are you still doing yard work?? Linda, how is Katie... I think I remember that she was getting better.. Is she at home or with you.... What about Aylah...... is she still with you.... Joyce, I too, am happy to have maintained all this time.. I keep thinking that when I can get this pain off my mind every minute of every day I will be able to concentrate on losing again.... We'll have so much to talk about in Vegas.... Can't wait to meet everyone... Cheri, you had a loss, but I'm not sure who....was it a student...? So sorry about it and how it affects you... How are your kids and grandkids doing.??? Jodi, I see you have been gone longer than I have been... You are so busy... Hope you know what you are doing with this guy in Vegas.....At least you know you have good backup in case of a problem.... We are some tough ladies...... Melissa, so happy you found a new job and hope it will be better than you imagine so you can get back on your feet again... did your insurance issues get solved with the new job??? hope so.. Phyll, are you home in CA now?? What a journey you had... lots of visiting and family fun..... You are probably tired of driving, but hope you have enough left to ride with Janet to Vegas..... Arlene, how is the new baby....? Beautiful I know.... You are just so busy all the time, too.... Sandy, don't know you very well yet, but thanks for the good wishes..... Hope to get to know you better soon.. New people, can't recall names, but glad to have you and look forward to getting to know you better.. This is a great place with lots of loving, caring friends.. Thanks everyone, for worrying and caring about me... I have to get better one of these days... Wedding plans are still being made...and I still worry that I will be able to pull everything off...... But first things first... I have to make it to Vegas to see all of you wonderful ladies..... Have a great day and I'll TTYL.... Hugs.... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning girls...... I'm going to try to post a bit before the pain hits today... I'm trying to catch up on a bit of reading as there has been so much since I've been away.. Lots of talk about Vegas.... I feel a bit out of the loop.... Some one will have to give me the lowdown so I can be up-to-date....... Apples I fly from Bismarck to Mpls..... what flight are you on??? Mine is Delta 1751....arriving at 10:25.... Slept some last night but not without my pills.... I'm so groggy when I wake up.... Today is a home day.. I've had so much on my plate with running here and there to doctors and therapists and after medication... I'm just pooped... My house is dirty....... I need to do some things... but no energy.... Today the little girls will be here for a couple hours.....DD and DF have to go see the attorney about Mimi's adoption... did I tell you that her biological father agreed to sign away his parental rights..... He did it so fast it just makes you sick to think he is allowed to procreate at all...... I sure love my Mimi and wouldn't change her, but he gave her up without even a second glance..... She will have a good daddy now.... Hopefully papers will be ready so they can see the judge shortly after the wedding date... Anyway, I will just sit and let them play, give them some lunch and put them down for a nap..... That's my plan, but don't know how lucky I will be.... there is so much to say to everyone, but I just can't do it today.... Need a shower before the girls come, so better get moving.... Love you all and hope to be back fulltime soon..... You all take care....... Hugs... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone............. I'm still kicking, but feeling very rough..... just sitting by the computer is very hard for me..... My shoulder is just killing me right now..... nothing good to report yet and I haven't been able to read posts so just wanted to say hi....... I miss you..... Hugs.... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Sorry, gang, for being absent....... Things aren't going so well.... Will have to explain later.... Had 4 trigger point shots yesterday and therapy is scheduled for Monday........ Hope to have the where-with-all to post more tomorrow..... Hugs and love to all.......... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning...... I'm home.....got here last evening, but was too tired and hurting to post...... Thanks for all your prayers and concerns..... I know that Apples posted my results earlier after we talked on the phone so you know I'm headed to Bismarck shortly to hopefully get "trigger point" injections in my shoulder and neck.... And will try to schedule the start of my intensive therapy for as soon as possible here in my little town... I've been hurting quite bad all night....very little sleep... Can hardly wait for shots or something to make this better........ Cross your fingers for me..... I don't have much time now to post, but I did read some of the posts since I was gone.... I think you were gathering information about our flights to Vegas..... I'm coming in on Delta 1751 from Mpls at 10:25 am..... I remember thinking that Apples, Lori and someone else were coming in about that time, too..... Let me know if I need to do something to help coordinate..... I sure need this pain to settle down so I can enjoy this trip.... Hope all are well and I'll try to catch up when I get home.... DD just called to say Mimi is very upset about not seeing Gramma and Grampa for a few days... She cried to go to school this morning.. I need to see her this afternoon somehow.... Bailey is with her mother now until Saturday..... I'll just have to spoil Mimi alone till then.... Bye now...... I'll be back when I can.... Hugs.... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, found the motel computer so thought I would tell you we made it here last night and now we are waiting for the bus to Mayo.... My appts aren't until afternoon, but hope to get there early and get in earlier.... The ride wasn't too bad this time, but I paid for it last night..... C an't wait for some help...... I'll try to check in after we get back here tonight.... Hugs to all..... Sorry I didn't get time to read... Hope all are fine.... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Dear Friends........................ We're off to see the wizard........................I'm hoping to receive a new lease on life........ I'll try to be in touch when I can...... Love and hugs to everyone.......... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey there.........it's 3:40 am and I'm up with my pain again.... Just doesn't want to give in and quit..... I did sleep some, but not near enough.... So caught up with the reading here and will try to remember what you all said..... Jessica, good thing with the testing... Better to find out now if something is amiss while he is still so young.... I have no experience with the adhd or add... so I'm no help with that.... Have been through lots with my DD, but not that.... gotta bow to the ones who have lived it... but I wish you much luck and the best for little Jake... Arlene, Nice of you to have your DD's house all ready for them to come home and accept company... You must be getting tired, too, with having the little one all this time.... It sure wears me out... Cheri, have fun singing in church tomorrow.... We don't have a choir and very few people to boot... I really like it when we get to sing old favorite hymns.... We get a copy of the day's bulletin in e-mail each week and I see we are singing 3 lovely hymns during the servide tomorrow.... If my shoulder cooperates I should have a peaceful morning in church..... Sing your heart out!!! Phyll, you sound tired.........where are you guys now???? Headed back west again?? I talked to Apples earlier this evening... Thought maybe since I didn't have my appointments at Mayo until after 3:00 on Tuesday that we could stop at her farm as an in between spot... However, she works until late and it just didn't work out... She was a bit bummed when she understood what I was saying.... I forgot to tell her I was at home again so she was confused at first... I'd love to see her farm home... I think we all would because of how she speaks of it.... We decided that we would try to another time.... With all the commotion of the Mayo trip and the pain and all I forgot to share some very pleasant news...... We were in the waiting room at Mayo when DD called... I could tell something was up.... She finally told me that we are going to be grandparents again... Made me smile.... DH, too, and he just said, "It's a boy!" She was the one who was bummed... It was not planned and she doctors so much with GYN problems that it was a big surprise for them... DF was jumping for joy, but DD was not..... She was so looking forward to having a few drinks at the wedding and on their honeymoon... and now she figures to be knee deep into morning sicknes..... So I understand why she was bummed..... but after getting positive reactions from both sets of parents and some friends, she is adjusting to the idea..... So, DH and I should have a new one in May sometime..... I'm delighted and pray everything will be fine for her... She had a rather tough pregnancy the first time.... Hoping this time will be easier..... Well, my meds are starting to kick in so I'd best try to sleep a bit more... Grandparents day tomorrow... (Today, that is)................ So happy Grandparents day to all of you grammas......... We are so blessed to have lovely grandkids to love and to love us just the way we are...... God Bless and goodnight............. Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello ladies.......... We got home late last night.... I just wasn't up to getting online then so I'm here now... Things did not go as I had hoped at Mayo... It is an awesome place and I was treated very well..... Lori, I think you got my report totally correct, so thank you for sharing it for me..... I was scheduled for more tests yesterday....nerve testing... Did't get told anything about that yet.... They scheduled me for more tests on the 14th, but we were not able to stay til then when we had our friends with us.... So we will be going back on Monday.... It's been a horrible time with pain for me... I was told that I could try to get into the appointments early (the ones for the 14th) but I just had to sit and wait.... We waited all morning only to be told that there was no opening..... So it was my decision to leave. I just couldn't sit there waiting in pain all afternoon, just to be told I couldn't get in again... So we left about 1:00 and got home at 11:30..... I had to drug myself up pretty well to handle the road trip.... Called my chiropractor from the road and he insisited on seeing me last night when we came through Bismarck... I did sleep last night, and really can't tell how I am this morning... Need to get motivated a bit and do somethings... Unpack and repack for Monday... I guess....DH is a bit tiffed with me because I gave up, but he wasn't having the pain either... I'm so sorry to have missed everything these past days... I would love to comment but just can't right now...... except, Arlene, what a beautiful baby... Thank you so much for all your support.... I'll get back to you when I can...... I'm supposed to go to a bridal shower at 2:00 and a 50th Anniversary at 6:30 for my aunt and uncle.....don't know if I can make either, but will give it a try by moving around a bit here at home to see if I think I can handle it..... I love you all..... please don't quit on me yet as I still have more to go..... TTYL............Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Congratulations Gramma Arlene...... Welcome Bethany.... so happy for you all...... Apples, we have our cemetery plots at my little rural church so I will be laid by my parents and grandparents and DH by a little country church that I love so much..... Crying has nothing to do with what I see for me...... Truthfully I have had to sing for so many funerals that I have developed a way to put my emotions on hold until the time is right... Nothing worse than a blubbering singer..... So concentrate on something to keep me focused while singing and then just do whatever my feelings are when I am finished... I donb't know if that answers your question or not.... I'm fighting a bad pain attack again right now so hard to focus right now.. Need to get our bags packed... but won't take long.... Otherwise I guess I'm ready to leave in the morning.... Now if I could just get some sleep tonight..... Take care.... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi girls,............... I'm going for 6:18......... the day I met DH.... Good luck Arlene..... I'm sure you are so anxious.... Let's all just pray for a wonderful healthy baby and momma....... and gramma.... Welcome home Apples.... Yes, we'll be on the way tomorrow morning about 8:00..... will stop in Fargo first for lunch and then on the Monticello, suburb of Mpls.... where our friends' daughter lives... have to stop and visit their little 2 year old..... have supper and then on to Rochester... hope to be to the hotel by 8:00 ish...... My appointment is at 8:00 am at Mayo clinic... My friend's appt is at 9:30 at St Mary's hospital..... We have reserved rooms for that night, too, as we have no idea how long we will be there or what they may do for me......I'll try to call someone to let you know how things are going if I am able.... I'm getting a bit nervous..... Afraid I'll hear the same old story............ nothing we can do for you!!!!! I'll be going nuts if that happens.... Last night was so bad again... Up still at 5:00...... the pain just won't quit.... Now I'm groggy and feel like crap.... Stomach is hurting some and I have a headache.....I guess we'll soon find out what's up and I'll have to deal with it whatever it is.... Linda, so pleased for your family that Katie is better.. continued prayers for a speedy recovery.... so nice of you to do the baking.... Cheri, sounds like a wonderful weekend.... refreshed for the new week... Janet, wow, you look like a knock-out.... glad you had a good time... Things with Andrew seem to be settling down now... everyone is accepting the new situation... Eva, have a safe week.... and watch out for those rocks... they will be hell on the back.... Lori, what was that attack you had yesterday? Just a headache or is something else up.... Hope you are much better today... Joyce, you take care of those knees..... wish I could do the water with you....... Laura, suppose your parents are on their way home again.. So wonderful they could come even if dad did have a rough time... It's so good for Nelson..... have a safe week now... the rest of you gals all have a great week...... I need to go finish frosting some cookies I baked on Saturday..... Just couldn't get into it, but now must get them into the freezer before we leave.... I have a load of whites in the washer and then need to pack our bags... DH is getting the car ready.... and I need to see my Mimi before the day is out..... I will miss her so when I'm away from her..... Bailey won't be home til 9:00 tonight so probably won't get to see her... she goes with her dad to her grandma for the day while he works and then he picks her up again..... Anyway, thank you all for seeing me through all these hard times... I'm so counting on this being my saving grace and I know you all are praying for me to find a solution..... I love you all so much and treasure your friendship....... Can't wait for Vegas and so hope I will be some better by then.... Take care... Hugs and prayers................. Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

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    hi gals...... DH and I made a quick trip to Bismarck to get my perscriptions filled so I have enough for while I am gone.... Did a bit of shopping, nothing major.... but I was hurting by the time we were on the way home.... I have just had a hot bath and put on my tingling cream..... so it is tingling now..... took my pain pill and now to try to wait it out until it gives in a bit and I can relax........ Oh.................. if you all only knew how much I hate writing this crap every single day.... Wish I could sound happier for you...... Maybe soon.... I really think I need surgery on my neck, but what do I know... 2 neurosurgeons have said no so far.... I hope this one in Mayo will have a different view of things.... tomorrow I can pack our bags and get the car ready for our trip.... Just served leftovers for supper....... my mother was bored so she came over and is now going to go out and use our hot-tub, too.... She likes to sit in it for long periods of time,.... Laura, so sorry that things have gone downhill for your dad on this visit..... and yes, you got a keeper in that little Nelson... He is very sensitive to others feelings... Must be good raising!!!! Joyce, just bring your car to Vegas and we'll cruise the Stirp........................ I like motorcycles, too, but haven't been on one for years... We got 4 wheelers to play on but have not been well enough to do it at all this year.... Well, sorry, not much more in my mind but this pain.. I'll close for now and hope to get back when it lets up some.... Night all................. Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, I'm getting another late start today.... Had a bad night and then was still asleep on the couch when the phone rany at 10:30 and scared the crap out of me.... Since then I've just been being a slug..... DH is home...... We are having a cool, wet, day, so he can't work even if it wasn't Labor Day..... We've discussed doing something, but nothing much fun in the rain.... He's wataching TV... We just had lunch.... doggy bags from recent meals out and it was good...... I just don't really feel like doing anything at all.... so maybe I won't.... Jodi, you've had an enlightening from Cheri's words... This is a good thing for you it seems and now you have a new plan...........it all sounds right and good for you and Dassi and your community..... Best of luck..... Jessica, nice to hear from you..... Your plan for Jake sounds wise..... I think he is bored, too.... And not all teachers are like Cheri and have the kids best interests at heart... Some just want things to run smoothly and their way only..... I've know cases where the kids who are more advanced are ignored as much as the ones who are behind.... Good you keep on top of this so it doesn't get out of hand...... Good luck with your studying.... Joyce, would love to join you for a ride in a convertible.... Never have and has always been a little dream of mine.... to have a red convertible.....sounds silly when you write it down on paper......Hope you had fun and am glad your Mac classes are going well... Arlene, are you crocheting baby things??? I did all that, too... little dresses and sweaters that were so cute ... I also made Mimi's baptismal gown.... was so pretty..... The 7th is getting pretty close.... tomorrow you should finally get to meet this little person.... How fun for you...... Linda, how are things going today.... I added you and your family to my prayers at church yesterday.... Hope this week will bring positive things..... How does Aylah feel about meeting this other grandmother??? Hope it goes well..... Eva, great going on the walking.... You'll make your goal fine before your trip, I'm sure..... Have your temps gone down at all or are you still so hot there? Laura, hope you are just having a blast with your family.... Judy, whatcha doing????? How about you, Janet, did you have fun last night???? Lori, are you feeling better, I hope??? Apples is at the lake.... Melissa, are you finally feeling better?? Laura K, what fun thing are you doing this weekend??? Cheri, you should be having a long weekend from school.... enjoy..... Phyll, are you guys headed west again yet..?? Gwen, not home yet, either I think......Who'd I miss....??? Hope no one..... Any newbies who are lurking, just jump on in.. We love to visit...... Well, I should at least make an attempt to get dressed and comb my hair..... so will talk to you all later.... Take care.......... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Well, our date night turned out to be a bust...... Enjoyed the time alone with DH, but the movie was not very good in my opinion... the worst Julia Roberts movie I've ever seen..... And of course my best attempts to prempt the pain didn't work and it started hurting about 2 hours in.... Asked DH if he was enjoying it and he said no, so we got up and left....... Had I not had pain I might have made it through, but it wasn't worth it.... I had taken my hot pack along and stopped at a convenience store and they let me put it in the microwave.... So I made it home and am now in my jammies and have taken my drugs and am hoping to settle in...... Laura, so happy you get a visit from your parents.... Leave it to Nelson to say the right thing to grandpa..... bless his heart...... have fun.... Arlene, I'm sure you are worn out from the little ones, but they are so fun to have around...... Rest well.... Janet, Andrew is gonna miss you even if he does stay at his mother's..... But maybe it's a good thing for all concerned... Hope you are okay with everything.... Joyce, I'm really looking forward to Vegas, too..... And by the way, do I owe someone some money yet??? Just let me know and I'll mail to whomever I should..... Well, I'm going to try to relax and sleep..... We have a new church time starting tomorrow so don't have to get up so early..... Works for me...... Hugs and prayers, ladies..... love you all............... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello dear ones, I just finished reading all the posts so got caught up...... But no time for a detailed post.... DH is taking me out to the movies... I saved my calories so I can have buttered popcorn........ My favorite..... Gonna see Eat Pray Love.... Hope it's not just a chick flick so he enjoys it, too....... He's calling for me to leave so will say good night... I'll try to check in again soon...... I'm praying that my pain lets me enjoy the movie... I've taken all the precautions I can possibly take..... Hugs to all......... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning to all.............. What an ugly night that was..... and now so groggy from all the meds I shovel in to try to help..... No way for anyone to live......I'm counting the days and pray for some kind of relief soon.... We have a cool rainy day and since I don't have any commitments with the girls and DH is at work, I'm going to take off for Bismarck for a me day.... Look for a different dress maybe and just do what I want instead of what I need...... Family drama here, too.... Always something isn't it... Ours has to do with little Bailey.... Yesterday DD had to take her to drop her off with her mother.... found the mother smelling of booze and very hung over and probably still drunk... She just got a dui and lost her license but is still driving... DF's father works with the Bismarck PD, so had a hand in her getting caught drinving without her license....DF is so worried about Bailey.... He and DD are talking about trying to go for full custody... She didn't want to stay with her mother yesterday and DD had to leave her there... DD cried all the way home and DF was still a mess last night .... Today they called with an idea of taking her to court, but don't have money.... Of course we will help, but first they need to see an atty and get things started.... They need to be married and that's not far off... If they start paperwork now for this and also for DF to adopt Mimi it will coincided with the wedding pretty well I think..... So there's my drama for the day... So, I'm going to leave on that note and try to have a relaxful day by myself..... You all try to do the same... Hugs to all.............CBL....... Julie

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