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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning................ I got half of what I wanted to do done yesterday..... It seems I always have unexpected chores that pop up to get me off my schedule.... Yesterday it was Mimi... Had to go get her about 3:00....daycare was too full.... I just can;t get alot done when she is here.... She wants my full attention.... and of course I get lazy and just push my work off..... But oh well, I still have time.... Next week will be the killer..... I slept fairly well again last night.... but still wake up groggy and stiff in the morning.... Time to get dressed and get started...... Jessica, I am just so proud of you... You are back on track and doing so well.... I hope you are very proud of yourself.... You have earned the right, so enjoy yourself.... You are going to make a wonderful nurse and already are a great woman, mother, wife, and LBT sister/daughter!!!!! Lori, hope you find away out of your little funk.... Just relax and let it roll off...... Calgon, take me away!!!!! I have a hair appt today... Need a little trim since my perm and then I'm splurging on gettin a color job... My DD always says I miss spots when I do it myself, so will let a professional do it.... She is DD's good friend and boss.... Salon and daycare are in the same building.... She is a bridesmaid, too.... Okay everybody, have a really great, productive day... Talk to you later...... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone..... I never did get back to posting last night... After I got back from daycare at 5:30 I crashed in my chair for a bit... Then made supper and started decorating my house for fall... DH had brought my tubs in from the garage and I had to get it started... I don't do a great deal, but enough..... finished it this morning, but still have to put away the summer stuff..... I did enjoy the babies, but just so you know, I don't lift them.... the others know I can't so they lift them into my lap or whatever.... I do it the smart way for me...... I did have a better night last night, but couldn't lay in bed... my shoulder hurt then... finally got comfortable on the couch and slept pretty well... No pain so far today.. Just put my tens unit on a while ago. Linda, I love the Dr. Suess quote.... He really is quite brilliant some times.... I think you are right about things being better after we get this wedding behind us... I'll be able to relax and sit back and just take care of myself rather than trying to do it while working too hard...... Arlene, sorry about your dog issues... Interesting reading that so many of you like this dog whisperer so much.. I have a friend here who just is dog crazy and just loves him, but doesn't get his show on her Dish channels..... I have cable and I see he is on here quite often.... but I don't watch... just see him while surfing the channels late at night... Hope your dog is better soon... We'll just wait to hear how Jakob is doing.. I'm sure the pic of the babies will be wonderful.. I'll have to check Facebook... I'm so bad at that.... Well, in general it seems that most all of our regulars are doing okay right now.... That is wonderful... You new folks have come to a great place for help and guidance... Welcome... Janet and Apples, and Great as well as lots of the others have very good advice... Welcome and keep coming back.... I need to get to work... Need to bake some bars today again... sour cream raisin and cheese kuchen bars... Then I need to make some decorations for the church pews.... Shouldn't be too hard for me..... Just a flower and some tull and ribbon...... Then I need to finish the programs..... DD doesn't like the front I picked... It has wedding bells, but she wants something different. Leaves and such.. I'll do what I can.... You all have a great day.... Love and hugs to all.... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone.... thought I would have time to post this afternoon, but DD just called and they need me to cover at the daycare for a while..... so I gotta take off.. Joyce, wanted you to know I got my pictures... wonderful.............thank you so much.... I'm going to try to be back later, but no promises.. I had a very bad night last night that has continued into the day.... Maybe rocking babies will make me forget how I feel.... Hugs to all..... Later...... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Sunday.............. Our church got moved to 10:30 on Labor Day weekend, so by the time we drive back to town and stop to eat it's already 1:00......but it's nice to get to sleep in on Sundays now... Our pastor serves 2 churches and we switch back and forth..... It's another lovely day here.... 10-10-10 and our grass is still green and growing... DH is mowing the yard now.... I had a better night last night.... Had medium pain about 8:30, but the pills handled it and I went to bed at 11:30 and woke at 5:00..... Went to sit in my chair and watch TV but got tired so slept until 9:00 when DH woke me up.... Maybe this tens unit will actually help me.... I'm crossing my fingers.... Yesterday I got the wedding cakes baked and in the freezer... Will frost them a couple days before the wedding... I'm happy to have that much done... What I really need to do now is clean my house a bit..... It's out of my comfort zone, but I just haven't had the energy to clean...... at least have to swiffer my floors..... Laura K, you just keep doing what you are doing and the right man is going to find you.... I'm sure of it.... We'll be making one of our LB sister's trips to your wedding one day..... Arlene, I sure do love you and wish you well, but I for one, will not be kicking your butt.... I'll leave that for Janet.... I eat the wrong things too often.... When do we find out about Jakobs baking and such?? Jodi, you just keep being you... If you want to post it we will read it..... I'm agree that it is so fun now to hear you in my head now when I read..... Congrats on putting the big clothes out and getting new ones that fit well.... You look amazing..... Linda, good work on the health numbers..... It shows, too.. How is the hip treating you these days...? Joyce, how is the everything going??? I did not receive anything from you yet............. and I promise that we are way past Pony Express here in ND...... Maybe tomorrow's mail will bring them.... Apples, that is a big job you have for yourself.... Is your son helping???? Try to enjoy your day.... Is it nice there, too? Melissa, have you asked your husband to be more discreet with his smacks so it doesn't get to you so much... Maybe he doesn't realize how tempting it is.... My husband is a junk food junkie.... Nuts and candy all the time, oh and chips, too.... But I've gotten to the place that it doesn't tempt me anymore.... Or I might just have a bite of something.... I hope you can conquer it soon.... Well, I think I'll have a Sunday nap...... then do whatever comes up later...... Love and hugs to all.... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning............. I did finally get to sleep......DH got up early to go with his buddy to an auction.... Their penance is that they must take us girls out for supper..... Works for me.... I feel okay this morning, just having a hard time getting going...... Janet, glad you checked in and that things are all worked out again......One of us has drama all the time... I guess that's life.....the trick is to keep on keeping on... Apples, a morning baby shower.... I've never been to one... Is the baby here yet??? I like showere after the baby comes best...... Too much can happen to do it ahead of time, in my opinion...... I understand your feelings about hunting season... although I've never been shot at, someone killed one of my father's best bulls one year.... Black angus bull looks nothing at all like a whitetail deer!!!!!! Laura, WTG on handling the goodbye..... How long is he to be away?? You and Nelson have so quality time now to do lots of things and plan a wonderful homecoming party.... Arlene, I never heard about that program for veterans.. I'll have to have DH check it out.... I think it's Viet Nam haunting him right now.... There was a soldier on my flight into Bismarck on Sunday who was coming home on leave.... He watched all the hugs and such when the soldier got off the plane.. I had visited with this man at the airport in SLC and told him about DH...Watching this was very emotionaly for DH. Well, everyone have a good Saturday... Like Apples said, do something fun.... I need to get moving and be constructive today.... TaTa.... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    I did speak too soon................... went to bed at 12:15 in my bed, but am already up by 1:15 with pain... I did take Tylenol and my other pills..... So, now I took a Hydrocodone and then took an hot bath and now have my tingly cream on.... the pain isn't horrible, but just can't sleep through it.... When I got up I found DH on the couch..... I heard him get up, but just thought he went to the bathroom......He's been having dreams lately... I think about Iraq or Viet Nam..... doesn't like to talk about it..... So, I'll just let him sleep.... Hope you all are resting comfortably and having sweet dreams......................... Love to all......... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello, hello...... I really don't want to jinx anything, but I have had no pain to speak of yet today and have only taken a couple Advil this afternoon while doing all my running around in Bismarck...... I may try to go to bed without any pills..... except stool softener of course!!!! I had a good treatment (chiropractic, accupunture, accupressure and something else I don't know the name of)... So, I'm crossing my fingers this tens unit is going to make a difference..... Phyll, It is just a little bit of a thing......it has 4 leads that I place on the trigger spots and turn it on.... Chiropractor suggested doing 15 minutes per hour rather than 3 hours at a time... I agree so that is what I'm doing... but there is no hot or cold... Just a little unit that fits in my pocket or on my wasteband......... Oh, and thanks for all the kudos and I love you all, too..... I do love to entertain and such, just not when I'm in pain...... I'd love to do your 50th if I lived closer..... I did my dad's only he died the morning that it started and didn't get to attend, My DH and I managed to get it all done, but it was terribly hard..... Karen, glad you had a good day and yes it got hot here too... DH even suffered in the heat and that's unusual... It's supposed to cool down for the weekend.. Jessica, wow......... you look so good.... you deserved all those compliments.... and wtg on the good grades.... and all the things that were so good for you at Disney..... Just wonderful.... Keep up the good work.... Cheri, that anger is just another cycle of grief.... you are definitley progressing... Hope you'll feel back to your old self soon.... Sandy, so nice of you to think of your secreatary for the parking space.... she'll love you..... Arlene, good luck to Jakob, but you'll be so proud of him no matter what color ribbon he gets and that's what is so important..... Just now on our 10:00 news they ran a story about a man who had bypass 10 years ago... The lead in was about whether these people keep their weight off or not.... Well this guy was the first bypass patient in Bismarck, ND>... he weighed in at 420......Well, ten years later he is still where he was shortly after surgery..... 200 pounds down!!!!!! It was a very nice story and they interviewed the doctor, too.. I know him as he has done a surgery for my mother's hyatal hernia... I was actually afraid this was going to be a negative story, but it wasn't.... It was promoting WL surgery..... Good to see..... well, I'm going to try to get to bed early again....didn't work last night... hopefully tonight will be different. Hugs and prayers to all..... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    morning everybody..... another long night.... pain never got horrible but just enough to keep me from sleeping... I saw 4:00 and then DH woke me at 8:00.... went back to sleep for an hour, but I still hurt..... I'm gonna take a shower and try to get it to give in a little before I leave for Bismarck.. Apples,, have safe travels running your errands today.. I know you and Tanker love to spend this time together. Is it still nice there..? We have anothre 80ish day today.... I love Indian Summer..... Laura, keep a stiff upper lip!!!! He'll be back home before you know it.... My DH was gone for 15 months while on duty in Iraq in from 12-03 to 2-05...... It was a long wait while it was happening, but I kept busy and did what I had to do and one day it was time for him to come home...... Looking back on it was much easier than looking forward to it..... Like I said to Cheri,,,,,,sing, sing, sing.......... your heartache away.... HUgs... Arlene, have fun at water aerobics.... I wanna come......dang...... Okay, off to my shower..... Love you all.... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there gang..... how's it going??? Melissa, you sound better and are adjusting... I'm happy for you... the rest will follow.... Cheri, your loss is great and your grief is part of the process... You should be so proud that you gave this child the best part of yourself.... your care and concern...... It's a tragedy that he is gone and although he can't be replaced, there are so many waiting to get what you have to offer.... they are lucky children and you are blessed by God.... take care.... Sing, sing, sing, your heartache away if you can..... Arlene, glad you were able to get out and stretch those sore muscles.... keep up the good work.... Laura K, what's up in your life these days.... Jodi, you did a great job of handling things with the snacks and such.... Sometimes us mothers need to know if we overstepped.... It's easy to want to give your grandchildren whatever they ask for..... Your mother will understand...... I try very hard to follow my DD's "orders" about things, but I do tell her if I disagree with her thinking..... Now my mother had a hard time hearing those things.... still does...... but she is very bullheaded.......but I love her anyway..... Sandy, so glad your dog's reports came out good... pets are special family members..... and on this site there are many special ones..... Joyce, it was very nice here today, too.... I didn't walk but did spend time outside with Mimi...... I had my therapy session... Insurance approved the tens unit, so the therapist showed me how to do it and I took it home... Won't go back to see him unless this doesn't work and we have to regroup again... I am to wear it for three hours twice a day.... so I did the three hours from when he put it on me and then this evening at 8:00 had DH put it on for me so it's still on... I'm keeping it on mild right now.... so far no horrible pain like last night... Tomorrow I go to see my gal who does acupunture and accupressure and etc... I think my neck might be a bit out as I've had a headache most of the day... I don't get them with my usual pain..... So, I'm still hoping for some help before the wedding... That's about as far as I can see right now... DH wanted to talk about Christmas presents for the girls and I told him I just couldn't do it now... Gotta get through this wedding and then I can think about other things... So, tomorrow I will start ordering food..... Will be getting all the buns at Sam's..... they have a certain kind that are just wonderful and they package them so well when you have to move them so much.... Will order the meat next week and can freeze it for a few days... Just have to cut it.....DD and I sat and figured out what little details are still undone and hopefully we have a handle on everything... In the past I've been very good at organizing and catering for large crowds... but I admit that the pain and these drugs have to a little off my game... I hope I don't forget something and screw things up for my daughter...... We have a lovely old apple tree in our back yard and it has the best apples... this year is a great crop.... Decided tonight to add fresh apple slices and carmel fruit dip to the menu.... should be a nice addition without much cost.... Well, sorry for talking your ears off, so to speak...... Just felt like sharing..... Love to you all..... gonna go have my evening popsicle and try to get to bed early tonight... Sweet dreams dear friends... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning.... I'm up, but not at 'em yet....... had a visit from my brother and a call from DD.... Still feel groggy and drugged up..... Bad crying pain last night and DH really hurt my feelings and I got upset.... I was moaning and crying and he was trying to watch tv.... He said, "Go take a pill," in a rather uncaring voice... I had just done all that a bit earlier...... So of course I left the room and went down to the bedroom to cry some more.... He didn't mean it that way, but it's how I heard it.... He can hardly stand to hear my cry anymore..... it bothers him so much..... I recovered and the pills took hold finally, but I didn't get to sleep until after 3:00....... so not a good night... My neck is hurting still this morning.... I do have therapy at 2:00, but don't know if I want it... I think he is going to do a tens unit rather than manual stimulation of my mucsles.... So, we'll see Neen, welcome and congratulations on the weight loss... Glad to have you here where we all understand the band and how it works.... I started at 387 and am 5'9".... so I still have a ways to go too, but have been stopped by a major pain issue with my shoulder and neck.... But we're both going to make it where we want to be soon... You take care and share as often as you want... We like that... The better we know you the more we can help. Arlene, I can just feel your sore muscles..... I'm proud of you for keeping going.... WTG..... I like saltines with my soup, too..... Hard habit to break...... Good luck to Jakob... How's all the babies...??? Lori, I don't do seafood, so that wouldn't be a temptation for me..... but I do love butter..... So it's not just MN, but ND, too, that has to blame WI..... Have a great time..... Gee, if so many of us want to visit New England states in the fall we may have to meet there next fall...... Shouldn't be any heat issues..... Apples, you are not a boring farm wife..... actually anything from it..... And I should know.... I'm a farmer's daughter and proud of it..... Well, I just had boiled eggs for breakfast/lunch (first meal of the day) but I had a little butter on my hot eggs..... Apples, I think you said you eat lots of eggs.. Has it affected you cholesterol in any way??? I don't have high cholesterol, but don't want to get it so I try not to overdo the eggs...... Linda, you sound busy.... take care... is the hip any better??? Hug Ayla lots from all of us LB sisters, too.. I need to try to do something... I asked DH to get my "big" kitchenaid mixer out before he left, but he forgot... I have a regular one on my counter I use all the time, but a much bigger one that I use occassionally... Cannot lift it myself, but I want it for my cakes and frosting.... He'll have to do it tonight... So, I think I will make a couple more pans of bars and then start cakes tomorrow... Only 15 days till the wedding and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed..... You all take care.... Hugs and love to all..... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    More work is done, but I also had a nap..... and I'm still hurting pretty bad...... It hasn't let up much all day.... It's just barely tolerable now.... I did take some Tylenol now, so hope I can make it till evening to take the Hydrocodone.... Leftovers will work for supper I think, so I'm about done for the day.... maybe fold a couple more loads of clothes..... Joyce and Arlene, you both seem to be re-committed to your plans... That's wonderful..... I just plain didn't feel like eating at all yesterday, but today was better... But I still gravitate to the carbs.... I must get back to my proteins.... Lori, tires always make a big dent in the wallet.... As for the DVD's..... that's money well spent.... My mother did that with all her old super 8's and then gave me and my brothers copies of the discs... It was a great gift..... I'm sure you will cry..... but that's what memories are about sometimes... Sandy, good luck finding a yoga class...... How's the skunk situation?? I hope it's all behind you by this time... Well, I'm ready to get away from my computer for awhile.... talk to you later......... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey, I've come alive...........sort of........... got the bags unpacked and things put where they go, laundry sorted and started, stacks of papework off my desk for the most part, dressed, dishes soaking, and am about ready to watch my soap...... DF took Mimi for ultrasound, they found someone at daycare to help DD and I'm now feeling lots better about my day..... A couple errands to run later.... Laura K, sorry your yoga was cancelled, but you are really getting into the exercise.. good for you..... Lori, glad you got your rain mess cleaned up.... when do you leave.... tomorrow?? Have fun.... I'm a bit jealous as I told you earlier..... Vermont is my goal someday... Janet, have a unstressfull day at work..... Gotta go change loads....Talk to you all later............... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning gang...... woke up by the phone again.... I'm starting to hate that.... Don't they know I'm a druggy who can't think straight right away !!!LOL....... Anyway, I'm going to try to stay awake and get some things done.... I also woke up with pain.... Doesn't make me expect the best day......The call was from DD and I'm expecting a call for help as she is alone at the daycare and already has 4 babies and no one is scheduled to come in until after school...... I may have to go help her..... Hope not.... :thumbdown::cursing: My cat won't stay off of my desk so I can type... she's getting o my nerves..... Haven't had my morning popsicle yet...... brushed my teeth and took my meds. but mouth feels like $#@t as per usual these days.... Hey TX, these gals are giving you good advice.... Just hold on............it's quite a journey..... Laura, take it easy now and just breathe through your hectic schedule.... you'll do great just like always.... Almost called you last night for advice about Mimi.... DD is just very upset about how Mimi is these days and not getting a lot of answers that seem right to her..... But we'll see what the ultrasound does today..... Apples, have fun being the farmer's helper today.... I know you love it.... We had a gorgeous day yesterday... 84..... it's to be a little cooler today, but still nice... Wish I had more time and energy to take advantage of it..... Have fun.. Arlene, WTG on getting back in the groove..... And give that little Jakob a hug from me for luck.... I'm sure he is gonna do wonderful especially since he has such a nice grandma to help him..... Well, everyone have a great day.... better get mine started.... I have lots to do.... dishes, laundry, unpacking, paperwork, Laromi, supper and maybe daycare....... I wanted to start baking cakes, but I don't think that will work today... Hugs to all.... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone..... No sleep yet so decided to see what was shaking here since I was on last.... I haven't tried to set the font and such on here... I know I did it on my e-mail...... I'm sure no whiz with the computer, but I manage.... Pain has been tough since early afternoon... Just won't let go.... I think the massage and therapy are stirring things up.... My next one is Thursday and I'm hoping he has a new plan..... Sending me home with a tens unit is what he said but don't know about that insurance approval........I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.... I have to take Laromi in for an ultrasound..... She was doing so well with potty training and then a couple weeks ago she started crying when she went and then started having lots of accidents.... Holding too long because it hurts maybe.... She's also been having nightmares about monsters.....Wakes up and cries in the night... One NP treated her for bladder infection but then said the urine sample came back clean.... DD took her to a different clinic today and they did an x-ray and said she is impacted wth stool..... they gave her stuff to unplug her and then want to do the ultrasound... Poor little Mimi..... Hope we get it figured out sooner rather than later... DD is going nuts.... and the wedding in just 2 1/2 weeks away... Cheri, so sorry you are having a tough time grieving for Michael.... It is such a tough thing...... especially when a child is involved..... You have such a calling for the work you do......it shows how much you care..... try to take it easy and let the stages pass..... you will get better..... WTG on getting a little extra to help pay for your choir trip.... Every little bit helps..... Arlene, in all the hub bub around here since returning home I forgot to thank you again for the cute Texas ornament.... It was so thoughtful and will look great with all my other special decorations... Can't believe it's almost time for that...... I don't have my fall/Halloween decorations out yet..... Maybe tomorrow or Thursday.... Apples, did you get rested up from your long drive?? Hope so...... Good luck trolling..... Did you have lots of laundry to do after being gone or did DH surprise you and have it washed??? Mine didn't so that's tomorrow's plan, too..... Would you believe I haven't unpacked yet..... Just haven't had time or was in too much pain to care when I did.... I'll get there.... DH filled little pumplin bags with leaves with the girls this afternoon... they had so much fun raking and stuffing.... and of course I forgot to take a picture... I'm so bad about that.... Phyll, Zoey seems to really be happy to have you home again..... Have a fun time with your water aerobics.... Laura K, so you are starting a yogo class now.... I've never done any of that..... hope you have fun and it helps you lots... Joyce, glad you came away with so many tips... I think we all learned so important things from each other over the weekend..... And girls, this woman is ageless.... she looks beautiful...... as did all the rest of you..... We are quite a bunch...... We should have done a tally of how much total weight has been lost by the group.... It would be a staggering amount I think..... Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleasently surprised for it to be down 3 pounds... but It has happened before and then come back again... I'll wait to see what tomorrow brings... I didn't eat much today, but had a bunch of popsicles...... Linda, the pictures of Ayla are just gorgeous... what a sweeting.... sparkles in her eyes or maybe twinkles is better.... so precious.... And Jodi, your pictures of Dassi are wonderful, too... She is a knock out.... will be lots of suitors coming her way sooner than you think..... Brace yourself..... So, I should try to go get some sleep.... Not sure if my shoulder is ready or not... I have a cold pack on right now......... Will heat my wheat bag and then get to bed and put it on my shoulder... Usually I will fall asleep like that.... So, nightie night, dear friends... have sweet dreams..... I love you all.......... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone............ I've had a really long day today so far...... Got an early phone call (8:00) from Mother and Mimi.. Mimi wanted me and so I had to get her.... Her mother came to get her at 10:30, but called soon after and wanted me to take Mimi to the doctor... thinks she has a bladder or yeast infection... cries when so goes, so started holding it too long and is having lots of accidents..... So I did that and then had to keep her here the rest of the day... Wanted to get a urine sample, but no luck.... We had on pull-ups and just would not go on the toilet....... I tried and tried..... She left at 6:00... however at 1:00 I had my therapy..... DH was here to watch her for a little..... Well....... therapy hurt me again like it did last Thursday before I left... I have been hurting terribly bad since about 5:30.... Just shy of crying but really wanted to..... I've taken my meds and had a hot shower and now my cream..... It's starting to back off a bit.... But therapy seems to be stirring up the pain now... He wants me to have a tens unit to have at home so I can stimulate the muscles without touching them.... but have to have Ins approval.... Hope it goes fast..... I'm so glad the pain didn't get out of control while we were in Vegas..... It got to an 8 a couple of times, but mostly manageable and I slept okay... yesterday I did surprisingly well.... Didn't take any meds until I got home...... So, I guess vacation is over and back to my rat race..... Melissa, I'm so glad to hear you say the job is better and you didn't have to see your doctor afterall..... That's great news and things are just going to get better and better.... good for you.... I talked to Karen just after she landed in Minneapolis.. She wasn't sure if she was driving home tonight or tomorrow.... I think I'd wait til morning and be fresh... she'll have lots of cooking and stuff to do when she gets home..... She takes such good care of her men....... Eva, I'm guessing you won't see this, but I just hope you have the best time in Argentina... will await the stories and pictures when you get home...... safe travels.. Laura, so sorry for your terrible community tragedy.... Nothing worse than the death of a child.... My DD was in a T-bone accident like that and her best friend was killed.... 14 years old..... back when they were in 9th grade.... 4-99.......... Changed DD's life forever to lose her friend and go through that.... my prayers for the girl and her family..... that poor mother...... Keep us up-to-date on the condition of the other family members... Well, my foggy head isn't remembering much more so will say goodbye for now... talk to you all later.... Judy, are you out there??? I missed you in Vegas... no roomate to talk to while falling asleep!!!!! Take care all.............. Hugs......... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Okay girls, I made it home, too.... It has been a long day waiting at the Salt Lake City airport for 4 hours, then got on the plan and had to wait some more as they needed to take another crew along to fix a plane that was grounded in Bismarck..... DH was there to meet me and then he took me to Walmart to get my popsicles....... had 2 on the way home.... ooooooooooooohhhhhhh it was heaven....... Hope everyone is safe and well... My pain was manageable for the weekend.... it was there, but I did control it as best I could.... today was pretty good, but I'm hurting now.... Want a shower and some of my tingly cream and a hot pack....... I did talk to Apples before boarding my plane and Jodi and Jeff had taken her and Joyce and Cheri out to lunch and then Cheri to the airport and then Apples and Joyce were going shopping..... They will be home tomorrow... Lori is safely at home... tried to call her but we played phone tag...... OMG, Sandy..... those skunks are something... Hope you get them all out of the way.... good going on the running... Laura K.....love the new picture.... and you're running now too.... WTG Laura great pic of Nelson.... congrats on purple.... Hows Mom and Dad??? Melissa, how is the job now....?? getting better?? Well gang I'm so dang tired I just gotta go.... It's 10:30 and DH went to bed already... My pain is stirring up now so I need to get on to my ritual..... Hugs and love to all..... It was the greatest weekend.... wouldn't trade it for anything..... We'll talk later... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Well I got a couple hours of sleep...... Pain is minimal this morning... Going to take all the precautions I can...... It's 4:45.... so I just have to get dressed and we are off.... All of you who aren't traveling, know us are with us in spirit.....so have a nice weekend, and we'll be back Sunday evening sometime...... Hugs........... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    I was feeling pretty good today.... no pain....until I had my therapy.... It stirred something up and I've had pain ever since... It's being nasty right now..... Please everybody, pray I can make it through the flight..... I'm worried now.... Mostly all packed......We have to get up by 4:30 to get me to the airport on time.... Might just be up all night.... Maybe I'll be able to sleep on the plane then!!!! Well, this is it..... Those of you staying home...... stay close to one another on here...... We'll be missing you lots...... Hugs and prayers for us all as we travel or stay at home... Dear Lord, keep us all safe................ and thank you for letting us find such wonderful friends..... Amen................... Sweet dreams.... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    I'm still in my jammies, but my paperwork is done... I checkd on all the wedding plans to make sure I didn't forget to do something I wanted to do before I left.... Now to get dressed and do a couple errands and then pack my bag..... And so far, no pain yet this morning... I'm praying to have it stay away now... Have my therapy at 3:00....... Better keep moving while I'm motivated.... TTYL.... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning........ whoooooo hooooooooooo, my pain kicked off about 11:30 last night and I slept good... Hope that's a good sign..... today I will take no chances and just finish my paperwork and pack......Oh, and do dishes and make sure DH has some food to eat.......and you know..... all the little stuff..... but no lifting for me.... My flight leaves at 6:30 so have to be out of here by about 5:00 am...... Karen, drive safely and have a fun day and evening... Arlene and Joyce, have a good flight... Jodi, what fun things are you up to without us...????? All the rest I will talk to later.... Have a good day... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    No bull riding for this chick........ God only knows what that may do to my pain.................or maybe it would help!!!!! Judy, nice to hear from you.... thanks for the offer....Laura and Laura K and Jessica and Melissa...... we are going to miss you all....Sandy, too.. I think that is all of us except some of the newer ones.... We've turned into quite a group..... I'm getting a bit nervous about the weekend and my pain issues.... I woke up with pain today and it's just stayed around all day... Makes for a long day... I'm about ready for bed so will take my last pain pill and hope for some sleep..... I had a "Apples" type of day today... Lots of running for people.... Had to go get DH from the field as he got a tractor stuck.... Still don't have my paperwork all done... I got about half so that leaves packing and the other half for tomorrow...... Those of you leaving tomorrow travel safe.... Cheri, I think you are the second one in on Friday morning.... Lori comes in before you... then Apples and then me.... and then Arlene...We are meeting at the baggage claim I think..... and we have each other's cell phone numbers... Jodi, Joyce and Linda will already be here so don't know that they will be at the airport.....probably at the resort..... Well, sweet dreams to all... See you soon...... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning..... I've not much time to post, but wanted to say that I'm up for the club and limo on Friday night.... Sounds fun and the price is sure right...... Thanks Jodi... Talk to you all after while.... got a busy morning and it's half gone already..... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey, those of you who are flying alone for the first time, remember how scared I was in February......almost didn't come..... Well, I was so glad I did....... I knew what I needed to do.........I asked for help if I needed it and it just relaxed..... I didn't have to worry about anyone else but me.............. All went well....... so this time I'm not having any of those anxious thoughts..... If I could do it, you all can too......... Just remember what charming, lovely, capable, strong women we all are.... We're conquering the worst foe of all.............food.... we can handle a little flying...... Love ya.......... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all....... I wrote a nice post this afternoon, but got called away from my computer and when I came back to it..........it went away.... I hate losing a post....now I can't remember what I said to who..... Oh well, I'll just go from here...... Phyll, I think I missed something about twins...... Who has twins??? Laura K, I don't envy you dating again..... I was over 40 when DH and I met and started the whole ordeal... wasn't fun at all at first.... but I'm sure glad we stuck it out... I have a wonderful husband that I thank God for everyday....... It'll happen for you when you least expect it...... Linda, my mother always did that drawl thing everytime she spent time with her sister from California..... I used to tease them.... but the sister is long gone now, but you reminded me of something nice...... I'll enjoy hearing you change......Maybe we'll all do it before we leave.... Yes, I agree about the gals who aren't able to come this time... We'll miss you and I'm so glad to already have met Laura, Jessica, and Judy in February..... ddon't be afraid to call of use the computer if we can... Then you can feel like you are there, too..... Went to my 7th grade niece's volleyball game this afternoon.... DH got home early and went with me and then DD and the little girls came, too.... So fun to watch them enjoy things and clap and holler.... We haven't had much to do with school for 8 years now, but soon will be back into attending things... In a small town like ours kids events are very popular.... Everyone who wants to play gets to.... One of the things I love about small town USA..... you don't have to be the best to do things... Just have to give it your all...... gosh I just can't remember much from before now... Glad to hear from Cheri,,... I figured you were busy catching up and getting things organized so you could be gone a few days.... Can't wait..... It just seems like so many of us have so much in common.... not just the weight issues, but kids and health and such... We'll be able to talk no-stop...... We'll take enough time out to win that jackpot, though.... That would just put the icing on the cake, so to speak....... Well, I love you all and am going to try to sleep with all good thoughts in my mind..... My pain only got to about a 4 this evening and I've taken my pills and should be ready to crash before long..... Sleep well, friends... so many of you haven't been and you need to rest up for all our fun........Hugs and prayers for everyone.... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning................. My pain finally broke and I went to bed at 12:45.... Slept pretty well.... just up to bathroon a couple times... I ate too many popsicles waiting for the pain to end!!!! Got woke up by the phone this morning asking me to come over to be with the girls... They were still sleeping and DD and DF had a meeting about Mimi at school...... So I got my time with them this morning....and then came home... Works for me after yesterday.... I have no pain this morning and have a massage scheduled for noon.... I'm going to be very careful today.. Only thing is both girls have colds so I'm going to overdose on Airborne to try to stop those dang germs from getting me before Vegas... Eva, you must be so anxious for the time to pass quickly.. I know I sure was when it happened to me... Good luck....... Karen, safe travels with good music today... Is this an easy day at the dentist???? Lori have fun with DH...... You should just have a bag ready to go all the time...... You're such a jet-setter.... Laura, that sweet little thing couldn't have done anything to bad... He doesn't have the temperment for too naughty.... I'm sure it will be fine. How are you doing?? Getting a handle on your schedule now?? Melissa, how goes the job.... any better this week? Arlene, dang those bars..... Hope you get them out of site now..... When does Jakob have to do his baking?? Judy, I miss you.... Jessica, you must be super busy... Hope all is well.. Cheri, we haven't heard much from you... You must be so busy and then preparing to take a day off, too.... You'll need a long weekend to rest up.... Janet, that's how it was with my one brother.... When he lived here we didn't talk much, just busy with our lives... Now that he moved to SD we talk and e-mail all the time... and I' glad..... His wife is in the hospital with a big blood clot in her leg right now.. Need to call her today again..... Joyce, how are you doing?? Haven't heard from you in a little while..... Hope all is well... Linda, I know you are busy..... How is Katie doing??? and Aylah..... still with you or at home??? Phyll is it still so hot.. How is your DH doing/ Laura K, any more dates planned with this new guy?? Jodi, do you leave today?? Have a safe flight.. Is Dassi coming along???? Sandy, how's the skunk smell....? Can you stand to get anywhere near your dog yet??? Well, I had DH carry all the laundry down to the laundry room this morning before he left, so better go put some in and get it all started.... I also must do paperwork this morning... Has to be done before I leave Friday..... You all have a good day... Hugs... Julie

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