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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there, I seem to be doing my posting during the night a lot lately..... I slept way too much today, so am not tired yet...... Yesterday was a very bad day.... But my stomach issues seem to have lessened and that's a good thing... I was able to eat a bit more today without pain.... I will still take Laura's advice about seeing my band doctor asap.... will call early in the morning to see what chance I have of getting in soon..... DH and I did take Laromi and Bailey to the park today for a bit.. It was pretty chilly but they had so much fun on the slides.... Some fresh air will make them sleep good tonight.... SIL was under the weather so appreciated a little quiet so he could nap some while we had the girls.... Otherwise we just really sat around today... I missed church........... I hate it when that happens, but sometimes you just can't get going..... That's 2 in a row now and I sure hope things get better soon... Hope everyone had a great weekend with some fun and relaxation.... Now on to another week..... Sweet dreams and hugs to all............ love ya.......... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi friends, I'm still hanging around but sure feel awful.... I'm so frustrated with feeling bad all the time... Tried to call my LB doc today, but he wasn't on call so got the one who did my abscess surgery.... He was no help..... My new NP is in Aruba..... So, I called the sweetest NP I know.....(the one in Florida!!!!!) and we talked quite a while.... She gave me lots of ideas and some assurances that I'm not on my death bed...... Thanks Laura, it means so much that you care and share your talents with us..... NJ, I'm a soldier's wife, too..... Mine is now retired after 38 years...... He started with a tour in Viet Nam and ended with OIF II in Iraq from 12-03 to 2-05.... Was quite an experience for people our age...... So glad your husband came home safe..... I too lost a lot of weight while he was gone (just on my own) but when he got back I went back to old habits and put it all on again.... I had my LB 8-08..... I've lost just over 100 pounds with about 80 left to go, but have had major health issues that have put me into maintenance stage for over a year... I'm glad to me maintaining, but along with being sickly now, I fear that I won't be able to get back to losing..... Also, my daughter has had serious female problems and was told she would need medical assistance to conceive.... Surprise.......... got pregnant with guy she just met who turned out to be a nightmare..... So I have a 3 1/2 year old granddaughter.. Here doctor was just amazed that she conceived..... A while back DD finally met someone nice and they fell in love... He has a little one, too... almost the same circumstance so no marraige.... She will be 3 in December.... DD and DF just got married a few weeks ago.... Guess what???? They are already pregnant........... Another shock....... So, the point is, that almost anything can happen if you don't give up hope.... If you are meant to be a mother, you will be... I wish for you that it be very soon.... And keep coming back here ...... this is a wonderful place to find acceptance, support, compassion, tough love, and just the best bunch of friends you can imagine..... Welcome Apples, I love you, too, and every one else, too...... Glad to hear about DS getting a plan going that keeps him around.... I'm sure you are relieved.... My meds are kicking in, thank goodness, so maybe I can finish this tonight.... Eva, what a beautiful card you sent.... thank you for it and the little memento...... I'm just not very crafty... I do crochet and really want to get sweaters made for Mimi and Bailey for Christmas......But gotta feel better than I do now.... and of course, if this new baby is a boy I'll have lots to do.... I'm not used to blue..... Jessica, don't like that your son got involved in what the doc said.... but otherwise, you know if you want to keep seeing him or if you need someone knew... I've had my share of counseling and you really need to be able to trust the person you are spilling your guts to...... As for your new avatar..... how cute.... you've gone from very blonde to very dark... what is your natural color??? Take care... Lori, hope you enjoy your weekend at home.... I know this isn't the ideal situation for you, but you are luckier than others in your situation as you can up and fly where ever you choose quiete easily...... It's a great benefit to lonliness or boredom.... Have fun with you Ho Ho Ho's..... Pyhll, hope that shot helps you.... they didn't help me at all...... I envy you your water aerobics..... but oh well.... Maybe one day I can do them again.... Laura K, sorry your friend bailed on you.... What did you decide to do instead???? I haven't been feeling up to doing anything much these days at all.... Yesterday after the doc and dentist for DH, we did go shopping for a van for DD and DSIL..... They have 3 vehicles and none of them will handle a family with 3 children in car seats..... We found a nice 2005 Ford Freestar that meets the need...... Poor DSIL hit a deer on his way home from work last night with the car they are trading in.... However, it didn't turn out too bad.. Will cost us about $250 extra over the quoted price..... Arlene, girl you definitley get the prize for giving it you all.... wish things worked out better for you... You are getting good advice from these gals and I'm sure you will be on track again soon.... I didn't take any notes this time, so I know I've left some out...... sorry.... I gotta go get some ice on my shoulder.....I'm praying for a peaceful night.... Haven't had many lately..... Take care everyone... Hugs and prayers to all.......... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    I'm up with my pain again..... I wish it would just let me sleep.................. I took tylenol now and hope it will ease up in a bit..... I'm waiting to here about an appointment with a rheumatologist...... I just sure know that I don't feel well now at all...... Didn't eat much again on Thursday..... You'd think I'd be losing, but not yet.... My stomach is nauseous and I'm belching all the time... Over the past 15 months my pain has taken different forms..... some worse than others.... This is a bad one.... And I've done nothing different... I don't know if the pain and my not feeling well otherwise are connected or not..... Really hope to find that out sometime soon.... Something has got to give soon... And, Janet, I'm not an addict..... But when I can take it no longer I have to do something and the ER and a shot of morphine is about all there is to do... It's been 8 months since I had to do that last......DH and I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and will have Mimi with us... Thank goodness DH will be along.... I couldn't do it alone.... Linda, thanks for the tip... Arlene, that darn Flexeril made me gain before I put a stop to it... I'm going to ask about any new meds before taking them.... Can't have the weight come back.... Not after all I've been through...... Apples, you'll be up soon I suspect.... have a great day with your friend.... Supposed to be nice here today... high in the 40's.... TX, glad you are doing so well..... walking is great for you and now you have a goal... this is good... Sandy, you have set a big goal for yourself... best of luck with accomplishing that.... I'm sure you can do it.. Jessica, you're doing great..... finding the right councelor can be tough... good luck with that... Glad Jake is doing so much better now.... take care and don't forget to keep in touch.... Cheri, glad you are back to your comfort zone.... Kelly, welcome to our group.... this is a great place to make wonderful friends... Look forward to getting to know you better... I've been absent alot lately because of my medical issues..... Arlene, sorry you didn't get your fill..... My PA never denied me when I asked.... even if it was just a little bit....Let's hope her advice helps and you can get one next time.... Laura K, hope all is well.... have you seen this last guy again??? Lots of luck.... I'm so glad I'm not out there in the single world..... I'd never make it..... Just enjoy yourself and the rest will fall into place.... Laura, I'm sure you had a busy day.... Thank goodness for your neighbor to watch Nelson.... Everyone else, know that I'm thinking of you... Will catch up again later.... Must go try to sleep now... Hugs and prayers for all..... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang.................. Im sorry to have been MIA for so long.. there was over 8 pages to read... I mostly skimmed.... I'm not feeling well these days and find sitting by the compter to not be something I want to do... My shoulder was so bad that I had to call DH home from work yesterday to take me to the ER for a shot of morphine.... I'm finally doing a bit better, bu tmy shoulder is very sore and causes me great pain... Also go news that blood tests show that something is wrong and I need to see a rhuemetologist...... Don't know what that means...... But I'll do whatever they say..... I'm sorry to wimp out but sitting here is making my shoulder hurt more.... Must get off.... Hugs and prayers to all... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there............ I just don't know why I'm having trouble finding time for the computer lately..... It's not because I don't have time.... But it seems everytime I log on I have 4 or 5 pages to read and I'm behind the times.... Gotta get some rythem back again somehow.... We had Mimi overnight last night.... I was awake a few minutes this morning enough to know she and DH were up and playing, but I went back to sleep in my chair and completely slept through DD coming to get her... I don't like that.... Anyway, it was so nice here today so DH and I took Mimi out for a little excursion... We went to Knife River Indian Villages and let her run and play in a mud hut and such.... She had lots of fun.... DH was going to take her on a walk on the trail and I was going to just wait for them.... but when I got out of sight she had to turn around and come to find me.... Little sweetie.... We had fun taking her out to eat and then she went to sleep on the way home..... Bailey was not home.....with her mother.....so couldn't take her along... bought them both each a little skunk cause they are little stinkers!!!! Mimi always plugs her nose and says, "Pee yoo!!!!! (god I've never tried to spell that before!!!!) So cute..... Came home and had a nap.... then a dip in the hot tub and now just sitting her with DH watching tv....Kind of boring I guess..... I'm about like Lori with hunting... Can't make myself eat it as we had so much as kids on the farm......Thankfully DH has quit hunting deer so don't have to worry about that anymore..... gun season started here yesterday, too... doesn't affect us much, but opening deer gun season is even cause for no school on that Friday... They use some other excuse but that's the real reason,...... Apples, glad your mouth is feeling some better... I bought stuff from my dentist once to whiten my teeth.. and tray thing............but it didn't work as far as I was concerned... Have never tried any over the counter things.... I'd like whiter teeth, but tend to forget about it...... Sandy, congrats on the new time on your race... just finishing is a great accomplishment.... Laura, enjoy your alone time... Laura K, WTG with snagging a nice one.... best of luck for lots of good times.... Phyll, glad your GS is doing okay.... you know kids, they think they are invinceable...... Cheri, I'm sure you are happy to have P/T confernces over for another time.... We just had ours, too, and Mimi got a good report..... Needs to start learning the letters in her name... She's only 3 so she is doing well...knows to count to about 19..... sometimes misses the 5...... But she loves pre school.... Arlene, be sure to let us see a picture of this tablescape... I'm sure it's beautiful...... have fun.... Joyce, so nice to hear from you and glad to know you make it okay..... have fun with those babies.... Melissa, hugs on the insurance thing..... too bad it had to sneak up on you......hang in there..... Eva, sounds like you are getting this retirement thing under control..... nice to do things at your own pace for a change....... Well DH is complaining about me sitting here so long... better go join him..... Remember to turn your clocks..... I like the fall better than the spring!!!! Hugs to all and have a great Sunday... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, I tried going to bed at 10:30, but my shoulder just won't let me lay down flat I guess.... Got up and thought I would wait it out here on the computer.. I got most of what I wanted to do today done, so that is a good thing...... my floors were terrible and got them done... dusted my office and vacuumed the floor.... I baked DH an apple pie, his favorite..... and then he didn't eat any...... because he ate too much fresh cinnamon swirl bread.... I had to make a pan of sweet rolls for my nephew and brother who are leaving at 4:00 am tomorrow for an elk hunt in Colorado.... This is my time of year for my family to want me to make rolls for everyone... I just did a small batch today with my mixer.... got one pan of rolls and one loaf of bread.... Next week I have to do the carmel rolls for the other nephew...... I'm fine with it now that I figured how to use my mixer's dough hook.... I don't have to hurt myself to make the dough.. I just have to do smaller batches..... and that's okay... As for apples, DH and I did get a bunch put in the freezer on Sunday so that is done... Still one big box in the garage along with the boxes he has in the garage fridge that he saves to just eat....... We didn't get so many this year, but what we did get are just beautiful.... and so big.... took 4 apples for a 10 inch pie..... This "flatulance" problem seems to be an epidemic lately... I have been suffering for days now and don't know why.... I spend a lot of time alone at home so done't have to worry too much..... Laura K, can't wait to hear about your date.. fingers crossed that he is a nice guy... Where are you meeting these lucky gentlemen...??? Are they new in your life since your weightloss, or are they just noticing you now??? I hope they are new because I hate to think that a few pounds kept them from asking you out before..... You are the same lovely woman, just must slimmer now.... I wish you good luck finding a wonderful guy to treat you like a queen...... Yes, Linda has been absent.... I, too, worry about her DSD..... and that sweet little girl... Lori, have fun in Memphis.... I'd love to go there.... Your goal will be complete if you make it to all three states...... Janet, so nice that things are going so well with your sister now... Those old problems lose a lot of power when health issues get involved... It was so nice of you to go make her feel special to you..... Arlene, yes, your mindset is changing... I notice that about myself very often.... Even watching food commercials on TV or some of the food network shows I like... I watch those people taking big bites of something huge and sinfully ful of calories and almost feel nauseated by it... I can't imagine stuffing anything like that in my mouth anymore..... Have you ever seen Man vs. Food on the Travel channel??? How that man can put that much food in his stomach is amazing to me.... and why doesn't he weigh 400 pounds... Tonight he ate a meter long sausage with two side dishes in 26 minutes... made me want to gag..... Sandy good luck with your 5K run.... I don't believe I know what state you live in....... Is this your first race.? That's a lot of people..... and for such a good cause... I hope you make yourself proud...... Eva, my DH has always made his own coffee...... I don't drink it so don't even think of it... and with these strange sleeping habits I don't even hear him grind the beans in the morning.... That's very odd for me... I ususally hear everything.... Well, I've made a decision for myself.... Besides my pain issues I have noticed that I don't feel very well lately... Nothing specific, but just not right.. I know my addiction to popsicles is partly to blame... so I'm going to wean myself off of them and go to all sf ones.. I don't like them as well, so that should just normally reduce the amount I have in a day.... and I'm going to call and schedule a check up with my NP here.... have some blood work done... I've noticed my hair has begun falling out again... I find that a bit odd for now... My finger nails are doing better and feeling a bit stronger finally.... but I think maybe there are some things going on that I don't know.... Best to check it out..... Well, you other ladies who haven't been on today, I hope your day went well and you are resting up for a new day tomorrow.... Nothing on my plate,.... just plan to do a little more housekeeping... get the top layers of dust off... We live very near the town grain elevator... This time of year with beans and seeds the dust just rolls off those trucks and my house suffers badly.... My bedroom is in bad need of dusting and polishing... I may make some supper and invite our friends in tomorrow night... She is the one with the brain aneurysms.... Yesterday she stepped in a hole and fell and broke her foot.... Maybe she'll appreciate not having to cook...... I still have some leftover turkey from the wedding to use.. It's in the freezer..... I thought maybe some turkey tetrazinni would be good... with a nice salad. some steamed broccoli, and of course apple pie for dessert..... We'll see if she is up for it... Well, the pain pill kicked in so maybe I can sleep now... Stay safe and snug in your beds.... Nightie night... Love you guys... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning....... My attempt at a new sleep schedule worked a little.... I couldn't get to sleep until late last night, but I sure am up early this morning... Pain woke me about 7:15...... Been trying to calm it down and was hoping to sleep some more, but I'm thinking I should get busy and do something and maybe I can go to bed early tonight... I want to do some much needed cleaning today... My office is a fright.... dust and cat hair..... Yuck... Must get down on the floor to do a lot of it as I have stuff packed in here pretty tight..... Apples, so sorry to hear you didn't sleep much.... I guess we just have to remember the end product and know it's almost over.... You've been so brave.... Janet, have a good day at work.... How are all you sick ones doing??? Better I hope.. Cheri, will you make it to school today??? Arlene, I got all that bill paying and letter writing done yesterday.... However I do have to write some letters to our rentors.... We just got blasted with a horrible special assessment on our property... No choice but to raise the rent as of 1-1-11...... Don't relish writing those letters..... I think I'm going to take a nice warm bath before I start my day.. Might break of that pain.... or maybe the hot-tub... DH is already gone to work so I can skinny dip if I choose..... Yup, think that's what I'll do... you all take care and have a good day... Hugs.. Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, it seems like I just can't get to the computer until late anymore..... DH just went to bed so thought I would try to catch up again.... Made a trip to Bismarck today to the chiropractor.... She did mostly accupressure on my today and says she strongly understands why I describe my current pain as charley horse in my neck and shoulder.... The muscles were just popping out...... She gave me a good work over..... Hoping to be better again now for awhile.... Apples, you are a tough one.... does drinking hurt your mouth now, too, or can you drink your calories??? I'm feeling for you..... take care of yourself...... Lori, glad you are better today..... and a trip to Denver to see GM and DD sound like the ticket..... good going on the shopping.... Arlene, what kind of things are you doing of or for your grandchildren??? Silouhettes???? I can't picture what you mean..... One of the churches in our town does a thing where you sign up to decorate a table in whatever style you want... Must be something similar to what you are doing.... glad your pain is better.... Melissa, you hang in there... Your DH must just need for you to help him understand what his actions do to you.... He'll get it eventually.... mine did..... It's my mother who doesn't get it..... but I just try to ignore that about her and she doesn't live with me..... Cheri, gosh I hope you are better.... taking a day off from work must mean you really felt tough...... feel better soon..... Jodi, hope you made the right decision about your fill... You're the only one who knows how you feel... How is Dassi doing???? Did I ever tell you thanks for the pictures way back when??? She is beautiful.... just like her mother.... Janet, I understqnd your feelings about just wanting some peace and quiet over the holidays.... I'm having trouble even trying to think about it this year.... Heidi, welcome.... Arlene said it... we are all emotional eaters.... We understand.... Just grab a hold and get back on track...... We've all had to do it at one time or another... I need to do it now..... Well, time for some sleep..... I'm trying to break my stupid sleep cycle... Up all night and sleep most of the day isn't doing for me anymore.... I hate it.... We'll see how it goes.... HUgs to all and sweet dreams.... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Okay, I think I have a minute to catch up... Just finished reading all the posts......I have to curl my hair and get out to vote and to the post office soon.... Cheri, I'm with the other girls... You just have a knack for putting into words what we all feel and know in our herats... thanks.... glad your chicken did the trick for you.... and congrats on getting to your comfort zone.. Arlene, those babies are just so cute in their costumes... I love it... didn't get a picture of my little girls..... not thinking clearly........ I'm sorry to hear your pain is kicking you around so badly right now... You stay so busy and so committed to what you are doing... Very proud of you, girl... Lori, nice to hear your visit with DS is going so well.... We don't get many kids here on Halloween.. We live on a dead end street and there aren't many other houses close.... I had 2 granddaughter, 1 great nephew, and 8 other children.... I didn't buy much candy either... DH has no trouble eating the left overs.... I wish I was as far as you with Christmas shopping... Not a thing yet... barely any ideas..... TX way to go on the walking... Sorry your shoulder is so bad.... It seems that is pretty normal, though.... some family members have had it and recovery was tough... You hang in there..... Apples, love the costumes... suits you well.....LOL.. That's something I have never done since grade school.... Hope you don't have the crud...... and that you are feeling like your old self soon.... Gosh, there have been too many funerals in your life this year..... Sounds like harvest is over...... good for you guys... DH is still working as they have lots to haul to the elevator now...... Sorry, Laura, I don't feel capable of a recap this time as I've missed so much lately myself.... You stay so busy with that boy of yours, but good for all of you.... Are you still liking the volunteer job??? Good you can go to parents for Thanksgiving.. Welcome home Janet, sorry your flight got messed up.. I'm sure you have your composure back now..... Hope you had a great time..... now back to the grind.... Jodi, sorry to hear you are having stomach troubles.... But you'll get it worked out... Just be careful and take care of yourself... Glad the dog situation didn't get out of hand..... Phyll, hope that spiked temp doesn't get any worse... Have you been to the doctor at all yet... I must have missed that part... Laura K, sorry to hear you have the crud, too.... Hope it passes fast.... Sandy, what's going on with those skunks?? Are they finally gone.... Linda, you must be busy, haven't heard from you much lately.... Hope you are feeling okay..... Judy had a birthday yesterday... I did e-mail her and she is just so busy with her Fiddler on the Roof production.... Eva, glad you had a good time with your sister... Where is she moving to....... How's the job coming... are you getting any more familiar with things...?? Hope so.... Joyce, did you leave yet...?? Have a great time.... Jessica, I'm just so proud of you and all that you are accomplishing... How is it all going?? Did you decide to join that honor society??? Hope you can..... It's a feather in your cap...... Melissa, how are you doing... Job getting better....... Peaches..... What are you up to these days..... All the newbies, hope you keep posting..... Well, if I left anyone out it was an accident.... I've been sitting here by my deck doing bills and such and need to get up..... Hope all are well and happy.... I'm okay........ really just about the same as I have been... Pain sometimes and not others...... go figure..... Hugs to all.... TTYL... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Oops, I'm not sure how I got some of those last pictures.... I'll try again..... Okay, I give up..... There is 650 pictures to choose from.... and I can't find all the ones I wanted to share.. Will try again later....
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Just a few more.... Laromi, oops, I mean Mimi..... was having so much fun dancing with her new daddy...... Gotta run..... be back later..... Hugs to all... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning to all....... I haven't had time to read, but DD brought me the disc with all the wedding pictures last night and wanted to get some up for you all to see...... As I skimmed the posts I see someone already saw some that DD put on facebook............ Anyway, I'll get back to you all later, but will post these now if I can get them attached......
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang..... I'm trying to have a productive day today.... finally getting winter clothes out and summer ones packed up.... doing some laundry, defrosting my upright freezer from the basement... It needs it badly and DH wants to do apples today... No room for them.. We peel and slice with a gadget that goes fast and package in freezer bags in pie size amounts..... I only want about 20 or so...... But have to do the freezer first..... Outside freezers ....one is now empty (was my wedding freezer) so is unplugged again... the big meat freezer is in bad need of organization... We buy our meat off the hoof from a friend and it's pretty full right now.... but badly abused from all the wedding ins and outs.... I am going to work slow and use DH for all the tough stuff...... Apples, I can't beleive that you are done with Christmas shopping already... I haven't even given it much of any thought..... TX glad you are doing okay... I'm sure that shoulder makes the LB seem like nothing.... Phyll, hope you get things figured out..... this up and down temp isn't good.... Eva, thanks for filling me in... I understand now... I worked from home years ago doing accounting when I was single..... It worked pretty well for me, but no one to interfer... I could work all night and sleep all day if I chose to..... Wouldn't want to do it much now... I do to some extent because I do bill paying and such for Mother and Brother.....and of course our rental business.... Hope you get a routine developed soon and settle in... Cheri, sorry to hear you are so mixed up with your emotions and such right now... I'm sure you will get a handle on it soon..... Just takes a little time and you are such a busy lady.... take care... I'm omitting so many, but DH is hollering for me to come and I'd better go or he'll find something else to do beside help me..... Hugs to all.... TTYL.... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello........... well I got very little sleep last night, but sure did sleep off and on today... good thing DH was home to be with Mimi.... He said he even shook me one time and I wouldn't wake up..... Must have been exhausted.... So, Mimi and the puppy went home a while ago.... DD and SIL had a good time in Vegas but are very tired.... Bailey was happy to see us, too... She was with her mother all this time.... I'm glad they are home and looking forward to life going back to some sort of normalcy again..... I don't think I have to do anything tomorrow at all..... Only what I want to do..... that's a good feeling.... Eva, what kind of job.... I missed this I guess.... Lori, hope DD will be okay..... and that DH is okay..... Arlene, hope your FM doesn't flare..... Apples, hugs on the memories of "Mom"....... Are you still so cold there? Snow mostly melted on the roads today, but is still very cold.... wind did go down some... Hope all are well and doing fine.... I'm going to get myself ready for bed.... DH thinks I won't be able to sleep because I slept so much today... I guess we'll see... Hugs and prayers.... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there, it seems my shoulder decided to let me know that it still isn't healed..... Having some rough pain now that won't let me go to sleep..... It feels like a charly horse in my shoulder/neck...... put my zapper on for a while and then will do some ice...... I really want to sleep as it was a long day.... Apples we woke up to the winter wonderland thing this morning, too.... Very heavy and wet..... Of course the snow blower had to act up first off.... But DH got us out and we did make it to our appts, but that dang wind about did me in..... Took Mimi to the daycare today while we were gone... she had fun and got a good nap..... Had trouble getting her to sleep tonight and she has school at 8:30 tomorrow.... little stinker.... but so sweet.... Now, that dang dog is another story.... little beagle and he is a rambunctious one... He'd make me crazy... glad he goes home tomorrow night.... DH has had enough of him too......He had never seen snow before so decided to do his jobs on my floors this morning... lovely!!!!!! Chris & Debbie, glad he is resting and on his way to a better day.... good luck... Laura, glad to hear your DH made it home safely.... I'm sure he had so much to tell you and share..... must have been a great time for him..... Cheri, sounds like you just had enough and something had to give.... sometimes it takes a little blow up to make them understand you mean business.... Jodi, so proud that you have reached your goal.. You look beautiful and I hope you can get that TT and have insurance pay... You'll really be a knock out then..... good luck...... Well, I'm going to attempt sleep again.... Hope you all are sleeping peacefully.... Hugs................. Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, Mimi is in bed so hope I can finish this before she hollers for something..... I spent another day trying to get things back into shape around here... Made a big dent in things so am glad about that.... Actually just really need to do some long overdue house work now..... But there is plenty of time for that.... Nothing on my plate now until Thanksgiving..... Apples, we are getting your weather, too... Just a real ugly day today.....wind and cold.... now tonight the snow started and we are supposed to have a blizzard tomorrow.... DH and I have dentist appointments tomorrow, but may have to cancel.....We'll see in the morning..... So, TX had his surgery today, is that it???? Hope you are doing well.... the journey begins.... Eva, did you get a new job already????? You'll have to tell me about it again... I missed it..... I missed all about Argentina, too, so will have to look back when I get the chance..... Now, what's this about all the credit card problems??? I didn't use mine at the resort, but did otherwise.... I'll have to check things out..... Phyll, I sure hope your neck is better soon... nothing worse..... How is Earl after his surgery??? Lori, sounds like your trip was good... Did your DD have a good time..... And what do you have..... boy or girl?? I missed that, too..... Janet, are you helping Andrew with his move?? Should be fun to help him set up an apartment..... Arlene, Linda, Cheri, hope you are all fine.... Oh, Linda, glad to hear Katie is coming back to more normal again.. Jessica, wtg on the grades and such... If you decide to do these things you will be just fine... Only you know what you can handle..... But you are doing so well..... We knew you were special..... How is Jacob???? Judy, where are you dear????? Is Joyce gone to Guam now??? Jodi, what is the matter with Dassi's feet or legs??? This is news to me.... Laura, Laura K, Melissa, Peaches, Sandy, how are you all doing????? busy and happy I hope..... Well, DH just put Mimi back to bed....... she had a late nap...... We got to take her to school today for the first time... Was so cute... She took Cookies from Mommie and Daddy's wedding for a treat and she was so proud.... But it is tiring to have her full time....... and the dog makes things a bit tougher..... Tomorrow she goes to daycare if we are able to go to our appts in Bismarck...... Well, time to try to get some rest.... I'm tired still and my shoulder has hurt some tonight again, but nothing like before.... I'm starting to think I might be having a breakthrough...... I'm hoping it will start being better enough that I can back off of the meds so and get rid of this foul taste in my mouth all the time..... I'm still hitting the popsicles pretty hard....... Don't have much appetite for food, but love my popsicles.... Goodnight dear friends.... Hugs and prayers for all.... I'll be back in the swing before long.... Love you.... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello dear ladies and Chris........ My darling daughter is a married woman now, my Mimi has a daddy and I'm still alive!!!!!! and OMG I have over 10 pages to read....... don't know when I'll get to that..... I may need someone to do for me what I have done for others in the past and give me the lowdown........ I've missed you all very much, but just no time to do anything but wedding..... It went off wonderfully..... My food and cake was all a hit..... got all the traveling relatives and friends off yesterday.... I'm trying to get my house back in order but it still resembles the aftermath of a tornado around here... We got Mimi about 5:00 today and will have her while kids are gone on honeymoon till Thursday night in Vegas..... I am happy to report that my pain let me alone for most of the time.... Actually having a bit now so am doing my routine..... It's my feet and legs that took it the hardest with all the walking and mingling... The photographer will be sending all the disks of pictures tomorrow so hope to share pictures soon.... I didn't take any, but he took tons.... He is my cousin and was shooting pictures all night..... Should be lots of good one... I did get the video of the wedding on my camera...... Well, gotta go check on Mimi.... She has school at 8:30 tomorrow so I put her to bed, but doubt she is sleeping yet.... I love you all and will try to get back again tomorrow..... Hugs......... Julie..................a tired MOB
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone, thanks for all the birthday wishes..... It's been quite a day..... Yes , I was decorating the wedding cake.... nothing professional, but they are done and DD is happy..... the food is all under control, we got most everything moved over to the reception hall and the decorating done tonight... Not a lot left......it's all going quite well so far.... DD is a basketcase..... Thank God, my pain has been very manageable with my pain pills.... I'm doing okay.... I'm very tired and need to head for bed..... another big day tomorrow finishing everything up..... I promise to be back for real in a couple days.... Hugs and prayers for everyone.... Love you all........ Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there................... Taking a minute to say hello..... long day picking up food and such in Bismarck... DH was along to do the lifting and that was very good.... I'm cooking pasta right now and trying to organize things a bit more..... DD just called and all the tuxes are the wrong size.... what a nightmare.....and of course I should be able to fix it........ anyway, they are getting new ones in so hopefully it will just mean a quick trip to deliver them on Friday......DD is getting crazy on me.... One of her bridesmaids says her dress won't zip up..... she must have gained weight.... Wonder why she waited until now to try it on.... anyway you can see life is crazy here.... TX wtg on pre-op...... Apples, I have already had a panniculectomy..... we'll have to talk...... Mine was quite an ordeal..... Eva, glad to hear your trip was great... looking forward to hearing about it.... Phyll, hope Earl is doing okay.. Laura, how many more days???? Joyce when do you leave again... I can't remember anything these days..... Arlene, the way you pb'd in LV I am surprised that it's been a year since your last fill.... Sorry everybody... gotta run and check pasta.... I'll be back when I can.... Hugs to all... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello friends....... Taking a bit of a break so thought I would read and catch up some.... Welcome to all the new ones.... I'm very preoccupied with my daughter's wedding on Saturday.... lots of preparations left.... However I really am on target... I got the pew decorations all done yesterday and most of the programs printed before I ran out of ink..... I probably have enough, but was planning to do a few more just in case.... tomorrow is the day to go pick up all the food in Bismarck (ham, turkey, potato salad, and veggies for the Pasta salad.) When we get home the work begins in earnest... there will be no stopping after that.... so this is my last afternoon to just do things leisurely...... I have checked all my lists and things are all in order, that is until I remember what I forgot!!!!! I think I'm just going to sit and fold programs for a while... needs to be done and I seem to have the time.... I have three pans of bars to make yet, but need to wait until Thursday..... Frosting cakes on Thursday, too.... Will cook pasta and clean veggies Wednesday evening..... Friday is the day to decorate the reception hall, the church, and have rehearsal.... Saturday I will make the cookie salad and then just get my hair done and get dressed...... It should be all over but the actual wedding.... Can't wait for it to be time to relax....... Sunday evening should be crash time..... Then Monday evening we get Mimi while DD and new SIL are on honeymoon until Thursday..... I don't plan to do much at all then..... Well, I've bored you with all the details long enough.... Sorry.... You all have a great day.... Apples, don't have too much fun harvesting..... I know you love it..... Farm life is wonderful a great part of the time..... TTYL...Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everybody...... My little pain vacation seems to be about over... It got me pretty good at the wedding last night.... Did dance a bit with Mimi and Bailey..... Today I've done nothing really.... except go to church and watch the girls for a bit after... Had a nap and woke up groggy and hurting.... I finally got around to a little bit this evening... Started making pew decorations for the wedding and printing off the programs finally.... But the pain is now coming so need to go take my meds and try to settle in to sleep some.... This week is going to be crazy............. I'm sorry to not post to everyone, but I hope you'll forgive me and understand I'll be back in good form in about a week...... Apples.............. I'm so glad you are here..... You go girl.... we're your back-up anytime anywhere...... Arlene.... congrats to DGS...... Cheri, Hugs....... I love you all.... I'll be here when I can... goodnight to all.... sweet dreams and hugs....... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody...... I slept pretty well last night so even though I had some pain last evening I'm still counting it a good day and night..... Hoping for more of the same today and tonight... we have to travel to a wedding this afternoon and will be away from home until later tonight... It's no fun to have that pain anytime, but away from home is the worst as I have to try to pretend or else make a spectacle of myself..... hate doing that..... Wow, Linda, I'm happy for your nice win.... Can you teach me how to do that????? I never win anything... Maybe because I only play the penny or nickle machines..... We don't go very often...... Laura K, hope you have a nice walk.... Phyll, if your husband is like mine, he doesn't make a good patient.... I'm sure he is getting nervous.... Hope everything goes well.... Gold Star (aka Janet), you have a fun time bowling.... I've never thrown a ball in my life......ever...... Well, I guess this is one of those fly-by posts that some of you talk about..... Gotta go get myself ready... You all have a great weekend... Hugs and prayers.. Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang..... I'm off my game a little tonight.... some pain, but not horrible.... Just took my meds and put on my tingly cream so should be better soon.... I've read everything, but not sure I'll be remembering it all... Arlene, WTG for Jakob........ those are wonderful awards and I'm sure he will do well with his animal, too... It's so great how much you support him.... you are a good gramma!!!!!! and a great friend..... Laura, lovely pictures of Nael and his family.... He looks like his brother..... How old is his mother?? she looks a bit frail...... And just keep plugging away.... He'll be home before you know it.... Mine was gone for 15 months and it was hard.... we didn't do the skype and video stuff in 2004, but did get to see his face once on video conference for about 5 minutes.... And having him come home was just amazing..... I trust that you all will be fine and maybe better for the experience........ stay cool, girl..... Hugs... Janet, if there is a man out there for you he will find you........ I had a counselor tell me once that you just have to tell the universe what you want........ He made me right down what I was looking for in a man...... all the qualities I wanted a husband to have... So I did and then he made be read it aloud at our session..... It wasn't long before I met DH..... and he had most all of the qualities I had listed including liking to dance......Who knows what the universe has in store for you..... Laura K, Jodi, and Judy, that goes for you, too...... I'm a believer!! Jodi, that's a very active schedule your friend layed out for you..... Just don't bite off more than you can chew, as the saying goes..... What did your friend think of your new skinny jeans???? You looked so good in them...... Chris, you seem to be on a good roll..... keep up the good work.... Lori, hope you are having a great time with DD..... soak up that sun and sand..... How is she feeling these days?? Mine is still feeling poorly most of the time... Need to get out of the 1st trimester.... Joyce, when are you going to Guam again??? I'm sure they are anxious for you to come..... and you are doing so well now..... Linda, I would have been po'd about the breakfast choices, too...... Someone wasn't thinking to not even have any fruit...... Hope Katie is doing better by this time... I know you are having a ball with Aylah Kim, you sound like you made up your mind and know what to do next..... best of luck and let us know how you are doing.... Well, my brain is running out of power and I still have some pain..... I guess I need to get some heat on it.... Hope you all have a good night...... I'll talk to you in the morning... We have to travel 70 miles for a wedding tomorrow, so will be gone most of the day.... take care and sweet dreams.... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    I'm back....... my trip to Bismarck was good..... doc said just keep doing the tens and we'll check it again in a month... call if it gets worse again... And lots of pain meds.... Got all my other errands done.... I needed a new drivers license by next week so went to DOT..... The very first time in my life that I like my picture.... I don't look like a convict and the weight loss is very noticeable..... I love it...... DH was driving past as I got home... he was to the elevator with a truckload . elevator is by our house.... so he unloaded my car and that was wonderful..... I'm still doing quite well as far as pain goes... Keeping my fingers crossed.... I have been meaning to tell you all that the doctor who dumped me is gone from the clinic as of 9-21...... got a letter the other day from the clinic stating that she had left abruptly and to please reschedule any appointments with another of their doctores..... I think that whole thing was way more about her than it was about me... So I'm just letting that go................... I need to go put away my purchases.... I didn't buy any clothes but I did get a great deal at the bread store... They were selling 5 gallon food grade buckets for $1... just what I needed for preparing food for the wedding anow.... I found it a lucky thing at just the right time... WTG Apples on your purchases..... I can't imagne you looking bad in anything, so am so glad you are happy... Sorry for not talking to each one, but will have to catch up later.... I'm a bit tired and still have lots to do and then figure out something for supper.... Hope to talk to you all later.... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning..... I don't have time to say much, but I did read.... I have to leave in 15 minutes and I'm not dressed yet... I have pain mgmnt doc today... I'm hoping for more trigger point shots..... Yesterday was a pretty good day and night... Hurray................ HUgs to all........... I'll try to be back later... Julie

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