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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    Hi There!!

    I understand your worries, but you aren't the first person the insurance company has worked with for lapband. They probably can figure out some of the things you just made reference to in your post. Try not to worry. Sometimes how your doctor's office presents you to insurance is half the battle. Keep your chin up and things will work out the way they are supposed to work out... Good luck..... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    Holy Shiat!

    congratulations..... this is just wonderful for you....... can't wait to be you!!!!! Can you tell us what are the best ways your life has changed so far? After a major weight loss a few years ago, I was amazed at how the little things affected me. Like sitting down in a seat at the theater and not brushing the sides!!!! What is it for you? Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba


    Sounds to my like you know all the reasons why you shouldn't have the band... so what are the reasons you have been considering it at all? There must be something in you that wants to be slimmer and more in control of your eating habits. I actually worried a bit myself, because, I , too, like to eat and love to cook.... But being able to walk with out stopping every few steps or getting up and down from my recliner by myself won out..... Then there is the fact that I'm not ready to die and want there to be a good quality to the rest of my life. I have a husband and children and grandchildren so me being a better me is important to them, but mostly it is important to me. I hope you are able to find your answers so you can make your decision... good luck........... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    Kind of Sad

    I think you've earned the right to feel a bit sorry for yourself. I'm sorry your mother isn't with you anymore here on this earth, but I'm willing to bet that if you had that special relationship only mothers and daughters share you know that she is with you every step of the way. I have that sort of relationship with my 24 year old daughter. We talk multiple times a day and share most everything. With this particular thing (lap band) she isn't overly interested in my day to day troubles and worries. She experienced almost losing me 4 years ago and was against any "surgery" for me at all. I'm sitting here feeling a bit sorry for myself because I don't have anyone to tell my fears and worries to. So, we'll just have to count on each other. That's what this site is all about I think. Hope you have better days to come and remember that your mother is sharing this with you in her own special way now.... Take care......... Julie
  5. My doctor wouldn't give me a fill on my 1 month appt. I'm not healed enough I guess. I am having a hard time deciding if I am restricted or not. I am eating small amounts and chewing well and eating slowly. I feel satisfied, so I quit, but in a couple hours I feel hungry. Don't know if I'm not eating enough or what the deal is. Both the nutritionist and the physician's asst said that is possible, but my surgeon says that is ridiculous. I told him I didn't agree with him, but he used holocost victims as an example.. I just scoffed at him... Anyway, I don't know if I should be anxious to get my first fill or not. My weight loss has really slowed and I am feeling depressed about it a little. :bolt: Thanks for listening....
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    Subway - rude servers

    Hey, I understand your frustration. I personally feel that their attitude will only hurt them in the long run. When this gets around a little people will stop going there... Word of mouth is a great advertisor. But, also, I do feel it isn't the restaurants fault we can't eat what they offer. I got a card from my doctor to present asking for a reduced portion and price, but there is nothing saying they have to do it. I think I'm just going to order smartly, eat what I know I should, and either leave the rest or take it home..... It's easier than being offended and ticked off every time I eat out... Hope you don't let it get to you. Sometimes the "un-fat" can be very cruel. They just don't get it and never will!!!
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    Canadian girl in the place

    Hello from North Dakota.... You lost 92 pounds in 3 months? How in the world did you do that? That would be wonderful, but I was led to believe that was not a possibility... I have lost 40 since I started pre-op, which is six weeks ago and am feeling good about that. I'm hoping for about 10 pounds a month from now on... Do you have a tight fill already? Welcome to the site...
  8. Here in Bismarck, ND, it is just part of the program. The classes start one month after surgery and are then once a month. You pay $249 in total and can attend any and all classes after that for life. They say it is a must and I guess you have to pay the money, but I don't see how they can make you attend. However, I had some good advice from my chiropractor. She told me "if they tell you to do something, do it." Her mother had gastric bypass and lost over 100 lbs initially. However she didn't do any of the classes or support group things and has now gained back 50 lbs... I don't want to be in that spot, so I'm going to take all the help I can get. I figure you go and glean what you can use. Not everything they say will fit every person in every way. I already have some pretty strong notions about what I will and won't do to lose this weight. One of them has to do with artificial sweetners that are reportedly so bad for you. Why would I want to contaminate my new and improved body with that junk. So I won't be using them. A teaspoon of sugar won't kill me. But......... I'm betting that they will have lots of useful information about much more than food and I plan to take advantage. My way of doing things hasn't worked very well for the past 55 years, so I had better listen to some new ideas. I plan to be successful........ Thanks for listening.
  9. Guene, I have felt sad part of the time since my 8-21 banding. partly because I wasn't prepared to be so laid up from my surgery. I had to have a full incision and even though they told me it was a possibility, when I went into surgery I was still thinking that it would be laproscopic and I would be going home that day. Instead I woke up in a hospital room and spent 4 days there with an incision that came open and was stiched back up while I was awake and with not much of a local. It was an awful experience. I tried to keep up a good front for my family, but I was pretty down for a few days. I still get that way a month out because I'm still not back to my old self. I have pain and can't do any lifting. And some days I just get blue thinking about this whole thing.... mad at myself for letting things get to the point I need surgery inorder to stop killing myself with food... So, just hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel and many, many better days ahead. It took a while for us to get to this spot and it's going to take a while to get out of it. But at least this time we are going in the right direction. Thank God!!!! Take care......
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    my first experience eating out since being banded

    Hey all, I was out to my first real meal last night, too. However, my doctor gave me a card on the hospital letterhead that had my name and his and told that I had lap band surgery and to please allow me to have a discounted or child's rate. This was Golden Corral. She didn't even question me.. just said okay and away we went. However they did only give the the "senior" rate, but there was no hesitation at all... I'll have to see how it works in a regular type restaurant. I did fine with the buffet. I just nibbled a bit on mostly meat/protein items and quit when I knew the time was right. I sat a while as my husband finished and then had two bites of his ice cream. It was wonderful to leave that place feeling just fine rather that stuffed to the brim like before the surgery. I'm sorry Sassymama had such a bad experience. I hope it gets better and that mine continue to be positive... Good luck everyone......
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    pbing ... now in major doubt

    Restless Monkey, thanks for the lesson. I actually had one of those a week or so ago, but didn't know it had a name. It was painfull, but must have been a minor one as it passed quicly and I only brought up the slime part. I'll consider myself lucky and hope I don't have anymore.
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    pbing ... now in major doubt

    I must really be new as I have no idea what PBing is at all.... Can you inform this newbie?????
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    Pain in ribcage area

    Thanks... Would you mind telling me how you get all that information and the ticker thing on the bottom of your posts? I'm not a big computer person and I can't seem to figure it out...
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    Pain in ribcage area

    Yes, I know why. I Have had 3 stomach surgeries in the past. 26 years ago I had gastroplasty (stomach stapling) done. A week later by incision blew apart so emergency surgery.... Then I lost weight.... too much, as the opening grew shut and I could not get any nutrition at all... So a year and a half later I had to have a reversal as I was almost dead from malnutrition and starvationand weighed 120 lbs at 5' 9" tall. I had been pregnant, too, and lost 130 pounds during pregnancy.. Baby was fine, but I was a mess.... So then they put me on a diet to gain weight and expected my starving body to know when to stop gaining... So fast forward 24 years and I was 387 pounds and becoming unable to get around . I didn't think I could get banded, but after a long visit with the gal at the clinic I was told they would try. Everything checked out and surgery was 8-21... But there was so much scar tissue he had to open me up. They say the banding went perfectly, just needed to get at the stomach... My prognosis is good for a great weight loss.... I'm praying they are right... I'm 38 pounds down with about 160 to go. Depends on who you are. My number is different from the doctors..... Hope I didn't bore you....
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    Pain in ribcage area

    I have had pain in my ribcage since my surgery on 8-21. Mine is on the right side and that is the side of my port. I had to have a full incision with my banding, but don't know why mine is on the right rather than the left like most people. Anyway this pain is dull most of the time and has gotten some better, but I can really tell when I lift a little too much (like my 21 lbs granddaughter) or strain doing laundry or something. I think this is going to get better, but just slowly... However you can be sure I'm going to ask my doctor on Tuesday when I go in for a check... I am ready for it to be gone..
  16. Restless Monkey, I agree with this. I've had other major traumas to my body in the past and the same thing happened. The hair will come out and in 4 to 6 months it will be back like it had never gone. It is scary, though, to have the brush full of hair. I was sure I was going bald and that everyone could tell.... They couldn't and I didn't..... so just keep moving along and things will work out...
  17. Mrs. Bubba


    I think it would be a shame for you to have this weight loss aid removed, especially before you know more about these ulcers. Can they be treated? Your doctor should be helping you make these decisions, but I sure wouldn't be in a hurry to give up on the band. Good luck.....
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I did it! ONEderland!!!

    congratulations...... that's my goal, too, but I'm not quite 1 month out. I'm down 40 pounds and the next 150 seem awfully intimidating... I'll use you as my example.... Keep up the good work.....
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    Mental failure/self disappointment

    Gosh, but I think you are being very hard on yourself. In any kind of a weight loss program you will reach a plateau that must be endured and conquered. Usually they say that you should do something you haven't been doing. Anything to shake up your metabolism. Do what you did right after banding orwhatever... Just don't get yourself so bummed out. You have been so successful that it would be a big shame to let your emotions ruin things for you.... I can't wait to be where you are. I was banded on 8-21 and I'm 40 pounds down with about 150 to go and I already feel so much better. I'd really like to see the scale go down every day, but that isn't realistic. I try to remember that one day I might be retaining water or whatever and just push the scale away and go on with my day. You'll be fine, and at your goal very soon... Take care and keep the faith
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    Approved, but aprehensive ...

    Hi, I'm from North Dakota, too. Just north of Bismarck. I was banded on 8-21 and have lost 37 lbs so far. I had to have a full incision, but am doing well. I have a long way to go but am confident that this is going to work fine. They say 220 lbs to my ideal weight. I'm not so much into the number as I am into feeling good and being able to do all the things I've been not doing all my life. You hang in there and you'll be seeing results soon.
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    Mrs. Bubba

    I had three stomach surgeries 24 years ago. The doctor wasn't sure he could actually get the band on, but that went well. He just needed more room to maneuver I guess.
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    Mrs. Bubba

    Hi, I was banded on 8-21-08. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who had to have a full incision like I did. Past surgeries and too much scar tissue made laprroscopic impossible. I am still having so much rib and back pain on the side that holds my port. Has anyone else experienced this? Will it pass. I'm getting a bit worried after 3 weeks post op. I know I need to be patient, but it would be nice to know what others have had happen to them. Thanks...
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    A simple hello will be sufficient

    Hey, I', new, too... What was your question? Don't know if I can help, but will try....

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