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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    Mean people

    Dear Workingsahm, Unfortunately, your perceptions are correct as far as I can tell... Those people who know me, personally and professionally, treat me like a person and not like a blob... But strangers who gawk and point or make snide remards are all around.. I don't ever remember doing that to another human being, but have had it done to me inumberable times.... I've learned to shake it off... Interestingly, after a major weight loss I can feel those things stopping... I have never really paid attention to just what stage things start to change, but they do.. I'm now in the "accepted" stage again and glad of it..... but not for them... I could give a ____!!!!! I'm glad for me because I don't have to think about that anymore... I can just be myself... I can feel normal... That's a good thing to be normal after being abnormal so many years.. I've a long ways to go yet, but I'm so thankful for the good changes... So, you're in good company here, and we'll be thankful not to be one of those unsensitive people out there.. I pity them..... Best of luck to you on your journey!!!! Julie (Yup, I'm one, too)
  2. I was banded on 8-21-08 and didn't get my first fill until October. I was losing well and my head was in the right place. I also found out that I had 3cc's put in at the time of surgery. That could be a factor for you, too... No matter what, if you are losing and you are feeling "good".....mind and body....... don't worry....be happy!!!!! Congrats......... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    uh oh not sugar free

    In my opinion, a little sugar (in moderation) is a whole lot better for you than all that aspartame or splenda will ever be.... I DO NOT do any "sugar or fat free" foods, except a little Cystal Light... I'm not going through all of this to get fit and healthy only to give my body up to those questionable substances.. It might mean it will take a little longer to get to my goal, but I'm fine with that.... I'm doing great so far with 76 pounds gone in 5 months... I'm not changing things unless they quit working.. I think the most important thing here is to find out what works for you and keep doing it... Good luck on your journey.... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    How often do you weigh?

    I weigh myself most every day.. I miss occassionally. I like to do this in the morning, after a BM, naked, and after I feel the puffiness leaving my body. I always retain fluids overnight.. I test my rings.. If I can't get them off, then I don't weigh!!! I know that sounds weird...but I think of my scale as my friend. It tells me what I need to know.... I do try very hard to not let what it says upset me if it isn't favorable.. I try to remember that we weigh different at different times.. with clothes, with constipation, with a cold... But not knowing or waiting a week or more would drive me nuts.. Just make it your friend and let it be a tool just like the band is... Julie
  5. I had my 3rd fill on 1-19.... the first 2 were just a snap and I had no problem at all... they want 24 hours of liquids after the fill.. This last one was different.. The PA tried and tried to feel the top of the port.. stuck me 3 times, but after much prodding and poking and asking me to do a "crunch" and hold it, she called the surgeon in to help. Well, he really prodded and poked..hard....but he found it.. it had moved a bit and was at an angle... I wasn't overly uncomfortable through this and the swallow of water went well... After a few hours I started experiencing lots of gas...wanted to belch all the time.. then my back and neck started to hurt.. By the next day I was miserable.. I went to see my chiropractor and he said my neck and middle back were out, probably from pulling up on my neck during the "crunches"... I'm still working on getting that back to normal, but it's the stomach part that still concerns me.. Up till now I haven't felt much restriction and this feels so different and strange. I can drink and eat (haven't gone past soft foods much yet) just fine... nothing comes back or slimes. Yet I still have this gaseous feeling and the need to belch so often. I am also sore from the prodding and poking.. And I feel crampy down low almost like menstrual cramps.. I'm not constipated. Does this sound like something I should be worried about? I'm thinking I just got pretty jostled around and it will be getting better. So far it isn't much.... I don't think I'm too tight as I can eat and drink.. Anyone have any suggestions about this...Oh, and I'm losing like crazy..... Thanks for listening.. Julie
  6. Isn't if funny how doctors are so different. Why would he not want you totally informed about your situation.. My PA always withdraws what is in there to check for leaks and then tells me how much she put back in.. This last time I even looked up and saw what she was doing...
  7. RAINWI, thanks for the encouragement.. I did talk to the doctor's office yesterday and they just don't think it could be anything they did because I can eat and drink.. I think they are wrong... The only thing that changed was all the rough handling I got in that office. I believe it is just going to take time for me to get back to normal... My back is a bit better today and I have no headache.. But the stomach is about the same.. My insides feel very weird.. It hurts to cough or sneeze... It's like when I first had my surgery and had that big incision... Doc said it would take time because he had to jostle me around so much... well, this is about the same... Thanks again for responding.. It's good to know I'm not imagining this whole thing.. Julie
  8. Bloom, did you have a bunch in your band at the time of surgery? If you had 7 before your last unfill, you must have.... I had 3 cc's at surgery... Lots don't get that right away I've learned...
  9. Hi BobbieND.... good to hear from you.. I don't think I'm doing anything special. I eat what I want most of the time... just not very much of it.. I only lost 4 pounds in the month over the holidays and was disappointed in that, but very happy that I didn't let all the goodies push me backwards... I'm just so confused by these last happenings. I used to own and operate a fitness center like "Curves".. Long story short, my equipment has been in storage for a while. Recently one of our rental spaces became empty and my husband set up the circuit for me. Tuesday was the first time I tried it in many many months... I have a rather weak back and neck and it must have been too much for me. I went very slow and easy, but the machines were cold and very stiff... I think I hurt myself. I also think it just happened to coincide with my very rough fill... I'm no doctor, but I do know my body well enough... I did call my doctor today after I was in to get another chiropractor treatment. So far they haven't called me back... I'm thinking this is going to get better, but I better stick to walking for a while yet... Another reason my loss might seem fast is that I have quite a bit to lose. I started at 387.... That's over 200 to my goal weight.. I'm happy with my loss and still it would be nice for it to go faster. Don't we all want it to be overnight!!!!! I hope everyone else is doing well.... take care.......Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    That "full" feeling and another question

    I had my 3rd fill yesterday.. been on liquids mostly, since then. I have so much gas and can belch all the time.. and my stomach hurts a little... It's more of a discomfort, but I'm a bit worried. I haven't felt restriction up to now and don't know if this is it or something else.. They had trouble doing the fill this time and did lots of pressing on my middle to get the right spot on the port.. I think maybe I just got all riled up inside and need time to get back to normal... I'm hoping that's it.... If it isn't better in a day or two you can bet I'll be calling them to find out what's going on.... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    16lbs shy of losing 200

    how wonderful for you..... I'm one who has over 200 to get to where they say I should be. It's very encouraging to know someone has actually accomplished this huge feat.....Thanks for sharing..Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    SO proud of ME!!

    Congrats on your accomplishments... It feels good to be proud rather than disgusted, doesn't it????!!!!! I'm feeling a bit that way myself. Yesterday was my official end of the holidays..... This morning when I weighed in I was only up 1 1/2 pounds... I was very happy... I was a bit worried as I know I ate too much of the easy foods the last two weeks and not near enough protein. When I had my second fill on 12-15 (6 cc in 14 cc band), I was hoping for that strong feeling of restriction. I didn't get it and am able to eat more than I should. I don't, most of the time, but those darn goodies kept calling my name.... I never went crazy like I have in the past, but I did let them get to me. I'm very glad to have all the temptations gone. I'm also hoping that by the time the next holiday comes around I will have conquered all of that and lost most of my weight.... A year can change a lot.... Best of luck to you and all of us for a "losing" new year.... Happy 2009........... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    Fills --not losing!

    I'm not sure what is going on with you, but my first reaction is that you need to change something... Usually when the weight loss is stalled an abrupt change is habit will make a difference. Are you exercising at all? Are you close to your goal? Sometimes that last 40 - 50 pounds come off way slower. I don't understand why you are being pushed off by the dr... that isn't right. I have learned from lots of reading here that I'm lucky to be from North Dakota... We seem to get things done lots faster that those areas that are much more populated. Persistance will have to be your rule... Keep after them and don't take no for an answere.... And don't forget how well you have done... Stalling isn't going backwards..... And just maintaining over the Holidays is a positive thing.. So keep your chin up and keep up the good work... Merry Christmas... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    After 18 months soda craving is back

    I was like you.....loved my diet coke..... But now it tastes funny when I have attempted a sip... But regular Coke is better.. I have a sip of my husbands once in a great while... Nothing serious.. I swish it in my mouth to get some of the bubbles out. And of course after the ice melts some it loses some anyway. I've only done that a couple times, but I would love to do it more often... When I get to where you are I may be tempted to imbibe a bit more often... Congrats on such a wonderful success... That is totally awesome.. Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    Post op 5 months sunday

    Good for you.... We'll get this all figured out before long.. It's a bit rough to have the holidays to contend with, but we just have to keep our eye on the prize.... Just think where we'll be next year at this time!!! WOW, I can hardly wait.... Take care and have a great holiday season... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

    Post op 5 months sunday

    Welcome to you.... Tell us a little about yourself. How are you progressing so far. I'm down over 60 pounds since August 21st. I'm very happy with how things are going, but would still like to wake up skinny tomorrow!!!!! I've learned to be content with little steps... Have a good day.. Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    How did everyone do at Thanksgiving?

    I'm happy to report that I did fairly well with Thanksgiving Day... I planned to give myself the opportunity to feel normal and happy.. I was happy with a bit of this and a taste of that. I did have a homemade crescent roll and a half piece of pumpkin pie with real whipped cream.. I was content and unstuffed and proud of myself for not feeling that "stuffed misery" that is usual on days like this... Never again, I hope!!!! congrats to all of us for perservering and counting our lap-band blessings... Now.... on to Christmas cookies!!!?? I'm more worried about them than anything.. They are a weakness of mine... Take care all.... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I've been a bad bandster

    I was in to one of my free support group seminars last week and was given a handout to read that promotes the idea of just maintaining over the holidays rather than losing. It says it's just too hard to go without everything so it is best to enjoy, but use your head and don't go overboard... Think maintenance!!!! I like that idea... I don't want to feel like I can't... I want to know I can, but just choose to be smart about it... Happy Holidays to everyone.. Good luck with maintaining!!! Julie
  19. Yes, I can relate to what you are going through. I had my first fill on 11-11, but my surgery was on 8-21... I had to wait because of a full incision... I don't feel any different than I did before it... But what I have learned is that the restriction we feel after surgery is in part due to swelling and as we heal that swelling goes down and the restriction fades. Now that the band is truely ready to work it will take some fine tuning to get to the place that really works well. I try very hard not to overeat even though I know I could... I'm proud to say that I handled the "Trough" (what my husband calls the Golden Corral Buffet) the other day... It is amazing how refreshing it is to leave there feeling fine and not stuffed to the brim... I hope you find restriction soon.. It's good you called your doctor, but chances are good you are fine and just need more "fine tuning".. Best of luck... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    Help! I need some encouragement...

    I had a great deal of pain after surgery as I had to have a full incision and was in the hospital for 4 days... I was sent home with a liquid elixer that really did a number on the pain... I took it religiously the first few days.. Actually had the perscription refilled, but didn't end up needing it... I agree with the rest.. If you need it, take it.... However, prepare yourself for the constipation that seems to come from the darn stuff... That gave me more pain than the surgery... thought I would about die from the straining until my doc gave me permission to take a laxative... Hope that doesn't happen to you... Keep your chin up... these days will soon be behind you... Julie
  21. Hi, I think you sent me a message a while back and I didn't even realize it.. Sorry... If you want to be in touch try again... I'm not the greatest at this computer stuff... Julie (Mrs. Bubba)

  22. Mrs. Bubba

    First fill and Thanksgiving?

    My doctor only requires 24 hours of soft foods after a fill.. I was to have my first today, but someone screwed up with scheduling and I had to leave without it and must go back tomorrow..... I'm a bit anxious.... This is another instance of every doctor being different in what the say.... Good luck.. Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba


    Hey Restless Monkey..... I think you are giving Jeremy very good advice... It's been a while but I was 23 once, too, and if I was your mother I would be very concerned... Jeremy listen to some good advice and talk to your doctor soon.. All those things that have now made their way into your life since your weight loss will only be better when you work on the other things, too.... Oh, and by the way... great job on the loss... I wish women could lose as fast as men...... Best of luck to you... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    Need some cheerleading

    I'm feeling a bit like you I think... I've been stuck losing the same pound now for about 8 days... It's also a very busy, trying time in our household. Overnight company for deer hunting season, lots of good food and family and friends around. I've been doing the cooking and entertaining for this for many years and it's expected that I will make homemade bread and carmel rolls and cookies and cakes and delicious meals.... On top of all that temptation I don't feel much restriction anymore. I'm scheduled for my first fill (maybe) on Monday, 11-10, so I didn't have a problem eating fresh homemade bread with butter... I only had a half piece, but I still had it... But............I'm trying to take satisfaction in the fact that I'm not gaining and I haven't gone on any kind of binge or bender either.. Just really tasting all the good things... and not eating the proteins like I should be... However, now that I think of it, that doesn't account for the non-loss from the days before.. This bad behavior has only been for 2 days.... The truth is it's hard to not behave normally when everyone else is..... I'm going to just try to keep doing what I know is right and not beating myself up... In the past if I slipped up while on a diet, I was usually very hard on myself and then that led to just quitting completely.. I haven't done that or even thought about it. I need to give myself credit where it is due...... and so do you... Everything will be fine and the weight that is already gone is gone forever...... right?????!!!!! Right....... So onward and downward from here... I'm looking forward to Monday when I can get my first fill.. I didn't think I would for quite a while, but now I understand what others have been saying about losing the restricted feeling... I like having it so it reminds me what I'm doing... Good luck...... Now to just make it through Thanksgiving and Christmas... I'm a sucker for Christmas cookies... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    LBT New Design

    Guess I'm in the minority, but I was just getting used to the old one and now it's all different... I'm a bit lost..... Hope I can stumble my way to what I like to do....

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