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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning girls, I sure hope Apples got off to her plane.. I'm 200 miles from her, but we are in full-blown blizzard here.... It's very nasty out there... First we had rain and wind.... now snow and wind. It is crunchy and slippery and miserable.. The only positive thing to say at this point is that since it's almost April, it won't stay around too long.. But it sure makes things difficult for a few days.. We did lose some of our snow last week, which is why we have terrible flooding all over the state... We live about half a mile from the banks of the old Missouri River, but we aren't in danger as the river has been low and there is a big dam 35 miles upstream to manage that. We do know lots of people who are in serious danger. I knew all that snow was going to be problems!!! Anyway, almost time for my baby to come. My house is clean thanks to help from DH and I can just sit and enjoy her today. The best thing to do in a blizzard is just cozy in and be comfortable... The scale just said 305..................amazing how one little pound can make such a difference in my mood and attitude!! Have a safe, warm day everyone!! Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Miranda, thanks for what you wrote.. I throw food out all the time now.. I make it for some reason or other and if DH doesn't eat the leftovers fast enough I throw it out... He never knows the difference.... Or I do send stuff to my kids or whomever, too.. I love rice pudding........the kind that is cooked on the stove very slowly and is so creamy and delicious.. DH doesn't like that, so I just never make it anymore... DH is a 34 year recovering alcoholic.. I've never seen him drink so don't know how he was then, but I've often made that same analogy about drinking and eating... You can quit drinking and smoking and drugs, but you have to eat to live.... Most everything is a temptation... A whole box of sugar free/fat free Cookies is still bad for you..... Anyway thanks for the encouragement.. Hope you have good days ahead, too.. Well, no sleeping with DH again tonight.. We spent all this time cleaning the bedroom and putting up our new sleep Number bed and it doesn't work!!!!! Dang air pump doesn't blow any air.. I've just been on the phone getting a new one on the way. They promised to have it by Wednesday... So, back to my recliner... At least my bedroom is spring-cleaned... and we are working on the living room now... Hey, Long, sorry you have a bug.... My SIL had it for a week... hope that doesn't happen to you.... take care of yourself Bye all, talk again later.. Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang, Just a quick note because I have so much work to do.. I went swimming this morning and when I got home DH had the house all torn up to shampoo my living room carpet.... And then my new Sleep Number mattress was just delivered, so I have "housework" to do big time...... I'm really looking forward to trying this new bed as I haven't been able to sleep on our present one for a long time.. I've been sleeping in my recliner forever!!!!! Maybe tonight I can keep my husband company again.........this is good..... Anyway, I had to tell you all that the scale said 306 this morning!!!!! Yippeeeeeeee!!! It's not a big amount, but it is a big deal for me... This is the lowest I've been for a very long time.. Maybe there's hope for me afterall............... thanks for listening.. Have a great day........ Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon to everyone... It's a very blustery day here in North Dakota.. We are gearing up for a snow storm that is starting up with wind and rain and leading to a foot of new snow by Tuesday.. I think we're in for it...... I was hoping for a leisurly Sunday afternoon with a nap and some TV, but so far have not seen that!!! A brother stopped by shortly after church to talk about "family" business of which I am the mediator... Then mother called to ask us to take her to the farm to get some things.. She moved off the farm and into town in Oct 07, but doesn't have room for all her things, so whenever she needs something we have to go get it... And of course now that she can't drive since her seizure that leaves it up to me and DH to help out.. So, it's 5:00 pm and I'm just getting home... One good thing is that I haven't been looking around for food all this time.. Anyway...... Thanks all for the words of encouragement you gave me... I know I have been very down on myself lately... Just this moring during church it occurred to me that maybe the reason I'm unable to be happy with my progress thus far is that I've been to this point so many times before and this is usually when it stops.... and then I go backwards... Being stuck here is making me worry that this will happen again and I'll be a failure yet again.. I know that I have the tool this time to see that it doesn't happen that way, but I do think this might be why I am so troubled right now.. Earlier on I was very positive about things and could see all the good stuff... Now, when I read all your success stories and here you talking about shopping and traveling, it just seems so out of reach for me.. So, I've decided that I need to be a bit more patient with myself and just do what I know has worked for me up til now.. It's very hard when you get into a slump... emotionally berrating yourself for being bad... I do seem to have the food under control, eating my protein first and not snacking and then the exercise is better,, I made 5 days last week... So, I'm going to try to feel better.. I thank you all for your help and for listening to me vent... Kathy, I'm so sorry to know you are feeling so blue especially when you are out there all alone.. I do understand those feelings and have felt like crying for days, but just haven't let go because there is always someone around.... So...........I get crabby.....and quiet. You hang in there, the girls here all say we are going to make it... We have to stick together... Linda, I here what you are saying about the cooking.. but I love to cook and entertain just like Apples does.... We have guests for supper often and family gatherings that are always at my house... I have to be very strong... I baked a banana cake with cream chees frostiing yesterday for dessert for supper.. We had T-bone steaks on the grill (in the garage, too cold outside!) baked potatoes, lettuce salad, and pasta salad... and cake for dessert.. I had 1/2 a potato, some meat loaf(leftover in my fridge cuz I can't do steak) a Tbsp of cottage cheese and some lettuce salad... and a bite of my husband's cake... So today I sent 4 pieces of cake to my daughter and husband across the street and 2 pieces with brother and now the rest won't be such a temptation as DH can handle eating it by himself... Sometimes I can be very strong and sometimes I am weak.. I have a definite weakness for fresh bread and biscuits... I didn't make any of that last night.... But maybe I'll have to scale back some on the baking. DH is skinny, but won't complain if I do as long as I buy him a box of Honey buns or something!!!!! I hate that stuff...... Nicey, how much more weight do you have to lose? Sometimes if you have a great deal to lose, the first pounds come off rather fast.. They say the closer to goal you get, the slower it comes off.. Don't get discouraged..... I'm a fine one to say that because I have been, but these gals are right when they say to be patient and follow the program... Take care all.... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    OMG I just spent 15 minutes typing a nice long post only to lose the whole thing... That is frustrating, isn't it Janet??? Here I go again.. Janet, I'm here, and have been just quietly reading along with everyone.. I'm struggling a bit with feeling like I fit in.. You all seem to be so far ahead of me and I'm not able to contribute much but my woes.. So I'v just been silent and am trying to get my act together a little more... I have been exercising everyday... water aerobics and my walking tape.. I actually did .5 miles yesterday and that is an accomplishment for me.. I think I've figured out why I've been having such a hard time lately.. I've been so busy doing everything for and about everyone else that I've neglected to keep "my" food around. I've just been getting along with whatever and that has led to craving the wrong things.. I even had 2 slices of bread one day... and my band didn't stop me.. So I've now got "my" food in the house and things are better.. I still think I need more restriction, so I scheduled yet another fill for 3-30.. Maybe more solid protein in my diet will change that before then, but at least I have the appt if I still need it... So, Janet, thanks for asking about me.. I'm still here, but may not be overly vocal for awhile... Have a great cruise.. I've always wanted to go on one, but worry about my motion sickness tendencies... Don't want to be green the whole time.. DH is content to stay home anyway... Apples, I can sure relate about your friend and the party... It's hard to put your heart into it when you are feeling taken advantage of.... I hope you get through it and have a great time,too.. Aren[t you leaving on a trip to Vegas soon? Have a great time. Linda is traveling,too.. It seems the whole gang is going somewhere.. You all have fun...... Charlene, I am stuck on a plateau, too.. Hopefully they will both move soon... Long, congrats on the size 10.... I'd feel the same way.. I finally put away all my fat jeans... My husband started complaining that they looked so bad.......but they were comfortable... and the next size I have (22) fits, but they feel too short... I'm tall and I hate short pants... I have all these clothes is smaller sizes and am determined not to spend a bunch of money until I run out.. I'm waiting for warm weather so I can get out the capris that will fit now.. Although we had 55 today, we also have a storm and 12 inches of snow headed this was Sunday... Not time for capris yet.... Holly, I wish I had restriction after 1/2 cup.... enjoy....hope the scale moves down for you.. Everyone take care now and sleep well... Julie
  6. MMDLynn, good job on losing 1/2 pound a week... Just think positive... It may be slow but it is coming off... I need to take that attitude myself when I get frustrated that things aren't going fast enough... the hair loss is normal and is not from deficiencies, but the after effects of surgery.. It usually comes from 3-4 months after..The anesthesia is very hard on the body and this is how it reacts.. It will stop and you will not go bald... It has happened to me every time I have had a major surgery.. And I still have my hair.. I'm about done with it this time.. It has finally stopped coming out so bad when I comb my hair... I koow how hard this PCOS is for my daughter and I know how hard it is to lose weight.. keep up the good work, all of you.. In my experience it will help you to conceive down the road a bit... Take care and keep the faith...................
  7. My daughter was diagnosed with PCOS and told that conceiving would be very difficult for her.. She has weight issues and lots of body hair.. They took her off birth control and started trying to control her hormones... Had to have a little surgery, too. She was so dejected at the thought of not having children. I told her that they didn't say she couldn't, but that she would need "help" when the time was right... Well, let me say that no one was more surprised than her OB/GYN when she turned up pregnant shortly after the surgery.. She had a little more difficult pregnancy, but delivered fine and now has a wonderfully healthy, normal 23 month old little girl..... She actually did very well for a while, but recently her "female problems' have resurfaced. She does struggle to lose weight... And the doctor did say that they figure the reason that she did conceive when she did was that she had managed to lose 30 pounds and that did the trick.....(along with the obvious, of course!!!!) I think the PCOS is different for everyone... don't count yourself out of anything... Anything is possible in this world as long as we don't quit trying... Best of luck to you in all of our ventures....
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    75 pounds gone forever

    I can hardly wait to hit the "two's"!!!!! Seven more pounds for me and then I can set a new goal.... Congrats on getting there... We have about the same statistics, but I's quite a few years older than you.. I'm thnking that means you will lose faster than me... So, you go girl... I'll look forward to hearing how your downward motion is going... Julie
  9. Oh, I can hardly wait for 299.... I'm stuck at 307 and go back and forth on the same two pounds for what seems like forever.... I've had a few bad days and am trying to just do liquids today to get myself back on track.... One thing I have learned is that this band is fickle and it does as it pleases.... Or so it seems anyway!!!! So, yes, "twosday" will be so awesome, and for me then it will only be 13 more pounds until I reach the 100 pounds gone goal.... They are both something I really want, but I have to put in the time and energy to achieve them..... Good luck to us all...... 299 here we come... Julie
  10. Hey there, You should find one of the age specific or weight specific threads that sound good to you.. there are lots of them out there who will answer all of you questions.. I like reading more than posting, but it's easy to jump in.. Most everyone is very accepting of new people.. Hope you find the right one for you... Best of luck.....
  11. Hey, QT, what's the problem?? I don't know if I can help, but I sure will try.... I'm feeling rather blue right now myself.. I've had 5 fills already and still have no real restriction.. I want so much for the band to be there for me every time I put food in my mouth.. Instead I have some in the mornings and barely any the rest of the day.. I've always had a problem with willpower and feel as though it's all that is keeping me from going backwards... And right now I've been weak... Doing all the wrong things and not doing what I know is the right thing.. It is all very frustrating.. If you care to share I'd love to listen... Maybe we can help each other figure things out... I'll look forward to your next post.. Julie
  12. No, Seattle, that is not how the band is supposed to work... I watch when they do mine and the last time she pulled out 7 cc's before putting 8 cc's back in.... There should be no leak.. So, I hope Kiz is right that there is some special saline that will stop the leak for you... That "sweet spot" everyone talks about is there for us, just waiting, and then the weight is going to melt off.. I can hardly wait for that time..even if it is short lived.... I, too, am tired of feeling like I'm battling this on my own most of the time.. My willpower issues are what always had me gaining back lost weight in years past.. I don't want to have to rely only on willpower to do this.. I need my band to help me!!!! I just made an appointment for another fill for 3-30..... Last time she felt as though I was very close because of the way the 8 cc's went in... She may only give me .5 this time and if so, then I'm praying it will do the trick... You hang in there and talk to your doctor... If they don't help you, find someone who will..... Julie
  13. Hi there, I'm trying to see if I understood you correctly.. You have lost a total of 87 pounds in 10 months??? That's very good, but the part about the leak sure doesn't sound good to me... I'd be pushing that doctor to do something about it rather than just waiting to see... Now back to the weight loss... I understand the back and forth thing.. That happens to me all the time.. I have 8 cc's in a 14 cc band.. Last fill was 2-24 and had restriction for a few days, but not much any more.. I can feel it pretty well in the mornings, but by evening I'm hungry and craving things I shouldn't have... I hate to go for another fill so soon, but also hate this plateau thing I do for 3 weeks before a fill... I lose 5+ pounds from the liquid stage after the fill and then struggle to keep it off the rest of the time until another fill... Sounds just like what you described... But I don't have a leak.. They check mine each time and it is all there... I guess we just have to keep plugging along... I still have a long way to go, how about you??? Talk to your doctor and be assertive with him... It's your body after all!! good luck... Julie
  14. Hi Wanna, Loved hearing about your crawfish story... I am from North Dakota and I've never seen one... I'm not a big seafood person... A piece of fish here and there is about my limit.... It was interesting to hear you tell about it.... Hope you can handle everything without giving up all the fun... I'm glad you are still doing so well... The first period of time was the fastest for me and for most people.. It does eventually slow down.. I'm there now, and it's difficult to not see the scale move all the time.. but I have done well and know it will continue, just at it's own pace.. I'm really waiting for spring so I can get outside to do more exercising... Take care and keep in touch.. Julie
  15. I think this is a very good question and hope you get lots of good answers.. I have 8 cc's in a 14 cc band and am still not at my sweet spot.. I feel some restriction in the mornings, but it always eases away... I don't eat much in the mornings because of this, but then get hungry by noon and overdo..... I've had a good weight loss so far, but have so far to go that I do worry if I'll ever find the perfect spot and if I can make it to my goal... So, I'll wait for some good advice from others more knowledgeable than us... Best of luck to you... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

    Hey Everyone!

    N, gosh that's a lot for you to have to go through.. But you're going to make it back from here just fine.. You have to keep the right spirit in your heart and it will turn out for the best... I've had more than one time in my life when I wondered how in the world things could ever get better, but they did eventually.... 26 years ago I had stomach stapling done and it nearly killed me.. Long story short, I nearly died of malnutrition and starvation before they did surgery to fix my stomach... I had a baby in there, and then they put me on a diet to gain weight!!!!.. I went from 370 to 121 in 17 months, almost all the wrong way!!!! And there are more stories, I could write a book.... but the real meaning here is that as long as you don't quit trying, you haven't failed.. Now here I am, trying again, and probably the right way for the first time... coming off slow and steady so I can count on it staying gone.. I'm sure this is just a little bump in your road and that you will be is a good place again soon.... Let the doctors do their thing and get healthy and then let your tool help you get back where you are comfortable... I'll keep good thoughts for you... God bless......... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Long, so glad your husband is okay and that you are there for him to lean on... It must have been an awful experience for him... Congrats on the weight loss... Funny how things come along to make you take stock of what's really important... Food is way down on the list... Try to get your rest and recharge your battery.. Julie
  18. Hey girl, are you doing okay? Haven't heard from you for a few days and am hoping things are coming along as expected. Get back to us when you can... Julie
  19. amonroy, I can sure see why you are frustrated.. The only way I can compare this to my life is that my 25 year old daughter was very against me having the surgery at first.. She has always said that she doesn't see the fat, just the Mom!!! I had a couple close calls with surgery in the past and she was very scard that something would happen to me... Now, she is fine and really doesn't comment much unless I bring it up.. She would like to lose 30 pounds and I try to encourage her all the time... Anyway, do you suppose that these two people in your life are a bit jealous and insecure because you are being successful and they are not? That can do it sometimes.. Once a long time ago I lost a lot of weight all on my own.. I was in my 20's... Well, I had a serious breakup and one of my best friends was the one to push food at me when I got depressed.. Of course in my weakened state I couldn't resist and ended up gaining all the weight back... She wanted me back.... the old friend she knew.. I have often wondered what my life would have been like if she had done the opposite and helped me to continue to be healthy and slender.... Can't even guess now, but I do think you need to just keep doing what you are doing.. If they don't come around you will probably just have to start limiting your time with them.. They'll soon come to understand that this new you is the real you and someone you love.... They will, too... Best of luck.. I'm sure things will work out.. Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Long, I so hear you about you about the way you are losing.. That's how it is for me... I was at 312 on the 25th at for my last fill... Lost 3 pounds right away and then nothing again for a week and then 2 more... So I don't expect to see the scale move for a week or 2.... But it still said 307 after my indulgence of yesterday, so I'm feeling fine about it... Had a bad night.... I had another bout with the trapped gas and lower backache... It was miserable and finally went to sleep at 3:15..... Went to swim aerobics with a friend this morning and she suggested it might be colon spasms.. Never even gave anything else a thought.. Just figured I ate something I shouldn't have and my stomach was punishing me... don't knw what to think now.. Suppose I should have it checked out...... Anyway, I came home and jumped in the hot tub for a bit and then a shower, so I'm clean and exercised and very ready for a nap as I sure didn't sleep well last night... Luckily I don't have Mimi today and can just be lazy... Talk to you all later.......... Julie PS: Oh, and Long.......congrats on being so close to your goal.. It must be an amazing feeling!! Can hardly wait to be in your shoes..
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good Sunday everyone!!!! We had a great day for a baptism.. Baby Chloe was beautiful in her pretty while gown.. Couldn't even notice she was in the hosptial just a few short days ago.. She cried when they put the water on her head... I served 45 for breakfast.. It was very nice.. I sent some leftovers home with a brother and with my niece and the rest is put away or in the freezer, so I'm good to go!!!! No big temptations laying around anywhere.... I'll call the day a success... I am tired, though... Trying to rest up a bit, but have to gather my thoughts as I have a meeting in a little while about "family" stuff... Trying to be ther mediator in an issue about our farm.... Had a long talk with my brother who lives in SD just a bit ago.. It's so hard to try to find a way to bring opposing sides together.. Why me, Lord???!!!! I'll do my best and that will be that!!! I "treated" myself to a cornmeal muffin with butter and honey along with my protein for breakfast.. Yes, Janet, I said real butter.. I don't share your opinion about butter... I think some of the "unreal" stuff is way worse for you than a little real butter once in awhile.. Granted, I realize having gobs everyday would be a big mistake, so I don't.... but if I want butter I eat it! I also feel this way about Aspartame and Splenda.. It's manufactured and has some scary things in it... I don't want it, so use as little as possible... If I want something sweet I eat that, too.. Just not very often.. I have discussed these opinions with my medical people and they have given me their vote of approval... This works for me, but may not be for anyone else.. I guess that is what makes us all different. But our goals are all the same and getting there and staying there is the most important thing. I'm happy to say that I'm down another pound.. Don't know if it will stay gone, but will hope so.. I'm just plain too tired to exercise today, but will plan on water aerobics tomorrow.. We had a couple decent days this past week, but we are headed for a high of - 7 and a strong wind again on Tuesday.. Yippee....... I don't think spring will ever come again at this rate!!!! I have a yearning to go outside to walk, but just can't do the ice. I'm so afraid of falling and breaking something important... Til next time................ Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening all, just checking in before I set my clock ahead and get some rest.. I've been working like a crazy person most of the day and am very tired and my back is aching terribly... Some tylenol and some sleep should make it better by moring.. I'm about all ready for my big meal at church tomorrow. Fried 102 sausages on my George Foreman grill this evening.. Worked well!! Anyway, I'm hoping it all goes well and everyone shows up so I don't have lots of leftovers to bring home again.... I'm really off my schedule today, but know I haven't overeaten.. I actually don't know if I've had enough.. I guess that's not such a bad thing.. It's easy to forget about food when you are very busy.. Take care all and have a great Sunday... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi all, I don't post here very often, but so enjoy reading what you all are talking about... Some are having such struggles and having been in places like that myself upon occassion in my life, I can surely sympathize.. My prayers go with you that everything will turn out very well.. I have love reading about these beautiful quilts and have made a few in my day, but only regular block ones just for use on a bed... I do love to crochet and was especially happy when I was making all the cute little things for my new granddaughter. I even made her baptismal gown.. It was gorgeous.. Never think to take pictures of the things I make... Haven't done it much lately.. I also am a singer and have done so many weddings and funerals that I have lost track of them all.. When I was young (20's) I used to take my 12 string guitar and entertain in the local bars on Saturday nights.. Love country, gospel, and oldies music.... Take care and thanks for all the good information and just letting me listen in while you all visit and share.. Julie
  24. Hey, Wanna...............good for you!!!! It's a wonderful feeling to know the scale is going down rather than up!! Take care........ Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all..... Just home from my trip to Bismarck with Mother.. Got her to 3 doctors appts... The results remain the same.. seizure medicine and no driving....ND says must be 6 months seizure free to drive again... Also took care of a big errand for Mom and her sisiter that has been hanging over my head, so that is done now, too.. Got Mom her new printer and a new lamp that she wanted and then did my grocery shopping for my big meal I'm preparing for Sunday... I'm pooped!!! Groceries are in a put away... Now to regroup before having to go to church tonight.. Here in our town we recognize and take part in "World Day of Prayer"... That's today and I have a part in the program... Am looking forward to the after so I can come home and veg in my chair... With all the running around I had no time to eat.. Grabbed a piece of summer sausage on the way out the door at 7:00 am and then ate a banana after shopping at Wal-mart.. Almost grabbed something else,but remembered the bananas and put it back on the shelf... Had some chocolate milk when I home, so I'm about 400 calories for the day.. Will have a nice salad for supper I think..... Long, congrats on the loss... and yes, we say "pop" here... Soda is something you use in baking!!!!! LOL.... Apples, thanks for the recipe tips... I'll have to try them... Phyll.. loved your story... my mother has a similar one she has always told... and congrats on your loss, too.... Hey Bonnie, you hang in there... I've been there and I understand your feeling guilty.. but blow it off and start again.. You'll be great... Becky, I'm about like you right now.. I feel way more restriction with solid meat than anything.. Last night I only got one bit of a pork chop down... had to wait a while to eat a little something else.. But I was after restriction so will not complain at all.. Maybe my scale will move again soon!!! Janet, I always tell the people at my doctor's office that their scale is wrong.. Of course I also weigh naked at home.. Really I think mine is about right on at doc's office. I'm usually 2 pounds more there, but with clothes (no shoes) and then maybe breakfast or at least water, that makes the difference... I, too, lost a post one day.. Just like you said, Poof, it was gone. Funny thing is that later in the day it just magically appeared again.. I had already typed a new one so had to erase it, but it was very odd Well, thanks for listening girls.. I'm so enjoying being here with all of you.. You are just what I needed to get me over the hump... Any of you new ones will feel the same very soon.. this is an awesome bunch of beautiful ladies.... I'm going to pray for us all tonight... Take care... Julie

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