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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

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    Our Dear Lori, We are praying that your daughter, son-in-law and that unborn baby will be just fine very soon.... I know you will be strong for them while inside your heart is breaking... We all love you and are here for you when you need us.... Maybe the Lord bless and keep you and your family...... We are just home from my mother's after services.. Had homemade potato pancakes (family favorite) and ham and pie.... I tried a couple bits and then had to excuse myself.... The only thing that went down was a couple bites of cherry pie...... Oh well...... No pain so far today... this is very good... I want to wish each and everyone the blessedness of Christmas.. may the spirit fill your hearts and minds.............. Merry Christmas from North Dakota..... Talk to you all later.... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone, OMG, so sorry to hear about Lori's daughter... Will put her in my prayers.... Isn't she due in March?? This is way too early..... I'm sure Lori is so glad to be there with her.... Karen, great news about DH...... hope you both ditch the bug so it doesn't interfer with your holiday festivies..... I've been trying not to get a cold for 2 days now... I just can't rid myself of this terribly scratchy throat.... Hoping for the best.... Laura K. , I'm sure you are just going nuts waiting for the plane... Hope your time with DD is just wonderful.... Cheri, I can relate to your worries about your DD... Have been through that with mine more than once..... I agree with what someone else said, Janet, I think, just let her know you are there and keep loving her.... We have a 60th birthday party for my friend tonight... supper out... her daughters put it on... a full turkey supper with cake and ice cream.... I ate a couple bites, but the turkey wouldn't go down... mine was a waste of money... Arlene I have your Texas snowman on my tree, too... think of you everytime I see it..... relax and enjoy now... you've been working too hard..... Jessica, I'm sending good vibes that you get your Christmas wish... would be just wonderful for you...... Well, I need to go put some Cookies in containers now that the frosting has dried... I only got one batch done today... My shoulder gave me a bit of trouble so I sat down in my chair with a hot pack and fell asleep.... But no biggie..... will finish up tomorrow and then just relax and go with the flow for the rest of the weekend.... Night all... have sweet dreams.... Love....... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey there friends............. Lots of good stuff to read tonight..... Joyce, so happy it is just a minor setback.... you'll be back to your old self soon... just take it easy.... Tina, sounds to me like you need to give yourself way more credit than you do.... You have conquered horrible addictions that have ruined others ...... you are still plugging away... be proud of what you have done and in order to do it you used food..... good for you that you found a way... Now, you have to get the food in the right place.... The band will be just the tool you need to finish this personal makeover you started.... No, the band isn't the easy way out... I think if you want that you need to do bypass moreso than band or sleeve...... Please start realizing all you have accomplished so far and that you can do this, too, with the right help and support...... WTG girl..... TX, glad your father is doing okay... and WTG on the little meals... you are doing wonderfully..... It feels good doesn't it??? I love to watch some of the food show on tv that have people eating these huge portions stuffing themselves.. I can't imagine doing that ever again.... Sometimes I have to have a bite of my DH's double cheesburger at McDonalds or whatever, but them I am satisfied....I am happy to be so satisfied with less... congrats to you to be there now, too..... keep up the good work...... you'll be a hunka hunka before you know it!!!! Meredith, so sorry about your sister's dog... have they found him??? What a sad story and at Christmas, too....... Hope you are okay... Laura K, so glad your DD is able to be home for Christmas... Will you have your whole family together?? Have a great time... Lori, hope your DD is feeling better soon.. Mine has been sick, too, and can't take much for it... Hope you didn't overdo the shoveling... I couldn't do that... Yes, that is definitley exercise in my book.... Karen, we had to dig out, too...... We've got enough snow to last a couple year's already.... and they are talking more yet..... No worries about having a White Christmas this year... Stay warm and keep it between the ditches!!!!!! Phyll, glad things are turning out well in your world.... I'm still trying to figure out if I can pull that off with my family (brothers and families)....... I'm thinking of putting out a revolving buffet as people will be coming and going for three days.... Janet, you haven't said too much about you lately... Hope that means you are well and happy.... got your card today and it was so just like you.....swanky lady and her dog.. I loved it......thanks... Eva, good to hear from you... The card was beautiful... thank you so much.. Hope you can stop and relax now and enjoy yourself..... Linda, hope things are going well for you... glad you got all your baking done and now can just enjoy.. I haven't done much yet and don't know if I'm going too..... Have lots of snacky things, no one will go home hungry.... I just won't have to look at all the leftovers for a week... Arelene, dear, sorry you are stuggling so much... If the holidays are a problem for you, then you know what you have to do to make it through them and then get back on the horse... You'll be in my thoughts and prayers that things go well this year and you can just maintain..... That was something I got told right away about the holidays... just hope to maintain... the rest is too hard.... so you just keep your chin up and it will be better soon... Cheri, glad your chore at work is complete.... and good things are coming to your school soon.. good job.... Is tomorrow the last day of school before Christmas vacation??? Jessica, I agree with Cheri, that you were a great person to share your story with Tina.... Good for you... We are so proud of what you have done.... are you on a break now...... Melissa, same goes for you as Arlene...... just try to maintain through the holidays if it is so difficult... then hit it hard afterwards.... Cheri's Protein idea is a good one... best of luck... you guys can do this.... Laura, you must be so busy we haven't heard from you for a while.. I'm sure you are so excited about your parents coming... enjoy.... Jodi..............................where are you????? I miss you....... Kelly, glad you are doing so well.... Sandy, how are things going with your dad??? Hope you have time for yourself.... Well, if I forgot anyone I will hope to be forgiven like Karen said... I just can't think who it is at the moment.... let me know... I'm doing pretty well..... thank goodness.... yesterday I had some pain, but not the terrible kind... I tolerated it fine.... today DH and I went to Bismarck.. I had a dentist appt... and then we finished shopping...... no pain yet, anyway.... It's almost too much for me to take in that it could finally be time for this part of my life to be over... I'm praying it is, but am a bit like my DD.... hate to think that way for fear I will jinx it.... I have been without pain for a few days before and it came back.... It's been 8 days now..... anyway, I need to do a little more baking tomorrow and then will have both girls at 9:00, but will have to take Bailey down to Bismarck to her mother about 4:00.... DH will just keep Mimi until DD gets off work....... so another busy day..... Hope this finds you all well and happy.... take care......... hugs to all........... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Arlene, we were posting at the same time...... Happy Anniversary to you and your dear one.... 41 years is a long time... 45 is the ruby anniversary... We had a big party for my parents for their 45th..... good thing as my dad didn't make it to 50..... Wish you many more happy years together.... love you... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello.......... welcome Tina....... You've got the best people giving you advice already... Just hop on in and make yourself at home... My girls are "resting" and watching Little Bear.... A couple more hours and DD will be here... They have been good, so can't complain... Only thing is my neck and shoulder are biting at me today... It's my first day without the Medrol pack... Hope I don't need more.. the last few days have been so wonderful.... Just a bit of pain now and then..... I could handle that for along time... But if it stays like today I'll be calling the doc real fast.... I really should be doing something, but just don't have the ambition today.. Christmas plans are still up in the air for us, so haven't gotten excited about planning anything... I know my DB and SIL from SD will be here on Christmas Day, and we will have our Christmas with DD's family on the 26th..... So, I was thinking while wrapping gifts yesterday and putting them under the tree.... I've got a just for fun question for everybody..... Do you do the fancy tree with a theme and color coordinated trimmings and gift wrap or do you do the more simple thing with old ornament collected throughout the years and many different wrappings??? I'm the second type... Tree topper is an angel that DH's mother made (crochetd and then starched)..... multi-colored bulbs with candy canes this year.. I was too tired to unpack all the old ornaments, but usually do this... and I use many different colors and styles of wrapping.. I like to do pretty ribbons and bows and spend time on it... not just slap a bow on and go.... What do you all do at your house... I'll bet we all have a little bit different traditions.... I'd love to here about it..... Well, better go see to my girls.. they are getting more rambunctious.... Karen, good wishes for DH with his doctoring... Hope all will be fine soon... Hugs to all... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Karen, you sound so happy..... I'm so tickled that everything went so well for you. You made a wonderful memory for those children.... Making them feel so special.... You have a wonderful knack for that... Bless your Gramma heart.... Cheri, best of luck on your big decision making day tomorrow.. God will lead you to the right path... I'm not very techy either... Arlene, congrats on the 2011 Christmas plans... Will you be traveling with anyone other than your DH??? Lori, congrats on making through another event in very good shape... You're a natural.... You'll be doing it more often now maybe... Well I got my cards finished and ready to mail in the morning... also got all the last packages wrapped and under the tree, but still need a couple... Have to go to Bismarck to the dentist on Tuesday so will pick them up then.. Also need to get a 60th birthday gift... My friend who has been so sick is turning 60 and her daughters are having a surprise party on Thursday night... it's her actual birthday... So I have to think of something fun, but without the dreaded black or RIP things that sometimes come with parties like this... She is so lucky to be alive and that must be celebrated... I am tired, so am headed off to bed I think.. I might even beat DH tonight.... The girls will be here from noon to 6:00 tomorrow so should be a fun day.... Take care all, oh and good luck TX with you father's surgery, too... Nightie Night.... Hugs from Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello to all you dear ones..... We've had a nice day so far, too... Church was good.. we have no little ones for a Sunday School anymore so we just do stuff ourselves.. Was in a little skit about the stable boy on Christmas eve... was very nice and then lots of carols followed by a nice pot-luck dinner... I did not over do it so I'm happy about that.. Had a nap in my chair and am now about ready to finish my cards and wrap some more gifts... DH is watching a western on Starz...... Apples, great idea about not feeling guilty if we miss someone... I always to to keep up, but lately has been more difficult for me, too.... I agree..... no worries!!!!! just love and concern...... Sandy, I'm so happy for you to have had this nice little "holiday" to get your Christmas spirit going very nicely... Sounds like you had a wonderful time.. Your DH sounds a great deal like mine.... It's a wonderful blessing... Lori, I, too, knew you would do beautifully..... so happy for you... And that's just what we are doing here.......... being there for each other no matter what it is.... We aren't so much Lapband sisters, but dear friends who met under unusual circumstances.... aren't we just the luckiest bunch??!!! Laura K, I met my husband at a singles dance, but someone did set us up... We used to love that setting when we were first together and before we got married... Our dearest friends (brain anuerysm) met at a singles dance, too, but before we ever knew them.... You just have a blast enjoying your new beautiful body and well deserved happiness.... Safe travels to Phyll and Earl...... cute about Zoey... Oh, Lori, I go by Gramma..... At first Laromi called me mommy.... and I just kept saying "Gramma" to her and soon she switched over.... I think it will just come naturally when the baby gets here.... And we have "Papa" here, not Grandpa..... maybe when they get older.... Our boys out in Ohio say Grandpa and Grandma..... Well, time is passing and I haven't started any work.... I really wanted to get those to Christmas chores done today... Have kids tomorrow and then dentist in Bismarck on Tuesday.... Christmas will actually be here before we know it.... Everyone have a wonderful evening..... may peace and contentment fill you souls.... Love and hugs to all........... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody...... I was away from the computer again for a bit and there was 5 pages to read..... and I guess we are all in the same boat as I can't remember much either... Lori, best of luck with your party, but you'll do great.... Apples, have lots of fun tomorrow with your kids... I'm sure you will have them feeling so special.... Melissa, be good to your feet... Jessica, wtg on the grades....... Linda, I know just how you feel about the kids... We only have Kayla's family.........the others don't care to be with us.... It's their loss.... Laura, hope you get help soon... Oh, there is so much more to say, but my homemade bread is just out of the oven and I have to get ready to go to a family potluck........... The hostess is making ribs, so I will take some of my goodies and fresh bread..... Should go good with ribs.... gotta run, but hugs to all.... oh, and I'm still doing pretty well..... amazingly.... DD doesn't like me to speak of it so as to not jinx it, she says!!!!! So just forget I brought it up, okay!!?? Bye bye............. Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, I'm just up from my second good night's sleep..... It feels so good... I managed to keep the pain to a minimum during the day yesterday with just using Tylenol and last night was better, too... I did take the percocet at 10:00 and then again at 3:30, but then went to bed and slept till almost 10:00. It feels like something normal again for a change.... Someone on here asked about the severe inflammation..... I don't really know the answers for sure, but it seems that inflammation is very hard to diagnos correctly..... It was me asking to have bloodwork done because no one had done it for a long time.... It showed up in the bloodwork....... Whatever, if this anti-inflammatory medication is the trick, I'm just going to accept it and enjoy..... I do still have the spinal stenosis and it could be coming from that..... Enough of that.... Apples, I agree with the others that being a grandma is more a heart thing than a blood thing..... All the kids at the daycare where DD works call me Grandma Julie.... An of course I have step grandchildren,but don't use the word.... In this day and age with family structures being what the are sometimes kids just can't have enough love.... You go for it as long as it feels good and let your son worry about the relationship he has ........ Just enjoy.... Grandparenthood is wonderful..... jump on in................... Laura, once I had a terrible rash hit my body..... they tried numerous things and then finally said it was from stress and put me on an anti-dressant.... didn't help, so I finally found a good dermatologist who asked if I had a hot tub... Yup!! It wasn't from the chemicals, but from the hot Water.... I was using it too much and it dried out my skin so bad..... had to put on the ointment at night all over my body and then put clothes on to sleep so I didn't wreck the mattress... and then also a heavy cream for during the day.... I still can tell years later if I get too much hot water....I start to itch.... With all the baths I've been taking for the pain lately I have had to be careful.... good luck finding the right answer... Oh, I had such big plans of writing to everyone, but now I can't remember and I didn't take notes today.... Arlene, was it painful for your mother to have the in-grown lashes removed?? Sounds like it would hurt.... Good luck with your Protein train girls...... Meredith, happy painting... not my cup of tea!!!!! I let DH do that when it needs doing..... Lori, sounds like you are on track with your dinner party....have fun Janet, did you just have a bug??? I hope you are feeling better.. Well, I got all the packages wrapped last night... Need to organize them under the tree now.... I was going to head to Bismarck for some of the last gifts, but it is supposed to snow so changed my mind.. Will try to go Friday.... I'm just going to do some odds and ends paperwork today and maybe bake something.... After all that wedding baking I did, I'm a bit baked out.... Nothing sounds good either... You all have a good day and stay warm..... Talk to you later.... HUgs.. Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, we got home from Bismarck about 4:00.... Things did happen today... First, I got a shot of morphine from NP here and talked to her about medications and how the hydrocodone doesn't work for me anymore... She felt I should change pain meds....but have to do that with my pain doc..... Then we left for Bismarck and I saw the rhuemetologist... I do not have Sjogrens Syndrome...... My bloodwork says that is negative... but do have serious inflammatory issues.... We were able to consult with my pain doc and I came home with a new pain med and some meds for the inflammations... I was able to take the new meds right away and did get some relief so that I slept a bit on the way home and then napped in my chair for awhile.... pain is there, but not driving me crazy right now.. The inflammation meds are a pack with pills for 6 days... very strong to start and then gradually down... I do feel a bit like this is a new journey now and people are paying attention to me.... We'll see how this goes... I'm hopeful again and frame of mind matters in all of this... Let's hope I can sleep some tonight..... That will be like heaven...... Melissa, good for you and your new determination.... You can do this and we'll be here foryou..... Laura, this rash is serious stuff....... Have you seen someone, or just you an Nael doing the doctoring???? I know you are both very competent, but you may need a specialist..... take care Lori, wtg on new dishes.... sounds like you have things all together for your dinner party... Is it 4 or 6 now?? I'm sure you will be a hit.... Jodi, I had something I wanted to say to you but do you think I can remember what now?? Those dang drugs are really doing a number on me.... I'll think of it sometime..... Oh, it's about Jeff..... I could tell a while ago that you were sinding down, so am not surprised at all to hear you've had enough.... And good for you for sticking up for yourself.... I'm proud of you.... There is someone special just waiting out there somewhere for you... You will find him one day soon I think.... Well last night when I couldn't sleep I got up and wrapped Christmas gifts...Had to stop when the pain got too bad.... I might do a few more this evening.... Would love to get these all done as I have to buy more next trip to Bismarck.... We went way overboard with things for the kids this year, but oh well, I just love to see them happy.... Well, I'd better go sit with DH for awhile.... He was such a good sport to take me to Bismarck 2 days in a row..... and me half out of my mind in pain and saying dumb things and being too short with him..... He deserves some extra attention. Hugs to all and I'll talk to you tomorrow.... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning... I have an update on me and my pain...... I was able to reach the rhuemotologist's nurse and told her what was happening... I have a 2:30 appt...... Yeah!!!! I also have a 10;00 appt with my NP here in Washburn... Need to talk to her about meds and such..... So, I have to run, but have to be careful... another long night without any sleep.... I'm hurting so bad and am so miserable.....Something has to give soon.... Talk to you all later... Keep your fingers crossed for me, please.... I need all the good thoughts I can get.... Hugs........ Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, just finished reading all the posts since I was here last.....lots going on....... Jessica, oh my goodness, I'm so proud of you..... If I had been there I would have cried when you crossed the finish line... When my DD was in high school she ran Cross Country............. I would go to her meets and do just that.... cry when she crossed the line.... I was so proud that she wasn't like me and wasn't hardly able to walk from the car to the course...... I still can't imagine myself doing anything like that.... This is just such an awesome thing for you.... I'm happy to hear just how happy you are with yourself.... you should be.... and your DH and DS, too...... you are a role model for Jake!!!!! Just keep going... the sky's the limit, dearie..... Us Mommas are just so dang proud....... Sandy and Cheri, I hear you about the parent issues... My mother is only 78, but has had the medical issues that has slowed her down so much... and changed her very much even though she isn't aware of it....the changes are subtle.... I was very lucky a while back when she had to have shoulder surgery and needed help.. I was not able to do it because of my medical limitations, so I thought and thought and finally came up with the idea of asking one of her friends... someone she goes to bible study with..... she is my age and just loves my mother... She is always offering to do things for her so I called to talk to her about it.... She jumped right in.... came and cooked and cleaned and took her places........the whole nine yards..... for free..... She has no children and just her husband who works and fishes all the time..... She loved doing it.....Even though mom doesn't need her anymore they still spend lots of time together and it's a wonderful thing to know someone besides me thinks about her.... Wish something like that could happen for you Sandy..... would be harder with a man I'm sure.... Best of luck with both of you......My mom and I have already had the discussion and she even has nursing home insurance.... She will go when she needs to.... told my brothers that, too, so I hope she keeps her word.... she is pretty feisty sometimes.... or maybe all the time....!!!! Melissa, so glad you like your job and get the benefits you need.... As for my pain, it's something that just came upon me one day back in August of 2009.... I've had severe pain about 75% of the time since then.... just recently it started to be more constant... I've doctored with every doctor imaginable and had most every test.... Still no one helps me..... they did diagnos Spinal Stenosis in my neck.... Lori, you just take the advice Apples has given you and you will be the perfect hostess....... I was born to entertain I think.... love to have people to the house... so have been doing it many years and just have come to make it second nature;... You will get used to it too if that's what you want.... It's not for everyone.. I have a friend like you... and she just plain hates to cook... I've always wondered how she fed her kids as they were growing up.... she's just a fright about it..... You'll be just fine and you can't go wrong with prime rib or beef roast....... almost any sides will go with it.... baked potatoes or other veggies.... or a salad..... enjoy yourself..... Apples, it makes my heart happy to hear you say that you are able to get some peace in the church... You need that and leaning on the Lord is a wonderful thing... God Bless you................... We've been having about the same weather as you..... was very cold this morning.... -9 I think.... Oh gosh, I wanted to remember everything from everybody, but I've just lost it now.... can't remember anymore.....sorry.... I need to tell you about me, though.... Haven't had a good few days.... Last I wrote was during Friday night when I couldn't sleep... Well Saturday night was like that, too... I finally woke DH up at 6:00AM and asked him to take me to ER in Bismarck... Go there around 7:00.... Was crying in pain... I had not had any sleep for 48 hours and the severe pain had been constant.... was just at the end of what I could handle... Saw the doctor before too long and he was great..... not like the other ones I've had previously.... He listened, went to check my complete history with all my other doctors and then came back to explain what he was doing and why.. I got three different medications through IV and then had to stay awhile to make sure it helped..... I got morphine, tramodal, and solumedrohl..... He told me that he felt the rhuemotologist was on top of things and he expects me to be better soon... trouble is the rhuemotologist that I saw hasn't gotten back to me yet with results of the more in depth blood work... He saw it on my records and called it something other that Sjogren's..... it was three words with one of them starting with rhuemo.....somthing.... I am to make an appointment with this doctor asap..... He gave me more hope than anyone has lately.... So, we came home and I did sleep for awhile, but not all day like I had hoped.. I wrapped a few Christmas gifts and then rested some more... The pain has come back this evening but have been coping with it... I am hopeful that I can sleep at least some tonight... Will call all the doctors tomorrow and get the ball rolling on this new track..... I want to thank you all for being so concerned for me and for all your suggestions... I do agree that I think I'm no longer getting any help from the hydrocodone... tried just doing liquid tylenol tonight.... But it isn't the meds keeping me from sleeping, it's the pain...... the pain is horrid...... Isn't Xanax for those who suffer with panic attacks and such... I remember my DD having to take it when she was so sick back in high school..... I am on Cymbalta as an anti-depressant, but not sure I need it.... I already take a muscle relaxor and anti-inflammatory..... way too much medication if you ask me... I should feel way better than I do with all that sh__ in my system..... anyway, thanks again for caring.... I'm going to keep plugging away...can't do much else, but give up and what good would that do..... I don't need perfection but would sure like to have a break from this again...... I really didn't eat much the last few days at all... my taste buds are so screwed up..... I lost 2 more pounds so that's good if it stays off..... Well, I'm going to try to go to bed in my bed tonight instead of sitting up waiting for the pain to go away... I'll put ice and heat on and hope for the best... Hugs and prayers for you all.... so sorry if I didn't comment on something important... it's the drugs..... sweet dreams to you all.... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there, just a quick note..... It's 5:45 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet..... The pain is severe and I think I've overdone it on the pain pills with no success at all..... tried a hot bath, my tingly cream, ice packs, hot packs, slef-massage, pain meds................... nothing...... I'm about to climb the walls... I need to sleep so badly...... but it just won't let loose..... I'll take some of your good juju, Laura K............I sure need something......................gotta go pace the floor some more..... Hope all of you are doing okay..... I'll try to get back here later.... Love you.......... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Surprise, I'm back and it hasn't been a week.... I finished reading all the pages I've missed.... it was a lot to absorb...... going to try to respond to as much as possible.... Janet, welcome home..so glad you had a nice time.. I haven't been to facebook to check the pictures, but everyone else says it looks like you were so happy... That's how a vacation should be... Too bad you lost that vanilla.... I've had that as a gift one time from my sil...... I personally wouldn't be a good candidate for scuba diving... glad you enjoyed it... Apples, it's wonderful that you are so happy with your new teeth... all that time and pain is over and now you reap the rewards... enjoy..... Sorry to hear of more death in your life.... It's part of life, but it seems you've had so much lately.... Was good you had your day out with a friend to shop and giggle..... I could use that..... Phyll, congrats on the new golf cart... We have friends who just bought a used one for a song, but had to get new batteries... WOW.....Have you had closure on your issue with Starbucks???? Sounded messy.... and you've really done well on the walking... good for you.... Jessica, so proud of you and all your accomplishments.... You just keep growing in all the good ways..... congrats.... I, too, understand about your feelings about your father's weight problem.... I have 2 brothers and one sil that are in dire need of a change, but can't do it for them... I pray they will see the light before it's too late.. Cheri, you, too, have had so much to deal with death...... It's a good thing God made you so strong.... You are the kind of teacher that children remember best when they are adults.... You should be proud to be blessed with such a gift... I haven't heard back from the doctor yet about the Sjogren's diagnosis.... She ordered in depth blood tests and said she would be in touch, but no word yet... It's so nice that your concerts turned out so well... It's easy to see and hear how much this singing means to you... I love to sing, too, but don't have the opportunities you do here in my little town.... Occassionaly there will be a community choir for some special event and I try to take part.... Lori, glad your trip to CO and MN was fun.... do you ever get jet lag or are you so used to flying that it rolls off your back?? I haven't experienced this new security thing you all talk about.... don't care to fly anywhere anytime soon,so won't worry about it I guess.... I wanted to comment about the toast issue.. I love bread and toast with butter..... my biggest downfall.... but since I've had this terrible dry mouth my tastebuds have changed.... It doesn't taste the same any more.... I'm still grieving my loss as I love my bread... but when it doesn't taste good I don't eat it.... that goes for everything.. In my fatter days I used to eat things and then realize I didn't enjoy it.... Don't do that anymore... Jodi, so glad your holiday has been a good one for you and Dassi... Sorry to hear that you are sick... the flu bug has been going around here....DD and SIL and the girls have all had it and now DH has it, so I suppose I'm next... I'd rather not, but I guess we'll see.... Melissa, congrats on the new nephew and the new job.... I didn't know you were looking.. I remember you saying you weren't getting the benefits you thought you were supposed too, but didn't realize you started looking... Hope this is a better fit for you... Meredith, have you made any decisions about your band yet??? I totally get why you are taking a break from school.... Just be sure you go back!!!! It's good you were able to lose that pound and feel better about things again.... Sandy, sounds like you are very busy with Christmas preparations and such??? And I have to ask what a TRX is... haven't a clue.... Kelly, you are really getting into this walking thing... It's so good for a person... wish I could get into it.... but walking outside in ND in the winter is a challenge I'm not willing to take.... Joyce, so sorry you are sick, too.... and I'm envious of the Water aerobics.... glad you are enjoying it so much.... Hope you feel better soon..... Happy Hanakkah to you and yours, too..... Eva, you're back home again.... glad you had a good trip even if it did get a bit cold at times.... You asked why I had both girls now..... SIL got a job here in our little town... one with benefits.... this is very good for their family... So now he isn't driving back and forth to Bismarck everyday so they had to work out a new schedule for Bailey...... He and DD have her S-M-T and every other W.... the mother has her every other W- Th-F-S..... that way they only have to drive once a week..... so it mean on M-T and W they are both needing to be here..... It's been okay so far..... Linda, glad your computer issues are fixed and you are back online...I'm sure you are busy doing fun things with Ayla for Christmas... How is her mother doing now?? Better I hope... Laura, so glad to hear that your parents are coming for Christms... It will be a good celebration for you all... Gosh I hope you can get off that prednizone soon.... It's some nasty stuff in my experience... Nothing worse than a bad itch, though.... except maybe this damn pain....... but that's another story..... Laura K, it's good to hear you are doing well..... Your daughter will be able to be home for Christmas.......that's wonderful..... will you have your whole family then?? TX, how is that shoulder..... You have been having some troubles I hear... better be careful..... Do you get a fill anytime soon?? Arlene, girl, so sorry to hear of the troubles your friend is having... You are such a good friend.... Good luck with the weight watchers..... It may be just what you are needing to get you over the hump........ Well, I just got some drop by company so will post this so it doesn't get lost... I'll be back later to tell you about me...... Hugs and pragers for all.... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    OK guys, I'm alive................... So sorry to go off the radar...... Life has been hectic....doctors and more doctors..... Sick of it all..... I considering firing them all, stopping all medication and just doing what I think is best for me instead..... Couldn't be much worse than it is now...... enough of that.... Besides that I have been busy ... finally got my Christmas decorating done today.. Need to start some baking now, but have vowed to not do much... All the baking I did for the wedding has me burned out a bit.... don't need it anyway... Also, have to start doing daycare again.... for both girls some days... tomorrow... but DH is home now so he helps and they are easier now... Not really much lifting, just supervising.... We had terrible fog this morning so as I gaze out my window I see the heavily covered tree branches and it looks so beautiful... Wish you could see it, those of you who don't get snow...... I did not get to read the posts yet, but I will.... Sorry to make this quick, but I have lots to do today.... won't get anything done tomorrow with my little monsters in the house..... I love you all so much and hope all is well... Have been praying for you, Cheri,....... hope you are getting back to some sort of normalcy after the tragic events..... I promise to try to get back more often now... Hugs and prayers.... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone, sorry I've been absent again for a couple days..... Just have had too much on my plate............ I have lots to tell and lots to comment on, but will have to try tomorrrow... I did all the reading tonight...... I'm glad most everyone is doing so well.... Cheri, so sorry for your loss..... You have had a lot to deal with lately.... My prayers are with you and that family.... Was to the rheumatologist today.... more bloodwork... should know in a few days but the preliminary diagnosis is Showgren's Disease...... Will now more in a few days.... I had a few pain free days, but back again yesterday with a vengence... today, too... time to sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow to visit..... hugs and prayers for all of you dear ones.... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everybody................. long night for me..... I'm mellowing out now so want to go back to bed... thought I would just check in first.... You all seem to be doing well and I'm happy for that... I have been okay until yesterday..... It was nice to have a little break.... Laura, sorry to hear that the cancer is back with your dad..... Just keep doing what you are doing.... It's such a hard thing to come to grips with.... Just hang in there.... Jessica, you are doing so well..... Good for you.... take care..... Your MIL seems to be getting it better now... This is good... Well, time to sleep... I'll try to check back later, but will have both girls today from 10-6, so might not get the chance... DH will be here, too, so don't have to do it alone.... Hugs to all............... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello .................... how's everybody doing????? No Black Friday shopping for me.... We did that once and that was enough...... I think we are going to go tomorrow.... I'm really unprepared for Christmas this year... I don't even have ideas for anyone.... too much else going on this year and my brain didn't take time to think about Christmas yet.....I guess I'll have to force myself..... I got all my food managed and put in order and as of this morning all the dishes and such are clean and put away..... I'm always glad to get that done... I hate having people do dishes at my house... I don't have a dishwasher and just really like to do it myself in my own time... So, it's all done and that's good... I should really be doing some laundry, but too lazy..... I actually made it all day yesterday with out pain. I woke up early (5:30) and just laid around untill about 7:30... then got my food going... So I thought after the big day I would be very tired... But I was awake until almost 3:00am.... just couldn't sleep.... Woke up about 9:00 this morning... I'm usually an everyday weigher.... but since I put on those pounds a while back I haven't been doing it as often.... I've been up as high as 294 from 278 low the past couple months... blaming on medication mostly....... I haven't done anything different lately, but this morning I was 287...... I was pleasantly surprised.... so only 10 pound to go to be back to my all time low.... I still have hopes of getting back to losing.... Janet, you have a wonderful time now on your trip.... will be thinking of you.... be careful.... All you others who are decorating today have fun.... I'm just not ready... Maybe Monday....... I have 2 doctor appointments next week, too, but should be able to get it done anyway..... I'm not getting the e-mails... I was when I checked that one box, but then it was an e-mail for every posting... too many..... I think I checked the one a day box, but haven't had any since...... I think they must be having some bugs...... Hope you all have a good day.... Joyce, glad you are back from your trip..... Was it good??? I'm sure seeing those kids was a kick........ Well, bye now everyone... talk to you later.... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, is everybody done eating for the day???? I sure am, but I didn't eat much..... nothing tastes good to me anymore.... not even bread.... I did have pumpkin pie with real whipped cream....... Had company most of the day but all are gone now..... it's almost 9:00 here and I can go put my jammies on and veg the rest of the night..... No pain durning the day... Hope it keeps on for the night, too...... I'm really quite tired.... and tomorrow I don't have to do anything I don't want to do... this is good..... I really just popped on to say Happy Birthday to Phyll.... by my records, it's your birthday today..... Hope I'm right...... Hope you had a wonderful day with lots of loved ones close by....... Take care everyone and I'll be back tomorrow.... Hugs........... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone..... just checking in for the day.... I've lots of preparations for tomorrow to get done in between pain spells. I'm sure those of you who are cooking are doing about the same... I'm only having 8 or possibly 12 at the most so it's seems like a little job for me... I'm used to 30 or so......... but as the kids get older and married it gets harder to have the whole family together......I've been lucky most of my life as all of my brothers and I have lived here by our parents..... Then dad died and Mom moved to town and then life goes on.... gets busier and busier...... It's sure different now that we have our DD married... Her MIL is a bossy one about how things WILL happen...... She's in for a shock with my DD....... she won't take being told what to do....... should be interesting at Christmas..... MIL is working tomorrow so no problem with Thanksgiving..... Anyway, DH is back with something I needed from the store, so I'd better get busy.... I love and miss you guys...... I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day spent with those you love.... Eat smart and enjoy...............I am so thankful for each and every one of you, my friends....... Hugs and prayers for all..... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, I was afraid of just what you said happened about the e-mail notifications.... Maybe the once daily would be better..... I don't know... I think you're right about having to play with it some... goodness knows how hard it will be to add pictures.... I guess I'm not good with change........ Hang in there everybody, we'll figure it all out.... Everyone sleep well..... talk to you tomorrow.... Hugs.. Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello.................... gosh this is exhausting..... I wonder what they think is so much better than it was before........I didn't make it back to read the posts since I last read, but I will...... mostly just wanted to get in here and make sure I could post.. Hope everyone is doing okay...... Apples, I think you and I are alike about birthdays..... Mostly just another day.. it does feel good to have people remember you, but don't need a big fuss.... Mine was 2 days before DD's wedding and kind of went unnoticed by my family for the most part.... Did get some nice calls and of course all of you..... We are such a wonderful group... can't get much better than this.... I just came in from the hot-tub.... my shoulder and neck started spasming quite bad... took a pill and then a dip in the tub and now my tingly cream... Hope it dies down soon as I have friends coming for supper and cards.... Nothing fancy... just a hotdish and fresh biscuits.... Have a good evening and I'll be back to try to figure out more later.... Hugs to all........... Julie (Lori, thanks for the tip about getting my font and color back.... It worked for me....)
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning............ The sun is shining nicely, but it is dang cold out there..... I think fall has finally passed the ball to winter around here..... Time to wrap my mind around that and snuggle in for the long haul........ Wow, Janet, 17 days..... Hope you find lots of fun things to do and let all the stresses of your life fall off..... Phyll, hope you are soon on your way to feeling like your old self.... Being depressed is a terrible thing anytime, but over the holidays it is much worse... Take care of yourself... I'm going to have Mimi after school (11:00) today until 6:00..... We have to go over to their house and wait for the internet guy to come and put in a new hook-up this afternoon... They say they'll be here between 1 & 5..... That's a long time to wait..... But I guess we can handle it.... DH is bored today as he doesn't have a project to work on right now... Trying to get him to do a few odds and ends I'd like to have done... We'll see how that goes...... Hope you all have a great day and Apples, good luck on being the first on 1000....... We've done a lot on sharing on those 1000 pages.... quite an accomplishment..... Take care friends... Love ya... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there everyone...... Another trip to Bismarck today.. Got trigger point shots in my neck and shoulder today.... Hope they work.... Last night had a rough time... so tonight I'm tired.... Just leftovers for supper so that is good... DSIL is sick and DD is very worried.... Passing lots of blood rectally..... not a good thing... Saw an doc but put him off to a gastroenterologist........... and no insurance yet... He just accepted a new job that has benefits, but not for 60 days... They went and got him on insurance as of 12-1, so hope that will help them not go bankrupt right off the bat..... Mimi is here watching Little Bear and being very good.... DH is busy helping a friend with some carpentry .... but should be home soon.... Janet, I'll quit worrying about you I guess.. sounds like yo will do whatever you please that day and that's just okay sometimes.... try to relax a bit.....practice for your vacation..... Apples, its very cold here today, too... the dang wind was bitter.... Heard the weather man on the radio on my way home say that the wind is to make a 180 degree change later, so sometime in the middle of the night it should be comletely calm for a few seconds.!!!!! But I know why I live here and don't have dreams to go anywhere else..... Just hibernate a bit in the winter... WTG TX........ what a great surprise... It really gets you when that happens.... Glad the shoulder is improving too... Lori, I think you really should let Janet and Apples handle your sisters... That would really put an end to all these childish things they do to you..... I don't have a sister, but can't imagine treating one that badly.... So, I think concentrating on your little family and that new baby are just the right thing for you..... Have fun.. Laura, totally understand why you are worried about test results.... things just can change so fact with this ugly disease.... Hope you have a lovely time with your parents.... Safe travels... Eva, hope you and your sis have a great trip.... Linda, I've had my time with counseling, too, and I'm glad I did..... Sometimes they just help you think more clearly and then put things in perspective... Hope you are feeling warm and gooey inside soon..... HUgs... Well, girls, and Chris, too.... Mimi is calling me... needs some attention, so I should go.... she's been so good today I can't complain at all.... some days she is a bit much for me to handle..... Hope you all have a warm relaxing evening... Love to all.......... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, I was to see my LB doctor yesterday... he ordered an upper GI series of x-rays.... Doc said my band and my stomach and etc were perfect...... That's a relief......... Now to get on to whatever comes next... My pain has settled down in my shoulder a bit again.... I see my pain doc tomorrow and will probably get some more injections in neck and shoulder... Then I have an appt with a rheumatologist on 12-1..... will just have to continue waiting for my miracle.... but I am so glad to know my band is fine.... Janet, don't like the idea that you are alone on Thanksgiving..... I suppose it will be a restful day for you unless you do that walk thing.... Wish you could join us at my house.... you surely would be welcome.. Kelly........cute dog pictures..... welcome to our site.. Jodi, ypu, just take you own advice... great news about Dassi.... Lori, don't know why your family doesn't get it... Are they this unfeeling with other people, too, or just you??? I wholeheartedly agree with your plan.... that is what I have done with the 2 step kids.... I'm fine leaving them in my past, just have to be careful of DH's feelings... But mostly he feels the same as me... I did those walking tapes back when I was in losing mode, too... I should start them again, too..... Melissa, hope you feel better soon... glad you went for an unfill.... Apples, glad your ordeal is over and you can get on with life.... sounds like that doctor is lucky you didn't skin him alive...... Sandy, hope your crud leaves quickly.... take care of yourself... Cheri, so happy you can use your basement now for Thanksgiving... should be fun for you.... When my pain wakes me at night I do get up and work.. Usually paperwork or folding clothes or such.... TX, my mother had shoulder surgery a few months ago. she is 78..... she had such an easy recovery and is doing so well... I hope things go that well for you.. take care. csolo, welcome and don't worry about those so-called friends... You take care of you and let them figure out you know what you are doing..... You'll be fine.... Laura, so happy to hear you sounding so up and positive... you do have a beautiful family and life..... the fact that you realize it is awesome... some don't.... are always wishing for more..... you are lucky.... thanks again for the advice..... Laura K, WTG on being so close to goal.... I'm proud of you..... Linda, glad you checked in... I'm sure you will make those 10 pounds with no problem.... Arlene, I know you left already, but have a glorious time in Vegas..... but it just won't be the same without your LF sisters....... Have fun...... Well, my little girls just left... Had them for a bit while SIL had a job interview here in our little town... He sounds positive about it.... this place had already hired someone, but when they saw his app they called him in for a different job.... Now they have a decision to make about what to do... a bit of a paycut, but this one has insurance and with 2 girls and the new baby coming, insurance is a big deal.... I have a church meeting tonight so should get my supper ready for DH so he can eat when he comes home... I have to leave at 6:00... Hope all are well and doing fine... Oh, NJ, glad you made it back to us..... gotta run... hugs and prayers for all.... Julie

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