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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all, I'm back from my trip to Bismarck.. Had a day to myself and did some browsing and shopping.. I also attended a WL seminar they hold every Monday and I don't usually make it... Well, I was the only one there so it was short, but I got a personal visit with a dietician and it was good. Was able to have my fill early... got 2 cc's like I wanted.. I'm very happy to report that I had only gained 1.5 pounds from last time and with the loss I had before that it means that I have actually lost over 3 pounds since my medical fiasco began.. She was so happy with me and very complimentary.... She said that I needed this time to get strong and healthy and she was confindent that I can get myself back on the losing trail... I left feeling good and hopeful that this fill will give me the restriction that I need to lose the rest of this weight I don't want anymore... So, all in all it was a very good day. I have my purchases put away and am ready to think about supper for DH... I'm on liquids for 24 hours, so soup for me..... Long, I'm so proud of you for your accomplishment and I'm really glad I wasn't with you.... The bear or the steps would probably killed me at this point.....LOL!!!! I love that you did the bathing suit thing, too... It says so much about how your mind is letting you understand that you are just like all the other beautiful people..... I'm happy for you..... Apples, the supper sounds great... How many do you cook for at each meal??? I love to cook, but not every day.. I hate planning the meals and finding something different... Once I have a plan the rest is so easy.. I, too, hate my legs... I have bubbles of fat at the upper inside of my thighs... It is very unsightly and I hate them.. No amount of exercise will every get rid of them... So no shorts for me, but they are noticeable no matter what I wear... I hope to have that removed one day..... Was just thinking of it on my return trip today and wondering when I'll finally be rid of them.... It'll be a while yet, but may call a PS sometime to get an idea of what they like to see in a patient.... I can handle my other body parts... I wear sleeveless all the time and don't really have a double chin, thank goodness.. It's just my upper legs I hate.... Well, time to get busy here, too.. TTYL..... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there, Sunday is coming to a close and I had a busy day. Off to church at 8:30 and then to breakfast at the golf course after with friends. Then we went 4 wheeling with another couple... Was lots of fun and a nice day for it.. then home to do mowing... Just about had that done when DD called to say she felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.. had to go help her... She is on prednizone (sp) for horrible itching and a rash... got that under control only to get home and have to put together an impromptu supper for a brother and his family and my mother and DD and GD and DH... Thank goodness I had lots of things in the fridge... I'm sunburned and tired but feel pretty good. The activity is good..... no time to think about food..... and that's a good thing.. I'm about ready for bed now.... Just wanted to check in... Long, WOW.... you made it and you look like you're on the top of the world.. Congratulations on such a wonder personal victory. Phyll, your son must be amazing... you must be so proud...... KBorchert.... Indio girl is a great buddy and mentor to have... Good luck to you and welcome... In church this morning the Bible reading seemed as though it was meant just for me... I hope you don't mind if I share it..... I know it is taken a bit out of context here, but the words just hit me so that it's been on my mind all day.. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11 says: "And in this matter I give my advice: it is best for you now to complete what a year ago you began not only to do but to desire, so that your readiness in desiring it may be matched by your completing it out of what you have." Paul was talking about giving here, but the words just seem to send a message to me about getting back on track and finishing what I started last August.. Hope you don't think I'm silly.... thanks for listening... You are all in my prayers for successful completion of your weight loss journey... Goodnight and sweet dreams... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Afternoon all, It's raining here again... We need the moisture, but it has changed my day.. Was done with all my things and wanted to help DH as he was working alone today on DD's new deck.. Thought I could hold boards and use the level... Anyway, we've been rained out twice now.. I'm finally giving up.. He is in the shop cutting boards so if it's fit tomorrow we can finish it up then... I did get a project finished that I have been putting off. Had to draft a proposal for the sale of our farmstead.. What a headache dealing with family and all their different feelings. I know Janet understands this, don't you??!!!... I have 3 brothers and they all have different ideas and argue about it.. The proposed buyer is one brother's son!!!! So there is the rub.... Do you give the nephew a deal and piss off 2 brothers or go with the going price and piss the other one off... and his son and his wife... Anyway, my proposal is ready to mail out.... we'll see how the fur flies!!!! Going to jump in a nice bath and get cleaned up and then make a light supper. Friends are coming for supper and pinochle... they want to go 4 wheeling tomorrow, but I think it'll be too muddy... Still no weight loss... I'm starting to think I'll never start losing again... gets me down some days... I'm anxious for Monday and my next fill.. Maybe that'll do the trick... Congrats to all you girls who have listed losses.. It does feel so good to put on something you think won't fit and miraculously, it does!!!!! Enjoy every minute... Take care all and have a good evening... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning.... DH is off to work and I'm up.... dang!!!! would rather be sleeping in on this nice morning. Don't get many to do that.... Laura, how is your little one? Those little heads take some hard knocks.. Last week my GD took one and DD thought she had his her cheek on the coffee table... Next morning she had a big mark on the middle of her forehead, so she figured she had misjudged where Mimi had hit... However as the day went on this lump started to grow and grow and grow.. DD said it looked like she was about to sprout a rhinoserous horn!!!! She got alarmed and we ended up taking her to ER... It was a bug bite!!!! I've never seen anything like it... Said to give her Benedryl and watch her.. It was down the next morning... DD was afraid she had a bleed in her head that was causing the swelling... thank goodness it wasn't.. But those falls are tough... Last night Mimi jumped off the new deck DH is putting up on their house.. Only 3 feet, but she cut her had pretty good... I'm sure she'll be hurting today... Good things these little people are tough..... Arlene, hope things work out for your husband... And hope it's not Lupus... I have a friend who has it and it has attacked her kidneys and etc... Not a fun thing to deal with.... Best of luck to him... Linda, thanks for the praise, but I'm not sure I deserve it.. I'm doing okay with exercise, but not the food... But I am feeling back to my old self for the most part.. Seem to have left my latest medical fiasco behind me.. Hoping to find my new "committment" just around the corner!!! Well, better go start my day.. Hope it won't be as hot as yesterday.. I like warm, but not hot.... Stay cool everybody... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Best wishes, Meredith, you're on your way... It's quite a journey... We each take our own route to get to the same place.... Everything will be fine... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, sounds like all are doing okay... Laura, thanks for the tip about Caillou tapes... We've looked and haven't found any.. Thank goodness for "OnDemand" on my DVR machine on cable... He's always there when I want him.. She is only 26 months, but sits completely still the whole time he is on. You can't get her attention for anything... It does help when I need to get something done.. My day out was good... Some shopping and lunch with friends... I tried the second hand stores, but nothing there for me today.. We don't have "Goodwill", but others like it... Did get a few things for the baby...They can always use an extra set of clothes at this age... Home now and ready to crash.. We had a hot one today and that tires me out.. I did have a chiropractor treatment on my leg and back today.. He says I'm getting better, just will take a bit more time.. I can tell there is some improvement so will hope he is right... Tomorrow after my workout I MUST get some of my house cleaned.. Have marked off a few items on my "list", but there is a lot to go.. Will try to get the living/dining room windows and blinds done and whatever else my body will handle... Wish it would stay clean for a while, but alas, it just gets dirty again... Darn!!! You all have a good night... TTYL... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all, taking a couple minutes while baby is watching her favorite cartoon.... Calliou..... Never heard of it til she started watching it!!!! It keeps her very still for half an hour and that's a good thing I guess.... I never thought of going to the "goodwill" type stores to get clothes.. Will try that tomorrow when I hit Bismarck for some shopping... Need some summer tops.. And a chiropractor treatment on my leg... I have been exercising, though.. Half mile of my walking tape on Monday and 30 minute circuit workout yesterday morning and a nice walk uptown later that afternoon.. I wish I could get the food thing under control that good.. Just can't start losing any weight.. I do have my next fill on Monday, so I'm hoping for at least 2 more cc's... I've got a lot of hope in those little cc's!! Laura, love your adoption story.. I have some friends who have a similar one.. And I have a brother who adopted his daughter and son from India.. That was quite an experience for them... And those children are so loved... Here in our little old town, they were unique, but in the best way possible... It was like everyone took a special interest in them... God knows where they would be if they weren't with us.. Good for you.. have you considered another? Long, or should I say, Great...... I like Great2BThin... If you've got it, flaunt it I say!!!! You should be so proud of yourself... I'm glad you are not worrying about a specific number... 10 here or 10 there, (Like with Apples) shouldn't be an issue.. It's the reason I don't have a specific goal in mind.. I'm feeling very good now and would love to reach normal one day, but I'll settle for being somewhere under 250..... It might sound like a lot to those of you who started there, but when you've been near 400, it's a great number and one I can live with... I just need to get started losing again.. Won't be happy if I get stuck here for a long time.. I've been here before.... Anyway, I vote for "Great" Apples, you are so busy and golly but you have a lot of friends who come to share your summer get-a-way... or it is the same ones often? Would love to be there with you sometime.... We could start an annual LBT retreat at your summer cabin...... Sounds like a fun time... How many beds do you have!!!!LOL!!!! I have a little lunch planned with a couple friends/classmates tomorrow when I go to town.. Should be fun, too.... Well, Calliou is about over so I'd better finish up here. Hope to talk to you all later.... Stay happy... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning everyone, I'm back.... took me an hour to catach up with all the posts from just 2 days.... some weekends are very quiet on here, but not this one.. Anyway, I made it through the big "pie and ice cream" event here at my house... It was a success with over 200 people and making almost $800 for our church.. Too much of the work fell to me and DH, so will want that to change should they want to do it again next year.. I DID NOT EAT A PIECE OF PIE!!!!!!! I licked a finger once or twice, but did not take a piece to eat. I did have a cup of the homemade ice cream.. It was just so good..... Yesterday was more relaxing with church outside at a local park... Then just at home with some friends and family... Today I'm home alone and loving it... Just need some time to regroup and catch up a bit.. Have some clothes in the washer... Need to get something planned for supper.... I love all the talk about sizes... Congrats to all who are enjoying getting into a size that amazes them... I, too, have been experiencing this.. I just bought a shirt that is a size 18/20..... Haven't had one for YEARS!!!! It feels so good... I was sitting on my deck and caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door reflection... I couldn't hardly believe it was me!!! We need to remember all these feelings on the days that we start fleeling blue or out of control.... Sorry, but I'm not going to respond to each one today... just too many to catch up on... Everyone, just keep the faith and be proud of what you have accomplished already.. Even better things are right around the corner for all of us.... Thanks for being here for me.... and I'm here for you if you need me.... Have a great day....... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning all..... Long, congratulations.... what a wonderful feeling, I'm sure.... Can't wait to have it.... I actually had something similar when I hit the "2's"........ good for you.. Pam, so glad you are feeling better..... I'm sure you are so relieved that nothing of a serious medical nature was the problem... Laura, glad you had such a wonderful experience. I'm doing okay still.... We got all of our ice cream froze last night... took a while, but it's all in the pails in the freezer ready to be served tomorrow... I'm praying for good weather and lots of people to eat all the pie and ice cream.... Had a taste last night, but the scale was down this morning, so I'm happy with that... Had my 30 minute "Curves" type workout this morning. A friend is doing it with me and it makes the time go so much faster... Lots of odds and ends to do today, so I'd better get moving.. But first, must watch my "Young and the Restless" for a bit.... Don't stay home to watch it, but like to when I'm here... You all have a great weekend.. I'll be back when I can... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good afternoon.... I don't know what Juniperberries are, but Juneberries are a lot like a wild blueberry... A little more red than purple... Makes great pie... or ice cream topping if cooked.... I plan to manage the social just fine... Will probably have a little ice cream and taste the pie, but not worried about overdoing that.. It's the other things that get in my way... Bread and crackers and pasta..... and those lovely slider foods.. Today I've been good... Had a Special K protein drink for breakfast.. They are relatively new and hadn't tried one.. I hate Slimfast and won't drink one again..... But this wasn't bad... Smaller and not as much protein, but still a good meal replacement I think... And then I've just had hard protein the rest of the day.. I haven't been doing the grazing like yesterday.. I also did a workout today.... I used to own a fitness center and still have the equipment in storage... DH set it up for me and I did twice around the circuit with a friend... It's like Curves..... I handled it pretty well, so am happy to have accomplished that..... Then got all my ice cream mix made and dishes done.... Had a dip in the hot-tub and then a nice shower and am now ready for my little one to come at 4:30...... She will be here until noon tomorrow and then I'm off grandma duty until Sunday afternoon... I'm feeling better today.... Thanks for all the cheerleading girls.... I know I can get this back on track...... just need to concentrate better and quit being lazy about my food choices... Pam, so glad you are better... I was worried about you. I'm a little gunshy after what happened to me.... Take care.... Meredith, the olives won't hurt you as much as the guilt over eating them... We have all done things like that... so relax ...you're almost there, girl.... I'm happy to say that I'm post menopausal and loving it... Don't miss all that monthly junk at all..... Was lucky to have it be easy, but still don't miss it.... I, too, wish we could all meet..... We'll have to work on that when we are all closer to goal. Hope you all have a nice evening... Too bad we can't all join Apples at her lake cabin and relax and enjoy the outdoors... She's a lucky girl that way...... Take care everyone... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everybody.... hope all is well.... things are wet here as it has been raining off and on for a couple days... DH didn't have to work, so we cleaned the garage this morning getting ready for the pie and ice cream social this weekend.. Now instead of smelling like dust and cats, the garage smells like strong oranges!! A big improvement... Tomorrow we make the mix and Thursday we will freeze the ice cream and then all that's left is to make my pies on Friday and actually have the event on Saturday.... I'm making Juneberry pie.... It's a local favorite, but we haven't had juneberries for years around here... My nephew's girlfriend got me some for this year... don't expect there will be leftovers... We will have about 50 pies total......hope they all go along with all the ice cream... We are making 14 batches of that.... I'm sure stuck in a rut with my band... I can't feel it much at all and I just don't have the right frame of mind... I'm stuck here and I don't like it at all... I'm always looking for something to eat.. So, I gain 2 pounds and then I lose 2 pounds.... Just can't get my groove back... I'm tempted to ask the PA to tell me to do the 2 week pre-op diet... Maybe if she tells me I'll stick to it and find a way back to losing... can't seem to do it myself.... Janet, glad to hear your visit with DD has been so good. The picture is wonderful.... I have no dreams of ever being a size two..... but it sure looks great on you!!! Apples, you are such a wonder... Congrats on the "1 year" success.... You should be so proud... Glad to hear how happy you are with yourself... Would love to feel that for a while.... PJ......how are you doing??? Laura, you have a good attitude.. You and your sister are lucky to have each other.... Long, I think it's people like me who started at nearly 400 pounds who need to expect 3 years to get to goal... I've lost 95 pounds pretty fast, but now it doesn't want to come off... Figure it will take a while.. I'd love to be all done by my bandiversary, but that will never happen... Gotta be happy where I am and hope to get to a good place again soon when I get more restriction... Well, Dh just came home soaking wet.... need to check on him and figure out something for his supper.. Baby is having a late nap and need to get her up before long... Take care all........... TTYL..............Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    OMG.....pj.....how are you doing today? Are you sure this is a band issue and not something else? It must be miserable to know you can't go for help because of insurance. I hope you are feeling better today and can get something down before you get dehydrated.. Good luck and let us know how you are doing. I'm doing pretty well... Took the little one to the county fair yesterday... She wasn't too interested in most of it.. Loves being outside... Ended up going with her and her mother to the ER last night.. Baby got a huge bump on her forehead.... We were't sure if it was from a fall she had taken the night before or if it was a bug bite.... She looked like she was about to sprout a horn and this bump got very big and squishy... Doc says bug bite.... Her "sperm donor" had lots of allergies and DD is so afraid she inherited this from him... Any little mosquito bite on her arm or leg swells, too... Anyway, I think she is fine.. We got home by midnight and I was tired... Time to get ready for church... Lots of plans to finalize for our big fundraiser coming up this week.. Homemade ice cream and pie social at my house during the town's annual celebration.... Lots of tempting goodies, but usually I don't get too tempted... We do this every year, but this is the first year it hasn't been out at our little country church.. Trying something new.. Then later today must take my mother to a family thing... My father's twin sisters are turning 70 and there is a get-to-gether for supper in Bismarck... A fancy supper joint... Not my favorite thing to do, especially when I have food prepared for today already... It was a last minute deal, but oh, well... have to do these things for mother..... Well, better go get myself presentable.... You all have a blessed Sunday.... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi girls.... I'm feeling better today... have been helping DD put in some shrubs and flowers in front of her newly remodeled little old house.. They look good, I'm bushed, baby is sleeping at her house now, and I get to chill for a while now.... This is good... DH will be home at 5:00 and we will do yardwork.. I get to do the riding mower thank goodness... Even that takes a lot out of me... Those pre-op diets are all different depending on the doc... I had two weeks of protien shakes for breakfast and lunch and then meat and veggies for supper... I lost 20 pounds on that, but I hated those dang shakes... Won't use them unless forced to ever again!!!! Good luck to you on yours, Meredith.... It seems like forever, but really it goes fast when you look back instead of forward... Janet, have a great time with your company... I'm sure you will be off running all the time... Sounds like fun... Linda, thanks for your kind words... You have me figured out... and you're right... I'm trying to just let it go.. Trouble is I have to I have another event with the same bunch next week-end... Can't Wait!!!!?????!!! Homemade ice cream and pie social during our town's celebration for the general public... and it's at my house!!!! I won't even be able to leave... Guess I can go lock myself in my bedroom and come out when it's over...LOL...... I'm hoping it will be fine... I'll say my prayers... Well, time to sit in my chair a bit before DH comes home.. You all take care...and have a good evening.. Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, I've only been away a little while and really had to spend time reading all the new posts... Can't even remember who all to congratulate.... But congrats to all who are doing so well and hugs to those who are not.... I'm in the "are not" column today.... I was in charge of a big meal our church prepared and served for the grain elevator supper last night.. Have been planning and organizing for a while... It's now over and done and the church is now $1700 richer, but we had some problems and I didn't handle things well... I got my feelings hurt and then reacted in anger... Never a good thing.. I offended one of my dear friends in the process.... I apologized and asked her forgiveness and she gave it..... I'm glad of that..... But no one apologized to me for what they had done... It's hard with a small group like we have.. I belong to a small country church and there are just a few to do all this work... I spent a lot of time and energy organizing only to have them come behind and criticize and change things at their will when I wasn't there.... I was hurt and what they did even turned out to be the wrong thing..... We almost had trouble because of it.... But we made it and now I have the blues and just never want to be in that position again... I know that isn't the way to be, but I'm not happy with them or myself.... Only good thing is that I was too upset to want to eat that great meal we put out..... Still have an upset stomach from the worry..... Guess I just need to get busy and try to let it go...... Hope you all are having a good day and that the sun shines for you all day.... We actually have sun here today.. I might chance putting a couple flowers in pots... Maybe the snow is done for this year!!! Take care all........... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody, It's great to hear that so many are losing and feeling good.. Long, congrats, you'll be in your 8's before you know it... Laura, you're doing so well, just like I figured you would... Family is fickle..... I've lost 95 pounds and I usually only hear comments from people who don't see me often.. For my family, I think it's because I've been here before and always gained the weight back so they just don't comment often... DH is the one who comments the most and is very good about it... I find that I am struggling again... Can't find my groove.. I have no restriction and don't get another fill until 6-29.... I'm having a terrible time with head hunger and making bad choices... This break I was forced to take because of my medical problem has sent me to a bad place and I'm having trouble getting out of it.. I know what to do, just can't seem to do it..... I haven't figured out a plan yet... I will, but I haven't yet!!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me please... I need all the positive energy I can get.... Baby is sleeping and should get a couple chores done... Take care all.... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good evening to all, Just got home from supper and pinochle with friends.. We had snow today in North Dakota!!!! Just some flurries, but snow none the less... I had to turn the heat back on in the house.. That's just not what it should be like in June!!! Anyway, us girls beat the guys at cards and that's always fun... Long, you look just wonderful... I hope you are just so proud of yourself... And Great job getting the picutes on... don't know if I could get that done... Linda, thanks, I am doing better... Wish I could feel some restriction and that I wasn't hungry all the time.. I feel like I'm back to square one, just 95 pounds lighter than the last time.. Guess that's a good thing.. I'm doing better with my food, but still need that help to know when enough is enough!!! I guess I'll get there again before too long.. Would like to get to 100 pounds down soon... I need to get past this place I'm in as I've been here many times before. I'm waiting for the uncharted territory.... Time to settle down for sleep... church tomorrow... I'll say a little prayer for us all, for continued success and healthiness... Night all......... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning all, I slept in today because I could... No baby and my leg is finally not hurting so bad so after DH left for work I crawled into bed and fell asleep for over two hours.. I must have needed that sleep as I usually can't sleep past 7:00...... Anyway, it felt good... I'm planning a trip to the garage after this note to soak in my hot-tub for a little while... then I must tackle at least one item on my "Spring cleaning list"!! It's my last day home alone for awhile... Gotta be productive and also want to do my walking tape... Skipped water aerobics because of this leg... Could barely get out the last time, so will wait a bit to start that again... 1 Day, sorry about the loss of your friend.. It just sucks the air out of a person to hear news like that... Merideth... aren't people just crazy sometimes.. Like you said... you just didn't know until she told you that you needed to lose weight!!! Dud!!! I used to own a restaurant years ago...a little cafe in our small town.. I would travel to Bismarck, 40 miles away, to get supplies that I didn't get off the big truck... One day in the grocery store, I had a cart all laden down with baking supplies and such for a big catering job I had to do... Some lady had to tell me that it was no wonder I was fat!!! I informed her that I was buying supplies for my cafe and then said that, yes, I was overweight.. and I knew it, but she was rude and had no manners and I wouldn't change places with her for anything... Shut her up pretty fast!!!! The words spoken to me never bothered me as much as the stares and the words said to others like I was deaf and couldn't hear what they were saying... I'm finally done with that... I'm down far enough that Idon't seem so atrocious to people anymore......just another big person... after being over 400 at one point, 294 is a big relief..... Just keep the faith girl.. you know who and what you are and you don't owe anyone any explanations or apologies..... Laura, don't worry about being away from home too much.. You'll be fine... Mainly because you're going to see your sister and you'll want to show her how well you are doing and that you are making good choices.. She'll be very proud of you and you will be a great role model... Have fun!! Well, off to get wet and soak up some heat... Supposed to only be in the 50's here for the next few days... Brrrrrrr.............. I much prefer 70's...... See ya... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi gang, the baby is napping so can take a couple minutes to chat.... My re-fill on Monday had me worried yesterday as after my 24 hours of liquids was up, I was starving and wanted to eat everything in sight.. And I did eat too much last night... I hadn't eaten except soup since Sunday night and just couldn't do the right thing and eat what I needed instead of what I wanted.. And I didn't feel any restriction at all!!! But today seems different.. I had a half cup of cottage cheese with some fruit this morning and some jerky mid-morning... Now I just tried to have some ham salad with a boiled egg on some lettuce... Three bites and I was PB ing.... I hate that... But I must have some restriction.......either that or I have a problem with lettuce that I didn't have before my unfill... Anyway, I feel a bit of relief in my mind that the band is working and that I'm not just going to go backwards after all I've accomplished.... I've been worried about that so much..... I did a half mile of my walking tape yesterday and after my water aerobics was cancelled today I took my little one for a walk outside this morning.. I actually made it a more than a block past my house and back without huffing and puffing.. My left lung has been hard to get back to full force after all the medical stuff it went through lately.... I'm happy with what I did.... I hope all this means I'm headed in the right direction... Girls, I'm glad you got your dad's under control again.. It's so hard when family members say things that hurt... I'm afraid I'm guilty of doing that to mine about topics other than weight... My mouth gets away from me and it comes out different than I mean it!!! My mother used to make me so mad earlier in my WL journey... I would say that I couldn't eat bread after my surgery and she would always ask why not.... I'd tell her the medical reason and also that I was choosing not to eat bread as it is a problem for me..... She just kept on offering it to me or making a fuss when I would say I couldn't have it... After 9 months she has finally quit commenting on it... She is very contrary some days and can really get to me.... But I try to remember that she is getting old and one day it will be me in her place driving my daughter crazy!!!!! Charlene, good luck to your husband.... My husband's eating sometimes is hard for me.. He can and does eat anything, anytime and never gains weight.. Well actually, he did gain once... while he was in Iraq... While he was gone those 15 months he had a critical job and was always so busy that he didn't take time to go to the chow hall 5 miles away from his office and dorm.. He would eat MRE's (military "meals ready to eat'). They are meant to sustain a soldier in the field for 24 hours and have about 3000 caleries each.. He would mix and match and eat lots and then sometimes have a buddy bring him a "loaded sandwich' from the mess hall.. He is by nature a very active person and runs all the time, but while in Iraq he had a desk job (good for a 58 year old soldier!) . Those things worked together to let him be his heaviest weight when he came home.. Had to get him new clothes... But in 2 months of regular life it was all gone again... and I gained!!!! Laura, glad your sister is doing well... I had the band, but had to have a full incision and 4 days in the hospital.. Those first time movings are difficult, but it gets easier... You'll be a great help to her.. enjoy your trip... Better do a few things before baby wakes up.. Talk to you all later.. Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Merideth.... OMG I'm so sorry this has happened to you... The truth is that these sort of tragedies happen all the time with almost anything.... Tonsilectomy even!!!! That's why they always have to tell us the risks before we go into surgery. Your father must be very nervous about this for you... Does he have any real information to help him see how many of us are doing well? Sometimes the more informed a person is the more at ease you get... I don't know what I would do... Try not to let it get to you... We're here for you, so hang in there... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning... I seem to be doing fine today after my re-fill yesterday... Just ate some cream of wheat and that went down fine... Now, if a little restriction will just settle in I'll be very happy... Have to wait til 6-29 to get another fill.... DD was sick yesterday and didn't go to work so I have an extra morning to myself to get a few things done.. Wish I had Apples energy..... maybe someday soon, but not today... Just took the garbage container to the street for the pick-up guys and I'm all out of breath....but I did get it done.. Will do my walking tape today and hope for half a mile.... Talk to you all later on.... Have a nice day... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Ok, Apples...... I'm envious..... It's still a major undertaking to get up off the floor, but I can, at least.. I was in for my re-fill today.... I was nervouse about how it would go, but it went well.... I had 8.6 in my 14 cc band before unfill... She said she likes to do about half... After pulling out whatever residual was in it, I ended up with 5.2...... I'll take that!!! On liquids for 24 hours and I didn't eat anything before I went, so I feel like I'm starving tonight.. I had soup for lunch and supper.... Mostly head hunger I think... But I got a very good report from the doc.. I was down 8 pounds from when I had been in for my last fill and they were very happy... even after saying I had gained 5 pounds back from the low I was at when I was sick those days after the hospital stay... She said that was to be expected and getting my strength back was way more important... Made me feel better and not so guilty about having eaten the wrong things too much lately... Now I'm hoping to get back to losing.. I'm a little over 9 months out and would dearly love to be at least down 100 by my bandiversary... Shouldn't be a problem... Maybe I can make 110.. If I ever get strong enough to really exercise again it will go faster... Congrats to all who have lost... It's such a good feeling.. Long, glad your son is okay... Sick kids are a worry no matter how old they are!! Linda, my husband is one of those who eats like there's no end and weighs in at a whopping 168..... He had a big t-bone steak, baked potate, and tomato slices for supper... He hadn't even swallowed the last bite before he was grabbing for the peanuts by his chair.... He'll have pie or cookies before bed, too.... If I ate like him I'd have been twice the size I was.... But, yes, I'm glad he doesn't have to struggle... I don't wish that on anyone.. He struggles with cigarettes... Has quit so many times.. Something always gets him going again.. this time it was my call from the ER saying I was going to surgery.. He got so nervous he had to smoke and now he's sneaking them again... Wish he wouldn't sneak, but he's mad at himself..... Poor guy!! Laura, I don't understand what they are going to do to you.... Is it just to find out what amount of calories you should be eating??? what's that about..?? sounds odd to me....but what do I know!!!! Well, time for bed.... I just got out of a nice bubble bath and feel relaxed and a bit sleepy... talk to you all later... Hope all are well.... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone, it's Saturday and I have the day to myself as DH is off to put up chain link fence in DD's backyard.... What to do with myself!!!! Need to do some major housecleaning, but can't, so I think I'll make a list and break things down into smaller, do-able jobs and do one or two a day until I'm done.. Hope to get done before it's time to start over again!!!! Laura, you sound so upbeat and full of energy.. Wish I had that right now..... I don't have a sister, but think it's great that you and yours are helping each other through this... The cruis idea is a great one.. I have a date with a LB buddy I made here on-line.. We are going to meet on vacation when we get where we want to be... We're too old (and have too many surgery scars) to care about swim suits, but just looking good in whatever we are wearing..... Best of luck to both of you... Rose, you hang in there... I think you need time for your mind to settle down and come to grips with things.. It's like grief.... there are stages to getting through this.. You will make it and we'll be here to help you get there.. Just keep posting and keep trying to work your band..... Losing the weight will probably help you land an even better job than you had before... Keep the faith.... Linda, thanks, I am doing better... Not all the way there yet, but working on it... I really need to get my band working again.. You don't realize what a security it is until someone takes it away!! Kath, yes we all love to eat... I'm just hoping I can decide to love to eat the right things rather than all that stuff that's bad for me.... Well, better do something.. maybe I'll try my walking tape today.. My leg isn't hurting right now, might be a good time... Talk to you all later... have a good weekend.. Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, I trust everyone had a safe holiday weekend... Now we're back at it again... I have my little one off to the sitter since 8:45 this morning so I could go to water aerobics... Went okay, but still not back to doing it full tilt.. I get so played out and then I get cold... Keep plugging along I guess.. I ate too much over the weekend... It's just so easy to fall into old patterns when you have no restriction... I'm better today and still holding at the same mark as I have been... Monday is finally my day to get some fill back in my band.. I'm ready..... However, I suppose I'll have to start that slow, too.. Can't have 8.6 cc's put back in all at once!!!!! I'll settle for 4 at least... That's not too much to ask is it? I'm at this stage where I have been too many times in my life with other failed loss attempts..... I need to get below this and start to feel like real success is within my reach... Meridith.....good for you, girl... Sometimes it helps to just be forceful... That's all some people recognize... Things are going to start happening soon... I wish you the best. Apples, I'm not sure I could handle your schedule.... but it sure sounds fun for you.... Laura, my child hates storms, too...... and she's 25!!!! She was caught in a tornado once and just the sound of thunder sends her into a panic... I don't know if she'll ever get over it.... I keep hoping.... Well, better get on with my chores before baby comes back again at 4:45... This is the last night for this week, so will have a couple days off to rest up again.. Take care .............. Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning everyone, it's a nice day here in North Dakota, finally!!! Have a few preparations for the rest of the weekend, but otherwise a leisurely day ahead I hope.... Rose, I'm so sorry for you... It sometimes feels like the world is sitting on our shoulders..... I guess God made your shoulders very strong because you have a lot right now... Be strong and carry on..... there's not much else to do... Your 21 year old will be so happy for your attention to her.... It'll be worth it... Try to relax a bit yourself and enjoy the day.... And try to check in with us more often... We're here for you, girl.... Take care.... Time to get some things done around here.... gotta do some baking.... company coming for a picnic on Monday and tomorrow is a full day, too... Have a great day.. Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning..... I'm having a blue day!!! Don't know why, just feel the weight of the world on my shoulders... Had to drive to Bismarck yesterday for errands and to see my chiropractor... My leg has been hurting so much... You'd think after a 95 pound loss the aches should subside........ but no!!! Anyway on the way down DH called and told me to enjoy myself... That hit me hard as I realized I haven't been enjoying much for quite some time... Most all avenues of my life are strewn with troubles and concerns and I rarely just really enjoy things.. Even my little one, although a joy all the time, has become a big responsibility and concern as I worry about overdoing and such.... Enough wallowing... But I'm definitely having one of those days..... Can't go to swim aerobics today as the cable guy is to be here this morning... Need a bit of work done and this was the earliest time available when I called... Was hoping he'd be here already so I could still go.. have to leave by 9:00 and it's already 8:30... guess not!! What's everyone doing for the long weekend? DH is going th the farm to help out with cattle working day tomorrow.. Don't think I'll go.... Then we have a Memorial Day program at our church on Sunday and then a graduation to go to in the afternoon.. Monday we will attend the annual Memorial Day program in our town... DH is a veteran and belongs to the Legion so usually is in the parade in his uniform... After that will have some friends for a picnic type lunch at our house.. Just burgers and brats on the grill... DD has to work so will have baby from noon Sunday on..... But DH will be there, too, so that takes some of the strain off me... Laura, I tried Facebook, but just can't get into it.. How do you find all those fun things to do? I guess I need my daughter to give me a lesson or something.. Glad your little one is feeling better.. It's so hard when they aren't well... Well, guess I'll find something else to do... Trying to get a bunch of little things caught up today... We had a little thunderstorm during the night so it's wet outside right now, but the wind isn't blowing, so maybe we'll have a nice day... I may go for a walk... Asked DH to get our bikes out finally.. Maybe he can do that this evening and get my new, more appropriate, seat put on mine... I need a better understanding...oops... underseating!!!!! Bye for now and have a great weekend.. Julie

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