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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, We have fog thick as pea soup this moring.. Mimi is still sleeping so will try to get a note written here before she wakes.. I did get my fill yesterday... almost missed my appt as I was in a fender bender in the Target parking lot right before... Nothing serious, just both backing up at the same time.. I had our big pick-up and she in a car.. She hit me, but I didn't see her either.. No tickets.... and no damage on my pick-up, but her car looked much worse.. Anyway, I didn't think I was hurt at all, but my neck and back sure started hurting last night... Don't know if it's connected or not.. DH just left for work and I have Mimi here. Don't know if I can handle her or not.. May take her to the sitter myself after she has breakfast.... Anyway, I got .8 cc's so that makes me at 8 total in my 14 cc band... I was worried for nothing as she found it right away.. Thinks I should be at the sweet spot or very close according to how the saline came back in the syringe... We'll see... Liquids still for most of today.. Oops, here comes my baby... better go for now.. I'll be back later when I have alone time... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone, hope your Sunday was restful and relaxing.. DH and I went on a pontoon cruise with friends on the big muddy Missouri River... It was so beautiful out... very nice... got back to their house to get a call from DD that someone had hit her car and could we come... She had gone to my mother's, parked in her driveway and just as she and Mimi were getting out a pickup that had been up on blocks rolled down and across the street and kissed butts!!!! Lots of damage on DD's car, but luckily she and Mimi were out and not hurt... She was so upset... gets a little worked up... When she was 14 she was a backseat rider in a car full of her friends that was hit broadside while crossing the highway.. Her best friend was killed instantly.. She was the only one conscious and hung upside down in her seat belt with her dead friend... Life changing event for her!!!! Needless to say, she is a nervous driver.....very cautious.... Of course she has had more than her share of mishaps... 3 years ago someone hit her in downtown Bismarck.... totaled her car, but she was fine... Anyway, they are fine and the car is driveable and fixable at the other guys expense... We can handle this.. Yes, we have had our share of parties lately.. Next Sunday we have church at the river with a potluck picnic... more food!!! Then Sept 15th a family reunion for DH with.............more food!!!! October has a wedding and a 60th birthday party, but I don't think I have to do any food for those two......thank goodness... Laura, glad to hear good news about your dad... And I think you are doing the right thing for your little guy.. In this day and age they have to do so much so soon that they need all the advantages they can get.. If, good luck on your fill and on your new school year.. sometimes the routine is very good for us... Sharon, girl I hear you about the husband thing and him not thinking about where things go.. Mine did the same thing with a light/ceiling fan that he put in a bedroom he added on to DD house last year... And I didn't see it until it was too late.. He put it in the center of the room but before he built the closet, so it's really not in the center of the room and the door barely misses hitting the blades when it opens!!! We have done lots of construction project in our marraige, but there have been lots of arguements because of this kind of thing... He can handle it if it's "okay" and I'm of the attitude that if we're doing it we should do it right and be able to be proud of the finished product... Yup, they just don't think like us!!!! Eva, glad you are back... I like jerky, too, but don't want to make it... Doesn't it take forever??? Well, I have my fill tomorrow and I'm a bit anxious... I really need for this one to give me restriction... I'm worried about the scar tissue from my surgeries making it hard to accomplish.. I'll let you know how it goes.. Must take Mother along for an appointment, too... Would really enjoy a trip by myself once in a while, but it seems like I either have her or DD and Mimi with me... Oh, and I'm still considering the FL trip... Haven't decided for sure what to do..... Thanks for all your encouragement Time to sleep.... TTYL........... Julie
  3. Hi Bobbie, I just found your message and would love for us to visit... I've had quite a time of things this past year... Yesterday was my 1st anniversary.... I am down 101 pounds, but I started at 387.....I also lost most of that in about 8 months and have just been maintaining since then. Since beng banded I've also been under anesthetic 3 times with 2 major surgeries, almost died twice from just weird non-band type issues, spent 26 days in the hospital, had about 6 months of recovery time, been totally unfilled and told I could not diet as I needed to get my strength and health back, had 3 units of blood, been unable to exercise for most of that 6 months... Right now I'm finally feeling a little better.. It's been 6 weeks since my last surgery and I still don't have much energy or stamina... Have just now started to walk a little and such.. I did get to start refilling my band but do not have restriction yet.. I never really have... I was just getting there when I had to be unfilled... So, I'm really ready for this band to start working... I feel as though I've done most of the first year on my own will power and now I need to have the band help me.. I've fallen back into old habits and realize that I'm definately not "cured"... I like the slider foods and I still want food to make me feel better... That's my story... I'm currently at 286 (fluctuates on 3 pounds) and have my goal set for 199.... The rest will have to be cut off as I have big bubble upper, inner thighs that will never exercise off.... So, we could definately help each other a lot I think... E-mail me if you would like to........and we could even exchange phone numbers if you like... I'm up for most anything that helps me through the bad times and makes me a new friend.. Take care.......... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning.... It's Saturday and I should be sleeping in, but no..... I had to wake up early.... so I guess this is a good way to start... Welcome home Linda.... It's great to come home from a wonderful trip and know that you don't have to be afraid of what the scale will say... Good for you... Your sis must have about fainted... I do love the surprised looks people give when it registers who you are and what you have done... Thanks for the offer about flying.. I'll keep it in mind while making my decision... Laura, I'm sure hoping this surgery will turn a corner for your dad... This is just getting to be too much for any family.... good luck to all of you.. Well, today I have to make food for a potluck supper.. 50th birthday party for a cousin... I'm doing deviled eggs and a bean dip thing,, so I know there will be something good for me and my band..... I suppose there will be all that other "good/bad" stuff, too, but I usually don't over do at these things... It's at home that gets me in trouble when I get in a mood.... I know my mother is making fresh cucumber salad.... cucs from her garden, so that will be good, too.... Everyone have a great weekend... Next week should be interesting when Apples gets back to read all the posts about her idea to get together in Feb... She'll be going crazy with excitement.... Talk to you all later... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello Band Pals, Today is my Bandiversary..... August 21, 2008 was my surgery... So very much has happened to me in that one year... I've lost 101 pounds (I flucuate on 3 pounds, but I still count the 101 as real!!), but I'd lost most of that in about 8 months when all the other stuff hit the fan!!! I've been under anesthetic 3 times with 2 major surgeries, nearly died twice, spent 26 days in the hospital, spent about 6 months in total recovering, been completely unfilled, been told I couldn't lose as I needed to get my strength and health back, and now am finally starting to fill back up again... Most of my weight loss has been done with just my own willpower as I have never had any real restriction.. I was just getting to that point when I had to get unfilled... Now I'm back to 7.2 in my 14 cc band... Have a fill scheduled for Monday... This first year has been a challenge, but I made it and I did pretty well as far as loss is concerned.. I'm ready to start the next year, but really want for my band to take control of things for a while.. I have learned that I have not conquered my old habits and fall back into them easily if I let go...And I have let go more than one time I'm sorry to say.... But that is all behind me now and I'm ready to get started on losing the rest of this.. I'm past the half way mark with what I can lose and know I'll need one of those leg lifts like Meredith's friend after that.. That is my problem area, the upper inner thighs... and I would love to have them done down the road a ways... So, thanks all for listening... I'm really counting on the next fill to start things off for me with a bang.... Need to see the scale go down to get my next year going.... Meredith, congrats on being done with school...Laura, gosh your dad is having a tough time... It must be so hard for you to just sit and wait for something positive to happen... We'll keep him in our prayers.... Welcome to the new ones... We are a busy bunch so you just have to jump in and get comfortable.... Took DD to dentist today and now need to get things put away from my Wal-mart shopping.... Groceries and such... We are doing supper out and pinochle with friends tonight... I should be able to get rid of the rest of those dang cookies tonight during cards.... Yeah.... You all take care... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good work, Dr. Janet!!!!! You're an offical lifesaver!!!!!! Have fun with your babies....
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    Janet, forgot to say congrats on the kittens... My mother's cat, Sheba, (how's that for coincidence!!) had 3 kittens a few weeks ago.. My little Laromi just loved to go see them and sqeeze them of course.... One day DD and I left Mimi with Mother for some reason and when we got back we were going to the garage to see the kittens before leaving... Found them all dead... Sheba had taken them to a back corner, but all were dead... My mother had a fit as they had been just fine earlier when they were playing with them... Sent DH over later to bury them. I was blaming Mom's cocker spaniel for the deed, but he said no... Finally figured out it was an old ugly tom cat who got in the garage.. He knocked their box down and did a juggular type kill in each one.... What a terrible ordeal.... Glad yours are in the house... Who would expect a stray to come in through the pet door and kill kittens..... Not a very nice story to share, but I couldn't help but think of it when you asked if they would be alright in the house... My mother will be doing things different if Sheba has any more kittens..... Great, thanks for the advice and I'm glad to know someone else had the same worries as I when flying... I'll talk to DH and see what he says... Sorry you can't make it... I unerstand why you can't ... A trip to Isreal would make me a bit nervous.. That's something my Mother has always wanted to do.... good for you...... Do you get overseas flights the same as inside the US??? We'll have to try a meet again or maybe we should change the place to CO instead of FL..... Cold vs. warm.... HMMMMMMMM!!! Time to get ready for my show... I love "Young and the Restless" but right now I don't appreciate most of the storylines.. They always have to mess up the good marraiges.... Don't they know a happy ending is interesting, too.....Take care.......... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, Janet, I never thought about having DH come along.... He says I can go, but don't know if he will want to or not. I guess I can ask..... I know all you said is true.... and it isn't as though I've never traveled... just not without him!!! I've even been to Europe a couple times... And I hate flying... and I hate airports.. mostly because of the weight thing again.. I hate asking for an extension for my seat belt and couldn't put the tray down comfortably.... And then there is the seat spacing.. One time we missed our connecting flight because we sat on the tarmak in Amersterdam so long... Had to run to make the next connection (and I don't run well)... got there to find out they changed gates and it was clear across the dang place.. No carts in sight....missed it.. Then had to take seats on the next flight where we could get them.. We were all separated.. I finally asked the lady next to my daughter if she would switch places so we woueld both be more comfortable... She was very nice and thanked me for being considerate... Little did she know I did it for me, not her!!! Anyway... These are some of my phobias about flying... Feb is 6 months away and I should be able to lose a few more pounds by then, but "breaking out of my shell" won't come easy.... DH won't be working then so he could come if we don't have "mega winter" like we had last year.. Had to cancel our trip to Ohio last year because of all the snow.. We have rental property and had no one to do all the snow removal.. It was an everyday thing last year... Anyway, I'll think about it... Melinda, I think that nurse if full of it.. Everyone is different and you'll know when you reach the right spot... Before my unfill in April I was at 8.6 in a 14 CC band and I didn't have good restriction.. Had to have the unfill and now am started back on my fill journey again finally... I have a fill on Monday... so far I have 7.2 cc's.... Sometimes it depends on you and your stomach and sometimes on the size of your band, I think.. So hang in there and listen to your body and not that nurse!!! DH and Mimi are off again. We have another cool rainy day, so don't know what I will do today.. Maybe it's a good day to read a book or clean cupboards or something not too strenuous like that... Have a good day............. TTYL................. Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    I don't know gang, I'm a big chicken.:biggrin:... I've never traveled without my DH.... He is so good to watch out for me. Of course I have always been so overweight in the past... Needed the security of knowing he was in the next seat so I could lean on him and not feel so much like a blob getting into a stranger's space... I'm already scared :eek:and I haven't even made up my mind... DH says I can go if I want to, but I'm not sure... A weedend would be better for me, too, because of my daycare responsibilities, but that may change by the time Feb rolls around... I don't know, I'm very unsure of what to say....Part of me wants to say yes and the rest of me is terrified at the thought:ohmy:... Apples, where do you fly out of from your home? We go from Bismarck to Minneapolis usually.....Maybe we could connect in MPLS if that is where you go to.... I just have to sleep on this and worry about it for awhile:confused:... I know I sound pathetic, but I've just never traveled without my husband... and I like it that way..... Just put my little one to bed so the rest of the night should be quiet... This is the last night for this week... She won't be back again until Monday evening... DD is growing to hate this night shift... She feels like she doesn't get to see Mimi for days at a time and also has trouble transitioning back to sleeping at night when she is off.... I know I would have trouble with it.... Well, goodnight all.... Talk to you all tomorrow.. Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    I love watermelon, but must have salt, too... I'm glad to know someone else likes it that way.. Don't care for other melon, but DH does so have it around all the time... Apples, you feel your DH all you want... I'm sure it will make his day go much better.. I think it is so worth noticing that we all have different stories to tell about fills...... Apples and Janet only had one or two if I remember correctly, but Great had 7 or 8..... I had like 5 or 6 before being unfilled 4-1-09 and now that I've started to fill again I'm going in for my 3rd on Monday as I have very little restriction... Everyone is different and we just have to figure it out.. I have to admit I'm envious of those who are at their sweet spot and get the restriction that they want.. I feel like I've lost most of the 101 pounds I'm down with just my own willpower... That's why those dang Cookies got me the last couple of days... I'm wishing for the restriction to stop me from making any stupid food choices.... maybe that's too much to ask for.. but I'm asking anyway... Well, it's cool and rainy here today.... DH could come rolling in anytime to say he's done working for the day.. We have had about 6 days of summer (over 85) all season and although I like the cooler weather, it isn't very condusive to harvest... My soak was great and now I've got my laundry all going and need to do a bit of paperwork.. Not a bad day at all.... Had a Protein drink for Breakfast.. I find that I can do the Special K ones without gagging, so thought I would try to calm my system after those cookies. Maybe a salad for lunch and a nice supper with meat and veggies.. That should defuse the sugar!!! Take care all. Apples are you off to the lake soon?? Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good morning, hope everyone slept well and is refreshed for this new day.. I just got DH and Mimi off, so now to decide about my day... I'm thinking a dip in my hot-tub sounds relaxing right now... I still have that pain in my side and maybe that will help a bit... Then I have some regular laundry to got done.. I finished all the "fat" clothes that got wet in the basement fiasco and got them off to the Resource Center.. They are now history and will never need that size again..... There are still a few more I need to get out of the closet but I'm leaving that for later when I switch to winter clothes.... I will definately need to shop before winter... I need a new coat for sure... and some long pants that don't let my ankles show.. I'm 5'9" and regular pants are just too short... I need talls.... and they are hard to find around here....unless you order.... I was hoping to never order from a catalague again.. Laura, good wishes for your dad to get things back on track.. I've been in that spot - something going wrong just when you think you are finally better - and it sucks, to be honest... A person starts to lose hope and that isn't good... And your poor mother... trying to put on a good front for him and being scared to death!! I wish them well and you, too.... You have your DH and Nelson to distract you, but it's such a worry all the time, too... We are all praying this will get figured out real soon... Meredith, congrats on the loss.... Yes, this band is fickle and just when you are about to think you'll never lose another pound 3 or 4 just fall off... It's like a miracle... and I guess we aren't supposed to understand, but just keep doing what we know is right for us.... Glad you get at least a week off from school to regroup a bit.. Hope everyone else is doing fine... Have a safe day and we'll talk again later...I'm off to soak for a bit.... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Raisins and coconut are the things I use to make sure I don't want to eat a cookie.... The ones I made yesterday are Salted Peanut cookies...with oatmeal and melted butter and all that other stuff I like... I guess maybe I had a craving or something... Anyway, I just took a bunch to my mother's house when she called to say she had company...family from Missouri.... and did I want to come over to visit.. So, there went half of them... Yeah!!!!! Oh and Apples, don't think the licking thing would stop me if I got it in my head to have a cookie..... My little Mimi just woke up, so must leave the computer area again.. be back later.... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Yes, my DH would do without and didn't ask for the cookies in the first place.. I like making things he likes, just shouldn't have made the kind I did because I like them too much.. Usually I bake things he likes that aren't my favorites... He is one of those who can eat like there's no tormorrow and still lose a pound... He is 5'11" tall and weighs only 158 pounds... He's healthy and active and needs to eat as he works so hard and is always on the move.. He usually puts on a few pounds over the winter and then takes it all off come spring... He does love fruit and meat and eats lots of both, but likes some sweets, especially for his lunches.. and I do buy the boughten, ready made things often... He likes Honey Buns and such.. If I am in a mood where I start looking for something to eat I'll eat them, too.... I figure I'm the one who needs to control things, not him.. I don't bake just for him often,, but I do love to cook and bake and entertain.. Don't know how to stop that without stopping being myself... I don't want that... I did make an appointment for a fill for Monday.. As I said, I'm aprehensive about it.... I've had so much go wrong medically over the last few months that anything makes me nervous.... But, I'm going to bite the bullet and go in... They only do fills on Mon and Tues... So that's the soonest I can do.... Okay, enough about cookies and such... I'm just about done with my laundry and will take all these "fat" clothes to our local Family Resource Center.. I called and she said they really need the large sizes so want all that I have to offer... I'm so glad to not need them myself anymore and really wish no one did, but am glad to be rid of them anyway.. TTYL................ Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning......... Yeah, girls, I hear you about the restriction issue... It's been almost a year since I was banded, but I had that unfill in April... I was just starting to get some restriction then and poof it was gone.. Then all the recovery time and having to get healthy... They finally started to refill my band and poof, another surgery.... So, now it's about time to think about another fill and I'm a bit scared to do it... But I sure have no restriction and can eat.... Most days I do okay just limiting my intake, but some days are not so good..... Like yesterday..... Had to bake cookies for DH and his lunches for work... Well, I chose the wrong kind because I love them and have now eaten way more than my share should have been.. Put them in the freezer and am hoping that out of sight will mean out of mind!!!!! I should schedule a fill, but I'm nervous.... mylast incision is right over my port area and I've had a couple bad experiences with fills that hurt....when she couldn't really feel and had to dig around... I guess I need to be brave and get it over with.... I'm feeling good for the most part and think I can finally start my walking tape again so getting back on the food "band"wagon would be great about now.... I need to see a weight loss again and know I'm not stuck here forever... Meredith, congrats on finishing your paper... It's been a long time since college for me, but I hated doing that... Does this mean your life gets easier now??? Do you get a break between summer school and fall semester?? Apples, glad you had such a great time with your friends... and I'm sure it was so hard to see them go... But I'll bet harvest is looming on the horizon and things will start popping there pretty fast.. Just getting started around here.. We had 90's last week and now it was 65 yesterday... Had to wear long pants and a jacket to go to town.... Today should be 80 they say, but it got down to 45 last night... Too cold for August.. Laura, your menu sounds just fine to me.. Hope all goes well..... How is your dad today?? Eva, I hear you about the food... We have been to a number of functions lately where the food has been less than good for me... The last one (50th birthday party) left a lot to be desired... Mac and cheese!!! NOt my choice of something to serve at a party.... Now this Saturday we have another party, but it's potluck.... I can take something that is right for me... And of course some of those darn cookies I made so I get them out of my house.... Oh, baby is up so I gotta go, but Janet, I hope you are settling into your new office space.. Change can be so hard sometimes... Especially when it seems to take us backward instead of forward... You'll be back in your element soon.... glad you are back in "band" frame of mind again.. I know how hard that is... I'm trying to get back to mine..... Talk to you all later maybe after I get DH and baby off... My side is still hurting this morning so I must have done too much lifting the little one yesterday.. Need to be careful today... The water mess in the basement got a bunch of clothes I had waiting for a rummage sale... Now have to wash them all... I'm about half done... Hope to finish that today... Take care all... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Evening to everyone,... I've had my first day with my granddaughter today... Lifted her a a couple times and etc... I can feel it in my right side, but I think I'm okay.. Will send her off to the sitter tomorrow for a few hours and take a break again.. But I feel as though I'm doing better finally.... I still have to go slow and use my head, but can at least take care of my house and such.... Yesterday I needed to stretch out my dining room table for guests and sent DH down to spare bedroom to get a leaf.... He found it covered in water... found a leak in the sprinkler that was right outside the window and water had seeped in for some time... What a mess.... He got everything out and pulled the carpet and pad....got it out the window so didn't have to drag it through the house... got things cleaned up and have fans blowing to dry things out good... We went shopping later this afternoon and found a remnant carpet... it was just the right size and a perfectly good color... It had a $100 rebate, so got it for $79... The pad cost about the same, so it was a pretty cheap fix... have to pay the installer, but he's a friend and is very reasonable..... Sure could have been worse... It's only a guest room that doesn't get much traffic, so didn't need something real high end.... I'm happy with it... Also got DD a table and chairs for her new deck for $99...... 42" round table and 4 chairs..... can't beat a deal like that... She'll be very pleased.. She has an old wooden picnic table of ours right now and this will make her happy... So it was a productive trip to Bismarack.... Well, my little girl just finished watchin Caillou and wants to play with the computer... I don't let her do that yet so must sign off for now and go distract her some other way... Now she's trying to clean my desk drawers and very mad because I won't let her... Talk to you all tomorrow... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey gang, let's hope all the vehicle woes are behind us now... That's enough batteries and tires and tickets to last for quite some time...... DH and I are off to a 5oth birthday party tonight... The birthday boy is going to be Elvis and the guests are to dress in 50's-60's attire... I have never been one to do costumes... tried to hard to look presentable in my "fat" clothes to draw attention to myself in a costume... But this time I'm going to be brave and do a little bit... DH will do jeans with a cuff, white t-shirt, white socks and black shoes.... I'm doing jean peddle-pushers (capris), white tennis shoes, some sort of shirt and a little scarf around the neck.... Will just have to be good enough!!!! Most of these people haven't seen me since I lost weight so I figure I can chance a little costume without feeling self-conscious.... I don't expect the food to be an issue... DH and I don't drink, so that isn't a problem either... I'll just take my lemonade and Water along and I'll be fine.. Janet, props on throwing half the ice cream away... Don't know if I could have done that, yet....... Better days ahead for you I'm thinking.... Keep the faith.... If - at least you think your absentmindedness is because of summer off from school... I think mine is from old age!!!!! I wish all you wonderful ladies a safe and enjoyable weekend..... Will catch up with you again tomorrow I hope... TTYL....... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello, it's been quiet on here the last little while.. Everyone must be gearing up for the weekend.... We have a 50th birthday party for a friend on Saturday in a town 180 miles away... But we decided not to stay at a motel like last weekend... We can drive home easier than the hard time I had sleeping in a motel bed... We aren't all night partiers anyway... Mother got permission to drive again at the doc yesterday... However, she lost her license sometime while cleaning her purse... So had to go to get a duplicate... Well, they asked lots of questions so she had to tell them about passing out.... now the doc has to be contacted and the state has to give permission, too... We have to wait for a letter before that can happen... I was so hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it did... We've made it this far, so I guess we can do another couple weeks.... as long as they don't deny her.... Then I'll be going crazy..... DH and I had a meeting with an attorney this morning to get our wills re-done... There were some very specific things that needed addressing, especially in mine.... It's never fun to get into all that stuff when family relations are not the best... I have one DD, but DH has 3 kids..... 2 from 1st marraige... And they are so jealous of my DD that they have ruined our family dynamic.... I have always tried so hard to make them feel loved and important, but they can't get past the fact that my DD was raised differntly than they were with their mother..... They are 36 and 33 and still can't grasp that things and circumstances change... Needless to say it was a stressful morning... DH just wants to leave everything to the grandkids and leave the kids out...... But I said we can't do that.... Anyway, hoping the new documents are ready to sign soon so I can put that subject away again............ We're having a grey rainy type day so far... We've been in the high 90's all week and with our humidity it's been tough.... Tomorrow is supposed to start our cool down... I'm ready for that... I could never live where it's hot all the time.... I'd suffocate if I couldn't have my windows open most of the time.... Paperwork is on the agenda for the rest of the day.. Meredith, I'm not into seafood, but it sure is great that you found such a good recipe for something that makes you happy... Good for you..... Take care all................ Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey there gals, how's everyone doing today?? I'm fine, I think.... A little stiff from swimming last night.. DH and I took Mimi to the outdoor pool that is a block from our house... She had fun and it was nice and refreshing for us as it was 100 here yesterday.. and we get the humidity, too.... I tried to do some of my water aerobic exercises so I think that is why I felt stiff this morning... Anyway, just had a shower and am moving on with my day.. going to put a load of towels in the washer and do my dishes and get ready to take Mother to Bismarck for doc appts today.. Hopefully she will get permission to drive again.. We are both anxious for that to happen!!!! It's almost 6 months since she passed out and no more incidents so he said he most likely would let her have her wheels back... It's been a very long 6 months in more ways than one!! Eva, my DH once bought a little pickup at an auction sale... came home so proud... It didn't have tilt wheel so I couldn't even get behind the wheel... I was so mad at him... He'll never buy a vehicle without me again!!! Phyll, I love the Closer!!.. and yes I saw that episode... pretty dumb on the girl's part.... but I liked how Brenda ended it not giving up on the kid.... Well, off to start my chores... Hope everyone has a wonderful day.... TTFN..............Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning all, I've had and exasperating and exhausting morning so far... DH had to be at work at 7:00 today so I thought I should be able to handle Mimi for a couple hours and get her to the sitter... Well, she gave me a run for my money.... you know, running away from me and playing hard to get!!! finally got her in the car and took off out of the driveway and up the street a block... Stopped at the corner and 2 ladies started motioning to me so I rolled down the window and they said my tire was flat.... pulled over carefully.... got Mimi and all her stuff out and walked home ( I made it!!!).... called DH...... He's out of town working today.. We have 4 vehicles... He had one and the other 2 pick-ups had trailers hooked on behind so he didn't want me to drive them... Had to call a friend to help me get Mimi to the sitter... I'm finally home and I'm completely bushed and it's only 10:15...... Now another friend is here to try to get the tire fixed for me.. I was wondering what I would do today.... don't care anymore, I'm too tired!!!!! But all is well, so I guess I should just let it go...... Laura, the story of you DH and your family is a great one.. My DH has a somewhat similar story and when I met him he really didn't trust anyone.. In his experience family only used and abused you so my close family was foreign to him... Didn't take him long to find his place.... My dad died soon after, but he and my mother have a great relationship... He's closer to my brothers than his own... It was always hard for me to understand how families can get so far apart, but as I grow older I understand better how things get in the way and feelings get out of control.... So glad your DH has a happy ending..... How is Dad today???? Eva, thanks for asking and I'm probably doing better than if I was just laying around all day... Well, my tire guy is here so I have to go.... TTYL.... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning girls..... I just finished doing some "light" housekeeping... the dust was getting pretty thick... don't think I over did anything, so hoping there will be no repercussions.... I'm going to lunch with a couple friends.. I decided I need to get out more... This laying around just isn't helping me that much, so am trying to be a little more active without actually doing too much.. My neck is still bothering me, but I'm trying to ignore it... Tylenol seems to help me forget it for a while.. Apples, glad you checked in... I'm sure your company is thrilled with all the good food you are preparing... I'm betting you're having a blast doing it, too.... Laura, I think I forgot to tell you the pic of Nelson and your dad was wonderful... I can tell you that grandchildren are one of God's richest blessings... Don't know what we would do without ours.... I also could relate to your story about eating out and not getting your meal.. That happened to us recently and I was just fine with the salad and veggies I ate... They actually brought my entree, but it was burnt and I sent it back...... Was content with what I did eat... It's a good feeling, huh???? Meredith, loved the horse pics, but wish you had been in them, too..... I have always loved horses but have only been on one about twice in my adult life... Always figured it was a terrible thing to do to a horse at my weight!!!! Maybe I'll try it one day when I'm skinnier... Eva, so good you keep track of your friend even though she is so far away.. I have one like that... She is widowed and lives alone in Lodi, CA.... She is a best friend of my mother's and has known me since I was born.. No children of her own, so I get treated very special... my DH and DD and DGD, too.... I worry about her.. She was burglarized recently in the bright of day... All her worthwhile electonics and some money taken.. She installed a security system now, but I still worry.. I try to be in touch one way or the other often... Well, I should get ready for my lunch date.. I'm planning on having a salad of some sort... Should be an okay lunch.. Had yogurt and a slice of meat for breakfast.... I've been doing too many carbs lately because they are so easy and go down so well... gotta stop that now and get back on the protein wagon... You all have a great day............. TTYL.......... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody, just got caught up on all the posts... Laura, I'm so glad you are home and feeling the security your husband and home bring to you... It's important right now so you can stay strong for your parents.. Yes, it's very hard to watch your parents start to fail... My 76 year old mother has been going downhill since a mild stroke in 6-07... however she doesn't recognize the changes in herself.. I'm the only daughter and it falls on me to keep track of her... I get very tired some days..... Keep the faith and hopefully your dad will be on the mend soon and you can relax again... Bless you for offering up your kidney to him.. must have made him very proud..... Doodles, you're a busy gal with all that canning... I don't do it anymore.... used to all the time, but it was such a chore and I never enjoyed it... So, I just quit... but the salsa sounds good..... Charlene, glad you and DH are doing well.... and you should eat cake at your granddaughter's birthday.... Sorry it didn't sit just right.... We enjoyed our weekend for the most part.. The party for our soldier friend, Abby, was great.. She was so surprised to see us and just screamed when she saw "Bubba" (my DH)......... Those girls just thought of him like a second dad.... Her father was there that night and he came up to DH and thanked him for taking care of his girl in Iraq.... DH got all choked up and it meant a lot to him.... Anyway the party was nice..... However, the night in a motel was not the greatest.. I hurt so much so at 12:30 I took pain meds and then laid awake for hours trying to relax.... We got up and on the road by 9:00 so I slept in the car some and all afternoon when we got home... I am some better today and have decided to just try to work through the pain and see if it gets better... Laying around doesn't seem to help much.. I was to a funeral with my mother this morning and now need to tackle some laundry and plan some supper.. It should finally be hot today and the next few so maybe that will perk me up a little, too.... I, too, don't get much exercise... I was doing pretty well until all my medical set-backs... So, yes, the more activity I get the better, but I've heard that intentional exercise is what is the best for us... something that gets the heartrate elevated for a little.. That's my goal, to get a little intentional exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week... Just can't do it yet!!!! So, I'm settling for just not sitting as much each day... Hey, Great, glad the bears left you alone again this time... I always envy people who like to camp and be outdoors so much.. Just never could get into it... Meredith, hope you get all your stuff done... My mother is a champion procrastinator.... If it can be put off to the last minute, she'll do it!!!! Has always driven me crazy as I'm the opposite... Very organized, make lists, and that sort of thing.... But it just takes all kinds to make this world go... I'm sure you'll do just fine... Well, better change out of these good clothes and get something done.. You all have a great day....Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, great news about your dad and your return home... And as for the weight loss, it's a good thing no matter how it comes off at this point... I say good for you and keep up the good work.... I'm a little better today.........no headache anyway.. back and neck are still a bit sore but I am managing to get a few things done.. Got my batch of homemade oreos made to take with us tomorrow... Also have a pan of banana bars in the oven.... bananas needed to get used up... Will probably take them along tomorrow, too... Or they will be fine in the freezer, too.. I'm not having a good food day..... don't know what the problem is... Have to regroup and get back on track real soon.. I've been lazy because I've been feeling so poor... Just eating whatever is easy and tastes good... I was hoping to start my walking tape soon, but doc said to wait a little yet,,, I guess I can do that... Well, I'm hoping you all will have a great weekend.. I'll be back Sunday or Monday... TTYL............ Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, just got DH off to work..... he takes Laromi to the sitter when he leaves, so I'm home alone now... Have a headache this morning, but did sleep last night.. Thanks for the advice about calling my doctor.... I have checked in, but am also pretty sure this is mostly an alignment problem... I have always had a bad back and neck and that is what this feels like... It seems to be working its way up... Today my neck hurts... and I have the headache.... I'm hoping this will be the end of it and I'll be good by the weekend... We are traveling 140 miles to attend a party for one of DH soldier friends who is leaving for Kosovo soon.. When DH was in Iraq he was with a bunch of young gals who looked to him like a dad..... He feels very strongly about these girls and they about him.... It's one of them who is leaving and she will be exstatic that we will be there... Don't see them very often since DH retired from military in 06... anyway, should be fun... will spend the night and come back on Sunday... I have to bake some cookies to take along.. I used to send lots of care packages when he was gone and the girls just loved my cookies... will make homemade oreos I think..... I should be able to get that done okay...... Yes, Linda, I got my new "do"..... don't know if I like it, but doesn't matter much at this point... It's way shorter than I like.... I, too, have to have a perm to feel comfortable... No body in mine without... it just hangs there flat... I'm not good at doing hair and like simple and easy... This will do....I don't look awful and will get used to it I'm sure... I should do a few chores this morning... will go with DD to Bismarck this afternoon as she had a dr appt and needs me to occupy the little one.... It should be a fast trip... DD did her last midnight for the week last night so will be very tired today without as much sleep.... Great, have a fun camping weekend... I've never done much of that... It's the mosquitoes that have always bothered me so much... Laura, sounds like things are still hectic for you... Sorry you are so homesick for your DH... hopefully you can get home soon.. How is Nelson feeling?? Charlene, good luck with your fine tuning..... Time to get busy.... TTYL..............Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all.............. Janet, I'm here, just haven't been posting as I haven' t had the energy to type and when my little one is around I can't get to the computer... She is only here when DH is home, but still keeps us hopping... Don't know why I feel so rocky... My upper back and neck are bothering me along with my stomach and gut.... Chiropractor says that the spot that is out is affecting the stomach... I've had 3 treatments now and really hoped that after yesterday I would start to feel better... But not yet... I at least was able to sleep last night, but that's about the end of it.... I'm supposed to do the hot pack/cold pack thing a few times today and then talk to him tomorrow... Laura, so sorry things are taking so long to find out what's going on... I know that time in a hospital is so long from personal experience... And your little one is doing so well, but I totally understand about thinking his sniffles will get you sent home... He'll be miserable and so will everyone else... Take care.... Apples, sounds like you are having a ball.... enjoy......... I have read everyone else's posts and would love to comment, but just don't have the energy right now.. Please know I'm thinking of you all and hoping your day is going well.... I'm going to get my hair cut soon.. I need a new "do".... All these surgeries have done a number on my medium long hair... I think I'm going to have to go shorter and I'm nervous.... DH likes long hair, but said I should do whatever needs to be done to feel good about it... We'll see..... I'll try to be back soon... TTYL......... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all, hope everyone had a great weekend... I made it through the wedding festivities... Didn't over-do anything too badly... No cake, but did have a couple little bars...... The mother of the bride is my best friend and I knew she made them all and I just couldn't help myself... they were good, too!!!! Roast beef and ham supper with all the trimmings, but I mostly just picked at it... so all in all I did well... Our little one wore Grandpa out just having so much energy.. She danced and danced.........so cute to watch them... DD had a good time, too, and that makes me happy as she doesn't get out much..... I'm feeling okay... nothing wonderful... DH and I sat in the hot-tub earlier and that relaxed me, but I do still have a little pain in my side... I'm hoping the next week will be a better one than the last... Doodle, we've all been there.... It's so embarrassing to admit we lose control, even now!!! But we all do... The trick is to just get back on the old horse and gallop away.... You'll be just fine... Linda, hope you and your little one had a fun time... They are so precious.... enjoy... Meredith, hope you're feeling better now.. Don't know where that came from.... I'm sure it was no fun... Time to veg in my chair for a while before bed.. TTYL......... Julie

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