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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning all, Another less than perfect night.. Mimi woke at 2:00.. We gave her Motrin (doc says this is better than Tylenol....IDK.....) and I sent DH back to bed as he had to work at 8:00..... She was up until after 4:00 then fell asleep on my lap... She scooched down on my relicner and was sort of sleeping next to my legs but with her head on my lap... About 6:30 I felt something warm.....Yup, she peed on me and my chair!!! She has finally started taking more liquids and her kidneys must have really gone to town..... cleaned that mess all up and tried to deal with her.. DH got up, too, and we swabbed her mouth... She was very crabby and just feeling ugly... She finally went to sleep about 8:00 on the couch and is still sleeping at 10:30.... She needs the rest I know for sure... She did eat a few bites last night so hope I can convince her to eat today.. Milk with ice has been about all she has had for days.... She did manage a little BM last night.. Just hard little mini bullets... At least her system is still working... I'm sorry to be so consumed with this baby... Most of you have been mothers and grandmothers so I'm counting on you understanding... Thanks..... I'm trying to keep up with everyone's posts.... Just don't get to respond well.... All you new folks.........gosh you picked a good place to come... Welcome and I hope we can get to know you all better soon.......... I'm trying to finish laundry while Mimi is sleeping.. All of my throw blankets were either just soiled from her drooling or from being peed on, so blankets are almost done.. I had done the rest yesterday.... At least I'm keeping up with some of my work.... I have 4 tops to Iron yet and that should be enough.... And I was right about the scale not moving after bread and potatoes yesterday, but it didn't move at all.........not backwards either, so I guess this is a good thing!!! I just had a little cold ceral for Breakfast...too tired to do much else.. Need to get some fluids in... I'm very bad about that... It's hard for me most days.. I'm a sipper.... and can't seem to do enough sipping as I'd like.... Well, time to finsih.. She should be awake soon.... and I'm hoping in a good mood....at least for a couple hours.. Her mother will come at 2:00..... Oops, her she comes.......gotta go... Love to all............Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening gang, Mimi is finally sleeping for a little while at least... I'm so tired and my neck and back are aching. I know I overdid it, but what can I do... can't send her to the sitter... It's me or DD has to stay home from work and she can't do that.........she needs the paycheck badly... So, I'll take Tylenol before bed and hope to feel better tomorrow... Mimi has times of seeming better... I can tell she's hungry and wants to eat but is afraid... I made mashed potatoes tonight and she took some bites, but cried after each one... bless her little heart... We had to force a bath on her a while ago, but then she settled down and went to sleep.. I got to put her blanket in the wash.. It was starting to smell!!!! It is so precious to her and she needs it for comfort... It'll be dry before she wakes again, I hope.. Sure hope they are right about the 7 - 10 days.. Tomorrow is day 7............ Apples, glad you are back... Your DH is a typical farmer..... works through the pain.... It's what makes him part of America's backbone!!!! Harvest is going full bore here, but we had rain last night so things slowed today.. DH's boss says this is the best crop he has ever seen!!!! Too bad the price of wheat is down so far... Good luck with all your baking.. I'm sure your guys are kept full and happy all the time.. Glad you "mom" is doing okay... Ouch........ after my gall bladder attach and the pain I had I can just about feel your pain.. I know it's different, but I can relate...... take care. Meredith, loved your pictures... You are such a busy girl... I hope school is going well...... Laura, what an ordeal for Nelson.. It is so tough learning these life lessons... Mimi is very used to having her own way and that is something she would do.. Only children who don't get to interact to other kids often always have to learn alot when it's time for school.. You are doing a good job helping him adjust.. I think you did the right thing about the fill.. Hope it gives you what you are after... Janet, Doodle, Linda, Eva and whoever I may have missed, hope all is well.... You all have a good sleep.. I'm very tired and praying Mimi will sleep well... DH is taking first shift.... He is such a good grandpa!! Night all................... Julie If, I want your restriction... Wish my doc would agree, but they don't want me that tight... Congrats on your loss and getting into that suit... I have a dress from 25 years ago that I would love to be able to put on one more time... I had lost a lot of weight, was pregnant but didn't show, and had to sing for a wedding.. I was so poor, so my dad bought me a dress... I'll never throw it.... I may never wear it again, but it's special.... Phyll, WTG with your outing... I'm finding out one just has to go through the pain some days... It's not always fun, is it?? Glad you are coming along so well... One day, I hear you about the coffee drink.. You just want to feel like you can do as you please... I had mashed potatoes and a piece of bread today.. Both on the same day.....don't know why, it just happened that way.. I don't usually eat bread at all.... I guess I just needed it for some reason.. So, I'm sure the scale won't be moving tomorrow morning!!!!
  3. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning.... I got some sleep last night thank goodness.... Work was slow so DD got sent home early as they knew baby was sick... I was only up from 2:30 to 3:30 and then got up again at 7:15.... Not too bad.. Mimi is getting a bit more sleep but has another sore showing on her lip... Have a call into her regular pediatrician this morning... these after hours docs push you through so fast and don't make you feel very confident when you are leaving.. Hoping the nurse will call sometime soon... Suppose they have lots of calls from over the holiday weekend.... DH and I just got back from signing our updated wills.. Changes needed to be made a while back, but didn't get it done.. With all my medical stuff it should have been, but we made it and now they are in place, along with medical care directives and power of attorney.... We have always had wills done by JAG in the past but now that we are older and have more they didn't want to do us..... said we needed estate planners....... so we will have to pay this time.... Didn't get the bill yet, but hopefully it won't break us.... glad it's done finally... Oops, gotta go, baby is crying.........TTYL....Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning.................Laura, I'm about as tired as you described... Althought DD and Mimi don't live with us, they are only 3 blocks away and also being a single mother, DD calls anytime at all.... She is so worried and tired and at the end of her rope.. She called at 2:30 this morning wanting advice about what to do... She had just had to sit on Mimi to get Tylenol down... and was crying right along with baby... Why don't the docs tell you about suppositories.?? That could help.. I doubt out little drug store here is open today and its 40 miles to get to Bismarck... Anyway, I'm very tired as she called again at 4:00 and then I couldn't go back to sleep... must have fallen back and then the phone rang at 7:00.... DH's farmer boss who just acted like there was nothing special about today... I blurted out, "Oh, he has to work today????!!!!" Of course I should have been more tactful... but this job was their idea, not ours so I don't worry.. have known this guy since he was born!!!! Anyway, off to work went DH... telling me to call if I need him..... DD needs to go to work at 4:30 this evening and work all night on no sleep for days... Don't know how she will or if I can handle Mimi by myself (or should!!)... My mother can help, but can't send her to daycare.... Oh, girls, we must all be the same age... I didn't know "rents" either... I have to work at lots of the initials, too... Just an old fogie who doesn't text!!!! Gotta go get my shower before when I can.... TTYL... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone,......... I didn't have any notifications so I thought everyone was off doing other things... Boy was I wrong... You all have been busy on here.... I have a sick granddaughter... Had her to after hours clinic on Thursday night... high fever, swollen upper lip, drooling, listlessness..... He took one look and said she had a sore throat and needed to be tested for strep... That was negative... Well, we had to take her back yesterday.. She is broken out all over in her mouth so that her cheeks are even swollen... And there is a spot outside her lip and on her finger (from having them in her mouth because of the pain I suppose..) This time they said coxsacki virus.... Very painful, contagious to anyone who hasn't had it, and nothing to worry about... Give tylenol and try to keep hydrated... Well, that's all fine and good if you are dealing with someone you can reason with, but for a little one it's almost impossible.. She cries in pain and pulls at her mouth.. Won't eat much and barely drinks... Ane it takes at least 2 and sometimes 3 of us to get some Tylenol into her.. She's wise to putting it in a sipper cup so the best is just to hold her down and squirt in her mouth... Now she even has figured out that when we are all 3 together she starts fighting right away... We just did it a few minutes ago and it almost killed DH... he has such a soft heart for her.... Poor baby... The fever seems to have passed now, but the sores are so painful for her... Hope this, too, will pass soon.. Sorry to be such a downer, but it's so hard when they are little and can't really tell you what they are trying to get across. We did get away for a little while this afternoon.. Did a little shopping and then DH took me to see "Julie and Julia"...... I love it, but he wasn't overly impressed.. I guess you have to be a cook at heart to get it all... Someone else on here mentioned it one day.. I did wonder how such a struggling young couple could afford all the ingredients for that food in one year!!! It had to be costly... Anyway, I enjoyed it... I have decided to try to make it to FL in Feb.... Money isn't a big deal, but I'm all for being cost conscious.. We have a trip to OH in October, too, so don't want to put it all in one spot..... DH will not be coming along to FL.... I'm going to bite the bullet and try to come by myself.... I feel sleep coming on so will say goodnight... Sorry for not commenting on everyone's posts, but you all seem to be doing okay for right now and I'm just not able to get everyone... Please know that you are all in my prayers and I wish you all good things and happy days.... Talk to you again soon........... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    Phyl and Great................yes, hydocodone comes in a liquid!! I think I've been through gallons with all my surgeries this past year...... It works great for me and never felt as though I was getting to attached to it... I still use liquid Tylenol now when I'm feeling poorly.. I can do the caplets, but the liquid gives me faster relief!! and relief is what I have been needing.. Phyll, hope you won't be needing it much longer and will be out there running around very soon... Great, hope your sugery will do great things for you, too... My 76 year old mother had both knees done and is so much better for it... I have a friend who had both, too, but did have some pain for a few days... Everyone is different.. You both take good care............ I've been cleaning the fruits and vegetables that I bought yesterday... Made a big mistake and bought peaches at Wal-Mart superstore.... Maybe they'll make a pie that will taste okay, but they won't be good fresh, which is what I wanted them for... But, oh well, live and learn... The rest is done.. I vacuumed the garage floor this morning with the shop vac... just very easy back and forth walking so as not to hurt anything.. After my crazy day yesterday the scale was good to me.. I'm officially back to my lowest weight in a very long time and feel like I'm more in control of myself now.... Nothing like the cookie fiasco time... So, I'm feeling good about things now... or better at least.. The holiday weekend may be coming at the wrong time, but this too shall pass..... Okay, talk to you guys later. Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody..... I caught up on the reading and have so much to say that I don't know where to start or what to say.. Just got home from my second trip to Bismarck today... Had Laromi this morning until noon and then left for Bis... did some shopping, took the pickup in to the shop, had another treatment on my back, stopped at Wal-mart and then home by 6:15.... DD called to say Laromi was crying and running a 102 fever and would I come over... Left shortly after to take her to after-hours clinic in Bis... She has a sore throat, but no strep...... just a virus...... but she cries and says.."owie"... It's so hard when the little ones feel bad... So anyway I'm finally home again and my house looks like a cyclone struck it, but I don't feel too bad.. Did some very creative eating today, but mostly protein..... jerky and nuts..... I did have oatmeal for breakfast.......... DH had a long talk with his DS yesterday.. We got told all about how terrible we are and how badly we treat them... Haven't had one call from them since Christmas and we're the bad ones..... I have such a terrible time with this being the "ugly step mother" thing... DH has two older children who are so jealous of everything we have because it's very different from what he had with their mother... They treat me and DD like we are criminals or something.. I have tried so hard to love them and treat them just like my own kids, but the reject everything and throw it in my face.. Now I don't love the 2 grandsons enough.... they don't let us see them much or be in touch, but I don't do enough.... I'm so tired of being called the bad guy.... I want to just give up, but that doesn't work either.. DH get so mad at them and wanted to write them out of his will even, but I have stopped him from doing that... I feel bad for him.... He can't understand how they can be this way... He let his DS have it yesterday... told him we were coming for a vist in October and asked if we were welcome... Of course he said yes, but I wonder if it's true... You can bet we won't be asked to stay at their house... But I'll be more comfortable in a motel anyway.... Enough of that... I could rant forever.. Cheri, my gosh Onederland... What an accomplishment.. That's my only real goal..... to say one hundrend something.... WTG!!!! Doodle, what a beautiful picture of you and DH and the little one is so cute... You look fabulous.... Meredith, good luck at school tomorrow... I'm positive you'll do wonderfully.... Phyl, good to hear from you... Keep up the good work, it'll be worth it in the end.... I honestly can't remember who I missed and I'm sorry, but must get to bed. I'm very tired and need to sleep and clear my head some... You are all very important to me and I'm hoping you are all doing well.... Take care... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey there, lots going on since I was here last... Meredith, you and Andrew look so happy and you look fabulous... WTG... Rose, bless you for what you are able to do for your family.. These are tough times and you must be tougher as you can do this caregiving... Pictures are gorgeous... glad you found your way back to this site... Janet, this young woman will never forget your kindness.. It does feel good to help someone and you're just the person to do it... my compliments.... I can relate sometimes to the stubbornness of grandchildren. Mine is only 2 1/2 and somedays she can push each and every one of my buttons!!!!! But you gotta love 'em anyway... They make up for it in so many other ways.. I have my days of being testy, too..... glad I get forgiven!!!! Apples, how is DH today??? Suppose you are leaving or gone for lake already.... Have fun.... Cheri, wish I had your restriction... I was thinking I had more after my last fill, but it's a week now and I can still eat when and what I choose... Just try to be careful...... Eva, quality time with DH is never a bad thing....enjoy.. I slept even better last night, so am hoping this is a positive thing... Maybe there's still hope for me... I keep holding at the same weight and it's getting to me a bit.... Just a pound or two would make me happy at this point... Still can't do much in the way of exercising but have started walking some... Well, off to some chores.. Have a friend coming for lunch later so I'd better straighten up some... and finish bill paying for Mother!! You all have a great day............ Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    Apples, sympathies on the DH...... both the injury and the attitude... Mine had to be near dead before he'll go to a doctor... And he pushes himself so hard... I get frustrated often....sounds like they are made of the same cloth...... Also, glad you can let that "old bat" and her commments roll off your back..... I guess if you looked sick it might be understandable, but you aren't sick and just being slender is no reason to comment.... People who have to comment about others must be insecure about themselves.... Linda, wonderful pictures... you look amazing.... Can hardly wait for "amazing" to be a word that describes me!!! Your little one is beautiful..... of course grandmas are always a bit biased, but how can you not love such a pure little spirit.... We sure love ours.... 1 Day, hope you are better very soon... No fun to be sick............ Janet, yup, DH is a keeper..... I'm thankful for him everyday, even when he does dumb things.........LOL.. If, I think the kids not noticing your weight loss is typical of kids... They know who treats them right and who doesn't .....size doesn't matter to them... They are so much more accepting than adults... Apples, I made your cucumber wrap salad for lunch, but I added some tuna and it was delicious... Laura, I'm not a plant person at all... I made my DH pour concrete where the flower beds used to be. I do a few pots some years, but mostly just do a few lawn type ornaments and call it good.... I have the opposite of a green thumb.... plants die when the belong to me... Well, I better get moving before my Mimi comes... TTYL.............Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi gang, how's everyone doing??? I slept about 6 hours in one stretch last night and that's a great improvement... Was hurting before I went to sleep.. Took Mimi for a walk to the park down the street last evening.. I put a little harness on her and we walk just great that way.... she played on the slide...that's her favorite, but she didn't want to leave.. I couldn't pull on her, but I did have to lift her on her feet from a kicking, screaming postition.. I think that wasn't good for me!!! Anyway walked the long way around to get home and did okay, but later in the evening my back started to ache... I sat in the hot-tub and then put an ice pack on before bed... It seems better today.. Maybe it will all improve soon, just seems to be inch by inch and I'm not very patient!!!! I'm paying bills this morning and then trying Apples cucumber wrap recipe for lunch.. A friend/classmate is coming to start working on our 40th Class Reunion for next year.. Gosh, how did I get this old??????? Should be fun to have lunch and go over old times.. Apples, I used to help my mother with sweet corn, too, but she cooked hers and made a sort of creamstyle... Do you have a machine to the cutting?? And who does all the shucking?? I like the shucking best... haven't done much of any canning for years.....except apples.. We have a tree that usually over produces, but only a few apples this year.. I'm happy... Too many left from last year... Thanks for all the comments on my pictures... I did have to cut my hair short recently... too much damage from all my surgeries... Have had lots of compliments, but I'm still getting used to it... And yes, my Mimi is a dear and is the light of our lives... We have 2 other grandchildren, boys, but the parents aren't good at sharing... Too long a story to share now, but a heartbreaking one that hurts us all the time... Mimi is about all we have..... her and her mother... and thank God for them... Lowell adopted DD 15 days after we got married......... she was 10 and her biological father was killed in a car accident before he even knew she was going to be........... DD and DH have a wonderful relationship..... It warms my heart.... Well, should carry on here........... Hope all have a great day.. Talk to you all later on... Julie PS................I think DH has convinced me that I should come to Florida in February.... :frown:
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Now it occurs to me that I should have put a "before" picture, so will add one if I can find one... Haven't been fond of pictures for many years.... Don't know when, but two were taken before surgery and the last one was 1-09(white sweater)
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Okay, I think I got it... added one of my Mimi with the dirty face and who need a haircut badly...... Bye..
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    I did something right as I got one picture, but I thought I did 3... so what did I do wrong???
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Okay, I finally had some new pictures taken of me yesterday, so thought I would update my avatar and try to post some here, but I have no idea what I'm doing.. If this works, great..................... if not, please someone tell me what to do..... Thanks........ Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good Morning............... Ijust got my 2 off for the day, so the house is quiet and I have a little time to sit here.. I slept a bit better last night... I'm hoping this is a new trend... the old one was getting very hard to bear....I'm waiting for a call from my GP this morning to give instructions about things.. Can't get the shot she wanted as that doc won't see me without me having a full othopedic work-up... so no shot!!! I'm still thinking a morhine drip would do the trick!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I have to take Mother to Bismarck today.... She got a letter on Saturday saying she was cleared by the State of North Dakota to drive again and can come pick up her license. YEAH!!!!!!!!........So, off we go sometime today.. I don't have to listen to her complainany more... Let's just hope she doesn't have anymore issues to make me regret this decision.. Doc had asked me if I thought it was okay before he gave his permission, so I hope we are right.... This last 6 months has been rought on me and her both..... Sharon, it's good that you have set rules for this "father" (and I use the term lightly!!) These guys that can have the fun but don't want the responsiblities are a problem for me... Our dear little Mimi only has what I call a sperm donor.... And that's being nice... He tried to choke our daughter when Mimi was 3 months old... Found out later that he had forced DD to have sex and used his fists on her, but only where it didn't show... And she didn't tell me..... The day I kicked him off our property I didn't know all this, but had just had enough of what I knew of the situation... DD was so scared of him so I told him to leave.. They weren't married and he was staying with her in an apartment we own... Had I known I would have called the cops or worse........ Anyway she has a protection order against him and he pled guilty to asault and hasn't tried to see Mimi since... Over 2 years now... and that works for me.... She doens't need him at all... We found out that Mimi has 7 other brothers and sisters out there older than her with 4 mothers..... He needs to be castrated!!! Sorry for that tirad.............Can you tell it gets me worked up??? Laura, I'm sorry for the rough time you must go through every month... DD has PCOS and struggles much in this area also.... She says there is a new Midol out there that has been some relief to her the last couple months, but make her sleepy.... She was hoping that this would ease up after she got pregnant when it was supposed she couldn't... But it has come back with a vengence.... I never experienced but have had 2 DNC's from excessive bleeding... I, too, am so glad not to have that issue in my life anymore.. It's great.....there are enough other issues when you get older!!! you take care and stay close to your heating pad!!! Linda, glad we could help out during this time of grief for you... Let's hope the pain eases as you move on with life.. Your friend would want that.... If, that grandma time is so precious, isn't it?? I don't get to see my two older boys often, but this little one is wonderful.. I got my snuggle time this morning before she left for the sitter.. Gives you a good feeling to start the day... Meredith... I like to rest at home, too.... Being gone is fun, but home is best...... Good luck on your new school year.... When do you start again??? Well, I should do something constructive around here.. Mostly just need to straighten up and then maybe have a nice bath before my little excursion... You all have a good day......... TTYL............... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning.... I offically started Christmas shopping today.. I walked into Wal-mart and they were having a sale on any clearanced item.... I found a number of things for Mimi for Christmas... Saved 50% off clearance price... I feel good about that... I rarely start shopping before Thanksgiving.... so, I'm a jump ahead of myself this year... Had a rough night again last night... Went to doc this morning,,,,,,,,,,he says it's a pinched nerve.. Gave me some weird cream and told me to take it easy... DUH!!! And by the way I felt I was taking it easy yesterday... Usually I do much more on an average day... But I guess I have to tone it down some more for a while... I'm very tired of feeling like an invalid.... It's been since the end of March and enough is enough!!!!! I'm going to try the "mind over matter" approach from now on... with a little common sense thrown in, of course.. DH got the furniture put back into my basement guest room this morning.. Had to have the carpet replaced after water damage from a broken sprinkler near that corner of the house.. It was a big mess, but it should be back to normal soon.... I do have to do a few things as he isn't good at the little stuff... I should be able to do that.......slowly......... in the next couple of days.. Today I'm going to boil some eggs to make deviled eggs for tomorrow's church picnic.. Also going to make a bean dish... Good protein for me... I've got quite a ways to go on the seeing all 50 states thing... I've got all the western ones, but have never been to the east coast farther than OH... have a son in Cincinnatti.....So I have been to KY, too, in the airport... And I've not been southeast farther than MO.... I haven't counted, but I think there are quite a few left for me... Great, you have fun inter-state shopping!!! Your Grandma should love it..... Janet, I have a daughter who has done that sort of thing to me numerous times in her life... Always ticks me off, but there's no sense trying to change her mind once it's made up.... Find something fun to do and enjoy you MJ thing tonight... Sounds fun.. Linda, love the ideas for your friend's funeral.. It will be very moving, I'm sure... IF, we have a lovely day here, too, and DH is off, but when I asked what he wanted to do to relax he just blew me off.... he'd rather putz in his shop..... I guess that works for me... I feel a nap coming on.... WTG with trying to smooth the waters with your co-workers.. Meredith, have a great time off... Hope you all have fun and refreshing things to do this weekend.... Talk to you all later or tomorrow.. Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Laura, is was just a little floor.... the swiffer did all the work.... I did a little grocery shopping but left all but the perishable stuff for DH to carry in when he gets home.. I'm glad you have been so good to yourself... That other mood seems to have passed on into history... We are babysitting Laromi (Mimi....for short.... sorry Great!!!) tonight for a couple hours so DD can go out to a party with friends.... We are happy to do this as DD needs to get out more... DH is helping a friend work on his pontoon motor tonight so they invited us for supper.. They are hosting our church on Sunday as they live on the river and we do outside church there every year about this time... They give rides on the river after the potluck picnic which will follow services... It should be a fun day.. but the boat motor needs some tuning I guess... Well, I may have time for a little nap now... Need to switch loads of laundry, but otherwise I'm clear for the rest of the day... Don't have to prepare supper... So, I should be good.. have a good one everybody.. Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi gang, hope you all had a good sleep.... Mine was mediocre.... I'll be happy to get that shot next week if it eases the stress in my shoulder..... I'm trying to do very little today, but started some laundry and just finished giving the bathroom floor a much needed swiffer work... I keep a pretty organinzed house, but sometimes the dust can get away from me, especially since all my medical crap... So, that's done for a little while.... Meredith, I wanted to tell you WTG on not going to bed without resolving your problem with Andrew... At bridal showers sometimes they ask you to give the bride advice... That's always what I say... It's just not worth it to stay mad....Good job......... Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MEREDITH.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..... I'm not sending a cake, but hope you get a little piece.... (of something!!) I also think that if you don't want to be a mother, that's fine.. at least you are making that choice and not having it forced on you... My oldest daughter married a man 8 years older than her.. He had 2 kids (10 & 13 at the time). At first that's all they talked about... having a baby and what they would name a boy.... Then he decided he didn't want more and she had to like it... Now she never get to be a mother although she says that'l what she wants... I don't believe her.... Controling your own life is a good plan... And should you change your mind, then you'll be ready to be the best mother ever..... Laura, I agree that today sounds like a good day for a nap or just pampering yourself somehow... This too shall pass, as they say..... It's the weekend...it'll get bette.... take care... Time to put the rugs down on my dry bathroom floor and get ready for Young and the Restless.... You all have a great day... TTYL.......... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Okay, so that went right over my head.... never even gave a thought to it being her husband.... My only excuse.............. I'm not at the top of my game yet..... I'll get better!!!!!! Thanks for filling me in..... and yes, I can relate as my DH is 61 and some days makes me feel that same way... But mostly he he's a real blessing... Very hard worker and excellent provider, father and grandfather... I shouldn't complain about his little idiosyncrisies................like the mess he makes with coffee... I hate coffee..... and dirty clothes all around the hamper, but not in.... But I should stop now... Wonder what he says about me????? Nite all...................... Julie PS: I'm definately better tonight, thank goodness...
  20. Mrs. Bubba

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    Young at heart, yup,that's what happens to us during surgery... One of my surgeons told me that once, too.... I guess we sure have to trust that they are all respectful of our bodies when we can't speak up for ourselves.... With 4 surgeries in a year, I've had my share... No wonder I hurt so much yet.... Thanks for validating what I thought to be true.... Hope you are feeling better real soon, too.... IF, It must be very challenging to do what you do... parents can be something sometimes... I'm not sure I could handle that all the time.. Glad you can do it for your kids... And we're glad to have you for a friend, too.. Goodnight all................... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening all, I just got home from my trip to Bismarck for my appointments.. DD had some, too, so also had little Laromi along... She always adds a little flavor to the mix.... anyway, I got my treatment... Chiropractor says my neck and shoulder were out very bad.... It feels better already.... Also saw my GP.... She agreed that it was my neck and shoulder... Nothing wrong with my stomach or band...... all is well.... She does think I should get a shot in the shoulder to help it along.. She thinks (as do I) that alot of my shoulder pain is from having 4 surguries in a year... They knock you out and then do to your body as they please... You lay there with your arms spread out and they do all sorts of things to you when you can't complain..... I have been having trouble with my shoulder for months now, so I agree with her that maybe a shot will make a difference.. Got an appointment for next Wednesday.. Hopefully the treatment will let me sleep normally tonight.. I'm really ready for that!!! DD had a bunch of lab work done, so don't have results yet, but GP thinks it may very well be diabetes.... Sent her home with a blood sugar machine and will be in touch when she gets the results... DD is nervous, but this could really explain lots of things... Linda, my sympathies for the loss of your friend.. So glad you were able to be there to see her one last time.. When they are that sick it almost seems a blessing to now have them suffer any longer... God bless you as you grieve your loss... And your poor little one... Only good thing is that those little ones won't remember what they've been through a little later... Hoping you get it all under control soon... Take care of you... I don't believe in those words like "step" or "half" either... love is love... blood is not required.... Great, glad your Fritos are gone.... That's how I felf about my cookies...... Nothing in the house now to tempt me much.... I am feeling some restriction after my fill Monday, so I'm doing better... I'm not sure why we have to get those cravings... And why do we never crave carrots and celery!!!! Laura, sounds like you have a good start.... Can you send your Brazilian cleaning crew to my house.. I don't have 4000 square feet, so it should only take them and hour... unless we figure in flying time.... With all my medical problems and recovery time, my house has just been getting the "once over lightly" type of cleaning all summer.. I'm going to need a crew pretty soon... Gitr, was that a typo or do you, a 54 year old mother, have a 57 year old son???? Maybe you meant 27???? Anyway thanks for the insight into you.. It's always nice to know about folks... I'm 56, live in a small town in North Dakota....retired....do daycare for my 2 year old granddaughter, Laromi (Mimi)..... DH is retired, too, but works for a farmer this summer... We have 3 grown children....son in Ohio, married with 2 boys..... one daughter is Bismarck, married with no children... and our youngest daughter is here and she is a single mother to our little Mimi.... We have a good life and are happy here... I've been heavy my whole life....since about 5.... Lost weight many times before with near tragic consequenses, but it never stayed gone... I'm counting on this band to do the trick.... Thanks again for sharing... LPGLarry, sounds like you have a plan... good luck.. Hope everyone else is fine and having a great day.. I'm sure we'll hear from you all soon.. TTYL....... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, it sounds good............except for the coconut.. If coconut was a regular staple like flour or butter or sugar or potatoes, I'd have been skinny my whole life... Just can't stand it at all............ Now that's the kind of cookies I should have made... I wouldn't have touched them... Coconut, raisins, and mushrooms are 3 things I just can't swallow... Since sandwiches are my downfall, you can see why I didn't have problem eating what I liked..... thanks for sharing.... You maybe will have to cook for the gang in FL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    hi all, just checking in as I have time on my hands... got orders from DH not to do anything today because of my back and neck... Well, I thought I could at least do last night's dishes (no dishwasher here... long story..) so was putting plates in the sink... just 3, but they are heavy glass.. used my left hand... my left clavical started aching almost immediately... It was dumb... I should have known better... I finished the dishes since the lifting was already done.. Then rubbed it down with some Icy Hot type cream, took more Tylenol (it's becoming my BFF!!) and took a little nap... Better now.. so you can bet I'm not lifting a thing the rest of the day.. not with my left arm.... Did get some supper organized and have Mimi covered so I don't have to have her until DH gets home... And have an appt at 2:45 tomorrow for some relief.... Phyll, I was by my mother's side when she had both her knees done so I can guess how you are doing.. Be careful not to do too much.. If you feel good it's easy to do... For my mother the 1st one was a snap, so when it was time for the 2nd she was not happy when that one was way more difficult.. more pain and longer in hospital... But she is sure glad she did it... Hope all is going well for you.. Laura, great pictures of you little man!!! I can see him shoosing you out... then asking for a hug... how sweet... I, too, do most of my bill paying on-line.. I'm a retired accountant and fought the idea quite a while.. But with the rising costs of checks and postage I finally decided to give it a try a couple years ago.. I'm very glad I did... But I still like to get a bill in the mail.. Hard to break old habits and I like the paper trail... I do the DVR thing too, but don't get too carried away.. Mostly have Caillou on mine for when Mimi demands to watch... But it sure comes in handy if you get interrupted.. I don't stay home for TV either, just tape and watch later.. Especially Young and the Restless.... When the new season starts on the major networks I will tape those if I have to miss my favorites like NCIS.....I like the dramas.... Now when it comes to the cell phone I'm an in-between.. Don't keep it on when I'm home and in the house.. Take it if I'm going out for any length of time.. I don't text... I had it removed from my plan.... just not my style... Gitrdone, glad you are finding yourself at home here.. It's a great place... Tell us a little about yourself... and your family.... Apples, are you feeling younger now??? Perky, I'll bet!!... What's for supper.... I'm making sirloin tips with potato salad, cucumber salad, and fresh fruit.. I'm also doing some yellow summer squash for me but DH won't eat that.. Got it from a friend... I'm thinking my fill has had a bit of an impact on my restriction.. I'm being very careful because of all the pain I was in last night, but I'm thinking this one may have been just what I needed... I have my fingers crossed... Okay, off to nap a little more.. sounds awful when so many of you are so busy, but I guess it's what I have to do for now... TTYL............ Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning to you all,,,,,,,,,,, Yes, Janet, I think this is from the fender bender I had... My back and neck are not in good shape... and it didn't help that I had to do a couple things I shouldn't have because DH didn't get it done. The carpet layer called to say he could come yesterday afternoon while DH was still at work... So I had to get the room ready for him... Not a lot, but wasn't good for my neck and back... Anyway, I was so miserable last night.. Took as much Liquid Tylenol as I dared... finally got up at 1:00 and drew a hot bath with some of Mimi's "nighttime bath" with all the lavendar scent to promote restful sleep... then I situated myself on the couch with about 3 pillow under my knees to take the pressure off my lower back and must have fallen asleep at some point... Sent Mimi off to the sitter with DH when he left for work.. I plan to do mostly nothing today..... and will see my chiropractor tomorrow again. Hopefully with the little releif I got last night I'll make it through the day.... Great, I'm like you about the Norman Rockwell idea of family and the funny part is that is really what I had up until shortly after my dad died... We all lived here in this little town in ND with families of our own, but were always together.. We had a family band and did lots of playing and singing.. But then the dreaded "Trust" that my dad left for us with one of my brothers as Trustee..... This had ruined my family... My brothers can't all be in the same place anymore... I hate it and have fought it and tried to fix it for 13 years.... No more... I do what has to be done, but I'm not going to try to make them friends again anymore.. It's their problem if they choose to give up the greatest gift God gave them..............family!!!! Janet, dear, glad you can shake it off and go on today.. You seem to be made of some tough stuff and you'll be back to where you feel like yourself soon, I'm sure.. It is sure nice to have this place to come to vent isn't it.. And no one judges, but just encourages or suggests a solution... Makes this the greatest kind of support group ever..... and we don't have to wait for a weekly meeting or anything!!!! Apples, I used to pack a lunch box (cooler) like that for my DH every day when he was still working at the power plant.. 12 hour shifts....... It takes a lot of food and it's always nice to get a break... Your day sounds nice a relaxing with the hair appt and all.... Enjoy... Meredith, I agree with the others about you seeming mature.. It's probably why you fit in here so well... My youngest is 25 and I'd wish her to be a little more like you sometimes.. However, we are going to see a doc tomorrow as I think maybe she might have diabetes... She is showing all the signs and it runs in my family... That could explain all the tiredness that I sometimes think is laziness..... I'm hoping it's not, but we'll find out I guess... Anyway, you should be proud of yourself. Laura, hope Nelson enjoys his first day... Takes me back 20 years when DD had her 1st day of kindergarten.. I was so nervouse and scared and feeling weepy like mothers do..... and she just shoosed me out of the room and was embarassed..... I hope her daughter does it to her!!!!! And good news about your dad... Let's hope he just continues to get better and better..... Enough is enough.... That's about how I feel with all this stuff going on with me.... I'm tired of it already!!!! Have a good day to yourself.... Ocotillo,(Hey what does that name mean??) don't you just hate doing the cat box?? I do..... My cat's get to be outside during the day if they choose, so the inside one isn't too bad except in the winter... But the outside one in the garage gets nasty... They get shut in the garage overnight... and Louis ( neuterd male) can make a big mess.... He isn't good at covering up after himself... Not my favorite job.... Well, all you other gals........If, Charlene, 1Day, Linda... (okay, who'd I miss....sorry, but you, too) glad you all are doing well and I hope it stays that way.. Enjoy every day... I'm going to do only the necessities today.. I'm about ready for a nap I think.. Took some Tylonol and have my heated neck wrap on so maybe I can find a few minutes of what I lost last night... You all have a great day and I'll TTYL.................... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi all, I just read all the posts, but can't respond right now.. I feel like I've been run over by a truck... I hurt so bad I want to cry and I just don't feel well at all..... I'm going to take some Liquid Tylenol and try to rest tonight, but I'm not counting on it... I'm quite miserable............. Why can't I just get better and stay that way?????????????? UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to talk to you all tomorrow...... Julie

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