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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, we were posting at the same time... I have times like you had with your g'ma with my mother... I have to take her lots of places still and sometimes it's like pulling teeth the whole day.. I come home so frustrated.. But at least your grandma only does it occassionally... My mother frustrates me on a regular basis... She did it today and wasn't even with me... Was supposed to watch Mimi for me a couple hours, but we couldn't find her... wouldn't answer her phone.. DD finally had to take Mimi to work with her (daycare, so it was okay)... She was outside putzing and just didn't bother to listen to her messages... Then she was mad that Mimi didn't get to come... :redface: My husband is a workaholic, too...... And for most of our marriage he was not only a 12 hour shift worker at a power plant, but also in the military... So if he wasn't missing something kind of fun event because he was working, then it was guard weekend... I was forever going to things alone... I was single a long time before I married him and I hated going places alone then and I sure hated it after I was married... That's over now that he is retired from both jobs, but he still puts work of any kind before thoughts of me and what I might like to do.. I have to remind him now and then that he is retired!!!! Our oldest daughter and her husband moved home here when they couldn't make it anymore where they were.. She was sick and they were so in debt... We felt sorry at first so helped all we could to get things straightened out.. They filed bankruptcy and we gave them a place to live for free.... with all the trimmings.. in one of our rental spaces for 18 months... Well, they abused both things so badly that we have lost all sympathy....especially when they started on a buying spree with new furniture and jewelry and leather jackets.... Seems they had been saving money we didn't know they had and still continueing to live free on us... DH got very upset and told them it was time to leave.. Now they don't talk to us... We paid for lawyers and moving expenses from Las Vegas.... Never offered to repay a penny.... Ungrateful little snots!!!! Shouldn't be bitter, but I am... a person hates to feel so taken advantage of especially by your children.... And these "kids" are 44 and 36....... should know better... Anyway, it seems we all have things to deal with that we wish we could change.. I guess we just have to hope for the best and that they will "get it" one of these days before they do any permanent damage to their futures.... Times are tough enough out there without being your own worst enemy.... There's my 2 cents on those topics....
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi guys..............I feel like I've been away too long.. Took me forever to read all the posts again.. Got home at 1:00 from Bismarck.. had PT again.. I spoke too soon yesterday about having had no pain Sunday night... It was back with a vengenance last night.. The doc prescribed a different pain pill today that should help me sleep through the night.. Hope he's right... Anyway, I picked Mimi up and she is now napping.. Fell asleep in my lap and I think I got a couple minutes, too.. But need to get some things done, including this, so made myself wake up.... Cheri, I love that you are getting all these new comments about your 'tude and being sexy and all.. It must do your heart good.... WTG!!!!!! Laura K, sorry you fell and hurt yourself.. Hope those aches and pains are gone soon.. The hot water does wonders for me, too.... Take care.. Meredith, great news about another house.. Yes, you mother is probably worried... I tend to do that with my DD, too... We don't mean to sound negative, just would like to make sure our babies are always "safe".. You'll understand one day, too.......... Glad you are back on track after your slip.. Chances are it will happen again, but now you know what to do.... Lori, I get you about the DD situation.. Have been there way too much.. .. with both of our daughters.. Hopefully it won't be for long and all this little stuff will be forgotten... Yeah, when is the wedding again?? And by the way, thanks for the invite to SD to meet you and Apples.. Don't think I can.. We were just to Mitchell this past weekend.. I checked and it's 368 miles to Watertown from here.. Don't dare tackle something that far alone with this dang shoulder... Don't think I could drive that long.. But, otherwise I would try.. Maybe another time... Laura, girl, it just keeps coming doesn't it.. I'm sorry for all these worries you have.. As I've said, I've been just where you are.. So, I agree, if your dad wants turkey done 10 different ways, do it!!!! If he's happy you all will be.... Hope you have a great time... Arlene, wish you could get better...... I don't think I know what this IBS is... Hope things will improve for you real soon... Tinya, when is your DD getting married?? What kind of business do you have yourself??? Good luck on the p/t job... Nice of you to do that to help her out... Eve, sorry to hear you are struggling again, too.. Seems like an epidemic around here these days.. We'll all have to start listening to that Christmas music to get us in better spirits.... Nawlinz, does all that mean that Wii is good or not? I've never used one so don't really know what it's about.. Have thought about getting one if it is beneficial.... Melissa, how's your 'funk' coming? I think mine is a bit better........ Apples, I remember last year quite well... I gave myself permission to eat what I wanted for TG and Xmas.. I did have pumpkin pie with whipped cream and some Christmas cookies... but I did lose weight over the holidays, too... I may have a tougher time this year.. I think normal, boring days are harder for me than the special ones.... I don't really know what we are doing for the holidays this year... I'm sure I will be cooking, but not sure there will be anyone but us, Mom, and DD and Mimi.... Refuse to try for a family gathering with all the issues we have... Just like you, Lori, I'm not going to push anything, just see where it falls... I did take the advice of some of you and made an appt with my GP for Friday.. I'll talk to her and if she thinks it is wise I will ask for anti-depressents... I worry that they will make me gain weight.... don't know if that's true or not... But I will have a frank discussion about how I'm feeling.. So, thanks, everyone, for all your ideas and advice.. I'm not as bad as I sounded that day..... Things just hit me hard when talking about rewards and treating myself well... I guess I'm not good at that... I've been punishing myself for so long I don't know how to stop.... Well, I better get some other things done now before Mimi gets up from her nap... I'm hoping my new medication is going to get me a better night's sleep tonight and be the start of another better day.. You all take care... Hope I didn't miss anyone... If so, sorry, I'll try to do better next time... TTFN....Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning everyone, hope you all had a good night... I did!!! Can't hardly believe it and I'm a bit afraid of jinxing it, but I slept in my bed, all night, with no pain at all............... I can't remember the last time that happened...(except the night they knocked me out with morphine and dilaudid!!) Saturday night was a sleepless one with lots of pain.. I have no idea what the difference was, but I'm very happy for the break in the torture.. I just got out of the hot-tub... Thought I would let those muscles relax a bit more before I start my day................I've got my fingers crossed that this is a new chapter in my recovery......... Our trip was good.. We took my mother and my 12 year old niece along..Mother was very happy to get to go as she can't go by herself anymore... The niece was in heaven... The center of attention with a grandma and 2 sets of uncles and aunts... He dad had given her some money and a gift certificate from Cabella's that he got as a saftey award from work. (We don't have Cabella's anywhere close.) She shopped and bought her dad a birthday present, her little niece a Christmas present, and herself a stuffed dolphin pillow... She was very proud of herself.............. Grandma bought her a new cute jacket, and her other aunt bought her a Corn Palace shirt and a stuffed dog and a game..... So, then we played games with her all three days.......... she loved it... We went to church yesterday and out to breakfast... It was so good to see her so happy.. She is from a broken home and gets shuffled a lot.. She is the youngest and is home alone alot... As for me, I enjoyed the break from being home... There was no mention of family stresses and that was great!!!! I didn't do so well with food choices, but didn't overeat either..... Just ate wrong things.. Not much protein.. No weight gain this morning, so I'm fine with what I did... Just did as I pleased... It was a nice break.. Apples, I expect we were in country that is about like yours... Wet and not really ready for harvest.. Lots of corn still standing.......waiting......... Gosh, I hope that can change now.. There were a few combines going on our way home yesterday... You must be almost to the end of your packing and such... It's been a big job... And speaking of jobs, what about the one you were considering... have you made any decisions? Life threw you a couple curves............... Meredith, take it from one who knows, you just have to put those candy bars in the past and go on!!!! You'll be fine... Stress gets us all and it can be a bugger... Just take a deep breath and move on........... Janet and Phyll, looks like you had a great time... You both look wonderful... And what a difference a couple years makes... Laura, I've got my fingers crossed that the report on your dad is a positive one.... I agree with Apples, your face looks slimmer... The pics are great.. Your Nels is going to be a heartbreaker when he hits the teen years... 1 Day, you and I must be in the same funk..... We'll get through this somehow... You take care............. Well, DD just called and needs me to take Mimi early, so I'd better get a move on............ Lots to do this morning to get back to normal.... You all take care and have a good day.. Hope to be back this evening.. Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, I'm back from my weekend in SD.. Had a nice time at my brother's... I didn't sleep at all well last night so am very tired... Need to unpack and relax a bit and hope to sleep tonight... I'll check in again tomorrow and give you all an update and comment on all the great pictures... goodnight all....... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Thanks for all the good advice.........Some I had not thought of and some I had.. I appreciate everything you all have said.. I am sorry to have let loose like that... Don't know what got me going... I guess it was this reward system... Anyway, I'll be fine.. We are leaving for the weekend in the morning to see my brother in SD... I have all my treats ready.. Will do PT and acupuncture before we leave so I hope to be able to enjoy my time away.. Hope you all have a great weekend... TTYL............ Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    Well...... Great, Apples, and Janet, I read what you all just wrote to me..........it made me cry and I had to go do something else for a while.. So, I made and rolled my pie crust so I can make pudding later this evening.. another chore accomplished... anyway, the crying wasn't because I was mad or hurt, but just because I'm feeling so lost..... I know this constant pain is responsible for most of that.. It doesn't go away, just is better at some times than others.. Usually worse at night.. I know you are all correct about what I have done so far... It is a good thing to have lost this much.. But I'm having a hard time imagining getting any farther.. It's like I'm waiting for the next calamity to hit me... maybe this time I won't make it through... Sounds so depressing, but it's what I think about especially in the middle of the night when the pain is gripping me and I can't sleep... Why can't I get better?? Will I ever?? Gets me down, but I have to keep this from my family......DH and DD just couldn't handle me not being strong.... Rewards just don't make it to my mind even.. I keep wanting to berate myself for not doing better... for letting the medical things get in the way of losing more... Can't exercise, not supposed to do much at all, so I sit and worry and try not to eat everything in the house... I'm still trying to figure out how I can handle meeting you all in February if we make it to Florida............. You all are such successes and I'm still trying and failing to get closer to my goal... I know you work hard to stay where you are and still have your worries about gaining.. I hope it gets easier with every month that you stay at your goal... You all deserve what you have reaped from your hard work... I'm proud of you and proud you are my friends.. Yes, Lori, I'm still "hoping" to get where you are... I'm just not sure I "will".... gotta find some of that certainty I need to say that... I'm really very sorry for writing this to you all...... I know it sounds awful..... I've been telling my DH that I'm about at the end of what I can handle with family matters and such, but this all figures in and he just doesn't realize it.. Don't want him worrying any more than he does.. I'd sure welcome a breakthrough of some sort.. Just something to get me over this horrible hump... Sorry, I'm crying again and I don't type and think the best while blubbering... Thanks for listening and for caring.. I'll be fine....... Mimi will be up from her nap soon and she makes me smile... She is my bright spot.. I love her so much... I'm thankful for friends like all of you..... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning gang........ It's another nice day here in ND... it's great to have a little Indian summer, as we call it..... I did my cookies yesterday and they are in the freezer... Will just take the frosting along so they will be nice and fresh then.... I have the dough rising for my pineapple rolls.. and the filling cooling.. Yes, Apples, they are family favorites.. My Dad used to just love these rolls and Mom would usually make them at Easter.. I am the only daughter so I must carry on the family food traditions.. My SIL's don't (or won't) attempt to make them.. So, that leaves me!!! I don't mind usually.. I don't care for these rolls, so not much of a temptation... Now the cookies... (part of the reason I didn't frost them yet!!) I'll make the butterscotch pie this evening.. Rewards: With my 106 pounds lost so far I can't really think of any rewards I have given myself.. I think this is partly due to all the medical issues I've had this past year... Don't get to feeling good enough to think in those terms yet.. Also, I still have big concerns about weather or not I can get to my goal.. It seems so far off yet... I did finally get myself some new clothes... I'm bad about that as I tend to think I don't need to wast the money... But I did need winter things so got what I wanted.. I'm in good shape now until I have a major loss again.. Even with steady loss I should make it til Spring with most things... I suppose that doesn't sound very upbeat.... I guess I'm just not there yet!!!! Eva, WTG on getting past a milestone mard of 30 #'s gone.. This is part of my problem... In the past I have gotten to the stage I am now, but never below it.. I keep waiting to get below this mark... I hope I can follow in your footsteps soon..... congrats, girl!!! Janet, have a fun Friday.. It's good that you aren't going to stay home and fret because of the money lost... Good for you.. Have fun with Phyll... Don't you girls buy too many purses... And by the way, what is a coach purse??? Never heard of it... (Remember, I'm not a shopper!!) Tinya, welcome..... I have a husband like yours... I'm very thankful for him... Tell me abuot your name... some have written "tiny" for short, but I was wondering about that... Is Tinya your real name or just a user name?? Laura, hope things are going okay out there... Is Nelson feeling better? How are your dad's spirits today.. Waiting for news is so hard.. You hang in there girl.... Hugs and prayers going out for you all... If, you sound like you are in a very good place about yourself and your life.. It's wonderful..... Meredith, glad you are back.. You are so busy.. wish I had some of your energy.. The pics are great... you both look so happy... good luck with house hunting.. Great, you g'ma sounds so awesome.. glad you have all this time with her.... Hi to all you other gals out there.. Hope you are all doing well.... Joanne, are you still with us?? haven't heard from you for awhile.... Take care everyone and have a great day...
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning...............I'M THANKFUL THAT MY PAIN HAS SUBSIDED again and I can make plans for the day. We are going to Mitchell, SD this weekend to see my brother and wife... They each have a birthday coming up so Big Sis must make something special to take along.. They both miss certain things since moving away a couple years ago.. Frosted molasses cookies, pineapple rolls, and butterscotch pie.......... Will get these done between now and Friday morning when we leave... Everything freezes well except the pie... Mimi comes at noon so better get started on it soon.... I'm still on liquids so don't know if my fill has had any effect on me yet... I sure hope so as I need the help these days.... My PA was so complimentary yesterday, commenting on how good I looked.. I know what she and others are seeing, but I'm feeling differently as the weight just comes off so slow... I have started walking quite abit more now.. Usually take Mimi for a walk when she comes on these days that have been so nice. I tried putting her on the harness leash, but when she pulls against me it hurts my shoulder so had to go back to the stroller.. She sits quietly in it and that works so much better... I get a more even pace, too... I also have started my walking tape... did over a 1/4 mile this morning.. Seems like too little, but I have to take it slow I guess... I'M THANKFUL TO BE ABLE TO DO EVEN A LITTLE WALKING THAT I COULDN'T DO BEFORE MY BAND...... I'M THANKFUL FOR MY WONDERFUL HUSBAND, MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER AND MY AMAZING GRANDCHILDREN... GOD BLESSED ME..... I, TOO, AM THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU.. IT'S SO COMFORTING TO HAVE FRIENDS WHO UNDERSTAND AND ARE THERE ANYTIME I NEED THEM... THANK YOU ALL...... Better get moving.......... cookies first, I think... Rolls tomorrow... You all have a great day... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    I'm here Janet..... There's been so much going on....barely keeping up with reading all the posts... Right now my head is spinning a bit as the pain is biting me again.. Maybe not quite as bad as it has been.. Has been better for a few days, but tonight is back again.. Had PT this morning and I think he aggrivated it a bit.. Hoping my bath and the cream DH just smeared all over my back and shoulder will help me relax and sleep... Sorry, I'm just not up to commenting on everyone tonight.. You have been very busy again.. Laura, hope you and Nelson are with your folks and Nelson makes your dad's eyes light up a bit.... Linda, congrats..... way to go... I also had a fill today... .4 cc........ brings me to about 8.5.......... hope to feel some restriction again... I am thinking about the WL challenge.... I'm just not sure I can get my head around it if I don't start feeling better soon.... I'll let you all know later... Time to try to settle down and relax... You all take care and I'll hope to post again tomorrow... Weclome newbies........ Great site here........... TTYL.......... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    What a sweet little boy.... I've got my card ready to send... Thanks for sharing Laura......
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    OMG, Apples, hope you are okay and not stiff and sore now.... Glad you weren't seriously hurt... We need you in tact!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!! 30 years is a special accomplishment these days.... Congrats.. Coconut...........congrats on your surgery... Good luck to you... Keep us informed of your progress. Have company coming for supper and cards.. Made homemade knoephla and kraut... Yum.... Won't get much, but they just love it so it will make the guests very happy..... You all have a good night... I'm still doing pretty well considering.. Got my house back in order today... Nice to have it clean and fresh smelling... TTYL.....Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, capets are clean and almost dry, Mimi is napping and I have a minute as DH will strangle me if I try to move any furniture!!!! So I can't do much... Phyl, wow.........onederland.... that's amazing.. I, too, haven't seen that for many years.....like 25 for me... I can hardly wait to be where you are... At the rate I'm going right now, it'll be a while yet... So happy for you.. Great, we are having that nice weather here, too... It's been high 60's... Had Mimi out for a walk and played in the backyard for a while with no jackets... Was so nice..... I sure understand why you want to check into having the other knee done before the end of the year.. I'd check it out, too... Good luck... Janet, thanks for sharing your little binge with us... and also the information... Boredom is a bad one for me... Have had that today with not being able to do much with my house all torn apart... Happy Home, glad you are feeling so good... It's good to have this positve start to your big adventure of weight loss.... Good luck.. We have cats at our house... 2....... I am allergic, too, but use a room air purifier and that handles it for me.. Ours get to go outside, so it isn't as bad as those who never see the outdoors... And mine sleep in the garage.. DH had a ritual to putting them to bed.... But I don't think I'm as into my cats as some of you are to your pets.. We had a dog that had to be put down in August 08... He was DH's dog really, but too big to be a town dog... Should have been a farm dog.... I liked him and do miss him but I'm like Laura.........didn't want him in my face or licking me or whatever... I let my female kitty lay on me to nap when I'm sitting in my chair, but that's about it for me... Well, DH should be home before long since it gets dark so early these days... Have some of my rolls proofing now so I can bake them tonight for the hunters... Have a good evening... Julie PS.........I have to say this outloud so as not to jinx it, but I haven't had any horrible pain since my accupuncture and PT yesterday... Hardly know how to handle it and keep waiting for it to hit me... I'm keeping my fingers crossed............By
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, just a quickie from me tonight... Mimi just went home and I have so much to do to get ready for the carpet cleaner tomorrow... DH will help with the lifting, but I must supervise!!!! Can't wait to get this dang carpet clean again... Must have had a lapse in consciousness when I bought nearly white carpet a few years back....(2002 if I remember right)....Between Mimi, DH and his coffee, and my cats, I've got more stains than not anymore... We have decided to wait till spring to do our project so will get new flooring for the new big room then.... Had my PT and etc. today.. doing okay so far now.. We'll see how it is a bit later when it usually hits me hard with pain.... DH just came in so gotta go... You all have a good night.. Maybe I can post again later ortomorrow if I can get to my computer!!!! Hugs to all............. Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning............. Phyll, love the story.....I have heard it before but the meaning makes it worth reading everyday!!!! Thanks for sharing... If, so sorry about your grandson.. Hope he will be fine.. Can't imagine trying to keep my 2 year old down for a test like that.... Will pray he is just fine...and your DD, too...... Good job on the long walk.. I had one myself yesterday.. Put Mimi in one of those harnes leases and we walked up town yesterday to the bank... Now keep in mind I live in a small town and not far from the main street, but it was still a good walk for us... I was happy with it and so was Mimi.... Laura K, my idea about dough seemed to work fine and I got the rolls panned out and in the freezer last evening without too much trouble.. Shoulder didn't go crazy and I did sleep last night... So I have another batch going now... Should be done before Mimi comes today... Then I can just bake what I need when I want them later... Everyone have a great day, I'll be back later to check in... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi girls, how's everyone doing today?? My Mimi is finally napping.. She has been so busy... I see her imagination growing everyday.. I love it... today she set the table with coasters at every chair and found Grandpa's potato chips and gave everyone a serving on the coaster... (Just a couple chips)... Then she proceeded to sit at every chair and eat and talk away to some imaginary person.. I got such a charge out of it.. This talk of families and relationships must be the one for lots of us these days... Janet, we had our meeting.. All went well, or so I thought.. SD bro was on speakerphone with the rest all here.. We made a plan of attack towards selling the farmstead quarter to my nephew... However, the next day had a long e-mail from SD and he was all up in arms again... Everything is such a mess... We'll never get it figured out... But I'm about to throw up my hands and concede to failure... I can't seem to fix anything... Lori, I have been contemplating the upcoming holidays and it depresses me, too.... And with us, our own children aren't speaking so we can't even have them together (Ohio family can't be here anyway, but we have DD1 in Bismarck and DD2 here in our town..) DD1 and here husband made a big scene last year on Christmas eve and ruined the whole time for us.. DH was so mad..... This is my step daughter and I have to step back some...... anyway, if it wasn't for my little Mimi, I don't think I could enjoy Christmas at all this year... But you are all right, we have to just keep going and do what we know to be right in our hearts. If they can't or won't accept what we have to offer, we'll just have to give it to someone who will.... There are lots of lonely people out there who would love to share a holiday with someone.... I've decided to "dance in the rain while the storm is brewing!!"....... Great saying Laura K.............. Apples. honey, you have a great attitude......... I hope to never have regrets about people I love knowing how I feel when they die... The only person of great importance in my life that I've lost so far is my father, 13 years ago... He had cancer...... I honestly have no regrets.. We were lucky to have the time to talk and I believe I told him everything I needed for him to know before he died... It's a comfort... I'm sure glad you have this comfort with your "mom", too... Was great of her family to honor her and you the way they did... She must have let them know just how important you were to her..... Laura, is the candy gone??? I hope so, you don't need the stress.. DH's sometimes just don't get it...... Balletgirl, you gave Victoria's Mom some good advice.. Hope you both get comfortable here with all of us... Eva, I'm so sorry for what you are losing... Can't be easy... I would hope there is some way to protect what you have so it's there when you are ready to retire.. I'm not sure I would trust 30+ years worth of retirement to them without paying very close attention.. Good luck to you... How long before you plan to retire??? I was glad when DH did 18 months ago, just in time for the stock market to fall... We lost a bundle, but are slowly gaining it back again now.. It's a worry these days no matter who you are... Linda, how are you doing dear? Must be very busy... Meredith, are you back yet???? I'm sure you will be busy, too It is time for the annual "deer season" around here.. starts Friday.. DH isn't hunting for the first time since we married... Yeah!!!! Anyway, it has been a tradition for me to make my famous homemade carmel rolls for the guys.. One nephew has a birthday during this time and has always asked for them as a special gift.. I told him I wasn't sure I could get it done this year with my shoulder and such.. He was disappointed, but understood.(he's 27).... Anyway, I usually start my dough with 8 or 12 cups of liquid... Any of you who bake bread know that is a good sized batch... Takes some stong shoulders to kneed that up.. I just can't do that.. Decided to try using my mixer and the dough hook to make some smaller batches... Got one batch rising and another in the works.. I pan them out and freeze until ready to bake.. Then just take out what I want, let them raise, add the carmel and bake.. It's how I used to do it in my restaurant... Works great.. so, we'll see if they turn out in a small batch.. (2 cups of water each, so this will be half of what I plan to do... If it works I can do the other half tomorrow... Can't let my reputations slide just over some shoulder pain!!!! And DH is here to help this evening if I need him..... You all have a great evening... I'll check back later... Love you all.............so glad to have a "family" that understands and doesn't hassle me for anything... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    LCDragna..........I had my gall bladder out in July, after I started having severe attacks of pain... I had to have a full insicison, so had lots of pain.. Hope yours went well.. I agree, the port thing is the hardest about the lapband... good luck........
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey everybody, how's it going???? Nothing new to report here... same old same old....... no better, but not actually worse either... Apples, thinking of you.... Why am I not surprised you are doing all this food... It sounds just like you to be up to your ears in making sure everyone is full and content as possible... Take care of yourself... Janet is right... We are so lucky to have you, too.... Janet, hope you handle all the candy outside your door.. We went to Wal-mart yesterday and DH stocked up on all the half price stuff... Just what I needed...... but it doesn't really bother me that much.. Especially the chocolate... I can have one peice and be done... He, on the other hand, can eat a whole bag... And weighs in at a whopping 160 most of the time... It's just not fair!!!!!! Glad you had a good time with your family... Yes, Brooke looked just delightful and happy... Nice pictures of your babies, too.... Lori, I can't believe it's time to start Christmas shopping soon... When we were in Ohio, DH asked our grandsons for a Christmas list.. got one from the 10 year old this past week... Yesterday his dad called to ask what we got him so they didn't get the same thing.... Give me a break..... I don't even know what the heck it is yet, much less have it bought already... They'll just have to wait for me to get organized.... Good luck with your PT... I'm hoping it will be much better this time.... Is your snow gone now?? We actually have some sun today... cold, but sunny.... Laura, it's good to hear you talking about regular everyday things.. Great pics of Nelson and the one of the 2 of you is great.... Continued good wishes going out to your folks..... Eva, glad you had such a nice time at your party.. And good job on finishing your tortoise project.. I'm sure that they are all appreciative..... If, I enjoyed your version of time with your grandson... It's good that those around him are understanding and he can be at ease in the regular environment.. Our 10 year old is not your average 4th grader... He has problems and needs extra help through no fault of his own.. Last year when we visited his classroom his teacher had singled him out and put him away from the other kids so SHE could handle things better... Made me so mad.. I had taken movie pictures and when I showed our son, he went to the school and complained.. Things changed, but the damage was already done.. This year is better.. They actually diagnosed a learning disability and he is getting the help he needs finally... I really appreciate the patience you show.......it isn't always easy........ Well, my mother asked to have Mimi today so I have the day to myself.. took down Halloween decorations and added some Thanksgiving ones instead... My carpet cleaner is supposed to come Friday now.. We'll see if I actually get it done this time.. Will do the cleaning and dusting at that time.....Did a load of laundry this morning so need to fold it.. Got supper planned... Roast pork with scalloped potatoes and corn..... Will do a little paperwork now and then just take it easy I guess.. Adding some pictures of my Mimi, the lady bug, with her Paw Paw!!!!! Hope all the rest of you are happy and healthy.. TTYL.......Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Halloween everyone. Hope you all have good weather so your little ones can have lots of fun Trick or Treating.. Mimi is to be a lady bug... Should be fun this year.. We have never been the party type for this holiday otherwise.. Never worn a cosutme in my adult life.. Do any of you have plans to "dress up"?? Have a safe evening....... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning.............. Apples, have a good day visiting and remembering your special mom.... This is a necessary time to fellowship and say goodbye....... I'll be thinking of you... Rough night again for me... Just don't even know what to say or do anymore... Just putting in my time and praying it will pass.................Must go do my exercises now.. Everyone have a good weekend.... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Oh, Apples, I'm so sorry for your loss.... You will be in my prayers..........Please take good care of yourself... You must have learned alot from this woman you called Mom...... You have some of her same qualities in how you care about people.... Love you, friend............. Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, no thanks, lets leave that snow somewhere in between......SD works for me..... You know I have had these constipation issues lately, but never thought about the Vicodin being the culprit.... I have been managing without taking anything, but I seem to be on an every other day schedule now... Would rather be more regular... Should start the Miralax, too, as I have some in the cupboard... Let's hope we don't need either one before long... I'm tired of pain of any kind......... I hear you about the extra chili.... I have stew and now no brother to eat it..... Good thing chili will freeze pretty well.... I like chili and make it for myself often.. Good protein... If I leave the potatoes alone, the stew will be okay for me... Fortunately DH is okay with left-overs..... Take care and stay in where it's warm and not slippery...
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey guys, how's the weather in your world??? It's very wet and cold here... Snow moving in from Colorado I think..... My SD brother cancelled his trip, but the family meeting will go on with him on speaker phone if I can figure out how to do that on my cell phone.... Had my ortho appt this morn.. He did x-rays of my neck and such... Things look okay... The strenghtening exercises they try to start were too much evidentally and I am to stop them and wait... My range of motion is good and everything checks out okay, just needs more time.. I had accupuncture/pressure after and she said the same thing... boy did it hurt today... She said the muscles were really tight... No wonder I was hurting so bad... Will back off on the exercises and continue with the PT guy.. He did give me more Vicodin..... I'm okay with this plan as I think they are right... I was getting better until they started new exercises... I need to go slower I guess.... Hope we are all right.... time will tell... So, supper is in the crockpot, house is relatively clean, Mim is with her mother today, DH is off doing something, so I'm going to go watch my soap for a bit... maybe have a little nap.... Arlene, has that Vitamin D (50,000) had any effect on your system??? I did it for three days and was so plugged up I was miserable... Dr. said to wait and I haven't tried again yet.... Maybe I should.... I'm going to be back later to comment on the other posts.... Need my chair.......it's calling me!!!! Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Apples, I'm with you... maybe a video of surgery would explain why and who wrenched my arm and shoulder so badly...... The recipes sound good.... We're having leftovers tonight, but have started the meat for a crockpot stew for tomorrow as I have a brother coming to stay Thursday night and I have to be in Bismarck by 8:50 in the morning...... We have a "family meeting" scheduled for here tomorrow night and he is coming from Mitchell, SD.... I'm dreading the meeting.. I have 3 brothers and 2 of them don't speak much and have BIG issues with the other..... Not going to be a fun time... Me in the middle trying to keep peace..... No snow here, but it sure has gotten colder as the day goes by.. DH just called from the elevator... waiting in line......... said the temp has really gone down....
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning...........I made it through another night!!!! This wasn't the worst, just awake to the pain every couple hours and then get up to get something....hot pack or whatever.. watch TV a bit and fall back to sleep... Could be (and has been) worse... Thank goodness for the Vicodin....... I"ve completed my morning chores and now have paperwork to do here at my desk for a couple hours before Mimi comes at noon.... Apples, I've forgotten to inquire how you are feeling... Is your vertigo better?? Nothing worse than feeling dizzy... And I so relate to the weather thing.. It has been the same around here.. Yesterday afternoon was nice... Supposed to rain here again today and for a few days then... My guys have 25 acres of beans left and 300 of seeds... Are you getting that corn off??? I need to get after my closets again.. I did some when I packed up summer clothes... But it'll wait til I feel better I think..... Janet, I crochet, too... I like doing little things that I can finish in short oder.. I'm doing a baby sweater now.. My nephew and wife are expecting in Jan. but don't know what it is... finished a blue afghan so now have a pink sweater going.. have one sleeve and the trim left... I like to do doilies and such, too.....But it's one of those things I have to be in the mood to do.... Hope your scarf turns out the way you want... Is it for you or for a gift?? I find I don't eat when I'm crocheting!!! Meredith, sorry about your house... but that means you haven't found the perfect one, yet.. Keep looking and it will find you soon... Have fun with your sister.... Laura, I'm glad you are getting back into your routine.. Know I have your parents in my prayers that things go as easy as possible... Like you said before....this sucks...... I was smiling when you wrote about Nelson and the girls swimmng.. A couple more years and he won't be doing that and then a few more and you won't want him to at all...... time flies ..he'll be a teenager before you know it.... And don't worry about those 3 pounds... they are stress and will come off soon.... Linda, congrats on the inches lost and feeling so good.. That's awesome.. Hope DD and GD will be doing well soon... The little one is still such a trooper??? they are just so precious.... Sorry you are feeling so stressed out.........a sleepless night is not fun... I hope works straightens out for you.... I'm the same way about weighing... Or if I forget and dress I will sometimes go to the bathroom and undress just to weigh.... Funny creatures, aren't we.....? Phyll and Lori, you are doing so darn well... At this point I couldn't keep up with either of you... Phyll, I'm envious of the water aerobics.... You go girls.... It must be so wonderful to have those knees be better... If, good luck with your fill.... I always do liquids after, too... You are getting so close.....wonderful...... Porcupine, welcome.... Tell us about yourself.... Well, times-a-wasting.... better get to this paperwork... I was down a pound this morning.. I'm now at my lowest weight in many many years... Wish I felt good enough to enjoy it..... But I'm happy... tomorrow is the ortho doc... Am going to be firm about checking things out more... Take care and have a great day everyone... Hugs and prayers for all.......... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody, how's it going??? I'm okay... had a very long night... Called the PT guy this morning at 8:00 am and he thinks I should see the ortho doc again, so made an appt for Thursday.. Maybe he will have something new to say since things aren't getting much better... Yes, we have the pain management centers here, so will keep that on the list of what to do next..... Lori, I have wondered about why I have kept certain clothes for so many years, too... Don't even like them, but maybe one day they will fit... I have finally given most of that stuff away to good will...... My fat clothes are all gone and some of the next batch are in a waiting pile for spring.... Got my new jeans in the mail today.. I finally ordered some talls from Lane Bryant... I no longer have to wear high water jeans... this makes me very happy.... I have a bunch the next size down, but they are just too tight on my stomach and need to lose a few more pounds before I can be comfortable in them... Something to strive for.... I have not been watching my food well at all these days.. Just going with what makes me feel good or is easy... Consequently, I haven't been on the scale either.. Didn't want to know what kind of damage I've done... I was brave today and, hallelujiah............ I'm actually down .2 from the last time I weighed... This makes me happy.. Maybe I wasn't as out of control as I thought I was..... Mimi is napping (she came at noon..) so better go take care of some laundry and then maybe catch a couple winks myself.... Oh, I wish they would just leave the time one way or the other..... don't care which way, but I hate the switching, especially in the spring.... Have a good one, gals.................. Julie

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