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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Okay, my guess is Monday, February 28th, at 2:00 pm................ Lori, just hope all goes well whatever day she comes.... I'm excited for you.... Being a grandma is just the most wonderful thing....... In answer to the comments from some about me feeling better, the answer was yes, until this past Saturday..... I had almost a month with pain not going past a 6 or 7 on a scale from 1 to 10....... But the 10's and 12's came back Saturday and every day since... Had an ugly one in the middle of Wal-mart today... Had to take mother dowwn for doc appt and sure enough it had to rear it's ugly head..... I had pain pill so took that and just did what I needed to do without making too much of a scene..... Things were much calmer today for DD and her family.... They had an OB appt, so took the girls to other G & G today..... Everyone loved their new haircuts!!!!!! Her Doc did put her on Zoloft as she seems to be falling into a depression..... This pregnancy has been very hard on her..... about 12 weeks to go..... Linda, lets hope this new diagnosis will turn a corner for Katie... Bless you all.... Phyll, sorry you can't get rid of the crud you have..... Sometimes we just have to do things no matter how we feel..... take care.... Apples, glad you had so much fun shopping.... You got it right about getting into MN..... they say it's messy there!!! We didn't get any new snow yet... Hope we don't..... Everyone is getting tired of winter.... safe journey... Oh, and I never raised a boy, so don't know about frogs and such.... I'm sure it would have driven me to drink..... I'm scared of those kinds of things.....very much so!!!!!!! Well, all you other dear ones, hello to you and hope all is well.... I need to do a little work on my shoulders and then try to sleep.... Tomorrow is my church meeting to try to fix things....... Not looking forward to it at all.... Hugs and prayers for all.......... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello friends....... sounds like most had a good weekend...Laura. happy belated birthday..... just didn't get on here yesterday.... It seems your boys have made it very special to you..... You are a lucky girl.... Apples, I'm happy to hear that you guys found a place of your own out there..... I must have missed that earlier.... No more spending time finding the right place each year..... No, the weather has not been nice here... Very cold...... Highs in the single digits in the daytime....Supposed to be 20's tomorrow and the next day, but then back down again.... We did have a few nice days that took some of the snow.... But we are on the downhill slide now, so I'm content to wait it out.... Eva, you are such a busy lady.... Wish I had your talent with flowers and plants and trees.... I do not have a green thumb and have no flowers at all in my house or in my yard... some years I do some pots in the summer, but not last year.... I envy your God-given knack for those things... It sounds so interesting and fun. Arlene, glad you are feeling better..... You have too many down days, too.... Life should be easier at this age.... Linda, it's a shame that Katie doesn't come around.... But your little one has you to be the stable influence in her life and that is so wonderful..... keep up the great work.... Congrats on the kudos at work....... Wish we had your weather..... Cheri, it bothers me to hear about your feelings being so hurt by your husband... You were having such a good night only to have it stolen from you.... I remember well some of our conversations in Vegas and I'm praying things will be better soon..... take care... Hope your dad is okay.... Kristi, things seem to be going well for you.... What you are experiencing is normal for someone who hasn't had a fill yet.... just be patient.... Lori, congrats on getting the taxes done.... We aren't that far yet, but working on it...... Did DD's yesterday only to have it come back.... I listed Laromi's new name and DD has not changed it with SS yet, so it came back.... I guess it's a little thing, but still aggravating.... Now news on the baby yet??? I'm starting to get excited about mine..... but we have to wait til May...... Janet, I can sure believe everything Apples said about your home and your hospitality..... Would love to experience it myself sometime or have you visit me...... Any of you are always welcome to ND...... Just don't come in the winter!!!!!! LauraK, hope this guy turns out to be one you want to keep around for a while.... I'm very certain there is someone special out there for you..... Phyll, hope you are feeling better finally.... Sick is just no good....... Melissa, I'm sure you had a blast with that baby. But it sure doesn't take long to forget what it's like to have a little one around... They are tiring.... Get some rest now...... Sandy, how're you doing??? Joyce, you, too,, hope you are doing better.. Oh, no!!!!!!! I've been struck with the CRS problem...... My mind has just gone a bit blank.... can't think of what and who else to comment on...... that's horrible.... sorry to have missed someone..... I've had an unusual day.... spent time on the phone with DD as she got an upsetting text from her old boss and used to be friend.... Talked her down off of that one only to have her call back about 20 minutes later... Her voice was so weird that I go scared right away... She said she needed me to come over right away and she was crying.... So DH and I flew over there to find her and the 2 girls in the bedroom all crying.... Laromi had been sitting at their little princess table eating grapes and watching a movie while Bailey took a scissors and cut her little braids off....... Laromi had very thin, fly away hair............. Bailey also had a big hunk cut our of hers in that back........ It was not the end of the world, but you would have thought so to look at the 3 of them.... So we calmed them down and called the salon and got told to come right away..... They took them both right away and did what they could to salvage the hair... Bailey's turned out okay and looks cute, but Laromi's had to be so short...... DD just cries and tells me she looks like a boy..... Even little Laromi said I look like a boy when she saw it in the mirrow...... The of course we had to take them to see daddy...... He was sad, but played it cool.... DD has calmed down now and the hair will grow, at least Bailey's will..... Laromi's grows very slowly..... but they will live..... DD is the one who is stressed out.... she just can't seem to catch a break... someone or something is always there to drag her down.... Well, I need to do my Bible study lesson or I won't be ready by 6:00.. A friend talked me into going with her last week and I decided to buy a book and go..... I think I told you, Never Give UP............ So......... talk to you all later..... Hugs............... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi gang............. I forgot to check the site yesterday so I missed a day again.... Well, we were having nice weather, but yesterday put a stop to that.... My church meeting got cancelled due to road conditions and weather... But that was okay, too... DD and family were here for supper, so it was fun to be with Laromi..... Bailey is with her mother right now.... I'm working on taxes today.... DD's...... pretty simple, so shouldn't take long... I never get going to do anything until 1:00 these days..... Laura, that man doesn't know how lucky he is to have happened on you... I wish you well helping him.... Have fun on your vacation...... Lori, good luck in court.... Eva, you sound like you are reall settling into retirement well..... I would love to have a Water feature in my yard, but can't imagine what it would be like in the winter... so I don't push DH into getting one...... I know some who do it here, but not me..... Well, better get busy... Hi and hugs to all.... welcome to new ones and old ones who are returning.... Glad to have you in this wonderful thread......Take care............... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everybody, sounds like you all had a nice Valentin's Day. I actually went to a Bible Study with a friend.... They are using a book by Joyce Meyer, "Never Give Up". Every Monday evening now for a while.... I think I'll like it... They put their hands on me and prayed for me last night... Was a very calming thing.......... Sandy, so sorry to have missed your birthday.... Was it the 14th?? That was my grandfather's birthday and I always would make him a heart shaped cake with Cinnamon red hots on it........ He's been gone so many years now, but it is a nice memory..... Today, the 15th is my DH's birthday. I asked him what kind of cake he wanted, expecting him to say angel food... Instead he asked for apple crisp with ice cream.... That's easy so I will definitly make it for him here in just a bit...... The little girls were here a while ago to play outside with him and he was so happy... Of course they all came in wet!! It's about 45 here today.... wonderful!!!! Laura, so sorry about your fall.... I'm still recovering from mine but am a lot better... Hope you heal fast..... Apples, you sound so happy being out there..... It makes me smile to read your posts..... Just what you needed..... Have lots of fun shopping.... Lori, glad you are enjoying Hawaii again.... I'm a bit envious.... never been there and probably won't go as DH doesn't care to... It reminds him of Viet Nam......He flew through there on his way to and from there back in the late 60's...... All the posts I read just now sounded so good... It seems this is a good time for most.... the anticipation of spring can do that ....it's been a long winter again....... Well, I better get after my work.... a few guests coming for dessert after supper so need to clean the bathroom and dust a bit...... Oh, was going to report that Laromi is doing better, but we are still giving her Miralax everyday... Last night she walked upstairs and woke up her mother and said "I peed". Of course DD thought she had wet herself, but when she checked Laromi was dry.... She had woken up, taken herself to the bathroom and then came to report.... This is good news as it means she probably isn't having much pain anymore and is learning to know her body better.... We are pleased... DD is still having pains that are unknown cause.. but no gestational diabetes or gall bladder issues... Anyway, have a wonderful afternoon and evening everyone....... Let's count our blessings and Never Give Up!!!!! Love you guys........... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Happy Valentine's Day to everyone...... Hope you have your Sweetheart close..... I get mine all day...... Lucky.......and he's waiting for me to go help him do something so I'd better go..... be back later to check in........... Love to all.............. Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, it sure is quiet on here..... The weather must be better for everyone and they are out and about enjoying it.... It's very nice here, too..... above 30 I believe.... DH had Laromi out in the snow and pulled her around on the sled...... I've been pretty lazy today... changed sheets on our bed, folded some laundry, did dishes from last night, ate lunch with Laromi, took a long bath, and now a little computer time... I want to bake a pan of bars shortly as I have nothing in my house... DH likes to have something for his midnight snack raids...... Hope all is well with everyone and that little party in California is going well.. I'm jealous........... I want to be there, too.............. I'm pretty sure I can't come to Chicago............ baby coming in May, our town's celebration in June..... Graduation in Ohio in June........ I just don't think I can do it this time........ we'll see..... Well, a little game time and then off to bake bars..... Hugs to all........ Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, just a note before taking my nightime meds....... Lori, I feel for you with that fall...... I actually felt a bit less sore today after mine on Sunday...... I think there's hope....... Take care of yourself... Cheri, my story really is about the same as Phyll's.... Only I'm tall and at one time had been over 400.... was 387 when I had surgery... I didn't have any of the comorbidities that so many overweight people have.. I was lucky that way. I hated not having a lap....... I do now and it's so nice to be able to hold my grandkids on my lap without a problem.... I also wasn't able to do much walking at all.... I would use the motorized carts in any store that had them.... Standing in a line was almost unbearable..... Even though I have been on maintenance now for 18 months, I'm so glad I have this band.... With all my medical problems I would certainly have eaten myself back to 400 by this time if I didn't have it.... Instead it stops me and lets me know that it's there and it's waiting to start workinkg again when I'm ready.. I want to lose at leat 70 more pounds...... I truley believe that I will do that when my body is ready to work on it..... Right know I'm content to maintain and be so happy that I don't have to worry about all this things Phyll mentioned... I would reccommend the lap-band to anyone who has weight issues..... Time to get ready for bed.... hugs and love to all............ Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone......decided to sit down by the computer for a bit so had to check in on you all.......Arlene, so sorry to hear about your mother issues... Hope all works out for good soon. Joyce, hope you will get things figured out soon... Can't be any fun at all.... Apples, I am proactive in my medical care..... I guess I don't give enough information to you all on here... but I'm very much taking a determined approach.... However, it takes time... My new doctor is still waiting for some records... Talked to his nurse today, so should hear from him soon..... I'm sure you are sick of hearing about my woes...... that dang fall has done a number on me.... My left calf is so sore today.... Everytime I get up from sitting I have to work it a bit to get going..... But this should get better soon..... I hope!!!! My cold is some better today, too...... I'm glad to hear you are having so much fun in AZ..... Just what you needed, I think..... I'm happy for you...... Lori, my DD is having problems now that they think are GB related... I have to go to Bismarck with her tomorrow for more tests..... She is having such pain at times.... She is due May 17th, so we still have a bit of a wait... glad yours is getting so close to time.... I can just feel your excitement...... It's a beautiful time... will you be in delivery with them??? I was with DD and it was just such a joyful thing.... Have fun "nesting" with her...... Someone was talking about taking pills before eating.... I have to take mine slowly with a little bit here and there in between... Maybe a popsicle.... I take so dang many that it takes half an hour to get them all in.... But I know an empty stomach in the morning is not good for pills. I always get a bite of something or a drink of milk in my stomach first, but not a full meal........ Well, dear friends.... I need to take my pills and get to sleep...... Early morning to go with DD tomorrow.... Love and hugs to all.... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    OMG so much is happening and I'm out of the loop again.... I have read the posts since I last was here...... Oh, you girls seem so busy doing good things and fun things..... I'm happy for you guys.... Sorry about a fall for Melissa... Laura, I agree with all of "our" people, that you are just right.... be yourself..... My life has become completely out of controll.... If it wasn't so sad it could actually be funny..... You know my pain situation..... I still have that.... now have a head cold, so stayed home from church yesterday. And while I was home alone then decided to go down and put in a load of clothes.... Yup, slipped on the stairs again.... different ones... right foot slipped, left knee went backwards, then twisted around and I came to a stop sitting on a step with both feet on the basement floor...... I just sat there and tried to determine if I was going to be able to move.... finally managed to stand and then get back upstairs.... to the chiropractore today.... Both knees were dislocated and I've pulled the muscles on the outside of my left knee..... It stiffens up quite bad while I sit and then really hurts when I first get to walking..... Just more crap..... At least I already have pain pills....... This is my life........sad, isn't it??? or stupid...... Janet, Eva, Karen, and Phyll, hope you have a wonderful visit... Please think of the rest of us who wish we could be there....... Love and hugs to all.................... Your friend, the invalid, Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi friends, I'm way behind again....... Not much good to report..... It's winter here still, too...... Had a few nicer days, but now the yuck comes.... I'm feeling awful, both with pain and a cold... Nothing fun about that.... Laromi stayed over tonight so DD and her DH could have a kid free night at home. Was fun to have her here with us like old times.. Bailey is with her mother............ I only read the last page so didn't get too much news on everyone yet.. Maybe tomorrow I will feel better and more able to post... I'm thinking of all of you always and sure do miss being here more....... For now I'm sending hugs and good wishes for a good night's sleep and a wonderful Sunday ahead.... Love to all....................... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi Dear Ones....... Yes, I'm here and I'm okay.....My life just seems to be a big confusing mess right now.... The effects of the drugs are starting to impinge on my daily life and I hate it..... Some days I do absolutely nothing......like today.... It's just not good or fun at all..... I keep managing to do what needs doing, but I feel so muddled all the time... I have gained 2 more pounds from this Lyrica bringing my appetite back.... Don't like that at all... But DH gets mad when I say that.. He wants me to eat and get my strength back and worry about pounds when I'm doing better.... I know he is mostly right, but going backwards doesn't feel good either.... So..... I'm a mess, but I'm moving from day to day.... Sorry to abandon you all, but I think of you often and keep you all in my prayers..... I just had to come on tonight to wish Janet a wonderfully Happy Birthday.. Hope it has been a good one... Many, many more to you........... Love and hugs to all........... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, Hope everyone had a great weekend... Ours was rather quiet until yesterday... Annual meeting at church with potluck and then hurry off to a baby shower.... Had a bad pain attack in church during meeting and had to have someone else take the minutes for me as I am the secretary..... But it's done and I'm okay right now.... Had a talk with DH this morning... He is thinking he will find out tomorrow that he needs shoulder surgery and he is scared.... He has a thing about hospitals and etc..... He's all emotional and had to tell me about who I am to give his things to when he dies..... I listened patiently and tried to assure him that all will be well, but he had to get it off his chest.... Now he is napping so hopefully he will wake in a better frame of mind... Arlene and Linda, I do think I am retaining fluids probably from the Lyrica... I haven't been on the scale since I had a 3 pound gain last week...... I'm not going to panic yet...... Maybe tomorrow!!!!! Phyll, loved the poem..... How funny about Zoey jumping in the pool.... must have had everyone all worked up..... She probably had a ball.... Lori, glad your DD is doing better... The longer she can go the better.... But it still won't be long and that baby will be here for you to hold. I held a newborn yesterday at church.... Made me anxious for mine to get here too, but I have to wait until May...... glad your team won.. Melissa, you deserve a little treat once in awhile..... and Sandy, you, too.... As long as the treat doesn't turn into a binge you are fine...... Oh dear , company...... gotta run.... talk to you later.. Hugs to all... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello everybody..... yes, its me again.... I'm making it to the computer more... wish it meant I was better, but I'm not.... got my treatment yesterday... Chiro said I really did a number on my shoulder.... my knee was out, too..... when my foot slipped down the second step I must have braced myself with my left arm...... I know I said right in the post before, but it was my left shoulder and knee...... Anyway, more to get over...... I just keep taking pills and being a slug.... I sleep weird, I eat weird, my brain is turning weird...... I'm a mess. The drugs seem to affect my memory now... I forget things so often... All of a sudden I gained about 3 pounds.... Arlene warned me about the Lyrica...... So, sit here doing not much of anything and feeling mostly worthless..... there's my vent for today................... SORRY Apples, so glad you got rid of that boulder and hope the gravel is done soon.. I'll bet you and DH will have a blast with Eva and Jeff's friends.... Pyhll, congrats on the 1 1/2 pounds..... baby steps get you where you are going, too, just takes a bit longer..... Lori, hope DD will be okay again... keep us informed Laura, nice to hear about your morning.... and sorry to hear about your friend's loss... I'm sure you will be doing your "Laura" thing to help her when you can..... Joyce, you are going to Tucson, too...... pick me up on the way!!!! Oh dang, suppose you are flying...... Arlene are you flying around helping everyone today????? take care of yourself, too.. You, too, Linda..... so much going on for you, too..... Sure is good that Ayla has you..... Kelly, good luck with the new semester........ Janet, sure you are busy getting ready for Jodi and Dassi's visit.. have fun... Everyone else, I'm hoping all is well....... My shoulders are hurting so time for a pain pill..... I made it to after 4:00 today,.... usually need my first one by 3:00...... Take care everybody... have a nice weekend...... Don't know what we will do... Have been doing a lot of staying home lately..... I'm not a fun date...... Love you........ Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning...... I'm hurting pretty bad right now, but this is my own fault... Got up in the middle of the night to the bathroom... When heading back to bed I missed the last step....(5 steps down to my bedroom from main floor)... My right foot just slipped and went down 2 steps at once... Well, my right knee and shoulder took all the weight..... Both started hurting right away... knee is bearable, but the shoulder is not good.... I have appt with chiropractor this afternoon.... Dang it all......... Just when I'm hoping for so movement in the right direction I go and do something stupid.... makes me so mad..... Apples, hope your stone has passed during the night... Never experienced that, but I know pain when I feel it!!!!! Laura, glad you are doing better... Laura K., you've done so well and you will get this too..... Just may take a bit more time... good luck and WTG on giving up the cigarettes... My DH has been trying to do that for many years without success... Arlene, hope that FM doesn't get you today..... How long should I expect to wait before I know if this Lyrica is helping??? Do you know?? I forgot to ask doctor.... Linda, so glad your DH was there when the doctor came in ... maybe she will finally get the help she really needs..... We'll pray that good things start to happen there... You take care... Well, Laromi will be here soon, so I'd better try to get a couple things done first..... DH had to go to dr today..... for his shoulder.... His first appt... they asked permission from our insurance for an MRI and got it immediately so he had the MRI today, too........ Why did I have to wait months????? Go figure.... I'm glad for him.... Take care everybody.... Hugs to all.......all you ailing gals get better soon... Love you all................ Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good Afternoon, everyone............. We are having a nice day here, too, but it is only 19 degrees...... Was -8 last evening while we were coming home from Bismarck....... Janet, sorry to hear about your computer driving you crazy...... I have lived through that, too, and it gets old very fast..... Hope you can swing a new one sometime soon... Have fun with Jodi, Dassi, and Phyll....... Lori, glad you could spend time with GM again.... I'm sure you need a little rest now... I know how tiring it is to shop with someone who doesn't go at your speed..... Do you have any other trips planned anytime soon?? Apples, sounds like you and DH have a good schedule figured out for yourselves. It must be so fun to have friends close to spend time with, Would love to stop by one of those times and visit with you guys, too..... Linda, Don't know what to pray for..... I guess no news is good news will be fine... Like you said, if they don't call then it can't be bad news..... We'll pray for that...... I'm sure you fall into hoving Ayla all the time quiet easily... Sure do hope Katie figures life out soon before she doesn't have one left to live...... God bless you all.. Cheri, so nice of those clergy to come to pray at your school..... Hope things go well for you..... Meredith, I've turned into a night owl, too..... Mine was forced because of pain, but I can't get to bed before 1:00 even if I don't have pain.... I would like to not be a night owl, but until I figure this mess out I guess I'm stuck... Jessica, wtg on school..... Have fun with brother............. and no drinking competition now... won't be good for you at all.... good luck with your will power.... Laura K, love your new avatar.... How close to goal are you??? Pretty close as you look wonderful.... Nice that you are having fun playing the field, so to speak..... Have fun. Eva, so glad your stove got fixed..... Nothing worse than not being about to cook like you want to..... but these days a microwave helps alot.... glad you are having such fun with your new neighbors... Hope Glimmer feels better soon. Laura, you are such a busy girl..... glad your family is back together again... You are very brave to post those before and after pictures.... You look amazing now... that little sexy leg thing is great.... Hugs to Nelson, Laromi still lover her turtle very much...... However she is really into Barbies now..... and Barbie movies....... Joyce, Hope you are doing well... did you recover alright from the Water aerobics things..? Hope so.... Sandy, when is your trip again???? How is dad doing??? take care of yourself.... Phyll, how're you doing...... I now you are meeting the girls soon, so have lots of fun and take pictures......If you can't get them on here, maybe you can attach them to an e-mail....... Melissa, congrats on the new monitor.... I got one not too long ago.... took a bit to get used to the new view.... but I like it....... Jodi, have fun in sunny California......Dassi, too....... Arlene, you sound so busy..... glad you didn't gain.... I think I did and it must be water weight because it was too fast for real fat gain..... You take care now and don't let this mother situation drive you up the wall...... TX, haven't seen much from you lately... You must be on the road and very busy.... Hope all is well Kelly, Peaches............. don't know what's up with you guys but hope you are well and happy... Kimmie, welcome..... tell us about yourself... Well, I sure hope I didn't miss someone....... I know Apples says no guilt, but I just hate to forget someone.... If I did I'm sorry... but not guiltridder!!!! I was to the new doctor yesterday.... Family practice doctor that I used to see a few years ago but he moved to a different clinic and I didn't want to move..... But I finally made a decision to start over with a new outlook on things... He listened very intently while I explained things from my LB suregery on to now..... He does have a plan... He needs to get my lab results from the rhuemotologist and then he will make some determinations... He is thinking of sending me off to Minneapolis to a Dr. Hess who is the 5th best pain management doc in the country he says..... Anyway for right now he left all my meds the same but gave me a couple months worth of samples of Lyrica to try for now.... Arlene wondered about this a while back.... Doc said it was worth a try and just gave me the pills.... I had a fairly good night.... weird sleep patterns still, but not much pain... and so far none today yet.... So, I'm crossing my fingers that this new doctor with a new determination will be my salvation fianlly....... Thanks for continuing to listen to my daily medical soap opera. I'm sure you are all tired of hearing about it so much... You all take care and have a great evening.. Hugs and prayers to everyone.... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Oops, in my confusion looking at 2 different year's calendars I got them mixed up.... Melissa's birthday is today, Monday...... So, I'm not late!!! have a wonderful day Melissa...... love you, girl...... Waiting to meet you one of these times..... Well, I went down to my bed at 1:00 ish...... Up at 3:15 with pain..... took a pill and have a hot pack on, so it should calm down soon I hope.... Meredith, I don't like the pills either.... I can really tell it in different ways... I'm shakey a lot of the time, the horrible dry mouth all the time, and my memory is betraying me alot these days.... I hate it, but the pain is unbearable at it's worst and it takes a lot to knock me down.... Anyway, good night again all of my hopefully sleeping friends.... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, this is going to be a quickie....... I believe it is Melissa's birthday today.... I was doing something with my 2010 calendar before my new doc appt. and noticed it this evening... I have to update my 2011 calendar before I miss someone else............ So you are probably already in bed, but I'm sending wishes for a great birthday..... Hope you had a great day..... Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Melissa, Happy birthday to you..................and many more..... sleep tight sweetie...... Lori, I keep forgetting to tell you about Mayo.... I only had permission from insurance for that one visit... and they also never said anything about me coming back again... I was very disappointed in them...... Maybe this new doctor will be the answer for me... I've got my fingers crossed.... Have fun at all the showers...... Don't expect my DD to get one as she had a big one with Mimi and usually 2nd ones don't get showers.... We'll see what her friends do..... NIght all... just took all my meds and am ready to go conk out for a while... Hugs and prayers for all my dear friends... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi there, I stayed home from church again today... I wake up so groggy and usually feel like I've had a drunk on...... I really actually feel like an invalid right now.... I didn't even get dressed for 2 days.....just my robe... I sleep late after being up late and take pain meds when I can't stand it anymore.... Then I go into a drug-induced sleep...... wake up when the meds wear off.... I haven't taken anything but Tylenol today yet... I have my tens unit on and also an ice bag....... I can't remember for sure who asked, I think Melissa, but I have had times that are better and I get my hopes up that I've turned a corner only to have it come back and sometimes be even worse than before....... It is an unbelieveable way to live one's life.... I'm sure so many have it worse with incurrable diseases and such....... But it isn't much comfort when I'm hurting so bad I can only cry..... Sorry to have writted all that, but just wanted you all to know just where I an right now.... I'm going to get up and do dishes and get the kitchen cleaned up... DH has had leftovers to live on for a couple days, so took out some chicken and hope to be able to at least make him some decent supper..... Meredith and Jessica..............ditto what the others have been saying .... you have both done so much and are doing so well...... count you accomplishments often..... I have to do that to stay sane these days..... I'm so proud of you girls..... our babies...... Joyce and Linda, hope your medical issues get taken care of soon.... I don't wish that kind of troubles on anyone..... you guys take care of yourselves... Arlene, glad things are getting figured out with your mother....... I had a big ordeal with mine and my brothers yesterday... I was having a bad pain attack, but had to stop and solve a problem within the family..... I just noticed that my glasses need cleaning cuz there are tear spots all over the lenses........ But I think I got it worked out....... Eva and Apples, glad you get to see so much of each other...... Sounds like it is a great situation for everyone.... Apples hope you and DH and Tanker have a great day with FIL........ I'm sure he'll be glad to see you...... We have the subzero weather here, too.... Supposed to be like this for 7-10 days..... Yeah, I love winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Now you know the meds have taken my sanity!!!!) Sandy, WTG on saying yes to your friend and going off for some R & R..... You deserve it...... have a great time..... Well, my dishes await and I need something to eat... Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese sounds okay.... Think I'll go for it..... You all have a great Sunday..... Love and hugs to all........... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, sounds like most of you are doing fine..... Glad to hear that Apples and DH are having a great time in Tucson and becoming good friends with Eva and Jeff..... Lori, your DD's mil is "special"...... you just gotta shake your head and wonder what in the world she is thinking in that head of hers.... Cheri, glad you feel that you are back on track and doing great.... Feeling good about oneself is very very important...... Laura, glad your DH is headed home..... Sorry, only read the last page so am not up to date at all..... I feel as though I'll never get caught up..... I'm still having the bad days.... Saw my pain doc yesterday and all he seemed to be able to do for me was give me a new perscription for percocet and tell me to come back in 2 months..... I made an appointment with a new doctor for Tuesday to virtually start over...I've run out of things to do..... I must have to start over with new sets of eyes.. Maybe someone will see something the others haven't ........ The pain is bad now so must go do my thing....... Love and hugs to you all.... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Okay, here I am again apologizing for being absent so much... I don't know why I just can't get to the computer anymore.... I have been busy and then still doing the pain thing............it's my only excuse.. I haven't read since about page 213.........I'll never get caught up now.... I hope each one is doing okay and the new year is looking bright and promising...... glad to hear Apples and DH made it to AZ safely..... So, I'm going to say goodnight and pray you are all fine...... We are okay but have sick little granddaughters.... DD won't let me help as she doesn't want me to get sick on top of everything else..... Take care everybody.... Hugs and prayers for all..... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there..........oh, I'm so behind..... tried to read a bunch tonight, but didn't get through it all yet.... Need to get off the computer so will say a few things and try again tomorrow... Chicago.............. Most anytime is okay with me, except April 26th..... my Mimi's birthday...... Speaking of Mimi, it was a special day for her today... We all got to go to court and she was legally adopted, so for the first time in her life she has a real daddy...... It makes us so happy..... was a great day, except I'm in pain now and trying to get it to let up...... Sorry to be so absent all the time... Just can't get to it like I would like to........ So, hugs for now and I'll be back later.... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning.............. Up most of the night and then slept in so am still in my nightie... Not hurting right now, so that's a blessing.... I haven't caught up on all the posts yet, but sounds like we are going to Chicago............. I'll have to go back and read all about it..... Don't know about making it or not.....will have to see what the future holds for me..... For those of you who go out to party tonight, have a wonderful, safe time... and for those who stay at home like we do, just enjoy your quiet time with your loved ones.... I really have to believe that this year of 2011 is going to be better for all of us.... I NEED it to be better for me...... So, that's my prayer.... Have a wondeful New Years Celebration, dear ones...... Hugs and prayers to all..... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry, sorry.......... I am here...... Unfortunately my pain has come back and I've been crazy trying to understand just why...... Started last Sunday evening..... for no known reason..... I've been up most nights with short little naps and then groggy all day.... This morning I actually woke up from a nap and had half chewd Cheerios in my mouth.... Weird...... So, I have not been on the computer much... have been trying to ready, but have a few pages to go......I have been thinking of Cheri all day and am finally getting to send my wishes for a wonderful birthday...... Cheri I hope you had a great one..... Sorry for being so late....... We celebrated Bailey's 3rd birthday yesterday...... and I fell asleep in the chair at DD's in-laws place... How rude.......I did call the doctor to see what I should do... Can't do that medrohl pack very often so he gave me something called Daypro..... Haven't looked it up on the computer yet, so don't actually know, but presume it is an anti-inflammatory... I see the doctor on the 13th now so hope to make it until then..... I hope you all are doing well and are ready to ring in the new year.....We aren't good at celebrating the New year... Will probably have Laromi while the kids go out..... Well, I'm going to try to go to bed....... Again, Cheri, happy birthday to you..... Love you all ........... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning everyone, I'm sorry to say that I had some pain during the night... but, it feels like I need a treatment on my neck at the chiropractor... different than my horrible pain.... Anyway, I have it under control I think and am ready to start my day... Just out of the shower..... DH and I are going to work on moving toys and etc. down to the basement living room. The girls are big enough now to be down there without me... there is no door, it's open and easy. I just have to kidproof my sewing machine cabinet and the laundry room.. Then they can have a play room complete with TV and DVD player for all of their movies... It will, however, be a plenty big job to get done... the girls are coming from noon to 3:00 today and then after we are planning a trip to Bismarck.... see if there are any good specials left on wrapping and bows and such.... DH does have to exchane a gift I got him.... too small..... Cheri, sorry to hear that you get bored over Christmas vacation..... but your plan about grandkids sounds like a good one... We were posting at the same time last night, so didn't get to read it til this morning, but I'm happy for you that you have come to feel so comfortable with us and trust us with your private, personal feelings.... We love you, too.... Tina, sorry to hear about your relationship ending... but just keep doing what's necessary to get to surgery day and you will begin a whole new life. Who knows what wonderful things are in store for you.... take care.. Arlene, wish your pain would let up on you...... I do know how it just wrecks your whole day.... hopefully the weather will cooperate now and things will be better.... I will take my tree down soon, but leave the rest for a while yet... Usually til after the 1st...... Janet, have a good week at work... Do you get NY eve off......?? some do and some don't when NY falls on a weekend..... Well, I had better get dressed and I feel the need for a popsicle.... You all have a great day.... Hugs.. Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, I, too, have had a great Christmas weekend.... lots of people around.... I cooked supper both Christmas night and tonight... Some was leftovers..... I have my kitchen all cleaned up and am ready to just relax.. I didn't have any major pain attacks, so was feeling very blessed about that.... All in all things went very well and can now just sit back and let this next week come... Bailey has a birthday on 28th... she'll be 3... so have a party on 29th as she is with her mother on actual birthday... Also DD has appt for ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby on 29th... Can't wait...... Lori, so glad to hear that DD is back on track.... must be a big relief for you all... Hope you were able to have a nice holiday after all.... I think maybe we all need a little rest up time now for a few days.... Cheri, I understand about the mixed emotions over the holidays... I have experienced that myself.... but you made it and that is important.... Now we look forward to a new year with lots of hope and possibilities... Well, time for my recliner.... I'm feeling tired and ready to sleep.... Everyone take care and rest well.... We will get back to it all again tomorrow.. Hugs and sweet dreams... Julie

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