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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Went to bed with DH at 10:00..... flipped through the channels waiting for my pain pill to kick in but now the pain has just gotten worse... So got up and to another half a pill.... I need to be up early tomorrow as DD got her schedule switched for the day so will get Mimi from 7 - 3...........Not a big deal but I'm used to sleeping till I wake up after being up late...... Just thought I would check in to see what everyone was doing... NY, glad you are feeling a bit better about things... Janet, that's a rigid schedule for a fill... I only have to do 24 hours of liquids... then just back to normal..... I'm thinking I need another fill, too..... Maybe .5...... Might get it before Florida...... We'll see what next week looks like... Well, time for some solitaire and hopefully I will fall asleep soon... night all............
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, Linda, I escaped to Wal-mart today, too........ Just did some general grocery shopping and returned a couple things.. One was at Herberger's and they only give in store credit, so I had to shop......They had 70% off on some sweaters and actually got a couple that I thought might be good for the trip to FL..... I bought that winter coat in Cincinnati this fall.....at Meijers...... I so needed a new one, but didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for something I hope to only wear one winter... this happened to be on sale reasonable, so I got it... We're in good company..... thanks for all the nice comments on the picture... DH is just in love with the tractor even though it is actually mine....... he has another John Deere B (whatever that is!!!) ready to paint now, too... that only leaves one more and 2 old pick-ups.... and he started back to work today for a while.... Got all my stuff put away and now just want to sit and relax a bit.... Oh, I finally found the steel cut oats... Different than I expected... But it was in the bulk bins and I really don't have a clue how to cook it... If it said I didn't see... Just put some in a bag and it got weighed.... So, someone please tell me how to cook this stuff.... Like old fashioned or what.....??????? Apples, I' counting on you here...... NY............ tough luck on the postponement... but hang in there... you need to get this under control... Getting your health back is what this whole thing is about... Lori, sounds like you're knee is coming right along... good for you.... Laura, thanks for sharing the site... I'm starting to think about this trip more and more now.... Take care ladies......... talk to you later....... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Laura, I'm here......... Thank Nelson for the nice compliment... That tractor is as old as I am.... But it sure looks nice... Is he feeling better yet?? Your dad's battle is confusing for everyone I'm sure... Glad he is talking to you, though.... tha'ts good.. Dh just came home and Laromi (Mimi) is all about PaPa now... They are actually playing tractors..... I have a few that have always just been ornamental in my office... replicas of days past... But she takes them occassionaly to play with... I'm trying to get them out of my office so I can finish this... I just can't work on my computer when she is in here.... Laura, good job on the picture... How do you make those leaves???? And the picture of you really shows how much you have accomplished... Good job.... Well, DH says I can leave and run after some groceries... I just might take him up on it... A couple hours to myself won't hurt anything.... I'll be back later to see if some of the rest check in.. Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning girls.... today is going to be a new type of day again... DH got called to come to work.... hauling grain... so he just left and I'll be alone with my Mimi all day.... don't have much else to do so can just be with her most of the time... Maybe she will be a bit "better" if she has my undivided attention and I'm not trying to cook or bake or anything..... After the pain subsided I was able to go down to bed at about 1:00 and did sleep until 8:00.... I'm glad of that... just wish I could find out where that pain comes from.... Laura K, when trying to attach a picture scroll down from the post you are typing and find the spot for attachments and click the Manage Attachments box. Then go from there.... it's quite simple once you find the right spot.. I had a hard time at first too...... Hit the "browse" button and find the file you want and and then hit Upload.... you can do more than one but must upload each time... Then close and you are attached.... Hope it works for you.. Laura, I hate it when I lose something like that and then have to try to do it over... Always seems like such a chore.... Hope Nelson is better soon... Those little ones keep you busy.... Meredith, I'm so disappointed that you can't come.. but understand... We'll have to try another time... Hope your GM is better soon... Best wishes for a wonderful day, ladies.... TTYL.. Julie Oh, the picture is of DH and me with our newly restored International MTA tractor that was my father's.... DH is just so proud of it... We sent this as a Christmas picture this year... It was so dang cold that day that I was just freezing standing there...... Bye now..............
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening........ Apples, I agree about the condo... Good idea.... Do you need us to send you any money yet??? I sure can if it would be easier for you...... I e-mailed Meredith today and she answered.... is fine, very busy, and has a very ill relative.... She says she will try to check in tonight sometime.... At least we know she is okay..... Apples and Great...... You are both lucky that you lost all this weight now before you become grandmothers because let me tell you trailing a 2 year old at56 and 387 pounds was dang near impossible and 108 pounds later it is still tough..... It definitely has its perks, though..... Hugs and kisses from your own grandbaby are the best of all...... Sorry some of you have been having sleep issues.. I know what that is all about....... mine is better and I hope yours will be soon..... My shoulder is bothering me tonight and this is an odd time for it... It's usually much later when it starts to hurt.... May take my pain pill earlier tonight.... We had a wonderful day today.. DH took Mimi out to play in the snow and ride uptown in the wagon.... She had a blast...... No snow in the forecast and 30ish temps for the next few days... I like this unless it starts to rain... That is the worst of all.... ice......... Arlene, hang in there... things will be better soon.... Time to get supper and try to relax a bit... Had my brother, mother, and a friend here for lunch today so DH settled for leftovers..... Makes me happy.... TTYL...............Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning...... I had another good night as long as I take my pills..... I'll take it!!!!! Laura, thanks for the virtual tour.... Nice..... Really glad you are going to make it.... Now where is Meredith??? It's been a while since she's been here and I'm starting to be concerned about her.... Maybe she got her house and is too busy to post... Eva, you sound very busy... Hope you have a good day... Eagle, the best thing is to follow your doctors orders to the T............ They give you specific guidelines to follow for liquids, soft foods and when you can finally start solids again after surgery. When did you have surgery??? We need more infor in order to help... Well, I'd better get something done before my Mimi comes.. She is feeling well again and puts me through my paces most days.... The "terrible twos" is definitely where she is at right now... Sweet, but devious!!!! Have a great day everyone... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, this is later than I ususally post, but am waiting for my pills to kick in.... Long day today.. DH wanted to go to Bismarck first before the funeral since we didn't have Mimi today.... so off we went..........then to funeral at 2:00.... I got home at 6:00 and had a few things to do... Then sat and watched TV with DH..... The weather was up to 34 today.....very nice here with no real wind for a change.... We don't do reality TV, but rather watch dramas or TRU Tv or A&E or ID.... OXygen...... something with a story... NCIS is about my favorite..... and also like Snapped about the women who snap and kill their husbands, but always get caught...I guess I like mysteries.... Murder mysteries are my kind of book, too..... Laura, so sorry your dad is having a bad time... not much to do but keep going.... take a deep breath..and go on.... And Cheri is right.... there's just those days you can't explain..... same advice..... take a deep breath and go on!!! Lori, glad to hear you might join us.... should be so nice to just sit and talk all at the same time for a change... Sorry to say I'm very tired now and can't remember much about everyone's posts... I'll try to catch up tomorrow.... My pills must be working... time to sleep... SD bro is coming to visit tomorrow before going home on Thursday.... Gotta get up early and get some more food done I suppose....don't know what yet, though... Have to thing..... God bless and good night............ Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Phyll, your pictures are wonderful... The transformation is inspiring... Congratulations.. See, that pancake didn't do a darn thing!!!!! Hey, NY, welcome..... we do lots of talking here... jump in anytime.... And, girls, do you realize that one month from now we will be sitting in Florida chatting away....??? won't it be wonderful??!!!!! Good night.....
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, great news about the calls and a possible job.. Thanks everyone for the pep talk.... I'm not down, just the conversation on here prompted me to say those things out loud, I guess... I know what I have done and I'm pleased to have made it through the holidays and also my extended medical situation without gaining.. It's like I'm on maintenance... At least I know I can maintain...... Now on with the weight loss.... I have looked at Wal-mart here for the steel cut oats.. They didn't know what I was talking about... We don't have Kroger's.....Mostly Super Valu....... I'll have to get into a few more grocery stores to see if they carry it... We have Miracle Mart and CashWise........... that's it for grocery store chains. If not I will have to try the health food store..... Expect it to be very expensive there..... Cheri, glad to hear you say how happy you are with yourself.... It's encouraging to know not everyone wants to be skinny..... I don't have any dreams of that... I'm just after normal, too..... Time for bed... Wish I could read at night like you, Apples.... I have 3 new books from Christmas, but just can't get into them yet.... Talk to you all when I get home tomorrow....... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    You all have been at it again..... 4 pages since yesterday afternoon.... I gotta try to get on here more often...... I'm okay, but still waiting on the ins for MRI.. The doc office called me today to say they faxed 28 pages of data from all my doc and pt and that since they turned me down before.... I'm hoping this does the trick... They said 5 days to make a decision.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.... These darn pills make me so sleepy in the afternoons... and constipated, too..... I'm really ready for something to change... Yes, this is the place to be honest and not coming back is a sure sign that you aren't accepting your own responsiblities and wanting the band to do all the work... I almost did it at first.........glad I stuck to it... It can be a bit intimidating to join in with a bunch that are way ahead of you..... I still feel that sometimes.. Especially when you all get talking about sizes..... I just can't even dream of being a 12.......... I'm still somewhere between 18 and 22.....depends on the clothes and the styles... But I handle it fine most days... I have never been a shopper and don't think the weight loss is going to change me much... time will tell...... All the store names and brands you all talk about are just completely unknown to me... I used to have to make all my clothes because I was a poor single mother and that was cheapest.... Them when I could afford it better I ordered most things from Lane Bryant... Maybe when I get closer to goal it will be more fun to get into shopping..... Anyway......... I agree with all you all have been saying about this site..... Apples, thanks for all the good advice.. I know it's true, just hard to accept some days..... Janet, we all are so glad you started this site... It's a lifesaver for so many of us... Thanks.... Deb, great going on your exercising... I wish I could... I need to start my walking tape, but just haven't done it yet.... It seems so hard to find time to do anything and that just never comes to mind until it's too late... Sounds like a poor excuse doesn't it???? Lori, you look just wonderful in the dress... Your DH was right.... I think you made a good choice... the blue is a bit more subtle and classy.... The red would have been a bit more VAVAVAVoom....... That's why your DH liked it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry your job is making you hang on wondering what's up.... It would be great for you to join us... And since 1Days mother isn't coming you don't have to sleep on a couch.... I think there is plenty of room..... it would be so nice to meet you... The tree decorations were beautiful.... and the Santa's were so nice.. No wonder he is tired of them if you sold so many.... but they are nice.... Laura K...........great going on the treadmill... I have one in my basement, but it makes me so sore when I try to use it... I have bad balance and have to hang on and it hurts my shoulder and neck so I'm not supposed to do it... Dang...it just sits there taking up space... I should sell it.... Yes, JB, how are you doing???? I'm sure this is a difficult time for you... Hope you will check in soon.. Laura, I was watching the national weather map and saw that you might get snow and was thinking of you.... I'm hoping it leaves you quick..... I don't want to see snow in FL.......we have plenty here..... Little Nels was sure having fun with that little girl....... so cute...... Charlene, glad you like the steel cut oats.. I want to try it but cannot find it around here... Where did you buy yours?? Anybody have any advice about that...?? How do I find it?? Eva, you little devil, you............. It's good to have fun and a good sense of humor.... Linda, so nice you were able to get away... And congrats on the shopping... Phyll, too, you got a great bargain, too.... Well, Mimi just went home and now I need to get DH some supper... Have pork chops and potatoes going... I've had a pretty good food day today... but my weight just continues to stay the same... It fluctuates on 3 pounds and just never varies anymore it seems... I would so like to have a breakthrough again... I need it, but guess I have to work harder for it... Maybe now that the holidays are over and things are settling down a bit I can get myself into some new routines.. Take care everyone... Will be gone all day for funeral tomorrow so I suppose there will be 6 pages when I get back.... Have fun........... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there everyone, I have a minute to catch up with posts and tell you all I'm fine.... glad to hear most of you are doing well... Cheri, hope you don't get stiff from that fall... glad you are okay... Apples, sorry those comments are still so often for you.. People don't think about what they say and how it might affect someone... Today after church my pastor told me I looked gorgeous today.... Was nice to hear, but I always kind of scoff in my head because I can't see it.... He meant it kindly and I took it that way, but it still gives me weird feelings.... I guess this too shall pass after enough time has gone by.... Well, off to visit family and take food..... It's warmer today but the wind is blowing like crazy.... Take care all.... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning...........now time to visit today... Gotta go to church and take down Christmas decorations......and I slept all night in bed until 8:30..... I'm amazed, but now behind schedule!!!! Yup the piggy looking thing is ugly, but one of God's creatures I guess..... I've often thought the same thing about myself at 387 pounds.... but God has always loved me...........and many more too..... Hope you all have a great day.... Gotta cook more when I get home... so busy day ahead... Talk to you all later.. Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning all, Jessica, just hang in there... You are living there with them for a reason and hopefully you can leave sometime soon and this will all be a memory (bad one, but a memory!). You just keep doing what you do..... You'd think when she sees you trying that she would just shut up and help a little..... Apples is right, she's a bag........ Take it easy, but doing a little here and there is probably good for you, too.... Getting things moving... Great, enjoy your free day.... glad you have come to a decision for your DH.... now just the waiting to see what happens.... Best of luck...... Apples, I'm staying in, too.... It was -33 here this morning... but the sun is out and it is supposed to get to 0...... then 30 by Sunday... Only here could we have a 64 degree difference in temp in 2 days..... Don't like the 30's this time of year... Rain and freezing rain scares me way more that cold and snow...... New gals, welcome... At my age a little droopy skin doesn't hit my worry meter.... But if you are much younger than me, I understand your concerns... Good luck with that.... I can't remember names yet, but one of you has eating issues... You sound really tight.. What does your doc say??? I, too, wake in the night.... Mine is from pain..... I went to bed at 11:00 after taking my sleeping pill and pain pill... Wake at 1:30 with incredible pain... so I take more pain pill and play solitaire till it starts to subside..(3ish) Phone woke me up this morning at 7:00.. my SD brother calling to say that FIL had passed in the night... I made some calls and then went down to my bed and slept till 10:30..........Wow..... I must have needed that..... Now I have to get busy and make food to take to the family... They live about an hour from here..... Tradition around here is that you take food to the family.... We will go Sunday... they are making funeral arrangements today and tomorrow we can't.... Funeral will be Tuesday... hopefully much warmer then... So at least I get to take this food away!!! Janet, you are doing well with your advice to the new ones, as usual... We are so lucky to have you here... No wonder everyone wants to join in.....Thanks.. Time to go get dressed and be somebody today... Can't be a slouch all day.... Bye now......... TTYL.... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, I made it back from my trip to Bismarck... The temp never got over -13 today... We are expecting -35 for tonight and that is without wind chill factor... tomorrow I stay put!!!! Wasn't too bad except going into the hospital as it is quite a ways from the parking lot.... I went to one floor to say good bye to my SIL's father and see her and my bro.... So sad... he took a turn for the worst last night and now they are just making him comfortable till he dies..... I hope it is quick.... the lingering is so hard..... THEN......I went down 2 floors to meet my new little great nephew.... so sweet and looks just like his daddy, my nephew.... he fell asleep in my arms.... so nice..... From one extreme to the other.... I guess that's life's circle.... one coming and one going................ God bless them both........ Cheri, congrats on DH's new job.... and your books sound fun... And the bra thing............most all of mine are white.......so white for today!!! Judy, hugs for you and your baby... We had to put our dog down last summer (2008). A great big 115 pound catahoulla......... Spike.. but he was old and losing control of things.. Was just the right thing to do... DH and he were the best pals and DH took it very hard... I still miss him... Actually gave framed pictures of him to DH and DD for Christmas this year..... Apples, the food looks great.... Don't do seafood, but it sure was a pretty lasagna... The scene from my windows looks the same except we live in town... DH moved snow all day yesterday on our property... We have rental stuff, so there is alot and then Mom's and DD's, too.... Today he did daycare till I got home so there will be more tomorrow... I will e-mail you the info you want.... Jessica, how are you doing today??? Meredith, so sorry about Andrew's friend... That's tough especially this time of year... Hope you are okay. Linda, so sorry you are sick... Man.. it was a rough night.. Hope you are much better soon.... The books sound wonderful.... Laura K..........hope you recover from your potato soon... No fun.... Great, hope you get the news sooner rather than later.. I hate it when DH does that to me and then stops... Drives a person half crazy imagining all sorts of scenerios.... And the mother thing..... I can really relate.... I have something similar going on in my family and I hate it.... Stay tough... Deb, sorry you are feeling a bit blue.... this too shall pass..... remember all your new friends here and let us help if we can.... Laura, I can only imagine how much trouble it is for you to have these cold temps when you aren't prepared for them... We are prepared and every year when it comes we all have to adjust over again.... Janet, I can't do dark meat chicken... I don't even know why, but I just can't do it... I need white meat and unless it is very moist it gets stuck most of the time... So I don't do much chicken any more.... Don't know who I missed, but wish you all a safe and warm evening... I'm going to ge my jammies on and snuggle in for the night.... No Mimi tomorrow as it is DD's 26th B'day and she is taking her to work with her as she is going out tomorrow night... Mimi gets to go the great grandma's house with another little girl for a sleep over... My mom would be crushed if she didn't come.... Well, better get going... DH is hollering about what is on TV tonight.... Hugs to all..... Stay warm and cozy. Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning gals..... Well, Laura, here I go so you can stop B & Ming.....(LOL).... It's a whopping -21 and that's without the wind chill factor.... DH is out snowblowing the driveway so I can get the 4 wheel drive pick-up out to head to Bismarck for my appointments.... Not really looking forward to the getting in and out things... If it's too bad when I start out I'll turn around and come home.. Nothing so drastic that I will risk my life, but really want to go if I can.... Wish it was 35 here....... Arlene, I forgot to say congrats on the expectant new grandchild..... I think it was you...... Jessica, glad you are doing well.... keep it up... a little more substance to your meals will make a big difference... Take it easy now... Linda and Cheri, I always wanted to write a book.....a saga about being fat all your life..... Just never knew where to start......especially since there has been no "end" yet..... Well, DH is in so I'd better go get myself going... Can't say I'm looking forward to this... Hope to be home by early afternoon.. Might find a minute to go meet the new baby.... TTYL.............. Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone, busy place again..... I just don't seem to find the time to get here much these days.... I quit getting e-mail notices, too, Lori..... Great dress, by the way... You will look beautiful.............. The only crossword I ever really did the the one in the TV guide.... and now that there are so many channels and whatnot I can never get them so don't do them either... I like solitaire on the computer... That's how I spend my time waiting for my pain killers to kick in during the night.... Laura, I DID NOT send you the cold weather.... We sure do have it though.... The high for tomorrow is -13 I believe... I have my yearly gyn appts tomorrow... Will be such a shame if I have to cancel... Really do want to get down there... I have a new great nephew to meet...born at 4:43 this morning.... Noah John.... looking forward to meeting him... 3rd great grandchild and 1st boy for my mother and 1st grandchild for this brother... Everyone is pretty excited.... #2 brother from SD had to make a quick trip home as his wife' family got called to come because her dad is really bad with cancer.... And #3 brother took himself to the ER yesterday with chest pains... Just had triple bypass (45 years old) in April.... They kept him and did some tests, but let him out today so he is home now... Don't think it was his heart, but don't have results yet.... It has been a hectic day with phone calls and such today.. Mimi has gone home and we just finished supper so I think I'm going to just veg a bit tonight... The weather is nasty out there and home is a good place to be.... Take care all................ Stay warm.......... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning..... had a terrible night last night.... Didn't finally ease up so I could sleep until way after 3:00.... Up at 8:30, so I did sleep some... Mimi will be here soon, so this will be short.. I'm working on this insurance mess and so far getting nowhere fast..... Oh, just had a return phone call and we have things going now at least..... Getting more information together for them to make a more informed decision... How long that will take........who knows... Well, Mimi just got here so I must go.... Hope all have a great day and will check back in when I can.... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello everyone...... It seems I just can't keep up anymore.. I finally finished reading all the posts... So, I'm going to try to respond.... Apples, I agree with the rest... you look just like your wedding picture now... Beautiful.... and the little boys are so precious... Meredith, my ticket from ND was $626..... I did have some miles to use on it so it wasn't so bad..... Good to have you back more often again. Laura, you sound good..... I'm glad you are feeling a bit back to normal.... I'm working on that just from the holiday stress... Jessica, congrats on getting through your surgery so well.. Ditto what every one else says about following doctors orders.... It's just the best way to go.... Best wishes for a speedy recovery... Great, you are doing so well again... You'll surely be dancing at your daughter's wedding..... You'll be feeling like a million bucks by then... Cheri, thanks for sharing all your insights... I read them all and can clearly see why you are almost at goal. Eva, the pics were great... Love the storm one... Deb, great picture and will look forward to a more recent one.... Janet, you're always so busy.... Sorry about your retiring date being delayed... But at least now you have the energy to keep working a few more years.. Who did I forget.... Not on purpose....so sorry... I really have to get here more often so I can keep up better.... Someone new asked what we do....... I'm a retired accountant from a little town north of Bismarck, ND... I have also been a small business owner and we do actually have a rental business still... I do lots of "pro bono" accounting for family and then do all of your own stuff....That and doing daycare for our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Laromi (Mimi), keeps me very busy... I've had lots of non-band medical issues this past year, so I've been laid up alot..... I'm finally coming around some...... I am so glad the holidays are over.... I need things to be normal again... I got my Christmas decorations all put away last night and my house back to "just plain winter" decor again.. I'm comfortable again... Now to get the exercise started... and a good food program... I, too, have been working on my year end stuff... Just waiting for all the papers to come from banks and such before working on the taxes..... I had another big let-down yesterday with DH's oldest daughter.... I had invited them (her and her DH) up for dinner at 2:00 PM to celebrate her birthday (today). They accepted, but called at 10;30 am to say they wanted to come earlier.... I said sure but diner wouldn't be ready yet..... She told me they didn't want dinner, just wanted to get something DH said they could have(an old bird cage someone left in a rental space). I was flabbergasted..... Said, okay, come when ever.... They showed up and she looked awful......presumed they were fighting about being there.... He did come in and actually had some dessert I offered them... But it was just another slap in the face for me that I'm not someone they want to be around... I don't know why I keep putting myself out there to be stomped on over and over again.... Keep thinking one of these days they will grow up............ So, I've been a bit down since... Worked some of it off undecorating my house last night... I guess I'm better today, but can't get it off my mind...... Well, long enough post.... Sorry to have missed anyone... Hope you all have a good restfull sleep... TTYL................ Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning all......... the new year has started... We had a fun 1st here.... I hosted an impromptu dinner (1:00 am) here.... Invited family that was around, some friends, and 3 little old ladies from our church.. We had a house full... My mother makes the best homemade potato pancakes and everyone loves them.. So I asked her to make them.... It's a big job to fry them for such a housefull, but she did it and smiled the whole time...... Used up a bunch of my goodie leftovers from the freezer and a friend brought a bunch of her leftover hors'deovers....(SP???) Anyway, it was fun and everyone was so pleased with the pancakes.. I had a half of one.... Then we played games and soon everyone was gone.....Mimi had fallen asleep on the couch so DD left her and went home and had a party of her own, so we had Mimi all night... She was up until midnight and then she woke me at 6:00 this morning with a loud, "Gamma, I need a diaper!!".... Got me going pretty fast... She has been awake since then, but has now gone down for a nap.... Am hoping DD will be here soon to get her... I have paperwork to do today...... Sorry to hear of deaths.........it's hard all the time, but this time of year is especially hard.... Meredith, glad to have you back... You look great and you'll be back on track again soon.... You, too, Laura....Thanks for sharing pictures girls..... Laura, this North Dakota girl needs instructions on what kind of clothes to bring to FL.... I've never been there.... Cheri, I totally understand being so excited to have your grandkids around... Have a great time... So many posts, and I'm drawing a blank.... didn't write things down like I should have.........Sorry....the one I do remember is from Judy................. Judy, I'm not really starting over, but I'm about in your boat....I've had medical problems (not band related) since March..... Had a complete unfill and told I couldn't diet or lose weight and had to eat very well to get my body back to healthy from a serious infection that almost killed me... I barely recovered from that when I had another episode with a major surgery and another long recovery in July..... August brought horrible pain in my shoulder that had me bawling half the night and no one has help me yet, but it is some better... I still have pain but don't feel the need to cry anymore.... I'm on anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and pain meds.....and still I wake up in the night with pain.... Waiting on insurance to okay an MRI...... That's the short version, but you get the idea... Well, I've lost about 108 pounds since my start date of 8-08, but most all of that was before 4-09..... I have lost and regained and lost again the last 5 pounds numerous times lately..... I actually lost and stayed current over the holidays, but I really need to try to "start over" now... The docs wouldn't allow me any exercise and even walking was very difficult with the pain.... So I've been mostly at a stand still for 8 months... Could be almost at goal if this hadn't happened to me.... I have about 80 pounds to go.... I started at 387 with a 58.8 BMI...... So we could be "start over" buddies if you like..... I could use the motivation..... It's so easy to fall back into complacency when you don't feel well........ Well, my baby is waking... I think I'll call her mother before my whole day is shot..... Take care all.............TTYL....... Julie PS>>>> I think I have more than 14 tubs of Christmas stuff...... and that's just inside... And 2 Fall ones and 3 Easter ones.....
  20. Mrs. Bubba

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    Happy New Year everyone....................... Arlene and Melissa, I'm with you..... Out with the old and in with the new...................It's nice to have new motivation.......... Have a great day.............Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    It's 11:20 pm right now in North Dakota... We just got home from a night out with friends... I did well with my supper and didn't overdo anything.. Played a fun game and then came home . We aren't the type to sit up til Midnight just because.... 2009 has been a very challenging year for me and many of you, too.... Here's hoping that 2010 brings all sorts of new and wonderful things to us.... I'm not much on resolutions, but plan to put exercise back in my life as much as I'm allowed and plan to let my band start doing it's thing again... May you each have a Wonderful New Year...... Love and Hugs from your friend............. Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Laura, so glad you are home and doing well.... Continued prayers for your family from ND, too..... What will be will be............... just do your best and you'll make it through anything.... Thanks for sharing the pictures again.......all of you........ It's good for the new ones to see progress is possible.......... and for some of us who need to restart our journey it's good motivation.. Mimi is watching TV and doing much better today... Wish she would take a nap, though!! We have supper and whatever with friends tonight... Hope I'm home by 10:00 as I don't need that late stuff to bring in the new Year..... Cheri, belated birthday wishes... I spaced it out earlier... You have accomplished so much... You are 10 months older than me, so maybe by the time I hit 58 in October I'll be much nearer my goal, too..... Oops, I'm being beckoned................Grandma...... where are you!!!!! I'd better go.... Everyone have a fun evening...... Hugs and love to all........... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    OMG, I was on here yesterday morning last and there was 4 pages to ready.... New people, welcome......returning people, welcome back........regular people........you have been so busy...... Apples, congrats on the new bundle of joy.... Are you hoping for a "shower" when we get to FL??????? Is there a name??? Too funny......... My baby is better, but double ear infection isn't fun... And now she has fever blisters on her bottom lip from the high fevers and she pick at them and certain foods hurt her... She was rather cranky today... But we made it... She'll be back at 10:00 tomorrow and then we have the long weekend off again.... My shoulder is acting up tonight.... Just put some analgesic cream on and am waiting for it to subside a bit... Need to take my meds and head to bed... I'm tired.... I'm glad you all seem to be doing so well..... I like my veggies cooked soft, too... It's all or none for me... And there are lots of veggies out there I've never even tried.. I have a friend with a major medical problem and can only have veggies and fruits and sugar.... No protein whatsoever.... Anyway I've tried a few new ones lately to help her not be so bored with food... Some I don't care for........like raddiccio....... not for me.. Fennel is good, but so dang expensive here.... Anyway, I better get to bed.... Sorry to not comment on everyone, but I know you all understand... Take care and sleep tight.... Talk to you tomorrow I hope... Goodnight............Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning all, my sick baby kept me pretty busy all day.. Had to take her to the clinic at 4:00.... She has double ear infection..... So antibiotics once a day and Tylenol and Motrin alternatley....for the fever... Haven't heard anything this morning so am expecting her at 9:45.....She pretty much just wanted to sit with me yesterday... She did play with Pa Pa a bit when the fever broke... Apples, hope this stone passes sooner rather than later.. I'm sure sorry you have to go through this now.. At least it waited until after all the festivities.... Be well, dear...... Lori, glad you are rested and doing well, Cheri, I hear everything you were talking about and sympathize..... I know very little about the ADHA stuff but know it sure causes problems when not controlled... Good luck with all your new plans.... Laura, good to hear from you... Your dad seems to be moving along in good ways... Rest and then give us all the details of your trip... I know you'll be glad to be home... Laura K and Arlene......., I'm about like you... Most all the bad stuff is gone.....now I just have to get back in the swing... Linda, your NYE tradition sounds yummy... We do a german thing with knoephla like that but not for any tradition..... just a good meal once in a while.... with kraut and sausage and bacon.... very good.... Melissa, good thing I don't have kidney stones cuz I couldn't drink beer if my life depended on it.. I hate that stuff..... Janet, are you working away????? Your company leaves today I believe... Will be nice to get back to normal again..... I seem to be okay.... Shoulder pain isn't as bad as before so I'm manageing with it... Talked to Ins yesterday and have to go through an appeal process to get my MRI... so got started with that.... NUTS!!!! I lost weight over the holidays, so that is good.... Now lets see if I can get back to eating right and still lose weight...... You all take care now and have a good day... Gotta go get ready for my baby..... Hugs to all........ Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there......... Well, I'm glad that's over..... Now on to New Years..... We have no traditions.. Before DH retired from his power plant job, he was always working it seems..... or in Iraq for 2 NYE's.... It's just never been a big deal for us... some years we get together with a group of friends and play games and eat of course...... don't have any plans yet this year.... I'm voting for dinner and a movie so no one has to do any work!!!! Just got a call from DD that Mimi is still running a 101 fever from yesterday and last night and was up till 4:00 and could we come and get her so she can get ready for work... DH just went after her... So, you kow what the rest of my day looks like... Good thing I got everything cleaned up from last night and don't have a thing else to do today but take care of my baby... Leftovers in the fridge to eat and the remaining goodies are all managed or gone.... so, I'm clear.... Apples and Lori, my DH would go in and buy anything for me without hesitation.... When we first go together my DD was 10..... and his was 21..... His first wife wasn't interested in being a mother so he had done everything with his DD..... including showing her what to do when she got her first TOM..... He was actually jealous of me when my DD didn't go to him when that time came... I had to explain that it was normal for girls to want their mother... So, anyway, not a worry about anything like that from mine.... He's not shy in any way, shape, or form...... Well, my Mimi is here.... have to go.... Wanted to comment on things.... I'll try to get back later if Mimi has a nap later.... You all have a good day... Julie

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