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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello, I made it to Bismarck and back safely and Mimi is napping so thought I'd take a chance to write a note. the roads were fine, but the visibility was terrible going down... DD wanted to turn around, but I wasn't scared so just kept going... Glad we did... It was some better in the daylight going home, so we made it just fine.. Mimi needs to se a ENT specialist for some issues she has and also a podiatrist for her little toes... Been told all along that there was nothing to worry about........... now it's a problem to be corrected... Go figure... Anyway, more appt's for the little one coming... I go for my 1st PT with the pain mgmnt people tomorrow... don't know what to expect..... Apples, glad you are safe at home... this is a bad one... Funny about the cards... I just bought a couple new decks in Bis today just for that reason... Even got some new pinnochle ones in care there are enough who know how to play.. And also will bring Farkle along... I know Lori has played that dice game.. It's a hoot.... Sorry you are feeling crabby from the weather... You don't like feeling imprisoned and I enjoy just snuggling in where its warm and letting it blow over.... Hey, I bought some of that Olay Regenerist today.... I don't have too much sag, but it surely can't hurt anything to tighten up a bit... Will give it a try.... Deb, the scarves are beautiful... My mother loves scarves... I don't think I've ever owned one... I don't even know if they are in style know.... Arlene, we got one of those crocheted filets of our last name when we got married... I love to crochet, but never tried that..... Laura K, I love to make things and give as gifts, but I often wonder if they are appreciated or not... Not everyone sees what I see in a crocheted baby sweater and booties..... Laura, sorry for your car woes... Hope your day got better... Does the airline have a line on those lost bags??? glad you are feeling better.... Lori, I understand where you are coming from with DD and her finacee.... but I'm praying that the pastor will help them and that God will help them do the best thing.. It's good that you encourage you G'ma to eat well... I know a lady just like that.... She has money but so scared to spend it.... I invite her over often to eat just so she can eat until she is full... She's 92..... glad your knee is doing so well.... It won't be long and it will all be history... My mother has had both knees done.. She is 77.... The other day up at daycare where she works a few hours a week with DD, a little boy kicked her hard with his shoed foot... She almost went down... Said it hurt for the rest of the day... Little bugger!!!! Janet, I'll keep my blizzard cuz I don't think I can do 120............. DH handled Iraq just fine, so he would be okay, but I'd be a prisoner in my home there!!!! Linda, good luck being back to work.. Take it easy and let somebody know you need that closer spot.. They should understand.... Jessica, don't feel guilty about having a nap... It does us all good sometimes... Study well tonight after you rest a bit.... Well, I should do a few things before Mimi wakes up... Have a good evening friends.... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning..........just a quick note before leaving for Bismarck this morning with DD.... Mimi has a doc's appt... It's 13 degrees with a 30 mph wind. so -7..... dang cold for taking a little one out and about... I'm not looking forward to it at all...... But will have to be home by noon so DD can go to work.... fast trip.... Hope you all have a safe and warm day... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey........ I said "almost" nothing... I had my nightie on..... I'm not one for walking around naked.... DH might like it but I would NOT!!!!! Phyll, I was routing for the Jets, but not a good outcome there... Don't care about this next one... We don't watch sports on TV either, but DH's friend is a Vikings nut so we have been checking in to watch the score.... Apples, did you change your mind about leaving tomorrow or just packing the truck early...?? Going out to eat one night sounds fine... Emerl's sounds interesting... I love to watch him on TV.... I like Cracker Barrel, too, but DH doesn't so don't get there often..... Anywhere is fine, just don't want to have to "dress" up too much.... I'm not into fancy.... Talk to you later.... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    OH, by the way, I forgot to tell you all that 4 of the 5 pounds I gained overnight were gone as of this morning.. It must have been from the cold medicine and such making me retain fluids.... I'm about back to normal now.... Thank goodness...
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good afternoon everybody..... I didn't have church on account of the blizzard and boy did I take advantage of it... Usually have to be up and out the door by 8:15... I JUST GO DRESSED A BIT AGO!!!!! Got up at 9:00, made breakfast for DH and then fell asleep in my chair watching TV with him......Was so groggy I had a difficult time waking up... Finally got myself in the bathtub and now feel like myself again.... So, I was haveing a no bra day, too..... A no almost everything day!!(nightie only) On the subject of bras, I don't mind wearing them at all now that they aren't so tight!!!!!! I actually need to get a few new ones..... Love the mountain pictures you gals from out there...However, the snow is so far away.... I just have to put my foot outside the door to step in it..... Our storm is still raging.... mostly horrible wind with some snow.... Can't tell if it's coming down or just blowing around.... Eva, happy anniversary......Our 15th is coming up.... so Linda, we must be behind you...... But it doesn't matter to me if we celebrate the big ones like 25 or 40 or 50... I'm so glad to have him and I just want as many as the good Lord gives us.... Jodi, hope you feel better soon and that surgery can happen when you want it.... No fun waiting and wondering... Lori, your poor DD must be miserable trying to figure out what is the right thing to do... She is lucky to have you there and like someone else says, she may be waiting for someone to let her know it's okay.... whatever she decides to do.. I'm paraying for her.. Laura, I have read all those books by Geneen Roth.. She and another gal wrote some Christian weight loss books and the one lost so much weight.... But she gained it all back..... When Food is Love was a good book for me... Helped me understand myself much better... But that is probably 25 years ago or more that I read it... It's in my bookshelf somewhere... Hope you will feel better soon... How is the little guys hand...? Well, Melissa is gone already, but hope she has a great trip... She must be so excited..... I've got a beef roast in the crock pot making me hungry.... Have to figure something out to make with it... DH is easy and will probably settle for a sandwich.. I may do some veggies for me.... He isn't good with cooked veggies except the regulars: corn, peas, green beans........ I like the other stuff, too... Might do broccoli for me...... You all have a great rest of the day.. Talk to you soon. Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    hey there, just checking in before bed.... Well, we beat the tar out of the guys at pinnochle tonight... It was fun to get good hands for a change... Usually I get all the in-between type and can't do much... We whipped 'em and it was fun..... My supper wasn't that great... had a bite of DH's chicken and had to excuse myself to the bathroom.... I ordered small taco salad and they just way over did it on the meat and it was warm and wilted the lettuce so I didn't eat much.... am hungry now.... But don't feel like looking for anything to eat... Guess I should just go to bed... Laura, just love the pic of Nelson flying.... sorry you are feeling poorly... I'm finally better.... thank goodness.. I think the Zimax and Airborne really help me to get over it much faster.... Sorry you are so worried about your sister... But you know you can't do it for her... Just keep being a good example and she'll find her way eventually I hope.... We have a storm coming in and church has been cancelled for tomorrow... I go to a little country church 17 miles in the country and the roads are already plugged and we are supposed to get 35 mph winds tonight.. So I can sleep in.........if I make it to sleep in the first place... Let's hope.... Not hurting yet.... Oh, I got my schedule for my new physical therapy in the mail today.. This is with a new place..... pain management doc...... twice a week for 4 weeks... don't really know what good it will do, but I guess I'm jumping through more hoops so I can get that damn MRI....... Sleep well friends.... talk to you tomorrow... Julie Janet, could you ask a neighbor to let you use electricty with a long extension cord? Around here that's what we would do, but I know things are different where you live.... Too bad you have to turn on power just to vaccuum.... Enjoy your book...... Deb, any way you can actually join us in FL???? would be fun to meet you...
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello, it's a bit of a lazy day for me... I didn't get to sleep until about 2:00 and then up again at 6:00 for more pain meds... Then slept til the phone rang at 9:00... So, I guess I'm okay, but a nap sounds good pretty soon... Have done paperwork and laundry... Have some towels to finish yet, but not in a big hurry.. I also did my walking tape again.. It's getting a bit easier... Not winning any races yet, but working at it is better than sitting... We are going out with friends for supper and then playing cards after... Should be fun.. It's warm enough to melt the ice and dry off a bit before it hits us again later tonight.. Apples, I'm sure glad you made it home safe and are now lovely and ready for your trip... I hate driving on ice... my first accident as a young person was in glare ice and not even my fault... I usually "white knuckle" it on ice.... Jessica, you sound like you are doing well.... Kudos on the 3 pounds... It hard going to school and being a wife and mother... good work... Yup, Linda, we have good husbands who are great grandfathers.... Mimi just loves her PaPa, too .... Our DD does know how fortunate she is to have us to help her.... doesn't get into the taking for granted thing... I'm glad of that... It's easy to help those who appreciate it and you know are trying... Those who just want a hand out are a different story.... Well, I hear my chair calling my name.... Think I'll go snuggle in it for awhile.... You all have a great weekend... Stay safe and warm.... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

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    Thanks for reassuring me that you don't think I'm letting myslef be taken advantage of.... There are days I get tired..... You know how many medical trials I've had the past year, but we have managed somehow to keep going... And Arlene, I have the mother problem, to... do all her finances and she checks in with me daily.... I get it from every angle.... That's why I was trying to hitch a ride with Apples.!!!!!!! Time to sleep... My shoulder isn't aching right now, so I'm going to try to go sleep in the bed tonight.... And no reason to get up early tomorrow.... Maybe I can catch up a bit.... Goodnight all........ Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    Well, I have to chime in to defend myself it seems.... I do daycare and nightcare if needed... My DD is all alone with no father for Mimi at all.... He was there for 3 months after she was born, but during that time and during the pregnancy he would abuse my DD... The day I kicked him off our property (they were living in our apartment across the street) he had tried to choke her... I didn't know it at the time I asked him to leave, just that DD was scared to death of him.... If I had known you can bet the cops would have been involved way more.. We did get him for assault.... DD is terrified of taking him for any money... because he might want to get visitation.. He hasn't tried once since the day he left so I doubt it... We found out he has 7 other children and takes care of none of them except what ever child support they share from his job as a mechanic... He's a slug and we want no part of him... They are way better off without him... Even his parents told DD to stay away and don't send any damn pictures either!!!! Nice huh??? So, we do everything we can to help her over the hump... She is finally showing signs of life again, making friends and going out some.... So we keep Mimi sometimes so she can have fun, too... I'd give anything for her to find a nice man who wants to love her and Mimi and make them a good life.. Then I can do like you say and babysit when I want to......but for now they need us and we can't refuse them... I do pretty much as I please and don't stay home just because of her... It's heartbreaking to watch your daughter be so scared she can't go into a dark house.. That's what that animal did to her... At first she was just petrified that he would come after her and try to hurt them again... We had the cops doing guard duty around her house for awhile even.... So, anyway, that's why I do daycare and am happy to do it... Nothing is more important than that precious little girl..... And I have DH to help out... He is great with her... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    OMG, Laura, your poor little guy.... But he does look as though he made it through in good shape.... It will probably bother him when it starts to itch!!!! Glad you will be coming home soon... You all need the routine again... Take care Apples, sorry about the ice... We are getting snow here, very wet stuff..... the roads are awful, says my brother who just came home from Bismarck.... I'm content to stay in and veg out for the night... Mimi was better today, but after falling asleep for a much needed nap she started coughing.. I had her propped up, but once she started it kept on until she threw up all the phlegm that must catch in the back of her throat... Then she starts gagging and it all comes.. she had green beans in her hair and all over my couch... I know........TMI........... I got her in the tub and all the blankets and clothes in the washer and all was well after she quit coughing... DD just called to say she fell asleep sitting up in the chair and was going to leave her in hopes that mess won't happen again.... Poor baby... Lori, I understand about not knowing if you can go back and pick up old friendships... People move on and you lose some of your connections... But you'll make new ones, too...... It will all work out I'm sure.... Linda, oh, if you could only make it to FL I would be so happy... Glad to hear you may at least try.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed..... You are just an exercising dynamo..... good for you... Arlene, congrats on the new addition.... You'll have a job like mine then..... Lots of work, no pay, many benifits..... It's a good way to spend the day... especially when they are little..... DH went out to move snow from in front of the door, but he's fighting a losing battle.... Apples, I'm putting off getting my hair colored and such till closer to time for FL, too.... Just be careful on the shoulder...... you can get pulled down pretty easy... but you farm girls are tough!!!!!! I used to be one...... I'm kind of wussy anymore.... DH takes good care of me..... I have renewed drama on the family front again... Mother and brothers.... Just when I think it may fade inot the background something happens to stir it all up again... One brother pulled a fast one with mother a couple days ago and I'd like to ring his neck... Now the rest are all stirred up and things are about ready to blow sky high..... I'm thinking of coming to FL early and staying longer!!!!!!! How much room do you have in the pick-up again, Apples????? I'll sit with the dog!!!! Well DH is back again and it's time to spend some quiet time, just us.... It stays pretty busy around here most of the time and we get little time to ourselves... Just nice to sit and be still together.... Talk to you all later... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Apples, we must have been posting about the same time.. I wondered what was keeping your attention from here today... That packing is job... I'm already worrying about packing for FL.... I didn't want to have to take a big bag and pay all that extra, but the more I think about what I want in case of different weather, the more I think I have to..... Then I won't have to worry about lifting it or pulling it.... don't know what they charge, but guess it is the better idea..... Hope the ice misses you and us, too... take care...
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi girls, got Mimi early again today, but she is better.. She slept till 8:30 so I could, too..... However, like you, Linda, I had a bad night and it was after 2:30 last time I looked at the clock.... A short night.... But Mimi is at least playing with toys today.. Yesterday she just wanted to lay on me and watch tv.....The medicine has stopped the sneezing and now we just have the incredible runny nose...... But I have at least managed to do a couple things today... She will be leaving at 3ish, so I'll have some of the day to accomplish a few more chores... DH is in and out.. He is helping our local auto body man paint his next tractor... This one isn't as special, so he didn't take it away and pay $1000 for a paint job... He is helping with all the grunt work this time.... should be a much smaller bill... This one is green, so Laura, I'll have to put a picture up for Nelson when it is done.... Lori, I've been to Salt Lake City a number of times and my goddaughter lived there for many years.. She mentioned the Mormon thing, too.... She was young, too, so hopefully now that you are older and more secure in your own religion you will handle that differently... Your decision to let DH and God handle it is a wise one... Best of luck..... Linda, the ice was awesome... We are headed into a blizzard for the weekend... Not looking forward to it much.... You'll have to let us know how the Zumba tape is.... I have never heard of this exercise.. It's mostly dancing????? Jewel, glad you are doing better with the food... and good luck with the club thing and your school.... You've got a lot hanging on doing well.... Janet, glad you are doing well and you, too, Arlene... This weather is just all over the place these days.... rain, sun, snow, blizzard...... Guess it takes all kinds to make the world.... NY, good luck breaking your traditions... I'm still working on it, too..... Just had such a craving for cookies last night.... finally had to find a store bought one..... dang it.... DH has a stash... I can usually leave them alone, but not last night!!!! Phyll, I used to love sitting in our hot-tub in the rain... even in the snow...... but we moved it inside because we had to walk to far in the winter and it was just too cold... Now it's in the garage and still cold in the winter, but we can walk out there with a robe or our clothes and change without getting frost bite!!! Sounds like you had a great time and exercise on top of it.... Janet, I made an appointment for a fill for next week, too... Hope mine goes as well as yours... My PA says I'm close to sweet spot, but I never hit it.... at least not what I'm expecting it to be.... I need more help from my band than I'm getting... DH just came home so I should get him some lunch... Talk to you all later I hope... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everybody..... this is going to be one of those fly by posts some of you call them... I've had Mimi since about 6:30 this morning... She is sick....poor little thing... with a bad head cold..... sneezing almost constantly...........runny nose.... watery eyes.......Her cheeks are so red and her nose.... DD asked us to get her to the doc this morning.... We did........ got medicine for the cold and the infected ears... She just had that and they must not have cleared up all the way before.... Anyway, I spent my whole day holding or caring for her.. No playing today... She just wanted to watch Little Bear...... Now I'm tired and have to get supper and get a few things done before doing it again tomorrow.... This is such a great site and you all have been so full of wisdoms and information... Won't it be great to sit in the same room and talk........ 3 weeks from today.. Wish everyone could come.... Glad you are making it now, Lori....Anyway, you all take care... I'll be back when I can...... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Eva, I hear you and can relate to most everything you said... So much of mine was forced because of medical issues, but I'm having such a hard time getting back on track....and just when I think I've got it.........I don't.... I'm very tired of this standstill......... Let's hope we are both doing better before FL, if not we can commiserate with each other..... I'd love to respond to everyone, but I'm so tired... will try to do better tomorrow.... Good night all.. hope you get a restful sleep and a great day tomorrow... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning ladies, Before I forget again, Melissa, congrats on the promotion... You must feel like a million bucks, with a new job, more money, and less weight... Suck it all in, you earned it..... Lori, your daughter is doing the right thing.. these kinds of things need to be dealt with before the wedding... Not doing so is why the divorce rate is so high..... Apples, hugs on the verigo again... You just got over the kidney stones and now this... Take care of yourself... My DH can sleep more now than he used to, too... but he is going to be 62 on 2-15............ Most of the time he acts like a youngster, and can go all the time, but he does sleep more now that he is retired.... Janet, hope your baby is better soon... The liverwurst things sounds like a good idea.... Jessica, good work on the 3 pounds... Just keep plugging away, you'll find a routine for everything soon... Boy, Arlene, I've never noticed getting tighter after lifting.. I am back to lifting Mimi now and it doesn't seem to bother me at all..... darn..... it might help me eat less.... Linda, hope you slept well and got up early like you planned. Well, I got my letter from insurance yesterday.... No go on the MRI..... Waiting to talk to the doc's office today and made an appointment with my GP for next week to manage some of my meds... Can't stay on this stuff indefinitely..... My pain is better, so that is a relief, but there has to be a reason for it and I don't want it coming back ever!!!! I still can feel it twinge me sometimes, but haven't had any bad episodes for about a week.... They are just taking a very hard line.... so.... I don't know what's next.... maybe I just need to forget about it....see what happens.... I'm tired of the fight.... Mimi comes at 10:45 today so I'd better get moving.. Cold is still hanging in there... I did sleep last night without coughing too much, but slept in the chair from the start.... And had a Ricola cough drop just before falling asleep... They seem to help... Have a good day everyone... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    nazzy, I have 8 cc's in my band now.... At one point I had 8.6 but had a medical emergency and had to have surgery and they took it all out.... So had to start over.. They will gradually fill you up in order to get the right restriction for good weight loss.... It takes time for most of us.... I have never heard of anyone getting up to the limit of fill.... They seem to find the right spot before that happens... Don't worry about this too much.. Your doc should explain it to you at your fills.... They usually go 1 or 2 cc's to start and then as little as .2 other times.. You'll be amazed what .2 can do for you when you get close to your sweet spot.....
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Nazzy, I'm not as experienced as Janet, but I can tell you that I have never lost any fill..... I have 1 14 cc band... When I get a fill they always withdraw it all to check to make sure there are no leaks and then refill adding a bit more... Losing fill could mean a leak in my opinion.... It is common to need more fill because of shrinkage due to weight loss. These are very good questions to ask you fill doc..... Good luck.....Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Apples and Arlene, my DH and his son (my step-son) were in Iraq at the same time...12-03 to 3-05... DH with the National Guard and son with regular army.... It was a very difficult time... I poured myself into the Family Support Group.... I honestly believe it was easier for the wives to bond together than the parents.. We wives were able to do just what we do here... We had the same things.... Whereas the parents had different circumstances to deal with... girlfriends who got called first and etc... I always felt bad for the parents... Of course I didn't hear any news about the step son.. He called his wife in Germany and she didn't speak to me.. DH and son got to see each other twice while in Iraq.... But as for me................... I lost weight while he was gone...over 100 pounds.... Was my last big weight loss that I mostly gained back after he got home.... I was home alone and didn't cook and emersed myself in the support group.... It was a time in my life I never want to go back to... DH would go again if he could..... He is a soldier through and through... Started his career in Viet Nam and ended it 38 years later in Iraq......... That's why I have such troublesome insurance.... TriCare.........military insurance... They are fussy and don't always pay well... But it's free to us..... So can't complain too much... Arlene, so sorry your son has suffered from his experiences... Funny thing about my DH is that the terrible things that happened to him when he was young and in Viet Nam and after he came back were actually healed during and after Iraq.... He even actually lost a piece of shrapnel from his chest while in Iraq that had been in his body since Viet Nam.... symbolic but very meaningful and unbelievable almost..... We are so lucky to have men and women that can give themselves to their country like my DH and your sons have done.... Now DH's son is different... It was a job to him and he is glad it's over.. Didn't have it in his heart like his dad...... He was in Virginia on 9/11 when the terrorists hit the twin towers and the pentagon.. He was deployed there to DC to dig out dead bodies from the rubble.. Another terrible time... Anyway, that's the reason I still have clothes in my closet from a few years ago... I was at this weight before and just need to get past this now and move into new territory... Goodnight friends... sleep well......... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Mimi is wataching Dora the Explorer so I got to catch up on the posts..... Oh, and Arlene, I remembered you were married right after I hit post...... It is another gal who I think is single.... Anyway...... Yes, thanks for the advice, Apples.... These issues are hard and the holidays seem to make them worse somehow... I guess because it is the time for family...... I know I do feel better since I decided not to dwell on it anymore... And knowing DH doesn't hold me at fault for them not accepting me and DD helps alot.... Sunday I mentioned that we should call our grandsons...that we hadn't called for a bit.... His response was that the phone rings both ways......... and we did not call...... But he ran right over to see Mimi when DD called to say she was crying after cutting her finger and wanted PaPa......... It's only a few blocks and he goes running (really) over there often...... They love us and need us and that's what matters.... Just like you, Linda, we have our little girls to spoil..... How many grandkids do you have, Arlene?? Janet, glad you chimed in.... are you working??? and everything is okay now....?? Hope you have a good rest of the day... Linda, great going on those 2 pounds... They say when you are close to goal it is harder.... I mentioned a couple days ago that I gained like 5 pounds in 2 days with this cold... Couldn't get my rings off and felt so bloated.... I can feel my body starting to flush itself now and my rings aren't so tight... Scale was down 2 pounds today..... Maybe I'll be back to normal soon... Maybe the cold medicine on top of my other stuff did that to me... Don't care, just want it gone.... Apples, I did my steel cut oats today... I had mine with a bit of milk and brown sugar... Don't care for the fruit thing... It was good, but rather chewey.... is that right or should I have cooked it longer... It would have started to stick if I had left it on any longer... You said it made 4 servings so that's what I did.... About how many calories in that amount? Oh, and by the way, I finally took the initiative to do my walking tape this morning.... got to 1/2 mile but had to stop... Not too bad considering.. I'll take it.... Now to just remember to do it tomorrow and the day after and the day after!! Mimi is cooperating rather well.... Just had to put Little Bear on for her but now she is settled again... Last evening after DH got home he was playing with her on the floor like he does.. They were pretending to be elephants and crawling around and such.... after a bit she said "c'mon gamma", so amazingly I slid out of my chair and crawled around like an elephant... waving my trunk in the air...... she thought it was great fun and laughed........... But it was DH who gave me my non(whatever you guys call it) weight moment... He sat up on his haunches and said, "Now I've seen everything!!" I had to laugh and realized what a big thing it was for both of them to see and for me to do...... Maybe I am finally getting past all my medical problems and there is hope for me yet...... Well, better not tempt fate.....so I should go check on my little one... We are trying to potty train and she isn't cooperating well... I don't think she is ready yet, but DD wants me to try..... TTYL..... Hugs friends.....Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

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    Arlene, we must have been posting at the same time.... Your issues are not minor.... If it's important to you then it is to me, too.... DH I have had to make the same decisions about his 2 older kids and their families... We are sick of trying and trying and always being left in the background or as an afterthought.............or if they need something.... Christmas was a big disappointment again because we don't count... The older step-daughter and her husband agreed to see us over Christmas, but the Saturday before only... A little visit at their apartment we had never seen since they moved into in April...then out to supper at our expense.... We took gifts.... none from them.... Then just off our separate ways... When we asked about their plans they just said they were spending the day by themselves.... So we didn't count for the acutal holiday.... They are selfish... The step- son and his family did call to thank us for gifts, but not a card even from them..... I, too, have had enough.... So has DH... he is so ashamed of how his kids treat us.... They are jealous of our DD who is here.... She is my biological and DH adopted her when we got married. She was 11..... By DH says that she is the only one who acts like she cares about us, so she gets the attention and if they don't like it, tough.... I hate it that he has to feel this way about his own kids, but they did it to themselves........ It's selfish behavior learned from their biological mother... Anyway, enough of that, but I sure do understand.... Take care of yourself.... That's what is important.... I have to ask because I'm not real sure, but are you married or single??? I'm having a senior moment....... Take care......
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning......didn't sleep well, but this time because of my cold... Had to get up and sleep in my recliner, otherwise I coughed.... I'm ready for this to be gone!!! I've had to do that housecleaning in my friendships in the past, too..... It is hard, but after a while you just can't stand doing all the work and being a doormat... One should get as well as give in any relationship... The one person in my life that was a friend from college didn't even seem to miss me when I quit.... She never even inquired why...... So I knew I was right to let her go..... I've beeen trying to teach this to my DD who is 26.... In a small town where children are in grades in school with only 30-40 kids and only half girls, they are almost forced to be friends be sheer circumstance.. so many of her friends have caused her such pain in years since high school and I've tried to tell her that she isn't forced to be friends with them anymore. She is grown up and can now find people who share her opinions and accept her just for who she is.. Well, this has finally happened to here.... With this last job change she has made new friends right here in our little town. Some married with children and some single parents like she is... She is happier know that she has been in years... Even she can see it now.. It is so good for her and I am very happy about it.... You all have been talking about catholic school and such and I've been meaning to tell you that when I was in 7th and 8th grade, we used to get out of school to go to our confirmation classes and I'm a Lutheran.... We even got to do our lessons during study hall if need be... No one thought anything of it... It was agreed to by the school board and certainly hurt nothing.... Things are so different now and not for the better I don't think!!!!! We sure are a diverse group.....don't ya think???!!!! Champrickie, glad you have been helped by our thread... Please feel free to jump in and tell us about yourself and where you are in your WL journey.... Prayers have gone out for you..... Hope you'll be back to talk... Janet, no news about my MRI... they said 5-6 working days for an answer, so that means today or tomorrow I would think.... Eva, hope the rain stays away until you are ready for it.... What is a pilates machine? did I miss something?? Meredith, you go ahead and start packing... This is a very exciting time and you should enjoy it.... that's only a month from now and it takes time to pack correctly and plan things out... have fun..... sorry about the no word of your friends mother... Lori, you must be so happy to be almost finished with therapy... And when you go to the rec center just remember because you don't have this job you can come to be with us in FL!!!!!!!!! Linda, I'm just so impressed with all you've done.. Keep up all the good work.... Cheri, you, too...... Well, only an hour until Mimi comes and I need to get things in order... DH went to work to haul grain this morning.... Sorry to have forgotten some of you, but my brain is only going so far today.. I really should make notes as I read.... I do occassionally, but not this time... Everyone have a good day.... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there, just got out of the shower, trying to get some of the Vicks off my chest and some moisture inot my lungs.... I sound awful..... but my head is clear and I haven't started coughing...........YET!!!! I'm praying that doesn't happen as I have a horrible cough that sounds like it comes from my big toe!!!! The same reason I don't need a microphone when I sing or speak..... Big mouth.........big lungs................. Yup, Cheri, I'm a singer, too, but never got to do what you did yesterday... I'm jealous.... I love to sing and play guitar, but don't do much of the latter these past years.. Guitar just sits and collects dust. Apples, I'm with Cheri.... I get tired just reading what you have done already this morning... I think you must be a great deal like my husband.... can't sit still very long.... Meredith, congrats on the house... it will be quite an adventure.... Is Andrew happy about it, too? Congrats on being so close to Onederland..... I'm jealous of you, too!!!LOL... The poor woman and her family... They must be just crazy with worry and the unknown.... Have already prayed for them as you asked.... NY, thanks for sharing... I'm very unschooled about the Jewish religion...but what I do know is about the rich food.......good luck finding or revamping the recipes you want to keep your family happy..... It will be a challenge, but you can do it... Jessica, don't worry, if you keep at it the pounds will come off.... they did for us and we all had times like you're having now... Just keep going..... Well, I still feel terrible, but slept okay... The crud in my lungs seems to be loosening up a bit so that's a good sign.... Maybe I can be over this soon and ready for this big trip of ours..... I'm just gonna keep it low key today.... Straighten up my kitchen from yesterday..(I did nothing yesterday after church....) and fold a load of towels and take care of Mimi.... Supper is already figured out... Steak for DH with some leftover potatoes and cucumber salad from yesterday. I do need to boil some eggs and my little girl loves them and asks each day...... Hopefully I get to them before she does as she loves to peel, but doesn't quite have the knack down........ Have a good day everyone.... TaTa......... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening.... Happy Birthday Melissa..... glad you are having such a nice day... Apples, getting ready for a trip is a pain in my book... You have most of it done I think, but trying to remember what you forgot is not fun... It will be good to get all those little loose ends tied up.... Janet, you go girl..... Gotta let your hair down once in a while... I'm about due for that.... Maybe FL.....then look out!!!!! It's been years.... and I don't drink.... Eva you sound busy... have fun with your niece... Linda you are doing so well on the exercise.... Cheri, too.. Nice to get outside... Lori, good going on the cleaning... I need to do that, too... I've been trying for days to avoid a chest cold... Taking Airborne and Zimax...... Just feel like crap really.... lungs feel heavy and my voice is funny,... Had a long day at church with our annual business meeting after and then potluck dinner... Didn't get home until 1:00.... Then I took a nap.... Just don't feel good....AND........... I GAINED 5 POUNDS IN 2 DAYS!!!!!!! How the heck does that happen???? I must be full of fluids... I can't get my rings off even... Hoping this will pass.........quickly!!!!!!!! Well, time to medicate and try to rest... A bit of TV with DH.... Hope all of you, every one, are happy and healthy... On to tomorrow..... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening gals......... Linda, glad your insurance company is willing to listen... Mine is giving me a headache right now.... No complaints other than not being able to have this MRI, yet......Hopefully that will change next week...... Arlene, I wish I knew where my pain comes from... It's in my left shoulder area...down into the arm and up into the next... The last doc thinks it maybe a neck problem, but just can't get okayed for an MRI to try to find out...... Only thing is that it is better than it once ways.... Haven't had to sit and cry for quite some time...... but I still need pain pills and sleeping pills to get any rest.... Apples, I don't do hot drinks.... never did like them... don't like iced tea.... that's mostly why I was so addicted to diet coke..... Now that I'm off the caffeine I don't want to go back, but I'm so sick of lemonade that I could scream... I've just been craving pop, so do the root beer as it has no caffeine... I open it and let it sit in the fridge and dillute it with ice..... but it is helping me get some fluids in that I've been missing... TV is boring tonight.... DH just was to the hot-tub, but my skin is itching so I stayed out..... got my paperwork mostly caught up this afternoon... Just some things to straighten out for my mother... She is so gullable and forever has all these stupid charges on her credit cards.. Then I have to make calls and figure out what she got herself into... $247 this time.... Don't think I can fix it until Monday, though.... DH wants to run into Bismarck tomorrow... I was just there yesterday, but he wants me to go along.. He promised a recently widowed friend of ours that he would go get her a new toilet for her house... She just wants us to get it.... She needs a high one like for the handicapped.... and oblong.. Doesn't care what it looks like just wants it done.. She can barely walk anymore and is so appreciative of DH's help...... So, I guess I can ride along and give the woman's perspective to his purchase for her.... Have a good night, ladies.... Tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one for me with the food issue.. Sleep good everyone......... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    I'm having a bad food day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not enough sleep last night and Mimi here all day and all I wanted to do was sleep and eat...........You'd think I was a newborn!!! I haven't gone crazy with calories, but sure have felt the uneasiness of looking for food everywhere... Thank goodness my Christmas cookies are gone... I'm left with less troublesome things........... Mimi has gone home and I could take a nap...........nope, can't fall asleep now.... go figure!!! Supper is a hotdish ready to pop in the oven..... Laundry is in progress......Not much to do for now... You guys and your coffee... I just can't drink it at all... Lately I'm having sever cravings for pop (soda, to some of you!!)..... I take a Diet Barq's and pour half in a glass and stir it till it quits fizzing and then add ice.... does the trick for me..... CBL>>>>>>>>>>>> Julie

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