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Mrs. Bubba

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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Melisssa, I'm so sorry about what's happened... But we understand........ you have to do what's best for your family.... I can only imagine your disappointment.. try to buck up and have a nice Valentines Day date with your DH.... It will make him feel better even if you don't... As Janet always says, "WE WILL" do this again and next time we'll need 5 condos............... Take care now and don't cry anymore.. It'll give you a headache.....LOL....... Yes, Laura K, I'm getting excited... Wishing we all could be there.... but like with Melissa, things happen.... We'll all have to start saving for next time... Maybe summer or fall in MN or ND!!!!!! Apples lake resort sounds fun, but not in the winter...... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Welcome back Phyll.... great pictures.. you guys look happy.... Lori, I was wondering the same thing about kackie (I know I spelled that wrong, nothing looks right...) I think I'm going to throw in a pair of those light pants as all my other ones that fit are winter pants.... Hope I don't look dorky!!!!! Your bring your white ones and we'll be in good company.... I just finished baby shower invitations for one I'm giving for my new little great nephew on the 27th... Now have to do a bunch of work for my 40th class reunion for this summer... Don't know why I get all that work but I always do.... Mimi is napping so I can get some done now... Bye.... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

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    Thanks Judy...... I know you are right.... and I just colored my hair, too........ Laura, how is the little guy adjusting to no cast now??? Did he get over missing it?? Kids......... Looking forward to meeting him..... And yes, I'm bringing my suit... a nice dip in the hot-tub if not the pool, sounds great.... from the pictures it looks like there are steps into the pool... I so miss my water aerobics but have to pull myself out of the pool and docs won't let me yet.... so I'm ready to get wet if possible..... Maybe I'll swim while you guys shop!!!!!! or not!!!!! TA TA
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning everyone, I'm happy to say I slept well again last night... Sure makes a difference in my attitude for the day......But I sure did get that cold sore on my lip.... dang it anyway...... no kissing for a few days!!!! Should be better by Valentines Day and DH's birthday is on the 15th!!!!!!! He's getting new dress cowboy boots... but has to do his own shopping..... Yup, I have decided to check my bag, and Lori, it was the shoulder and the lifting that helped me make up my mind... It's feeling better so no need to aggrivate it with some heavy lifting..... Eva, what's the ice chest for???? got me curious... Glad you had a good time walking and not buying.... Well, I'm sure lots of you have as much to do as I do the next couple days... Mimi comes soon and I have PT in Bismarck tomorrow.... Gotta get some things started this morning so I'd better get at it.... The cat just puked on my carpet so I get to add that lovely chore to my list, too.... Yeah!!!!! TTYL.................. Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey Jodi and Judy, thanks for the lesson on Jewish traditions... I admit to knowing nothing about it at all..... A farm girl from North Dakota and we don't have many of the Jewish faith around here..... I'm a lifelong member of a little country Lutheran church. Thanks also, for the advice about baggage.... I'm thinking I'm just going to quit sweating it and take the bigger one and check it so I don't have to worry if I buy a little something or not.... Can't leave Florida without something for Mimi...... Judy, way to go on the 15 pounds... wish I could jump start my loss like that..... You must be feeling better now that things are moving down.... Good work..... Lori, sounds like your family weekend was great... I can just see those big "kids" sitting in the back being kids..... Fun.......... Apples, you are such a good hostess.... I'm sure your friends are having the time of their lives..... Just so you know, I'm expecting you to make my little vacation a lot of fun, too.... No pressure now, of course..... But just meeting you will be a thrill.... and all the rest of you girls, too... sounds like our group is growing into a very nice crowd... I'm actually starting to get a bit excited rather that scared...... A week from now it will all be over!!!!! How about that ... time has gone by so fast after all... DH went to bed early... Between all the driving and snow blowing after we got home, I think he is exhausted... I had a nap in my chair this evening, so may try to look at a book for awhile.. Haven't been reading much lately....Too much else going on.... I have been fortunate to have my shoulder not bother me much the last few days... I was scared it would start up on that long drive and make me crazy, but it didn't... Maybe there's hope for me yet...... HOWEVER, I feel a dang cold sore beginning on my upper lip.... I never get those... Why now, when I have all of you to impress....(LOL) Maybe I can kill it before I get there.... Well, Hope Janet had a good weekend and will be back soon..... I miss Meredith and some of the others who have been gone... ... They must really be busy living their lives...... I guess we all have busy lives and just get here when we can... I'm thankful for you all.. I always explain what I do here as my "on-line support group".... It's a wonderful thing..... Goodnight girls, talk to you tomorrow.... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey you FL girls, do you just do a carry-on or do you check your bag....??? I don't remember having to pay the last time we flew...... I haven't figured out which bag I need yet.... I'm really unsure of what clothes to pack..... I guess I'll just throw something in and go for it no matter what..... but I am curious if you check or carry-on........... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

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    Jessica, glad you are coming... We'll find room, not a problem I don't think..... I'm sure the rest will feel the same... We're just home from a ride in the country to church and back... We've had snow so and the plows haven't been out so it was 4-wheeling all the way.... Not a nasty day really, just very much WINTER!!!! We are to go to dinner at noon to some friends...... DH is out blowing snow. He hates to drive on it before he gets it moves... leaves such a mess that stays too long then... I have to get something to tide me over till we eat as my stomach in empty and nagging me.... You all have a great Sunday..... Are you football fans??? Not us, but we sometimes switch channels to see how things are going.... Good luck to you die hard fans... Hope your team wins..... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey everyone, we're home again..... 1000 miles, a funeral, lots of visiting and TBS (tired butt syndrome).... Not a good food time.... too much snacking in the car.... with mother along I think I eat just to drown her out some.... Anyway, I'm very tired and need to get undressed and ready for bed so I can relax a bit before falling asleep..... Melissa, my flight gets in at 2:20.............. I am the only one coming in from Minneapolis I guess.... So there are really three times to try to meet us..... glad you got it figured out..... Judy, yes, we're so happy to have you make it..... Jessica are you joining us for a bit, too??? Hope so... great going on the test More tomorrow.... Nightie night.... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello...........I'm behind again... Just finished reading... Life is crazy for me.... Had my PT today and then a bit of shopping and home again... Lots to do as we have to leave in the morning for Duluth, MN..... 480 miles and the weather isn't supposed to be great... My aunt passed and her funeral is on Saturday.... DH is coming along and we are taking my mother.... Lots of other family going from around here, too..... So, now I'm getting ready for a quick trip while trying to get ready for our trip to FL...... I'm okay with everything... Moonfish or whatever... Melissa my flight gets in at 2:20 pm ............ Well, have to go get my kitchen cleaned up before morning.. and pack our bag and about a dozen other things... You all take care and don't expect me back until Sunday sometime, unless I get time to check in the morning before we leave.... Hoping for a restful night so I can be alert enough to drive some tomorrow.... bye now...... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everyone, I'm still here, but oh boy, what a few days. Evidentally the traction was not a good thing... I just had a little on Thursday, but by Friday I was not feeling well... A bit dizzy and just not right... It kept getting worse until I was down in bed.... Dizzy, nauseous, belching.... Over the years this has happened to me numerous times... My neck goes out and it pinches a nerve in the 5th cervical vertabrae that controls the digestive system and also blocks oxygen to the brain... PT didn't want me to go the the Chiropractor for a bit until we saw how things were going to turn out with the therapy.... So, I waited until yesterday for my regular pt appt... But I was in bad shape... almost too dizzy to walk.... felt sick, my back hurt from the base of my skull to the tailbone..... I was definitely not in a good mood either... Poor DH..... Anyway, they were alarmed that I had taken such a turn... Did a little electode therapy with a cold pack on my neck and a hot pack on my lower back and told me to go see my chiropractor... I did, immediately.... He gave me a treatment and when he hit that nerve on the 5th CV I had the strangest feeling... I started belching and thought I was going to throw up... It calmed and her finished.... Told me to go very easy but to go back to PT and tell them NO traction... Just do whatever we have to do to get this MRI..... I went home and went to bed and stayed there till last evening... Up for a bit, took pain pills and back to bed... Still tired, but feeling better.... I have accomplished the dishes and a few chores and Mimi is here... So is DH so he helps a lot...... I'm hoping that I'll be back to normal (whatever that is) very soon..... I read all the posts, but can't begin to comment on them all.... Cheri, I loved all your inspiring words... Jessica, way to go girl... nice picture..... Laura, I say we plan to go out Saturday night... If we will all be tight from flying it would be best to do it that night I think.... Lori, hopig DD will be fine... Janet, I have that problem all the time because of the Vicodin I take everyday..... my sympathies...... Oh I would love to say things to all of you but just can't remember everything.. Forgive me please..... Gotta go change Mimi..... She needs to smell better I think..... Love to all.... Maybe be back this evening... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi, it's actually 2:45 here in ND................... just got out of the shower and put bio freeze cream o nmy shoulders.. I was sleeping until about half an hour ago...Damn this pain... took another pill, so should get drowsy soon..... I never got any e-mail notices today... what's up with that.... ?? Nothing wrong with having one child.... Laura, but you'd be great with a little girl...... Yup, my phone is dead... good thing I only use it when I'm out of the house... Haven't missed it yet... Hope to have a new one by Tuesday.... Sounds like everyone had a good weekend... I was fairly lazy today, but did get my Valenitine cut-out cookies done.. They are drying and then in the morning will freeze them for sealing... I ate too many today.. They are a favorite of mine... Laura, about your friend (?)......... We just talked about these onesided friendships last week and we don't need them... Good for you to take a stand..... Well, my pain is so distracting I can't type well, so I'm going to say good night... Hope to do better tomorrow... Won't this be fun in Florida???!!!?????? Night all.............. Julie Safe travels, Apples....
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey gang.......Apples, we're going to have to get educated about Jodi's Jewish things... I've never heard of those things either..... Jodi, just pretend (?)we're dumb and explain everthing in detail!!!! I've also never heard of In and Out Burgers!!! Janet, love your description of desert casual..... We had supper out tonight, too.... It was a community thing called "Taste of Washburn"..... Business people make a single dish (ordinary or unusual) and give out samples to everyone... $5 each, Mimi was free.... with 25 or more businesses sampling things is a full meal............ There was everything from fresh fruit to homemade bread...german dishes and beans and chili and of course lots of desserts.... kuchen, cheesecake.... but all little bit-sized pieces... Mimi had 4 little cups of fruit and lots of nibbles of other stuff... I had a bit of a number of things and got very full, but didn't overdo until I went after the second piece of cheese kuchen... It had protein.....(cottage cheese)............ what can I say!!! anyway.... I kicked in my carb button and now I want to eat everything in the house... Have managed to not do that, but I'm not asleep yet, either!!!! Otherwise, the day certainly had its ups and downs.... Washed my cell phone............. lovely............. Have PT on Tuesday so will have to get a new one then..... dang it anyway..... Started using a new brand of eye liner recently and my eyes have started itching and watering.... Don't know if it's that or not... Just washed them good with soap and water again... Hoping the itching subsides now..... Anyway, time for bed...... Take care all............. Julie :thumbup:
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Jessica, OMG................... What is your sister saying this kid did to make her not want him anymore??? And why is someone like that having more children???? This is very fishy to me..... Anyway, bless you for standing up for this child..... You seem to have thought it through with your DH, so I hope things go well for all of you..... We are here to listen if you need to talk.... Take care... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Cheri, YOU MADE YOUR GOAL...................... Congratulations....... It must be wonderful...... Hope to be where you are some day..... Oops.(sorry Janet,) I will be.................... Great job..... Apples, those babies are something aren't they... I had to run up to the daycare yesterday to get Mimi to take her to clinic and I got to hold a 4 month old girl and feed her...... They are so sweet and DON'T MOVE MUCH!!!!!! What a difference from a 2 1/2 year old..... So, Phyll is on the Mexican Riviera.... Hope she is having a ball... DD came to get Mimi about 1:00 am, so I don't know if her rash has subsided or not... I'm guessing that it will... She didn't have any other symptoms either... Just full of energy.... I finally went to sleep about 3:30 then and although I got woke up a few times by DH when he got up, I didn't actually get myself up til 10:30!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes, I'm behind schedule now, but it felt good to sleep in a little.... Now to get on with my day.. I had my steel cut oats and need to go find some protein to go with it.... Linda, sorry your day was so sad for you, but now you will move on to another new stage ....... Chin up.... Counting blessings at times like these help bring me back to normal.... Hope it works for you... Take care.... Well, hope you all have a restful and/or productive Saturday.... Take care everybody.... And where is Meredith??? Packing I'll bet...... Come back soon.... Love and hugs to all........... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Happy Birthday, Janet...... I'm sure you have a nice evening planned for yourself...... Have a great time.. Apples, watch out not to beat those boys at bowling too bad..... egos can bruise...... So glad you are having such a great time..... Cheri, thanks for all the filling in... Loved your programs..... Do you still help lead programs at church and such now??? Like Chirstmas or Easter pageants??? Sounds like fun.... We have Mimi this evening... She is about ready for bed I think...... Or I'll have company while I'm up tonight...... She woke up with a rash on her torso this morning.. Took her to the clinic and they said to stop the Augmentin.... she must be allergic.... But her ear infection has cleared up..... She seems just fine.... Oops, DH is calling.... Mimi has him bamboozled in the kitchen and needs help..............later........ Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Apples, college was about the same for me.... I always wanted to be a high school math teacher. But college got away from me and I quit and then went back a few years later and became an accountant.... Worked with that most of my life in some way or another... When Kayla (DD) was 6 I opened a restaurant.... then got married..... and so it goes....but I still do accounting all the time... just no paycheck.... Apples, DS is lucky to have you, too..... glad you are having a good time... Will he come to see you in FL while you are there??? Linda, sounds like Little Greggie is a big peach!!!! We have Lowell I, Lowell II and Lowell III in our family.... DH is I, so son was always called Little Lowell... Now that we have III we call him that.... and then Grandpa and Dad.... Telly, great work... you look wonderful... Thanks for the offer of help.... But what I really want to know is if I can look like you when I'm done???? LOL......... Never happen.... I'm too old and that nice chest would be wasted........... You are lovely and I hope you have a great life... How old are you? Has it been difficult to stay on maintenance??? Laura, too bad about Nelson's hand, but better safe than sorry, is right!!!! He'll handle it fine I'm sure... Nice touch with the cigars for your dad... Janet, the dogs would drive me crazy, too... Sometimes my cats can do that... If we leave them in the house at night, about 4:00 they really wake up and start running around sounding like a herd of elephants.... That's why they sleep in the garage unless it is really frigid out.... Garage is insulated but not heated... They like it most of the time.... Arlene, I love buying clothes for Mimi, too... Can never pass up a good deal for her..... Lori, have fun de-stressing in Salt Lake..... Well, I got 3 batches of cookies and some banana muffins done and put away. Ready to take some to my little family and the rest in the freezer to get ready to seal up and mail... Want to do some cut-out Valentine ones tomorrow if I feel like it..... Time to make supper.... You all have a great evening... TTYL................. Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey Apples, glad to hear from you again............. No, I haven't really figured out how to de-stress...... I'm better than I once was.... I was a complete worry wart.... I have just forced myself to let some things go, but sometimes I think I've just moved into the denial stage or something comparable.... I'm still looking for my de-stressor.... This website and all of you help emensely.... Thanks for asking Eva and Apples..... Why am I up at 2:52 AM????? Pain of course.... Dang it... PT gal said she hoped I wouldn't have it tonight after her massage and such, but here I am.... My second pain pill is starting to kick in so I'm going to attempt sleep again... Later.................
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hello gang, time to check in..... Yes, Apples abscence is duely noted!!!!!! I had my 2nd pt today... Cheri, this time I had traction for 10 min.... first they did ultrasound, then massage, then electric stimulation and heat.... then 15 pounds of pressure with the traction device.... don't feel much different.. I should know something in an hour or so if the pain is going to hit like usual.... It's always about bedtime.... After appt, instead of just heading home, I stopped in to see a friend I make when our husbands were in Iraq from 03 to 05... Her husband is in Kosovo now... Only difference is now she is home alone with 4 little ones instead of 2...... They have a son born the same day as Mimi and a new little girl, 4 months, born after her left home, but before he left the US.... He made it here 6 hours after her birth and got to spend 14 days... Anyway, after nearly 5 years I have grown away from these gals even though we remain good friends... We were a part of each other's daily lives back then... but life goes on... My DH retired... I was like a mother to those young ones and a grandma to their kids... I asked her today if I could do anything for here and her first response was to sigh and then say, "make me some Cookies for the kids!!!" So, cookies I will make and deliver next week.... DH and I sat in the hot-tub a while ago and he was feeling blue about all his buddies being gone again and him stuck at home... I told him that this was what was meant to be... Where would our little Mimi be now without her PaPa.......???? He smiled and moved past it..... Then we decided I should bake some cookies to send to his friends, too... So, I'll have to get busy now before our FL trip and get some Valentine packages ready to send to the troops...... I like the idea... cuz, I can eat one cookie, and package the rest.. I always freeze them and then use my vaccuum sealer while they are still frozen so they don't break... Worked well... I sent so much stuff to Iraq when DH was gone... Even Angel food cake..... Only one package was spoiled when it got there... Must have not sealed completely.... Anyway, I'm excited to bake tomorrow because I don't have Mimi until 7:00 in the evening. DD is taking her to work and then having a potato bar party with her friends in the evening...... Sorry, I guess that dragged on a bit.... Cheri, loved the story... I guess Art Linkletter was right... Kids do say the darnedest things...... Laura, hope all goes well at Nelson's appt.... I'd go see my friend if I was you.... Show off your new body a little, girl!!!! And hopefully you have enough things in your vehicle to distract the little guy for that long... Linda, not a good mental picture to bring up about horses..... did your friend survive and thrive???? Lori, I actually got told that, too, when I got emptied out during my whole surgery mess last year.... Was your nurse happy she'd had the body sculpt thing??? Jewel, good going on the dinner last night.... We knew you could handle it.... LauraK, Janet, Deb, Lisa, Eva............uh, who'd I miss???? Sorry....... hope you are all fine.... Melissa, are you home yet??????? How was the trip????? Apples, we miss you............. Talk to you all tomorrow... Hoping to have a good night so I can be very productive tomorrow... I feel as though I've had a rather unproductive week so far with all my trips to Bismarck.... It just takes the bulk of the working day away...... Anyway,. goodnight friends.. Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi girls, I fell asleep in my chair about 9:00.....woke up with horrible pain in my shoulder and arm.... It's really biting me right now... got in a warm bath and took my pain pills.... I worried that I'd have trouble as the pain one is pretty big.. I cut it in 2, but still was a bit anxious after my fill today and being on liquids... But I made it and my stomach feels fine.. Hoping the pain subsides sometime soon.... LSE, welcome....... a vet is a new twist to our mixed bag of careers here.... I'm a farm girl so was used to the vet coming to pg cows and such.... I love horses but have never really ridden as I thought it was a horrible thing to do to the horse!!!!:smile2: Anyway, good job at getting back on the horse!!! LOL..... Tell us more about yourself.... Where are you on your journey???? We are all in different stages and have had all sorts of problems, too.... My story is long and tangled..... But I'm still plugging away.... glad you are here.... Eva, glad you are feeling your fill.... It's a security thing for me... I need to know it's there... Hope my fill from today helps me too..... Arlene, I'm with Lori, need some yolk in my egg.... That's where all the protein is... But keep experimenting til you get what makes you happy.... My fill doc told me today that I'm not the usual LB patient.... Duh???? You think, with all my problems... But she meant that I can eat things that most can't and can't what lots can.... does that make sense... But as long as I lose I guess it doesn't matter... It was good that Apples checked in.. They are following the route that we take to Ohio, so I can imagine where they are.... Her DH wanted to go to some ag show didn't he??? Cheri, sorry you are feeling sick again... No fun... your defenses must be down.. Do you use Airborne??? I swear by it.... Take care.. Well, I've got to get up and do something to try to interrupt this pain.... tomorrow is PT again.... I'm very tired of the 40 mile trip to and from Bismarck every day this week.... 9:45 tomorrow.... then I can come home and stay for the weekend.... I hope..... Good night all..... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

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    Lori, I was able to figure it out and got the new confirmation number.... I have never done this online printing of boarding passes and such... All new to me... It's been a three years or so since I was on a plane.... Have to figure out the "rules", too.... The liquids and aeresols have me confused... Can I bring hairspray if it is a 3.4 ounce size??? How about perfurme.??? I read it but just confuses me.... And I was kidding about the shopping... Whem I'm down to goal like you are I'm sure I will get as much joy as you do from it....
  21. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey there, just got home from doc appts.... GP re-filled all my medications and took some blood. It hasn't been checked for quite some time.. BP was excellent.... She had a coniption when she heard ins denied me again... Now she is going to write a nosty letter she says.... Don't know what good it will do, but oh well, she can try... Then I did get a fill..... .4 cc's moves me to 8.8 in my 14 cc band.... Hoping this will do the trick I've been waiting for this whole time.. Both docs told me how good I look and thought I must have lost lots of weight... Only 3 pounds since I was in the last part of November.... That's not much.. But others have commented lately, too... Maybe it's because I'm walking straighter now, not so hunched from the surgeries as I have been for so long... Don't know, but I guess I'm looking better even if it isn't in pounds... Phyll, love the pictures.... I don't own a hat, would have to borrow one..... Jewel, way to go on the A........ and you'll be fine at the dinner.. just like someone else said... be yourself..and answer appropriate questions if you want to.. If you are uncomfortable just blow it off or change the subject..... You'll do great.... Congrats... Janet, I agree, funerals are no fun.... but respect is a good thing.... for you and the family..... I want to be respected by my peers when I die.... So, I try to go to funerals when I can.. Did all of the office go??? Lori, you are a shopper..... I think you have this Ann Taylor thing in your blood now... I hope your coupons work.... When I got home DH said someone called to change all the numbers on my flight and he missed some as he hears so poorly... Now I fly Delta because they merged.... It was a automated call and there was evidentally now repeating... So, now I have to try to find out what's going on... He missed the confirmation number.......:smile2: Hope that isn't a problem...... Well, I better take advantage of Mimi napping to get a few things done.. Talk to you all later... Oh, remind me.... I know Apples posted this at some point, but do we have to bring anything to this condo that we wouldn't normally bring to a motel..... food, I know and drinks..... But what about towels and ect..??? Thanks.... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

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    I'm awake for some dang reason so thought I would check in and try to catch you, Apples...... Have a great, safe trip..... I know how excited you are... Hope it meets all your expectations... You are such a blessing to us all..... Take care and have fun............ Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

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    I like to watch What Not to Wear..... I've threatened my DD that I was going to nominate her.... She has very long hair that she dies black now...Yuck.... And she hides in too small jeans with great big sweatshirts and her hair in a ponytail most of the time... I do believe that she is doing her best to make sure no man looks at her... Defense mechanism...... And I want Nick back, too..... Okay, I'll be a good sport about shopping as long as I get to sit when I need to.... We have a dress barn here, but have only been in there once I think.... I may be a bit more stylish than Eva descibed herself, but nothing like Apples, Janet, or Lori...... I still don't know what Ann Taylor Loft is??????? And I cna't buy much or I won't have any way to get it home.. I'll have to mail it to myself...... My bag is already full..... Cheri, I told the gal today about you and your hanging machine and she said they had one and maybe will use it on me at some point... Should be interesting ... I have a bit of pain in my neck tonight and a bit of a headache.. I'm about to take my pain meds and head to bed.... Hoping to feel better tomorrow.... Thanks for your encouragements about Mimi... She is a delightful little girl, very smart and quick.... She may need a bit of help, but she is going to be just fine.. DD is easily flustered and worried..... So I have to be the one to hold her down a bit.... Will push her to get into these docs and find out what's what.... Could be the pediatrition over-reacted, too, because she didn't know what to do so pawned it off on the specialists..... Well, time to sleep...... goodnight, sleep tight..... you know the rest!!!!!!! Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Ok you guys are starting to scare me............ I can't shop all day... I have just started back to my walking tape and can do 1/2 mile before I must sit.... and I'm not much of a shopper AND...............I still need bigger sizes..... How in the world am I gonna keep up with all you skinny girls?????????????? I've never heard of Ann Taylor and etc.... except from you all on hear... It's just a clothing store??? Yup, I see me staying home or sitting in the car a lot...... I had my PT..... they are treating my neck... they did a very intense history and then stretched my neck and gave me some exercises to do at home.... We may have hit on the problem.... an after effect of all my surgeries... I have been walking hunched over so long recovering from the huge incisions that it may have put undue stress on my neck.. So we are working on stretching those muscles... I hope this works.. We'll see I guess.... tomorrow I have my GP to check on all my medications.... anti-depressants and sleeping pills... and a fill maybe... I'm not sure if I need one but will talk about it and let her help me decide... Mimi's feet are pigeon-toed... When little she didn't crawl the regular way much, but scooted around on one knee sort of like a litte monkey... was so cute but we noticed her toes starting to turn in especially on one foot then... Recently she has been complaining of her feet very often, saying I hurt..... So, we will get them checked... As for why the ENT....it's complicated... from birth she was called a "tongue sucker"... DD had a terrible time trying to nurse and fianlly quit, but baby still didn't suck well and her little tongue was always out... Finally the gave her some PT to teach DD how to pinch her cheeks together when sucking her bottle and it was better from then on... As she has gotten old the tongue thing has been less... Docs said it was nothing to worry about.... Since DD started working at this daycare she has notice that Mimi doesn't talk as clearly or as well as some of the other kids her age.. Of course I've just said to quit comparing her to others... She seems okay to me... She talks quite plainly, and puts words together into sentences... But still has a lot of jabber, too.... It will be a string of jabber followed by a couple words we understand so it isn't any problem for us... Well, do asked if a stranger would understand her 75% of the time.. Had to say no........ Doc looked and said she thought maybe there was a bit of an indentation in the roof of her mouth and unfortunatley mentioned soft palate.... DD heard cleft palate and freaked out... That wasn't what she said, but no luck changin her mind... AND she has had ear infection recently that just won't go away... and she with the colds she has had she has so much mucus and when she starts coughing she will wake up and then throw up all this slime (almost like a PB thing)... then retches till she throws up the contents of her stomach... another mother told DD that her child had this and it was the tonsils and ahnoids (SP) needing to come out... Doc said they were fine.... So, anyway they want her to see ENT about the palate thing and the speach.... DD is a mess about it and now wants to make sperm donor pay for all the expenses.... God, I don't want him back in our lives... What a nightmare he is..... Don't know what will happen....... So, there is my book about Mimi..... Jodi, loved the cake story... Poor girls to be so disappointed... Lori, hopefully you will sleep well tonight... Linda, I think you need to put it out of your mind a bit... you are so anxious that it is getting to you... Just relax... You are doing all the right things... Jessica, those puppies must be so fun for your daughter.. But I sure can see how you don't need that on your plate right now... The jewelry sounds like something you really enjoyed... glad you still dabble occassionally... Eva, was that bobcat that close to YOUR house?? OMG!!!!! would scare me to death and I wouldn't be taking any pictures...... Apples, love the stunt you pulled on DH.... did he forgive you for it yet???? So, what time are you leaving in the morning???? Safe journey... We'll be seeing you soon... Time to get DH some supper.. he's just getting leftover roast beef tonight.. But he likes that kind of thing.. He's an easy keeper.... I need to get organized from my trip... Kitchen is still a mess, but Mimi went home before I started here... She wouldn't nap for me today.. Now she'll go to sleep and her mother will have to fight to get her to bed.... TTYL.............. Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning............. I read all the posts, but no time left to answer everything... I have to leave for Bismarck for my first PT appt.... Will be back later to let you know how things went... Leaving DH in charge of Mimi.... so this will be a rather quick trip..... Since I was there yesterday and have to go again tomorrow and Thursday I don't need much.... Bye.........

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