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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey, my Mimi is napping so I'm going to take a chance and post before she wakes up..... Apples, I'm not sure what I have in response to your idea about something that works for each of us... With all the problems I've had medically in the last year, I've rather lost touch with the things that were working so well for me the first 8 months of my journey.. I was just so ready for a change and the band and all the rules were very easy to follow... It was a blessing to have this new life and a gift to watch the scale drop and drop... Then when I nearly died from the abscess in my abdomen things changed.. I was lucky to be alive and very greatful.....but weak and needy... and it has continued with medical issues so long that I have lost touch with the feelings I first had.... I now find the rules more difficult to follow and need the band to do more of the work than I did at first... Anyway, I gotta get my groove back in order to lose the rest of this weight.... I am blessed with having no weight gain in the past year and small losses along the way. So, all in all, I guess I'm going to give God credit for all the blessings I've had on my journey.... I'm 110 pounds lighter and I'm alive and still kicking... No small feat..... The rest is yet to come and with His help, I'll get where I should be..... And with all of you... Sorry, Apples, if that wasn't what you really were after.... But I guess it's where I'm at.... Jessica, WTG on your first day of c25k...... That is way cool and you're so doing the right things for yourself.... Yes, and our babies do grow up.... I remember well when DD was like your DS..... Now she has her own almost 3 year old.... Where did the time go? When people tell you to enjoy each stage of their lives because they are soon into another one, they are very right.... Time has a way of flying by..... So, enjoy this stage.... the next is right around the corner!! Janet.... I have a question.... If I don't like regular yogurt will I like this greek stuff???? I can't do regular.... I can do Yoplait Whips.... that's it..... Something about the culture and the texture gets me bad...... I hear you all talk about this stuff and wonder but just don't know... Good girl, Laura, step away from the cookies..... I have to do that with certain kinds of bread.... Can't have it around.. I made some biscuits for company the other night and didn't eat any, but there were leftovers... DH was smart enough to take them for sandwiches in his lunch the next day..... I went to find one and they were gone....AHHHHHHHHHH.... they were gone!!!!!!!!!... Thank goodness and DH....... cux I would have eaten one... I could hear them calling me in my mind.... Linda, sounds like you had a good weekend.... And Arlene has had a good birthday so far.. Glad you are feeling so good about your decision to do this new plan. Well, I'm pushing it here as Mimi has been asleep over 2 hours and she'll be up soon... Better get moving... gotta plan some supper.. Pork roast, but need to plan the rest... TTYL................ Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning.................. It's wet outside and I don't see any sun yet..... We're so waiting for the sun.... It's been many days without it and this is getting so old.... Anyway, DH is off to work and I've got till noon to myself today.... Paperwork on my agenda, oh, and washing the comfortor from my bed..... Dang cat came in from outside and then went to see DH while he was napping yesterday and left nasty tracks all over my ivory colored comfortor..... Dang cat!! But it needed to be done anyway I guess..... Just gives me a push to get it done... Happy Birthday, Arlene..... Hope you have a great day and good luck with that new plan..... Here's hoping it kick starts your loss again... I need a plan, too, but don't know what that is yet.... Jodi, you must be getting so excited.... Have a good day and OMG get some food for your daughter...LOL!!! Wouldn't want her to think she has to drink those dang protein shakes, either... I never did like them... Had to hold my nose to drink them for my 2 week pre-op diet... How old is she again.?? I forget....... Laura, Nael needs to learn how to sneak food!!!!!! Doesn't he realize if he lets you see it then there will be less for him... I do like Apples idea.... He would learn quick to either not bring them into the house or find a really good hiding place....... Be gentle, though, he is such a nice guy...... Laura K, I've got everything crossed that I can cross.... My DH struggles with smoking.. He really wants to quit but has tried so many times.. I do not nag him about it..... I only hate if he tries to hide it from me... I understand not being able to control your "need" for something you know you shouldn't have... He doesn't smoke near as much as he used to and never in the house or car.... But at work and sometimes when he is in his shop..... I can't say a word, but I know he is mad at himself for not conquering it..... I wish you lots of luck....... Soon you won't have any vices at all!!!!! Apples, hope you will have something to do today to occupy your mind. I'm sure you are struggling as you say... Did you get all your paperwork caught up the other day?? Trouble with paperwork is you get it done and it just comes back!!! At least mine does.... Well after my lazy day yesterday I had better get a few things done today.... For some reason my shoulder is hurting this morning.... I don't like that... My pain is almost always at night so this is different.... Hopefully some Tylenol will save the day..... You all have a good one.. Be back later...... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Evening ladies, I've had just a completely lazy day... Haven't done a thing... We had breakfast after church so no cooking... Mimi was here for a bit but watched Little Bear and then fell asleep... Her mother came about 5 minutes after she woke up... Then I took a nap...... Sat by computer for a bit.... We had leftovers warmed in microwave for supper, so no cooking..... and now just a lazy evening with boring stuff on TV..... I'm ready for a bath and bed..... Suppose I won't be able to sleep after the nap, but can always read my book for a while... Arlene, so glad things seem to be working out in a better way for you... I know you were quite concerned for your band health... Good for all of you..... This is better for them, too, I think.... Best of luck for it to turn out well..... Enjoy your nice weather... We had 38 today, but no sun again... Our snow is melting though.. this is good.. We are expecting flooding again here in North Dakota, but not by us..... they are starting the sandbagging process..... Last year was a bad one.... Phyll, you are so right to be proud of yourself for walking in the fundraiser... It is a wonderful accomplishment..... good for you... Eva, Irish food cookoff sounds interesting... Hope you have fun... What kinds of things did you get to taste??? Jodi, glad you are taking care of yourself... You are so prepared for your surgery... Tuesday is going to go so well and you will be on your way to the new you..... Joyce, hope you are enjoying your nice weather, too.... Everyone else, I'm thinking of you.... Especially Apples, at this very difficult time in her life.. So, I'm going to head off to my bath and think good thoughts for all of you... Have a safe and restful night... God Bless and keep you all...........Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

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    Oh, Apples, I'm so sorry for this loss you are feeling. We are never prepared for death, I don't think... You take care of yourself and know that we are all here for you, in whatever way you may need us.... Love and hugs.... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi gang, just home from a movie and supper with friends... We saw "It's Complicated"!!! Too funny, but the guys weren't near as impressed as us girls.... Maybe it was a bit of a chick flick???!!! I enjoyed it anyway.... DH's first wife was a cheater so he doesn't get into that topic very well... Didn't really think of that when we decided to go... But he was a good sport... We let him pick the restaurant for supper.... A steak buffet, of course... I did fine.... No overdoing for me.... I am ready for my jammies and bed, though.... I cleaned too much kitchen today I think... Nearly killed my stove.... took the handle off to clean it good and it came all the way apart... Thank goodness DH came home to help.... So, I can cook again.... Laura, great pictures... Nelson must have been in little boy heaven...... congrats on the loss.... WTG.... Jessica, you just keep surprising me every day.. You go girl........ You're doing so well..... Running is a big undertaking so be careful...... Lady, welcome... hope we hear from you again.. Lots of great people on this site.. Your doc was right to steer you to us..... Hope all of you ladies are enjoying your Saturday evening... Rest, relax, regroup..............enjoy...... tomorrow is Sunday and my day to be lazy..... TTYL................. Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

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    Judy, we were posting at the same time.... sorry to hear of your neighbor... Were you close.?? Yes, that cholesterol can get you and you just can't tell by looking who's is high.... I guess she made her choices... God will heal her now.... Hope you get the technicalities worked out on your sound system... The little things can be such a bother... You sound good.....so hope you are.... What a nice thing to volunteer at the pet place....... Take care... and have fun..... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning................ Apples, we have that thick cover of ice, too.... DH said he couldn't even stand up..... Now my mother just called to say she was going somewhere.......WHAT????!!!!!!!!!! Have you lost your mind??? But there was no stopping her... She has 4-wheel drive....... like that does much good on ice.... But promised to turn back if it was too bad and she's only going a couple miles out of our little town... 5 miles total.... We'll see... A little raise in temp or some sun will make the ice go quickly.... DH did go to the neighbors and made it okay in the pick-up.. I'm staying inside and on my feet... I fear falling.... Apples, I have my paperwork mostly caught up except for the new job I just took on... Got all those books dropped off here yesterday.. I am the new Parish Treasurer for our 2-church parish... Not a big deal to the seasoned accountant that I am, but a very big deal to the old guy who just quit after about 100 years... He is driving me a little crazy worrying if I can do the job..... Anyway, I've got cleaning my kitchen on my mind today.. I want to get my new steamer out and try to use it on my appliances a bit... My stove has these lovely little vests on the door that collect dust and crud and it's so hard to clean... I'm going to try to steam it clean.... Wish me luck!!!! Laura, sorry about Nels.... give him a hug from all his extra grandmas................. Mommies lap is always a comfort to those little ones... or grandmas in some cases.... I like to watch the Food Network... Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives is a favorite... But sometimes when I'm watching the portions they put out on some of those meals I just about get nauseous and think, OMG, I could never eat that.... How can they eat all that??? So, Yup, there has been more positive things happening to us than just the scale going down.. A different attitude towards food is emerging... Some go faster and some go slower, but we're all getting it... I was telling you about my guilt over bread and the snacking... But I also realize that I don't overeat..... If I have a real problem that is from my consumption habits, it would be not getting enough protein and fluids... When I stop and write down what I eat it is rarely over in calories, but sometimes just not the right food.... I know the snacking thing would change if I got in the hard protein I should have.... Those are the changes I need... But............back to watching people.... I find myself doing that, too.... Especially if the person is a bit overweight... It isn't criticism, but concern... I have a couple brothers who eat way too much and too fast... I want so much to tell them to quit..... But I have to keep my mouth shut... They know,just like I did, that they are overdoing it.... But they have to make those decisions themselves... Well, better get some work done... the wife of DH's friend just called and said she was sending them both back to me as they were being a pain... Maybe we have to send them both someplace else..... Have a great weekend girls.... Don't worry, Apples, Great will be back soon... with lots of pictures and stories... bye now..... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey, just checking in before shutting down for the night... Mimi is still here sleeping on the couch... Her mother will be here in a little while.... Helped her boss pull up a carpet and paint a roon tonight then headed to have a drink after.... DD isn't a drinker so I don't worry... She'll be here in an hour or so..... Apples, I did pray for us all tonight... The women of Cameroon, Africa wrote the program and it was very nice.. I learned that one of the most horrible problems there is their girl children... They are considered useless except for marraige and child bearing.. There is lots of selling them into slavery and such... Terrible... Anyway, it was nice and we did pray for world peace.... Next year my church is in charge, so guess who will be doing it??? Yup, I'm going to learn about Chile...... Jessica, I'm so sorry for the losses you have suffered.. Were you close to your Grandma??? You will have to find your own way to grieve since you can't be there at the funerals.... Be sure to let us help if we can.... You are doing so well.... I'm proud of you.... Laura K and Deb, sometimes one has to be down to recognize when things are really good.... I'm hoping you will both have better days very soon.... Count your blessings... It usually helps me.... Arlene, what kind of accomodations do you have for these people??? All females, so they can share space?? I'm not sure I have any real ideas.. We had our son and his family move in for 5 months back in 2002... the boys were 10 & 3 then... We were able to give them the whole basement more or less... Shared the laundry room.... It was still very hard having 2 women in one house... She tried to help but didn't respect my ways... She did things her way in my house.. We were so glad to have them leave..... Loved them dearly but they about drove us crazy... They fought all the time... And she cussed in German and thought I wouldn't know!!! I'm smarter than that.. I can tell when I'm being cussed at in any language!!!! Just set down some rules and pray it will only be a short time... We'll be praying for you too....... Cheri, glad you are on the mend... It takes a while to come back from a trauma like that.. Our muscles are slower to heal at this age.... dang it!!!! I'm rather a home-body, too... I'd rather be home than most places... I like to go for a little and then go home where I'm comfortable... I think that is a character trait I learned from being very overweight most all of my life.... Home is safer and I didn't have to try to hide myself from anyone... I used to always come home from work and immediately put on pajamas ..... never stayed dressed until bed time.. Mostly because the clothes were often to tight and constricting... Now that I have clothes that are less binding I can stay dressed all night if I fall asleep in my chair!!!!!! lol............ Defense mechanisms we learn to take care of ourselves... In the past I have done many weight loss books.. Christian based and other... I've been in counseling more than once for more than one thing... One thing that usually gets pointed out is that we need to give ourselves credit for getting to where we are and still being productive people... We didn't let the fat or hatever else win and completely steal our lives.. We didn't give up because we were still trying to get better... We are only failures if we quit trying... I have come to believe it, although I didn't always..... It's tough not being perfect..... Struggling to reach a dream or a goal............wondering if this will be the time we make it.... I'm so happy to have this wonderful group of supporters with me in this journey towards my idea of perfection for myself... Thanks for being here for me. And you can always count on me to be there for you, too.... Goodnight dear friends.... Hugs and prayers to all................ Julie (sorry for the sermon... I've been to church 3 times in 5 days, so I've got an excuse!!!) God Bless................
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey there, I've had the morning off from Mimi and slept in a bit, sat in the hot-tub for awhile, did my dishes from last night (no dishwasher here), used up ripe bananas and made banana bread, watched Young and the Restless, and now it's time to go get Mimi.... Not a bad morning all in all....... I will have her this evening as DD has a project to help her boss with at work. They are ripping out the old carpet getting ready for some new flooring.... A bit over an above the call of duty I think, but she and the boss have become such good friends..... Today is World Day of Prayer as disignated by the World Council of Churches and I have to go to that for an hour this evening to do my part.... Will only be an hour and is usually very nice and relaxing... Don't remember what country has done the program this year... always interesting to hear about Christianity as it happens in other countries.... DHd will have to keep Mimi for an hour... I can forgo the dessert afterward and come home early.... Janet, we buy our beef by the side, too.. It's because we get it from a producer who happens to be a friend and we know exactly what kind of beef we are getting.. The steaks are always so tender you can cut it with a fork.... The best way to buy beef, when you know where it came from... and if you have the room to keep it... We have some coming sometime in March and a good thing as my freezer is about empty... A little ground beef and some steaks left... I miss the roasts... Well, better be off.... TTYL.......... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

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    Apples, welcome home!!!!!! We are happy to have you back safe and sound... I'm sure the snow was waiting for you just about like you left it!! What happened to taking the scenic route home?? Thought your DH had lots of stops planned?? Sometimes after being away home just sounds so good.... Now don't try to do everything at once.... At least you have less to unload that you loaded when you left.... (Unless you did mega shopping or got that little pup from Jessica!!) Arlene, 2 teenagers, know wonder you are worried about the stress.... You will be in my prayers!!!! Janet, I have never been in Weight Watchers, so to me cake is not bread..... I can live without cake.... but not bread...... Sweets isn't my problem... Nibbling on things out of boredom is more a problem.... I'll have to see if I can talk myself into upgrading my lenten sacrifice...... I'll let you know if I feel strong enough to do that.... Time to start supper pretty soon, I suppose... It won't take long as the meat is already cooked and in the fridge..... I do have some more laundry to fold.... Mimi went home now so I can straighten up for real this time.. See ya later gang............. Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

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    Good Afternoon Ladies, We have been having the gloomiest weather the past few days.... Just fog and mist....no sun at all.... in the 20's... Makes for risky driving, but I made it to Bismarck and back this morning... got another errand done, too, for church.... Then home by 11:00 to take over for DH so he could go haul grain.... Today is the 34th anniversary of his sobriety and I'm planning a special supper for him... Our good friends are coming for supper... He, too, is a recovering alcholic so he and DH really understand each other quite well.. DH said they actually talked about their drinking days while on their road trip yesterday... Anyway, I'm cooking a nice supper and suppose we will play cards... Mimi is sleeping and her mother comes for her at 3:00.... I'm making beef stroganoff with noodles, cooked veggies of some sort, raw veggies with ranch dressing and angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream.... Band friendly if I don't overdo it and leave the pasta alone... Now about the bread thing... I think I was feeling very guilty because I can eat bread when they say we can't.. I'm thinking the reason I haven't lost any weight is that I really wasn't overdoing it with the bread in the first place... Now I only gave up bread, buns, buscuits and that sort of thing... Not flour all together... So anyway, this tells me that the bread I was eating occassionally wasn't as harmful as I was imagining... I love bread so I was feeling guilty every time I ate it, especially when they said it should not go down well.... No, I'm not really replacing it with anything else,and overeating.... It may have been wiser of me to give up all snacking for lent... Then I might see the scale move faster.... Arlene, so sorry for all your "drama".... kids and their problems just grow with them it seems..... You'll do fine.. Just remember to take care of yourself. Janet, those happy memories of GM just can't be snatched away and you just used it to brighten a rough day at work..... Good for you.... When is your next furlough day.. tomorrow or a week from now?? Laura, go ahead and cry.... it's okay... but you'll see him again soon... and he'll always be in your heart.. You made some wonderful memories this past few days and they will never leave you...... Now on with you and your life.. You're doing great and should be so proud... Linda, I'm glad you have spring..... we don't.... snow and freezing rain in our forecast... Yuck...... Great progress on your GD's room... She is going to love it so much.... You are a great grandmother..... Joyce, you sound like you are doing well... enjoy that nice weather.... I'm jealous..., but ours will come, too... What a nice son-in-law... and I think different ones use the same letters for son or sister... DS can be either, too.... No matter, but it was kind of comical.... Eva, sorry you lost sleep last night... Are you on the mend??? You seem to go about 100 miles an hour with work and all your projects.... I won't let DH give me much of a massage.. His hands are so strong and he doesn't realize just how much pressure he puts on and it ends up hurting... glad yours does such a good job... I didn't think I would like having a massage either, but I was surprised... I have another scheduled for next Wednesday... just a half hour on my back and neck.... We'll see if I ever do the full body thing... Jessica, you're doing fine.. don't worry about that little slip... Like Janet said, we have to live... can't do everything just perfect everyday.. It's getting right back to it that is the trick and not just letting go like we used to do when we slipped...... Hope you make it through your busy day in good humor and feeling fine... Take time to take care of youself, too.... Well, my cake is done and I should pick up a bit before Mimi wakes up.... She and DH kind of destroy the place when I'm not here.. It's not too bad today... Just a few toys... Already did the dishes.... I wish you all a wonderful evening..... Wonder what Apples and Great are doing about now??? Hope it's something fun and relaxing... Take care and I'll talk to you all later.... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi friends, I just came home from our mid-week Lenten Service and I said a prayer for all of us...... I'm now 2 weeks into my no bread fast....... So far so good..... Haven't lost any weight, but I've stuck to my committment and that's a good thing...... Phyll, the musical sounds hilarious.... We'll expect a report!!! DH should be home for his day trip soon, so will have to be ready to listen to all they did...... Hope you all have a great night.... Hugs and prayers..... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

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    Things are very quiet here today.. We sure miss Apples and Great when they are away..... Hope they are both having a great time..... I'm hoping my Mimi will be going down for a nap soon.. I have some laundry in the works, but otherwise a nice quiet day here too.... I had my massage and I liked it fine.. didn't break the table as I was afraid of!!!!!!!! she was a sweet girl..... I know her and she used to rent one of our offices, but moved out 7 months ago..... She is sorry she left she said... I was glad to hear it, but don't suppose she'll come back.... Just got notice a couple days ago that another business is leaving... That's the one thing I hate about rental property... The comings and goings..... I like it if they just move in and stay............. But oh, well..... better go fold some clothes and put another load in... Have to leave for church at 6:00...... Hugs to all.... Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning to all...... Jessica, good luck on your test and good going on the grants and such.... Nice not to have that worry on your mind.... I know that feeling tired thing.... Hope it gets better soon... You've been sick and that didn't help matters... Yup, Joyce, you'll enjoy those eggs.. They'll be like the best you've ever tasted.... enjoy!!!! Laura K, the week is half over now, so hopefully you can settle down some for the weekend.... Good thoughts for your DD.... Have a good day. Laura, did Nelson get his package yet???? Hope he enjoys it...... It was the smallest shirt I could find.....The pictures of his party were so sweet.... great cake..... Hope all of you gals have a good day... I'm alone right now, but Mimi will be here in an hour so I'd better get my laundry started.... Then will take her to daycare for an hour while I have a massage.... I think I'm looking forward to it..... Bye now...... TTYL...................Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi gals, hope everyone has had a great day.. I was down to PT and it went well.... I've been feeling better the last few days again and I think it is thanks to the Cymbalta that I started taking again... I had quit taking it as I didn't think I needed an anti depressant anymore, but it must be doing something for the pain, too.. There is a pain killer in it.... So it's a week now since I started again and I haven't had any bad episodes in 3 days.... I actually slept in my bed the last 2 nights.... So, I'm happy... I'm having my first massage tomorrow..... They are recommending that I do this on the off days from PT.... just light massage, no deep muscle..... We'll see..... Happy Bandiversary to Laura............. WTG girl..... Hope your dad will feel better soon.... Sndy, congrats on all the new feelings... It's great isn't it??? You've worked hard and you deserve to feel great..... Onderland is amazing for those of us who haven't been there forever... I'm still a long ways off, but I can see it off in the horizon..... good for you... Melissa, be careful with that snow..... Even those of us who are used to it can have troubles driving... Hope it doesn't last long... Judy, congrats on your 11 #'s.... What's this about your arms??? I knew about the other needing adjustments but thought you were happy with the arms... Arlene, hope your eye appt went well and you had no accidents... My mother stopped tonight and told me that she backed into someone last night in a church parking lot.... OMG, she has had so many little bangs.. She said nothing bad on hers, but DH looked and said it's more than she thinks... Can hardly wait for this to all come out...... Her insurance is going to go sky high.... Apples, you have a safe trip... glad you got the pillow you need... Even a behind with more padding gets tired after a long drive.... Eva, wtg one the size 20's... I have a bunch of those a friend gave me and I can get them on but they aren't comfortable yet.... I'm waiting for that day...... Linda, I enjoy a little respit from the grind, too... We just had a nice afternoon card game with friends that was unexpected...... they called and she was so tired of working and needed a break and wanted to know if we could play cards.. Mimi was sleeping and we had a nice afternoon.... Well, DH is ready for supper.... All you other girls are doing well I hope... OH, Lori e-mailed some of us and said she can't get on the website, but wanted us to know that she had been to the Sea of Gallilee and was not able to walk on water!!! She's having a great time... bye now.... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Jessica, glad you are putting the old behind you.. Getting rid of the big clothes is a very good start.... going back to see your therapist sounds like a good thing... She'll be so pleasantly surprised by all you have done with the new you!!!! Janet, have fun with GS...... I'm about ready for bed.... Time to take my pills.. I spent most of the day doing paperwork and I'm tired... Mimi was rather easy for me today as she slept part of the time... And we had leftovers for supper... So don't know why I'm so tired... After my long nap yesterday I should be all caught up... But time for bed anyway.. Catch you all tomorrow after my trip to Bismarck.... goodnight friends.... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Crzytchr, sounds to me like you have a God-given gift to work with these children that others give up on.. Bless you............ No wonder you are stressed... As you work so hard for them it is my hope that you find ways to do nice things for yourself to help bring your stress levels down... How old are your kids??? all ages or just a certain age bracket??? Yes, it seems you and Cheri have a lot in common with your work.. You both do what lots of us could never do... So, you take care of yourself...... It's okay to share your stress with us, too.. I know you said you come on twice a day... We'l love to be a de-stressor for you anytime... And I know I can speak for many of the gals here............ We'll be praying for you this next week that you manage to get through to this child.... Best of luck and God be with you... Hugs............ Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    I was wondering if anyone else is having trouble with the site here??? For the last few days when I click on the ???(whatever it's called) in the e-mail I get telling me someone has posted I always get sent to page 583..... and I have to log on everytime even if I haven't logged out or shut my computer off... Did I screw something up when I did the new avatar..... but it was doing it before that, too..... Any suggestions???? It always used to take me back to where I last left off.. Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Jessica, oh what a time you had... I'm glad J..... is doing better... those little ones can scare you half to death when they are sick... You get some rest... You'll both be better soon... Laura K, did you get any good deals or some new clothes??? Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Sunday afternoon............. I slept farily well last night and just finished a nice nap in my recliner... My neck feels a little stiff, but it'll come out of it soon... It's just a lazy afternoon around here... No cooking or company.... I can handle that... Eva, thanks for the pictures... I always take construction pictures around here, too... DH loves to look back on projects... It looks as though this is a pretty big one for you... good luck... Sushi......OMG, I don't do cooked seafood, so raw about scares me to death... I've never tasted it and probably never will.. I am in awe of people who love it like you do..... It is pretty healthy I presume???? I'm so glad you had a nice time with this new family.... You and DH seem like the kind who always keep an open mind and are game for trying new things... good for you.... I think you are the busiest lady.... Always doing something... Deb, glad you chimed in... Don't stay away, especially if you are feeling bad or down.. That's really what we are here for... To help keep you going... Let us do our job... We're here for you, girl.... Good going on the losing even when it's hard.... Do take those pictures and show us how great you look..... Jodi, sorry for getting you confused with Joyce.... Too many J's I guess...... Judy, Jodi, Joyce, Julie, Jessica,......who'd I miss??? anyway, yes, you'll soon be there, too.... Tomorrow is March and it's your month... the 9th, right???? Are you on a strict pre-op plan?? Some are, some aren't .... I just had a 2 week restricted thing to shrink my liver.... good luck.... Joyce, how goes the baby food???? Tastes pretty good after liquids, huh???? Are you still feeling good? Lori is on her way and I wish her safe travels and a wonderful trip.... She'll have a great time.... Cheri, how are you, girl..???? did that fall really get you bad??? We're waiting to hear from you... Jessica, are you studying hard?? You have more tests this week I think.... Apples, I'm sure you are all packed and ready... Have a great time with DS and a safe trip home... It's still white and cold here, so probably the same at your house... But come home anyway..... We miss you..... Laura, are you in recovery mode??? Oh, I bet your parents are there..... Hope you are having a great time.. If it's appropriate, tell your parents how much we all care and hope things will be much better soon.... Judy, how's the production going??? How many performances are left? Are you taking a break after this one or jumping right back into another??? Janet, hope you are having a good weekend... Linda, what are you up to these days.? Arlene, how are you feeling??? Okay I hope.... Phyll, what's up with you??? Laura K, how about you, whatcha up to...? Meredith, how's the move coming? and the new house and school...... and you....how are you??? Sndy and Crzytchr.......... how are you doing???? Gee, I hope I didn't miss anyone.... I'm taking my time writing this as I'm alone and have no interruptions.. DH is outside doing something.. He hates just sitting.. The sermon at church today was about the Sabboth and that it is meant as a day to worship and rest.... but it's hard for him to do nothing... I can do it much better than him.... Thanks for all the nice comments on my new picture.. I did actually thing it looked pretty good, too, or I never would have cropped it to use as an avatar... The other gal who was in the picture is 13 years younger than me and I thought I looked just as good as she did... I wasn't feeling too bad either, when they were taking pictures.... But, Apples, I don't think I've lost any more weight... Still just going back and forth on those 3 pounds..... So, I better go find some food for DH... He'll be hungry soon as we had breakfast after church (10:30) so he'll want an early supper... I'm going to make some chili I think... I've been hungry for it.... You all have a great evening... Talk you you all later... Hugs and prayers................. Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good Evening, I've just sat down in my computer chair with a heating pad on my back and I'm ready to report on my day... Today was the family baby shower... Lots of people.... Wall to wall, so to speak.... Just a very nice crowd... Had a good time and everything went well, except there is too much cake left...... but I'll figure it out.... It has been a long day as Mimi had to be here because DD had to travel with her boss and co-workers to a seminar they had to have for the certified daycare thing..... She got back by 4, but didn't leave here until way after 6:00.... So about 11 hours of Mimi is a long day for me.... She was good, but always into something.. I'm tired and ready to veg out some... I don't think I have to host or entertain for anything for awhile again and I'm glad of that!!!! Laura K, glad you gave the recipe for Texas caviar... I figured it was something unique... Janet, not everyone is tidy as some of us are... I have a brother like that.... We wouldn't think of not putting fresh sheets on a bed when we knew someone was coming... It's a different generation, I think... Hope you enjoy the rest of your time.... Lori, I always take too many clothes with me on vacation.. don't know why, but just don't want to get caught without something I need.... Your GM sounds so neat... I had a 91 year old lady (my nephew's girlfriend's grandma, so I had never met here before) here today and when I was visiting with her she told me she just never expected to live this long... Still alone on the farm, but it is close to her son and his family.... She still does all her own cooking and cleaning... I noticed her hands were all deformed from arthiritus.... But those old folks can be so neat..... Jessica, I'm so glad you get to go to see your brother and new baby.... You'll be fine.. I was scared to travel alone to FL and if this old lady can do it, then you sure can....... Laura, I mailed off a package to Nelson today so you can look for it sometime next week.... It will be late for his birthday, but I just couldn't get it done any faster..... Hope you all had a great day and that your party was as successful as mine was.... Nelson, congrats on the new belt... You'll be a black belt before you know it... My grandson just got a new belt to... I think it was green.... Jodi, wtg on the baby food, you'll be on regular foods before you know it..... Well, time to go, but will try to add one or two pictures... One of my and the baby, Noah, and his other great auntie Julie.... Yup, he has two of us..... poor kid.... the other is a 4 generation with my mother, brother, nephew and Noah..... Night all.... Hugs.. Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning girls, Jody, congrats on the new date... It won't be long now... You'll be just fine and all that info will seem like old hat soon.... Thanks for all the lessons on Jewish foods and such.. It's very interesting to a lifelong member of a little country Lutheran church in rural North Dakota.. I haven't had much opportunity to broaden my knowledge about other types of religions. We do have some friends who are Muslim, but they don't share much.. She is from Indonesia... And I know a few Mormons, but not their traditions... So, I like hearing about your traditions... Judy, I have had all the things you mentioned... Just had accupuncture on Tuesday... the cortizone didn't help... The PT I'm getting now is not much more than a glorified massage... My appeal on the last denial by insurance was sent yesterday or today.... So, now we wait to see what happens... I did sleep a bit better last night... Woke up at 6:00 with pain, but it has subsided now and I'm doing my thing to get ready for tomorrow and also have Mimi... She is being fairly good today, but the day is young!!! She is naked except for her diaper right now... And now she is on my lap so that is the end of typing.... Lori, I remember having to do that with my Grandma, too, befor she could go to the nursing home.... But my parents did it, not me...... Bless your heart..... Well, Mimi needs to be away from my desk... She makes me crazy, I have too much stuff in here.... Talk to you all after she goes home at 3:00, oh and my buzzer is going off, too, so my pistachio cake should be done... See ya.............. Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang, sorry I haven't been on at all today.... Pt this morning and a bit of shopping, then home to Mimi and then had to go out to help friends with moving some appliances to get ready for new stove and fridge. Of course we had to have a game of pinochle... But only one as I was so tired.... I had a very long, painful, sleepless night last night.. Up til 4:00..... then back up at 8:00 to get ready to leave... short night... I didn't do too bad today until a little while ago and the shoulder started... Just got out of a hot bath and put on my cream that makes my skin tingle.. It's starting to subside a bit, so I need to take my meds now and hopefully sleep a bit earlier tonight... Judy, how you had a great opening night.. Let us know.. Lori, glad your day went well.... Janet, I'm here... Just tired... You are such a go getter.. Wish I could be, but maybe someday soon... Apples, sorry you lost your post, would have loved to hear what you had to tell me... Glad you had a nice time with DS.... Soon you'll be on the road again... Eva, you are always so busy, too... do you ever just crash???? Joyce, glad you are doing well.... Just keep following orders... They are for a reason even though they seem silly at times... Phyl, what a story about the birds... I am deathly afraid of birds... I could tell you stories that would make you roll on the floor laughing... I had a terrible time on Fishermans' wharf.... and on a ferry in Seattle... Those dang sea gulls about did me in..... Everyone else, hope you are doing well..... A bit of an update on me..... It is now 8 days since I gave up bread for Lent.... I am happy to report I have had NO BREAD at all since Ash Wednesday.... I almost blew it today at Lunch at Ruby Tuesday with a friend... I had the salad bar and did fine with lots of proteins, but grabbed a few croutons out of habit... Was about to eat one when I remembered that it was bread, so I left them...... so 8 days down and 32 to go.... I'm on my way to my meds now and hopefully some sleep. I have Mimi tomorrow and DH has to work and I have a ton of things to do for my baby shower on Saturday... I really could use that sleep... Night all... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi, just back home from church... My supper went well... A bit of sloppy joes left, just enough to feed the stragglers after the shower on Saturday who I might have to give supper to..... Works for me!!! I also did a solo number......me and my 12 string acoustic guitar... I sang a country version of "I'd Rather Have Jesus". It went pretty well considering I couldn't feel my fingertips after practicing too much.. I don't play enough anymore so my calouses are gone and those strings are hard on the fingers... But I made it and did okay... Won't have to do it again for a while ..... Jessica I love hearing you talk about things.. You are so upbeat and raring to go... I love it.... You go girl.!!! Lori, hugs on the mother issues... I have my own and it's never fun to argue with your mother.....not at any age... So glad your DD's shower was fun... It will soon be time for the wedding.. only a month now, right?? I'm sure you are getting excited about Israel... You and DH will really appreciate first class after a long ride in coach!!!!! But it will be so much easier now that you are half the size you once were... Have a great time.... Laura, you must be busy with all your birthday party preparations.. Is Nelson excited???? I'll bet... Does he have lots of John Deere tractors already.... the replica/toy size???? I found a cute one here at our local JD dealership I want to send him, but not if he already had a ton of them....Want it to be something special..... Mimi now takes Squirt with her everywhere along with Caillou.... It was a great gift.... Well, time to relax a bit.... TV is boring, as I'm not an Olympics watcher..... the other things are all reruns because of it and so it's boring... might just read a little before taking my pills and crashing... I have PT again tomorrow..... so to Bismarck again.. My car pretty much knows the way by heart now...... 4 times last week.... it's only about 80 miles round trip, but it really just puts a crimp in the rest of my day.... Don't have much shopping, did it all yesteday... I do need to pick up a refill on my pain pills..... Goodnight everybody.... sleep well.... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, just checking in to say hi... I'm in the process of frying up 12 pounds of ground beef to make sloppy joes for supper at church tonight... Just have it in my big electic roaster..... Won't take long.. Had to make a pan of bars, too, so made banana bars with cream cheese frosting... they look good, but no tasting, YET!!! I might be a bit better today.. My headache has let up some and that is a good thing.. I still feel it, but it has backed off.... I guess I'll just keep plugging away... Mimi is napping and DH is downstairs wataching a new DVD he got for his birthday about Viet Nam...... I'm glad he is down there as I really don't care to watch it with him.... Well better go check my meat... Hope you all have an enjoyable day... Julie

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