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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everybody....... sorry I'm so late getting here to tell you about my appointment.... Long day....... Anyway, to say that we came home a bit frustrated is an understatment..... Especially DH.. The doctor is soft spoken and talks very fast so DH couldn't understand much of what he said... I have spinal stenosis, from the 4th to the 6th or 7th cervical vertabrae... It was classifed as moderate to heavy there, but otherwise clear.... Doc explained it to me and what I got out of it is that there is swelling and some bulged discs causing a pinching of the nerves that lead out and down my shoulder and arm.... His recommendation is to have shots put in the neck......HOWEVER in order to do that he has to request approval for the procedure from my insurance company.. If all goes well we should have an answer in about a week..... until then, he asked if I had enough pain killers to get me through!!!!!! Isn't that just the best news???!!!! So, now we know what's wrong but still have to wait to do anything about it if the insurance company agrees that I need it..... I'm so fricking happy I could scream!!!!! Doc did tell me go continue with my chiropractor, but no more therapy as it isn't helping anyway.... What a waste of time and money ..... I did get a treatment today, too, then, so we'll see what that does for me... No pain so far today, but I can start to feel it in my shoulder just a touch now... So, sorry to dissappoint you all, but I'm still the same..... Eva, loved the little purses... so cute.... and nice car... You have restored cars....... I have tractors..... I'm getting tired of hearing about tractors... DH ordered some new parts again today.. He got visions of parades and tractor shows for the summer.... Yipeeeeeee!!! Arlene, so happy for you and your positive progress.. Keep up the good work.... Laura, you have a safe and fun trip tomorrow... Glad you are feeling better.... Phyll and Linda, my DH must be related to yours.... The other day I made him take off a shirt that he wore on our first day almost 16 years ago...... and it was old then!!!! Last year I made him go through his closet and throw some stuff out, but he never really changes and he doesn't were some of this stuff out....especially dress up clothes.... Work jeans and t-shirts and underwear and sock he can wear out very fast because he isn't at all careful when working... Just jumps right into everything with all his might.... He is very hard on shoes...... Well, I'm not remembering much else to comment on right now... too tired from shopping... Had to get the supplies for Easter breakfast at chuch on Sunday.. The men do pancakes and sausage, but I always have to do the shopping and organinzing... Should have that all about done now... and got what I need for my dinner.. I will be cooking, but taking it to my mothers so she can have a holiday at her house for a change... Won't be too many of us, so not a big deal... Just doing a ham, potato casserole, veggies, lettuce salad, pasta salad, and a few goodies... Mom will make her special cresant rolls and some kind of dessert..... Hope to have a restful day... May get to meet DD's new guy and his little girl..... we'll see... Well, time to sleep if possible.... Take my pills and hope for the best.... Maybe a nice bath first will help. I've got my fingers crossed that the pain will stay back tonight.... Thanks for all your concerns.... I appreciate it very much.... Hugs to all..........Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello friends, this is the first time I've had to check in today.. DH has started back to work sort of full-time now so he leaves early... Mimi came at 6:45 and she kept me busy today.... Spilled a full glass of root beer on my living room carpet... Took a lot to get that out.... She was just trying to bring it to me, but stumbled before I could get to her..... I couldn't get mad about that.... But worked hard to get it up as fast as I could..... I've just come in from the hot-tub.... my shoulders and neck were aching and I feel the pain coming on again... Thank goodness I get to see the doctor tomorrow.. I don't suppose he'll do much to help me, but at least I should know what's wrong and what we are going to do about it and when..... I'm so ready for some action..... Lori, I agree with everything Apples said.... You looked amazing and I'm so happy you were able to feel it too... Your DH is sure a keeper!!!! You'll have to share the pictures he had taken with us..... Glad you get a couple days to yourself now before you little trip.... Rest up..... Apples, thanks for the treats for Mimi... not necessary, but very appreciated.... She only has us.....there are no other grandparents.... Their choice!!!! So it will be nice for her to get something special from someone special... Thank you..... Glad your appt went so well... We know you are doing fantastic..... glad he agrees Joyce good luck with your new exercise/therapy plan.. I hope you get lots of good from it.... Good luck with your first fill, too... Laura, happy to hear you are feeling better.... About time, huh???? Jessica, have a great time on your trip... You'll come home wanting a baby yourself maybe??!!!!! Melissa..... keep up the good work... Hope everyone else is doing well..... I'm off to relax with DH in front of the TV.... but I think it's all reruns tonight... Easter week and all...... Hugs to all... Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, I slept in a bit after being up late last night.. Just sitting here doing some paperwork before Mimi comes for the day... thought I would check in.... Laura, glad you are feeling better and got some positive news from the doc... No more needing to freak out I hope!!!!! Just relax a bit and heal... You've been through quite an ordeal... How is little Nels..??? It's good that you are on the mend so it doesn't interfere with your plans to go home for Easter... Poor Nael will be alone, but working will help pass the time I'm sure... I spent last Easter in the hospital in a bed!!!! with no food at all...... Well, ladies, I'm at a loss for words.... My DD, who has been through so much when it comes to men....including abuse.............announced to me this morning that she is very serious about this guy..... And how would I feel if they were to get engaged quite soon???? WOW....... it seems like only yesterday she was telling me she wanted nothing to do with men or anything they had to offer.... Quite a switch.... He and his little 2 year old girl were at DD's all day yesterday.... Mimi was on fairly good behavior I guess... She hasn't learned to play well with others just quite yet.. Too much time rough-housing with Grandpa...... DD says he has already said that she is the one for him..... I'm a bit flabbergasted..... Good Golly, I might be the next one to need a MOB dress!!!! Apples will have to help me shop, too....... I just tried to be a calming influence this morning when she called.. Told her they have lots of time... considering I haven't even met him yet... He wants to, but she holds back.. He wants her to meet his parents, too.... Wow, I'm still in shock.. She just said all this to me a little bit ago..... Of course she has already started to worry about everything... Like giving up her house to move to Mandan.(sister city to Bismarck with the Missouri River between.) or him moving here and jeopardizing his custody agreement with his daughter.... She can come up with all the things to worry about....She's the "glass half empty" type of gal...... always sees the negative first..... Anyway, enough of that.... I just want her and Mimi to be happy and healthy. I should do some picking up around here before Mimi comes, so will say tata for now.... Hugs....... Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, we had a busy day..........after church we went with our friends to Bismarck for the day... got there about 11:15 and found a place to have a nice breakfast... Not a good deal for me... I had to excuse myself and PB right off the bat.... Then just sort of picked at things til the others were finished... So, not much breakfast/lunch.......... I did have 2 small pieces of jerky much earlier...Then to the hospital to visit a friend who just had back surgery... then we went to Lowe's so DH could return a few things.... and then to the church of our friends' daughter and family.... A big Evangelical Free Church.. Every other year they do a big production of the passion story at Easter time... 6 of us had tickets and the kids saved us very good seats right up front.... Wonderful portrayal of the Easter story beginning with Jesus birth..... It's a young, financially healthy church so they spared no expense... Live animals and very realistic scenes..... It was just wonderful..... Afterward all 6 of us went to Texas Roadhouse for supper.... I thought I ordered well enough... Salad, chili, baked beans... Ate a little salad, but the chili was smoking hot.....nope.... didn't like the baked beans...too strong and sweet..... ate a little baked sweet potato...... otherwise not much supper either.... Went to Wal-mart only to leave without what I needed.. Got home at 8:00 and watched an hour of TV before falling asleep in my chair... Woke up at 11:30 with pain.... and of course had not taken my pills beforehand... So, now I'm doing the ritual and waiting for the pain to subside.... Wednesday just can't come fast enough for me.... So here I am on here for a bit getting caught up I hope.... You all were busy today.. Apples Joyce and Laura K, you guys are way ahead of my in the spring cleaning department.. I'm lucky to just keep the light stuff done.... Apples, I have a bike that DH bought a couple years ago... Matching ones for both of us.... Still haven't really used them... I keep thinking this might be the year I get to actually ride again.. My balance is so bad that I can't just hop on.. Wish I could have training wheels for a little while... last year about now I tried but the pain was too great from my long incision.... I'm hoping for better this year.... Jodi, you poor thing.. just when you get yourself pyched up to do all this cooking and such you have kitchen maintenance problems.. Hope they get solved soon.... Even though your traditions sound harse to me I think it is so wonderful the way you described why you do it... It is you and what you are.... Good for you for sticking to your beliefs...... Too many are content to be Sunday worshipers and then do whatever the rest of the week.... I hope this is a wonderful time for you and you accomplish all the is necessary.... Have a blessed Holiday... Lori, can't remember if I told you how great the pictures were.... They were... You looked so amazing.. DD is beautiful, too..... Best wishes for the rest of the week now with your parents there with you... Lean on us when you need to...... Cheri, sounds like you had a great time with your grandkids... and the info you posted was very helpful to everyone... A good thing to remember Laura, dear, I don't like the sounds of things with you.. Hope you get things figured out real soon... take care.... Hugs to Nelson and hope his doesn't hit so hard as yours did..... Janet, sorry you had a bad food day, but we know you can pick yourself up and keep going... You do seem to find the bargains on clothes.. Apples, too... I never seem to, but I hate to shop... One has to put yourself out there before the bargains can be found.... I guilty of not doing that..... Phyll, I'm feeling for you... I hate it when DH starts something when I'm not ready.... It gets us all out of sync right off the bat.... Never a good thing here at our house... Can't believe it's time for you to leave for home already..... happy trails..... Melissa, sorry you gained a couple pounds back.. You'll have them gone again soon... Just a stumble....no broken bones, right????? Arlene, you are doing so well.... I hope you enjoyed your walk in the sunshine.... We had a very nice day here, too... Had to take my jacket off it was so warm.... 56 I think..... more tomorrow they say... Jessica, hope you aren't hurting tomorrow from the fall... They can be nasty.. don't worry about the money thing right now... Just do what you can.. If you have to get a blow up bed for a bit, then so be it... You need this independance.... just keep plugging away at it and soon you will be just where you want to be.... Study hard and good luck on the test.... Joyce glad you were able to rid yourself of the dinosauer..... I did that a while back and I'm happy about it too... Well, I hope I got most of you.... Judy and Eva must be out having fun... and Deb ..... and whoever else I missed... Best wishes for a good start to the new week for all of us..... I'm counting on some positive things happening in my life.... Also have to get things in line for Easter breakfast at church.. We have sunrise services with a pancake and sausage breakfast cooked by the men afterwards.. However, they can't make breakfast until I get all the supplies and such ready for them... Must get on that tomorrow... Small church os only have to plan for 50 or so... Not a big deal.. Will shop on Wed when DH is with me..... Love and hugs to you all.... thanks for everything you do for me everyday....
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning.. I only have a minute to post before leaving for church, but I had to share.... My cold is better!!!!!!!!!!! thank goodness The shoulder attack of pain from hell that lasted 9 hours last evening and night finally passed and let me sleep some........... Thank God!!!!! I weighed 275 this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! one more pound to make it to where I haven't been in 26 years... Love you all.............gotta go......... Will pray for us all.... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, this is such a big time for you.... You are in a transition period and things are just bound to be out of sinc for a bit.... You have all the right ideas and you are doing your best... Give yourself credit for going forward on this big plan you have for your life... Soon you will be on your own and out of reach from the MIL and all the stresses will fade away.... They may return occassionally as you can't just push her out of your life completely, but you'll be so much better able to handle things... I'm so proud of you and all you have done... As far as the food goes, just try to do your best.... You know the right things to eat and you will.... Just take things one day at a time.... And remember we're here for you, Honey........ Just call when you need us... we're right here at the end of your fingers..... Take care of yourself..... Hugs...... Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everybody, hope you are having a good weekend.... I'm still down with this dang head cold.... I was able to sleep last night as the shoulder left me alone for a change... I did have terrible dreams, though... I don't usually remember any dreams.... Must be all the drugs in my system..... I 've been trying to do a little organizing in my kitchen cupboards today... I got that new "pantry" cupboard, so can now re-do some of the others that are so crammed full of stuff.... I really want a new kitchen, but have decided to wait a few years so I have to make these better so I can live with them for a while... Great, so glad things are going well... I'm sure you are the hostess with the mostest today.... Enjoy..... I see Hawaii on your horizon......... Apples, you must be about playing grandma to a baby right now... Hope it's all you want it to be... So fun to snuggle a little one.... Eva, a little work on Saturday isn't the worst thing in the world.. especially if you can do it at your own pace.. find time to relax , too,though...... Phyll, sounds like you have the best kind of sister relationships... good for you.... I have no sisters.... A bunch of sister-in-laws.....(2 on my side and 4 on D's.) but none of them very close... You guys are the best kind of sisters there can be..... I'm glad to have each one.... Cheri, wish you could find that perfect job for your ailing body.... don't know if there is one, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you...... Let's hope you feel better soon... Enjoy your time with the GD ...... Janet, congrats on the contacts.... I'd love to lose my glasses, but alas, it's not for me... I have too much wrong with my eyes...... allergies make using them hard and I'm so affected by strong light that I have tinted lenses and they can't do that with contacts.... So, I'm stuck... Never checked into laser, but I'm assuming the same things apply there, too. Oh, and thanks for explaining how to kosher your kitchen to me... It was very interesting... I need to "kosher" a quite a bit of my house, but maybe not to the extent of that....... Linda, enjoy your weekend, hope you have something fun planned.... Laura, glad to hear you are coming around.... No matter what the cause, it was not a fun time..... this next week should be much better.... Meredith, Jessica, Melissa, Laura K, Judy, Jodi, Joyce, Deb, Arlene, hope you all are doing well and enjoying your weekend... I know some are very busy, like Jessica.... Take care, you guys... Friends just called for us to go out to supper... Don't feel like it, but will go just so DH can have a good meal and I don't have to cook!!!! or clean-up..... Mimi will come about 9:00 and stay the night... DD has a second date with this new guy... It seems she likes him.... Don't know what to wish for..... I guess I'll just let God take over for me...... Have a good one.........hugs to all......... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody, I'm sick..... I feel like crap from this cold.... DH went to work at 8:00 so I was alone with Mimi and I was so drousy... Of course she took full advantage of the situation to get into things.... But we made it til 9:45 when her mother came to get her and took her to work for the rest of the day.. I immediatley settled in for a nap... Haven't even dressed... I did watach Y & R for and hour and then took more pills... The pain is bad right now... BUT. Doctor just called with results.... There is definitely a problem in my neck.... he mentioned multiple things... bulged discs and whatever... I see him on Wednesday so he said we could talk better then.... So, at least they found something.... Cheri, I'm not crying, but I am releived to know I'm not hallucinating this pain.... Sorry, no energy to write more, but do wish I was a mouse in the corner in Colorado right about now... I hope our Mother of the Bride is in her glory...... like Queen for the Day...... Can't wait to hear from her... Bye you guys... love you all............ thanks for hanging in there with me...... I don't suppose I'm done yet, but at least I can get a plan now..... Hugs to all..... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey gals, I had my MRI today.. was a snap, almost fell asleep... Won't get results til next Wednesday when I see the doc..... the pain is bad right now.. has been most of the day, which is out of the ordinary... Usually only at night...like now..... Just won't let up.. I've already done my second pain pill..... I just got out of the hot bath and put on more cream... it's tingling pretty well right now, so maybe it will let up again soon... Mimi is sleeping over as DD had a date tonight.. this is not something that happens often.. She met someone on Match.com and they seem to like each other, but this is there first face to face... He has a 2 year old also, and this was his night to not be in charge of her.. Hope they had fun.... Would like to see her just be happy to be with someone again.... Says he is tall and skinny... I just want her to be happy.. Jessica, you stick to your guns... That MIL of yours is a case.... Pretty selfish... She needs a swift kick in the butt.... Don't worry about your weight right now... Just do what you have to do and then settle into your new life... Glad you were able to post, I was missing you..... Hope you get the TKD thing figured out so DS can be happy about things again... Jodi, I still don't really understand why you have to kosher your house... what is that about???? Laura, sorry you are still sick.. I am, too.... bad cold... Which just makes this pain that much more untolerable... Tell Nael happy birthday... You all have birthdays so close together... the a long stretch without any....... Mimi was to the doc today, too.... She has to have surgery on april 8th... ENT guy says she has solid walls of gunk in her ears.. They are not infected right now, but they are most likely the reason why her speach is a bit slow for her age.. He said she hears like she is under water.... She needs to have tubes and to remove her ahdnoids...(sp).... While they have her out another doc will remove a small fatty cyst from the corner of her eye.... Get it all done with one anesthetic.... So DD is spazing out about it... She is such a worry wart.... But it was good to get an answer... Apples, glad you enjoyed your time away... You always find something on sale somewhere... I'm never that lucky.... Janet, enjoy your long weekend... I'm planning to veg out over mine... I'm so tired and worn out from all this... Just can't wait for Wednesday to find out what's what and start treating it properly.... I read all the posts, but can't remember much more to comment on.. Think my pills are kicking in finally cuz I'm about falling asleep at the wheel here... Better go sleep when I can.... Love to all.............. Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning gang, Well, I'm off to see the wizard.... Let's hope he has something in his little bag of tricks to help me.... Won't be back home till evening, so you all have a great day.... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, I've been working at my computer gettng my new church books on my system and such.. All done now and ready to do things my way... the guy who did it before me has been doing it for about 50 years... But it's a snap for me with my background.... Great, you go girl..... Say no and say it loud... It's a hard thing to do for most of us.... so we're behind you.... time is sure flying by.... Meredith... so nice to have you.... yes, you take all the time you need to get engaged... Ask Great about the problems that can happen if you don't talk things through very well before getting married... Gladly things have worked out for her DD and the wedding is now on Friday.... but you have lots of time to make sure you both are on the same page about all the important stuff.... especially money...... glad you got to see the doc.. Hope you will be better soon.... Janet, I have my MRI tomorrow at 4:30... I have a long day in Bismarck.. Have PT at 8:30..... then have to waste time until 1;00 when DH and DD and Mimi will meet me at the clinic.. Both DH and Mimi see the ENT guy..... then they will leave again and I will wait for my MRI at 4:30 and then come home... DD has a date...... someone she met on Match.com.. she is nervous.... She has had such bad luck in the past with men... I've got my prayers said that she will have a good time... She doesn't have to marry the guy!!!!! He has a 2 year old daughter, too..... Laura, hope you are feeling better soon... no fun running to bathroom every other minute.... Linda, good way to do popcorn at a movie... I hate paying the prices they charge for popcorn and soda... My goodness....... it's outrageous.... Well, better try to sleep... Early morning for me with a long day... Taking a book and a pillow so I can nap in the car...... Hugs and prayers to everyone... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning...... I'm so sleepy.... rough night and I've got Mimi now.... DH got her at 6:30 and kept her going for me until he had to go to work at 8:00.... I've been dozing in my chair while she watches tv.... She got into a little trouble in my office and pulled drawer with all my pens and markers out of the cabinet....(small one).. She came running to get me... "I broke it, I broke it,," she said.... No big deal, but I figured I better wake up good.... I get so groggy from being up late and taking those dang pills.... Anyway I got up and started moving around... Then she wanted to sit on my lap and watch Little Bear..... fell asleep about half hour ago.... She was up early, so I guess she was tired too... Now that I could sleep I'm awake..... go figure.... It's a week since my perm so I can color my hair today... Yeah!! I hate seeing all the grey.... Will wait till Mimi goes home at 3:00.. Get it done in time for Lenten services tonight.... Otherwise I need to get some paperwork done... Apples, have fun on your little excursion... talk to you all a bit later............ Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Welcome back Meredith......so good to hear from you.. You are doing so well....only 31 pounds to go... WTG, girl.... We'll be glad to have you back whenever you can get here.... Eva, I have a recipe for granola bars that sounds alot like yours, except mine are made with Grapenuts.... Very good... I do like peanut butter, so that with honey and the rest makes for a good healthy bar, but still plenty of calories.... I should make some one of these days.... WTG on 218..... That's great for you.... Laura, sorry you go stuck... Isn't that happening a lot lately??? be careful..... thanks for the good wishes and the offer of help... I'll keep it in mind... Great, another storm.... Must have come with your parents!!! Sorry you have to take the brunt of things yet again.... SLC is sounding better and better... Take care.... Jodi, how do you kosher your apartment....?? I'm intrigued... Congrats on the new furniture.. Must feel good to have new things.... Cheri, thanks for all the tips... I'm going to do my best after we find out what's going on.... Still guessing yet, so maybe in a week I'll know something.. Well, my pills are kicking in so will try to sleep a bit... Night all............. Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody.................. I have good news......... The Pain Clinic where I go called this afternoon and they had just received word that my appeal for the MRI was APPROVED!!!!! My appointment is for 4:30 on Thursday..... Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I can have the test I've been needing for many months now.... I've had this pain since August..... Now I just have to cross my fingers that they find what the problem is and can fix it..... You can all cross your fingers with me, too...... Thanks... Yes, Apples, I was up late doing just what you thought... Maybe this will be over soon..... No idea what a stoma spasm is either.... I've had enough things go wrong, but don't think I've had them.. I believe in that "watch your own bobber" idea, too.... What works for one doesn't work for everyone. My mother is great for telling me what I can and cannot eat.... Or maybe it is not believing me when I say I can't eat something... Why not....... or, yes you can... is more like what she says.... She just called and wanted us to come up for pizza.... Now she knows I don't do pizza.... but then acts hurt because I said no thanks.. Good thoughts to Eva.... She is such a busy lady... And Lori, you take it easy now.. Glad you get a bit of a reprieve from parents.... Enjoy as many minutes as possible..... Arlene, hope this plan works out well for you.... I've never been able to handle those protein shakes... Thought the 2 week pre-op diet was going to get me.. Best of luck to you..... Well, Mimi is still here as DD had a meeting with the parents of little tantrum girl at 6:00.. DH just got home, too, so better go see how he is.... Talk to you all later...... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

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    Joyce, I decided early on that those sugar substitures like aspartame and Spenda are not any better for me than too much food... If I was going to take on this huge weight loss plan (I was 387 to start.BMI 58.5) then I shouldn't just switch one bad thing for another. I was addicted to Diet Coke and caffeine.... I quit that on the pre-op diet, so then was cleansed of the aspartame and caffeine.... I only do occassional SF products.. I like the fudgesicles for an evening snack.... and I do an occassional Diet root beer... I still crave soda so much and fluids are a big problem for me.... I stir the soda until the fizz is mostly gone and then dilute it with lots of ice.... It works for me... No caffeine.....I don't do pudding or jello much anyway, so if I have some I just do regular... Just a smaller serving... As for low-fat...... I do either 2% or !% milk... Mostly 2% right now as Mimi (granddaughter) is here for daycare during the week and she needs that and I'm too lazy to buy 2 kinds.... And I do 2% Cottage cheese.... I've lost over 110 pounds now with that practice... I just reduce portions.. I use real butter when I want it.... It isn't a lot most of the time... Everyone has their own ideas about this new way of being... I chose not to give up things, but to reduce amounts mostly... It has worked for me....Each has to come up with their own plan.. Apples, for one, changed lots of her recipes to low-fat and such, but her DH needed to reduce cholesterol and it just worked very well for them... My DH doesn't need that so I haven't changed things as much... I try to do everything more healthy than before.. DH loves fruit and I don't ... I try to eat more fruit now... less desserts... I always make veggies now, where before I did sometimes... DH just needs meat..... I'm not a big meat eater.... See what I mean... You have to figure out what works for your life and then stick to it..... Hope that helps....
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi.......... have a little time to check in while Mimi is sleeping.. didn't get to sleep until 5:00 and finally fell asleep on the couch.. DH just got up and went out and I didn't actually get up until 11:00..... Wow..... I guess I was zonked..... I'm also trying to not get a cold that DH and Mimi have... Have that dang tickle back in my throat and sinuses.... Drinking my Airborne now... Best wishes Laurie, to you and yours while you go through all the events to come... I'm sure it will be a wonderful time and then you will soon find yourself sunning on the beach in Hawaii...... You're gonna look beautiful... Can't wait for pictures.... Melissa, glad you had a good check up.. Hoping the unfill makes your days better.. I know you are so busy at work... Take good care of yourself.... Laura, dont' worry about the 3 pounds... they'll be gone soon.... And you were right.... I've been 277 for three days in a row now... Guess it's really gone... I hope it's just a prelude of things to come.... Arlene, is that raw oats???? I suppose, but have to ask.... I've seen someone sprinkle raw oats on a regular pancake once when it was on the griddle... I've never tried it... I can't think of anything that is new for me really.... except I buy more carefully that I used to.... I don't do sugar-free or low-fat..... I used to love Diet Coke and now can't drink it..........can't stand the taste even if I could have the fizz..... I eat more cereal now than before... the healthier stuff.... Joyce, were the eggs the best you ever ate???? It's so good to get to real food again, isn't it...?? Have fun trying the new soft things.... We have 40's and rain today... the snow is going pretty fast, but no flooding here by us... Glad yours has receded, Apples... Did DS get his house back in order?? Well, I have supper in the oven.... Chicken breast that needed to be cooked.............. hoping they will be nice and moist, otherwise I won't get it down I suppose... Will do some kind of potatoes.... American fries are DH's favorite... (cooked potates, sliced and fried..) and some steamed brocolli for me... Hope everyone is doing fine and enjoying the spring!!! Like Apples said, we still have to have the winter gear ready around here.... Take care..... TTYL... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hey, I'm not doing so good it seems..... pain is bad right now... about an 8 I'd say...... They always ask me to rate the pain from 0 to 10...... sometimes I've said 12!!!! It's actually hard to type..... Just got out of a hot bath and then put on the cream that makes it tingle... Took my pain pill and now I just have to wait... The computer sometimes helps me distract from the pain.. but not right now... Better go..... sorry I'm such a downer.... I hurt and I just yelled at my DH.... Hope he understands.... bye........ Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning............... Arlene, I skipped church today, too..... That's not like me at all..... I just don't feel good... My back aches all over and the shopping yesterday didn't help much either.... I'm hoping a lazy day today will let me get back to normal... I think I could use a chiropractor treatment.... Hope yours is better soon.... take it easy, it's Sunday...... Aleah, you should just relax a little and stick to liquids and let things come back to normal.... If you aren't better tomorrow, call your doctor... Most likely it is like the others said and you just need to let your stomach rest.... Phyll, great pictures... I presume that was Earl.... You guys sure get involved.....that's nice to see..... so many don't care to do things like that... Hope your back is better Janet, glad you had a nice day with your uncle.... I wondered when you were talking about how much work there was if they wouldn't have to rethink their furlough program.... You were just gettting used to it and now it's changed.... But, yeah, the money will be happy back in your pocket...... Apples, are you better today??? Hope so.... that can't be any fun at all..... check in when you can.....Hugs... How's everyone else doing??? You all must be out enjoying the weekend... Hope so.... talk to you all later... I'm going to go find my chair and a new book... Did finish one finally Friday night.... Hugs to all.... Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Oops, I meant 277............ actually it said 276 and then I moved it and stepped on again and it said 277.... That's why I don't trust it...... Home from Bismarck.... I was crabby.... Poor DH.... I don't feel the greatest, not a lot of sleep, and not my favorite thing.... shopping in Lowes and Menards....(Home Improvement stores)... But I did get the stand-alone "pantry" type cupboard I wanted for my kitchen....also got DD a small freezer so she can take advantage of some specials and save money.... and DH got all his stuff.... So, I'm hurting, going to go sit in the hot-tub and then have a well earned nap before I start re-organizing my kitchen for my new pantry.... No need to hurry... Laura, I jump around like that so much.... that's what I meant about not trusting,,,,,it just is lower than it has been before... Probably back up a couple pounds again tomorrow... I hate the see/saw thing..... glad you got the legos...... Judy, I kissed my share of toads, too..... But my prince was worth waiting for... even if I was crabby today... I like him alot...... Laura K........no problem.... we all do things different.. I like mine done early too..... But if I have to pay in I wait to pay until the due date.... they don't cut me any slack, so why should I...... talk to you guys later... must rest.... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Janet, it must just be you and me right now.... I finally went to sleep about 3:00...... DH got me up a while ago so we can go shopping... The only shopping he likes to do is for building supplies, but oh well.. Part of it is for the house and he needs my input.... I'm eating a bit of egg before we leave.... I just weighed myself and it said 377, but don't trust it... That would mean I actually lost down to a weight I haven't been for 5 years.... Just don't trust it... I'll see what tomorrow brings.... Well, now he's ready to go so I'd better sign off.... He stands over me and drives me crazy..... Hope you all have a beautiful Saturday.... Love to all........ Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    I had my taxes done on 2-2 and e-filed on 2-4......However I recently wondered why I hadn't seen out refund yet, so went to IRS.gov to check... Came back with a problem... Called the "old Boss" who does my taxes.. and he was confused as he had not had a notification that there was a problem... But he found it, fixed it and should have the refund soon.... As a retired accountant, I always used to do our own taxes, but after we went into multiple businesses I decided to get some help.. I do all the paperwork, but let him do the depreciation and such... I've been away too long to have kept up with all the tax law changes.... Still do DD's and any easy ones..... We went to our fish fry... had a nice supper with friends... came home and read a good book... Mimi came at 9:30 for until 11:00 while DD went for a drink with a friend... She left and all of a sudden my shoulder started again.... I'm now in pain.... trying not to cry..... yet!!! Damn it...... Waiting for the pain pills to kick in..... DH wants to go to Bismarck shopping for building supplies tomorrow... Not big on my list of fun things, but will go anyway... Lori, hope you find the right vehicle for you... I like my car..... We have a pick-up for bad weather, but the mpg is so much better with my car..... Judy, sorry that guy is a dud..... maybe next time.. At least you are putting an effort into being open to a new relationship... that's a positive step..... the next one may be the prince you're looking for..... congrats to all you girls with losses.... None for me really... but I keep getting compliments on how good I lookd... Told DH it must be because I don't look sick anymore... Well, need to go try to distract this pain... Talk to you guys tomorrow... Sweet dreams..... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everybody...... Mimi is napping so I have a little time to post.... Had company this morning....early.... Mimi came at 6:30, but Dh let me sleep.... got a call at 7:30 from DH..... she was frantic... She was alone at work with 2 babies and one 2 1/2 year old, Hannah..... Hannah was screaming in the background.. She has temper tantrums... She started when her mom left her at 7:00..... Had hit DD many times....kicking and screaming.... broke the thing on the door that keeps them from opening and had run outside.... DD had to put the babies down and go after her... Then called me... I threw clothes on and barely even brushed my hair and went to help... Only took about 4 minutes to get there.... Holy cow was that little girl mad... I tried to console her in my lap, but she just kept on... Tried scolding.... finally took her in a private room and got out toys and had to sit on the floor with my back against it... Tried her blanket..........everything.. More kids are coming all the time and no school today for spring break.... Finally another mother who knew Hannah knocked and came into the room... she managed to calm her some and finally she quit.... She raged for an hour..... She does this all the time and the parents have been told and they know because she does it at home, too...but won't get her any help... I told DD that she needs to not come to daycare... She needs her grandma or something... Wow..... how can a daycare worker deal with that....???? Then ended up bringing one of Mimi friends home with me as she was so sad Mimi wasn't there.. Then we got company who had their 20 month old GD with them.... OOOOOHHHHHH it was like a mad house ... Them more company... couple guys to get into some storage we have... DH was gone and had to find him.... I'm exhausted..... It's finally quiet and I think the drama is over.... I still look like I just crawled out of bed.... don't even care..... Time to get pretty later... Now it's time for a nap of my own... Pain is passable now again... I've got my fingers crossed about that.... Just got flowers delivered... what a surprise... Looked at DH cross-eyed, like what did you do..... but they aren't from him... Did a favor for a friend yesterday.. Older gal who doesn't get around well anymore.. DH is doing some work for her, too.. moving her laundry up from the basement as she can't do steps anymore and is having back surgery next week... 2 roses and some orchids... How nice.... Just made my day better... Can't beat that....... Apples, I would have loved to see your show.... I'm sure you did get all the big awards.... I had a little show of my own when I got home yesterday, too... Kinda fun to see yourself a new way.... I NEVER wear dresses..... I did have one long black velvet skirt I sometimes wore at Christmas..... Lori, I'm a bit jealous.... But I'm sure happy for you... It will be a nice respite from the hub bub that can come with a big wedding... Enjoy.... Joyce, nice picture... I've always been good at hiding, too.. I think we all have.... But things change... We'll be seeing that full body shot before you know it... Laura K, glad you're hair turned out nice.. I'm sure you look beautiful..... Judy, Okay, spill, girlfriend.... Is he cute, how old, any hair.......any money????!!!!! We need more than "I met someone"!!!!! Good for you... Hope he is nice.... There are lots of good ones out there, you just have to be patient sometimes.... Arlene, you take care..... Hang that weather, anyway!!!! Janet, you are such a busy girl... Hope all is well.. Get back to us when you can................ Well, my chair is calling me.. I think we are going to a K of Columbus fish fry tonight, so don't have to do supper... I can be lazy now for a bit..... Talk to you all later.... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi ladies,............. tv is very boring tonight... NCAA basketball on the channel we usually watch and ND boys BB on another.... I was hoping for a nice relaxing evening... I'm thinking about heading out to the hot-tub with a book...... Might make sleeping better tonight, too... I had my PT and she said to back off the hour massage and only do a 1/2 hour light massage next time... Don't have one until 3-31 and don't have PT again for a week... My body will get a rest.. We'll see how that goes. Did a little shopping today.. I felt my LBT sisters on my shoulder when I went to Old Navy because I heard they were having a sale on skirts and dresses.... I actually tried some on and bought one skirt and one sundress type....I can't wear it without a tank or something under it, otherwise I'd have to go bra-less and that just can't happen anymore...... I got it in blue and put a white tank under it when I got home and thought it looked okay... The other skirt has a peasant look...in brown... will look good with sandals and a cute tank or shirt and jacket.... So, there... I shopped for clothes.... XXL in the dress and but XL in the skirt... yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wearing a pair of jeans today that I've had quite some time and finally was able to get them on... I haven't really lost much weight but must be changing shapes or something... I'll take it.... Apples, glad you decided to head back to your group... Just for pride purposes especially... Don't let them chase you away with their stupid comments... I got asked today if I go to a support group.... I said, "Yup, I have the very best support group ever... they are all over the US and are right at the tips of my fingers every minute of every day." Can't beat that..... Thanks to all of you.......... Joyce and Lori and Arlene and Laura, you are all having nice weather.. Hope you don't get all that snow and/or cold weather again... Arlene, you don't need anymore temperature changes... We had 40's today so only took a light jacket with me while out today... I was too warm most of the time... Laura, I like to come home to a clean house, too, but it only happens if I leave it that way when I go somewhere and DH and Mimi come with me!!! Enjoy your cleaning girls... Wish I had some.... Well, I think I'm going to head to the hot-tub... I'll check back later to see if anyone is here sharing their lives with us..... See ya.......... Julie Oops, almost forgot to say to Apples that I ate about 3-4 oz of roast beef tonight with a few carrots and onions... Got full... Not looking for more food yet......
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    No, I've been going to therapy for quite a while now... I've had about 14 treatments.... 2 per week.... then they started telling me to have a massage in between the PT.... It seems whenever they try something beyond gentle I get a flare up... But I'm having this therapy as a tool to get to the permission for the MRI..... It's like a 3 ring circus... I'm so tired of it all...... I think I stay satisfied longer when I have the hard protein, but it's so hard to make myself eat it.... Wish I just loved a good steak.... It would make it so much easier....
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Okay, now I'm ticked...... My pain flared up bad about an hour ago.... I'm back to my old routine of getting in a hot bath, then rubbing down with bio-freeze type ointment (it's tingling now as I write)... took my pain pills and now just have to wait it out.... Damn it anyway... do you think just having an hour massage instead of the half hour I had the last two times stirred things all up again???? I don't want it all stirred up again.. I was just starting to think I could handle things even if I don't get permission for that dang MRI.... Now here I am almost back to square one.... I want to ring someone's neck, but don't know who to go after..... Maybe just myself... for letting my guard down..... I do have PT in the morning so maybe she can do something if it doesn't calm down during the night...... Janet, I am just not a big meat eater..... don't like fish...or seafood.... Except for chicken breast, I can usually handle the meat unless I eat too fast or don't chew well.... I just don't like meat that much... Could go a long time without any and not miss it... Now DH could eat all meat with no problem.... When we were first married he liked to take me out for prime rib suppers... He would eat the meat and if he was still hungry he'd eat the baked potato... I started on the potato and then ate a few bites of the meat and gave the rest to him.... I do eggs, beans, split pea soup... soft proteins I guess is what they are... I like peanut butter, but with bread or toast of course.... today I had a glass of milk for breakfast, 2 eggs made into salad with lettuce, a sprinkle of shredded cheddar, a teaspoon of sunflower seeds and about a 1/4 cup of cottage cheese for lunch...... Supper was the bean and beef hotdish (about half a cup) and those 2 dang banana bars.... Just had a SF fudgesicle for a snack........ I didn't drink enough water or other liquids either... Just don't drink alot.... I guess I'm hopeless..... I feel crappy so now I sound goofy... Better stop before I get myself depressed...... I need a head makeover....mostly, anyway..... Sorry to turn into that Debbie Downer that Apples always refers to..... I'm just hurting and don't know what to do to stop it... I'm hoping to be better soon... DH gets so worried when I get this bad pain... I haven't cried yet, so it could be worse..... That's a plus anyway.... Oh, forgot to tell you about this man who came up to me after church tonight.. I've known him casually for many years and his wife, too.. Just saw them Saturday night at a Christian event.... Tonight he comes up beside me and sort of whispers that he sure has noticed the change in my body and way to go.... I was a bit stunned as it is usually the women who comment.. His wife did on Sat night... It was nice that he thought enough to compliment me..... Anyway, I better quit while I'm ahead.... Sorry to rag on you all............... I'll try to be better tomorrow... Love you all............ Julie...(or DD for short!!)

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