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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning gals,........ I had another pretty good night.. Just a bit of pain early on but it didn't move into anything and I slept well.... Mimi was even here for the night.. I'm strating to think this may work for a while at least.... Some say they get the shots every few weeks.... Laura K, love the new avatar picture... You look younger..... great story about your DD's helper.... It was nice you could make her feel she is important... Joyce, you are too busy..... hope you figure it all out and get into a routine that makes you comfortable... Good luck with the interview.. Joyce, sounds like it is nice there... I'm hoping for a better day today.. Want to get out to do a few things on my deck so it looks presentable for Sunday.... Well, all you busy ladies, hope you enjoy your day and find time to visit here when you can... You all have a blessed day ............. Hugs......... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

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    Well, I had a little nap, and that felt good.... I must be trying to catch up on all the sleep I've lost in the last few months..... Did a couple errands this morning and took cough medicine up to Mimi at daycare... She was busy playing and didn't even notice when I left... I guess this is good.... After my nap I did last night's dishes. I don't have a dishwasher and usually only do dishes once a day... Made lasagna last night and DD, DF, Mimi, and Bailey were invited to eat... My mother showed up about that time, too, so she stayed... I just wasn't up to doing them last night... One thing about things like that.......... they wait until you're ready.... don't do themselves.... I'm having DF's parents up for supper on Sunday so do need to do a little light housekeeping before... Not too much as we are going to start pulling carpet and taking down walls the next day.... Just a little dusting and organizing toys and etc.... Mimi will be here overnight tonight... but that's okay with us.... DH will take her to my mother in the morning until DD picks her up... It's their only night without kids, so they have a date..... Linda, you don't sound strange... I talk myself into and out of things all the time... and yes, it helps to vent to someone who understands.... DH doesn't often understand these kinds of thoughts.... Apples, have fun at the lake... We need to plan a day at Fargo soon.... Does a Saturday work for you?? I'm hoping to bring DD and Mimi along for you to meet..... If they don't come I can do any day at all.... Enjoy your afternoon........ or weekend, whichever.. Our weekend is supposed to be nice... Have a baby shower on Sunday before my supper guests.... Everyone have a great rest of the day.... TTYL.. Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang, I slept without pain last night....... Halleluia!!!!!!!! It was weird because I kept waiting for it to start and it didn't so I finally fell asleep... Nice... now to just have it last... Laura K....... great job on the running.... that's reall accomplishment in my book..... I did walk uptown to the bank, post office and then to lunch with some friends.. Haven't done that in a while... Felt good.. Arlene, congrats on the loss.... 2 pounds here and 2 pounds there adds up pretty quickly.... way to go.. Great, sorry you didn't get proper accolades, but you know what was in your heart and you did good!!!! Good luck with the house business.. Cheri, sorry you have such a rough time getting help for your grandson..... Nothing ever seems completely fair in this world anymore... Phyll, hope you guys are travelling well and having a ball. Linda, we bought a swing set of Mimi's birthday on the 26th now.... But it is just the metal kind... We did a big one like you are for our grandsons in Ohio, and the next time we were there it was in the neighbors yard... DIL didn't like it so was going to tear it down and throw it and neighbor took it..... Last time we do anything like that for them!!!!! Eva, you are always so busy.... On the go all the time... How you find the time is beyond me.... Laura, I thought your sister looked pretty good... How is she doing?? I would have loved to be in the pool with Nelson.... I'm like Lori and envy you guys with your pools.... Apples, loved your pictures... You have more greeen than we do yet..... And it's still cold and windy today... Yesterday was better and they say we get a nice weekend... Have fun at the lake.... The shoes are cute, but I can't do the thing between the toes anymore... Janet, hugs on all the work... Hope you get to regroup this weekend... Where are all the others...... Jessica is probably moving.... Hope they are all fine...... Take care and I'll be back later.... Hugs........ Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi, it's me..... I seem to be doing okay this morning.... I'm not venturing very far in the positive direction just yet as they said it takes 24 to 48 hours for it to kick in and sometimes not for a week.... I had a rough night last night, but then did get to sleep about 2:00 and slept till 9:00.... That was much needed as no sleep the night before.... The procedure was simple so no problems there..... Now just to wait and see and take it very easy for awhile... thanks for all your prayers and concerns... and thanks to Apples for letting you know I was okay... I was just "dead" to the world when we got home yesterday and couldn't handle the computer... I'm gonna quit for now.... I read all the posts and would love to comment, but feel the need to rest a bit.. I wish everyone a safe, happy day.... Hugs to all.... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning ladies, It's almost time to leave for Bismarck and the injections in my neck... I can hardly wait for it to be over. No sleep last night... I tried everything, but nothing helped.... Maybe would have fallen asleep about 5:20, but DH had set the alarm and got up to get the trash out and get ready... I'm just exhausted.... They say I can do this straight or have an IV with a sedative... don't know which I'll need... I guess I'll wait until I'm there to decide... Maybe I'll sleep a little in the car... Hope you all have a good day.... I'll be back later if I'm up to it.... Thanks for all your good wishes.... I so appreciate your patience with all my whining.... Take care and I'll talk to you later.......... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    OMG you all have been busy today...... Yup, Janet has been missing lately......... don't suppose that guy from Facebook finally caught up with her and she's having a fling???!!!!!! Wouldn't that be something!!!! Go, Janet.... Joyce, loved the car.......... I always wanted a red convertible, but will never have one... I have a red car, though... Eva, your pictures sure show how hard you guys work on things... Whatever will you do when you finish the job???? You'll have time to spare for sure.... It all looks great.... Apples, love your little benches.... Cute ideas... I'm like Laura, and not artistic in that way... I'm a singer and let my talents flow there..... And I love to cook and bake, just try not to do so much anymore..... Hi, Melissa..................... you are so funny...... You, too, shall recover from the chocolate... Mondays are always hard and especially after a vacation.. Here's hoping tomorrow will be better..... 2plus4, bless your heart.... I would have wanted to beat that kid... Is your son okay???? I echo what everyone else said.. You just started here and you are on your way... One day that kid will have to eat his words........ Hugs to you..... You are here with us now and it's a good place to be especially when you are feeling bad...... Lori, you forgot to mention your talent........shopping... You love to shop more than anyone I know.... No wonder you find all these great deals.... Apples, do you have a special supper planned for DH?? I send my birthday greeting to him, too.... It just so happens its our grandson's birthday today, too.... He's 11 today... We need to call him now to wish him Happy Birthday......... So your birthday is on my brothers, and DH's and Eva's are on my grandsons.... Should be able to remember that!!!! Linda has one coming up that is the same day as my DIL..... Small world.... You all have nice dogs..... and you love them so much it is clear to see..... However, I am one who is not a dog person really..... don't know why... We had one for 11 years who died last year..... had to put him down.. I liked him but he was DH's dog.... I'm a cat person... but mostly just my own.... funny gal, I am, I guess... Well, time to get supper and then try to sleep... My appointment for the shots got moved to 7:30 tomorrow morning so have to be up early..... I'll thank you all to cross your fingers or say a little prayer that this is the answer to my prayers..... It's so good to have friends... Hugs and prayers to all.............. Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Happy Birthday Eva.............. Hope you have fun things to do today...... not just work...... Suppose DH has something nice planned for supper..... I really slept in today... The pain was bad yesterday later in the day so I didn't get to sleep until late... Was up a couple times when DH got up and before he left for work.... Then just laid on the couch and slept a while longer... Today the wind is blowing a 100 miles and hour so not a fun day to be outside.... don't know what I'll do today.... No Mimi, no energy, no ideas.....So I guess I'll just be a couch potato......... Really, I do have paperwork to do so best get it done when I can.. Arlene, I'm happy to hear you are feeling better... Those saltines shouldn't hurt you much at all..... Just forget about them and move on..... good luck with the weigh-in... Jodi and Deb, it would be wonderful if you could hook up in NY..... We'll all be anxious to see pictures if you do!!! Linda, our GD's must be about the same age.... Mimi will be 3 on the 26th now..... They are fun, but when they aren't it's a lot of work.... I miss her already.... Well, I should at least get dressed, it's almost 11:00.... You all have a good day.... TTYL............ Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Nice picture of you and DH, Melissa.......... Sounds like you had a great time..... good for you..... take care... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Good Sunday afternoon to you all.... Hope you are all enjoying the day... I'm alone as DH is out in his shop cleaning or something with his tractors..... His day off, so he like to putz around with things.... I had a little nap after church/breakfast, so am just taking it easy now.... Pain is there, but bearable right now... DH and I made a big decision yesterday....... I'm not going to do daycare for Mimi anymore for the time being... She will be registerd at the daycare starting tomorrow and we will pay for now as DD can't afford it... I hate to do it and will miss my baby, but just think I need the break and if the shots are going to work I will have to take it easy for a while I'm sure... I know that will make you all happy to hear it, but it makes me sad..... I just want to be well again.. Apples, sorry you didn't make it to the lake, but you had a good day anyway... It's cool and windy today here and supposed to be windier tomorrow... It's 55 degrees, but the wind makes that cold... would like a nice 70 day with just a light breeze... That would be nice to sit in my swing on the deck and relax.. Janet, sorry about you and Andrew... Hope you both mend soon... Teenagers are some tough characters.... We've all been there...... Have a fun day.. Jodi, congrats on the weight loss and the new gym... You are just in real good shape and things are going very well for you... this is great.... I envy you the shopping thing too.... Nice to know you can get it and then give it back when it's too big for you..... Great perk!!!! Laura K, I can never wear someone else's jeans.. They must take the form of the former body and don't look good on the new one!!!!! Eva, sorry you had pain and were up so much... The concrete work must have got you good..... Is the job done now???? Have fun on the bike with DH... I love motorcycles, but I like to drive..... We have 4 wheelers that we use now... We go out with some friends sometimes and just ride..... Lori, congrats on the new vehicle.. I hate the shopping and hoping you get a good deal.... We usually do the previously owned thing too because of the difference in price..... Way better deal..... Only a couple more payments and we will be without vehicle payments.. We plan to keep these for awhile and use that money on something fun.......... or maybe a wedding!!!!! Deb, your trip to NY to see you daughter sounds great... and you will be in such good shape this time and it will be so fun for you.... Melissa, glad you enjoyed your vacation so much and that going back to work is a good thing... Some hate to go to their jobs and that is sad.... Glad you are doing so well...... Arlene, you take care.... hope you will be feeling better soon... That darn stuff just really takes a toll on you... I'm sorry for all your pain... I can relate...... Hugs... Well, I should go check on DH and then see about something for supper... Haven't cooked for a while so need to think of something exciting... DH will be very happy with a steak... We just got our new side of beef and he is excited to see how it tastes... It's always good as we buy from a local friend who does a great job of feeding out his herd.... Yup, I think steak is it... It's easy and can fill in the rest easily, too.... Salad and a baked potato.... Have a great rest of your day... Talk to you all again soon... Hugs............ Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello friends, It's been a long day... My pain seems to be more constant now that I'm not getting any therapy or massage or treatments.... I'm not sure why they all just quit, but so be it.... Can hardly wait until Tuesday to get the relief I need..... Did some odds and ends around here today... put my Easter stuff away.... Had leftovers for supper (DH is so good about that. He likes leftovers!!) and then met some friends at the local steakhouse/bar for a little bingo.... Was something to do and got me out of the house... DH was busy sweeping out the garage and getting the deck furninture out and cleaning up the lawn here and at DD's...... I should have cleaned the lawn furniture, but it will wait for another day or who knows, maybe it'll rain of snow...!!! I'm just too worn out to care much right now... Linda, your pictures are wonderful... you look so nice... and GD is so cute... Looks like you were having fun.... Laura, Nelson and friend looked like they were enjoying themselves, too... Glad you had a good day.... Apples, our day was full of a strong wind so not that pleasant today.. Maybe tomorrow will feel like spring... did you get a load up to the lake..?? Well, I'm off to take my pills and try to relax and sleep some.... Had DH rub my entire back with BioFreeze a bit ago so I'm really tingling now.... Sweet dreams everyone.... tomorrow is a new day.... Hugs and prayers to all.......... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning ladies, hope you all had a good night's sleep. I did sleep some after a fashion.... and then stept in until 9:00... Now I feel all groggy and worn out... Can't be getting a restful sleep when you wake up feeling tired... Anyway, it's Saturday and I have nothing I have to do.... May take my Easter decorations down... Tomorrow DD and Mimi go to DF's parents home for a family supper. He has one sister and her family...... Next Sunday (18th) his parents are coming here for supper so I have to get my house in a little order for that... We are waiting until after that to start pulling carpet and knocking out walls.... Don't feel like doing much housework when we will be making such a mess so soon and then it will all get cleaned good from the remodel..... DH is out doing the yard now... finally all the snow is gone and it is dry enough to put the big mower on it and suck up all the crud from winter.... We have a big yard so it's a big job.....He doesn't go to his job on weekends, thankfully, so has time to do this.. He swept out the garage already, too.. It was pretty bad from all the wet conditions we have had of late.. And we drive on gravel roads to get to church so that mud comes in..... Apples, you know from being on the farm how that mud can make such a mess..... Apples, I know how you are itching to get to the lake... Hope you have a good trip up and have fun getting things opened up after a very long winter... Laura, sounds like you have a fun day planned.... Nelson and his friend will love the movie and etc.... You are a good mommie..... Hope everyone else has a great day....and that spring has sprung all over this country finally..... Talk to you all later........ hugs.......... Julie
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, I'm awake, but still feel like I'm half dopey..... This mess is getting real old....... Shoulder pain most of the day.... What's up with that??? It's usually at night only..... and I have the makings of an earache......... Haven't had one of those in 40 years... I starting to think this is going to be my life now... Not so fat anymore, but sickly all the time.... It's depressing and I'm already on anti-depressants!!!!! Good grief................... Melissa, I love the little poem.... I'm still faily smart then.... some of you have lost all your smarts!!!! Linda, sorry your SD was sick again... How old is your little one again.... 3 or 4, if I remember right.... Does she wear you out..?? Mimi got me again today.... Have fun with supper with DH 2plus4, is it always cooler in Scotland or do you get hot weather, too..... I've always imagined it to be a very pretty place..... Ireland, too... You read about them in so many novels and they are romantisized alot.... We would like to get to know you better, too, so jump in anytime and visit... Tell us more about yourself....We like to make new friends.... Apples, another busy day for you, but we know you like it that way, so hope you enjoyed your road trips.... I don't have any real sisters either, but I'm very happy with my new LBT sisters..... Couldn't be better..... Janet, sorry we let you down on your day off.... Hope you found something fun to do on your day off...... Deb, glad you had a good trip and congrats on the pounds gone.... It is encouraging to lose even when you think you didn't..... Makes it so much easier to go on.... Laura, glad you are feeling back to yourself again in most all areas... Those 3 pounds will fade soon enough... Lori, don't envy you having to keep your house all polished up for selling.... I hope things move along smoothly for you on both ends.... Well, I'm making so many typing errors that I'd better stop before I make a mistake I can't fix..... Hugs to everyone.............with good wishes for a nice peaceful spring weekend....... Love you guys....... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, sorry I'm so slow getting to you tonight.... had to be in Bismarck at 6:15 this morning so got up at 4:30..... actually was up and just decided to get my bath in then.... Not much sleep again last night.. I'm like a baby with it's days and nights mixed up anymore.... So I'm tired all the time... Mimi's surgery went well... DD did okay, too... Got a bit cranky with me, but we managed... We were home by 11:00... the cyst over her left eye came out easily and was what they figure....just fatty tissue... She does have swelling and a purple eyelid from it... Looks like she was in a good fight and lost.!!! The adnoids came out and the tubes went in.. Doc said she had an incredible abount of gunk in her ears... Now drops 3 times a day for 3 days and then should be okay.... She slept most of the morning and until 2:30, but then was up and her usual little mischevious self..... I was with her at their house from 2:30 to 5:30.. DD has a yeast infectiona nd the doc said to come in right away to get some medication... So she did..... I got home then about 6:00 and had a little supper with DH... I was already hurting from man-handling Mimi when she got naughty one time... She is 32 pounds now and very strong, so when she fights me it's a job to get her under control..... Anyway, I fell asleep with an ice pack under my neck at about 7:30 and woke up at 10:30 with my shoulder barking at me... Just had a nice bath and go the cream on it and my pills taken so it's is finally starting to ease up........ I did get good news today.. I'm approved for the shots... Will get them on next Tuesday... Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I can make it till then.... It is almost Friday now, so maybe there is hope... I'm praying they will do the trick for me.... Thanks for all the concerns for Mimi and her mother.. I think they will be fine... DD and DF ordered their wedding rings yesterday, but today got a call that they can't do what DD wanted... She wants a plain gold band with an inscription on it... Should be simple... but she wants the inscription on the outside and the engraver said he wouldn't do it because it would wear off very easily... DD is bummed.... Don't know what she will do.... It was just a hard day for her all around, and now yeast infection, too.... Apples, your recipes are always so interesting. I'm a plain old cook... DH doesn't go for the spicy or the experimental recipes much... So I do the same old things over and over... meat and meat and meat with some sort of side dishes... potatoes, rice or noodles... Glad you stayed home on your cold day.. The warm ones are coming.. We had a nice day here.., although I didn't get to see much of it.... Supposed to be nice all week, but wet next week..... Great, welcome home, After you rest up I suppose you have to start tackling your move... How are the newlyweds...?? Are they home yet???? Jessica, you just have to distance yourself from the others and their problems... You shouldn't be any part of this... Take care of yourself.... Melissa, glad you are doing so well..... good for you.. Jodi, glad you stuck to you plan through all the food mess... It's a good feeling to be in control of your food intake isn't it???? good for you.... Joyce glad your fill went uneventfully... That's how mine have been, too, except one....... Really can't complain at all..... Arlene, congrats of the loss.... you are doing so well and sticking to the plan.. Janet, I hate my blinds, too.... only I have white ones.. Would love to do something different, but never now what to do. and I'm a bit of a cheapskate.... hate spending money on those kinds of things.... Will maybe have to think about it now when we are doing the remodel in out kitchen/dining room...... Eva, glad you finally are rid of that tree and can start on your plan... Deb, Judy, Laura K, Linda, Cheri, Laura, Phyll, Meredith, .................... hope you all are doing well.. I know you all have things going on... Take care and check in when you can.... Well, time to see if I can sleep tonight... Mimi comes at noon tomorrow so should be an okay day... Then a weekend with nothing I have to do at all..... I'm looking forward to it very much... Have a friend who just had hip replacement surgery who cam home a couple days ago that needs a visit and maybe some food.... she is very overweight and had been so laid up that she could barely walk... Now retaining fluids so bad her ankles are twice their size... Need to go vist.... Otherwise have a lazy time planned... Still no power at church, but we can do Sunday Service with no lights and just a piano and still have a great day... so I'm not worried... You all are so important to me... I think of you all when I can't get to the board here to post... But sometimes life just has to come first... Sorry I've been absent a lot lately... I see a busy summer ahead and am not sure I'm ready for it... If these shots do their job I should be okay... Otherwise I think I'm in trouble..... Good night to all..... have sweet dreams.... Julie Oh, my favorite perfume is Wind Song by Prince Matchabelli. I've been wearing it for most of my life... I love the smell and so does DH..... why fix it if it isn't broken, I say!!!!
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, good to hear from you.... we must have been posting at the same time..... What a terrible tragedy...... that poor family... and your instincts were right.... good for you not to trust her... Is your father involved at all as the property owner still even though he wasn't there? OMG, it could be quite a mess.... You take care... I understand about not wanting the baby's pictures out there yet.... Your sil is entitled as a new mommy to feel that way.. I'm so glad you are having a good time... talk to you later... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning all......... I got my 3 1/2 hours of sleep, then Mimi started coughing about 6:30..... Finally got some cough medicine in her, but she was awake.. She actually slept quite well from 10:00 on.... then gave her a bath and got her dressed and DH took her to daycare to her mother when he went to work at 8:00... I've had a shower and am now into paperwork sitting by my desk, so thought I would try to catch up here, too... I'm looking forward to an afternoon nap... tomorrow will be a long day in surgery and recovery with Mimi and DD... Expect DD to be the one who is the hardest.... worrying about her baby and all..... Need to make sure and take my pills to keep ME calm....!!!!! Apples, your son does move around.. and he likes all areas... hope he picks a good place for both of you... Janet, I hope you are right about DF's X..... that she will calm down and go away soon.... I'm not a window person either.... My spring cleaning as a whole is on hold until we get started on our project... Will be tearing down a wall and replacing flooring and will need to paint some, so will get it all done then.... Have decided to wait until after the 18th to start.. The door I finally picked out won't be in for 4 weeks..... why I don't know...... I did pick flooring, too.... Wood grain laminate.... I thought I wanted tile look laminate, but couldn't find any that suited me and my house so went with this.. Haven't actually purchased it yet, but have the samples here and picked the one with the right tone... Laura, I agree with the rest... Dad was just feeling bad and took it out on you... You didn't do anything wrong and he loves you... He is going through so many emotions that are strange and cruel for him... You are a good daughter.... Oh, and what a thing that SIL of yours is... glad you don't have to see her everyday...... Hugs to Nelson..... safe trip home now.... Joyce, fill will go just fine... You are doing so well... Arlene, how are things going for you???? Laura K, how about you.. Don't think I've seen posts from lots of you lately.. Jessica has been gone..... Judy, how are you doing??,..... Deb, how are things with you... Great is sunning herself on the beach......Eva is busy working and doing all her nifty crafty things... Phyll, sorry you are so sad to head back to WA..... But just think, only 6-8 months and you can come back again!!!! Melissa, how are you doing now..??? Linda and Cheri, too.... are you both feeling okay again?? Jodi, are you back to posting again???,, Meredith, we lost you again........ how are you??? I know there are a couple new ones, too... Welcome aboard.. we are a great group of wonderful ladies... hope you find a home here with us.... That was a poor attempt and catching up without going back to read much... Sorry, but will try to do better... Brother just came to get some things so must go.... Hugs to all......... Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi dear ones, I'm still up... I had a very long day with Mimi... She was a pistol today... Just into everything and wanting to be testy and naughty......Has a cough still, so she fell asleep at naptime only to be woken up by the dang cough after only 20 minutes and then never went back down... Finally got her to sleep at 10:00 this evening... she is staying over as DD had to make a trip to see DF (dear Fiancee) after work... His daughter's mother found out he was engaged and really drug him over the coals.... Was very nasty and really shook his confidence.. Called DD to ask if she was sure she wanted to be with him forever...... Now the dang woman won't quit texting him saying dumb things... they are both a bit upset now.... His dad, the minister, was there to help them sort through some things so that was good.. Tomorrow they are going ring shopping, but he sent her home tonight with one of his rings on her finger so she would not doubt him.... Said his dad did that for his mother before they could afford a diamond... I think things have been going so fast that now that reality is settling in they have more to think about... which is why they need pre-marital counseling.. DD did speak to our pastor on Sunday and they have e-mailed about it already... this is good.... My shoulder is hurting now, so I'm up doing my rituals to try to get it to calm down... No news from Doc about the treatment being approved yet... Mimi has her surgery on Thursday, so hope they don't set it for then.... I'm so far behind with posts that I feel awful about it.. I care so much about what is going on with everyone, but haven't the time or energy to comment again tonight... Mimi will be with her mother tomorrow after she wakes up so maybe I can get some things caught up here and in my house, too.... You all are having a restful night I hope.... Talk to you all tomorrow.... Hugs... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning friends, I slept all night and caught up a bit.. Almost feel human again..... Apples, I work at my own speed and sit a lot... I do all the planning and organizing, not the lifting and toting...... Just being on damp concrete floors is probably the hardest thing.... Anyway, I didn't do anything to hurt myself, just made me so tired and the no sleep Sunday night really hurt.... Today I'm doing the getting everything in order, too, and Mimi will be here in a few minutes.. We will sit and watch Little Bear and play PlayDough..... I have leftovers for supper and DH is at work now, so a rather slow day planned here. Just keep Mimi out of trouble.... She is supposed to have surgery on Thursday, but has come down with a terrible sinus thing.. don't know if the doc will want to go ahead yet or not.... Janet I noticed your new avatar a few days ago, it is so lovely.........and the big picture of you and Andrew, too... No wonder some stranger noticed...... Pretty Woman...... Apples, so glad DS is better and you can relax....... sing loud, I'd love to listen...... Laura, sorry Dad is feeling so bad... Hope he snaps back real soon.... Chin up!!!!!!! Eva, great cheese balls....... I'm not that artistic.... WTG on the walking... That's what I want to do now that the snow is disappearing again.... Oh, Mimi is here..........gotta run... I'll be back to visit more later.... Love to all........... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

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    Hi everybody... I'm checking in to say I'm stll alive............but barely!!!! I feel like I've been run over by a truck.... Two days standing on concrete floors at church.... damp.........no electicty except from generators.... 150 people for dinner after the funeral today.. Servd ham, scalloped potatoes, creamed corn casserole, buns, assorted salads, assorted cupcakes and bars..... all with no sleep last night because of damn shoulder...... I can home and crashed and no feel pretty tough... Hopeing to sleep tonight just so I can catch up a bit.... But we got everything done and things are all tied up, so all in all it was a good few days... Tomorrow back to something normal, like Apples said..... hopefully.... I'd love to comment, but will have to wait til tomorrow for that too.... just too tired.. Love to all...... Praise the Lord............. Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

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    Happy Easter morning to everyone.. I'm up early to get ready to leave by 5:30..... Sunrise service at 6:30 and I have so much to do before hand and a 20 minute drive, too...But all will be well as they got generators hooked up so we could have power... Otherwise the lines are still down... Not a good thing..... We watched the 10 Commandments last night, too, but I had to tape part and go to bed at 10:15.. Up at 4:00..... Apples so glad you got in touch and that you are headed out.... Yup no matter how big they still need Mom at times like this... You take care and know we are praying for your safe journey and his good health.... Love you all.............. Have a blessed Easter day.... Julie
  20. Mrs. Bubba

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    Karen, my prayers are said................ for him and you and DH..... How horrible to be so far away and feel helpless.... You will find him..... and he will be okay.. God's hands are strong and will hold him when you can't.. Let us know when you find him... Are you thinking of flying out?? Take care now and stay strong... This is not your fault, you know... It's unfortunate that your sons have this kidney thing, too, but it's not your fault... I'm thinking of you and wishing the best for your son..... Keep in touch.. Great, your grandma will just be happy to be with you I'm sure... Have a nice day..... and a great trip.... you are the luckiest shopper.... I never find those bargains... But I don't look much either.... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi girls, I'm taking a break from all my cooking and baking and planning....It's crazy here... DD keeps calling wanting to talk about the wedding as she is so excited... but I'm so busy don't have time to talk... Can we wait til tomorrow, Honey??? She said yes...... I've got the Easter breakfast at church all organized and ready, but with the big power outage we had yesterday, half the state is out.... We are fine here in our town, but the rural areas are still out.. Our little church is in the country 17 miles from here... No power.. they are out there now trying to hook up gererators and such so we can have church and do breakfast... The sump pumps quit working so we have water in the basement too... DH is out there now helping get things going... We also have a big funeral on Monday there, expecting 200 people... I'm having to do lots for that, too... One gal is doing the ham and scalloped potatoes, and I'm in charge of salads and dessert... It takes plenty of food for 200.... and we are just a little congregation.. There are only 13 of us ladies to do the work.... and I'm about the third youngest!!!!! One is 92 and one is 80 and most in their 60's and 70's.. But we'll get it done... I'm just trying to do three things at once as I have dinner for the family tomorrow, too...... I'm getting most of my stuff done... Having ham and sr cream potates, veggies, lettuce salad, pasta salad, buns, homemade strawberry ice cream and cupcakes.. I made these cute little cut out rice krispie bars... did egg shapes and then put different colors of white chocolate on top with sprinkles... Tada....... Easter eggs!!!! Kids will like them and are better than candy..... I have to frost the cupcakes and then put the salads together and I'm done... Don't know what I will give DH for supper... Maybe we will have to go out.... Oh, and I made a big hotdish to take to the family of the friend who dies, too... Just busy busy.... at least no pain right now and I did sleep in my bed last night... Had to get up at 3:00 and take another pain pill and get a cold pack, but managed to go back to sleep.. Felt good to be in the bed..... Apples, enjoy your day.....sounds great..... Janet, you and Andrew have each other and that counts for alot..... Melissa, I'm hearing you sounding better.... this is good.. You are going to do just fine.. I'm doing all the wrong things today, but just not letting it bother me as I know it is short lived... Now I have a wedding to look presentable for... Gotta really get in gear now..... Maybe Monday!!!! Great, DD is thinking maybe silver as an added touch to her black.... sounds pretty.... When do you leave on your trip??? Judy, where are you girl...??? Haven't heard from you for a bit... All of you others I hope are out doing fun things getting ready for a nice Sunday... Jodi, are you resting up from all the festivities... Oh, that's right you can't post today... Well, anyway just want all to be happy and safe.... Take care....love to all......... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Great, my DD has not been married before... Neither has the finacee....... Just both are unwed parents....with unfortunate stories to tell about how horrible people can be t each other... I think that's why they are going so fast.. They are both starved for the affection they didn't get with the other parent of their child.... DD is not a fancy girl.... wants something quite simple... She is a very big heavy metal music fan and loves Metallica.... Wouldn't put it past her to have attendants wear Metallica t-shirts.....LOL...... Actually she wants her attendants to wear nice black coctail length dresses that they can wear again... Nothing frilly or fancy.... No tuxes for the guys.... She's debating about her own dress.... Not sure if she wants a traditional wedding gown.... I'm hoping to convince her to take mine and have it made into something she would like... It's enough to big that there is lots of material to work with.... We'll see what happens.... I'm just glad we have 6 months and not 2... I really want them to do the counseling with Pastor.... I have to be so careful about what I say... She feels my criticism so easily... And I'm know for giving my opinions freely with her..... gotta watch that and not steal her happiness from her........
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    OMG what a day...... I've been trying to get on here all day... no luck till now and then I'm not sure I'll make it... The power has been going in and out all afternoon.... As it turns out we had some very.... and I mean VERY wet snow this morning... Stopped traffic dead for a while even... then about 1:30 the power went out and stayed out.... A big power line came down over the main 4 lane highway between here and Bismarck.... took out a semi on it's way down.. haven't heard of the driver was hurt... Traffic jammed up for miles.... Have to wait for the news to know anything much... Anyway..... ours came back on about 4 but has been flickering on and off numerouse times since then... Friends who live out of town had to come in as they are on a rural electic plan and they still had no power... and a second tower came down.... He has to have his nebulizer so they came in to have supper and for him to stay... But now have left as power was restored.... So confusing... Anyway.... I have just had a crazy day..... AND......................... DD called to say BF asked her to marry him last night and she said yes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG........ October 23rd wedding..... I'm all confused... Have to be happy for her but have so many questions.... I did ask that they promise to go to pre marraige counseling with our pastor and she said yes... His father will marry them..... In answer to some of the questions Jodi asked.... I do know some of the answers.... He was not married and divorced... He was going with a gal for ony 2 months when she got pregnant... They did not stay together, but he did take his father responsiblities very seriously... My DD had been going with this guy only 1 month when she got pregnant... He was a scuz bag.... abused her and lived off of her and us.........a very big liar........ When Mimi was 3 months old he tried to choke DD.... Let's just make a long story short and say that he has not and will not ever see this child again... We had him arrested and charged... But only got a fine and a restraining order... Anyway, I think both DD and "finacee" have been through some rough times and are so releived to have found someone who understands and relates to what they have been through.... They seem very happy... He comes from a good family and although he doesn't get along with the child's mother, he has joint custody and does more than his share with her... His parents, too.... I've heard nothing to make me think he is bad news, just need more time to get to know him... At least she said wedding in October and not May or June!!!! Laura, so glad you are with your folks and that dad is doing better... What a gift... love the pics Apples, bunny cake is delightful... Will make children smile for sure.... Just a check-up now, not more stones, right??? You take care and have a great time with the Welcome Home... It's an emotional time as you well know.. I remember like it was yesterday... so exciting, too.... God bless them all..... Melissa, you're in good hands with Janet and the others.. You are going to be fine.... Yeah, and Eva, I'm right there with you with the good days and then a bad one... Seems like I never learn...... Jodi, so glad your passover time and such was so good for you... Your choice of discussion topic was great... Good to learn things we didn't know.... Your daughter is lucky to have you....... Jessica, just have a wonderful time and deal with the rest when you get home... Enjoy yourself... Janet, you are such a good leader.... Thank you..... Great, you must have the patience of a saint with your GM.... My mother drives me crazy sometimes and I lose my cool...... Wish I didn't, but I do..... Hope all you others are doing well.... I'm running out of brain power..... Take care and good luck with all your Easter preparations.. I have a few things to do tomorrow... quite a few... Had hope to more today, but can't do much with no electricty....right Jodi???? good night... have sweet dreams .........hugs to all.... Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Okay guys, I met the man my daughter says is the one for her....... Tall, skinny, too many peircings for my taste, a stocking hat on his head,(I don't care for this trend!!) but all in all seemed to be a nice man. He wasn't afraid to talk and seemed to take a joke okay.... DD was very nervous, but she did okay..... I guess I can see that they could make a nice couple... I just need for them to slow down just a touch.... His father is a chaplain for the Bismarck PD and has already said if they get the license he'll marry them.... OMG, too fast............ way to fast..... But I think they have both been through some hard times and seeing them happy makes us all happy right now... Life and reality will hit soon and we'll see just how strong their committment is then..... I'm praying for them that they are right and they just found their soul mate... Nothing would make me happier than for my little girls to be happy and well cared for by a nice man..... Well, Mimi is asleep so I'd better try to catch some sleep too... I took my pain pills earlier and am not hurting too bad now... Maybe I can beat it to sleep tonight...... Sorry for not commenting about everyone's posts from the day... Just don't have the energy tonight... I love you all bunches................ Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, just home from a wonderful Maunday Thursday Service at our church..... Our pastor is so good at doing a meaningful service. Now we are waiting for DD to bring Mimi to spend the night... She is already asleep so hope she doesn't wake up coming over.. DD is waiting for her new guy to come and then they will bring her over and we can meet him.... Whoooo Hoooo..... Now I know this is serious... We ususally have to beg to meet anyone she goes out with.... Made a quick trip to Bismarck today as we have decided now is the time to start on our little remodeling project and I had to pick out flooring... I finally settled on a nice lamenate.... wood grain... to go throughout the kitchen/dining/living area...... with a little vinyl at the main door area..... Have finally settled on the new door to replace the sliding door, so now it is wait for stuff to come in and for DH to have the time to do the work... I told him no demolition until after all the cooking I have to do for Easter.... A dear friend died last night... He was 18 days short of 100 and had such a good life, but was ready to go..... It's an honor to help do his funeral and all the food... It will be Monday....so I'll be cooking for a few days again.... Will no more about the menu for that tomorrow.... Well, time for DD to come... I'll fill you all in later.... Hugs..... Julie

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