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Mrs. Bubba

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs. Bubba

  1. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Phyll, sorry to have forgotten to send my sympathies on the loss of your friend..... It is so easy to lose touch with those who are not in our everyday lives.... It sounds like she had someone to love and to love her and that was good..... Hope you will feel better soon.... Jodi, as per usual you take my breath away..... how busy you are.....Apples is the one to get recipes from.... she has something for everyone and has changed most of them to be better for us....... She'll be back on Monday I think..... Good luck to Dassi on her next audition..... I fell asleep in my chair after taking my sleeping pills... Have asked DH not to leave me there without something behind my neck, but he says he could't get me to move.... Anyway, now I'm awake and I have a neck ache... So took the pain pill I didn't take earlier and will sit here a bit until it kicks in..... It's a good time to clear off my desk a bit.... Good night all.... hope you are all having sweet dreams..... Julie
  2. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Okay ladies, it's me...........I'm here...... It took me forever to catch up on all the posts... I was about 8 pages out...... I'm glad most of you are doing pretty well.... I'm okay. It's been a roller coaster ride for me... After my trip to the ER for morphine I saw my GP who gave me muscle relaxers and Lidocain patches for my neck... That has improved things... then had the second epidural spinal shot this past Thursday and am still sore from it... Had some pain today, but it is gone right now.... I have permission to keep using the muscles relaxers and the lidocain and am trying to slack off on the pain pills and the sleeping pills... I so need for this to not be the foremost thing in my life anymore... It has just taken me to crazy places.... I have so much to do for DD's wedding and other things... They don't really take my physical energy at this time, just my clear headed thinking to organize and make calls and generally get my sh## together... Same as all the other things on my desk... But I haven't been able to do much of that either... DD has been very ill and had to help with Mimi for 2 days.... She was very good and I didn't have to man-handle her, but just keeping up with her took it all out of me...... SO....................with my fingers crossed, I'm going to say I'm a bit better right now... Have been sleeping pretty well in my bed and that is a good thing.........My Goddaughter graduated from High School (GED) after quitting school last year.. Her class graduates in a few days so she actually got it done right on target, but just couldn't handle going to school here with kids who wouldn't let her live down her mistakes... I'm so proud of her and had to be there for support...... She has scheduled ACTS and has done the FAFSA to start college in nursing in the fall...... That has taken my time, too..... Anyway, you all have been so busy... I'm going to try to do a response from memory, so bear with me.... Janet, thank you for taking the time to e-mail and check on me.... I do know how much you all care and wasn't gone because I was upset or anything..... just so overwhelmed with my life..... I'm proud of you and am glad your trainer set you straight on the credit thing.. That's what you have been telling me for quite some time!!!! Flowers are pretty.... I got some from my brother and wife today when they stopped by for a visit.... Apples, I love you and your smile, but I want you to be happy..... I support you 100% on making yourself feel the best you can be.... I'll look forward to seeing the new you..... Have fun at the lake..... Hugs on the family issues, but I know what a survivor you are and know you already have it handled and put where it belongs.. Jessica, oh you pretty girl..... I'm so proud of you.... Loved all the pictures and you are just so in the right place now..... You are blossoming into just the most beautiful lady...... I can hardly wait to be out of the clothes I've had for years hoping to wear again one day.. I'm almost there...... Good luck with the camping trip and take Janet's advice and try a little of the "bad stuff" just to show your MIL that you are a real trooper.... She has to see how well you have done and respect you for that....... Great going on the grades.. Laura K..... Nice that graduation went so well.... I'm sure you are anxious for the trip... enjoy it all.... and then think of all the times you can come to visit and just have fun...... Phyll, Hey I'm loving the idea of I-94...... I'm 36 miles from it at Bismarck, ND..... I'll be looking forward to an itinerary so we can plan lunch or supper or whatever......... Yes, you are a groovy gramma.... I don't get all those gadgets... I don't even text....... I wish I could do your water aerobics... I miss them so much... Have all I can do to get myself out of my chair right now.... Deb, so glad you had a wonderful time in NY...... seeing all those stars was exciting... Just being with your family was the best I'll bet...... and you did so well with food.... good for you.. Jodi, girl, you are such a goer.... Sorry you had such a tough time letting go of the dog..... but you have so many good stories and memories of him now.... Hope you are feeling better soon... Congrats on the new look.... funny that Dassi didn't recognize you at first...... Arlene, glad your mother is better................ and the others are right... You are doing so well that the exta water weight will just show up next time.... proud of you... Laura, yes, I love to see the pictures... Your baby is growing..... cute little lisp..... enjoy it.... Your parents are hanging in there and that is what matters... Better Mom lets it out than keeping it all inside..... Let's hope things will be better very soon.... Glad you had a great Mothers Day trip.... Melissa, glad you are doing well with your version of Arlene's shake program.... Whatever works is great... Eva, our galavantor (SP).............off again to some fun thing.... I think it's great.... I'm not a big travelor like you and Apples, but it sounds so exciting... Your projects are all so exciting, too... You are such a hard worker..... Hope your job calms down or that you find one that deserves you.... Joyce, yes, sounds like you are too tight...... At least a call to the doctor is on order.... Can't remember....are you the one who lost 7 pounds..... If so wonderful....if not, wonderful to the one who did...... I'm getting to the CRS phase now...... Cheri, thanks for the tip....yes I thought of that, but had it checked early on and they said all was well there... Glad you enjoyed your singing...... Sounds as though your summer is planned for you.... Linda, you are such a busy lady.... Seseme Street will be fun.... I remember taking DD when she was little.... Was so much fun to see the little eyes light up..... Judy, so glad you joined in to tell us of your new-found commitment... OA is something I tried once, but wasn't ready for what they had to offer and I had to drive so far...... I'm really pulling for you and I wish you would let us be your support.... We love you and want to be here for you...... We are all addicts.... With all that has been going on for me I am so glad for my band... I just plain have not been paying attention to food.... just eating what is comfortable and easy... The band stops me from doing anything stupid and I lose a pound once in a while.... I am fluctuating on 274-275 now... would just love it to drop, but how can it when I don't do the work.....????? I'm hoping that will come now if I can feel better..... I can do more and be more active and take time to eat the way I know the weight will come off.... That is what we all have to do..... And that is what OA will steer you towards I believe..... Eating only what you need and not what you want.... It's a struggle for all of us.... I always wished I that alcohol had been my drug of choice because I could give it up entirely... With food, it's always there or you die...... It's an incredible thing..... You are on the right track and I have faith that you can turn this around..... Let us help..... Lori, I know you are out there searching for you dream house, so wish you lots of luck.... Peaches, welcome....... looking forward to getting to know you better.... Good luck getting back on track and making that 10 pounds history...... Well, sorry to have written a book...... Did I miss anyone???? God I hope not, cuz I didn't mean to do that........ I love you all and thank you for sticking with me through this horrible ordeal I have been going through.... I'm praying that things will be better very soon and I can relax and get on with my life.... Thanks for being my support and my friends..... Hugs and prayers to all............. Julie
  3. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, this is terrible to say, but I'm glad is was a quiet weekend on here as I don't feel so bad about not commenting on everyone's posts........sorry...... I'm a mess................. It was Wednesday night that I went to ER and got the shot of morphine.... but back to the same old thing the next day...... I was unable to attend my niece's final grade school concert because of pain.. I went, but couldn't stand it, so I gave her a hug and left...... However, earlier that day I was to see my GP and she gave me some Lidodeerm patches to put on my neck as a numbing thing.... I wear it during the day... Can't tell for sure if it helps or not... And she is the first one to offer me a muscle relaxor... Friday I got word that I can have another shot in my spine, but not until the 14th...... so, I'm biding my time until Thursday..... I have also been having a glass of wine every evening, but don't know what if anything that is doing either....... Yesterday, I made breakfast for DH, Mom, Mimi and myself... then sat around all day... We had Mimi for the day, but she mostly just say on me and watched Little Bear after church..... I've started taking a pain pill in the morning to get me through the day and then one or two at night.... Last night I took one about 7:30 when I started to feel things coming.... But they didn't come!!!!!! At 10:30 I crawled in bed and told DH I didn't know how to act without the pain.... I went to sleep and slept most of the night without pain...... Maybe it was God just giving me a little break.... we'll see what today brings.... Sorry for this being all about me and for not being on often of late... I just don't have it in me to give right now... Lori, I'm very glad you had a good time on your trip and I empathize with the daunting task you have before you.. But you will handle it with grace and charm, I'm sure....... Best of luck finding the house you want.... Linda, the tulip show sounds beautiful.... If it was here it would have been very cold...... We need a warm up soon..... no more snow... Janet, glad you had so much fun shopping and such.... You must need an extra closet by this time....... Everyone else, how you had a wonderful Mother's Day to relax and enjoy life....... Talk to you all later.... if I have the energy to write..... Hoping this is over soon... Hugs to all...........Julie
  4. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    HI everyone, just a quick note as I am not doing well at all and have a kind of a buzz on right now from all the medications, but still have pain..... It's such a rat race...running in circles most of the time... Spent Thursday night in ER ..... got a morphine shot that helped me sleep that night..... Just no good news to report and I'm too exhausted to comment one all of your activities... I did read them all and am so proud of all of you... Sorry to you with the troubles and happy for those who are doing so well..... I'm going to try to be here tomorrow if I can..... Night all... Julie
  5. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning............. hope everyone is up and being productive...unlike me.... just sitting here doing not much of anything.... like ordered..... Apples, I'm so glad you feel some better today... Do flowers bother you that much to start an attack? I guess I don't know much about vertigo.... thought it was more a balance things... I'm not good either... No help from the doctor on Friday and now I'm once again waiting for insurance approval for more tests and another shot.... The pain is spreading to the other shoulder, getting stronger, and coming at any and all times of the day.. Already had a medium sized attach this morning that I'm just coming down from.... Had one at 4 yesterday afternoon that about got me.... I don't drink, but I called my DD at 5:30 and asked her to bring me some sweet pop wine, like Strawberry Hill.. I remember drinking it from the bottle in college.. A friend and I killed it last night... I don't think it did a thing for me, but I was just completly crazed and thought it couldn't hurt... I know it says no alcohol with the pills, but I didn't figure a little wine would like kill me..... don't know if I'd care at the moment.... So, I need to try to do some paperwork today.. Did some during the night, then went to sleep about 5:00 and woke up the hard way... Maybe the rest of the day will be better ...... hope so.... Everyone have a safe day.... Hugs to all... Julie
  6. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gals, I made it through the weekend in one piece I think!!! The benefit I was in charge of was last night and it went well..... other than one of my best friends didn't approve and thought a concert was a bad idea and we could have done so much better with a big feed of some kind.... I'm tired of her whining... I didn't see her out there organizing and putting herself out there... I'm angry at her right now, can you tell???? Anyway, now on with life again... no big plans looming for a while... Ice cream social and 40th class reunion in June , so have to get to organizing for that soon....... Maybe tomorrow or the next day......................... Today is paying bills, taking care of last night's money, and some other odd errands.... Physically, I'm still just the same.... so no need to go there.... Slimnole, you are in bandster hell..... they don't tighten your band during surgery because the swelling needs to go down and you need to heal.... That is why all the liquids and the gradual move to regular food... For most it is a few weeks, moving from one kind of food to the other .... Whatever your doctor says goes.... Sorry you are feeling so bad... I believe the pain is gas, so we recommend Gas-X...... in large dosses!!!! and walking.... Tell us more about yourself and be sure to come back and join in.. This is a great on-line support group. We have become friends and it is so good to have friends who understand what you are going through.... Janet is our fearless leader, but she works and won't be on most of the day... But she will get to you when she can... take care... Apples, are you home and off and running already??? Eva, what kind of sh@# do you have to shovel.....dog??? That is never fun.... no more dog here and can't say I miss that job...... Janet, hope you have a good, productive week and a great long weekend..... Time for you to perk up rather than being so bogged down with work.... Jodi, happy birthday yesterday... Sorry we didn't know sooner... Sounds like you and Dassi had a fine day..... Laura, great pics of the kids..... Yes, you are a fun mom, I wannna come too....... Debra, congrats on all the good changes in your meds. It's a good feeling isn't it????? WTG Well, gang, I know I missed lots of you... Hope you can get here to post sometime soon... Have a good day.. Julie
  7. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi friends,.........yes, I'm still on my anti-depressants.... Don't know what good they do, but i take them.... there's no good news to report so I'll just say I'm the same.... Jessica, hope you will be better... an unfill might be in order..... You're almost finished with school... You've done so well and you can make this next few days... Just hold on... Do you get the summer off to relax and regroup a bit??? Hope so.... Froggie, I'm a carb girl, too... I just let myself have some and try not to over do it... Bread is my downfall... But I find eating a little sometimes makes me happy and doesn't affect my weight.... I still can lose even with bread in my diet... I just don't overdo... Charlene, I have some great books for crocheting little things like book marks or tree ornanments... Something to do in a short amount of time.. I can run them off for you if you want them..... How are you??? You deal with pain all the time, too... How do you cope....?? Cheri, I know you really get where I'm coming from... thanks for all the empathy... Wish I could take all you have learned and put it into my head and know what to do..... crying just doesn't do much but is most of what I do lately..... some from the pain and some from the frustrations.... I pray and pray.... for me, for the doctors to help me..... to get better, to be able to cope better... run out of things to pray for.... and don't seem to understand the answers just yet... Thanks for yours... I finally hit 274 today.... that's the lowest I've been in over 25 years.... With all this dang medication by constipation is bad.... I'l be lower if I could "unload" some of this "stuff"..... anyway.... I was happy to see 274 this morning.... well, gonna try going back to bed... I was there once, but the pain started up so I got up to get an ice pack... the one I had was warm..... Hope the rest of you sleep well and have a good night... Hugs......... Julie
  8. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry, but I didn't take the time to read the posts... I knew you all would be wondering what happened with my appointment today....... Not much..... I'm still crying.... Neurosurgeon looked at my MRI and said, "I'm a surgeon and I like to operate... I'm good at what I do....but I don't do surgery unless it's necessary and in your case I don't find it to be necessary.... " I was stunned.................... I asked, "so what do I do now?" He sent me back to my doctor for more tests and if he can prove to him that there are pinched nerves then he will consider surgery.... I actually was able to see my pain doctor today, and he said he will do some sort of nerve tests, order another epidural shot and maybe a CT of my chest...... All needs approval from insurance...... Then he asked if I had enough pain meds...... There doesn't seem to be enough.... I am getting worse and it's spreading to my right side now... I've had to take pills twice already today and night isn't here yet.... I'm so upset...........I've cried most of the afternoon and got testy with my poor DH... I needed to do shopping for the benefit I'm in charge of on Sunday.... We tried to find paint for our project, but came home without any...... Just a bad day all around.... I just want to crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head and never come out again..... I'm so sad and so tired and so at the end of what I know to do... Please pray for me some more..... I'm out of ideas... Sorry to be such a downer, but I'm sure down... Going to go ice my neck....... Mimi is spending the night..... DH takes care of her and I just watch...... she does usually fall asleep on my lap....... but that's about all I can do...... Thanks friends... Sure glad you're all rooting for me.... Maybe one day we'll get this figured out... As of now I'm just waiting to hear when I can have the tests, if ever...... Hope you all have a good weekend..... Love and hugs to all... Julie
  9. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone, I'm here but not feeling very well today... Neck hurts most of the time now..... just falling completely apart I guess..... I read most all of the posts... So much fun........ Apples is on a roll.... I could handle the pickled eggs, but not the rest.... ugh..... Yup, I worked on the farm..... cooking, cleaning, and taking care of my baby brother.... I was 12 when he was born..... didn't work "out" until college and then did babysitting and had a pt job at the art gallery at Student Union and UND................. I did work as a bar maid for a while after I turned 21..... was a cook a number of times.... Owned my own restaurant once... and lots of other things I guess.. Just too tired to comment on everyone's goings' on..... I thinking of you all and hoping you manage whatever is wrong and enjoy whatever is right... Hugs to all... Hope to feel better later... right now I need my ice pack and a nap.... Julie
  10. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone..... ended up having Mimi for a while this afternoon... She got hurt at daycare and needed some extra TLC....I didn't lift her or anything I shouldn't do... She finally went down for her nap while laying on my in my chair and forturnately DH came in just in time to lay her on the couch.... Laura, thanks for all the great advice in your PM... I will try very hard to remember what you said... I already thought about doing 1 1/2 pills... I've been so groggy all day that it must be from the pills..... Apples, thanks for the MOB website..... DD just told me that DF's mother just got her dress... DD will go to see it tonight so she can tell me about it... Of course you had fresh cookies for your guys by the time they left for work this morning.. I wouldn't expect anything less of you.... You take such good care of them..... I hope they appreciate you..... Laura K, wtg on the snappy outfit for the graduation and party.... Rub their faces in it.......you go girl... Arlene, glad mother is better.... And you did just fine.. don't worry, your weigh in will go great.... Debra, welcome... great bunch of ladies here and we all have stories and issues... and are all in different stages of things... I'm not at goal, but have been on maintenance for almost a year because of unrelated medical problems.... I'm so thankful for my band as otherwise I would have gained weight back by this time.. Instead I maintain and lose a pound here or there... About 25 in the last year...so no complaints.....except that I want to be well and get on with losing the rest... My DD is getting married in October and I so want to lose more before then.. but mostly I want to be pain free and able to enjoy every minute.... glad you are here... Linda, has your GD been able to play on the swing set yet?? DD just bought a metal one from Wal-Mart for Mimi's birthday and DH put it up on Sunday, but she hasn't been able to play on it yet either... Phyll, how is home??? All unpacked and back to normal life?? Joce, send your maids over.......I'll put them to work after we finish our project.. My whole house will need a good dusting and cleaning.... Jodi, waiting to hear about your busy day.... Well, ladies, I think we've lost Meredith forever... She hasn't been here for so long... I miss hearing about her young life..... DH just came in to ask about supper so I'd better get it on the table.... You all have a great night.... Hugs... Julie
  11. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey, good news...................... I called the neurosugeons office to say I would take any cancellation on short notice if I could just get in earlier than May 14th.... She said, "can you come Friday at 10:30?" Yes, I can................... Yeah................... I get to go to the doctor or Friday... I'm so happy...... :scared2:
  12. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, it's the same old me singing the same old song... so I won't elaborate much except to say this time the pain hit right in the middle of buying DD's wedding dress and then to supper with DD, DF and Mimi for her birtday.... Horrible... I had just picked up a new bottle of medication and doc told me to take 2 if I needed it so I did.... 15-20 minutes later I was some better and actually made it home before I crashed from the buzz.... Awake again at 2:00 and then did my ususal thing... Back to sleep by 3:00...... Bought DD's wedding dress last night.. She looks beautiful in it... She was so afraid.... She isn't a girly girls and was scared we wouldn't like it or that Dad would say it was too much money.. It was very nice... Ivory with a champagne sash....halter type bodice....with a front pleat.... very pretty.... and not too bad... $600 plus a few incidentals.. Will have to pay for the bustling later come the fitting times.... Says she wants ivory flip flops.... I think they found the bridesmaids dresses, too..... that leaves me.... I'm lost ...don't even know where to start... Looked at the bridal shop, but was not happy about anything I saw..... I have to agonize over this for a while.... I would really like to drop 20 pounds by then so am not in a big hurry... Arlene, glad your mother is better... Janet, wish I could come help you with your work for a few days... I used to work as an assistant in an insurance agency once upon a time... too long a story to bother telling... But I could help do the gopher work.... I'm not good for much else these days..... Apples, I'm sure you are busy again... What's for dinner....(noon)???? Deb, just get back on the horse.... I had ice cream on Sunday... homemade for Mimi's birthday party... Still have some in the freezer, too.... It's so good..... Laura K, I sure understand why you are excited... And it was very considerate of you to invite the x to the party... You did it for your daughter and that you are to be proud of.... Good job... Linda, I had a 1st cousin who died very young (28) from her diabetes because she just refused to do what was necessary to live with the disease... What a shame..... You're right about the fact that they know better... Why don't they get it..??? Joyce, thanks for understanding me and my need to whine!!!!! I hate it, but it's what I'm living right now... Cheri, are your days better now??? I know you are so busy all the time, too.... Hope you enjoying life, too. Well, paperwork on my list today... DD gave me permission to keep the "wedding log" as I am the organized one.... I'm a list maker and have just the book to do all the planning and list making... Got a few other things to do... Have to organize bars for our benefit concert on Sunday night..... Hope you all have a safe, happy day... Love ya.... Julie
  13. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Well, I got a call back from the doctor himself...... Said he doesn't seem to be able to help me and referred me to a neurosurgeon..... they called with an appointment........... May 14th................ How much more time is going to go by before someone helps me??? Don't know if I should just be happy with this news or be pissed that he didn't try for another shot since the general concensus is that it takes more than one shot.... I guess it's irrelevent.... He did tell me that I can take 2 pain pills when it gets real bad instead of only one and then another 3-4 hours later.... Maybe that will help.... I guess I'll see..... Mimi had her post op check and there wasn't good news there either... One of her tubes is plugged... She has to have large dosses of ear drops ($47 a little bottle) for 10 days... keeping her lying on her side for 14 minutes each time.... 3 times a day... How is God's name are we going to do that..??? Hog tie her!!!! I told DD to try to get her in the morning before she wakes, at naptime, and after she goes to bed at night... That will probably be the easiest.... Then in 10 days he will try to unplug the tube.... If that doesn't work she has to go back in for more surgery.... dang it!!!! Well, DH came home at noon.....rained out.. so he is working on my room.... Has a problem with electricity now.... had to call our electrician.... doesn't make him a happy camper.... So, since I have so very much to do I guess I'll go sit in my chair for awhile and nap!!!! That's what I do best these days..... I feel so useful!!! Oops, feeling sorry for myself again.... Need to stop that..... Take care, dear one.... TTYL........ Julie
  14. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning ladies, I just finished reading and catching up again... Didn't have the energy to post yesterday... It was a busy day, but I didn't do much.... Mimi's birthday party, so lots of sitting around and visiting... DF's whole family was there..... very impressive... they really have accepted DD and Mimi into their family so nicely.... I'm waiting for a call from my doctor... Called there about 12:30 this morning, crying in pain, asking please to figure something out to help me..... Hope they get the message fast!!!! DD wants us to go to Bismarck tonight to see the wedding dress she found.... This from the girl who thought jeans and a Mettalica t-shirt would be fine!!!! So, we will go with her to see what she picked out and if we can afford it!!!! Nothing much else to report... I'm just sitting around doing nothing... DH is at work, but it is cold and rainy so he could come home anytime....Fine with me to have the company..... It seems so lonely around here without my Mimi.... Jessica, I love your new picture.........a real difference in the face this time.... You are doing so well.... As I've said before, I'm very proud of you........ Arlene, hope your mother is well soon.... It's tough sitting around at the hospital with nothing much to do... The time drags..... My mother will have shoulder surgery in June, and I'm not looking forward to that at all...... Lori, glad they are showing your house so much... Someone is going to snap it up soon..... Laura, hope you can get some rest.... I completley understand that running on fumes notion.... sounds like you had a fun, but busy weekend... Janet, I still iron occassionally, too... try to get it all done at once as it isn't my favorite thing.... Had to do so much when I was a kid.... Had to iron everything back then and with a dad and three brothers, I ironed so many shirts that I could do it in my sleep almost... We used to have to sprinkle them first and roll them up so then when you ironed they steamed up nicely..... Yikes, glad that's over............... Eva, you are like our little energizer bunny.....going, going, going.... glad you could go rescue DH.... he bit off a little more than he could chew this time....... Thank goodness for cell phones, huh????? Cheri, that doesn't work for me either.... You must be the lucky one..... Apples, how was the weekend??? It's downright cold here today... I had to turn the heat back up this morning..... Well, I should go wander and see if I can spot anything little to do ..... It's almost time for Young and the Restless, so I can do that for an hour.... Hope everyone had a good day... Talk to you all later.... Julie
  15. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Well, the carpet is out and the wall is down..... Mess cleaned up as much as possible... tomorrow is Sunday and Mimi's 3rd birthday party ( actual day is 26th), so no work tomorrow... DH has a swing set to put together with DF...... Should be interesting to see them work together for the first time.... Was to a bridal shower today... they did so many cute things.. Bride's sister quizzed her on Cinderella......as it was always her favorite movie... She got all the answers right... Lots of cute ideas ....no stupid games.... It was nice, but I didn't stay a long time... The wedding is in Omaha, so won't be attending.... Waiting for my pain to subside... I can feel it starting so I should be able to sleep sometime soon... I hope... DH froze a batch of homemade ice cream a while ago for Mimi's birthday tomorrow... I had a taste and boy was it good... DD did the cake all by herself this year. She is making a conscious effert to quit depending on my for so much and I appreciate it.... especially now, when I'm not supposed to do much... But I feel a bit funny not helping... I always have.. It will be weird to just be a guest..... I'm going to go try to sleep now... I wish you all a restful night's sleep and wonderful dreams... God bless and keep you................. Julie
  16. Mrs. Bubba

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    Morning friends,.....slept in til 8:00 today.... got to sleep about 1:00 I'd say... Pain was tough before that, but finally settled down so I could sleep. Cheri, you probably have a good idea about trying to pinpoint what it is that starts the pain up, but I've been doing that already and I can't come up with any one thing... Dr. told me anything repetitive would be bad... anything with any pulling at all was bad, like taking wet clothes from the washer..... Seems like such a little thing... I do think that when I have a treatment ( chiro or acupunture) it aggrivates things, but then is better the next day... We'll see how today goes now, if that rings true or not..... DH just came and wants me.......time to start pulling old carpet and knocking down the wall... He's anxious to get started... I'd better go...... NO, I won't do anything to help, just supervise..... Bye... Julie
  17. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi gang, I'm home from my trip to Bismarck again... This treatment seemed good again, heavy on the acupuncture today... I'm hoping to get some relief from it all now.... Otherwise another long weekend ahead for me... Lots of activities to do and don't want to do them in pain..... Did a little shopping... looking for carpet for DD and paint swatches for me.... I stopped at a thrift shop and picked up a bunch of summer clothes for the girls... My stash is exhausted and DD is terrible about bringing things back.. I had to put her same pants on today to get her to daycare because DD brought no clothes for her... She just counts on me to have stuff... So I spent $9 and got lots of shorts and shirts... They both wear about the same size... Bailey is 8 months younger than Mimi, but wears a bigger shoe and is about as tall....They are going to look like twins for the most part......And Bailey is nearly potty trained.... Mimi just growls at you if you bring it up... We have taken her sipper cup away and reduced her liquid intake so she was dry overnight..... Had lunch with a friend and that was nice.... Now I'm home and really wanting a nap.... Talk to you all later... Julie
  18. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hello friends, I finally caught up reading all the posts I missed the last few days... Made some notes so I can comment on most everyone... Me, I'm doing okay, I guess.... Tuesday night after my big treatment I was sore and had a bad night, but yesterday was pretty good.. Had to go with Mimi to dentist and then just did a little light shopping... Big meeting last night for church... I hurt a little when I got home at 10:30, but took my pills and got the ice pack and went to sleep and slept all night... Taking it easy today... Wrapped Mimi's birthday gifts for Sunday.... did a few dishes, organized my refridgerator a bit... took down some things from the wall that is getting demolished soon... Now just sitting here by my desk... A little paperwork... I think I'm being good..... Deb, congrats on your weight loss... You are doing very well.... Cheri, I think most of us have been there, with saying something that gets misinterpreted by others... It seems that is all that ever happens with my DIL & SIL.... They take everything I say and do wrong.... Just keep your chin up and you'll be okay... It's hard to get past these things sometimes, but you will..... Jodi, thanks for all your kind words.... Good luck at the dco and I hope you get to have real food soon.... It will taste so good to you... Janet, this job has just turned on you.... You aren't enjoying it at all anymore are you??? I wish you could find something else that would treat you the way you deserve to be treated... But after all these years, starting over would be the pits, too... Hugs Lori, glad your test went well.... And you managed your anniversary alone... glad you found some shopping to help you through it.... Your nugget test worked well, too... good for you being where you are comfortable.. Phyll, I love JD Robb..... Have most of her books... Just got a new one a few days ago. Do you even read Patricia Cornwall??? I like here Scarpetta books... Apples, I love the story about the boys branding cattle.... I'm sure you about swallowed your tongue.... Thanks for sharing all the pictures.. I'm with Lori, Now I understand the tilling thing better....We don't do that around here.... My farm is run with nothing but the rain.... We don't irrigate or anything... Lots around here do.... I've never heard of too much water, so I learned something.... My family farm has always had cattle.......some horses........ Back in my childhood we had chichens, pigs, sheep......... good memories... But I wouldn't be good at it anymore either... My nephew rents the place now so don't get out there much... I own 1/4 of it with my 3 brothers... Joyce, good luck with your fill.... going slow is just fine, especially if you want it that way... Slow and steady wins the race..... Arlene, yup I think you put yourself into starvation mode... You need more food.... congrats on the loss... It will keep coming off.... good for you... Laura K, sounds like the plan for your DD is coming together.... You have done a lot of things in your life... Building steel bins... who'd have thought..... Laura, yesterday I saw my little 2 year old niece. Her new thing to say is "Peace out".... Learned it at daycare... so cute and made me think of you... Sorry you are feeling cruddy..... this too shall pass... Glad you can go to your parents for Mother's Day.... Funny you should mention Nelson growing... I told DD last night to throw Mimi's shoes out.....they are too small and hurt her feet.... They grow so fast you can't wear things out..... Eva, yup, my little girls fight.... Laromi is the stronger personality... Bailey is timid and a sort of cry baby... Mimi just touched her last night and she started bawling like she'd been half killed..... I think there's a lot of emotions going on... They are both used to being the center of attention with their parents and everyone else and now everyone just wants them to get along and be happy to be sisters.... Ain't gonna happen that easy... No way, now how... We have some rough times ahead before they get used to each other... DD and DF started their pre-marital sessions last night... Pastor told them they need courting time.... 2 hours/twice a week.... just them, no girls, no parents, no friends... Sounds like good advice..... Anyway, you have a great purse part..... and relax a little, girl........ Linda........... Happy Birthday, dear girl.... Hope you are having a wonderful day with your family..... Let us know all about it later.... Jessica, hope you did well on that test.... I've got my fingers crossed for you... Melissa, are you hanging in there???? Hope so.... Judy, Judy, Judy.................... whatcha up to, girl..... You and that golf cart out cruising????? Well, I have some good news...... for me at least... While shopping the other day I found some new capris... I had to try them on as I was so unsure of size... I bought the 18/20................ this is a first for me..... and also a XL shirt.... Yesterday I stopped at the golf course to check on some details for my class reunion.. The gal looked at me so funny and said, "Oh, Julie, you are so skinny!" I about choked.... as skinny doesn't decribe me at all.... but she was sure complimentary about how good I looked... Happened about like that the day before in the store, too, with someone I hadn't seen for some time.... Those things make a person feel good... I'm still stuck at 275, but I'm happy with that for now... When this pain doesn't take up so much of my energy I will be able to concentrate on losing again.. Really want to lose some more before the wedding..... But what will be, will be.... Love you girls...... Hope you all are well and happy.... Hugs and prayers................ Julie
  19. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    OKay girls.........those of you who wanted to be on the personal informational sheet about some of us......Linda's birthday is tomorrow, I do believe... At least that is what she told me and what I wrote down, unless I made a mistake..... So, Happy Birthday tomorrow, Linda........ It's the same day as my DIL who loves me so much.............NOT!!!!! I did send her a card, though, so she should get it and throw it away tomorrow...... do I sound bitter??? Yup!!!!!
  20. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Morning, no time to read everyone's posts yet, but wanted to post some pictures that DF's mother mailed me yesterday... So you can see my new "granddaughter", Bailey.... One is Mimi of course, and the other is all four of them... the new little family.... Gotta run over to DD's to let the guy in to put in a new water meter.... The town is getting a new system so we don't have to read our own meters anymore..... Have to run to Bismarck after to help DD take Mimi to the dentist... Don't suppose that will be an easy job... Love you all.......... Julie
  21. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hey girls, I'm baaaacccckkk!!!!! I got a wonderful treatment from this gal.... She does something with a little finger sized device and just pulls on the muscles until they let up and stretch... It's a small thing that looks about the size of a pen with a cap on it... But she digs until she gets it... It really hurt on the left side... She says I am a mess...... also told me I need to quit doing housework.... Now how the holy hell am I supposed to do that!!!!! What does that leave me to do.... Sit on the couch and eat bon bons??!!! Not this girl!!! I gotta do something... She told me that DH needs to hire me a housekeeper... He'll have an attack.... I think she really meant I really have to be careful..... I pray she didn't really mean it.....not entirely..... I already gave up taking care of Mimi.... now my house.... I'm not a spick and span housekeeper, but I like order.....and I like keeping my house looking presentable.... that shouldn't be so much if I don't do floors and windows and move furniture, right????!!!! I hate this pain so much I guess I'd better do what they say, but I feel like such a slug....... I guess my pain shows on my face alot as people are always asking me if I'm okay... A guy just came to the door and started to talk and then stopped to ask if I was alright.... I hate that.... Okay.......enough....... I picked up my new laminate flooring today... Didn't lift a finger, just drove the pick-up..... A did get a few things from Wal-mart and went to Olive Garden for lunch with a friend... Just has some soup and salad... It was okay.... nothing special..... Get this.........I didn't care for the bread sticks.... so only ate a couple bites.... go figure!!!!! Well, leftover lasagna for supper, so no cooking. I did just do dishes, but I was careful..... God forbid if I can't do dishes.... No dishwasher and DH just can't do everything!!! Eva, you and I must be on the same plan with eating... I'm not eating right, but was down a pound this morning... It's the band saving me from myself....because even though I'm eating wrong I'm not eating much so I'm still okay..... I have so much trouble getting protein.. Had pork steak last night and chicken in my soup for lunch..... so that wasn't too bad.... I guess we are all busy in our own ways.... Yours always sounds so strenuous to me.... things I could never do at all..... Lori, Happy Anniversary tomorrow..... DH and I have our 15th in a few days.... Time flies......... and I'm very lucky to have found mine, too..... The good ones are out there, but you have to look in the right places and a little luck helps... You hear that, Judy!!!!!! Jessica, I'm sure you did well on your test... You seem to be doing very well in your own place... Good for you.... Keep up the good work.... Karen, you must be running your fool head off today.... and loving every minute of it, I'll bet!!!! You go, girl... Everyone else..... hope you are having a fun day... Talk to everyone later if I'm not sleeping in my chair.... Hugs and prayers to all......... Julie
  22. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi everyone............guess we are all off and running today.... Apples, sounds like our day is to be just like yours.........makes me happy to have a little warmth and no wind for a change... Might even find a pair of capris to wear to Bismarck..... Slept last night after a fashion... Was late before I fell asleep and DH gets up at 6:15 for work and I always here him..... So will hope for an afternoon nap.... I'm going to just do what I please today, except for a couple errand before leaving town... Gotta get some advertising for my Benefit going... deadline for our weekly newspaper is today!!! Have to drop off proof of insurance with the hall for the wedding dance.... that sort of thing..... So, I'd better get into the bathroom and do something with this hair..... I'm including some pictures of Mimi after her surgery on her eye.... She looks like a little convict in the one, with the scowl and all.... the other she was peeling a hard boiled egg and was sure she could do it herself, but got a piece of shell under her nail and cried...... I wish you all a warm, happy day filled with sunshine and smiles....... Your friend......... Julie
  23. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Yup, you are all right that my insurance is nasty... this is what we get for my husband giving 38 years of his life to the military... It's free to us, but they are hard to deal with... I didn't have any trouble with all my other problems since my LB surgery... they approved that in 2 days...... But it's just this latest neck and shoulder pain problem that they have been so bad about... don't know if they had a staff change or rules change or what, but it's like pulling teeth... Why they only approved 1 shot is beyond me... anybody worth his salt should know that it can take more than one to do the trick.... So, if and when my doc says I need another we have to get approval first again..... I'm just going to keep praying that God knows what He is doing and that I just have to put in my time..... Trouble is you all have to listen to me complain..... I just had a hot shower and now my tingling cream and pain pills and the pain has receeded a bit... Hoping to go to sleep before long..... I have a busy day tomorrow with some bookkeeping responsiblilites to be done... I am in charge of a benefit for some needy young folks with financial problems after a major medical emergency.... A very locally famour Gospel Quartet just offered to do a benefit concert for us if we can do it May 2nd... How wonderful, but it doesn't give me much time to do the advertising and get things in order.... I've been working on that this evening... So between wedding, new in-laws, pain, remodeling, benefits, my 49th class reunion in June, our ice cream social in June and all the rest, I guess I'm pretty busy.... I can handle it if the pain lets up on me... I'm taking it as easy as I can... I didn't lift anything today, just packed the glass in paper and DH did all the lifting when he got home... Thanks for all your prayers and concerns... I love you all so much.... Laura K...........how wonderful for you and you DD..... It's so great when things start to work out... And a trip to NV will be fun and exciting..... Janet, sorry you are so busy that you can't be with us like you used to... and what is it with the cancellantions... How dare he????? But you can do it on your own... We know how dedicated you are... Cheri and Jodi, you have so much in common..... Glad you can do what you do... Cheri, how is your DH doing with his job now??? Yup, Lori, we just have to learn to live without Apples a few days a week... But we have to live without you while you do all this traveling, too..... Enjoy...... I'm sort of envious, but I know I'm not ready for that kind of vacationing yet... I need to shed some more pounds and get this body to cooperate without pain... We need to go see our kids in Ohio soon and I'm dreading it because of the pain aspect..... We'll see what happens.... Laura, you take it easy with all that PMSing... don't hurt anyone by accident...... You'll be fine again soon... Loved the picture of Nelson, but wondered if he was happy about you sharing it with us????? Well, better get out the ice pack and head to my chair to try to sleep.... Sweet dreams to alll Mimi was hear with us a couple hours this evening so I got to see my girl... I miss her....... good night....Julie
  24. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Jessica, I'm so glad to hear from you... I knew you were busy so was sure you would be in touch when you got a minute.... So glad things are going so well.... You'll be on your way losing again real soon...... Apples, your new deck at the lake sounds like a big playground for adults..... Sounds like fun and lots of work for you with 100 guests.... But you'll take it all in stride..... I sure understand about the farmers....... my dad was like that..... just grinning away on his way to the field......... real farmers......that's what they are.... God love em................. Phyll, love the pics of your grandchildren..... you're almost home again.... Won't that be nice to be settled again for a bit??? Eva, someone else called it.... You are the queen of yard projects..... Hope you are resting some, too..... Melissa, sounds like you are doing well...... Arlene's plan is working for both of you.... Yeah!!! Joyce, way to go on the loss..... It's adding up nicely for you... I have so many leftovers in my fridge I called some friends and said to come and eat.....she works and I said she wouldn't have to cook or do dishes..... She was happy and so was I...... I took some bars across the street the the !st District Health Unit who rents from us..... They were happy.... So, the food is manageable now... except those dang biscuits...... Anyway, I managed to get my entire china closet emptied and all the crystal and china packed up for our remodel job....... I took it easy, but we have so much... Took me about 8 big 20 gallon tubs to hold it all...... The thing is huge and is in two pieces.. It will take 3 guys to take the top off and move it so we can pull up the carpet...... I'm going to leave all that to DH...... But I'm glad to be started on the project... There won't be much I can do.... I did get permission from my doctor to have a chiropractor appt tomorrow so will go to Lowe's to pick up our laminate flooring.... It should be in..... I don't have to lift a finger..... Mostly I get to supervise, I guess..... I have to decide on some paint for the walls...... Will have to repaint the kitchen and then the wall that will become common to all three rooms will need repainting... Don't know if I'll stick to white or pick something else.... I will have to check into it..... Well, everyone have a good night..... I'm praying for sleep.....Pain isn't too bad yet so I've got my fingers crossed for the night... Doctor said to give it more time.... Apples, you said it might take more shots.....trouble is I only got permission from insurance for 1 shot...... Don't know why they are such hardasses!!!! (Oops, sorry!!) Anyway, goodnight to all..... Talk to you tomorrow sometime.... Julie
  25. Mrs. Bubba

    I'm here to help...

    Hi there, sorry to have been gone so long... Just didn't have the energy to post.... Took me an hour to read all the posts I missed.... Glad all seem to be doing well....enjoyed reading about all your concerts... I'm a country western girl, but haven't done many concerts in my time... I hear Alan Jackson is going to be here in October and he's one of my favorties... Hope to swing that one.... Laura, you said to expect some little twinges of pain before everything settles down, but after those first 2 nights of good sleep without pain, I've been awful......Friday and Saturday nights were bad... cried with the pain.... nothing helped.... finally fell asleep from exhaustion about 4:00 Sunday morning.... And the pain has been coming during the day too.... It's like a kettle cooking on the stove.... I know it's there, cooking away.... I can feel it when I move certain ways, but sometimes it just boils over and is just incredible... It boiled over about 5:00 last night just when DD's in-laws to be showed up for supper.... If I didn't look fantastic with an ice pack on my shoulder all night... Managed to make it through and then it settled down about 9:00 and I slept... I don't know what to expect anymore.... I just called the clinic where I got the shot to ask advice and if there is anyway I could go see my chiropractor.... I just feel like I need an adjustment so badly...... I've been trying to take it very easy and not do any lifting or such, but I hate living like an invalid...Anyway, could only leave a message, so hope they will call back soon..... Saturday my brother and his wife from Mitchell, SD surprised me with a little visit.. He was on business delivering seeds to customers so they popped in for a couple hours... Was nice to see them... Then last night we met DF's parents... That went very well... They seem very nice and seemed to like us... Of course I have way too many leftovers.... I'll have to manage them today somehow... It isn't the pie that bothers me..... it's those dang biscuits....... Lori, WTG on your cruise.... sounds great.. gosh, I'm just drawing a blank on everyone else.... You all keep up the good work and being proud of yourselves for what you are accomplishing.... I'm still just maintaining again.... I'll catch a break one of these days..... Gotta go find my ice pack..... Hugs to all... Julie

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