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Posts posted by CountryGirlNY

  1. Hi daqui -

    We're getting banded the same day. I go to my pre-op class on the 8th and am really anxious to get more details about pre-op diet and stuff. My diet now is a shake for one meal (usually have it for breakfast) and sensible lunch and dinner. It's more about HOW I eat right now - Protein first, then veggies, then carbs and not drinking while I eat. For the first time in my life, I'm actually looking forward to Summer.....

    Keep in touch -


  2. And if you're a smoker, they are probably going to check for nicotine - if your dr. is a stickler like mine about quitting. I got my date pushed because I didnt quit when I said I was going to. I'm scheduled for Jan. 22nd now and havent had a cigarette since Dec. 5th appointment when they told me they were changing my surgery date. It was originally Jan 5th.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. I've decided that I'm going to take my dr. advice and not get the shot. I'm also going to ask him if I can get it in the hosp after my procedure. Or if not, I can wait a couple weeks.

    Not sure what beglemom is talking about though with the comment about it takes 1 year to be effective. The first month I got my shot I totally panicked because I didnt get my period so I called the office and the dr told me that I was protected from the minute I got the first injection. Her exact words were "you could have sex in the parking lot after your appointment and you would have been protected".

    Thanks ladies for all your comments -

  4. Howdie All and Happy Thanksgiving!

    I have a tentative surgery date of Jan. 8th. I've been on Depo Prevera for 5 years and was told that I cant get my next shot, which Im due for Dec. 13th. Wondering if anyone else has had to skip their BC before surgery and if I ask them to give me my shot right after if they will do that.

    I have my pre-op appointment and bloodwork on Dec. 23rd. (Merry Christmas to me!) and will ask them then, but I thought I would come here and see if anyone else has had an issue with this.

  5. I just started my 3 month diet for my insurance and a support group "New Beginnings" I have to journel and my nurse will be checking it. I only have to lose 10lbs. before surgery but they said the more I lose the better for me my surgery will be so I'm giving it my best shot. But up until now yeah I ate like I was going to the chair.

    Ate like I was going to the chair. That just gave me some great laugh!

  6. Hi Friends --

    I had my first appointment at the surgeon's office on Wednesday. It went really well! I really like the staff and the dr. I was there for 2 and 1/2 hours. So now it's on to step 2. I have already made most of my dr. appointments with the exception of Psych (he hasn't returned my call yet). I meet with the Nutritionist next Thursday and expect that I will have to be on some sort of diet beginning then. I had to sign a paper that said I will not gain any weight from now till surgery.

    I think my timeline looks something like this:

    All tests done by early December

    All papers sent to Atena mid December

    Surgery in Early January

    I better get my fill of Thanksgiving and Christmas this year!

    Thanks for letting me share...

    Good luck and God Bless all!



  7. YES! You seem to be a little farther along than I am in the process. I have my first appt. with the surgeon tomorrow, but Yes, I have it all planned out! Mom will take me to the hosp and take care of me for a couple days. I will start throwing out my size 20 jeans in the first 3 to 4 weeks and slowly get back into the 18s and 16s that I refused to throw out cause I was determined to get back into them someday.

    Then there are the moments when I'm totally freaked out and scared to death that I'm making this life-long commitment. I've been married 2x with no success and seem to have a fear of long-term commitment....

    But I think deep down we know that we can't live without this and we KNOW we will be SO much happier say, 1 year from now....

    Keep me posted -


  8. Linda it really does get easier. I was petrified because I knew people who smoked and then quit and 5 years later would say "I STILL want a cigarette"...Well, #1 even if they do, it's a passing thing. It isn't a HARD WANTING like when you 1st quit! and #2 by about 15 months out I was a thorough non-smoker. have never wanted on AT ALL.

    By about 3-4 months I'd have long periods of time where I didn't even want them. And when I did, usually telling myself NO really firmly took care of the craving. Unlike food, we don't have to smoke. People don't say "It's Linda's birthday...let's all smoke today at lunch" LOL

    If you are firm with yourself, it loosens its grip and then disappears. So you can be totally free of it... no more wondering "can I smoke here" or "when is my next break" etc. As a crutch, it's a bad one.

    Good luck! I KNOW you can do it if you decide YOU want to. No one will make you....it's your call.

    "It's Linda's birthday... let's all smoke today at lunch" That totally cracked me up.

    By the way - sorry about yesterday - the anxiety is really starting to get to me.

    Thanks again - Linda

  9. Ugh... I know. I'm just so weak!

    I had lung surgery 5 years ago, so if anyone needs to quit, its me! I quit before that surgery and stayed off for a whopping 3 months until I felt better again then started again.

    I was on the Chantix a few months back, and was doing good until all the nausea set in. I tried to tell myself it was all in my head, but it really wasn't.

    I'm totally committed to giving up drinking, overeating, I cant wait to be able to exercise again and feel like it's not going to kill me. I guess I have a couple more months to make the commitment to myself to quit smoking.

    I'll do some searching - I think it's got a little to do with feeling like I'm giving up all my crutches at once. Just feels a bit overwhelming.

    I'm sure I can handle it though - especially with everyone's support here.



  10. I was just wondering if there are any others here who are anticipating surgery, but are smokers. I read today on the site of the group that is doing my procedure (hopefully) that I have to commit to them that I will NEVER smoke again... Not sure that I can promise anyone that. Would just kill me if my addiction to nicotine keeps me from having this done.

    Thoughts - prayers - ideas??


  11. I've been thinking about doing this for years now. went to the seminar on Aug. 28th and my first consult with the surgeon is this Wednesday. Since the seminar, I've already been dreaming about being fit (I prefer to think of being fit rather than skinny). I'm soooo anxious. I think once I get that appointment over with, and they tell me that there is no reasons why I CANT do it, I'll feel better.

    I did the Phen-phen thing when it first came out - oh maybe 12 or 15 years ago I think - I lost 90lbs in 9 months and was soooo happy. I think my favorite thing was being able to tuck in my shirt and wear a belt!

    Then they took it off the market, and in the next 9 months I gained back all of my 90lbs + some.

    I've been on the other side of the tracks - and I want to go back!

    Good luck to all -


  12. Howdie y'all -

    I'm having my first consult with the surgeon on Wed. Sooo nervous! If he finds any reason why I can't get this done, I'll be sooo disappointed!

    My biggest concern is that I had 1/2 of my left lung removed 5 years ago due to a fungal infection that I got in AZ. I'm guessing that it shouldn't really matter. I mean, if I needed some other life saving surgery I'm sure they would do it.

    Anyone else here had any issues with other surgeries prior to banding?


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