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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About MarTheTeacher

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    Los Angeles
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  1. It's funny that you mentioned the sneezing because I was just sneezing and asked my husband, do you think I'm getting sick and then I read your post. Thank you for your detailed reply. This is so new to me and I'm definitely going to look back into the portion sizes. I just started soft foods this week and trying to get the water and proteins in. Just hoping it gets easier in time.
  2. MarTheTeacher

    Post Op Coffee

    Really! omg. They said no caffeine... I even thought of drinking decaf but they said its high in acid
  3. MarTheTeacher

    Post Op Coffee

    when did you start drinking coffee after your surgery. im one month out of gastric bypass and craving my morning coffee
  4. MarTheTeacher

    Struggling with old habits

    I'm one month post op and dying to have some of what you mentioned. Actually looking through forums to see when I should try past and bread. How are you feeling now.
  5. MarTheTeacher

    Am I the only miserable one?

    how are you feeling now.
  6. MarTheTeacher

    Sandwiches and chips

    Can you share which Orowheat bread you use?
  7. MarTheTeacher

    Eating too much 6 days post op RNY

    when did you start eating these after your surgery
  8. MarTheTeacher


    I'm also seeing a therapist and im one month out. She's really a big help
  9. MarTheTeacher

    Struggling with Post-Surgery Challenges

    I feel you and will pray for you. I'm almost five weeks out and this is not what I expected. It took toll on my body physically and emotionally. I started seeing a therapist to help me through this. I heard it will get better in time. For me it's the ups and downs of my sugar level and my grief for food (therapist said). All I can say is to take it day by day. I consulted with my doctor and if these symptoms continue I'll have to do a reversal of the surgery. He said it just takes time to get used to as most people experience this.
  10. MarTheTeacher

    Getting your hair professionally colored?

    I colored my hair a week out of surgery. Due for another color tomorrow. No one told me you cant color but as for hair falling out, It's perfectly normal. I'm going to add a YouTube video of an awesome bariatric doctor explaining why it happens. It has nothing to do with coloring.
  11. Hi, I had my surgery a little over a month ago and just had two small stuffed squash with beef and a tiny bit of rice. I ate the first one thinking I'll feel the restriction and felt nothing, I went in for the second one and had a couple sips of water (I know I need to wait 30 min) but I feel fine. I think I might be full but I can't really tell. I feel satisfied but I know if I want I can more in and that's not something I want to do. Anyone felt this before. Not too much restriction after the surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
