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Momo G

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Everything posted by Momo G

  1. Momo G

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Kendrajones I hope that suggestion helped! How are you feeling with healing I am still sore especially in one incision. WOW 90g of protein is a lot! I am suppose to do 1 to 1 1/2 of a protein shake a day and at least 64oz of water which is hard. Are you getting any heart burn I get it at the end of the day when my stomach is full from drinking all day and it’s the worse. I don’t get how we all have the same surgery same thing done but the requirements for eveyone is so different! Good luck on your journey!
  2. Momo G

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi I am on day 5 and I have been wanting to just eat something I am not hungry at all but it’s so hard to drink around the clock to make sure to get everything in. I know it’s all worth it at the end and I am so grateful but it’s hard mentally and I have just wanted to scream so you’re not alone! People who I know who have had this always say these two weeks are the hardest! I know that there is a light and I will be able to eat normal food in no time! I started at 217 and I am 5’3 I am not 187.6 I was able to try on some clothes I had that have not fitted me in a while and that was motivating me to keep my head up it’s working! You can do this! It’s hard but it will be worth it in the end. Stay strong! Not everyone has the privilege of being in the looser club like us!! Good luck on your journey!
  3. Momo G

    Sleeping on back

    How are you feeling? I feel good just really bruised in my incisions and second day super soar. I was able to go home the same day. I have been able to get water and shakes in. I hate the liquids being at room temp I am use to cold. I still have a lot gas want to fart but I can’t. When I take my stool softener i it’s hard to go down! I hope it works soon sorry TMI. I hope you’re feeling good!
  4. Momo G

    Sleeping on back

    Hi I was never told a sleeping position. I had my surgery 10/12 and so I looked it up read that it is preferred to sleep on your back but if you sleep on you side I read to put a pillow between your legs. I tired it I was still uncomfortable so I went to back. I am a side sleeper so this was, but you can sleep on slide with a pillow between your legs! Hope this helps!!!
  5. Momo G

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi for my survey I have to do a 8 day pre-opt diet 3 shakes a day and solid protein and veggies for dinner it’s an 800 calorie diet. I have been buying the premiere protein drinks but some of the different flavors so far, the cinnamon roll is my favorite, root beer float is really good. Birthday cake is good as well as the pumpkin spice they all have the same amount of nutrition, protein and calories. I’ve been drinking the shakes since January I do a vanilla for breakfast with 6 ounces of decaf coffee and that’s a great morning shake for me I’m not too fond of the vanilla by itself. The banana flavor is also really good. If you like banana with this brand. Hope that gives you some good ideas. Good luck on your journey you got this.
  6. Momo G

    Kaiser SoCal Referral

    Hi I have Kaiser NorCal and I went to my primary and just told them I want weight loss surgery. She sent a referral to the Bariatric department as I had a BMI of 38 and high blood pressure so I met the requirements, which for NorCal are a BMI over 40 or BMI over 35 with a health condition. I was contacted by the Bariatric department and I had to watch a video and take a test it was easy. Then I had to weigh in with their department and meet with a nutritionist. After all that was done, I was able to meet with the surgeon and he gave me a go away of what I had to lose in order to qualify. I had to do a psych evaluation. Once I lost weight I did some bloodwork and now I am scheduled for surgery on October 12 of this year. I started this process in January, I was scheduled for surgery in September, but got pneumonia the week of the surgery so it was postponed and now Kaiser is supposed to strike so I’m hoping that it doesn’t get postponed again you do have to maintain your weight the entire process and can’t even go over half a pound of your goal weight. Hope this helps.
  7. Momo G

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi my surgery date is October 12th. I am with Kiaser there is a possible strike going on so I am praying it doesn’t get canceled. I was scheduled for September 14 but got pneumonia and it had to be canceled now this, so fingers crossed! Anyone else go through Kaiser? I am 5 feet 3 in and currently at 200 lbs. I have lost a total of 26 lbs so far. I start my pre-opt diet on October 4th second time on this diet hopefully this time it is easier! Good luck to all the October people!!!

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