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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. I went on a trip this week..and I knew I'd be doing a lot of walking so I took my most comfortable furry sketcher clogs. They've always been comfortable for long days, well since I've lost weight they're now lose and as a result they flopped around and I have two huge blisters on the balls of each foot! So good problem with bad results...but still good!
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    Just this week I took a trip and I actually had extra in my seatbelt on the plane (it used to he maxed)! (shhh don't tell my bariatric surgeon we're not supposed to travel for a minimum of 90 days per his office - I was a week short).
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Worst compliment

    It wasn't because of my WLS, but when I was 108 lbs and met my a few years later ex-husband he said he "loved my legs, he's always loved larger legs!" Lets just say I wasn't happy!
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Dumping Syndrome

    Interesting study. I'd like to see a larger study participant base...but promising. As my grandmother used to say "everything in moderation, the body makes use of each food type just don't over do!"
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Ozempic Face

    I was wondering why Sharon Osborn looked so bad. I thought it was over doing the plastics. I used to work in a dermatology clinic and saw a lot of ppl who over did the fillers/botox and unfortunately, when they lose weight it shows up (fillers). Thanks for this post..now I know.
  6. I didn't have the sleeve, but, I did cheat once: HipPeas bbq was my cheat. I love the puff chips substitutes!
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Did anyone NOT have a 3 week stall?

    You'd think there wouldn't be a stall, but, I too eat 600-700 calories a day and walk 10k steps each day along with housework in a house with 6 stories (so lots of steps) and I stalled out at 3 weeks for 10 days. Its not based on calories and exercise, but the body adjusting and healing. It doesn't always happen at exactly 3 weeks tho..Just seems most have it at 3 weeks on average. I'm happy you haven't had to deal withbit!
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Surgery Shaming Should Be A Thing…

    I've told only my best friend and swore her to secrecy - pinky swear with it locked down 😋 and my family. No one else, its not their business especially as you've noticed ppl are judgemental and rude. I'd ask your friends how they'd feel if you said the same about any surgeries, Child birth, medications etc., they've had - after all human bodies have immune systems, given birth outside hospitals for thousands of years and can fight infections without antibiotics etc.. How dare they take the easy way out type of things. I'm a strong believer in putting situations on others plates in ways they can understand. These things ppl do for their health - no different than what you're doing. Also, mention that you're under the care of doctors who are more knowledgeable in your health and needs than they are, along with the pains of insurance companies who won't pay for "unnecessary" surgeries so apparently their belief is its necessary for your health! Would they question your need for insulin if you were diabetic?? Ppl amaze me with their judgement, I've had ppl tell me upon looking in my shopping cart that I shouldn't be eating/purchasing sweets/chips (that were for my husband) because I'd never get rid of my fat eating that, so, I proceeded to explain their food choices, nutrient in each, calorie content vs. Macros and processing of each along with were it was sourced and suggested they weren't as knowledgeable as they thought and perhaps they shouldn't throw stones in glass houses. Fat ppl are the last group where its socially acceptable to look down upon ppl for who and what they are 😔 and ppl feel they have the right to comment and that surgery is the "easy way out!" So I always take the self righteous judgement and throw it back in their laps.. (Sorry for my rant). In other words, make it personal to each person so they can understand you didn't question what they did for their health, why would they question yours!? Or, just ignore what they said and do what you need to for you.
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I think as far as WLS there is no such thing as "normal." Each persons "journey" through this is different. I'm only 2.5 months PO and I eat my 3 meals at a cup each and I'm still hungry (and its not "mind hunger"), I too never had nausea or any of the side effects of surgery some talk about it. In fact I, like another person on another post questioned the actual surgery being done correctly. I just continue to eat as I should and hope my body will adjust. I just figure the fight against being hungry will be a life long battle that I plan to fight and win. I just try and occupy myself ignoring it. Am I happy about it? No, after all its why I had surgery but it is what it is. Plus, for me I get up early, 6 am and I'm up until midnight or longer - that's 18 hours with 3 meals only consisting of 800 total calories a day. I don't snack, or if I break and have one its a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. Like a lot of long time veterans say on these forums, no two ppl are the same, yes we all have the surgical incision scars but that's where everyone being the same ends and to " trust the journey" and just take a day at a time. Its a process, body and mind - yours is different and unique to you. Sorry I can't be of more help... Just try and think short time, step by step your body could change as well as your hunger within days..weeks, months
  10. Hello everyone! I was just wondering if its just me or have you experienced being more clumsy/less finger dexterity after surgery I'm 2 months post op. I find I drop things more, fumble with safety seals etc. Is this something others have experienced since surgery or should I be concerned? 🤗🤔
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Anyone else find they're...

    Thank you Arabesque and BabySpoons, what you say makes sense! I'm just finding it annoying at this point silly fingers malfunctioning!
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Anyone else find they're...

    Ouch you tore your toenail on the refrigerator? 😶😖 Yeah...I'm thinking its the weight loss...even if its still just a small amount. I'm going to bring it up at my 3 month check up..just to see what they say. Thanks for responding.
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Been quiet here lately...

    I just wanted to express my appreciation for: The wonderful, supportive people on this forum. I love how ppl step up to help others going through this journey. Its as if we're never alone, a strong WLS community is behind us all propping us up and pushing us forward! Its been rather slow on new posts lately, so I figured now was a good time to at least say thank you to everyone who reads the posts and steps up to help others with their knowledge and understanding. I'm glad to have received advice and happy to help when I can. Thank you for making this life changing lifelong journey for me and others easier! ❤
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Cutting out sugar

    I feel go with what works best for you. I tend to be an all or nothing type so full out cold turkey for me, but if you have a personality that is more slow but steady do that. Whichever works that you will stick with is what you go with. Either way its healthy choices step by step whether its large steps or small they all get you going down the road to better health! Cut out sugar, low unhealthy fats...low cal...etc!
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Changing my mind between sleeve vs bypass

    My surgeon gave me up to a week before, asking just to make sure I was comfortable with my choice. The surgeon gets prior authorization for WSL ...and can change options mid surgery if they feel its a better option for you. So, I don't foresee it being an issue for you to change.
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Immi Ramen

    I wholeheartedly agree, the pasta substitutes are horrible! I always detest having my 100 lb nutritionist suggest some healthy alternative as " sooo tasty" because so far all the pasta substitutes are inedible to me!
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Traveling & staying on track

    I just read this post since I'm going to be traveling to Atlanta for a two day trip and started to plan the what/how I'd get my protein and fluids in while spending 7 hours in the air with a quick 1 hour lay over (not enough time to get to the plane transfer and grab something). I hadn't thought of getting yogurt for my protein powder -so thank you!!I did purchase plastic clear "test tubes" that have screw tops for my protein powder (they hold two scoops at 80mL each) and labeled them putting them into a make up carry bag along with my two four separate times per day vitamin organizers (its decided into 4 different times per day each one). I have family in the airline business and I'm all to well aware of the water holding tanks on aircraft that they've warned me about so I refuse to drink "aircraft tap" or coffee on flights, so bottled water for me. I also purchased no sugar/no additives nothing but roasted peanut butter in 3oz packets, low fat string cheese and protein bars.. Hopefully this will hold me over and get my protein requirements in. Oh, I'm also bringing a couple of packets of Crystal lite, not a fan of plain water, I tend to get nauseated drinking plain. Does anyone have any other suggestions? It's going to be a long day, at least 10 hours to finally get checked in at the hotel..so any suggestions help! Thanks.
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Protein help!

    When I told my dietician I was eating cream of wheat she said its technically a "wasted calorie" food "very little protein (even tho it suggests it in the post op manual they gave me) ...she said add protein powder to it to help.. Perhaps that can work for you? I've been adding protein powder to everything that passes my lips to get me to the required 80 grams they want me at..now the liquids that's a different story 😕
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA


    True, but I definitely see more women with chunky men than the other way around.
  20. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Surgery Failure

    60 pounds since your surgery is great progress! Its a slow process..I know I've only lost 50 since starting the whole process in May plus surgery in August..so you're doing really well!
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I'm just guessing, but, could it be because you're the same person just viewed differently now. Its a shame it takes just losing weight for men to finally see the real you, to see the beauty you've always been?! Unfortunately, being over weight comes with feeling insecure (most not all of us feel this way) and with insecurity comes shyness and awkwardness. Give yourself time to focus on you, the dating will fall into place when YOU are ready!
  22. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Post Op Coffee

    Its been 6 week's postop for me and I have a 1/2 to a full cup of decaf each morning with no issues! I'm RNY as well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
