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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Kat

    Not Enough Calories

    I don’t know why I’m suddenly getting messages again I deleted myself from this form as I found it toxic. I came here for support and was told no one believes me my body went into complete starvation mode. They sent me home until they had test results, everyone said they didn’t believe me because they sent me home three days later my kidneys failed. I missed Christmas with my kids because I was in the hospital. Spent three weeks there on IVs. They eventually had to make my pouch bigger. miss a hell of a lot thought this form would help me and I got responses that no one believed me great support deleting myself from this again just know this form can be toxic. I cried hysterically after the responses I got thank you all for not supporting me. Good luck to all of you.
  2. Anyone else told their stall was probably caused by not eating enough calories I am 6 months out from bypass and eat about 700 calories a day. Have been in a stall for 3 weeks. My surgeon said I needed to start eating more not sure how I can barely eat what I do now
  3. Wondering if anyone else has had issues like mine. I realized reading other people’s posts that I was way behind on how much I could eat. I am still under 900 calories a day. I get horribly sick when I try to eat more. Over the last few months some of my pre existing conditions have suddenly gotten a lot worse and I have developed severe reactive hypoglycemia, with my blood sugars dropping as low as 32. After visiting several doctors and specialists a few who told me it was all in my head it was determined that I was slowly starving to death. They said my stomach pouch had not expanded like it should have and some of my organs were starting to shut down. They said it’s rare side effect but it does happen. They now have me eating every two hours even at night. Due to everything I was put out of work on STD. I feel so completely on my own with this and just wondered if anyone else has heard of anyone dealing with this.
  4. Because I have been but on leave and they are blaming it all my epilepsy and heart failure and please don’t respond again I want support not to defend my self here I already feel alone
  5. To be truthful I have seen everyone I can with the insurance coverage I have and just looking for support. I am too tired to justify things to anyone else, even if they are asking with good intentions. I know it’s a rare side effect but it does happen and just like you to many doctors don’t believe it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9717429/
  6. I also had low white blood cell count before I forget, memory issues have also been a problem
  7. BlondePatriotinCDA- I have been tracking my food and beverages until yesterday I was eating 500-600 calories a day for the last year waking up at night is the only way I am able to increase my intake. My symptoms aside from low calorie intake was severe hair loss, extreme fatigue like I could only be awake for a few hours at a time. I have epilepsy with medication I typically have 1 seizure a month, suddenly I was having severe a week. My mood also changed I am usually a very happy bubble person and my thoughts and emotions started going to a very dark place. I lost the ability to think clearly, could not even watch a 30 min show without losing g focus. I was snapping at everyone and I had a general unwell feeling and I started to get back pain and upper stomach pain. Then my blood pressure dropped low.
  8. MS.S unfortunately that comes down to healthcare and insurance don’t have enough coverage and can’t afford to pay out of pocket so they are doing what they can
  9. Definitely not alone in this I think alot of us end up in the same place we just don’t talk about it enough.
  10. So I am just over a year out and lost 115 pounds in total. Got approved for skin removal surgery for my stomach, Had that done last Friday I had no idea how much this would hur. My bypass surgery was cake compared to this I can still hardly move anyone who has been through this have any recovery recommendations?
  11. Thank you I just did not realize how bad this would hurt lol
  12. Yes they did a nerve blocker and another one today so doing much better now.
  13. Truthfully I had a kid addicted to opioids so I am trying to just breathe through
  14. I have severe reactive hypoglycemia my blood sugar goes up over 220 even with even a protein shake then 1-2 hours later drops dramatically it has dropped as low as 38. With blood sugar I slow down and appear confused, but no pain. Dumping I am sweating and doubled up in pain. Luckily I don’t get dumping often.
  15. Has any one else been diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia after bypass. Just got the diagnosis today. My blood sugar was dropping so low my symptoms made me appear drunk. It finally got to the point it went to low and I passed out. Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this and how they are doing. Thanks
  16. Thank you so much at least I am not alone it’s been awful
  17. Kat

    Not Enough Calories

    Thank you all so much just knowing I am not going through this alone helps!
  18. Kat

    Not Enough Calories

    Learn2cook that is a great idea I will start measuring inches! Thank you!
  19. Kat

    Not Enough Calories

    Arabesque thank you, I have lost 80 pounds so far I am currently 160 the goal I was given from my doctors is 130. So I have 30 pounds left to go. I am 5’3. I know you are all right and the stall will pass. It’s just my first real stall I did not go through the 3 week stall and this stall just reminds me to much of all my diet failures. I know it’s all in my head and will pass!
  20. Kat

    Not Enough Calories

    Thank you both!
  21. I am am at the same point and I am still struggling to get to 600 calories a day. I hit a massive stall and did not lose any weight for 3 weeks. Scale finally moved this week. Stalls happen your body needs a chance to recover. Stick with your doctors plan and the stall will pass.
  22. Thanks! I was worried it was just me!
  23. Is anyone else still having trouble eating real food. For the most part I am still eating soft foods. When I try to eat anything else I get that feeling of the food being stuck and end up in pain.
  24. I am losing massive amounts of hair really picked up two weeks ago. Had some blood work done and was low on a few vitamins and minerals hoping getting those up helps considering cutting it all off to help hide the thinness

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
