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Posts posted by AmberFL

  1. 1 hour ago, ms.sss said:

    well, i got a breast lift and not implants, so my bras size sort of stayed the same..i just filled them out differently.

    pre-breast lift, all my my "boob material" sort of pooled at the bottom of my bra cup lol, so when i wore those demi-bras, i looked like i had two cups of cappuccinos on my chest lolololzzzz

    now i fill out my bras properly and my nipples face forward!

    hahahhaha!!! I am def with you on the cappuccinos boobies. an A does not fit I just wear them to make it look like I am not a 13yr old boy lol I am getting a lift and implants. I am wanting a full DD so I am thinking I will either really fill out the smalls or have to go up to Mediums...hmmmmm

  2. 2 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

    yea maintenance takes A LOT of getting used to since nearly all of us have never been in this position before - or haven't in years. I was always gaining weight or trying to lose weight the whole time I was obese.

    if you are maintaining on your current level of calories, then stick with that until it's no longer working - and then adjust up or down as needed. Calorie levels change if your activity levels change, or as you get older, or whatever. What I did for a long time was set an "oh crap" weight (for example, 160 lbs) and once I reached that, it was all hands on deck until I was safely back in my safe zone again. So something like that might work for you, too. But yes, maintenance is definitely hard to get used to!

    its so hard!!! but i am going to take your guys advice as your seasoned vets! Just gonna stick with it and see how it plays out then adjust if I need to. Thank you!

  3. 11 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    further to the above, given your lifting regimen, i wouldn't rely too much on the number on the scale vs your body measurements. you look like you gained quite a bit of muscle mass over the past few months (and will likely create more!) and we all know muscle is denser than fat so....

    along with scale weight, i personally go by how my clothes fit...so long as i don't have to buy bigger clothes, im good, ha!

    (although my tshirts seem tighter these days, but i know its because my back and shoulders are getting bigger...not sure yet how i feel about that...lol)

    I was thinking that...I have been lifting heavier and more reps so I am getting more muscular in my thighs LOL I am a size 4 in my thighs and booty but have space in my waist....cant find good pair of jeans. So that makes sense, however I do not like seeing the scale up anyways LOL Oh! I did want to ask, when you got your boobies did you shirts/sports bras get bigger? I am getting mine on Dec 30th and I am holding back buying more tops because I'm not sure if I will go up a size..

  4. 16 hours ago, SpartanMaker said:

    Give yourself time!

    When you press the brake in your car, it takes time to come to a complete stop. The same is true when you try to go from losing to maintaining. It's hard to know immediately if you are eating the right amount, especially with a significant amount of exercise like you're doing.

    As you are learning, you've got to EAT to fuel that level of activity and it can be stressful for us formerly fat people to eat at levels that at one time would have led to weight gain.

    Track things for a month or so and see where you end up. If you continue to lose, then you obviously need to eat even more. If you seem to be maintaining within a few pounds (keeping in mind normal fluctuations), you're probably where you need to be. If, heaven forbid, you do start to gain again, just ease off a tiny bit on the calories and you'll stabilize.

    Whatever you do, don't stress it, because you now have all the knowledge and tools to stay at the weight you want!

    That's a great idea, I think I am scared is if I do gain weight I'll say eff it, and just keep it going like I used to. Getting out of this mind set is the hardest part! Your right I have to eat in order to fuel my activity. I have realized that as of today I am officially a year out from my first appt to start this process and its been quite a year. I have made it a full year of working out and changing my diet. I can do this for even longer!

  5. 25 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

    soooo question:...why do you think you need to be in the 1500-1700 range if you are maintaining fine in the 1800-2000 range? logic would dictate that you would lose weight given your current exercise regimen if you dropped cals...are you looking to lose more weight? or maybe decrease activity levels? if so, then yeah dropping down a few hundred cals would do the trick. but if not, then why try to fix something that ain't broke?

    I am a good 7 inches shorter than you and i maintain with 2300 cals a day...been at this level for about a year, and my weight has hovered around the same number +/- 3lbs the entire time. i don't count nor manage macros anymore, but a quick glance at MFP show that i'm well over 150g of net carbs every day this week and Protein about 80g more or less; as for exercise, from what i've read from your posts we are probably about the same activity expenditure range.

    you wont "ruin everything" if you keep on top of things and watch whats happening (which sounds like what you are already doing), if you do that you would have plenty of time to adjust and make changes before it all goes to shite.

    you're doing great! keep it up ;)

    I think my reasoning is because I am low key freaking out because I am *done* losing weight and maintaining and I have never ever ever ever been in this position. Always losing or gaining. So eating close to 2000 calories a day and only being 8months post op, my mind is telling me that I am going to start gaining and this is not sustainable. I have never stayed this active this long either lol Its just a new life that I am not used to, and this week I am panicking (WEIRD!)

    I am sure that I need to talk to a therapist LOL but you guys are it for me at this moment. 🤣

  6. Hi all!

    So I am working on Maintenance, I feel good, I *think* I look good, health is great, I am eating anywhere from 1800-2000 calories a day. I am burning around 500-700calories for my workout and walking over 10k steps a day usually hitting 11,500 steps. I am maintaining which is great! I am hungry or I get lethargic which when I eat helps a lot! My obese mind set is slightly freaking out. and I am scared because I'm still within the year of my surgery I am messing it up. I have tried all week to stay within the 1500-1700 calories, 140g carbs, 40g fat that my bariatric packet tells me, and its IMPOSSIBLE. I know I have done well on this journey, I am just terrified of going back and eating too much and ruining all this progress.

    My approximate daily macros:

    1700-2000 calories

    100-150g carbs

    130-175g Protein

    65-80g fat

    Just need reassurance I am not alone in this journey.

  7. 11 hours ago, Hiddenroses said:

    It's been a life changer for me, honestly!! I came up with the idea by chance after finding the zero net carb street taco size tortillas at Walmart - they actually have 5g of Protein per two, which is a major bonus! I'd been eating a lot of tuna since it's high in Protein and seems to treat me well, same with canned chicken. I figured I could have a tuna version of a cheese quesadilla, and boom! I like that they are small and easy to eat, I do out a dab of butter on the pan before I cook on each side - and I figured out yesterday that a little garlic//onion powder on the meat or Italian seasoning gives them a great added flavor, and so does Everything but the Bagel seasoning! I either have one and cottage cheese or two made a bit on the thin side. So tasty! 😋

    the 25cal tortillas are a staple in my house! I use them for everything, Nachos, cinnamon Sugar bowls, pizzas, everything!

  8. 16 hours ago, Hiddenroses said:

    You must be so incredibly frustrated! Which type of surgery did you get, the sleeve or the bypass? I'm at about 7 weeks post op from getting the sleeve + intestinal revision and my calorie consumption ranges from 500-700/day, with my carb intake less than 35/day and a Protein goal of 60/day with fluids of at least 48oz/day.

    I agree with others - it seems like a good idea, regardless of any advice you get from this forum, to revisit your surgeon. That said, I do believe you hit the nail on the head for one with the alcohol, and secondly I'd ask how many of your calories are coming from carbs. It's ok to include carbs in your diet, but really, this early, unless you are very physically active there isn't cause for many of them.

    At this stage it's typical to eat no more than 1/2cup - 1 cup of total food per meal, three times a day (or spaced out into 4 meals if needed). That's including your Protein, which as someone else said should be the first thing you eat. Another thing about alcohol - it tends to cause dehydration - so you'd need to be consuming even MORE Water throughout the day to compensate for that, just like caffeine. If you aren't hitting your hydration goal (PLUS, because of alcohol) then your body will struggle to convert your stored fat into energy, which is what causes most of the weight loss.

    An example of what my diet looks like at this stage is a single serve yogurt for Breakfast (I have been getting the Aikos zero sugar or 2Good ones) - Remember no drinking 30 minutes before or after, and your meal should last at least 20-30 minutes. For lunch I might have a 'tuna melt' - which I make out of 1/3 can of tuna in Water, a zero net carb small tortilla, and maybe 1/8 cup of shredded cheese or a low fat string cheese (I cook it folded over like a quesadilla) with maybe 1/8 cup of low fat cottage cheese, then for dinner a serving of one of the many bariatric recipes - there's a ricotta bake (lasagna with no noodles, basically), unstuffed cabbage rolls (Kind of like egg roll filling), or maybe chicken or tuna salad made with low fat mayo and a dab of relish with some cucumber slices/2-4 saltine crackers. I use the free Baritastic App to track my food and Fluid intake. Using a tracking app increases weight loss significantly from what I've been told because you can see and understand what exactly you're putting in your body.

    The good news is that as far as I know, it isn't too late to backpedal and reset yourself! I'm NOT a doctor but my understanding is that if you get off track after weight loss surgery, especially this soon, one way to 'reset' is to go back on a liquid diet for a week or two, with zero-sugar Jello, zero sugar pudding, and Protein Shakes (less than 5g of sugar each) to hit your goals. After that, work your way back up to puree foods for a week, then soft foods for a week. I strongly recommend eyeballing the nutrition information on any shake you think of buying, too, because there are some that are loaded with sugar and have as many as 22g of carbs EACH. After weight loss surgery it's also strongly discouraged to have fried food at all for the first 6 months, and after that maybe once per month. The same goes for sweets and baked goods.

    I hope this helps, and again - I feel like you should really follow up with your surgeon and a nutritionist! Best wishes!

    just here to say that the tuna melt sounds super good! lol

  9. 2 minutes ago, Mspretty86 said:

    Heyyyyyyy Cheers to the A cup crew..I'm an A too and one boob it way bigger then the other so there is that!! Your Hubby is going to have a field day with the new girls! 😂

    The itty bitty titty committee! hahahah omg I was putting in sizers to see what size would fit me and my wants and he smiling so big I🤣

  10. @Mspretty86 I am satisfied! I want to work on shaping my body and getting strong. Then hoping that the boobs will make me look curvier. I am a small A where Victoria Secret told me I am an A but I still have gaps because I am all skin LOL I am ready to be a full DD. I am doing my breast aug 3 weeks before I hit a year (I know I know its a no no) but my surgeon only wants maintenance. and the date is perfect since my hubs is taking off to be my caregiver and it happens to be the same time as the kids winter break so I could not pass up the timing. but I am so ready to wear a bikini, tank tops and all the shirts because I look like a teenage boy right now LOL

  11. As silly as this sounds....I think I finally hit maintenance. I have been fluctuating from 160-165 for the passed month. My workouts have been great! My skin is not saggy with the workouts, I have my boobie surgery booked and paid for, so now I am working on how fit I can get these next months because I wont be able to workout for 6weeks (which is going to killlll me!)

  12. 23 minutes ago, Lilia_90 said:

    I don’t think it’s the Pilates as much as it’s the lower body fat percentage that shows the muscle tone underneath? I feel I’m scrawny lol.

    I can manage around 1300 calories a day now, on a few occasions after leg day I managed to go up to 1500 but that was like only twice, I graze all day to be able to get to that because my portions are small. I want to get to 1800 to build some muscle in my backside ha!

    Genetically my stomach has always been the leanest part of my body, and I had a breast aug 11 years ago but honestly my doctor did a phenomenal job that my boobs are perky and lifted and there’s no sagging at all. They look pretty new, can’t say the same about my butt tho 😂

    He did a great job!!! You look awesome!! Not scrawny AT ALL! my butt is so sad LMFAO I work her out so hard and its a little bump now but everything that I have researched sd I need to eat more lol! like 2400 cal. That is just not physically possible for me. 1800cal is a good spot for me. Even with my little ice cream at night hahah

    Good job girl, an inspiration!

  13. 12 minutes ago, Selina333 said:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me all this! How long were you off work right after surgery? I told them 1 to 1.5 weeks is my guess. But one lady here said she was back in a few days. I don't want to push it if I need to heal more though and my clients are all understanding. My dad passed away last year after 25 years of congestive heart failure then also diabetes and lost one leg then the other. It was extremely heartbreaking and don't want my kids to see that happen to me if there is any way at all I can be healthier. So going to do this. Have 12 dietitian appts. Done two. Already had psychological and was cleared. Have endoscopy Oct 11 and last dietitian appt on Oct 30. Surgery after final approval so they estimate Nov. Hopefully early Nov. Doesn't bother me at all about the holidays. One year I lost 5 lbs from Thanksgiving to Christmas. It's all mindset. But it's when I go back to eating like everyone else I always gain! Sucks. Thank you again! I'd love to be able to text with you if you'd consider that! It's ok if you'd rather not though. Lol! I know I'm a stranger. Lol! You look great and I'm so happy for you. And yes when I'm even at 200 I have the energy for the gym and remember only being able to do the stairmaster for seconds and worked my way up to 20 or 30 minutes. I was so much stronger. It was years ago so can't remember but think I got up to 30 mins and now I love esp the machines and esp the leg machines. Leg day is my fave! Can I ask you, did you grieve your clothes? Even though they are big now I like them. I remember when I lost before I grieved them because I'd raised babies with them all and kept some just as memories. Lol! But will just alter what I can and the rest will buy new. Bet no one ever asked you that one! Lol! Unless you've been there and dropped several sizes before you wouldn't understand. 💗 And do we need to add quote when replying because won't these get too long? Lol! Have a great Friday!! ⚘️

    You can totally DM me on here! Totally am down to help a fellow bariatric pal! I took 2 weeks off, just for my mental health too. I needed to get into the game with the foods and the meal prepping.

    I definitely had to work my way up, Lots of tears and sweat. Even still ! LOL

    I did greive clothes, I still have 3x tops and dresses in my closet that I have not been able to get rid of. I wear them tthe tops to bed now..For the most part I had to buy all new clothes. Still working on building it up. I went from an 18/20 to a size 4. 2/3x to a Small top.

    No you do not need to add the quote lol

  14. 8 hours ago, Lilia_90 said:

    Thank you!!

    I lift heavy 3/4 days a week (legs/glutes, back/chest, arms/shoulders, strength and conditioning) and do Pilates twice a week. I also run/jog daily on the treadmill, I do HIIT once a week and I close at least 10k steps a day! That’s pretty much it! I focus on Protein mainly and enjoy eating out on weekends.

    Okay pretty much what I do now LOL I run 5x a week, HIIT once a week, close min 10k steps a day, lift heavy 5x a week. Maybe I need to incorporate Pilates then. Do you feel like you need to eat more? I am closing close 1700-1800 calories a day. I tried to cut back and I was sooooo tired. My Protein is above 150g a day.

    you look phenomenal! Your stomach is so flat, and not to be weird but are you blessed up top or did you have a breast aug? My have completely depleted. I went from a 44DD to a 36A (barely) LOL

  15. 13 hours ago, Selina333 said:

    Wow! That's awesome. I'd take even half that loss and be happy. But would sure be nice to lose quite a bit so my low back can calm down. Severe osteoarthritis there. About 240 lbs now. 277 was my highest many years back. Lost 100 through diet and exercise and slowly came back. (Had lost 100 lbs 8 years before that and gained it back too.) Then end of 2021 was 265. So did it again. Ate less, moved more and lost 64.5 lbs about 2 years ago and got to 200. (Had lost around 60+ twice before that and gained it back over some years too). Felt sooo much better even there at 200 but slowly back now to 240! Blah! Surgery most likely early Nov for sleeve. Said bypass will cause ulcers since only ibuprofen helps my back. Can I ask you about exercise you did? Also that you do now? And did you have any skin removal? May need that around my middle later on. Heard someone with our insurance got that covered also. Praying for that but will save up for it if I have to. Thanks for any advice and info! You look great and I know you must FEEL better. That's what I want. I never sought surgery to look better but hopefully will. I just feel terrible and need some relief and want the weight to stay gone. Using this tool to help me remain smaller.

    I was in the same boat, My very highest was 310Lbs then lost 100lbs through WW, had my daughter gained most of it back. Lost 50 ish pounds, gained 75lb back. A constant yo yo of my weight. I got down to 240 when I met my partner, then had our son and gained it all back to 297lbs. At that point I was tired of feeling like crap, being too tired to do anything, not being able to be active with my kids, not being an active partner. So I looked into the sleeve, didn't feel like the bypass was for me, due to certain restrictions with meds. My goal wasn't even to get this small. It was to be at 190lbs which put me in the "normal bmi" and I wanted to have more energy and not to hurt anymore. But then I really got into into fitness and eating healthy.

    Can I ask you about exercise you did? I started with walking around 6weeks post op, just 30min during my lunch break, about 2 ish weeks later I started incorporating weights and workout videos. Very light 5lbs or just body weight. Then at about 3ish months post op I joined my gym and I hit the ground running and never have stronger and fitter in my life.

    Also that you do now? I work out 6days a week. 3 days lower body/cardio, 2 days upper body/cardio 1 day HIIT training/cardio each about an hour to hour and half a day. If you need assistance what to do workout I am super willing to give you some things that helped me.

    And did you have any skin removal? I have not, I am getting my boobies done in January lol but nothing else. Its so expensive! so I have to do it in parts. Right now I am working out as hard and heavy as I can to tighten up as much I can.

    This tool was THE BEST DECISION ever! I wish I would have done it sooner. I got my life back.

  16. 10 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    I would definitely try the recipe above. I was an iced coffee junkie, and I learned to make mine with a caramel Protein Shake, and I have used the skinny syrups and they are quite tasty as well. I’m sure the pumpkin will be delicious and then you can have it every day with no guilt plus get your Protein in early in the day. That’s what I have what I call my proffee which is my caramel shake that has 30 g of Protein and a little coffee over ice every morning. That’s my Breakfast even after I had the sleeve and gained all my weight back. That was the only thing that stuck and I still did it before my revision and now again after. If you don’t wanna go through all that they also make one called Café latte that’s Premier Protein makes it and it’s like a latte but it’s 30 g of protein and it has caffeine in it.

    yes!! I drink my profee every single morning after my workout. Café latte over ice, squirt of Jordan's skinny salted caramel sauce, cold brew with my collagen. I drink it in a big 32oz mason jar. Its soooo delish!!! Then my little sweet treat. I actually made skinny peppermint mocha too!

  17. So I have a work around!

    You will need:

    1. vanilla Protein Shake

    2. sugar free pumpkin spice Syrup (Jordans skinny syrup as a yummy one)

    3. sugar free pumpkin spice sauce (Jordans skinny syrup as a yummy one)

    4. pumpkins pie spice


    1 vanilla pre-made Protein shake (such as premier or fairlife)

    10 pumps of sugar free pumpkin spice syrup

    mix them in a jar together and you can use it as a Creamer.

    Then I take a pre-made protein shake (about 1-2 oz) and use my frothier to make the foam

    THEN I assemble. 2oz on the bottom of the glass jar, ice to top it off, sugar free pumpin spice sauce, add Decaf cold brew, then add your foam and sprinkle some of your pumpkin pie spice.

    ITS DELICIOUS! I drink one almost every day and its 36cal!

  18. 12 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    If you guys aren’t planning children now consider the IUD. I got the Mirena and I have no clue why I waited this long. No more periods for me. I spotted once in a while for a couple of months and nothing since. No more emotional rollercoasters or food cravings either. I used to have such heavy bad periods with all of the symptoms and now once In a while when I go pee I see a tiny bit of blood on the tissue but that’s it. No cramps, cravings, fatigue, moodiness, none of it. It’s amazing. I’m not sure if there are risks with getting it if you are planning children in the future because I’m past that so I would definitely ask some questions about that but it’s something to think about.

    I have a tubal litigation so no more babies for me! LOL I have short periods like 2-3days not too heavy, but the sweets cravings is unreal. They never were pre- WLS so I am guessing since I don't indulge its just my body. It does all even out for sure. I allow myself one day and then i'm back at it.

    I used the Mirena for years as a contraceptive and it worked great, both times I tried for children I was preggo within 3months so it didn't effect me negatively lol

  19. Saturday was crazyyyyyy for me. I went off my rocker, I snacked and grazed all day. I started my period Friday even and Saturday I was bitchy and wanted all the food. Sunday I felt like crap almost like a hang over. I didn't track my food, I didn't worry about my Protein, I did work out that morning though, but still No bueno, but I am back on track and just let that day be. However these last two or three periods have been me fighting back eating the whole house but this last one I lost the battle LOL

  20. 59 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    I was literally going on here with plans to say something similar. I am a little over a month out and I have been walking since the beginning of the month. I feel SO INCREDIBLE!! Physically I have so much more energy and mentally I am just in a better mood. I went to UPS to do a bunch of returns I have collected during my recovery and went to the grocery and left there thinking well I got the packages done, found my reduced fat and special Romano cheese I wanted and made it back before it rained. That felt like a win and made me feel happy. I am just noticing little tiny things to be positive about and I haven’t done that in years. I would’ve dwelled on the fact that the one thing was going to cost almost $15 to return because they wanted tracking and insurance plus I had to buy a box. I ended up just saying I would rather give it away for that but in the past I would’ve focused on that and been in a bad mood. Not sure if that makes sense but I just feel better and more upbeat. I am not even focused on the scale as much as I was with my sleeve. I already feel better. I’m just eating what I should and exercising and the weight will come off when it comes off. With my sleeve I didn’t exercise and I watched the scale every day. This time it’s different, I FEEL healthier and I am loving it!!

    I am so so so so so happy for you! I have been following your posts and they make me so happy!!! I have noticed that my energy and mood is so much better. I get along with my coworkers better, I'm more of a positive person in my families lives. My kids are happier to see me, my husband is happier because I am not so bitchy when I come home. LOL!! I am up at 430 I do a workout, get all the kids ready for school and myself, lunches packed blah blah blah, go to work, come home and still have energy to make dinner, clean up and hang out with my kiddos. I really wish I would've done this so much earlier and i cant believe how many years I wasted on just eating and slowly killing myself. I cant wait to keep reading about your journey!

  21. 1 hour ago, Mspretty86 said:

    Today I am exactly 5 months post Op and my win is being Fine as Hell 😂😂😂. No but seriously since surgery I have moved atleast 5 miles per day. Thanks to my athletic muscular mother who insist that if I don't move I may be on 600 pound life show 😂😂. She was a big help. Movement is very very important to me! Major WIn 🏅

    Girl you are fine as hell! Keep it up!!! That is amazing! 5miles is a great achievement! staying active and eating heathy 90% of the time is what will get us to goal and keep us there!

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