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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmberFL

  1. Girl you work your stuff! you will be struttin your stuff and we want pics!! Thank you btw! I still battle with how I look but hey fake it till you make it LOL
  2. AmberFL

    Fruit & Bypass

    I put blueberries and natural PB on a rice cake OMG! But for a "healthier" less calorie PB. Try mixing 1 bottle of vanilla Fairlife protein shake and 8oz container of PB2 (powder PD) mix together OMG! 72ish calories for 2 tbls and 9g protein!
  3. AmberFL

    Premier or fairlife??

    Fairlife is soooooo good! BUT so expensive so I stick to premier protein. With the occasional fairlife to make "desserts" lol
  4. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    They have done so much cottage cheese. It’s delicious! High protein too!
  5. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    Moderation is very key. I am nervous that I will never be able to fully achieve that. It’s a man annoying feeling. The feeling of falling off the wagon and just continuing getting bigger. Like my how my yo-yo dieting went pre op. If that makes any sense
  6. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    I really need to bite the bullet and just buy it 😝
  7. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    This looks so yummy!
  8. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    Omgsh this sounds AMAZING!! I have been eyeing a machine like that. I hate that fruit has so many carbs. They shouldn’t count 😂
  9. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    Yes!! And I have eaten them. The little frosted cakes are yummy. I should give that isle another look over. Thank you!
  10. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    Omg pb2 and Cocao?! Ima try this tomorrow 😂 sounds delicious!! I am STRUGGLING with no lt having sugar. I don’t give in but the times I do I feel so guilty. I am trying to find that balance without being scared that I’ll gain everything back.
  11. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    this is very true! if you have a grill, slicing a peach in half put it in the microwave for just a touch to soften it then grill it open face down then add a dollop of Greek yogurt add a little cinnamon. DELCIOUS!! I tend to eat more whole foods but I have been getting a super hankering for candy, I think its almost that time of the month. The sugar free candy isnt worth my calories. so I am trying to find "desserts" that tickle my fancy.
  12. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    I love cooking and finding new recipes are always fun to me, but I do understand what your saying. I agree processed foods is what got us to where we were, and most if not all my meals are cooked at home. and thank you for saying all the nice things! Im hoping these pesky .4 come off LOL Do you have recipes you can share that you make?
  13. I think going from a size 18/20 to a size 4 I am like whoa there! and thank you for saying I dont look too small that makes me feel better!! thank you soo much for your kind words!!
  14. thank you! I like the blond too! girl its all bra! hahah Victoria Secret sure came in clutch LOL!! They are sad in those cups haha! I appreciate you saying that!
  15. sounds like all wonderful things! Take it slow and build up, I have learned this the hard way lol I burnt myself out quickly. Work on regimen that will work for you the rest of your life. your doing fab!
  16. I do wonder if I will lose anymore. I hope not lol I look too small in my opinion. And thank you! I am having a rough week, still working out but I have been eating sugar free chocolates and for some reason I am not having a lot of self control. I am due for my womanly time so I am blaming that. But stepping on the scale this was a happy surprise!
  17. One of my VP's at work walked by me and said if you keep losing weight your going to disappear...I just smiled and he laughed and said no really your doing great and you look great. Like I get it people want to comment on it, I have lots of weight and I have never ever ever been this size in my adult life. I think the last time I weight this was when I was 11-12 no joke. we had a new hire and I was training him, he saw pics of me when I was bigger at my desk with my family and said whoa is that you?! so its encouraging to know that new people who meet me or see me in the outside world they only see how I am now. I am battling with my own stuff, being so small now I have no boobs, my butt is 3/4 gone. I mean I workout and I look lean. I am not sure how I am feeling. This entire thing is a whole mind game lol
  18. So I was pretty strict with myself up until probably this month when I hit 6months. I stayed away from carbs like they were the devil. Recently, I have incorporated 1/4C of diced O'Brien's potatoes and peppers air fried with egg whites and 1 slice of turkey bacon. Not gonna lie it scared me to do that lol Last night we had spaghettis and I made the sauce so I only had sauce on top of broccoli. You can still have the foods you like just modified. Shrimp is great, instead of real butter use pam or spray butter and add a side of veggies. this is the time to really focus on your relationship with food. This is for life. I have to remind myself of that all the time. I went off my rocker yesterday...I was snacking on pirates booty, a couple of Doritos here, a couple of pieces of chocolate there then had Froyo. But I realized that I cannot do that again and I know that I have the willpower to get back on the horse and forget about that day (I still tracked everything!) I have been working on my relationship with foods, and what I can have in moderation and what I really have to stay away from. I workout HARD too, weight lifting, cardio, F45 and I LOVE it, its become kind of a passion and I have a couple of ladies' that I do workout routines for them and sometimes bring along with me to show them as well as done zoom workouts with my bestie. Also I am an everyday weigher and I wont ever stop that. I need to know that what I am doing is working and when I have snacky days I like to see the damage. Surprisingly, there was none. What I am saying is take full advantage of this honeymoon stage! lose as much as weight as humanly possible and track and get a good workout routine going. If you are lost on where to start with weight lifting I am more than happy to help!
  19. I feel great! I have scaled back a touch since this post. I will lift heavier with less reps, wont do as many sets. I am getting bored so I am adding F45 workouts on Fridays to my routine. Then not lifting on Sundays just going for a run or a long walk with my kids. I am finding having two full rest days of weights is helping. The time is there, but if I workout at the end of my day I am finding that I am more frustrated with a full gym, lots of kids, ppl who are on their phone hogging the weights. So I have been working out from home on those days, and I seem to enjoy it more. I stick to 1hour of traditional gym workout and then I walk or run on my lunch break at work for 30min M-F.
  20. AmberFL

    Low Key freaking out...

    Thank you! I actually scaled back a little lol and dropped the 4lb gain lol odd! I love working out, its just something that is fun, I have 3 kids, work full time, finishing my bachelors so the gym is my one hour of putting music in my ears and its just me, so I have fallen in love with it. I am thinking that I need to scale a little more though. this advice is great!
  21. Hi me again! So I will say that my journey has been fairly easy. Tracking, eating right and working and the weight has been falling off. I am a weigh everyday-er (I know I know but I am lol) I am only 6months out and pretty close to my goal weight that I set for myself. The scale keeps going up! I am not eating more than 1100 I workout a lot. I weight in at 172ish Wednesday this morning 176ish. LIKE WTF! Is this normal? I cannot physically workout more or eat any less. So idk what is going on, but I absolutely hate it and its really messing with my mindset.
  22. Not wish but glad that I did. I stopped caffeine about a month or so before surgery, I tracked all my food so I got in the habit, I went for walks to build up stamina, only 3x a week until surgery, I had different kind of protein shakes, one of each kind that tickled my fancy so after surgery I had options. Some I liked and got more, some I had one drink then gave to my hubs. I would wait for the liquid diet until they tell you to start because it sucks! I only had to do 1day and I complained the entire day LOL, some people do a food funeral where they eat all the foods they want since that will be on hold for a bit. I actually deep cleaned my house the week before surgery (I am super Type A LOL) but made me feel good that I didn't have to worry about house keeping for a minute. I do wish I would cleaned out my pantry better, I had junk food in my house and even though I didn't give into temptation, it was there. Also my mindset with food. I'm 6months post op and it still messes with me, like wanting to eat huge burrito because I'm upset but knowing I physically cant. Its like breaking up with someone. @SleeveToBypass2023 said it really well, breaking in a very toxic relationship, you know its not good for you but you still go back. If you can mentally prepare yourself for it. Its a mindf*%^ .
  23. LOLOL!!! I am the worst, I felt like we were back in the honeymoon stage all over again hahah!! I am not the one to ask so I will just lurk heheh

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