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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AmberFL

  1. AmberFL

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    you look awesome!!! and so cute!!
  2. AmberFL

    1 Year VSG Post op Today!

    HOLY SH&%!! You don't even look like the same person, got you a fawk hawk fade and earrings I see! You look awesome! Congrats!!! You must feel amazing!!!
  3. AmberFL

    Contemplating Surgery

    I will say that everyone around me told me the same thing. I told them EFF IT! yes I can lose the weight, I have dieted since I was 12, lost 100lbs only to gain it back, lost 60lbs gained it back, and the pattern continued. I also got the "oh you will just gain it back in 5yrs" I FINALLY decided that what I was doing was not working! I needed an extra tool! Ozempic, Wegovy and those meds were not for me and I did not like how I would have to rely on them and they were hard to get plus PRICEY! I am 35 now and I made the decision to do this right before my birthday. I was 297lbs, hard to wake up, couldn't walk without getting winded, couldn't play with my kids, hated myself for my inability to live life and be that wife and mother that my family deserved. I decided to make the appt and did not tell my family (minus my hubby) that I was going into surgery and here I am 6.5 ish months later, down 130lbs, exercising 1hr a day 6days a week, playing with my kids and having energy to spend time with the hubby, my life is SOOOOO much better. My only regret is not doing this sooner!!! Now my best friend is now sleeved and is having tremendous results! My mom (who was my skeptic) is now talking to her doctor about the bypass. This is the not the easy way out, this is a tool to help us live! I think you should what is good for YOU not for everyone else and don't listen to the haters! They aren't living a day in your life. They don't know the pain, the struggles and the worries you have. Best of luck!! ❤️
  4. oooo if you have any recipes please share! I love cooking and eating haha! So I love finding and trying new recipes that fit into my macros!
  5. AmberFL

    An OK Week

    thats exactly what I say! its way too much effort to go somewhere else, we have 3 kids, too messy, and plus I am the dating scene is not for me! HA!
  6. I think the emotional eating and not being able to turn to food/alcohol was really hard for me in the begin of this journey. I now can work through it and distract myself. I am with you, I workout like a mad man to try and distract me from the food but I still want a fat cheeseburger with bread and all the sauces, with the fries and side of ranch, drinking it down with a chocolate shake LOL
  7. AmberFL

    An OK Week

    I don't think they do either, my partner is supportive and told me his attraction for me has not left. I asked if he preferred me heavier and he didn't say a peep. I followed up with, well I am not changing, because this is the new me and our kids deserve a mom who is healthy, not a mom who is 300lbs with a climbing weight and cannot keep up with them. He agreed, he just said its different. He met me heavier so me NOW is super new. We had to have a very very long talk, and its continuous but we have been working through it. I think the first 3-4months were the hardest, I lost weight really quick and it was a really big shock to everyone but especially him who touches me and all the things. Intimacy lacked for a bit, So I would agree that keeping that transparency is so important, also being selfish is important too right now.
  8. giirrrllll you are feelin yo'self! I love it!!!
  9. AmberFL

    An OK Week

    yasssss your doing amazing!!! Yea I heard that from my hubby in the beginning too, its stopped now that he realizes I am not going anywhere. He will get used to it and will starting hoping on that train with you!
  10. So I have been making sure that I hit 100g or more of protein every day. I typically am low carb (under 60g) low fat (under 20g). I like to be adventurous with my food and I enjoy finding new recipes that fit into my macros. However, this last month I have been trying to find recipes that are yummy and fulfill my sweet tooth without going for the ice cream, or candy. One that I discovered was a Greek Yogurt Cheesecake: 1 container of Greek yogurt (i have used Dannons light and fit , 1Tbls of SF FF Cheesecake pudding mix, 1TBL of reduced fat whip. its 115cal 12g of protein, .5g fat and 15g carbs. (you can use any variation of yogurts and pudding mixes). Carbs are higher that I would usually eat but if you have a hard workout day and have it to spare this is the best treat! Also I did not know that Splenda made a brown sugar?! So diced up apples with some spray butter and 1tbls of that brown sugar and bake to soften. You can add it to a little plain Greek yogurt or eat it as it with a dollop of low fat cool whip. I have been finding that I need to have stuff like this in my diet in order to not go off track. Not everyday, but days where all I want to do is eat chocolate or ice cream. I have been following this mom of 3 that lost 50lbs through exercise and diet, she has a ton of recipes. All her single serving recipes easily make 2-3 servings for us bariatric folk, but its healthy and realistic for those people who don't want to restrict forever. Anyone else have some yummy recipes?! Or does anyone think this might cause a slippery slope?
  11. This whole thing is a science! LOL I am a worker-outer? a gym rat? a gym go-er? well you know what I mean. I work out lol I lift 4 days a week, 1 day only cardio and 1 day F45. I eat anywhere from 1300-1600 calories a day. Depending on the day. One days I do not work out I eat less around 1200 cal. I am only 6.5m out and have hit my goal weight, but there are days where I get scared that I am eating too much. From what I have learned in my very short journey is that our body needs the food in order to grow our muscles, and give us energy for our workouts. Your body will balance out, you will notice your body change now too. I noticed that when I allowed myself more calories my legs and booty got thicker which I have been trying to achieve for months but it wasn't happening lol Just track everything and if you find yourself eating A LOT of not great things then you can look back and see why there is a gain. P.S I eat a "bad thing" everyday, I am not super restrictive and deprive myself. I have learned that everything in moderation in order for me to keep this as a life long thing. Tracking has really helped me stay accountable!
  12. AmberFL

    "Gym" is not a dirty word

    Hi! I have been interested in getting my cert in Nutrition and Fitness. How do I go about that? Google is overwhelming *I don't have Instagram or anything like that, so hopefully its okay to reach out to you here*
  13. AmberFL

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    I have been consistently lifting weights and doing cardio for 4 and half months now, This week I decided to lift heavier for some booty gains! A win for me was being able to lift heavy and actually do all the reps! whoop whoop!
  14. AmberFL

    Happy Dancing!

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H5JdcB6dXU3gAx0mf2QrzG2ZvscRlnVF3xjBfx8M74A/edit?usp=sharing I have been developing a workout Google Doc, these have been some of the workouts that I have done and its helped a ton! I am still adding to it and you can do any kind of variation!
  15. AmberFL

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    this is a great idea! way to be ahead of the game!! For this weeks meal prep I did: Breakfast Sausage "McGriddles": Macros: 257cal 8.4g fat Carbs 13g Protein 28g Fiber 2g Serving size 2 regular or 1 biggun! I dip mine in 1tbls of lite syrup. 1C of Kodiak protein pancake mix 1C of egg whites 1/4C reduced fat cheese 16oz of Jenni-o Turkey Sausage Makes 6 Big muffins or 12 regular size cupcake size Then I bought of fruit, so I washed and cut it up put them in zip lock gallon bags for our lunches Veggies: broccoli, carrots that are washed and cut up Chicken breast that I cooked: I have been making wraps for lunches and then I use it for dinners Yogurt bark: Dannon lite and fit strawberry cheesecake yogurt and fage 0% yogurt, sprinkled strawberries on top and 1/8C of granola; spread on parchment paper and put in the freezer for a couple of hours then I took it out and broke it up and its in the freezer. Cottage Cheese Brownies (THESE ARE AMAZING!): Macros 79cal Fat 4.1g Carbs 19g Net carbs 2g Protein 6g Makes 6 servings (I baked in a 8x8 pan but I will do these again in muffin tin) 3/4C cottage cheese (I used 2% good culture) 1 egg 80g of swerve sugar 1/2 tsp of instant espresso powder 1 dash of salt 45g of Cacao Bliss or raw cacao powder (not Hershey's) 40 Dark Chocolate chips (I used Lillys)
  16. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    Refried beans, deviled eggs, ricotta bake, yogurt
  17. I swear I am so tired of hearing that! "Your getting too skinny" "your going to start looking sick" "Stop losing weight" "I don't want to hurt your feelings but you should just eat a little more" Like I realize this is the smallest I have ever been in my adult life, but I assure everyone that I am healthy and not starving myself. Even the surgeon and dietician said that I am eating more calories than someone at the same stage. I refuse to stop working out and refuse to stop eating how I eat to appease people. Ran over thanks for listening!
  18. AmberFL

    Face before & after!

    Holy ish! you look fantastic!!! you looked great before but the after picture you are gleaming! 🤩
  19. AmberFL

    "Gym" is not a dirty word

    It is intimidating! However, everyone has a goal who goes to the gym and frankly no one is paying attention to anyone. Most people are heads down, ear buds in and going to work. I was the same way! Scared to try to new machines, didn't want to be that fat girl trying the stair master only to get off after 5min. BUT I did it and am improving. You stepped in and, made a goal to go at least 2x a week and that my friend is a huge accomplishment! Good on you!! You got this!
  20. AmberFL

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    gorgeous! I am getting my hurr done today today!
  21. AmberFL

    Lets talk about food!

    is this a sweet treat?
  22. AmberFL

    I am considered Normal BMI!

    yes! much rather have the pooch! winglets omgsh what a perfect word hahah! I am proud of my winglets, I cant use them to fly away anymore 🤣
  23. AmberFL

    I am considered Normal BMI!

    I am my own worst critic LOL and thank you!! ❤️
  24. AmberFL

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    You might be a lucky one lol! I lost mine quick, like the one of the first things to go lol Honestly I wish I could do the surgery like yesterday and the plastic surgeon said I could but I know I should wait till I am minimum 1year post op. Just the smarter thing to do. I will probably get back lash and be told to wait 18m-2yrs but I don't wanna so I'm not gonna lol I live in CA and its so damn expensive just for a lift and augmentation and all the other stuff its 18k *gag* Your right, just need to find the time too! hahah

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