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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stacy

  1. stacy

    NC June Chat

    Well, better late than never. It was so good meeting some of you on Saturday! Where do I go to post my before and after pics?
  2. stacy

    June 17th...

    I am going to make this one! I know I don't post much, but I am trying to get better
  3. Hi everyone! My name is Stacy and Mrs Sabre told me about this site. I used to own a few support sites with yahoogroups so I may even know a few of you I was banded in 2001 by Dr Ponce in Dalton, GA. I live here in Charlotte NC. I have lost 100lbs, had one port disconnect and a few months of being filled too tight, but other than that, I have been problem free. I hear there is a local support group that gets together once in a while? I would love to get to know some of you and offer any support that I can Hope to talk with you all some more soon! (I have also had a few plastic surgeries as a result of the weight loss if anyone wants info on that as well) Stacy
  4. stacy

    Symptoms of Band Slipping

    Dr Ponce in Dalton Ga will probably see you , but I think he's pretty expensive if you have not been banded by him. I had slippage. When it happend, they let all of my fluid out and it actually fixed itself. I know that is not the norm, but it's just some more feedback. One thing I suggest if you are having trouble is to go back to liquid for a little bit. Things might be irritated and that could be part of the problem.
  5. stacy

    Newbie (sort of)

    Ahhh, now that I know it's NEXT weekend I might be tempted. Shoot any excuse to go to IHOP. The Hub will be jealous. Is this the IHOP at the corner of Harris and Tryon?
  6. stacy

    Newbie (sort of)

    Thanks for the welcome everyone! I can't make the IHOP this weekend (although that is one of my favorite places)! Sorry to hear your port flipped. I always think that's happening to me. The port disconnect was really the only major issue that I had. The overfill was my own fault :(Anyway, off to work, I will check in from there!Stacy

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
