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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by morethanbabyfat

  1. morethanbabyfat

    summer before

    I bet you don't wear t-shirts in the pool anymore! You look awesome.
  2. morethanbabyfat

    Me @ 199 5

    You look great! Keep it up!
  3. I cook huge portions too, but I bought these great 4 oz containers, and I package everything up and bring it to work for lunch. But I usually end up eating the same thing for a whole week, which is probably why I get sick of it, and then grab junk. Ok, so at the risk of letting ALL of my business hang out,I have to let you know that I have some assistance in the hair department. It's only mine because I paid for it! :lunch:
  4. Hey EbonyRose, That is me, thanks for your kind words! I've had two fills so far, and I actually think I've got pretty good restriction. The problem is the slider foods. It's like the convenience stores call out to me...I live in NYC, so there's at least one on every block. I always feel like I need to go in a pick up a bag of cheddar and sour cream Ruffles (I believe those things are laced with crack). I've heard of the rubber band thing, but I also would be black and blue...and cranky by the end of the day! I can squeeze into a 16 right now, but I recently bought a size 16 dress from H&M that makes me look like a streetwalker, instead of like I'm going to work, which is where I want to wear it, so I've estimated that I need to lose another 5-10 lbs to wear it comfortably. It's hanging outside my closet door as motivation. I'm going to look into the charm bracelet too. That will definitely keep me motivated! Somehow, the thought of buying jewelry is more exciting than a bag of chips. Thanks for that suggestion...
  5. Hi all, I don't post very often, but I really need some encouragement...was banded November 24th, and weight loss was great for the first 2 months. Third month, I slacked up on my healthy choices and lost about 7 lbs. But now, I'm a total mess. Chips, chocolate, donuts, you name it. Initially, I convinced myself it was ok, because I was PMS'ing. But three weeks of PMS cravings? I know I'm making horrible choices, but just can't get motivated. What's ridiculous is that I can't even really eat bread, so I'll eat a donut fully knowing it will get stuck. I exercise twice a week (two hour high energy dance class) after work, but on the weekends I just can't get off the couch. I find that the only reason I even make semi-healthy choices at work is because a couple co-workers know I'm banded and I wouldn't want them to catch me eating the wrong thing. I've already been to the nutritionist, and gotten a list of healthy snacks and meal choices. I just need to get it together!
  6. Hey, thanks for your words of encouragement. You look great in your before pics, I'd love to see your progress! And by the way, the kitty is adorable...

  7. Hi Nicole, I'm more than happy to answer your questions (although I'm far from any kind of expert.) I lost 9 lbs prior to my surgery. Don't ask me how, because I didn't do any pre-surgery regimen.

    Surgery itself was a breeze. I went in at 6am, and left by noon the next day. I've never had any surgery/anesthesia before this, but everything went so quickly and I was in virtually no pain. The nurses were surprised at how much I was moving around.

    My weight loss in the first month was about 15 lbs, second month was about 9, and third month only 7. Part of the slow down is that you lose less when you're no longer on all liquids. And the other part is that I don't always make the best food choices :(. Let me know if I can be of any other help!

  8. morethanbabyfat

    226 lbs 2.20.09

    Thanks guys!
  9. morethanbabyfat

    226 lbs 2.20.09

    Thank you! I don't see it as much as others do, I'm hoping I'll be able to tell around 60 lbslost.
  10. morethanbabyfat

    265 lbs 9.20.08

    Thanks! That really means a lot. Stay positive, and maybe your weight loss will pick up.
  11. morethanbabyfat

    Drinking alcohol and sodas

    I was banded just before Thanksgiving, and my doc said it was ok to drink a little for Christmas and New Years (in moderation of course). No beer though. I stuck to vodka with diet cranberry juice. As far as soda, I never really drank the stuff pre-surgery, and haven't had any since then. As far as I've been told, we really should stay away from carbonation.
  12. aw, thanks! i have about 60 lbs to go.

  13. morethanbabyfat

    265 lbs 9.20.08

  14. morethanbabyfat

    256 lbs 11.23.08

  15. morethanbabyfat

    241 lbs 12.26.09

  16. Wow, I never thought I would tell my business on the web, but LoveIsLovely it seems like I wrote this myself...a childhood of sexual abuse, followed by a teenage sexual assault. Toss in a tense, broken family situation and here I am. When I went away to college I went wild with the food and I swore exercise was something only "white folks" did. And then the drinking began and I would find myself coming home from class or work every night with a 15 piece order of wings, a large order of cheese wedges, and a bottle of Paul Masson brandy. And I'd top it all off with a Black and Mild cigar. Real classy, huh? By my final year of school, I had gained 60 lbs. I never thought (and still don't think) I had a food obsession. It just tasted damn good, and I had nothing better to do. But I have since acknowledged my issues with alcohol and the underlying esteem issue. When I had my pre-op psych consult, I planned to breeze through with a pasted smile and a story about portion control. But I found myself spilling my guts to the doc, and I realized just how much my past has contributed to self-desctructive behavior. It's been a tough ride, but with God on my side, and the band in my belly, I'm working toward a truly healthy life.
  17. morethanbabyfat

    Your Scars

    I know that's right! My goal is to actually find one that will make me look busty though, because I know once the weight comes down, so will my cup size!
  18. morethanbabyfat

    Your Scars

    My scars are healing very well. I don't keloid. But I still won't be wearing any bikinis once I get to my goal weight because I have terrible dark stretch marks all over my belly. I think the stretch marks have been more embarassing for me than the actual weight gain. Especially since I have no children! Would the vitamin E work on them too, or is it too late?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
