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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandfun4me

  1. bandfun4me

    Apnea and will NOT use Cpap

    heather and restless monkey, Hope she takes your advice. If she can't follow the dr rules for three weeks she will have a long hard road trying to follow the instructions for post op. Then she will be eating around that band. May not do you any good. Does sound a little childish. my DH says some nights he wakes up and my nose mask has "sprang" an air leak. He is so comfortable with it, he jsut reaches over and moves it around till the suction takes hold and I never wake up, and he's back to sleep as well. I am probalby over my apnea, not quite ready to part with my sleeping pill(CPAP). its wonderful.
  2. bandfun4me

    Sleep apnea almost cured

    I still use my cpap, but if I dont use it, I don't feel the tiredness that I did feel prior togetting my cpap. I have lost 65 lbs.The thing is. My DH snores badly (he actually needs the cpap now), so whenI put on my mask, I am aslep within a cople minutes. So I continue to use because of his snoring. Ther are some nights I dont use. I don't pack and take with me overnight anymore. I work at exerciseing min 1.5 hr /day so I am tired whenI go to bed. :crying:
  3. Well you have made the biggest choice just to have the surgery!! My doc started using the "realize about a month after I got mine. A friend of mine got the Realize. Its new. I have the lapband I've lost my weight on a steady basis , not complaining. I asked him on my last visit which band he liked better. He said the REalize was easier to fill, but once your tummy fat is gone the lapband is easy as well. He said he never has any issues filling mine anyway. He said He thinks the Lapband works excellent on every body and the REalize works really well on people that have "thicker" middle sections. I have lost 65 lbs with lapband- 14 months out, my friend has lost 50 lbs, she is 8 months out. So he still uses both bands as well, up to the patient, mostly. No help eh? At least you are getting some kind of BAND!! Good luck.
  4. That belly fat is the hard stuff. I am 14 months out and as I steadily lost weight and chnage my exercise accordingly so that more cardio burn sthe higher fatty locations first. The weight training will help every where else. But since JanuaryI have been taking yoga, it seems to have more effect on my belly. I actually feel like I can suck in and have my belly button touch my spine. Stomach is pretty flat, my port does protrude a little, but that is ok. So I think the yoga, from what I am told will firm you up from the inside out. Just continue with the other routine, and switch it up from time to time to keep the boredom out. Good luck.
  5. Stay away from those white carbs. Especially after a Pb'ing incident. My Dr book says to go back to all liquids if this happens for at least 24 hours. You are swollen, the wretching causes some bad feelings and makes it tough. I am 14 months out and only dare to eat about spoonfull of mashed potatoes. I like to rotate the ice cold and the warm afterthis happens. The frozen proteins shakes take the edge off after this. Good luck.:cursing:
  6. bandfun4me

    goofy signals you are full.....

    If that extra bite goes in. I get the Watery eyes and sniffly nose. Sometimes not all, next comes the Hiccups. This is funny, Those hiccups are tough, on a full pouch. I guess htat is why we have to eat very slowly and chew. Cause these things can sneak up on you if you are not paying attention and talking. Of course thats when I tend to overeat (1 bite too many). talking and not paying attention!!
  7. I am 14 months out and still have this chilled feeling. Last summer,I slept with flannels, mu DH works outside, so we battle over the thermostat. So I have a quilt I fold in half and place on my side of the bed only. Seems to work fine. My office bldg has always been cold 62-70 with constant air. The summer is nice though, when I work out aans exercise, it takes a little longer for me to sweat, then I actually cool down faster as well. I am not as cold as I was last year, I hear it is all due to the metabolism speeding up burning off all that fat. It is just a small side effectI don't mind dealing with. The weight loss is worth it.
  8. I would have to say your having gas pains. After consuming Protein shakes or what not. Anything that has a tendency to go down alittle fast will cause more air for some odd reason. I am 14 months out, Within an hour of having a Frozen Protein shake I will have gas. When I eat salads I have more gas. What you're probably feeling is still the gas from surgery, it rises inside your body. You notice it more after you are eating Full liquids, it is pushing on it from the inside as your tummy fills with liquids the gas rises. The more you walk the faster it will go away. I had some severe shoulder pain, by late afternoon post -op. I knew I had to walk, it hurt really bad to lie down.. Good luck , hang in there.
  9. bandfun4me

    Is anyone sorry?

    GGQ, I am 14.5 months out, 8 lbs from goal. I have had 9 fills, I currently have approx 9.25 cc in a 10cc band. I would certainly do this again. I just hate I could not have done this 10 yrs ago. As I got the fills on a monthly basis, due to having restriction for about 3 weeks after each fill and as I lost wt the restriction became less. So you will reach several "sweet spots" on your journey only to search for the next one. I am probably about done, pretty tight the last 5 weeks since the last fill. Warm liquids first thing in the morning, then my prtien shake, then mushy for breakfast about 3 hrs later. then lunch and then eat 5 hrs later. The last fill has caused a full feeling not the same as before. You can bet if I do not chew, and then chew some more before swallowing that tiny morsel, it will aggrevate until i do it right. My eyes water, pain in chest, and then the slime begins. This will happen with every morsel if I DO NOT CHEW WELL. I have learned this same lesson over and over for each fill I have had since surgery. We just have to be reminded. I eat about 1/2 -3/4(pushing it) for lunch. maybe 3/4 and some ww bread. sometimes I can get a yogurt and fruit snack in in the morning, mainly just for the dairy though. I track my minutes in exercise daily. yesterday was 190, so that will happen 4 x week the other 3 days is about 100 minutes. It is work but in the long run it is worth it. The old saying "NOTHING TASTE AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS" is so very true. i have gone from a 16/18 to a 6/8 BMIis 24 I beleive. So Hang in there, be patient and make your band work for you, don't try to work around your band.. Good luck to you all new bandsters..
  10. My doc said no caffeine for 30 days after surgery. After that He says to limit. I am 14 months out. I still have some issues about getting in my vitamins, B complex, Iron and LEvothyroxin. None of these can be taken with caffeine, I have to time it just right. Levo in the morning first thing, then my reg coffee. 3 hrs later multi, then with my fruit I have to take my iron and a sip water. If I don't get it in this order or get off track, it tends to happen multiple days in a row. So According to how we eat. My iron runs up and down 11.3- 13.8. I keep track due to donating blood for red cross, If it is below 12.1 I cannot give, I have to wait. SO I have to be very careful to make sure all is on track every day. So along with leeping a food journal,I keep a vit journal, exercise journal. It has to keep us honest. I can drink Decaf and I still have 1 cup reg first thing in the am(4:30). I think after you get the overload out of your body, we're ok then. So now I can drink decaf any time of the day!! Since you are a newby, you will find out real fast the things that make a difference that will help or hurt your progress, new life new eating habits, new journey,,ENJOY. Treat your band with respect.:rolleyes2:
  11. bandfun4me


    Get off that scale!! 14 lbs is wonderful. There will be plenty of time for the scale later on. The pre-op is to shrink your liver, get the carbs out so to speak. To make it easy for the Dr to get behind that liver without any problem and getting that band around the top part of your tummy. Great start, remember, take your time, follow the doc's rules, walk, drink, walk some more. Good luck, the journey will be worth it in the long run.
  12. WHICH STOMACH?? It took a couple weeks for the rumbling to ease. If you drink when you feel these you will be able to get in all of your 80oz liquid each day. After the swelling goes down, All will go down easier. Give it time. Drink, eat all your good stuff, water Frozen protein shakes, cold pudding warm broth. Heal, walk, drink, heal walk , and drink some more. My stomach still rumbles now at 14 months out. No reason I guess, sometimes I may need to eat , sometimes it is after I eat. Sorta funny, and loud too. The noise is coming from your lower tummy, The one that gets the trickle from the nourishment you put in there. Good luck! A new welcome to all of you new Bandsters. Bandland , different than anywhere you have EVER been before..
  13. bandfun4me

    Not So Supportive Spouse

    I have heard and live this one. My DH was the same way. He was adament about me and not getting this up until the last day. So I asked my mom to come with me, he went to work. I he thought if he stayed against it I would change my mind. He did not see me as being overweight either. In all honesty, He was showin his insecurity, and his selfishness. When it came down to it, he was worried about not having someone to cook his dinners and feed him and if something happened in surgery and he would have to do it all. Which really made me madder than fire. The bright side, now I am 14 months out 65 lbs down, very active, he isn't ( as always). He said to me a few months ago," " I did not realize how "big" you were before surgery"". He was lookin at some older pics and It dawned on him. So I chalk it up to being insecure as the #1 issue with my DH. So explain and try to make him understand it is all health related and you intend to be here much longer due to the surgery. Men, do this for your health and family, he will catch on. It will be a road you are working constantly. Good luck!!
  14. Excellent willpower, But you know an extra protein shake would not hurt either a this point, The more fluids and the protein promote healing. I bet that broccoli soup was good too. Our nutritionist gave us a group of recipes upon checking out of the hospital. They were excellent, it was a few for each stage so you could rotate and not get bored. Keep up the good work. take it slowly, you are re-learning to eat the right way now...
  15. Failure at What? You older children seem to be doing fine. Your youngest is at that age. I am a year out as well, my oldest has been very health concious for that last few years, both are pretty athletic, the youngest daughter put on 20lb in 6 months, but it is falling off now that she has resumed the exercising and stuff. You can point her in the right direction and encourage her. She knows she can do it. Hang in ther with all that good support for her..
  16. bandfun4me

    Is this normal?

    Probably a .5cc fill. What size band do you have. I don't think I would have been able to take a 5.0 cc in my 10 cc bandthe first month, my first fill was at 6 weeks 1.0cc . I was tight after each fill. Lost gradually. I have had 9 of them. Currently have 9cc in a 10 cc band and very tight in the morning till about 11. Excellent!! 14 months out 8 lbs to goal.
  17. I like the EAS, I get it from Sams club (5lb bag), available on line as well. They have lots available , shop around find one you like before you purchase in large quantities,. You will be using alot and there are lots of ways to fix them. My favorite is Fozen bananas -1, 1 scoop PP, maybe a couple strawbrries, I have a GE blender -25$ (bought the 16 oz, mixing jar - kmart) & 8 oz 1% milk. The fozen fruit of course make it like a milkshake , which is excellent for post op and helping the swelling. I also like to use the Orange SF crystal light mix and use milk and 1-pp and ice to make a "dreamcicle". I think what ever kind you find,adding maybe some splenda to the fruits that are not a sweet as others like pineapple and PP splenda and Coconut flavoring, for a PIna colada taste without the calories and sugar. My regular PP shake is 200 cal with about 32 g protein, that is using milk not water. Plus it will add about 12 oz to your fluids for the day. Drink up you will need about 80oz a day, soupd broth , water, SF CL. Remember the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver so they wont have any issue getting under it to work with the band around your stomach. So stay away form the carbs , it take about 4 days to eliminate the craving for carbs on the pre-op diet. Good luck!!:confused:
  18. I have had 9 fills, 14 months post-op. I did get a renewed restriction after most of these fills. Either .5cc or 1.0, 1.5 cc each time, total 9 cc now. Please work to plan your meals, It also gives you something to do with all that extra time, rather than eating.You can exercise. Keep food journal, Pulling out some of your smaller clothes, you will need them faster than you think. I mainly have to plan all of my meals anyway. Whatever is for dinner I take a portion of my plate and put in a container for my kunch the next day. Done, Not to worry about lunch for the next day. Plan, learn, walk, Eat only when you are hungry...
  19. bandfun4me

    Banded on monday!

    Congrats to Both of you ladies. Big step is over, a new step begins. Take it slowly, journal every drop of liquid you drink adn every morsel you eat. Walk, walk , walk, It make the gas rise and go away. Welocm to the world of bandsters!!:thumbup:
  20. bandfun4me

    Feeling sorry for myself

    Look at the bright side. This symptom is temporary!! It will get better. You are one step closer to joining the bandsters club. Cheer up, I think we all have been there!!:thumbup:
  21. bandfun4me

    the flu and the band

    Try some EMETROl for nausea. I think we are allowed to take this. It will help. That dry heaving is bad , bad bad. Get well soon!:thumbup:
  22. bandfun4me

    Had to have fluid removed for the first time

    If you had a fill yesterday, why are you back to solids already. My dr advises us to 48 hours liquids and 48 hrs mushy before going back to soft foods and gradually getting back to normal foods. Take it easy. You must have a 4cc band. I have a 10cc Lapband and have 9.cc(9 fills) some small, some were 1cc , slow and steady. Yes you will have to re learn how to eat each time you get a new fill. Also if I may advise you, if you do any vomiting, after that point you should be back on all liquids for at least 24 hrs, rotating cold and warm broths /soups/teas. etc. That will cause you some internal stress and swelling. Slow down and chew, chew and chew till liquid. Take the liquids slowly as well. Hopefully the flu bug will pass quickly, lots of extra fluids till you are floating..You should be able to call and get some suggestions form your dr as well. keep them informed on what is going on in case you need to get back in there pretty quickly for another slight unfill while u are sick. EASY DOES IT...:thumbup:
  23. Welcome to the wonderful world of bansters. I have had 9 fills and have this issue after about half of them. I think the biggest thing is we do have more restriction. There is probably a fine line to being just right and being a little tight. Being tight all day till 4 would be a problem to me. I wake by alarm at 4:15 daily, Warm coffee and thyroid medicine, so At that point no food for 1 hr at least. I seem to be a little more tighter after this last fill, So hot liquids first to loosen the mucus and then Cold frozen shake at 6:00. Normally by 8am I can work on some kind of real food, either Yogurt/w Cereal or oatmeal, Slowly of course. Next food goes in at around 11:30, slice cheese or PB cracker. lunch at 2 pm. So these foods up to this time are sorta what we call slider foods but they have the Protein I need. My lunch is the normal 1 cup of protein and Veggie. dinner about 7/8 pm. I have such a long day, I do cardio 2 different times, lunch and evening, gym 4 nights along with yoga 3 nights and 1 morning class. The nutritionists told me to consume 1700 + calories to keep me burning the fat. I cannot eat that much, seems it may be defeating the purpose of the band to only eat 3x day as they instruct us to do. But anyway, I really have to make sure I chew everything until it is a liquid state before swallowing, if not I can feel the tightness in my chest ise until the "wave" or churning causes the food to be pushed into lower tummy. I think we just have to relearn after each fill, it is a stark reminder that it will not go down on with only a few chews, it takes more, so we eat slower and only give yourself 30 minutes max to eat.(set a timer) Again cut your food up in about the 1/4 size of your fingernail. Then chew, If it is not happenng. Then you can say you are really way to tight, have them take out only a little. I like being a little tight, it keeps me on track. That is what I signed on for when I got my band, to learn how to eat only that nutritious type food in small portions.. Good luck!:thumbup:
  24. bandfun4me


    Four Tacos, that is quite a bit. Doesn't sound like the diet I was given, In fact I was scared to eat anything like that for 7 months after surgery. My rule was nothing I had to pick up and eat with my hands. I cut everything with a knife or a fork (seafood fork). Use a butter or breakfast plate no refills.. I would question how much he is actually puttin in there. Could you have a leak. Maybe do a fill under the FLouro. Four months should be seeing some reults, are you walking exercising? Writing down EVERYTHING you eat. Sta away form the SLider foods. Dont put anything in that does not have at least 7 g protein. That cuts out a lot of foods right there. I am able to eat some taco chips, the hard crunchy stuff goes down a little easier than the Chunky. Like toasted bread is easier than regukar sliced bread (Whole wheat of course). You may wan to sit down with the dietician at the dr office and get some suggestions, but be prepared, she will ask for some sample days of what you have been eating. So start journaling everything you eat. good luck hang in there, work on changing your eating habits as well.:biggrin:
  25. bandfun4me


    You should get a little more restriction with each fill. Although you may not feel it right off. Only when you fail to chew something up not as well, as you will learn to do with each NEW fill. At each step you will lose a little more fat from your stomach wall and the band will be less restrictive. So with each fill, sometimes .5 or 1.0cc will do the trick. Could be less or more. I had smaller fills later on. My last fill This was #9 He gave me a full 1.0cc It have been tight now for three weeks, thighter in the morning, less at dinner. This is just like in the early fills I have a total of 9cc in a 10 cc banded 14 months, 8 lb from goal. Don't worry you will get renewed restriction with each fill. Take it slowly after each fill, it will be a new limit to your intake with each one. Good luck. I luv my band...:biggrin: Hey also, if you are a long distance form the DR office , you should request him to do the fill under the FLouro light, you can watch it go down to make sure it will not be TOo tight.

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