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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    NickelChip reacted to RonHall908 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Eight days after surgery, the only soreness I have now is directly on the incisions. The gas pains subsided by day 3 after surgery. I see my surgeon next week for the two week post op visit. Getting fluids in is no problem. I can get 70-80 oz down daily without issues. I can get 4 Protein Shakes in as well. Which is what my Dr. recommended for me. Though, I do feel full at times with broth and Protein shakes. I still feel like I need more, even though I take a Multivitamin and B-50 complex.

    I'm ready for the next phase which is the puree' / soft food phase. I can start that in 5 days. I feel like I can do it now, but I'm not going to get ahead of myself and follow instructions. I really don't want any setbacks. If anyone has questions feel free to ask. Just for advice, the body wrap they put you in after surgery, wear it as much as you can. It really helps with soreness. Also, it helps if you start coughing.
  2. Like
    NickelChip reacted to LisaCaryl in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    It sounds like you are doing pretty well! I'm on day 3 and not a happy camper today. I feel weak and a bit faint. For a snack, I had some allowed yogurt and PBfit in it. Best yogurt I've had in my life! lol. I'm so so lucky I only have to do this for 10 days.
  3. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from KathyLev in Is this a stall ?   
    If you don't already have some bariatric cookbooks, I can highly recommend these three of the several I bought:
    Bariatric Meal Prep Made Easy by Kristin Willard
    The Bariatric Diet Guide and Cookbook by Dr. Matthew Weiner
    The Easy 5 Ingredient Bariatric Cookbook by Megan Wolf
    All three have sound nutritional advice as they are written by bariatric experts, as well as some really nice recipes. They talk about portion sizes and what to aim for nutritionally as you go through the honeymoon period and into maintenance, and even give you different portions for different phases. None of the books give specific calorie goals, but that's rather standard with many programs. The focus is often for you to discover what works for you and not get sucked into a dieting mindset by counting everything so closely you drive yourself crazy.
    But the basics are generally to fill one half of your (small, child or luncheon sized) plate with a 3-4oz portion of lean Protein and no more than a 1/2 cup serving of starch/grain, and the other half with non-starchy veg. Consume 60-80g protein. Drink at least 64 oz Water. (Apologies for not having the metric measurements).
    Using a small plate is a really great visual cue. Check out the Portion Perfection plates, which are 8-inch melamine and printed with exactly how much of each food goes where. If you need to retrain yourself, this is an easy tool to use. They have bowls, too. (All the books and the plates can be found on Amazon in the US).
    Going back to liquids is extreme. I would think it would be sufficient to go back to three meals per day as described above, and either no Snacks or only fruit and veg or a Protein Shake as a snack if truly hungry, and make sure you weigh your portions and get all your water in every day. The other thing is to look for processed foods that have crept back into your diet and get them out of your house. You can't be tempted by what isn't there.
    Good luck to you!
  4. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from KathyLev in Is this a stall ?   
    Good point about the US/UK measurements. I have several UK cookbooks and they do pose a challenge, although most of our scales and measuring cups in the US offer both metric and imperial side by side, so it's just the temperatures that needs calculation. Took me forever to figure out what a gas mark was.
    I think the portion plate is probably only helpful for those who lean toward over eating during maintenance. Or if you happen to have a family member who preps your meals and needs guidance on the portions. I recall a friend whose husband got a sleeve, she just couldn't visualize the right portion when she would make up a plate for him. She thought she was doing a "small" portion, and it probably was compared to pre-surgery, but totally inappropriate for after surgery. (Why he couldn't just serve up his own plate like a grown up is a totally different issue.)
  5. Haha
    NickelChip reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Is this a stall ?   
    I feel that I ask myself this at least twice a day! 🙄
  6. Like
    NickelChip reacted to summerseeker in Is this a stall ?   
    Yes this ! I have gone from 45 years with a gas cooker, to a house that's all electric and I got a fan oven to boot. I might crack the temperatures before I die.
    I take your point about the plate and why do we baby our men ?
  7. Haha
    NickelChip got a reaction from AmberFL in Girl Scout Cookies   
    I told everyone the reason I wasn't leaving my house during the two weeks of my liquid diet was so I wouldn't risk catching Covid, but I think a close second is to not accidentally run into the local Girl Scouts and their addictive boxes of delight. Thankfully, I no longer personally know someone I need to order from. But given that I've had nothing but Protein Shakes and Jello for going on a week, I might seriously consider selling my soul for Thin Mint right now. Or a carrot. Seriously, anything crunchy right now would do.
  8. Haha
    NickelChip got a reaction from AmberFL in Girl Scout Cookies   
    I told everyone the reason I wasn't leaving my house during the two weeks of my liquid diet was so I wouldn't risk catching Covid, but I think a close second is to not accidentally run into the local Girl Scouts and their addictive boxes of delight. Thankfully, I no longer personally know someone I need to order from. But given that I've had nothing but Protein Shakes and Jello for going on a week, I might seriously consider selling my soul for Thin Mint right now. Or a carrot. Seriously, anything crunchy right now would do.
  9. Haha
    NickelChip got a reaction from AmberFL in Girl Scout Cookies   
    I told everyone the reason I wasn't leaving my house during the two weeks of my liquid diet was so I wouldn't risk catching Covid, but I think a close second is to not accidentally run into the local Girl Scouts and their addictive boxes of delight. Thankfully, I no longer personally know someone I need to order from. But given that I've had nothing but Protein Shakes and Jello for going on a week, I might seriously consider selling my soul for Thin Mint right now. Or a carrot. Seriously, anything crunchy right now would do.
  10. Haha
    NickelChip reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    I have to say, the second quote gets my vote 😂
  11. Like
    NickelChip reacted to ktorres1 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    My surgery is Fed 19 and coming up fast for me.. im excited tho.. i can’t wait for this to happen
  12. Haha
    NickelChip got a reaction from AmberFL in Girl Scout Cookies   
    I told everyone the reason I wasn't leaving my house during the two weeks of my liquid diet was so I wouldn't risk catching Covid, but I think a close second is to not accidentally run into the local Girl Scouts and their addictive boxes of delight. Thankfully, I no longer personally know someone I need to order from. But given that I've had nothing but Protein Shakes and Jello for going on a week, I might seriously consider selling my soul for Thin Mint right now. Or a carrot. Seriously, anything crunchy right now would do.
  13. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    Oh, hon. My grandma was like that, too. It's so hard, especially if you get mixed messages. Mind you, I take after my grandmother 100% physically. She was a bigger woman from her tee years at least, and on a diet of some kind her entire life (died at 92, though, so despite the obesity, she had a good run). But my God, she would be one minute talking about my weight and the next breath offering me food. Her idea of a portion size was a full 1lb link of Polish sausage. She would put out enough food for Snacks to feed a small army. But then, "Oh, you have to watch it or you'll get fat." I swear there needs to be a patron saint for people trying to be polite to their family members under trying circumstances.
  14. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    There are two responses that come to mind. First, "So what if I did? You don't get a trophy for making your life even harder than it has to be, darling. Be a martyr in your own life if you'd like, but I have better things to do with my time."
    The second is a the classic quote from Saturday Night Live, "Jane, you ignorant sl*t..."
  15. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    There are two responses that come to mind. First, "So what if I did? You don't get a trophy for making your life even harder than it has to be, darling. Be a martyr in your own life if you'd like, but I have better things to do with my time."
    The second is a the classic quote from Saturday Night Live, "Jane, you ignorant sl*t..."
  16. Haha
    NickelChip got a reaction from AmberFL in Girl Scout Cookies   
    I told everyone the reason I wasn't leaving my house during the two weeks of my liquid diet was so I wouldn't risk catching Covid, but I think a close second is to not accidentally run into the local Girl Scouts and their addictive boxes of delight. Thankfully, I no longer personally know someone I need to order from. But given that I've had nothing but Protein Shakes and Jello for going on a week, I might seriously consider selling my soul for Thin Mint right now. Or a carrot. Seriously, anything crunchy right now would do.
  17. Like
    NickelChip reacted to Nepenthe44 in Post Sleeve Testosterone   
    I'm in quite a different situation, but maybe the anecdote will be helpful. I'm trans and had been taking testosterone for a little over a year before surgery. 9 months out, I got my T levels tested and they were double what they had been when I was tested a few months before surgery.
    I have no real insight as to why and it's possible that I was just absorbing the topical gel better through paper thin skin rather than an inch of fat, but perhaps it has to do with the mechanism @Arabesque mentioned.
  18. Like
    NickelChip reacted to JFreeman in Let's Collect Some Data!   
    Don't know if you're still working on this or not, but I just passed my 1 year anniversary of my surgery so thought I would share my numbers.

    1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT
    Male, 32, 5' 6"
    2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any)
    24 lbs.
    3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY.
    4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery
    5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery
    6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery
    7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery
    8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...)
  19. Like
    NickelChip reacted to AmberFL in I'M TERRIFIED AND NEED GUIDANCE   
    Just wanted to come back after I had my surgery! I healed up well, I am walking everyday, already down 2 pants sizes, I have more energy, my kids are happy to have a mom that is happier, my husband is happy to have his confident wife back who slowly starting to love herself again. Is this hard? F*%$ yes!! The discipline to not eat junk food or overeat is a mental game. But I meal prep, I track and my dietician is probably annoyed with me I email her all the time LOL. But my life is much easier, I wake up with ease, not hurting as bad, and excited to get up get some cute clothes, do my hair and makeup. I know my experience isn't like everyone's but I am so happy I did this!
  20. Haha
    NickelChip got a reaction from AmberFL in Girl Scout Cookies   
    I told everyone the reason I wasn't leaving my house during the two weeks of my liquid diet was so I wouldn't risk catching Covid, but I think a close second is to not accidentally run into the local Girl Scouts and their addictive boxes of delight. Thankfully, I no longer personally know someone I need to order from. But given that I've had nothing but Protein Shakes and Jello for going on a week, I might seriously consider selling my soul for Thin Mint right now. Or a carrot. Seriously, anything crunchy right now would do.
  21. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    There are two responses that come to mind. First, "So what if I did? You don't get a trophy for making your life even harder than it has to be, darling. Be a martyr in your own life if you'd like, but I have better things to do with my time."
    The second is a the classic quote from Saturday Night Live, "Jane, you ignorant sl*t..."
  22. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    Oh, hon. My grandma was like that, too. It's so hard, especially if you get mixed messages. Mind you, I take after my grandmother 100% physically. She was a bigger woman from her tee years at least, and on a diet of some kind her entire life (died at 92, though, so despite the obesity, she had a good run). But my God, she would be one minute talking about my weight and the next breath offering me food. Her idea of a portion size was a full 1lb link of Polish sausage. She would put out enough food for Snacks to feed a small army. But then, "Oh, you have to watch it or you'll get fat." I swear there needs to be a patron saint for people trying to be polite to their family members under trying circumstances.
  23. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from n3turner3 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Day 5 out of 14 on the pre-op diet and I've settled into somewhat of a routine.
    I do a Bariatric Fusion Cappuccino shake at Breakfast with a 20 oz Decaf tea that has 1/2 cup Fairlife milk and a scoop of collagen in it. Oikos triple zero yogurt for a mid-morning snack. Bariatric fusion chicken Soup shake for lunch. Jello for snack. 2 scoops Syntrax Nectar unflavored powder in one cup of Pacific Foods Tomato basil soup for dinner. Jello for dessert. Sometimes a Good Night Protein hot cocoa before bed if I'm hungry. I also take my chewable Celebrate One 45 Vitamin, 3 celebrate calcium chews, 2 scoops of Benefiber, Vitagut liquid probiotic, and a liquid Omega 3. Believe it or not, all of those supplements add 160 calories and 14g carb to my day! I also drink three 32oz waters with a sugar free flavor packet in each.
    Total average daily macros: 850 calories, 105g protein, 11g fat, 50g carb
    Weight loss so far: 7lbs
  24. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    There are two responses that come to mind. First, "So what if I did? You don't get a trophy for making your life even harder than it has to be, darling. Be a martyr in your own life if you'd like, but I have better things to do with my time."
    The second is a the classic quote from Saturday Night Live, "Jane, you ignorant sl*t..."
  25. Like
    NickelChip got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Struggling with being perceived   
    Oh, hon. My grandma was like that, too. It's so hard, especially if you get mixed messages. Mind you, I take after my grandmother 100% physically. She was a bigger woman from her tee years at least, and on a diet of some kind her entire life (died at 92, though, so despite the obesity, she had a good run). But my God, she would be one minute talking about my weight and the next breath offering me food. Her idea of a portion size was a full 1lb link of Polish sausage. She would put out enough food for Snacks to feed a small army. But then, "Oh, you have to watch it or you'll get fat." I swear there needs to be a patron saint for people trying to be polite to their family members under trying circumstances.

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