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Everything posted by NickelChip

  1. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @RonHall908 Isn't the slow weight loss the worst? I had my second mini stall this past week. At least it was 4 days instead of 7 like I had at the three-week mark. I truly did think, based on how quickly I lost weight in the pre-op diet phase, that it would be super quick after surgery. I lost 15.4 lbs in 2 weeks compared to 16.8 pounds in 8 weeks post-op. What the heck?! It's demoralizing at times. I still have 3 weeks until my next appointment with the dietician and 5 weeks until I see the doctor again. I'm really hoping I'm on track. They say the first 3 months is the fastest weight loss, and if that's true for me...it really sucks. The one thing I can handle large quantities of is water, or even something very liquid like a smoothie. 16oz in under 30 minutes is no problem. And I can eat a full 1 cup serving of bean and veg soup. Any kind of meat fills me up fast, though, although tuna salad is probably the one I can eat the most of.
  2. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    It's really difficult to eat now, between figuring out what I can eat, what I should eat, how much I'll be able to eat... I'm still mostly eating soft foods because of how many times I've been sick. I'm getting 75-80g protein each day, but half of that is coming from unflavored protein supplement and milk. I know it will all go back to normal eventually, or close to normal, but right now eating is such a drag. I really want a personal chef to make my tiny plates of food for me so I don't have to think about it!
  3. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    It's hard enough to travel healthily in the best of times, but having to navigate meals when your needs are so non-standard right now is really hard. Just going out for the day has been difficult! I can't imagine how challenging it is to be in another country and maybe not have the familiar foods and brands you are most comfortable with.
  4. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh no! That was my day on Saturday. I went for breakfast with a friend and ordered scrambled eggs. I ate 1 scrambled egg, half a sausage, and a bite of potato. I thought I was okay but we went for a walk after and I started to feel pain. It got worse until I had to duck behind a tree on the walking trail and let it all come up. So painful and miserable. I've found I am doing okay with sliced deli turkey, though, so that gives me something to add to the repertoire. And I made a berry smoothie yesterday that was very nice. Eating is definitely a chore. Are you home from Cairo? I have some travel coming up and know it will be a challenge to plan meals. Any tips would be great!
  5. I did not get a very detailed plan, and my program advances quickly so that in theory you can have no restrictions at 4 weeks. For me, that has been way too fast. I have found the Bariatric Diet Guide and Cookbook by Dr. Matthew Weiner very helpful. Now that my own program says I can have anything, I'm appreciating his stages (which vary from the typical phases you see in most programs).
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Okay, my Feb buddies, so how much protein are you able to get strictly from food each day? I find I can manage soft stuff like a smoothie or a yogurt, but when I try incorporate fish or meat, it's very limiting in terms of how much I can eat. I put my lunch on a dessert plate the size of a saucer and still could only eat half. Are you still supplementing a lot with protein shakes or adding powder to your foods? Or do you get most of it from food? And if so, what types?
  7. Welcome! I'm about 7 weeks post-op gastric bypass and no regrets. Good luck on your journey!
  8. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    It's a slim profile treadmill that can be stored under a bed, or in my case I put it under my sofa. They run under $200 on Amazon. They're not as robust or sturdy as a full scale one, but you can use it when you need it and hide it when you don't, plus you can use it on a low speed at a standing desk. It takes a little getting used to because it's not as wide as a regular treadmill, but it's great if you lack space.
  9. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    My surgeon told me at my 6 week appointment that I needed to start doing more exercise. This week, I'm happy to say I've gotten out my little walking pad treadmill twice in the evenings and have been walking while watching TV. I've gone from a daily average of about 3k steps to more than 5k this week, and I'll be working toward 10k steps each day for the coming month. I can hardly wait as the weather improves to allow for more outside walking. I'm really hoping the additional activity will give the scale an added nudge in the right direction. Once I can hit 10k most days, I will start looking at ways to add resistance bands to build muscle, but if I'm honest, I have been almost completely sedentary for several years and need to pace myself for it to be sustainable. Today, I am less than 4 lbs away from the lowest weight I've recorded on my app in the past 7 years (which was 203.8 after doing the nutrition program at my old weight loss center). 203 lbs is the next milestone I have my eye on, followed by making it to 199 lbs, and then hitting 185 lbs to officially no longer be obese. I chose my weight goal of 155 lbs somewhat arbitrarily, though it's the lower end of the estimates I saw for how much I could lose on various calculators. But when it feels impossibly far away, it helps to have some smaller goals to focus on. Oh, and it's almost time to swap out my winter clothing for spring stuff, which means I will have a lot of items to take to the donation bin. Many of my long-sleeve tops are swimming on me and several pairs of jeans are hopelessly baggy. Purging my closet will be an awesome feeling!
  10. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Haha, me too! I've been out to breakfast twice and both times I had eggs. One time I ordered one egg scrambled with sausage, hold the toast. The other time I went with a friend and she ordered the big breakfast special that had pancakes, eggs, sausage, home fries, and toast. She gave me the eggs and sausage and ate the rest. We both had leftovers from a meal intended for one person! I also went to a NY style deli in CT last week and ordered the smoked whitefish salad appetizer. It was perfect! I ate half at the table and took the rest with me to eat a couple hours later. I was slightly sad to decline the offer of their fresh rye bread, but no way could I eat it.
  11. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis The eclipse was so incredible. I went with a friend and my two teen daughters. We were all impressed beyond belief by the totality. But it was a very rural area and the small roads couldn't handle the traffic leaving the area all at once so it took 7 hours to drive home instead of 3.5. I counted myself lucky to get chicken nuggets. Stopping for a real meal (the original plan) was out of the question with the crowds. @Noelle74 The stalls are frustrating for sure. I know I could stop weighing myself daily, but at this point I am enjoying having a record since I do it in a smart scale app. I think it'll be worth it being able to look back later and remind myself of how it went. But I'm at 7 weeks post-op today and would love to see the scale shift a bit before the 8 week mark. I'm only down 17lbs since surgery. I've also had some incidents of throwing up. It seems to be when I eat too fast or don't chew enough.
  12. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    April has been the month of stalls for me. I was stuck at 210.6 for 4 days, dropped to 208.8, and then stayed there for 4 days. Finally inched down to 208.4 yesterday and 208.0 today. Only losing 3 pounds in 10 days when I had been on track to lose closer to 5 is frustrating to say the least! The closer I get to being below 200, the more the universe wants to mess with me, apparently. But on an unrelated note, I drove to see the total eclipse in Vermont on Monday and it was amazing! Thank goodness for stopping to get some Vermont cheddar on the drive because healthy food options were scarce. I actually ended up eating McDonald's chicken nuggets for lunch. I managed to eat two of them, and they were okay, but I have no idea how I used to eat a box of 10 plus fries. Next time I venture out, I'm going to need to pack food for myself.
  13. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  14. NickelChip


    Start by adding more non-starchy veggies to every meal. At least, this is my plan for further down the road. I think the temptation is to increase portions size across the plate when we're hungry, but if you have been getting your 60-80g protein per day already, you don't need more. So keep the meat and starch or carb servings the same as your plan suggests but add a baby spinach salad or more cooked veg to your plate. It will fill you up but not cause your body to increase your set point the way processed food and simple carbs would.
  15. NickelChip

    Is there a standard guideline?

    At my surgeon's office, they have one set of guidelines for bypass and another for sleeve. Interestingly, bypass moves out of the liquid phase faster, perhaps because we don't have that long line of staples to worry about? But as far as I can tell, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery sets certain guidelines for programs to be considered Centers of Excellence, which many insurance programs require in order to cover the procedure. But these do not include a lot of specific dietary guidelines. A lot is left open to personal preference by the doctor or practice, although they are required to stay up to date on medical research.
  16. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thankfully I had no problems with the bean soup! It tasted delicious and has been super easy to digest. I love the Instant Pot because the beans went from dry in the bag to tender and completely cooked in about 90 minutes. I hope your stricture and ulcer resolve soon!
  17. NickelChip

    What to take to hospital

    You will be wearing a hospital gown and given non-slip socks, so all you really need is to wear something to the hospital that is comfy with a stretchy or loose waist you can wear home, and bring clean undies and socks. Also bring a toothbrush, travel toothpaste, hair brush, deodorant, chapstick, and lotion. Don't bring meds or fluids as they will need to administer those to you and record them in your chart. But check on this because if you are taking something unusual, they may want you to bring it. In my case, they just gave me my daily thyroid medication from the hospital pharmacy. Bring your phone and charger and a book, maybe headphones if you'd rather listen to music. Hospitals are kinda gross, so the less you bring, the better. I had an incident where my IV came unattached and I ended up with watered down blood everywhere, which would have ruined any pillows or blankets from home. Oh, I brought a small pillow for the car ride home that is made for abdominal surgery (search Amazon for hysterectomy pillows) and can velcro to your seatbelt for extra comfort for your incisions. It was nice but not 100% necessary. For home, I had a weighted heating pad that I loved for sleeping. You will also want a bottle of liquid adult strength Tylenol at home for pain.
  18. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  19. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I was given the all clear to restart eating solid food at my 6 week appointment yesterday. Hooray! I'm not hungry but I did miss variety in flavor and texture. Tonight I'm making a 15 bean soup because the weather is terrible and it sounded soothing. The doctor did say I'm losing weight at the low end of normal. I need to increase my exercise, which I definitely struggle with. I need to figure out a good way to incorporate exercise every day.
  20. I've never heard of phases taking that long to get through, so unless you have a very unusual case with special circumstances, I think there's been a misunderstanding. A week or two of liquids, which I assume included protein shakes, is normal. After that, some programs put you on purees and some will say soft protein food that you chew thoroughly, usually once you're doing well with this, after a week or two, but certainly by week 6 or so, you will be told to slowly introduce veg, fruit, and finally starch and grain. I had gastric bypass on Feb 21. I had one week of liquids, which included yogurt, cream soups, and thin cream of wheat. At week 2, I was allowed to have cottage cheese, tuna salad, refried beans, ground turkey, and flaky white fish. At week 3, I was allowed to start including cooked vegetables and fruits and told to slowly start incorporating other foods, but to wait until 3 months for pork and beef. I had a setback with some vomiting, so I had to go back to liquids for weeks 4 and 5, but I had my 6 week appointment today and was told I was clear to resume a normal diet (minus beef and pork) and just needed to be cautious and keep track of/eliminate anything that caused upset. I found this video very helpful, although I will point out this program's way of reintroducing foods is not quite the same as mine, (or most others).
  21. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I put a scoop of Benefiber in my tea or protein shake once a day. The type I bought has 5g fiber per serving. If I have any trouble after that, I take a dose of Miralax daily as needed.
  22. NickelChip

    Post-Op Congestions

    I was going to say that I had the opposite happen. I had been complaining of chronic sinus issues for months, maybe years, and ever since surgery, I have had no issues breathing at all. I think the sinus problems were all a part of the inflammation I had, which has gotten so much better since right after surgery.
  23. NickelChip

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    That really is pretty consistent every month! There's a slight tapering off toward the end, but nothing like the "average" curve I've seen with massive losses in the beginning followed by very slow loss later.
  24. NickelChip

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Oh, that's interesting. So many sources say you start out much faster and then slow down at 3 months and again at 6 months, but it's encouraging to know that isn't the only way it can happen. My highest weight is what I show as my starting weight in my stats, but I lost about 13 lbs from nutrition changes while waiting for surgery, and another 15 lbs from the pre-op diet, so in the 5 weeks since surgery, I'm only down 12 lbs, with a one week stall at the 3-week mark, like clockwork. Patience is not one of my virtues.
  25. NickelChip

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    @LindsayT Looking amazing! Did you track your monthly weight loss totals? I'm really curious what the progression looked like for you. And has it finally slowed/stopped? I know you were nervous about losing too much.

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