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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NewtummyforME

  1. Thanks for the advice! I share custody with his dad so he may go over there for a few extra days. I live in Gilbert now but spent most of my life in Scottsdale/Phoenix.

    I'm wondering if my doc will take my port out. I hate this thing and it's still tender if I ever hit it on anything. I'm just ready to put the whole band experience behind me.

    My current weight is 260 and I am 5'1. My lowest I got to was 186 and I was so happy there-barfing after every meal but happy nonetheless. I talked to my doc would said 130 would be a good goal to have. I'm familiar with eating small potions but I need to STAY AWAY FROM SWEETS!!!! I'm sure I will be a dumper so I'm going to just start saying I'm allergic to sugar so people stop offering me it. I am scared to dump so I'm pretty sure I will stay away from it. I love the website theworldaccordingtoeggface.com-tons of amazing recipes, all RNY safe!

    How are you doing with the RNY?

  2. Miri!

    Thanks for responding!! I'm trying to build my support system and some people just DO NOT understand what I'm talking about when I explain how having the band was. Where are you located? I'm in AZ! I hope to find out this week if my ins approved me or not. I'm worried about recovery. Being a single mom, I have no one to help carry my son and he doesn't walk yet. I'm not sure how I will get him in and out of the car, in the bath, in his crib and out. Advice is welcomed and needed!!

  3. Hello! I am in the ins approval waiting period to get my revision from the band to bypass. I got my band in 2009 and after years of trying to find my "sweet spot" and basically becoming bulimic when my band was filled I knew it was time for a change. I was approved for the surgery in 2012 and found out I was pregnant about a month later! My son is now almost a year (tear) and I'm gearing up for this new change. I'm looking forward to being able to eat the foods that are good and NOT throwing them up and opting for "slider" foods. I've recently become a single mom, my ex was abusive-physically, emotional, mental. I feel like this is my new lease on life for me and my son. I'm hoping to find out if I'm approved this week and scheduling surgery for the 1 or 2nd week of July! Nice to meet you all!



  4. After waiting patiently on what I thought was going to be an approval, I got denied.

    I am insured thru Aetna Student Health and apparently I have an exclusion on my plan for bariatrics. Had I known this before, I wouldn't have put myself through all the doc appt.., psych eval, nutritionist appt., and all the other hoops I had to jump thru.

    I am sickened by the answer of my insurance company. On the website with my benefit package on it, the exclusions do no specify that I would not be covered. My insurance agent at my school (Northern Arizona University) had told me a few times that this WAS NOT an exclusion.

    I am once again at a stand still. What do I do? Is it worth it for me to appeal this? I cannot afford self-pay and unless I find someone who would like to pay for this life changing surgery for me, I feel as though I am outta options...



  5. Hi everyone!

    My name is Julie, I am 24 years old and have been discussing some sort of weight-loss surgery with my family for the past six years. My parents were very discouraging when I was younger but when I brought it up almost a year ago, they were behind me 150%...now if only I didn't have to go through insurance...ugh.

    Anyway, I am a senior in college and am transferring over to my schools insurance program. Aetna Student Health is what it is called. I have tried getting ahold of them to find out the criteria for the surgery but the girl I talked to seemed misinformed and did not know how to help me. I have done a lot of research but am still without the information I need. After reading many of posts I have learned a lot about what is needed. I also have been seeing my doctor for almost 9 months consecutively for weigh-ins to keep myself up on what I think is needed to be done.

    I have history of my weight from the past 4-5 years and ever since I was born I have been overweight. I have a BMI of 48 and I am 5ft tall, I'll let you use your imagination.

    Basically, I am looking for support. I do not really have anyone to talk to about this, at least to anyone who understands what I am going through. If my insurance goes the way I plan, I would like to have the surgery by my birthday, November 5th.

    Words of encouragement are always welcome...



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