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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mellabella78

  1. Has anyone heard of someone being banded, having restriction and not needing fills to succeed? I was banded 3 weeks ago and do not feel hungry at all. Just toying with wishful thinking and pretending I won the lap band lottery;) I know logically I may still have some swelling etc...but just wondering if anyone has heard of this?
  2. mellabella78

    Has Anyone heard of this??

    Wow Congrats Josephine! I hope I do as well as you:)
  3. mellabella78

    Working Out/Sports

    Definitely clarify with your doc. Your band and your port need time to heal in place. I like to be pretty active too. My doc told me if I do too much to soon I risk flipping my port (requires another surgery) That set me straight. Let yourself rest, you have the rest of your life to work out:)
  4. So I was banded two weeks ago, and scheduled for my first fill in 2 weeks. I healing well and feeling amazing. I was just wondering if most of you were hungry prior to your first fill? I don:t feel hungry at all. i wish it would stay this way!
  5. mellabella78

    New Guy Here!

    Welcome! Hope you are doing, and feeling well
  6. mellabella78

    2 days out

    Glad to hear you are doing so well:) Sounds like everything is going great! Keep burping;)
  7. mellabella78

    In your face moments

    Nice, love this post! Can't wait to have some of my own moments:)
  8. mellabella78

    New Candidate for Lap Band

    Good luck! I was banded just over a week ago and almost feel 100% back to normal. I have no regrets:) Most important advice I would give you is really study up on your doctor, and make sure to ask how many lap bands he or she has done. This is really important. Good Luck! Melissa
  9. mellabella78

    Anyone banded on 7/16...

    Hey all, Glad to hear you all are doing well! :biggrin: Had my post op visit today. I'm healing well and have lost about 7 pounds since surgery on 7/20 (total of 22 since starting pre-op liquid diet). I will be going for a fill in 3 weeks. Wow, time flies! Still feeling good, yay:) Melissa
  10. mellabella78

    Anyone banded on 7/16...

    Close.. I was banded on 7/20. I am doing great as well. I can already see a difference in myself physically and mentally. I am still on full liquids. Pretty much living on soup and protien shakes. Some days I feel really hungy, and others fine. I still feel I am "getting to know" my body again. Overall I am really happy I was banded:)
  11. Try to increase your calcium in the weeks leading up to, and during your period. I have found this helps my symptoms A LOT! I have miserable periods as well.
  12. Welcome and good luck! :thumbup:
  13. Greetings everyone! This is my first post here, and I am so excited to have found this resource:) My name is Melissa, I am 31 years old and have been overweight all my life. I am quite tall (5'11) and my starting weight was 315. I am post op day 2 right now, doing well overall. My pain isn't too bad, and had a relativly smooth ride thus far. I just wanted to say hello!
  14. mellabella78

    Banded on Monday 7/20 :)

    Thanks to everyone for all the support and wishes! I am now post op day 5 and am feeling really good! The only area I have any pain is in the port area. I am tollerating fluids and full liquids well, but I'm finding I'm already hungry Ahh, oh well, I have my first fill in about 3 weeks so hopefully that will help! Overall I feel great though, I think it will take some time for my mind to adapt to this way of life though. It's such a huge mental change as well as physical. I'm starting to feel I made a really good choice. I did have some moments questioning what I had done. Thanks again! :tongue2:
  15. mellabella78

    Any July Bandsters out there?

    Greetings all! Im so glad I found this site! I was banded on July 20th along with a hernia repair. I am doing well, a little pain, some belching, and sore at times. I feel like I am learning my body all over again. It feels like it belongs to someone else. Anyone else feel like this?
  16. mellabella78

    Banded on Monday 7/20 :)

    Congrats to you too! It is a big step, and I was really afraid! I am a nurse, and have actually seen the procedure so that made my anxiety worse:) It is great though, my pain is well managed with the meds. I have been going for walks and doing well. I'm sure you will too! Let me know if you have any questions:)
  17. mellabella78

    I was just banded today!

    Yay, Congrats! I was just banded 3 days ago as well. I know exactly what you mean about not really believing you have a band inside you. I am not sure it has really set in for me yet!
  18. mellabella78

    IMG 0208

    From the album: Before

  19. mellabella78

    melissa 3 072

    From the album: Before

  20. mellabella78

    melissa 3 077

    From the album: Before

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
