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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mellabella78

  1. mellabella78


    Yayyyyyyy! What an amazing acomplishment:) So happy for you!
  2. mellabella78

    Anyone banded on 7/16...

    Hi everyone! I was banded on 7/20, and have been doing pretty well since. 4 weeks post op I had a fill of 4 cc ( I have the 14cc band) and have had 3 more fills since then for a total of 8cc in my band. My Doc is pretty aggressive with the fillls, which I thank him for:) I have lost about 55 pounds. I can eat 3/4 to one cup of food and not get hungry between meals. I am walking about 30 mins a day. Feel great overall. Good to hear how you guys are doing! Keep it up:)
  3. Im so sorry to hear about your complications. That must have been a very startling way to wake up! Despite your initial setback, I have a feeling with time you will not regret your decision:) Keep focussed on why you wanted the operation in the first place. I have lost almost 50 lbs, just 1/3rd my weight, and I would already do this again a million times. I wish you luck!
  4. My doc also really listens to his patients, as to when they feel they need a fill based on hunger, weight loss etc. He will give me a fill every couple of weeks if I should need that. I have done really well with this. If your doc seems to be set in a structured way that is not indavidualized for each patient, maybe it's time to look elsewhere?
  5. Good Morning. I woke up and stepped on the scale and realized 2 things. First, I had lost another 4 pounds (total -50), and sencond it is my two month surgiversary:) WOW! I'm so happy I made this decision to change my life. Thank you all out there for your support and willingness to help the newbies, no matter how often we ask the same questions:) Happy Saturday!
  6. mellabella78

    2 Month Surgiversary - 50 pounds:)

    Hey Ladies... Thanks for all your sweet msgs. I have lost weight quite consistantly, with a lot being pre- op and immediatly post op. Since then I have slowed down a bit to a healthier 2-3 pounds a week. I am a tall girl (5'11) so I tend to loose pretty quickly. My doc is very aggressive with fills, and I have done really well with this. He will do fills every couple of weeks if you require. Any tips? Hmm, I don't obsess about food or weight- I think this is important. Have you heard the theory- What you focus on expands? Well, When I do get all wrapped up in numbers, and calories that is when I don't loose. I'm focussing on protien and veggies and looking at food as something good, and nourishing. I work out a few times a week. Generally walking, get my fluids in. And I do have healthy Snacks between meals. Some docs are against this, mine is not. The best advise I have is be gentle with yourself, and PATIENT. :blushing: Nuture yourself with Healthy foods, rest, and enjoy the simple things. In my personal life, and nursing career I see how much the mind affects our health. Wow, I'm rambling:) Goodnight... Melissa
  7. mellabella78

    2 Month Surgiversary - 50 pounds:)

    Thanks ladies! Your support means a lot to me!
  8. I was banded on 7/20, and have almost lost 50 pounds (including 2 week liquid diet) I went on a trip to Boston this weekend and walked around all day. It was the first time in a long time I wasn't worried about how I looked, about not being able to walk too far, or feel uncomfortable. I had the BEST day. I'm sooo happy I was banded!! I have about 100 pounds left, but my life is already transformed:)
  9. mellabella78

    So lucky to have a band :)

    Thanks Ladies, and good luck to all of you:)
  10. mellabella78

    no more......

    Congrats !
  11. mellabella78

    Restriction is finally here

    Sounds like you are doing great, I have the same band as you, just had my 3rd fill for a total of 7cc. Since I have more resitriction now, I REALLY have to be careful of how quickly I tend to eat, and slow down! lol. Good Luck!
  12. mellabella78

    Anyone with 14CC band....

    Hey Barbie... No, I have had 2 fills so far. My Doc is a little more agressive I guess. I had 4 cc , and then 2 more a week later. I did fine:)
  13. mellabella78

    Anyone with 14CC band....

    I have a 14cc Band too. Banded on 7/20, and have had 2 fills. I have 6 cc in right now. I'm doing well. Love my Band:)
  14. mellabella78


    I use Stevia too, Love it~!
  15. mellabella78

    So happy!

    Yay!!!! Congrats! So happy for you:)
  16. mellabella78

    Is this normal?

    Oh yeah, Regarding feeling good. A lot is how well you care for yourself post op. Rest, following the diet etc. Some people take longer to feel better than others. My job is pretty hectic, but I felt I could return in a week, but I took two anyway:) Good luck!
  17. mellabella78

    Is this normal?

    Hey, Sorry you aren't feelnig well:( Few questions.. are you getting enough to drink? Sometimes dehydration can cause headaches. Also, did you drink coffee/caffinated beverages prior to surgery? The headaches when you withdraw from those are Nasty! I definatly had some bouts of nausea post op, I got sent home with yummy liquid green medicine for that:) Keep an eye on it, call your doc if it happens again.
  18. mellabella78

    I need my coffee....

    LOL... Oh goodness. I had coffee 4 days post op. I'm a nurse, and I work with the doc who banded me so he knew that I'm evil without it:) haha. Just ask your doc, a cup a day shouldn't be such a big deal as long as you are getting your fluids in.
  19. I'm off to my first fill today at 4 weeks post op, wish me luck! Any tips about post fill life would be appreciated. Thank you:)
  20. mellabella78

    First fill....

    Yayy, Had my first fill! 4cc in, and my doc said he wants to see me back next week to add more:) I love my doc! He said he is agressive with fills if the patient tollerates it and does well! It was super easy and not painful. I was banded 7/20 and have lost 40 pounds including liquid diet. Yay! Sorry Im rambling, Im pretty excited!
  21. The biggest NSV I have is Hope! Now I know I can do this:) The fact all my clothes are loose, and I weight less than I did when I was 20 is not bad either:) Looooove my Band!!
  22. mellabella78

    What are you eating?

    I was banded 7/20 as well. Right now for dinner I am having a Boca BUrger (no Bun) and mashed Cauliflower (tastes like mashed potatos) Not too bad. Im still eating softer foods, fishes, Greek Yogurt, Cottage cheese, shakes and peas. Feeling good.
  23. Keep your chin up and remember all you went through before, during and after getting banded. The thought of that sets me straight. I think to mysef "I did not go through all of this to do the same things that got me here". Something about that thought gives me the kick in the butt I need. Good Luck!
  24. mellabella78

    any one banded 7/15/09

    I was banded on 7/20. I have lost about 30 pounds (including pre-op liquid diet) I am feeling really good:) Just starting to get a tiny bit hungry between meals. Im eating pretty much regular foods other than breads and dry meats. Really happy overall:) Have my first fill in one week.

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