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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mellabella78

  1. mellabella78

    Anyone banded on 7/16...

    Yay, good to hear you guys are doing well! Hard to believe its been 4 months since surgery! I am doing well overall, my losses are slowing down a bit, but thats ok:) I have 8ccs in a 14 cc band. Starting to feel like I might need another fill soon. Keep in touch everyone:)
  2. Don't get discouraged already! :confused: If I were you, before getting another fill I would really focus on chewing, eating enough protien, and working out. Sounds simple I know, but it works:) Getting another fill without working on chewing properly sounds like all kinds of problems waiting to happen. Good luck!
  3. mellabella78

    3 days out and FRUSTRATED!

    Ok so, three days ago you had surgery and you wonder why you don't feel up to cleaning you house? LOL. Lap band surgery is still major surgery. The medications they use to put you under general anesthsia can linger in your body for weeks. You should be resting at this point and focussing on taking frequest sips. It took me about a week to feel up to doing pretty much anything. Relax and heal:) You will enjoy food again, but it will take a while. Your body needs to heal, and pushing it with foods, or doing anything too strenuous will only hurt you later on. Good luck.
  4. Thanks for your Comments! :) You are doing amazing too!

  5. mellabella78

    Saying Goodbye

    Good Luck to you! :biggrin: I so remember being where you are. Hard to believe it was almost 4 months ago!
  6. mellabella78

    Holding at 95lbs

    You look stunning! Congrats on hitting the 100 pound mark. You should be SOOO Proud! Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my pic:)
  7. My Doc said the same thing, I am almost 80 pounds down 4 months later:)
  8. mellabella78

    Weight loss window

    I have never heard of that. I know people who may loose quickly initially, but continue to loose for a year or two more slowly. It's not just about the band, it's about our behaviors too:)
  9. mellabella78

    People are just Rude!

    Hahaha, That is a great suggestion Apples! Sorry you had to go through that Tracy, some people need a serious clue.
  10. I have been overweight pretty much my entire life. All I have known myself as is "the big goofy girl". I asociated my self esteem with my weight. Now that I have lost quite a bit of weight, my mind is still in the same place.I still can't seem to believe I deserve good things or people in my life. Just looking for tips from those who have lost a lot about the mental part of weight loss in terms of fixing self esteem. Thanks in advnace:)
  11. Wow, I would look for another Doc, that is A Lot!
  12. Yay!! Great Job:) I'm really happy for you!
  13. mellabella78


    You have not failed my dear. As it has been said many times the band is just a tool, that helps in the feeling of fullness. It does not however sort out our relationship with food. It seems to me it might be a good idea to talk to someone, maybe counselling? Please don't be so hard on yourself. You took a major step in getting the band- the physical part of the equation. Maybe it's time to consider working on the mental componant (which is huge) Good luck!
  14. My Doctor said it's fine to use occasionally. I have done so with no problem.
  15. mellabella78

    A good lie re: scar?

    Well, you could say you had your appendix out, that is done laproscopically, or you had some uterine fibroids removed:) Either is passable:)
  16. mellabella78

    melissa 3 511

    From the album: Before

  17. mellabella78

    My new coat. Size 16:) Weight around 245.

    Thank you!!! I am Tall:) 5'10
  18. Welcome and congrats. Blogs are a great idea. I know there are so many amazing blogs I read, and youtube channels I follow. All have been amazingly helpful and inspiring. Happy you are here!
  19. Haha. I know the pain! There is a huge bucket of chocolate upstairs right now:bored: I am allowing myself 2 or 3, but thats it. (I hope) :Yawn:
  20. mellabella78


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
