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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cappy

  1. Cappy

    Let's Introduce Ourselves

    Hi Everyone: My name is Fran, I've been married to an awesome man for the past 15 years (with him for 22 years) and have two beautiful kids; my daughter is 7 and my son is 3. Growing up I was pretty average in size but always felt big. I joined a gym when I was 19 and steadily worked out until I was 25 years old, my weight ranged from 130-140. Once I got married at 26, I stopped working out consistently and started putting on the weight. By the time I got pregant with my daughter at the age of 33, I was 195lbs. And for the past 5 years I've yo-yo'd from 212lbs (the lowest weight I reached after my first pregnancy) up to my highest weight of 257lbs. Last year, in March, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea...nothing more embarassing and UNromantic than wearing a mask to sleep. I thought that would be the kick in the arse I needed to start losing the weight...but having SA has only made it more difficult for me to loose. My CPAP definitely helps me, but my energy level is still not where it should be, therefore I find it difficult to push myself to exercise. More recently, my blood pressure, which has always been normal, has started escalating. I've spent way too many years miserable, sweaty and cranky..basically, I'm just uncomfortable in my own skin. I want to get healthly for myself, for my kids and for my marriage! Good luck to all of us here...and thanks for sharing on this board, its been such a comfort for me!
  2. Surgery date - November 20:biggrin: Highest Weight - 257:frown: Preop diet starting weight - TBD Surgery weight (Your weight the day of surgery) - TBD Current weight - 252:frown: Goal weight - 130 :redface:
  3. Hi All: I've noticed a lot of you have added signatures from sparkle.com and other sites like that one. I'm trying to add "Notorious Novembers" to my signature, since my surgery is in November, and its not working....I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong!!! I created my new signature, copied the proper code, went to Edit Options, Signature, and tried to paste it in the proper place but I keep getting an error message! What am I doing wrong???? Can anyone help me? Thanks so much!
  4. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Everyone! Slimtobe: Your doing so great on your weight loss...congrats!!! Your another inspiration for all of us here, I cannot wait to be the one to say I've lost 45lbs! I too would love to meet everyone....let us know when you all plan that! Shrinkinmom: I hope your still making the meeting tonight! Since my hubby can't make it, my Aunt will be coming along for the ride! I wanted another set of ears there with me, in case I space out and forget something...LOL! I'm wearing a black sweater, green satin top and black pants. See you later! Have a great day everyone!
  5. Cappy

    When is your surgery?

    Okay, now I feel really dumb! I actually did type it in the signature block at first but then I thought, this doesn't look right and I deleted it. I never bothered to TEST IT!!! DUUUHH! Thank you so much, Jaime!!!
  6. Ohhhhhh, okay....I wasn't typing it into the big box, I was typing it below that...there were two options, I can't remember them at the moment but one said something like add your URL code here and the other choice was for downloading pictures. I put the code where it said URL. At least that's what I think it said, I can't remember right now. I'll try putting the code in the big box and see what happens. Thanks so much!
  7. Cappy

    Hello to all

    Thanks, Chunky Chick!
  8. Cappy

    When is your surgery?

    Hi All: My surgery is also with Dr. Geiss on November 20th Quick question...I've been trying to add the "Notorious Novembers" to my signature (tried using a couple of different websites by clicking on some of the other posters' signatures) but whenever I create and then copy the code, try and paste it into the "signature picture" (option 1 - where it says to enter URL) and hit save signature, I get the message, "invalid file"....what the hell??? What am I doing wrong? Can someone please tell me how they got their signature to work! I would soooo appreciate it! Thanks.
  9. It just says "invalid file" when I hit save profile. I just don't get this!!! Very frustrating!
  10. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Lisa! I forgot to reply about Sue's Thanksgiving suggestion...thanks for reminding me! Yes, I think your idea was perfect, Sue! I will tell everyone that I went to a nutritionist, she put me on a liquid diet for a couple of weeks and then on to a more strict, low calorie diet. They'll buy it. Thanks so much! It did turn out to be nice today....and go figure, my daughter's soccer game was still canceled! I would love to meet you guys in December. Can you refresh my memory, are the support meetings available to us all the time? We can go to every meeting if we like? I'm sure they told me, but I don't remember. Have a good night, guys....have to go put the kiddies to sleep!
  11. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Everyone! Thanks for the responses on whether or not you feel your band or port. I keep thinking about the foreign object that's going to be in my body and its a strange thought, ya know? Wasn't sure if you felt it or if you were aware of it, but you guys made me feel better about it...so thank you! I've read other posts regarding pain with ports and how sore it is in the beginning, so I am expecting that will be the case. But its true, everyone is different and what might bother some might not bother others....I'm hoping to join the latter! Shrinkinmom: When I spoke with Liz, the first available date she had for surgery was the 20th or the 21st. I originally asked for the 21st but after speaking with my hubby, realized the 20th was better...so I called her back and she changed it to the 20th. So, if you were expecting a call from her around the same time as me (she called me on Thursday), then maybe you will get the 21st. I actually wanted a date for the last week of October because hubby was on vacation....but they were already booked. I will definitely see you at the meeting next Tuesday....but I won't be with Steven, he has to work OT that day....so I'll be by myself. I'll look for you! Good luck with getting your date!!! Candle: 128lbs:thumbup:WOW!!! What an inspiration you are! How long did that take you? How has your journey with the band been? Many struggles or has it been pretty smooth sailing? Congrats on such an awesome loss...you give me such hope!!! susancarole: I cannot believe you hit 30lbs already:thumbs_up:...OMG!!!! It's only been a little over a month since you've been banded....that is just incredible! I can't wait to be down 30lbs!!! Congrats and keep up the awesome work:w00t:!!! What a miserable day it is today....its pouring rain by me....my daughter has a soccer game today....I'm wondering if its going to be canceled??? Keep up the great work everyone! And have a great day!
  12. Cappy

    Hello to all

    Hi Dana! Welcome to the board! I've been contemplating for a long time whether or not to get the band....in July, I finally decided to go ahead with it...I finished all my pre-op testing and I just got my surgery date...I get banded on November 20th! YEAH!!! I've expressed several times on this forum how excited and fearful I am about this surgery. I try to stay positive by reading through all the posts, just like yours, that say how happy people are they decided to get the band. It helps keep me positive, so thank you for sharing your story! Although I am reading so much, I still feel like there is so much more to learn and this is where I sometimes get scared because I want to be as informed as possible about what to expect! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for helping me keep positive! Best of luck to you!
  13. I agree, great attitude Pink! I've had such a mix bag of emotions since I've decided to do this. I sometimes feel like you, Pink, and think how wonderful things will be this time next year. I'm going on a Disney cruise with my family in September and all I can think about is, maybe I can actually enjoy this vacation without being MISERABLE! I won't be carrying around all this extra weight, I will feel so much better about myself! Then, there is the other side of me that relates so much to No Shrinking Violet...I'm on this site all the time reading and trying to get as much info as I possible can and yet I feel like I still haven't even touched the surface on what my future is actually going to be like! I need more info, have lots of questions and want to try and avoid all the things I read that terrify me about this surgery....I know everyone is different and we all won't experience the same things, but there are lots of similar problems that people have that just terrify me and I want to do everything I can to avoid that situation! Is that even possible:mellow: I'm sure everyone goes through similar feelings at some point prior to surgery. Its just great to have this forum so that we can all come here and discuss whatever is on our mind, good or bad! I wish good luck to ALL of us!!! I hope we can all keep in touch!!!
  14. I'm keeping them crossed for you! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  15. Cappy

    Surgery On Friday(1o-o3-o8)

    I'm so excited for you! Good luck tomorrow! Sending you lots of well wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery!!! Let us know how your feeling!!!
  16. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Just got my date from Liz...November 20th!!! YIPEEEEEEEEE!!!! I am soooo excited!!!! However, there is one little problem...I usually go to my brother's house for Thanksgiving...the only two people that know about this surgery are my husband and my Aunt, I'm not telling anyone else. So what do I say when they see I'm not eating??? Unless I suddenly become sick and tell them I can't make it...nothing else is coming to mind:unsure:...any suggestions? Thanks!
  17. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Everyone! Lcubed: No, no surgery date yet....but Liz did leave me a voice mail on my cell today to set me up....I'm SOOOO NERVOUS AND EXCITED! I called back but they were still on lunch break. I'm going to try calling back in a few minutes. I wonder if they are booked through October already. My husband happens to be off the week of October 27th through November 5th. I'm going to see if they can schedule me sometime then. If not, oh well. Susancarole: Sounds like your doing great! Tennis is such great exercise and its great that your husband enjoys it too...something nice to share as a couple! This may sound like a silly question, but do you (Susancarole or anyone else banded) feel like you have something foreign in your body? Are you aware of the band? What about the port? I know its sore in the beginning but I'm wondering, after the soreness wears away, does it bother anyone or does it feel sorta strange...I'm also wondering, once the weight starts coming off in the stomache area, is the port going to be very noticeable? I have small kids and we play around alot, I'm wondering if I have to be extra cautious with the port...just curious. Oh yeah, one more question (sorry, guys...have LOTS)...after surgery, how many days did you need to recover before going back to work? I know everyone is different, I'm just trying to get an "idea" as to how many days off I'll need. I work part-time (3 days) in Manhattan and travel on the LIRR for 4 hours (both ways)...I don't want to push it! I'm thinking I'll need to take all three days off and have the week to recover, but I'm not sure....any thoughts? Thanks for welcoming me everyone! So happy I have you guys to talk and share with...this is really starting to settle in that I could be going for surgery in just a few weeks...YIKES:ohmy::cool2::ohmy:
  18. Cappy

    Maybe Losing my Band!!

    My gosh, I am sooooo sorry to hear this. I don't even know what to say, it's terrible. I hope you recover quickly, both physically and mentally from this...my thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep in touch and let us know how your doing! All the best to you...
  19. I wanted to get feel from those of you who have been banded on how you are handling the whole not eating and drinking at the same time thing. I know this is something we have to do:thumbdown: (I'm not yet banded, waiting for a date:thumbup:) but I'm having a real hard time with this one. I am trying my best to make changes now to better prepare myself...I'm more conscious of my chewing, taking smaller bites and slowing down, but when it comes to drinking and eating, UGGGHHHHHHHH! I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE drinker with meals, always have been! Can anyone feel my pain? How are you coping? Does it get easier? Please say that it does...okay, don't lie, that won't help me:glare: LOL! I know I'll have to eventually make this change and follow the rule, but I'm just not sure HOW I'm going to get through this! Honestly, as crazy as this may sound, this was one of the reasons I contemplated not having the surgery in the past....that and never being able to drink soda again! But I'm over the whole soda thing now! I guess I'll get use to it over time...would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks!
  20. I guess, in time, I'll get use to it...I'll continue to try until my surgery to not eat/drink! Thanks for all the responses!
  21. Cappy

    Maybe Losing my Band!!

    How are you doing? We haven't heard back from you....what is your outcome? I hope there has been a change and your doing better! Your in my thoughts and prayers:smile:
  22. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Good Morning All! susancarole: Glad to hear your doing well and not feeling hungry between meals...I can't wait for that! Thanks for your response! I too thought I could get a date without attending the meeting but wasn't sure so I called yesterday and spoke with Jennifer. Now, I've spoken several times to her over the last couple of weeks because I had questions and a couple of times she seemed a bit short with me....I figured, she probably gets tons of calls a day with questions, so I chalked it up to that! Yesterday she told me that she put my file in for review and that by next Wednesday I should get a phone call from someone in the office...I asked if she could give me an idea as to when I "might" get a date but she repeated the same thing about someone calling me next week and seemed to just want to get off the phone. I don't know, maybe she's just overworked! The only person who has NOT sent in my report is the psychiatrist, Willow, which I don't understand because she was the first appointment I had back in the beginning of August. But my file is in for review, so I'm not going to worry about it! I'm hoping the surgery can be done in October but I'm sure that's just wishful thinking...it will probably be more like November. Hi Christine...I will definitely look for you at the meeting! My name is Fran, I have brown hair and brown eyes (not very helpful, I know)...my husband might come with me to the meeting so that might help in knowing who I am! I'll look for the girl in the dress:smile: Look forward to meeting you! Hope everyone is doing great! Fran
  23. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Everyone! I live in Lake Grove, wanted to say hello and join the chat! I am being banded by Dr. Geiss but don't have a surgery date as of yet...I just finished all my pre-op testing:lol:the only thing I have left to do is attend the meeting at Dr. Geiss's office (first Tuesday in October)....then I just wait for a date! I hope it doesn't take too long:ohmy:I'm nervous and excited all at the same time! I've been reading as much as I can on this board and really trying to grasp how my life will change after this is over! I look forward to chatting with you guys! Good luck to all!
  24. Hi All: I have to go for my upper GI series tomorrow. Can anyone tell me about how long this procedure takes? Thanks so much!
  25. Hi KJHack: I had mine yesterday as well....not so bad! The only thing that stunk was that the woman who was doing the test had a problem with one position and couldn't get a good x-ray....so the doctor came in, I had to drink the barium for a THIRD time as he watch the barium go down my esophogus on the screen....finally, he could see that my esophogus was working properly! He said I had slight acid reflux but everything else looked good! YIPEEEE! Now, all I have left to do is attend the seminar and wait for approval....WHOOOOAAAA!!!!!! Thanks for responding!

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