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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cappy

  1. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Great, thanks for the update, Sue! I've been thinking about her! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!! Keep us posted!!!
  2. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hey Sue: I'm not usually one that has alot of will power, but this time around I know I can't screw up, so I guess that's where my will power is coming in! Don't worry about the bagel....everything we are doing is a process! We can't be perfect, nothing is! I still haven't gotten down the whole drinking without eating yet....I try, but that change has been so hard for me to make! I can't believe your surgery is in two days! Your going to do great! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers....please remember to keep us posted! Hey Debbie: Idol, wow! Never thought I'd hear anyone say that to me...LOL!!! At first I thought, am I NUTS to start liquids on the day of the shower? YES! I really needed to put my a-- in gear and just do this...stop wasting time! My first consult with Dr. Geiss was in eary August...between then and 5 days ago, I gained 6 1/2lbs! I wanted to try and drop those lbs, plus a little more, so I started early! 5 days on liquids and I've already lost those 6 1/2lbs! So I'm very happy about that!!! Good luck with your surgery...you will be in my prayers too! Please let us know how your doing!!! Hi Chris! I've been thinking about Lisa since yesterday and hoping she's doing okay! Lisa, your in all our thoughts....hope everything went well!! Hope to hear from you soon!!! Again, good luck Deb & Sue....when your up to it, please let us know how your surgery went!!!! I'll be thinking of you both!!!
  3. Cappy

    Hi !!

    Hi Keshia! Welcome to the board! Congrats on your surgery! Glad your hear to share your experience....I'm getting banded on November 20th...I'm both excited and nervous! Are you in lots of pain? Are you able to drink your liquids without any problems? I keep thinking I'm going to "feel" my band, but I'm told I won't....do you feel like you have a foreign object in your stomach? Hope that's not a silly question:huh2: Please keep in touch and let us know how your progressing! Take care!
  4. Cappy

    New in New Jersey!

    Welcome, Jersey Girl! Are you scheduled for surgery or are you just considering it? Whatever support you need, you just come here and I'm sure there will be lots of people to help you! I'm going in for surgery on the 20th....a bit nervous, but very excited! I'll help support you in any way that I can! Good Luck!
  5. Good luck tomorrow!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!
  6. Hey tamiklynnmike: Welcome to the board! I had been thinking about this surgery for a long time and I would come to this site often and read through the posts...then after researching for about a year, I finally decided to have the surgery (November 20th)...this board is a wealth of information, its what helped me to finally decide to do this! If you would like to meet some other Long Islanders, there is a thread in the New York forum that refers to Long Island....lots of really nice people there! Best of luck to you, whatever you decide!
  7. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hi All! Like most of you, I'm a little nervous about surgery on the 20th! I started my pre-op diet yesterday....didn't have to start until the 12th, but since I've gained a few pounds since my initial visit in August, I wanted to get a head start...it hasn't been as bad as I expected but its only day two...I'm sure I'm going to be SICK of Soup, Protein shakes and pudding by Tuesday...LOL! How are you guys doing? Anyone having a hard time with the pre-op diet?
  8. Cappy

    I got a little teary...

    I haven't been banded yet, but I can only IMAGINE how you must have felt...I teared up just reading your post! I am so sick of my wardrobe...I'm so sick of wearing everything LONG and BIG....I cannot wait to shop in regular stores instead of Avenue, Dress Barn Woman and Lane Bryant! I swear, the first thing I'm buying when I reach goal is a pair of nice jeans and a fitted, waist length top...not covering up that booty no more...LOL! Congratulations on your loss...you really give me such hope! Thank you:biggrin:
  9. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi November Buddies! Wow, we have a lot of people on our board now....I love it! Welcome to anyone who I haven't officially "met" yet! Christine: Hi! You could absolutely join our support group! I don't believe we came up with a day, time & place yet, but keep an eye out here on this forum for details to come! Lcubed (Lisa): OMG, its almost Monday! How are you holding up? Listen, your going to be JUST FINE...we're all thinking of you here, all positive thoughts!!! Please keep us informed and let us know how everything goes! Good luck!!! susancarole: You are doing soooo awesome, I am soooo proud of you! 47lbs in 10 weeks is just amazing! I hope I can do nearly as well as that! I can't wait for all of us to get together because I sure could use one of YOUR pep talks!!! Sue & Debbie: Good luck to you guys on Thursday....we will all be thinking of you too! Can't wait to here how your doing! Good luck! Well, I said I was going to start my liquid diet early (don't have to officially start until the 12th) so I finally did, TODAY! It started out rough...then wasn't too bad by mid morning...went to a baby shower today and watched everyone eat Italian food....thought I would die, but in reality, I was OKAY...it didn't even phase me because I had my soup right before I left...when I got home tonight around 5:30 I was starving! Had one more soup and some more pudding. But I did realize that I sorta screwed up today...I didn't have ANY Protein shakes...just Soups, puddings, instant carnation Breakfast and a yogurt...so tomorrow I'm going to do this diet correctly and include my two protein drinks! Anyway, just wanted to say hello to everyone! Gotta go give my kiddies a bath! Have a good night and talk to you soon! Fran
  10. Cappy

    less than 2 weeks

    Hey Keri: We're having surgery the same day! I'm getting more nervous by the day too! Still doesn't seem real to me. I've been eating like there's no tomorrow for the past month, guess its my way of dealing with this....as far as what to tell your kids, I have two myself, a 7 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. I think I'm just going to tell them that I'm going to go away for the night with some girlfriends and that I'll be home the next morning. My husband recently went overnight to Atlantic City with a friend of his and although my daughter was sad, she got over it. So I'm not expecting it to be too bad. But you, you have two sets of twins!!! WOW, you are one busy mom!!! Can you tell them the same thing, your going with some friends overnight someplace and that you'll be home in the morning? Best of luck to you, with whatever you decide! Wishing you a quick recovery!
  11. Hey Sue! I only just read your message now, sorry! I honestly never check to see if I have messages, I'm sooo bad! Okay, I have a stupid question....you asked if I had an AIm name? What is that?

  12. I'm soooo happy for you! Glad to see your out and about already and feeling good! Wishing you all the best on your new journey!
  13. Cappy

    I made it!

    I'm so happy for you!!! Sounds like your doing great....keep us updated on how your feeling....all the best to you!
  14. Cappy

    When is your surgery?

    Good luck tomorrow!!! Can't wait to hear how your feeling!
  15. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Sue: Thanks, your so right about not stressing! The reason I wanted to try and start earlier was because since I saw Dr. Geiss in August I've gained about 6lbs...its ridiculous how much I've been eating! So now I'm concentrating on eating mostly Protein and throwing in some of the Medifast shakes that I purchased...I'll stick with that until I reach the liquid stage the week before and hopefully I'll loose the weight I gained and maybe another few pounds. I really want my liver to shrink. Thanks for the Medifast suggestion...but after reading everyone's posts, I think I'm going to try the Unjury...a majority of the people seem to like it, so I'll give it a shot! Thanks! Hi Lisa: Like you and others on this board, Unjury seems to be the way to go. I wonder if Dr. Geiss's office has some kind of contract with the person who sells the Medifast and this is why they suggest it? I was also told I could buy the Whey protein from Trader Joes or GNC, but I have a feeling that one isn't so good. Thanks for your help! Hi Debbie!!! So glad you finally came here....I've been wondering when you were going to post! Everyone here is so nice and helpful, your going to love this board...I think we are all feeling anxious now....our surgeries are so close! Good luck to you....please keep coming here and let us know how your doing! Hope everyone else is hanging in there! Good luck to ALL the upcoming surgeries and please let us know how your doing! Best wishes to all!!! Fran
  16. Cappy

    Down almost 50 lbs.

    Congrats! You look GREAT! I can't wait to be where you are!
  17. Cappy

    When is your surgery?

    Good luck Roxy Roman!!!! Please let us know how your surgery went and how your feeling!
  18. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    susancarole: Okay, I feel a little better....thanks for your encouraging words!!! You too msjessy, thank you! Sue: I did not start liquids yet....everyday I keep saying I'm going to start today, but haven't....not sure I'll be able to go three weeks with liquids, although I have done it in the past on liquid diets....but right now, I guess because I know I'm going to be banded, I've been eating out of control! I need to GET A GRIP on this! Tomorrow I'm going to go food shopping and get everything I need....maybe I can start this on Tuesday....at least TRY! I wanted to ask you guys, are you all using the Medifast shakes? I know that the nutritionist also said we could get whey Protein from either Trader Joes or GNC....I ordered one box of Medifast to try it, its okay....thought I would try the Whey protein, but not sure that I should switch? What are you guys using for Protein Shakes? I've read what other's on this site are using, but I would rather hear from Dr. Geiss's patients! Thanks! Have a great night! Oh, and by the way, Happy Belated Halloween! Fran
  19. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Everyone! First, I want to say how great it was to finally meet Lisa and Sue at the educational meeting! You guys were soooo nice...I look forward to creating a friendship with you both, along with others on this great site! Like Lisa, the educational class we attended really solidified the "realness" of my surgery to the umpteenth degree! Logically, I know the surgery is coming, but it still hadn't sunk in yet....then I sat there and listened to everything that June said and I was like, damn, this is really happening! June also brought up something about the surgery that honestly scared me! She was explaining the procedure and what will happen every step of the way right up through the entire surgery...I believe June said, and correct me if I'm wrong anyone, that because this is a lapriscopic surgery and mediciation will be administered through the abdomen to relax the stomache muscles and keep them from spasiming, they will need to insert a breating tube into the lungs and this is what will keep you breathing during surgery, you will not be breathing on your own (I hope I said that right)! Well, I don't know about you, Lisa and Sue, but that really scared the SH-- out of me! Now, I know I'll be sleeping and won't be aware of any of this, but it still freaks me out a bit! That was my ah-ha moment! I know every surgery has its risks, but staying morbidly obese will eventually lead to MORE risks....so I'll try to focus on that whenever I start feeling a little scared! I would love for us to start our own support group...count me in! Since we have people both in Nassau & Suffolk counties, maybe a good central meeting place could be the Farmingdale or Melville areas...what do you guys think? On Rt. 110 there are two diners, one right across from the movie theater and then one a little ways up the road heading North....not so sure a food establishment is our best choice, but I know you can go to a diner and spend hours there and don't have to worry about being kicked out...LOL! Someone suggested a library, that's a good idea too. I guess any place that will allow us to sit and talk without worrying about the time would be a good choice. Any ideas? Candle: I've never been to Blydenburg Park in Smithtown. I've always wanted to go but somehow never made it there, and I live so close to it! Your dog is just beautiful!!! I also have a dog, a handsome brindle boxer named Zeus...I would love to try and bring him there but I'm not sure how he would do. We don't walk him much (I know, we are really bad) so he's never around other dogs...not sure if he would be aggressive or not. I guess there is only one way to find out! Thanks for the suggestion! Hi Shrinkinmom (Chis)! Glad to "see" ya! Hope everyone is having a nice day!
  20. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hey Sue, Thanks for the encouragement! Its funny, last night I was at my in-laws and what was for dinner? PIZZA! One of my husband's cousin's was there, he had the lap band surgery a few years ago...he lost about 60lbs the first year and then put a lot of the weight back on over a two year period...but now he's back on track and losing again, so he looks good. However, last night I thought it was interesting as I watched him eat THREE SLICES OF PIZZA AND A SODA! I was like, how the hell is he doing that? He was eating slow, but still! I don't know what kind of restriction he has, but I'm thinking not much! LOL! No one in my husband's family knows I'm having surgery...I was so tempted to ask him how he can eat that much with the band but then I thought about it and said forget it! I didn't want to seem too interested! The reason being, my MIL said to me not too long ago, "if you were my daughter, I would have made you go for the surgery YEARS ago"....wasn't that sweet? I've always had a good relationship with her but lately, she's truly getting under my skin:mad2: She is the LAST person that will ever know I went for surgery because she would try and take all the credit for me losing weight....little does she know, I've been researching this LONG BEFORE she even knew it existed:angry: Lisa and Sue: I will see you guys on Tuesday--I can't wait! I'll be there with my husband. He's picking me up at the Syosset train station, that way I don't have to go all the way back to Ronkonkoma just to drive back to Syosset. Okay, I'm going to bed now...I'm exhausted! Have a good night all!
  21. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hey Sue, Thanks for the encouragement! Its funny, last night I was at my in-laws and what was for dinner? PIZZA! One of my husband's cousin's was there, he had the lap band surgery a few years ago...he lost about 60lbs the first year and then put a lot of the weight back on over a two year period...but now he's back on track and losing again, so he looks good. However, last night I thought it was interesting as I watched him eat THREE SLICES OF PIZZA AND A SODA! I was like, how the hell is he doing that? He was eating slow, but still! I don't know what kind of restriction he has, but I'm thinking not much! LOL! No one in my husband's family knows I'm having surgery...I was so tempted to ask him how he can eat that much with the band but then I thought about it and said forget it! I didn't want to seem too interested! The reason being, my MIL said to me not too long ago, "if you were my daughter, I would have made you go for the surgery YEARS ago"....wasn't that sweet? I've always had a good relationship with her but lately, she's truly getting under my skin:mad2: She is the LAST person that will ever know I went for surgery because she would try and take all the credit for me losing weight....little does she know, I've been researching this LONG BEFORE she even knew it existed:angry: Lisa and Sue: I will see you guys on Tuesday--I can't wait! I'll be there with my husband. He's picking me up at the Syosset train station, that way I don't have to go all the way back to Ronkonkoma just to drive back to Syosset. Okay, I'm going to bed now...I'm exhausted! Have a good night all!
  22. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hi Everyone! Thanks for starting this thread, Allyson....great idea! Now we can all keep track of our surgeries and support each other! And since I'm not planning on telling anyone about my surgery but my hubby and Aunt, I need all the support here I can get! Hi Janesays: My surgery is the same day as yours....I have to go on a "liquid" diet for two weeks prior to surgery....but it doesn't just consist of drinking Protein liquids, I can have Jello, Soup, carnation instant Breakfast (no sugar added)....there's more but I don't have my list in front of me so I can't remember....but I do remember that the day before surgery its strictly liquid (Medifast). Like you, I have also been practicing...chewing slower, trying to eat smaller portions....but I'm having a really hard time with not drinking while eating....I don't know about you guys, but this one is SO tough for me. Great to meet you and look forward to keeping in touch! I have been eating really bad these last few weeks....I swear, I am totally addicted to SWEETS! I can go all day without wanting anything but the minute I get off the train to go home, BOOM....it hits me like a ton of bricks that I NEED something sweet...it doesn't help that I HAVE to walk past a Dunkin Donuts and the stationary store that carries all kinds of artery clogging junk like ring dings and yodels...I'M SO WEAK! And after I walk in to one of these stores and pick out a couple of things to eat on the car ride home, I don't give a rats a-- that I have NO BUSINESS eating this stuff...then once I'm done eating I'm like, what the h--- did I just do that for? This has been my life the last month...I think its a combination of being plain ole' addicted to sweets and thinking that in just a few short weeks I won't be eating this stuff anymore thanks to the band, so what the hell! Anyhoo, that's my rant! I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone and helping each other get through this. I'm excited and scared all at the same time! Coming here and talking with all of you on this board has truly helped me these last few months! THANKS! Night all!
  23. Welcome to the group...and congrats on your date! You go right before me, I'm the 20th! I wish you all the best....let us know how your feeling after your surgery!
  24. Cappy

    A Nov. Bandster Buddy???

    Great, Allyson....thanks so much! I will definitely be joining you guys!
  25. Cappy

    A Nov. Bandster Buddy???

    Hi Allyson! I would love to be an accountability buddy! My surgery is the 20th so I'm right behind you! Would love to keep in touch and see how your doing...we can help each other get through this...wishing you all the best! Fran

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