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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cappy

  1. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hi All! Just wanted to send a quick note and let you all know that I DID IT!!! I'm banded, just got home a little while ago. Everything went great, thank God....have some pain, taking tylenol....overall, I'm doing fine! Good luck to those surgeries coming up! My thoughts and prayers are with you all! You guys will do great!!!!! Gotta run for now...want to go lay down....take care all!
  2. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi All!!!! I'm banded....YIPEEEEEEEE!!!! Surgery went great! No problems, Dr. Giess said it went perfectly...THANK GOD! I wasn't nervous until I went into this room to get undressed....then they hooked me up to machines and my blood pressue went STRAIGHT UP! The nurse was like, are you nervous? DUHHHHHH! Yeah, I think so! Anyway, it went down shortly after that. I have more pain today than yesterday....but its doable. I took Tylenol before I left the hospital and I'm feeling better... Today, before I left, I had a surprise visitor from the board...Amanda (Ajoneen) came to visit me! She had to go and see Dr. Geiss so she stopped by to find me...wasn't that so sweet of her! I was so happy to see you, Amanda ...thanks for all the great advice and for taking time out to come visit me! I look forward to all of us getting together for a group meeting soon! Miriam, Amanda tried to see you too but you must of gone in for surgery already! I KNOW your going to do GREAT today! Wished we could have met, but eventually it will happen! Good luck, walk ALOT, like everyone said! I really does help! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Let us know how you feel as soon as you can! CHRIS, YOUR NEXT!!! Actually, I think there were one or two others that joined this board that may be next....I'm sorry if I missed you guys! I can't keep track of all of us anymore! But my thoughts are prayers are with ALL of you!!! You will all be FINE....if I can do this, believe me, ANYONE can!!! Besides walking, make sure you use your breathing aparatus that they give you...this is very important so that your lungs stay strong and you don't get ammonia! Thanks again, everyone, for all your thoughts and prayers! I means so much! I'm going to go and rest now...talk to you all soon!
  3. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    So happy to hear that Kaitiana!!! Sounds like you breezed through your surgery...we should ALL be so lucky! It can only get better from here....congrats!
  4. Cappy

    Nov 20th people

    Hi All! Our BIG day is almost here! I still can't believe it! Yes, Clear liquids totally suck...but I'm managing! Tomorrow will be worse though....have to be at the hospital at 11:30....I was hoping to go earlier! Nothing to drink after midnight, can't even chew gum:eek: Well, good luck to ALL of us tomorrow! Sending many blessings and positive thoughts your way....here's to a quick recovery for all of us! I will post again as soon as I can! Take care!
  5. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi All! Well, my big day is TOMORROW! I still can't believe it's actually here! I'm doing well, not that nervous yet....I'm sure tomorrow will be a different story...today's clear liquids was hard but tomorrow is going MUCH WORSE! I have to be at the hospital at 11:30....wish it could have been earlier....can't have anything to drink, can't even have gum:angry: Totally sucks!! We recently discussed getting a group together....we haven't figured out the particulars yet but everyone on this board is more than welcome! I guess we'll wait until after Christmas? Deb, glad you got through the surgery and at home resting! Just don't do too much...get lots of rest and hopefully the pain will subside! Miriam: We're almost there!!! Sending prayers your way for Friday! By the time I get home and post, you'll probably be in surgery! Good luck and post as soon as you can! I'm sorry I can't remember everyone's surgery dates on this board, we seem to be growing a bit! Good luck to all the upcoming surgeries! We're going to get through this TOGETHER! And soon, we will all be on our way to healthier, happier lives! Thanks for all the good wishes! I will post as soon as I can! Bye all....have a good night!
  6. Sorry I missed you! This is the first opportunity I could get onto the computer today....GOOD LUCK tomorrow! Your before me, I have to be at the hospital at 11:30....I'll be thinking of you too! Sending many blessings your way....I'll be in touch as soon as I can!

  7. That's awesome....I'm so happy for you! Its so true what your saying about how you carry yourself when you feel good about yourself....I've lost 9lbs since starting pre-op and I have a LONG way to go, but even today I felt like I was walking with my head higher than normal and I felt good about myself....knowing I'm on my way to a skinnier and healthier me! Such a great feeling....and its only going to continue to get better! Ouch...the vanilla wafer did you in, huh? That's probably the only thing I worry about with getting this surgery....eating something that is going to disagree with me and HURT!
  8. I totally agree with the other posters...negativity brings on more negativity...I'm not saying that those people who are complaining don't have reason to and I'm not saying that you shouldn't prepare yourself for both the positive AND the negative effects of LB....I think we ALL have to be educated on the good and possible "bad"...however, you have to look at the LB as a life saving device and go into surgery with a positive attitude! For me, its pretty simple...we run risks in our lives everyday...I've been risking getting diabetes, high blood pressue, heart problems, liver damage, etc. everyday for the past 10 years by being obese! I'm hopeful that the LB is the tool that will help prevent those risks, AND help me get rid of my sleep apnea... which, by the way, was a risk I didn't escape! Best of luck to you....please let us know how you do!
  9. Cappy

    Mourning food already

    So well said, lello...that helped me out tremendously...thank you! We all are addicted to food, to some degree, and we rely on it to make us happy and give us comfort...I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we are all scared that the band will restrict us from so many of the foods that we have come to depend on...for some people, there will be foods that they can never eat again... but for others, that won't be the case...its very scary not knowing which category you will fall under! Not knowing if I could ever eat pizza again, one of my favorite foods, terrified me for a long time! But honestly, what has helped me up to this point has been the wealth of knowledge I have gained from this board...you all have truly helped me to realize that I don't need to mourn food because food will always be a part of my life...I just have to make adjustments, I can handle adjustments! I cannot wait to be the person that eats to live and NOT lives to eat! Sooverit, your going to be just FINE!!! You will struggle a bit, we ALL will, but what you have to believe and trust is that, in the end, your NOT losing your best friend, just gaining a new one! Hope this helps....best of luck to you!
  10. By the way, how are you feeling? Are you getting use to your band?
  11. :tongue: Those flips better subside once I reach LaLa land! Thank goodness for medication!
  12. Cappy


    Not sure I can add much to the great advice you already got, but I just want to reiterate what someone else said....after a few days of the pre-op, your not going to crave those things you were craving before....the first day of my diet I had to go to a baby shower and watch everyone eat ITALIAN FOOD....you know how hard that was? VERY! But I did it...I don't know how, but I just got through it....I brought a big thing of Water and just drank! Sunday I went to a birthday party and while everyone ate all this good stuff, I had soup...and it wasn't THAT bad! I have two kids, 7 & 3, so I understand where your coming from....my kids had PB&J last week and it took everything I had NOT to eat the leftovers...was I hungry? No, I just wanted to eat it because that is what I always do, finish THEIR plates! But honestly, if your following your pre-op correctly and eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours then you really shouldn't be hungry....your mind may want the sweets, or the pizza or the PB&J, but your tummy really doesn't! This has been my experience...today is day 11 for me and I haven't cheated once....this is coming from the cheater of ALL cheats! LOL! HANG IN THERE...you WILL get through this!!!! GOOD LUCK!
  13. Hey Dolphin!!! WHOOOAAAAAAA.....its coming up for both of us! I'm very excited....I'm not nervous yet, but I'm sure on Thursday my stomache will be doing flips! Best of luck to you....I will keep you and everyone else posted on how I did!
  14. Awesome! So happy to hear your doing great and that your up and about! Love to hear these stories....it really helps those of us whose surgeries are coming up! Many blessings to you and continued success on your new journey!
  15. WOW, BOPPER!!!! I hope my surgery goes as well as yours did!!!! So glad to hear you had minimal pain and a quick recovery! We should all be so lucky!! Congrats and all the best to you!
  16. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    I just wanted to send everyone blessings, those banded already, those going in today and the rest of us going over the next few days!!! I'll be thinking of you all, wishing you a fast and speedy recovery! My surgery is on Thursday....not nervous yet, but I'm sure that will change on Thursday! Pre-op is going very well....I started 5 days earlier and I've lost 9lbs in 11 days! WHOOOAAA!!!! Best of luck to my NOTORIOUS NOVEMBER buddies....your ALL in my prayers!!!! Please POST as soon as you can, I will too, and let us know how everything went! SKINNY JEANS, HERE WE COME!!!!!
  17. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Go to the main menu on this site...scroll down to Local Lap- Band Support Groups....click on the sub forum for USA Local Lap-Band Support...scroll down to New York and open....once in this forum, look for a thread called, "Any Long Islanders"...great thread:biggrin:
  18. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Thank you, Sue!!! You guys are AWESOME here, I'm really so glad we all connected! I'm feeling pretty good....getting very TIRED of liquids though (started pre-op early so I'm on day nine today), but I have lost 8lbs so its worth it! Okay, we are allowed to have COTTAGE CHEESE pre-op??? Its not on that list that Dr. Geiss's office gave me so I thought we couldn't have it yet! I knew we could have it post-op but since I wasn't sure about PRE, I didn't want to chance it....why didn't I just come here and ask you guys??? DUHHHHHH! I've been having alot of Soups because there are days that I am hungry....but if I can have cottage cheese too, I'm running out RIGHT NOW and buying it....LOL! Can you tell I LOVE it??? Thanks, Ajoneen! Hi Miriam! Too bad we weren't having surgery on the same day (I'm the 20th), we could have been at Dr. Geiss's together! Best of luck to you! Yeah, Sue...your banded!!!! So glad your doing okay...wishing you a speedy recovery! Hope to hear from you soon! I can't recall but, did we already hear back from Deb? Its too early in the morning, my brain is in a fog! Deb, hope surgery went well also! Thinking of you a wishing you a speedy recovery too! Have a great day all!
  19. It's great to hear from all of you that have been banded! Sounds like your all doing great....I keep hearing about the gas pains, I really need to go get me some gas-x! Thanks for sharing your stories...it really helps those of us that aren't banded yet to hear your experiences! I promise to post after my surgery too! Many blessings to all that have already been banded and those whose surgeries are coming up! We are all on our way to happier, healthier lives:thumbup:
  20. Your the day before me! Can you believe we are really doing this? Its really starting to hit me now...I don't feel nervous at the moment, but I'm starting to realize that there are foods that I will probably have to avoid for the rest of my life and its a bit sad to me...take tonight, for example....I went to pick up a pizza for my kids....the pizzeria smelled AMAZING...as I'm standing there I realized, I'll probably never eat this again! I know that everyone is different and there are some people that can eat pizza...but with my luck, it won't happen :Dancing_sorry: Oh well, I'd rather be skinny!!! Good luck to you!!!
  21. Hey Bobbi! Good luck with your surgery on Monday! I'm right after you, on Thursday! To get to the NY/LI website: first go to the main page and scroll down until you see Local Lap-Band Support Groups/Sub Forum and click on USA; scroll down to New York; once your in the NY forum, find a thread called "Any Long Islanders"...I think you said you were being banded by Dr. Geiss, right? Almost everyone on this board is being banded by him! Good luck to you!!! Keep us posted after your surgery!
  22. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hey Bobbi! Another Dr. Geiss patient, he's very popular on this board! Yes, you absolutely can have tomatoe soup! I went to Trader Joe's and bought their low-sodium brand....it is DELISH! I believe with the soups, as long as its 3 grams of fat or less you can have it. You should come and join us on the New York/Long Island board....we are mainly Dr. Geiss patients! We would love another poster! Good luck on your surgery....please let keep in touch and let me know how your doing!
  23. Cappy

    Banded, Branded, and Back Home!

    I hope my story is as "boring" as yours...LOL! Sounds like your doing great! So glad your feeling well! It helps to hear stories like yours, makes me less nervous! I'll take your advice, along with others here, and Walk Walk Walk after my surgery! I've had bad gas pains before, they're not fun! Best of luck to you on your new journey!

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