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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cappy

  1. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Lisa! Thanks for answering my question! I'm sure he told me at the consultation, but I really don't remember...I'm not feeling a lot of restriction anymore....the first 4 or 5 days I definitely had a lot of restriction but since then I don't feel as much....I figured I probably didn't have much in the band and had restriction due to swelling....I'll find out for sure on Friday, I go for my follow-up then. You sound like you have just enough restriction, which is awesome! Can't wait till I'm there...by the way, did the fill hurt at all? Thanks!
  2. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    I feel so bad for you!!! Be careful driving and good luck with the scan! Keep us posted!
  3. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hi PinkLady! I was also told I could walk for now...Friday is my follow-up visit with my doctor...I will ask him then about using my elliptical machine and when I can start using weights and taking classes at the gym. I went to the gym the other day and only used the treadmill.
  4. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hi Heather....sorry to hear your not feeling so great....how is the pain today, getting better? I hope you feel better soon! Let us know what the doctor says.
  5. Cappy

    After 6years BAND has SLIPPED

    Yes, I was banded 12 days ago....I'm down 21.5lbs since the start of my pre-op diet! I'm soooooo happy! I feel different already! I have a ways to go yet, but I'm DOING IT and that's the part that feels great!!! Its always the last 20lbs or so that is the hardest to loose....do you exercise too? I haven't started that yet but plan to! Click on my ticker and it will bring you to the tickerfactory website...you follow the directions to make your own ticker and once your done, copy the formula that's listed under "Boards/forums" (I think its the first option)....once you do that, go into User CP, then edit signature and paste the formula into the "edit signature" box...click on save and viola....its done! Let me know if you have any problems!
  6. Cappy

    Hello From Mike in NY

    Hey Valstal! Sorry I'm getting back to you on this question so late! I'm suppose to have 6 liquid meals a day; (4) 8 oz Protein shakes and (2) of either yogurt, instant carnation Breakfast, Soup or pudding. I don't always get all six meals in. Day two was my worst day with pain, it was really bad....after that I was fine. I'm 12 days out now and I feel great! How are you doing? Where were you banded?
  7. Cappy

    After 6years BAND has SLIPPED

    Your NOT a failure! You have come such a long way and lost so much weight, be proud of yourself! Hopefully your surgeon can fix this problem for you and you will be back on your way to loosing! Stay positive....negative only brings on more negative! Wishing you all the best!!!
  8. Cappy

    how are the post ops doing?

    Not sure when your surgery was, a couple of months ago, right? Keep your chin up HIGH...your down 60lbs, that is AWESOME....that's a lot of weight! I'm only 10 days post-op and was a little upset that I wasn't loosing any weight over a 5 day period....I couldn't understand it, I'm only on liquids for pete sake! Today, I'm down three pounds:smile2: This journey we are all on is a process...loosing weight is going to take time...just believe in yourself and stay positive! You should be VERY proud of yourself...keep up the great work! Good luck!
  9. Hey Froggi: Just wanted to give you an update on my weight....I'm 10 days post op and I'm now 240.5. Hope your doing well!!! Thanks for doing this spreadsheet!!!
  10. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hey Miriam: I will be there by 9:00 a.m. on the 5th so we should hopefully run into each other! That would be great, to finally meet! Not sure what the wait time is in Geiss's waiting room, most doctors make you sit there a while! I will definitely look for you...even though I don't know what you look like, LOL! I'll just ask everyone I see, are you Miriam? That'll work! Welcome to the board!!! Like Shrinkinmom said, lots of great, friendly people on this board! Best of luck to you on you new journey! Any questions, please just ask! Hey Chris! I don't think I'll be able to make the 10th....my hubby is having neck surgery on the 8th and will be immobile for a few days...I don't think he'll be able to take care of the kids. I guess I'll play it by ear, but more than likely won't be there. I'll e-mail you at the above address if anything changes. Thanks! Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend!
  11. I'm feeling your pain, Gilly! I just wrote about this on another post! I'm on day 6 of liquids and have another week to go....my restriction is so much less now and I'm getting hungrier faster...its getting so hard being around my family when they are eating....that's why I'm here right now, the smell of their KFC was killing me! Like everyone said, check with your doctor first...this is a crucial time for our stomaches and we need to heal properly. As much as it sucks, we don't want to mess up the band!
  12. Cappy

    Nov 20th people

    How is everyone doing? Are you as sick of liquids as me? I had to leave the family and come on the computer....my hubby just bought Kentucky Fried Chicken for him and my kids....I couldn't sit there and watch them eat it! The smell alone was killing me. I want regular food so bad....and I have a week left of liquids....Lord, help me get through this week! Anyone else wanting some FOOD???
  13. Cappy

    Bandsters Nov 17-21

    Hi Everyone! I haven't posted here in a while...hope everyone is recovering well! How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Was it as rough for you as it was for me? I'm starting to get my hunger back and the smell of all that good food was a bit hard to take....but I got through it, just had some broth! It felt great knowing that I didn't gain any weight, which is usually what happens! Its been 5 days that my weight has stalled....I know, this is the healing time and shouldn't worry about weight loss...it still sucks! Is everyone exercising? I haven't started yet, part of my house is under renovation and I can't get to my elliptical machine...but today is a new day and I'm going to get to the gym....they have babysitting there, going to bring the kiddies and "try" not to worry about how "clean" the room is....I'm a bit of a freak, the thought of all the germs in that room makes me cringe...but its NO EXCUSE ! Momma needs to exercise...LOL! Hope everyone is feeling great and slowly getting back to themselves!
  14. Cappy

    how are the post ops doing?

    I had the same problem as Froggi a few days ago, but yesterday/today I'm constipated! How can this be??? I'm 9 days post-op and on full liquids....strange, no? Froggi, glad your feeling better! When I hit day 6, that's when I felt like my old self again...still swollen, but not so much sore anymore.
  15. Cappy

    Any Long Islanders?

    Hi Everyone!!!! Happy belated Thanksgiving guys! Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as they could! Sorry, I haven't been checking in that much this week...glad to see the posts, seems like we're all doing pretty well! I don't know about you guys, but Thanksgiving was TOUGH! My hunger is starting to return and it was hard watching everyone eat all that good food! The minute I walked through the door at my brothers house, I was overwhelmed by the incredible smell! But I felt so good when I left there knowing that I didn't gain any weight this holiday:smile2: Hi Miriam: Wow, your story was a little scary! I'm sure your doctor's were aware that you have vaso-vagal syncapoe, right? Thank god the nurse was there with a chair for you, you could have fallen and really hurt yourself! Glad to hear your doing better! I'm doing really well...on day 6 post-op I finally felt like "me" again! I still have a lot of swelling, especially in the port area, but its so much better than it was! As far as my hunger goes, well, I definitely don't feel as much restriction as I did the first 5 days...I guess since the swelling has reduced, my hunger is starting to return...nothing crazy, but definitely eating sooner that I probably should....I'm having trouble getting all my Water in....honestly, I just don't think about it so much....I try to keep water with me at all times, but even then I'm not great....working on it! Sue0129: Hi Chris! Glad your doing well....and back at work! I'm back on Monday, its been nice being home though...don't want to go back yet:sad_smile: I am so with you, I cannot wait to get off these liquids....I'm drinking alot of Soups from Trader Joes, especially the Tomato Soup....it tastes really good, but I'm going to HATE it by the time my two weeks are up! Oh boy, eggs right now sound SOOOO GOOD!!!! Between that and the cheesy tuna recipe that I just read about on another post, I can't wait to eat!!!! Shrinkinmom: Hey Chris! How are you doing on your liquids? Its not easy, but its really amazing how well you can do with restrictions when you know you HAVE to! I've been surrounded by food lately between the holiday, parties I've been to over the last few weeks, Friday night pizza night, having friends over for dinner while I have SOUP:glare:...I even watched my kids eat Wendy's yesterday, I wanted a french fry sooooo bad! Its been rough, but not one time did I GIVE IN to temptation... something I did on a regular basis before! When you know you HAVE to be good, it can be done! I hope your doing okay and getting through this hard time...and you'll be banded next week!!!! WHOOAAA! You must be so excited! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Susancarole! Hey Sue! Who cares if you gained two pounds, look how AWESOME you've done up to this point! I'm so proud of you!!! I only wish I do as well as you! Keep up the great work! Not sure how much you guys weigh yourself, but I do it every morning...I know this is the "healing" stage and we're not suppose to be concerned with how much we are losing, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks, "yeah, right" to that! Anyway, I've weighed the exact same now for 5 days! I'm eating my meals, not doing great with the water but definitely the last two days have drank my 36oz...and to boot, I've been constipated the past few days....prior to that, I had diarreah...anyway, this is all a process....the weight loss will come, I know...its just a little sad when you don't see ANY weight loss...I kind of scratch my head and say, how can that be? All I'm having is liquids? Anyone else feel this way? I know I have to incorporate some exercise, which I haven't yet...once I do that I'm sure the weight will start coming off again...I think I'm going to go to the gym today and just walk on the treadmill. Does anyone know how much of a fill they actually had when they were banded? Did Dr. Geiss ever tell you? I don't think he puts anything in the band, does he? I can't remember what he told me during our meeting. Since I'm starting to get my appetite back some, I'm wondering if I just didn't eat much the first 5 days because I was just swollen...I see him on the 5th for a follow-up, I will ask him them....was just curious if he told any of you. Okay, I'm done rambling! Hope everyone has a great day....and I hope we call all get together sometime in December, once Chris gets banded and is all healed up!
  16. Cappy

    Hello From Mike in NY

    Hey Mike...welcome to the board! I'm from Long Island...was banded a week ago and feeling great, best thing I did for myself! I agree with the poster that said to bring chap stick to the hospital, your definitely going to need that! This site is great, a real wealth of information! Best of luck to you on your new journey!
  17. You brought tears to my eyes!!!! Thank you for such an inspirational story! I cannot wait to be where you are! I'm only 6 days post-op so this really gives me hope that I WILL get to my goal and be at a healthy BMI! Continued blessings to you...and to everyone on this journey!
  18. Cappy


    Hi! As far as the pain goes, like plain said, this is definitely subjective! For me, the surgery went great....had some soreness in the hospital but I couldn't believe it wasn't that bad, probably due to the meds they gave me....I stayed overnight and the next day I felt pretty good too, was sore but definitely tolerable....but then by my second full day at home the pain really kicked in and pretty much the entire day I wasn't very good company....again, mostly gas pain, some soreness, but it definitely kicked up a couple of notches...all I ever took was extra strength Tylenol and it definitely helped me...and then the third day I woke up and felt like a completely different person! So really, the only real pain I felt was on my second day and honestly, you get through it! I tried to walk as much as possible and let out the gas any way I could...LOL! I can't tell you not to worry about the pain as I don't know you or your tolerance for pain. All I can say is that, for me, regardless of any pain I had, knowing that I chose this surgery to save my health and to live a longer life with my family far out weighed any trepidations that I had...I read and read and read and tried to prepare myself as best as I could so that there would be no surprises when I got out of surgery....and honestly, there were NONE! So just try and stay positive and know that you WILL get through this! As far as losing anyone because you chose WLS, you have to decide which is more important to you...the people you might loose who don't support you, or your health...I chose NOT to tell anyone about my surgery except for my husband and my aunt...no one else knows...not because I feared losing anyone or because of jealousies, but because I was in a very positive place when I decided to do this, negative thoughts weren't an option... I knew that this decision was right for ME and nothing was going to change my mind....another reason was because I didn't want all eyes on me everyday, asking me how much weight I've lost and judging me if its not coming off fast enough! Again, its all about being positive! I am almost a week post-op and I feel GREAT! The swelling has gone down tremendously, I have hardly any pain and since starting my pre-op diet on November 8 I have lost 16lbs! Would I do this again? YES! Do what is right for YOU and try not to focus on anything negative....do your homework, educate yourself as much as possible and think about how fabulous your going to look AND feel 6 months down the road!!! I hope this helped....best of luck to you!!!
  19. Cappy

    Sweling after surgery!!!

    I had surgery on the 20th and I too am SWOLLEN....I look about 8 months pregnant:angry:....I even got on the scale the day after surgery to see how much I had gained since being weighed the day of surgery, and I gained 6.5lbs!!! I couldn't believe it! So I can relate to how you feel! I'm thinking it will probably take at least a week, probably two for the swelling to go down....sucks, but what can you do...our insides were roughed up, its going to take some time to heal! Best of luck to you!
  20. Cappy

    how are the post ops doing?

    3 days post-op here....had a really BAD day yesterday...it started later in the day, pain and gas was incredible! But I woke up today and felt so much better....still sore, of course, but better! Not very hungry either, but trying to get in my protein shakes, had two so far today....cream of wheat sounds yummy, I going to have that for dinner! Hope everyone is hanging in there and getting better!!!
  21. Cappy

    Nov 20th people

    Hello All! Well, we ALL did it! Our day has come and gone! Feeling so much BETTER today....yesterday I was in BAD shape! Had alot of pain, gas! I know each day will get better...can't wait for the swelling to go down, looks like I'm about 8 months pregnant:scared2:....I'm so happy its finally over! Now to get through two more weeks of liquids! Amazingly, I'm doing really well with that! Not hungry at all but making sure I'm drinking my Protein shakes! We are ALL on our way to healthier, slimmer lives! Congrats to everyone banded on the 20th! I hope your all recovering well! Thanks to all who sent blessings our way!
  22. Hi Everyone! Well, I did it! I'm finally banded...was back home yesterday....feeling sore, lots of gas but its doable! I too am only using Tylenol for pain....its manageable so I don't want to use the strong stuff! Not really hungry for anything....really trying to drink my Water, but even that is going very slowly! Glad to hear from everyone....sounds like we are all doing well, aside from the gas and soreness which is to be expected...its all a process and its going to take some time, but we will all get through this...hopefully the worst is behind us and now we can begin our new lives! I do have a question....due to the surgery and all the fluids being pumped into us and the gas, has anyone gotten on the scale and GAINED weight? I got on this morning because I'm so swollen I knew I would be heavier....wanted to see how much...it says I gained 6 pounds! Anyone else experience this? I know its all Fluid and gas, but STILL!!!!! Good luck to ALL of us! And to those whose surgeries are coming up, you will be JUST FINE!!! It really isn't that bad, at least it wasn't for me! Sending you lots of prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery!
  23. My updated status: Surgery date - November 20 Highest Weight - 259 Preop diet starting weight - 259 Surgery weight (Your weight the day of surgery) - 246.5 Current weight - 246.5 Goal weight - 130 :drool:
  24. Hey Girl! How'd you do??? I'm home, just got in about an hour ago...everything well great! Feeling pretty good...had more pain this afternoon, took some tylenol and I'm feeling better. I hope your doing okay! Please let me know your alright when your feeling up to it. I'll try to check in again later....going to go and lay down for a little bit! Wishing you a speedy recovery! WE DID IT!!!!!

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