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About BeanitoDiego

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    Senior Member

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    Outdoory Stuff
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  1. Today, I am a 5 months and a few days post-op, and I am very grateful for being able to drink water more normally. I used to be able to swallow about 16oz. of water in 10 seconds. Now, I can drink about 8oz. of water in about 60 seconds. The change is that I am just more mindful about drinking more often.

    Another change with my water intake is that being able to separate eating from drinking has become normal for me. I do wear a fitness tracker and use it multiple times per day as a 30-minute post-meal timer. I have had to sip some water to get meds down with my food, but otherwise I've not had any issues.

    I experimented with eating some meat post-op, but I am moving back towards more vegetarian fare. Eggs, cheese, yoghurt, and other dairy choices are still on my menu, though. I've become a fan of morning proffee, too! A scoop of whey-based protein powder in my black coffee feels like a wholesome start to the day. I so look forward to this new ritual, drinking my two proffees and playing word games

    Since I have been realising some amazing fitness gains, I've noticed that the veins all over my body are popping up, even when I'm at rest. I can see my ribs in the mirror when I raise my arms. My thighs don't touch anymore. All of this, and more, I am experiencing for the first time in my life. First. Time.

    A final observation. Since I am now considered to be of a normal weight, and not obese, I have noticed that strangers are more kind to me. People make eye contact, hold doors, listen, make small talk, etc. As someone who lived in a large body for almost 50 years, and who is still the same person that I always was on the inside, I feel like I have infiltrated the "other side." As a result, I am going out of my way to extend even more kindness and no judgements to everyone that I meet who lives in a larger body.

    Stay the path, my friends.

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