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About mv031161

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 03/11/1961

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  1. Happy 52nd Birthday mv031161!

  2. Happy 51st Birthday mv031161!

  3. mv031161

    Today's Anniversaries (Sep 10, 2011)

    Thanks for the reminder...I have loss a total of 105 pounds since my op. Spinning on a static bicycle 3 times a week is a great thing I reccomend! My lap Band is set tight on me. It is my personal choice! no side effects. No reflux, vomiting, etc....I know what to eat, what to chew hard and fine and live a normal live!
  4. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary mv031161!

  5. mv031161

    banded 8/27/08

    Fellows...purposly I have not posted for a while in this site because I was getting frustrated with some of the stories. I was wrong! you need the support this group brings....If you dont want to post, just read others story...and concentrate on those posting that do inspire you and stay away from the negative ones!!!! I think my last post was somewhere in Oct/08 and I was not loosing weight at all and my apetite was just unbearable.... After 2 adjustments since then. I am happy to report that I have gone from a size waist 48 to a current 42. My body weight is 275 lbs but I have loss fat mass and gain muscle weight due to my 3 day a week cardio exercising and 2 day weight lifting... People already noticing the changes and even as the weight # is still high, I feel great.... I am 6.2" and blending the weight well.... I had my last visit to Dr. Lowe this past Monday and I got one last adjustment (one more CC) I have no idea how many CC's I have now but this last adjustment was different. I laid down face up, did the crunch and he injected me. The withour removing the needle, he asked me to sit up. Weird!!! seeing the needdle in me!!!! he then asked me to drink a glass of Water without stopping and to tell him when I felt the choking sensation...In other words, he was closing the band all the way!!!! Wow....Baiscally I was a clogged Toillet bowl!! nothing was going down and the choking sensation was awful!!!! little by little he started taking Fluid off until the pipe got uncloged. I guess I am now in my ideal opening since I havent felt hungry since then!!!! I was on fluid for the last two days and today AM I had my first solids....A banana and yougurt with Granola....It went down slowly but it did well without any sensation... Anyhow....that's my report, thats where I am today....I am not stopping hopefully until I reach at least 230!!!! Good luck everyone and dont give up hope!
  6. mv031161

    How Much Exercise Do you Really Do

    Mon-wed-Fri Personal Trainer 1 hours....Weights-Cardio-Combined Mon to Fri I ran (trot) 45 minutes around the hood) (first week doing this additional work) Still fat....still need more CC's..Still Hungry!!!!!! This is hard fellows....
  7. mv031161

    Portion Size

    I ate a foot long Subway Veggie sandwich on friday a day after I got my first 4cc fill the day before and It went down normally after chewing a lot!! ( I mean a lot) I noticed that If I chew my food a lot, I can eat all I want and not choke Not good! I just got a self administered attitude adjustment yesterday!
  8. mv031161

    Help!! I'm stuck!!

    you are not alone!!!! Some of us are experiencing the same. If you are like me, maybe you just got a little too complacent and maybe cocky to think that you wont gain weight because of your operation....far from true as I am finding out the hard way........you still have to work hard! I got a self attitude adjustment recently....hopefully I can be strong and keep it in perspective as this new trip continues.... I tell you what is killing me....People tell already how much weight I have lost and how my body is shaping up thanks to the excersing I am doing and they all telling me how good I look. In all honesty I DONT WANT TO HEAR THAT!!!! because subconciously I am saying to myself, I look good now, maybe I can eat that extra piece of food in front of me and no one will notice....!!!!
  9. mv031161

    B12 Shortage

    I havent experienced that yet....I actually just went to the mirror to look at my tongue just in case. My op was on 8/27 so maybe it is too early? BTW,...i am taking the Centrum Cardio Multivitamin/multimineral which lowers my cholesterol as well and has a good B12 content. My MD said it was OK to continue taking this. Which B12 are you taking? Problably they are not dissolving properly in your system and you just flushing them........I'll stay away from anything other than Centrum specially away from those Vitamins you can get at Wallmart/Sam's/Costco, etc.....
  10. mv031161

    Help!!!! Please....

    In this world of instant information at the tip of your fingers we are proned to believe everything we read. Use common sense. Please, Please, Please Follow your doctors recommendations and no one else! Mine were same as yours and my operation went OK! Congratulations on your lap band....let us know if you need any support of have any other questions...this is a great support group and you can get straight answers for all your concerns as you progress during your trip.....remember we all are experiencing the same after surgery situations. BTW...my 4cc's are working just fine!
  11. mv031161

    banded 8/27/08

    Ok Crowd....I got my first 4cc yesterday and it feels weird.....definetelly the hunger level is down as I can feel it! Got a little discouraged since my weight went up to 287 yesterday prior to the fill....my own fault! Just spent two weeks travelling for business and I did not behaved....I paid the price for overeating! here is a little observations I would like to share - 4cc mkes you feel a little fuller all the time...it is not actually a full feel but more like a satisfied feel...Get it? - I know by now everyone hates liquids.....guess what? you still need to stick with 'em....I got a Slim Fast this AM for Bfast and a id morning banana and K bar. I am satisfied (notice....I did not said "full" ) - I can still eat lots of food! If I chew my food a lot, I can eat a whole large pizza if I want but I dont want to......Dont do it! - IMHO, I could have use a little more CC's. But who am I to question the MD...right? Will see him again in 8 weeks! Today 10/10/08 at 7 AM weight after showering....285#'s Will see!!!:smile2:
  12. mv031161

    Anyone in the Charlotte area?

    got my first fill today 10/09/08 4cc's Let's hope! I am depressed, my weight went up = 287!!!!! My own fault!
  13. mv031161

    My husband does not find me attractive!

    Sorry to read about your moronic and shallow husband attitude towards you.... Use this as a motivation and I hope you leave his ass as soon as you get yourself back to where YOU want. Dont do it for him. Do it for you! Unless he is an Adonis....what doess he have to say about his own appearances? he is not getting any younger either! I hate shallow people!:biggrin:
  14. mv031161

    banded 8/27/08

    how is everybody that had their banding ops between Aug 15th and Sept 5th doing? I am stuck...not loosing any weight. I am between 279 and 283....still below my initial pre op weight but still!!!!! ...getting my first adjustment on the 9th!!!! your comments will be greatly appreciated! Need the support right now since I feel frustrated!!!!!!!
  15. mv031161

    Anyone in the Charlotte area?

    Guys I am stuck between 279 and 283!!!!! not loosing anything. I am working out and I am hungry all the time!!!! Geting my first adjutment by Dr. lowe on the 9th!!! anybody with the same problem after banding and prior to first adjustment!!!!! Sucks!!!!!! Am I expecting too much after first adjustment? ARRRGGGHHHH!!!

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